first ever democratic and multi-party elections characterized
a process where the aspirations of newly independent and internationally
recognized states on the territory of the former Yugoslavia were
expressed. Those advocating the idea of a Greater Serbia are the
aggressors. Their aggression is bent on preventing this process
by means of war. The consequences of the war, which is still going
on, are devastating, especially in some parts of Croatia and BiH
where a majority of the population is non-Serb.
war in BiH continues, so does the existential drama to resist
aggression. The struggle for survival marks every aspect of political,
national and refugee life. The Washington Agreements ended the
conflict between Muslims and Croats. It also established legal
principles for a new political foundation for a federal state
in which the federal entities are cantons or counties. The composition
of the population's majority, Croat or Muslim, will determine
a canton or a county. Furthermore, the agreement in Washington
provided a way for forming a possible confederation between the
Republic of Croatia and the Federation of BiH. It is still uncertain
what kind of political solution the international community has
in mind for Serbs in Croatia and for Serbia and the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia.
are daily witnessing changing events of historical significance.
The Republic of Croatia is legally obligated by its constitution
to consider the need of all of its people, regardless of where
they live or reside. The needs of Croats in BiH are of special
concern because of their peculiar geostrategic position and their
geopolitical interests. The above are considered as reasons and
challenges for formulating a strategy for a process that will
provide the components and means of integrating and propagating
the Croatian national program--a Croat view and position on the
future in these areas.
beginning of our initiative is somewhat unusual. Instead of a
classical approach, we decided to take an undisputed portion of
the forthcoming demographic program. We will present the program's
substantial part and proceed by methodologically elaborating its
essential idea, with which this particular part of the program
is functionally connected. Through a somewhat more extensive detailing
of the demographic segment, we are giving the content--a methodological
emphasis on the entire project.
time has come to point out the shortcomings of others through
creative conceptions. Are Croats capable of articulating what
they want and how they want it?
events created mottled convictions, dispositions, practices and
social relations in the area of the present-day Republic of BiH.
In that sense, the last three years have been exceptionally turbulent.
Namely, after the first ever democratic and multi-party elections,
war "arrived" in BiH towards the end of 1991. War gripped
the Republic of BiH after the independence referendum at the beginning
of 1992, and after it was accepted in the middle of that same
year as a legitimate member of the world community and a legitimate
member of the United Nations.
two and one-half years old war, which was predominately conducted
on areas with a majority non-Serb population, destroyed the judicial,
political, business, communication and every other foundation
of the Republic of BiH. The war drama culminated at the moment
when, along with uncurtailed Serbian aggression, fighting started
amongst the victims of the war--between Muslims and Croats. As
a result, nothing in this country can be or ever will be the same
as before. Bosnia-Herzegovina, in the meantime, along with a vast
number of killed and wounded, has become the most destroyed and
depopulated member of the world community.
catastrophic war goes on, and the search for an escape from the
governmental, political, and national crisis in the most complicated
political arena of Europe is continuing under the lofty patronage
of international organizations. In the past two and one-half years,
four models for solving the national crisis in BiH have been offered.
In political circles these documents are known as the Cutileiro
Plan, the Vance-Owen Plan, the Owen-Stoltenberg Plan, and the
Washington Agreements (the Redman Plan).
Washington Agreements ended the war between Muslims and Croats,
and on the territory of the internationally recognized country
of the Republic of BiH in areas where these two peoples are a
majority, a new Croat-Muslim country was created--the Federation
of Bosnia-Herzegovina. A large part of the territory of this nascent
governmental formation is still under Serbian occupation, and
it is still unclear which judicio-political manner will be used
to arrange relations between the Federation of BiH and the Bosnian-Serbs.
quick look back at political events in and around BiH introduces
a coherent and methodological frame for positioning a key question:
How can we retain and secure the role of Croats in the Federation
of BiH, who inhabit approximately 90% of the area around the geostrategic
backbone of the federal territory--the Brod-Capljina line (Neretva
and Bosnia Rivers)?
documentation in writing and tradition testify, without a doubt,
that the territory of BiH is one of the oldest Croat domains dating
back to the very first presence of Croats in these parts. However,
in this "classical" domain of Croats, conditions became
complicated with the Ottoman takeover and the centuries-old process
of de-Croatizing Catholic Bosnia. It seems that in this present-day
war cataclysm we find the Croat presence in BiH as summarily the
smallest and economically the weakest, with the present-day devastation
and its consequences similar to the sufferings of the past. With
this, disappearing are the traditional red and silver colors of
silver Bosnia and rocky Herzegovina. Furthermore, the creation
of new sovereign states will have a strong influence and consequences
in the demographics on its further development. What questions
and demands await Croats? Can negative tendencies be anticipated
and prevented, and if so, how?
