According to
the official results of the 1991 census, the Konjic district had
43,636 residents:
11,354 Croats
23,791 Moslems (54,5%)
6,645 Serbs (15,2%)
1,846 others (4,3%)
During the Serbian aggression on Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992), the
district area was first attacked on April 20th 1992. In the period
between April 20th 1992 and March 20th 1993, when B-H Army soldiers
attacked the Croat populated village of Orliste, the total number
of six HVO soldiers and thirty-five Croat civilians were killed.
New attacks followed by B-H Army soldiers against the Croat residents
of the district called Klisa:
March 20th 1993,
four elderly persons of Croat nationality were killed in the village
of Orliste;
April 15th 1993,
twenty-two persons (fifteen civilians and seven HVO soldiers) were
killed in the village of Trusina;
April 14th 1993,
four civilians of Croat nationality were killed in the village of
In the town
of Konjic, seven Croats were burnt alive in one house.
All the surviving
Croat residents of the northwestern section of the district were
either evicted by B-H Army soldiers, or imprisoned in the camps
in Konjic, Celebici, and Tarcin, while their property was looted
and/or destroyed. The undamaged residential buildings and family
houses of evicted Croats were inhabited by Moslem families.
The Croat villagers
of Turije, Zaslivlje and Zabrdje remained at their homes regardless
the fierce attacks by B-H Army soldiers.
B-H - KONJIC - March 1993
OF REPORTED CRIME: Attack on civilians and civilian property.
TIME AND LOCATION: March 1993, the village of Goransko Polje(approximately
20 kilometres northwest of Konjic - Klisa).
CRIME: Croat populated village of Goransko Polje consists of 28
family dwellings. All of the neighbouring villages are Muslim populated
(90% of the population): Pothum, Parsovici, and Gorani. The first
attack by Muslim forces on Croatian civilians and their property
was launched immediately before the Muslim religious holiday Ramazan
Bairam (March 25, 1993). During the attack and following it, the
UNPROFOR representatives patrolled the village. The B-H Army commander
in charge of the attack was a man nicknamed "Haso" (a
resident of Buturovi} Polje). During the armistice, the Muslim side
fired randomly at Croatian civilians so that they had to hide in
the basements of their houses. The civilians were also verbally
abused and threatened on a daily basis. Salko Tomic used to say
how he would prepare a bloody Easter for Croats. B-H Army forces
dug trenches and dugouts that were wide enough for trucks to enter.
B-H Army members, led by a man nicknamed "Haso" from Buturovic
Polje, Salko Tomic.
EVIDENCE: Audio tape recording of an interview with a witness, supplemented
by a written statement currently kept in the archives of the Department.
015 B-H - KONJIC,
VILLAGE OF OSTROZAC - March 23 or 25, 1992
OF REPORTED CRIME: Attack on civilians in villages.
March 23 or 25, 1993, in the villages of Kostajnica, Falanovo Brdo,
Vrce (15-20 km northwest of Jablanica).
CRIME: Members of the B-H Army fired artillery shells from their
positions in Ostrozac, attacking the Croatian civilians in the villages
of Kostajnica and Falanovo Brdo. The B-H Army also fired mortar
shells from positions in Celebic and attacked the Croatian civilians
in the village of Vrce. The attack was designed to ethnically cleanse
the region and to intimidate the Croatian civilians.
Members of the B-H Army, positioned in the villages of Ostrozac
and Celebic.
tape recording of an interview with a witness, supplemented by a
written statement, currently kept in the archives of the Department,
number 1G3KO07E004
001 B-H - KONJIC - March 23rd, 1993
OF REPORTED CRIME: Killing of civilians; destruction of civilian
March 23rd, 1993; the village of Orliste (cca 22 kilometres northwest
of Konjic).
CRIME: On March 23rd, 1993, B-H Army soldiers led by Hasan Hakalovic
launched an attack on Croat villagers of Orliste and their property.
Although there was no resistance, B-H Army soldiers killed four
civilians and destroyed yet undetermined number of Croat owned family
houses and farm-buildings.
