In a medieval
Blitzkrieg, during May and June, after almost eight decades
of systematic devastation and conquest, the Turks have conquered
Bosnian kingdom.
After they have promised a fifteen years long armistice to
the emissaries of the Bosnian king Stjepan Tomasevic, huge
Turkish army numbering about 150.000 men has during the first
half of May departed from Drinopolje and through Skoplje,
Kosovo and Sjenica slashed through the borders of Bosnian
kingdom, and through Podrinje has broken into the central
and upper Bosnia. The fortress of Bobovac, besieged on May
19, has capitulated to the Turks on May 21. In front of the
danger from the Turks, king Tomasevic has sheltered himself
in Jajce, wherefrom he started for Croatia, hoping to raise
some help, but he was besieged in Kljuc on the river of Sana.
Since Mahmud-pasa Andjelovic has promised to the king Tomasevic
the safety of life and the freedom, the king
surrendered to the Turks.In that way the Turkish conquerors
have conquered in short time the three most important Bosnian
cities: Bobovac, Jajce and Kljuc, and after that, under the
pressure and by the king's command, the rest of Bosnian cities
have laid the arms to the Turks. According to the annalist
Dlugos, seventy Bosnian cities surrendered to the Turks; according
to one Italian report this number was 117, and according to
Christobal--somewhat less than 300. According to various data,
the Turks have thereafter captured about 100,000 people, and
recruited about 30.000 young men (these Turkish soldiers were
afterwards known as "janjicari/yannisaries"- the
term being derived from Turkish words "yeni" (new)
and "ceri" (army)). The Turkish attempt to conquer
Hercegovina failed. Not a single one of the neighbouring states
has given some help to imperiled Bosnia. The personal attempt
from the Pope Pius II to call for a crusade for the
liberation of Bosnia was ended by his death in Ancona on July
19. The king Tomasevic was executed in Jajce, after he had
commanded the surrender of his cities to the Turkish conqueror.
In Milodraza,
between Fojnica and Visoko, the Turkish sultan Mehmed II The
Conqueror --at a fra. Andelo Zvizdovic request, who demanded
freedom of religious activities and free confession of faith
for Bosnian Catholics - has issued a solemn charter-- Ahd-nama
-- by which he guaranteed the freedom of activities to the
Franciscans "in my empire", the free return of expelled
Franciscans, and: "Neither my High Majesty, nor my viziers,
nor my oficials, nor my subjects, nor any dweller of my empire
should give offence to and disturb them. No one should attack
them, or offend and threaten them: neither them nor their
lives, nor their property, nor their churches. And moreover,
if they bring on
someone from the foreign parts to my state, let them be allowed..."
It was a kind of an international document by which the peace
and freedom was guaranteed to the Bosnian Franciscans and
Catholics "till they will be obedient to my service and
faithful to my Command". Such a freedom and peace, the
Franciscans and the Catholics in Bosnia will have enjoyed,
relatively, till the twenties of XV century.
of Sultan Mehmed II the Conqueror. A charter granting his
Catholic subjects religious freedom.
300,000 Catholics converted to Islam in Bosnia and Hercegovina.
to the first Ottoman Statute of Bosnian Sanjak/province: "We
are informed that some Christian churches have been erected
where there were none in the past infidels era. These churhes
are to be razed; and those infidels and priests, who, dwelling
in these places, spy and inform our adversaries in infidels's
lands, are to be severely physically punished (siyaset). Let
the crosses erected by the roadside be smashed, and none be
reinstated again- ever ! And if they put the crosses up again-
let them be punished bodily. And that Qadi (Islamic judge),
who has condoned such an abomination- we shall dismiss and
punish him, too." This is the 1st official instutute
enabling legal persecution of Croats Catholics in the Bosnian
Sanjak. The aforementioned Statute sanctioned intensified
pogroms of Catholics in the western parts of the Ottoman Empire
(vastation of monasteries and sacral objects, maltreatment
and murder of priests and Catholic Christian laity). The law
has been reaffirmed in 1530. , 1539., 1542.
Ban and "defendor Croatiae", bishop Petar Berislavic
was killed in a Turkish ambush near the Devil's Mountain in
the Bihac area (now, the northwestern Bosnia); "... and
Turks murdered Croatian Ban, Peter the bishop, near Bihac
in the Devil's Mount, in the Devil's Grotto. And they severed
his head. And the Bihac citizen Pavao Medosic found his head
and his body, and brought them in Bihac."