20th century is marked by its specific demographic parabola (rise-
stagnation-downfall). For instance, the rise of Croat demographics
in BiH at the turn of this century and its stagnation, or better
stated, its downfall during the second Yugoslavia seems to be
at a crossroads as the new century approaches. This reality forced
our people to fight for sheer survival and existence in our historical
diminishing of the Croat national entity on the territory of BiH,
especially in the last several years, was occurring behind the
curtain of the so called "equality of constituent peoples."
This was a well carried out, calculated plan of guilt infusion,
or historical blame laid out on the Croat populace while, in reality,
Croats were discriminated against in every aspect of cultural,
political, religious, social and economic life. That discrimination
induced massive emigration out of BiH, and an all out diplomatic
effort to compromise everything connected with the Croat name.
This was only a part of the Greater Serbian plan to eliminate
and extinguish the Croat national identity and all that was an
integral part of that identity (as Serbs say, "to extinction,
ours or yours"). That trend was broken, as it can be seen,
thanks to the creation of an independent Croatian state. How do
we eliminate the remnants of the evil Serb plan? What is the Croat
national response and do the Croats have a national program?
is enough to take a quick look back at numerical statistics of
Catholics in BiH in order to illustrate the above stated realities.
In a period of 30 years, that is between the first Austrian census
in 1879 and the last in 1910, the number of Catholics in Bosnia
doubled and their percentage in the entire population rose from
18.1% to 22.9%. Catholics were a majority in areas around Mostar,
Travnik and in 12 counties: Ljubuski, Mostar, Stolac, Fojnica,
Zupanjac, Livno, Prozor, Travnik, Zepce, Bugojno, Brcko and Derventa.
At the beginning of the 20th century the metro area and county
of Sarajevo was primarily Muslim (35.6%) and Roman Catholic (34.5%),
followed by Eastern Orthodox (15.4%) and a smaller Jewish community.
How did Croats "lose" Sarajevo in the span of one average
human lifetime?
after the 1920s (since the creation of the first Yugoslav state)
account for a decrease of the Croat population in BiH. The consequences
of WWII, turbulent political events, brainwashing and forced emigration
were responsible for undermining and preventing the national growth
of the Croat population. The growth rate gradually fell and then,
during the 1970s, the numerical presence of the Croat population
in BiH took a drastic downfall (every Yugoslavia eliminated Croats
in terms of population).
evil role of migration took a sizeable bite out of Croat demographics.
The Croat populace was prone to emigration more so than the other
two constituent peoples in BiH. In the past twenty years, BiH
lost one person each hour, one village each month and one small
city each year due to emigration. In that period, the emigration
rate surpassed the birth rate by approximately 1,500 to 1,000
people. In other words, the migration's negative balance "took
away" the natural growth in the period of 1971- 1991 (approx.
165,000 people plus 23,000 Croats from 1971; all together at least
188,000 Croats). Instead of making up more than 1 million of the
total population of BiH, Croats numbered less in 1991 than they
did twenty years earlier. The fatality of emigration was further
heightened because emigration selectively took the most vital
segment of the Croat population in BiH biologically, economically
and culturally speaking.
erosion caused by this exodus amplifies the demographic devastation
of the Croat population on this territory and with it, the diminished
demographic role of Croats, and with that, the diminished role
of Croats in every aspect of life in BiH. The numerical ratio
between Croats and Muslims in 1948 was 1:1.28, while in 1991,
according to the census, the ratio was 1:2.53. This shows the
speed of the process by which the Croat majority in some regions
of central Bosnia became thinned out. Until the 1960s the Croat
majority fared well in the counties of Travnik (Novi Travnik,
Busovaca, Vitez), Bugojno (Bugojno, Donji Vakuf, and Kupres),
and Kiseljak (Kiseljak, Kresevo, Fojnica).
without the current war and its negative demographic implications,
a study of the Croat majority has sobering effects. Until this
war, Croats could be found in all of Bosnia's 109 municipalities.
They were present in 2,720 out of the 5,878 recorded towns. Croats
comprised an absolute majority (according to the 1991 census)
in 14 municipalities (221,639 or 29.47% of the Croats in BiH),
995 recorded towns (518,687 or 68.41% of the Croats in BiH). Croats
make up a relative majority in an additional six municipalities
(71,470 or 9.5%), and 34 recorded towns (16,629 or 2.19% of Croats
in BiH). One- fifth of Croats live in the most densely populated
municipalities in BiH (Mostar, Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Zenica and
Tuzla). Only a decade ago (1981) a Croat majority was present
in 22 previously Croat municipalities and in 1961, three-fifths
of Croats in BiH lived in 29 municipalities with a Croat majority.