The killed were
as follows:
1. Andja Kostic
(born 1923) - bed-ridden for the last eight years, shot in the mouth
inside of her house;
2. Branko Kostic (born 1937) - shot in the head and in the back
from a machine gun;
3. Ivan Kostic (born 1907) - killed in his house;
4. Janja Kostic (born 1913) - killed near her shed that was later
set on fire, along with the livestock.
B-H Army soldiers led by Hasan Hakalovic.
The official report of the HVO Office for Social Activities in the
Konjic District, currently kept in the archives of the Centre.
NOTE: Video
tape of the bodies of civilians and burnt down family houses filmed
at the scene of the crime, currently kept in the archives of the
OF REPORTED CRIME: Attacks on villages, willful killing, ethnic
cleansing of the area, wilful imprisonment of civilians.
TIME AND LOCATION: April 12, 1993, the Croatian villages in the
Konjic district, in Klisa and Gornja Neretvica region.
SUMMARY OF REPORTED CRIME: Members of the B-H Army launched a combination
of artillery, tank and infantry attacks on the wide range of 25
Croatian villages: Buscak, Kostajnica, Gornja Vratna Gora, Donja
Vratna Gora, Solakova Kula, Pozetva, Jasenik, Crni Vrh, Kale, Slavkovici,
Dobricevci, Mrkosavice, Luksije, Goransko Polje, Gorani, Gornji
Prijeslop, Donji Prijeslop, Smrcevica, Trusina, Sultici, Gradac,
Gornja Visnjevica, Orliste, Nevizdraci.
The fate of
the Croatian villagers of Budisnja Ravan, Ljesovina, and Obri is
still unknown. Croatian civilians were expelled from the villages
of Podorasac, Galjevo, Homolje, Repavci, Donje Selo, Ovcari, Polje
Bijela, Rade{ine, Celebici, Tresnjevica and Orahovica. The Croatian
villagers of Turije, Zabrdje, and Zasivlje were confined to their
villages by the B-H Army. The exact number of killed and wounded
civilians is yet unknown.
Members of the B-H Army stationed in the Konjic district.
tape recording of an interview with a witness, supplemented by a
written statement currently kept in the archives of the Department,
no. 1G3KO07E004
OF REPORTED CRIME: Hostage taking and illegal imprisonment.
TIME AND LOCATION: April/May 1993, the village of Radesine (17 kilometres
northeast of Jablanica).
SUMMARY OF REPORTED CRIME: 280 members of the Croatian Defence Council
forces and the Croatian villagers of Radesine surrendered to the
UN peace forces (the UNPROFOR), who hereafter surrendered them to
members of the B-H Army. Their fate is still unknown.
PERPETRATORS: Members of the UNPROFOR (the UN Spanish Battalion),
and members of the B-H Army in the Konjic district.
EVIDENCE: Audio tape recording of an interview with a witness, supplemented
by a written statement currently kept in the archives of the Department,
no. 1G3KO07E004
OF REPORTED CRIME: An attack on the village,wounding, killing and
imprisonment of civilians.
TIME AND LOCATION: April 1993, the village of Trusina (cca 20 kilometres
northeast of Jablanica.
SUMMARY OF REPORTED CRIME: Members of the B-H Army launched aninfantry
attack on the Croatian village of Trusina, and killed the following
civilians: Veljko (last name unknown), Stipo Mandic, Milenko Mandic,
Andja Ivankovic and her husband, Grgic(unknown first name). The
following civilians were wounded: Arijana Kreso, Andjela Sagolj,
A. K., two children (aged 6 and 7). Members of the B-H Army detained
28 Croatian civilians in Vida Drljo's house, and forced them to
carry ammunition and the wounded to the nearby hill. The detained
civilians were fired at while doing the forced hard labour. Homes
belonging to Croatian civilians were set on fire.
