Kulin made a contract with Dubrovnik in accordance with which
merchants from Dubrovnik obtained complete freedom of trading
within Bosnia and great influence over the Bosnian economy.
and 1200.
The first news about the heretics in Bosnia reached Rome.
The expelled "patareni" (heretics) asked for protection
from Kulin.
The Pope sent deputies to Bosnia to investigate the religious
situation there, whereupon the "krstjani" took a
vow of obedience to the Holy See. Ban Kulin was mentioned
for the last time that year, leaving behind him a son of unknown
name (it is possible he was called Stjepan).
The Franciscans came to Bosnia.
Croatian banus Pavao Šubic Bribirski takes the title "The
Lord of the entire Bosnia" (totius Bosniae dominus).
His power won recognition from Gvozd to the Adriatic sea,
Neretva and Drina rivers. Bosnia is ruled by his successor
Mladen II. Due to the fear of a powerful Croatian state, Mladen
is overthrown 1322. by joint action of Croatian peers, Venetians
and Croatian-Hungarian king Karlo I. Robert.

Ban Pavao Subic Bribirski
dukes rule over Bosnia and Hum.

manuscript of Pavao Subic
"I, Pavao Subic, the master of the whole of Bosnia...."
As the
subject of Croatian-Hungarian ruler, banus Stjepan Kotromanic
rules over Bosnia. He has extended his power over Soli, Usora,
Donji Krajevi ("lower lands") (around Gornja Sana
and Vrbas), Završje or Zapadne Strane ("west sides")
(Duvno, Livno and Glamoc), Krajina (between Cetina and Neretva
rivers) and Zahumlje.

in mid 14th century
The Serbian
king Dusan went to war with Stjepan II Kotromanic over Hum
and penetrated deep into Bosnia. Only the sudden invasion
of the Byzantines to the far south saved Stjepan from Dusan,
who fled Bosnia.
banus Stjepan Tvrtko Kotromanic, gathering under his rule
not only "small land" Bosnia but also Usora, Hum's
area, Travunja, Primorje, Donji Krajevi, Zapadne Strane and
Podrinje, has declared himself as the king of "Srblji,
Bosnia and Primorje", by which act Bosnia became an independent
kingdom and seceded from Croatian-Hungarian state. By making
use of political turmoil in the Croatian-Hungarian state--the
twenty-five-years's Croatian movement--- king Tvrtko has for
a short period around 1390. taken the rule over whole Croatia
south from Velebit, except Zadar and Dubrovnik. This traditionally
Croatian state survived until 1463., when the Turks have conquered
Bosnian kingdom. Elizabeth, the daughter of Bosnian banus
Tvrtko Kotromanic and the wife of Croatian-Hungarian king
Ludovik Angevin, has ordered to make the silver sarcophagus
of St. Simun, a masterwork of Middle-Age Croatian gothic goldsmithery.

expansion of medieval Bosnia
The Bosnian duke Vlatko Vukovic of the tribe Kosaci defeated
the Turks at Bilece
The same duke, together with the Croats (ban Ivan Palizna)
and with Bosnian troops fought at Kosovo against the Turks.
Hrvoje was attracted to the Slavonic liturgy and glagolitics,
and he ordered a beautiful glagolitic missal ornameneted with
more than 300 initials and 94 colored miniatures from the
Catholic writer Butko (it is kept in Constantinople). The
"krstjan" writer Hval devoted the Holy Gospel of
the New Testament and the Psalter to "the duke of Split,
duke of Donji Krajevi and many lands".
from Duke Hrvoje's Missal
Hrvoje's Coat of Arms
Three Kings
Miloševic deceased. A part of the grave-stone from his grave
in Kocerin field nearby Siroki Brijeg is conserved, with the
inscription on it written in Bosnian/Croatoan/Western Cyrillic
(this alphabet being known as "bosancica"), which
states: "+ Va ime oca i sina i svet(a)go d(u)ha. Amin!
Se (ovdje) lezo Vig(a)ri Miloševic. Sluzi banu Stipanu, i
kralu T(vrt')ku, i kralu Dabisi i kralici Grubi, i krala Ostoju.
I u to vrime doide, i svadi se Ostoja kral' s Hercegom i z
Bosn(o)m i na Ugre poe Ostoja. To vrime mene Vigna doide koncina
i legoh na svom plemenitom pod Kocerinom. I molu vas, ne nastupaite
na me! Ja s(a)m bil kako vi (j)este, vi cete biti kako (j)esam
The approximate translation of this inscription would be as
"+ In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy
Spirit. Amen! (Here) lieth Vigari Milosevic. Served banus
Stipan, and king Tvrtko and king Dabisa, and queen Gruba,
and king Ostoja. And the time came, when king Ostoja was quarelling
with the Herzog and with Bosnia, and when Ostoja fetched Ugre.
At that time I Vigna came to my end and laid down on my noble
Kocerina. I beg you, do not step on me! I was as such as thou
art, thou willest be as such as I am."
Duke Hrvoje's autocratic reign incited discontent among many
Hungarian and Croatian aristocrats, and especially in Bosnia,
where his personal enemies were king Ostoja and Sandalj Hranic.
They succeeded in persuading Zigmund finally to proclaim Hrvoje
guilty of high treason and he called upon all aristocrats
to revolt against Hrvoje and his followers. Abandoned by everyone,
Hrvoje asked for help from the Turks.
1415 .
Hrvoje, with his own and Turkish troops, defeated the Hungarian-Slavonian
army around Doboj (on the Spreca). After that victory, he
became the sole master of western Bosnia, while the rest of
the country was, in greater part, under Turkish supreme authority.
Hrvoje Vukcic Hrvatinic died with delight in his heart for
having taken bloody revenge on his enemies and for having
been undefeated in his authority during the whole of his life.
In order to defend Croatia and Slavonia from the Venetians
and the Turks, Zigmund installed three military camps: a Croatian
one towards the Adriatic sea and Dalmatia, a Slavonian one
towards Una, and one at Usora, ordering in great detail how
many soldiers each camp had to give, and an inventory of noblemen
and their property in each district. That system was the beginning
of the latter Vojna Krajina (Military Frontier).
Vukcic Kosaca declared himself duke ("herceg"),
after which title his estate -- the region from Prijepolje,
Pljevlje, Niksic and Boka Kotorska to Omis and Poljice, Livno
and upper Vrbas -- was named Hercegovina. As a separate political
region, between Turkey and neighbouring Christian states,
in reduced measure, Herzegovina has survived till the beginning
of 1482., when the Turks conquered the last stronghold Herceg
cca. 1448.-1520.
Dragisic, a refugee from Bosnia (Srebrenica), a Franciscan,
classic and orientalist, an arbiter in intellectual disputes,
a philosopher, theologian and humanist, has published his
work "Profecitae solutiones.." in Florence 1497.
By this work he stood in defence of Dominican monk Girolamo
Savonarola, who died at the stake from heresy 1498. Although
Dragisic, as a humanist, philosopher and theologian has had
a great reputation, under
pressure he nevertheless has sequestered himself to Dubrovnik;
in his own words "compelled by the rage of enemies, and
attracted by the love to my fellow-countrymen...to unknown
homeland....alien to my brothers and the stranger to the sons
of my own mother."

Dragisic's "De Natura celestium spiritum