90% of Croats in BiH lived for more than 150 years around the
significantly strategic territory marked by the Rivers Neretva
and Bosnia, and bound by the line Dubocac (on the Sava River)-Jajce-Livno
on the west and the line Brcko-Vares-Ravno to the east. West of
the western line, 22 municipalities were inhabited by 58,598 Croats,
and east of the eastern line, 32 municipalities were inhabited
by only 17,195 Croats. Those 90% lived on that territory even
before this war, but that 90% in 1991 was less than in 1981 and
congruently, that 90% in 1981 was less than in 1971.
of Croats in BiH (around 250,000) live in the Livno-Prozor- Ravno
triangle. That represents the most ethnically homogeneous and
the largest area inhabited by Croats on the territory of BiH.
This triangle lies along the border with the neighboring Republic
of Croatia. Next is the region in the central portion of Bosnia
(the region of the Rama-Vrbas- Lasva-Bosnia Rivers bound by the
line Bugojno-Kresevo-Vares-Zenica- Jajce) where one-fourth of
(around 175,000) BiH Croats live. Surviving many historical upheavals,
this so called "cradle of Bosnia" withstood all the
way up to the 1960s when, at that time, Croats lost the demographic
war with the Muslims. This was in part due to emigration and also,
because of administrative and territorial gerrymandering of historically
and ethnically homogeneous Croat territory. Over the past 30 years
and especially during this war, only small clusters of Croats
remain (they make up a majority in those small clusters or enclaves).
The takeover of territory in the Balkans (Bosnia is a prime example)
means the negating of time and covering up of history.
Posavina (with about 128,000 or 17.0% of Croats in BiH) is the
third largest homogeneous area inhabited by the Croats. Unlike
central Bosnia where Croats are primarily mixed with the Muslim
population, Croats in Posavina are somewhat more mixed with Serbs,
while the Muslims in Posavina primarily inhabit more urban areas.
This historically Croat territory shares a border with the Republic
of Croatia.
can be said that the Croat population in BiH is characterized
by its high degree of concentration. Actually, around three-fourths
of Croats inhabit three relatively homogeneous territorial regions,
of which the mixed central Bosnian region borders the homogeneous
region of Herzegovina. The remaining one-fourth of the Croat population
is like an archipelago of ethnically homogeneous islands thrown
into a sea of Muslim and Serbian majorities (in and around Tuzla-4%,
in and around Sarajevo-5%, in and around Banja Luka-8% and in
and around the area of Usora/Zepce-6%). It can be better stated
that the Ottoman invasion and subsequent rule smashed the mirror
of Catholicism in BiH, out of which larger parts in the southwest
and north survived to the present, and the smaller parts were
encircled by the newly arrived Serbs and the newly emerged Muslims.
Even today's ethnic portrait reflects traces of the major historical
events on this territory.
speaking about the particularity of Croat inhabitation in BiH,
it must be noted that they are significantly concentrated in larger,
homogeneous regions or in smaller island-like pockets that were
deliberately hidden by statistical and cartographic simplifications
of the other two, more numerous peoples. The larger the unit of
territory under investigation, the more evident the cover-up of
a Croat presence. Croats "lose" in terms of total numbers
in cities and in ethnic cartography in terms of overall territory
(except for villages or land ownership in BiH). Is that also some
strategic factor, and if so, how can it be validated? How, in
that sense, can it contribute to a new territorial administrative
system and local government?
dispersion of other Croat areas which, at the same time, is the
connecting line between eastern and southern Croatia (Neretva-Bosnia
and Rama-Lasva) was forcefully carried out after WWII. It is important
to note that the Croat population from this particular area valiantly
defended BiH's Catholicism and Croat identity in the 15th Century,
especially after the invasion of Vienna. Even though it is difficult
to list and separate the reasons for this, the following reasons
are some of the most important:
The overall position of the Croat nationality in Socialist Yugoslavia
with constant and consistent reminders that "Croats were
at fault for WWII";
Unemployment and political tendencies;
Slow urbanization coinciding with easy access to schooling and
Education in distant urban areas;
Economic development bypassing Croat cities and towns, or economic
development causing the migration of non-Croats to Croat cities;
Unfavorable administrative and territorial structure which undermined
Croat national interests and destroyed their social, educational,
cultural, political, religious and administrative institutions;
Devastation, confiscation, and defamation of religious objects,
customs and traditions;
Ideological education with the goal of hardening a national feeling
in the absence of one, etc.;
view into the orbit of the Croat national entity on the area of
the present-day Republic of BiH really shows the arranging of
temptations in a multi-century fight for survival. Numerous cultural
and historical reminders (many were destroyed, extirpated or taken
away, apart from the duration of Ottoman rule) radiate the strength
of people that is rooted here, deeply and regeneratively. Nothing
about BiH, an unusual and misunderstood country, bears witness
as persistent and protracted as the will and soul of the "ikavski
people" (ikavski is a dialect of Croatian used by Croats
in BiH) and their church of the 7th century Franciscans - our
uncles. However, everything that occurred during this century,
apart from the past few years, unfortunately does not help "Cro-optimism."