PERPETRATORS: Members of the B-H Army among whom were noticed the
following individuals: a dark, tall man in black uniform; a woman
cca 25 years old, short black hair, before the war she worked as
a waitress in Aco Hakalovic's cafe in the village of Seonica; Poturovic
from the village of Trusina, Seid Padalovic. They received orders
from a man called Zuka via radio. Zuka was located in the village
of Ostrozac, at the time of the attack.
tape recording of an interview with a witness, supplemented by a
written statement currently kept in the archives of the Department,
no. 1D3KO07E002
017 B-H - KONJIC - April 14, 1993
OF REPORTED CRIME: Attack on civilians and civilian property.
TIME AND LOCATION: April 14, 1993, Croat populated villages in the
Konjic district (northwest part of the Konjic district, known as
SUMMARY OF REPORTED CRIME: The B-H Army artillery and infantry attack
began at 5:30 am First they attacked the village of Buscak. At 10:00
am all of the Croat populated villages were attacked: Trusina, Goransko
Polje, Gorani, Talijanci, Mrkosovice, Dobricevici, Bare, Jasenik,
Slavkovici, Crni Vrh, and Plavuzi. On April 15, 1993, Muslim forces
committed a mass killing of civilians in the village of Trusina,
during which time 22 Croatian civilians and 4 members of the Croatian
Defense Council were killed. The attack was led by Seid Padalovic
from the village of Buturovc} Polje (Padalovici hamlet). Among the
perpetrators, the witness noticed a young woman. The leader of the
group of mercenaries dressed in black uniforms was a man nicknamed
"Zuka". The commander of the B-H Army stationed in the
Konjic region was a man nicknamed "Cibo".
PERPETRATORS: Members of the B-H Army stationed in the Konjic district
(led by "Cibo"). The attack was directly ordered by Seid
Padalovic and a man nicknamed "Zuka".
EVIDENCE: Audio tape recording of an interview with a witness, supplemented
by a written statement currently kept in the archives of the Department.
001 B-H - KONJIC - April 16th, 1993
DESCRIPTION OF REPORTED CRIME: Mass killing of civilians and prisoners;
infliction of bodily harm to civilians.
TIME AND LOCATION: April 16th, 1993; the village of Trusina (cca
20 kilometres northwest of Konjic).
SUMMARY OF REPORTED CRIME: On April 16th, 1993, B-H Army units under
command of Zulfikar Ali Spaga nicknamed "Zuka", Hasan
Hakalovic and Seid Padalovic committed a mass killing and massacre
of 15 civilians and 7 imprisoned HVO soldiers. The perpetrators
of this crime against civilians of Croat nationality are: Muharem
Mravovic nicknamed "Mrav" ("Ant"), Sejdo Hakalovic,
Zejnil Gostevcic, Sanela Varisic, and a female whose last name is
The killed in
the village of Trusina on April 16th, 1993 are as follows:
1. Jure Andelic
(born 1926, Ante's son);
2. Andrija Drljo (born 1947, Ilija's son);
3. Franjo Drljo (born 1937, Ilija's son);
4. Kata Drljo (born 1937, Ivan's daughter);
5. Kata Drljo (born 1918, Mico's daughter);
6. Ivan Drljo (born 1939, Pero's son);
7. Tomo Drljo (born 1926, Andrija's son);
8. Anda Ivankovic (born 1936, Jure's daughter);
9. Ilija Ivankovic (born 1926, Ante's son);
10. Cmiljko Kreso (born 1940, Mirko's son);
11. Ivica Kreso (born 1935, Juro's son);
12. Velimir Kreso (born 1934, Andrija's son);
13. Stipo Mandic (approximately 70 years old);
14. Branko Mlikota (born 1925, Andrija's son);
15. N. N.;
HVO soldiers
who were arrested, bound and killed are as follows:
1. Zeljko Blazevic
(born 1965, Slavko's son);
