- 1991
Yugoslavia as the federal communist state.
The basic
characteristics of this period are:
- absolute
authority of the Communist Party, especially President Tito
and his subordinate inner circle
- many social, political and economical reforms ("self-menangement"),
whereby they wanted to make the country functional and people
"satisfied" - not questioning the ruling communist
- steering a middle course after the break with Stalin's SSSR,
Yugoslavia became a "ratified country" for both
opposite blocks as a desirable buffer zone. Also, it became
unprecedentedly involved in the international affairs, especially
through the Non-alignment movement.
- development from the rigid centralism to the growing federalism
and confederalism of the state in oreder to to alleviate interethnic
tensions and to preserve the country in tolerably functional
form. Culmination of such attempts is the 1974 Constitution.
- after the death of Tito, the absolute arbiter, the Presidency
came to power. The Presidency, consisting of the representatives
of all 6 republics and 2 autonomous provinces rotated the
leadership every year to avoid possible ethnic/national majorization
- under the pressure of great financial obligations, old-fashioned
economical and political organization as well as radicalization
of the inter-ethnic/national relationships caused by the great
Serbian movement, Yugoslavia fell to pieces in 1991
In that
period Bosnia and Hercegovina was organized as the "triple"
pyramidal structure: the privileged class, with the unquestionable
domination from the police to the education and economy, were
Serbs thanks to their relative numerousness, to the "merit"
of suffering in NDH (yet overblown by the statistics manipulations),
to the dominanace in the communist apparatus,as well as to
the role of the extended hand of the Belgrade centralism of
their fellow-countrymen.
On the second place were Bosnian Muslims who were supported
by the Tito's supreme authority as the bearer of the "statehood"
tendencies in Bosnia and Hercegovina and like the counter-balance
to the Serbian and Croatian national apirations and, as the
high birth-rate "Oriental" ethnos, which, paradoxically,
having given up many Oriental-Islamic ways of life, was good
anyway like the bridge to the Islamic countries in the Non-alignment
movement. Grateful to the Communist Yugoslavia which recognized
them the status of a nation, as well as brainwashed with the
indoctrination by which they "succeeded" to forget
their massive participation in the armed forces of NDH - Bosnian
Muslims became the factor number 2.in Bosnia and Hercegovina
and the staunchest followers of Yugoslav phantasm.
Croats, as the least numerous and most suspicious/"treacherous"
element, were bearing the stigma of a "reactionary"
Catholic nation, accused for genocide and brutality of NDH
(while Muslims were "generously" exculpated, and
Serbs, the main Communist executioners, were battening on
the privileges of the crime) underwent the destiny of second-class
citizens. Constantly under police supervision and politically
persecuted,their ethnic territories intentionally economically
neglected, forced to emigration (out of the economical emigrants
from Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croats, who made up ca 1/5 of
the population, gave over 2/3 emigrants),with the repression
of the Croatian language and intruding Serbian, from the education
to the massmedia - Croats were particularly the subject of
the totalitarian police regime: all with the purpose of depopulation
and elimination of the Croatian nation like the "carcinogenic"
element, which subverted realization of the Communist totalitarian
paradise on the earth.
Those were the conditions under which Bosnia and Hercegovina
met Yugoslavia's final collapse.
The Constitution
of FNRJ (early name of Communist Yugoslavia) was brought out
and according to it Yugoslavia consisted of 6 republics. One
of them, Serbia, has two autonomous provinces, Vojvodina and
Kosovo, within its structure.
Croatia and Bosnia in Yugoslavia
communist party was thrown out from the Cominform ( an organization
of the type of Comintern, USSR-dominated with most of its
members Communist Parties of the newly captured countries
of Eastern and Central Europe.) Tito turned to the West, asking
for financial and other help, but Yugoslavia remained a communist
totalitarian country.
and Herzegovina had 2,565,259 inhabitants, 44.29% of them
Serbs, 30.73% Bosnian Muslims, 23.94% Croats and 1.04 % others.