Behind the mottled drapery of "equality of the constituent
peoples of BiH" lies a truth where the model of solving national
issues in fact "ate" one-third of the "Croat importance"
just during the period after WWII. Namely, the Croat population
in BiH plunged from 25% to 17%, and Croats became the most inclined
to emigration. Although rural (three-fourths of Croats live in
rural areas), Croats on the average are the most literate people
in BiH. This fact did not help Croats find domestic employment
as much as it helped them find foreign employment. Namely, the
domestic rate of employment was two times lower than the percentage
of Croats in BiH, while the number of employed Croats in temporary
foreign employment was double that of the number in their homeland.
in modern BiH and in the middle of an era of urbanization were
pushed out of major cities by dominant populations to the point
where they do not make up a majority of the population in any
of the important city centers. The aforesaid facts make up a very
sophisticated argument for the absence of prospects for, and the
national inequality of, Croats in BiH. What are we to do?
must take into consideration the historical foundation of Croats
in these areas and the current situation on the remaining parts
of Croat areas in BiH, for which the Croat people defended militarily
and by referendum. This raises questions about aims, objectives,
immediate and projected tasks in all domains of life and operation
and the type of constitutional structure that will protect historical
Croat interests. These interests include securing ethnic, geographic,
transit, economic, cultural, denominational-traditional and other
relevant presumptions in order to transform unfavorable conditions
to favorable conditions for living in one's own historical domain.
We also must consider the fact that these Croat areas benefit
from superior educational and economic resources for future development
(geographic position, industry, number of emigrants, industrial
habits of the larger number of BiH Croats employed for decades
in European countries, overseas and the Western-Christian cultural
orientation of our people). It is exceedingly important to take
into account a necessary historical achievement - the realized
Croat nation and, accordingly, there can be no talk of significant
interests that, at the same time, do not include integral interests
of all Croats and the Republic of Croatia. In other words, the
point in question is an attempt to outline those parts of the
Croat national program that must be carried over by Croats in
BiH. Only these admissions (best shown before the war like all
other events in "the search for a just peace") have
enough circumstances and challenges for all Croats. We must know
and understand our destiny and take it into our own hands. We
do not have the right or much use in correcting or accusing others.
Consciousness of these necessities is in fact a just beginning
and a just response to this historical challenge.
or without war statistics, the following generalization can be
made: The entire world still regards this war as the most appalling
of all wars up to date. On one side, the destruction of people
has lasted for more than three years with international diplomatic
sophistication on the ideal theme of "justice and injustice"
on the other. Above and beyond everything is the lesson of unattainable
all (what kind of war is being conducted, where is it being conducted,
how and why is the war being conducted with the kinds of fighting
methods being used?), it must be said that "the drama in
the former Yugoslavia" is taking place in Croatia and in
war is being conducted predominately in areas with a non-Serb
majority, while ethnic cleansing (in fact, stuttering genocide)
is being conducted in areas with a Serb majority. The prewar ethnic
and demographic picture has been significantly changed. Millions,
whose exact numbers have not yet been registered, suffered death,
disfiguration, moral deprivation, arrest, sickness, hunger, starvation,
desertion, exile, concentration camps, etc. Heterogeneous and
multi-layered, current demographic and ethnic implications on
individual, family, group, and ethno-collective levels are only
a methodical frame for expressing demographic, socio-psychological,
economic and political swings in the bio-reproductive behavior
of a large part of the Croat and Muslim population in BiH. They
do not, meanwhile, represent less painful implications for the
Serb corps whose biological vitality deteriorated during the war.