2. Ivo Drljo (born 1971, Andrija's son);
3. Zdravko Drljo (born 1963, Ivan's son);
4. Nedo Kreso (born 1953, Marko's son);
5. Pero Kreso (born 1961, Cmiljko's son);
6. Stipo Ljubic (born 1961, Pero's son);
7. Mile Mandic (born 1961, Stipo's son).
On that same
day, B-H Army soldiers fired on women who carried small children
in their arms, during which time the following persons were wounded:
1. A. K. - female
child, born 1983;
2. M. S. - male child born 1990;
3. A. S. - mother of the child under no. 2., born 1969.
B-H Army soldiers, under command of the following persons:
1. Zulfikar
Ali Spaga nicknamed "Zuka";
2. Hasan Hakalovic;
3. Seid Padalovic.
The perpetrators
of the above mentioned crimes were as follows:
4. Zejnil Gostevcic;
5. Sejdo Hakalovic;
6. Muharem Mravovic nicknamed "Mrav" ("Ant");
7. a female person whose last name is Sabic;
8. Sanela Variscic.
SOURCE OF INFORMATION: The official report of the HVO Office for
Social Activities in the Konjic District, currently kept in the
archives of the Centre.
006 B-H - KONJIC
- April 16, 1993
001 B-H - KONJIC - April 1993
OF REPORTED CRIME: Forcible depopulation (eviction) of civilians;
unlawful detention of civilians.
TIME AND LOCATION: April 1993; Klisa area (northwestern and northern
part of Konjic district).
SUMMARY OF REPORTED CRIME: According to a witness, members of the
B-H Army attacked Croatian villages in the Klisa area during April
1993. Surviving Croats were forced to abandon their homes, and they
were evicted to Kiseljak. More than 2,000 Croatian civilians were
evicted from the villages of Donja Vratna Gora, Gornja Vratna Gora,
Doscica, Homatlije, Solakova Kula, Buscak, Kale, Crni Vrh, Plavuzi,
Pozetva, Jasenik, Bare, Slavkovici, Dobricevici, Luksije, Donji
Prijeslog, Gornji Prijeslog, Goransko Polje, Gorani, Trusina, Sultici,
Vrce, Bukovica, Tovarnica, Gornja Visnjevica, and Donja Visnjevica.
Some Croatian civilians from the villages of Crni Vrh, Donja Vratna
Gora, Gornja Vratna Gora, Doscica, Homatlije, Solakova Kula, Luksije,
Donji Prijeslog, Gornji Prijeslog and Buscak have been imprisoned
in Nevizdraci and Parsovici prisons. The commander of these prisons
(camps) is Haso Hakalovic.
PERPETRATORS: Members of the B-H Army; Haso Hakalovic, commander
of the camps.
EVIDENCE: Audio tape recording of an interview with a witness, supplemented
by a written statement, currently kept in the archives of the Centre.
002 B-H - KONJIC
- August 30th, 1993
OF REPORTED CRIME: Psychophysical maltreatment; infliction of bodily
harm; killing of civilians.
TIME AND LOCATION: August 30th - September 4th, 1993; the village
of Orahovica (cca 5 kilometres northwest of Konjic).
CRIME: The position of Croat villagers in Orahovica (controlled
by B-H Army since April 1993) rapidly deteriorated after arriving
of B-H Army special squad, by the end of August 1993. Members of
the squad wore the sign "DIB" ("demolition-monitoring
brigade") on their caps and the sign "Military Police"
on the sleeves of their uniforms. They were better equipped and
armed than other B-H Army soldiers stationed in the Konjic district,
and they claimed that they were members of the special squad from
Zenica. Upon their arrival from an unsuccessful action, they maltreated
Croat villagers of Orahovica. They barged into Croat owned family
houses, looted and destroyed their property, and battered Croat
civilians. This maltreatment continued in the period between August
30th and September 4th, 1993, four civilians were killed as the
consequence of several days' psychophysical maltreatment, two civilians
(elderly women) were physically maltreated, fired on and wounded,
while five other civilians were seriously wounded as the consequence
of being beaten.
The killed were
as follows:
1. Jozo Ruzic
(born 1928);
2. Stanko Ruzic (born 1932);
3. Pero Skocibusic (born 1939);
4. Mate Simic (born 1923).
PERPETRATORS: Members of the B-H Army special squad from Zenica.
SOURCE OF INFORMATION: Report no. 01-27/93, Centre for Human Rights
in Medjugorje, currently kept in the archives of the Centre.