ca 1960
reforms in Yugoslavia, promoting decentralization and de-etatization,
gave certain results, but they were stopped due to the nature
of the communist system - if they had been carried out to
the logical end,it would have meant the end of the single-party
totalitarianism and the end of Yugoslavia, which rested on
The Croatian
national movement inspired by the Party's leadership of Croatian
Communists broke out as a reaction to the long-lasting "creeping"
Serbianization. Domination of Belgrade and Serbian mass-media,
export-import firms, capital outflow from Croatia into the
Eastern part of Yugoslavia, as well as the "outflow"
of Croats on very often hard and low-paid work to the West
- all that created critical mass of dissatisfaction with Yugoslavia,
which was seen as, essentially, a Serboslavia hegemony. Under
the pressure of Tito and unitarianist circles, Croatian Communist
leadership capitulated. Repressions followed - about 70,000
"nationally conscious" Croatian Communists were
thrown out from the Party, 2,000 were imprisoned and sentenced
for various trumpeted up charges, and a few thousands of Croats
were forced to emigrate.
to the census, Bosnia and Herzegovina had 3,746,320 inhabitants.
Among them 20.62% were Croats,37.19% were Serbs, 39.57% Bosnian
Muslims and 2.62% others. With that census, for the first
time, Bosnian Muslims got the right for the national self-identification
under the name Muslims.
national guerilla fighters, 19 of them, trained in Australia,
organized a landing operation near central-Bosnian town Bugojno
in order to rise up in arms against great-Serbian tyranny.
Most of them were killed in the fight with the superior Yugoslav
military and police forces, which in panic involved near 10,000
professionals and subscriptioners.
The last
Yugoslav Constitution, which tried to preserve the country
through the confederal elements from the growing tensions
and from the impending disintegration. Tito was proclaimed
the President for life,and after the collective Presidency
was provided, including the rotation of the members from every
The death
of Josip Broz Tito.
The trial
of Alija Izetbegovic and twelve Bosnian Muslims in Sarajevo
for promoting ideas of pan-Islamism and religious fundamentalism.
Alija Izetbegovic,
Bosnian Muslim leader
rise to the power of the chief of Serbian Communist Party
Slobodan Milosevic. Soon he became the main organizer of the
great-Serbian movement, which wanted to realize an open domination
of Serbs in Yugoslavia as the police state of the extreme
form, or through the redrawing of the republics borders, to
destroy Yugoslavia and on the ruins to carve out great Serbia,
which would include entire Bosnia and Hercegovina as well
as ca 70% of Croatia. Methods were different: from the massive
Fascist-like rallies, police repression, threatening with
JNA, which started to transform in an open instrument of Milosevic's
politics with 77% of Serbian officers staff, to the theft
of federal financial reserves and unsparing mass-media war,
first of all against Albanians and Croats-everything with
the aim to homogenize and to use hysterical Serbian masses
in Yugoslavia for great-Serbian military aggression.
Slobodan Milosevic,
Serbian leader
The Berlin
Wall fell down.The end of Communism.
SKJ (The
League of Yugoslav Communists) broke down after the Slovenian
Communists had walked out in protest on the Congress of SKJ,not
wanting to be the subject to Miloevic's politics of
centralism and Serbianization of the Yugoslav Party.
On the
first multi-party elections after half a century, the Communists
were defeated in Croatia and Slovenia. The Croatian Democratic
Union(HDZ) came to rule in Croatia under the leadership of
the president Franjo Tudjman,with about 60% of the votes (the
percentage differed depending on various houses of the Parliament).
Croatian leader
in Bosnia and Hercegovina marked the end of hope of the "reformist"
forces of Ante Markovic, who was still formally the Yugoslav
Prime Minister and lavishly supported by the West. Reformed
Communists won 6%,Markovic's Reformists 5.6% and three national
parties-Muslim, Croatian and Serbian-majority: Muslim SDA
37.8%, Serbian SDS 26.5% and Croatian HDZ 14.7%. Under these
conditions, the last illusion about Bosnia and Hercegovina
as the "anti-nationalist" Yugoslav bastion crumbled.
Out of
4,364,290 inhabitants of Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croats make
17.32%, Serbs 31.37%,Muslims 43.67% and others 7.64% of the
Republic of Croatia, 1992