Namely, war casualties among the youth contributed to a growth
in the average demographic age of the Serb people which, before
this war, was noticeably higher than that of the Croats and significantly
higher than that of the Muslims. What is the strategic importance
of differing demographic structures and trends in social and political
events on the territory of BiH? For this one must separately consider
the demographic vivacity and youth of Muslim people, the demographic
collapse of Croat people and the demographic exhaustion of Serb
people. The pre-war ethnic picture of BiH was significantly smeared
by ethnic cleansing (genocide) and it is impossible to "re-
paint" that picture.
of the war in BiH are extraordinary. Their influence and effect
will be felt long and deep when it comes time to construct peace
and coexistence. Those who lost the most will feel a distinct
anxiety and need for continued direction in the course of social
processes. Unfortunately, the number of these people on all three
sides is too large to neglect. It is often said that refugees
and displaced persons "play" the most difficult role
in the drama of war. This role will endure even after the war.
Although it is habitually said that everyone is a loser in war,
the importance of forming a goal in an ethno-political atmosphere
where people individually compare their proper standing should
not be forgotten. Namely, it is very important to see which ethno-collective
sensation (justice-injustice, gain- defeat, or national optimism-national
apathy) will bind the individual peoples of this war. This is
a particularly important "gradation" in the individual
decision model: "to stay, to return or to go." Refugees
and displaced persons will have a crucial influence on the stability
of the territorial-political construction of BiH.
estimating the course of the placement of "extra people"
on the territory of the Federation of BiH, the fate of people
who, before the war lived in zones now controlled by three armies
(the point in question is mainly one of refugees and displaced
persons), relies on the pursuit of a lasting solution to the situation
of a wartime, governmental and national definition of BiH. Since
approximately half of BiH Croats were expelled from their pre-war
homes (in areas under Muslim control lived approx. 30% of BiH
Croats and in areas under Serb control lived 25% of BiH Croats),
the importance of a relative question about the optimal interests
of Croats in BiH and how to protect these interests becomes apparent.
Today, consequently, Croatia needs to evaluate the chances of
returning Croats to their places of origin (e.g. Posavina, where
occupation and genocidal killing, expulsion, destruction and devastation
is rampant and central Bosnia with its overflow of Muslim refugees
from areas controlled by Serb forces which will be very difficult
to return). The possibility of individual and ethno-collective
choice (since approx. 300 predominantly Croat villages were ethnically
cleansed, pillaged, destroyed and burned) must include the creation
of a bill of strategic components. This is distinctly related
to the areas of Bosnian Posavina, Herzegovina, and parts of central
Bosnia that make up a specific and strategic "French key"
for the protection of the "soft under-belly" of Croatia.
an awareness of the strategic gout of Croats in BiH, apart from
areas of numerous colonization, one finds the most natural base
for a long- standing formation of the geopolitical stability of
the Croat nation. If Muslims do not understand that the life of
the Federation of BiH is connected to the Republic of Croatia
by an umbilical cord, then there is no room to question whether
Croats (Croatia) lost Bosnia. In this case the main objective
becomes (connecting the Federation of BiH to the Republic of Croatia)
a system of tasks that must be accomplished and instruments to
realize the objective to life, development, language, religion,
culture, employment, movement, choice, and the right of free economic
and political association), particularly in Croat archipelagos
in cantons with Muslim majorities. Before everything, it would
be of interest to the Muslims. It is worth evaluating the interests
of Croats in BiH, the Republic of Croatia and the Federation of
BiH. The point in question is in fact to form a strategy of political,
economic, demographic, educational, cultural and historical evaluation
that protects the interests of Croats in the Federation of BiH,
with reference to the Republic of BiH.
many important elements from the political-judicial basket of
BiH are not defined, "there exists the real possibility and
danger that the Croatian people will simply disappear". A
serious nation that finds itself at a historical crossroads can
not lack the objective and direction from which to achieve it.
What is the national objective of Croats in BiH and how to attain
need for a national program is not just a measure of cultural
level, but also an expression of collective worries for its destiny
and national preservation. The creation of an independent Croat
state and subsequent war have uncovered the significance and need
for a Croat national program to awake motives, reasons and inducements
to engage millions of Croats to express their concern, work and
creativity. The coexistence of these historical occurances appertain
to privileges of these feelings and also the commitment of our
descendants to carry on the pride and understanding of continuation;
not always a new beginning like that of our grandfathers, fathers
and us ourselves.
objective is large and the purpose is honorable. Attaining the
objective is an enduring process, and there are many tasks in
that process to be completed. It is worth evaluating the historical-cultural,
judicial- political, demographic, economic, educational and strategic-defensive
standings and tendencies in the present-day Republic of BiH with
urgency and a particular accent on the role and future of the
Croat people. The specific "BiH tri-lema" carried over
onto Croats in terms of "to stay - to return - to go"
can not be ceded to a spontaneous self- individualistic decision.