Petar Berislavic, Croatian Ban
Frankopan delivered an impassioned plea before the Pope Hadrianus,
emphasizing the importance of Croatia as the rampart against
the Ottoman avalanche: " Holy Father- in Croatia, one
can see, one is forced to see bestial slaughter of children
before their parents's eyes and husbands before their wives's
eyes. Women are being dishonoured, virgins raped, sacred places
desecrated. Croatia is, Holy Father, rampart and entry of
Christianity, and especially the rimlands of Carinthia, Istria,
Furlania and Italy. Should Croatia-God forbid !- fall- then,
all the ghastly and beastly tortures threaten these lands
and the road towards them will be unhindered and free for
The fiercest
pogroms of Croat Catholics in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Franciscan
monasteries in Kraljeva Sutjeska, Viskoko, Fojnica and Konjic
are razed to the ground (the Mostar monastery met the same
fate later.) Between 120-150,000 Catholics forcibly converted
to Islam.
Frankopan, one of the most notable European soldiers of fortune
of these times, has passed through the Turkish lines to relieve
the besieged Bosnian Croat city of Jajce, which resisted the
Ottoman siege for more than a year and half. He was prompted
upon hearing the story from a refugee from Jajce, a certain
Jure Mrsic, that a mother in Jajce had thrown her baby boy
into the Vrbas river because she couldn't bear to see him
die from starvation. After two days of breaking through Turksih
positions, Frankopan entered with 6,000 soldiers into the
city and brought the supplies in. Jajce managed to resist
for another three and a half years.
borders cca. 1526, in the ongoing battle against the expansion
of the Ottoman empire
have conquered Jajce and Banja Luka, thereby completely destroying
Croatian defence line on the Vrbas river. Croatia was reduced
to 37,000 square kilometers.
A Slovene
monk, Benedikt Kuripesic has, in a diplomatic mission, journeyed
through Bosnia, leaving valuable annotations on ethnic and
confessional situation in the contemporary Bosnia: "
In this kingdom we have found three peoples and three faiths.
First- there are indigenous Bosnians, who are of Roman-Christian
denomination. Then, there are Serbs, who are called Wallachians,
and we call them Chichs or Martologes. They came from the
city of Smederevo and Greek Orthodox Belgrade, and belong
to the Saint Paul's faith (Orthodox)....The third people are
Turks. They, and soldiers and officials in particular, behave
tyranically towards both aforementioned peoples, Christian
subjects...". Kuripesic published his travels in Augsburg
to Venetian patrician Sanudius, the author of "Diario",
Turks have, from Croatian lands, taken 600,000 men and women
into slavery to date.
Divkovic, Bosnian Franciscan and Croatian writer, the author
of numerous books printed in Venice in "bosancica",
Croatian cyrillic script.
"Nauk Karstianski"/Christian Doctrine
The battle
for Siget/Szeged Croats "...two thousand and three hundreds
of them" under the command of Nikola Subic Zrinski, from
1561. the Siget fortress commander, are holding back a vast
Ottoman army (more than 90,000 men and 300 cannons) in southern
Hungary. After many days of exhausting and bloody struggle,
the defenders have receded into the Old City; with the majority
of Croats already dead, their last stand. Turks have tried
to lure Zrinski into submission, offering him rule over entire
Croatia (of course, under their suzerainty). To no avail:
"...nobody will point his finger on my children in contempt."
In the morning, September the 7th, the all-out attack by Turks
began: fireballs, "Greek fire", concentrated cannonade,
fusillade. Soon, the last Croat stronghold within Siget was
set ablaze. The entire Turkish army was swarming against the
Old City, drumming and yelling, "..their flags darkening
the skies." Zrinski prepared for the last charge, addressing
his brothers in arms: "..Let us go out from this burning
place into the open and stand up to our enemies. Who dies-
he will be with God. Who dies not-his name will be honoured.
I will go first, and what I do, you do. And God is my witness-
I will never leave you, my brothers and knights !" In
the last decisive battle Zrinski was first wounded, then killed.
Only seven defenders managed to get through Turkish surround.
The huge Ottoman army, the best Suleyman the Magnificent (who
died during the siege) could gather, suffered heavy losses
and was ultimately stopped. Historians consider that Turks
lost 18,000 cavalrymen and 7,000 elite yanissaries. The yannissary
corps was decimated. The battle for Siget was (at least, for
the Christian forces) "the end of the beginning."
The Battle for Siget
historian Mustafa aali, a native of Gallipolli, wrote on Bosnia:
"...So far as the tribe of Croats, who are ascribed to
the Bosnia river, is considered: their character is reflected
in joyous nature; they are known in Bosnia and named after
flowing waters.."
victory of Croat and Christian armies over Turks in the Sisak
battle, July the 22nd. Near the border city of Sisak, 5,000
Croats under the command of Croatian ban Toma Erdody, aided
by Slovenian reinforcements from Carinthia and Styria, have
broken the Turkish surround of circa 12,000 men and pushed
them towards the Kupa river, constantly pounding them with
heavy artillery fire. Caught in the middle between two Christian
army flanks, Turks panicked and started a chaotic retreat.
Having disintegrated under the unending cannonade, the bulk
of the army (circa 10,000 men, with all the chief commanders)
drowned in the Kupa river. Christian losses numbered between
40-50 men. Although this battle was the ouverture to the so-called
"Long war" (1593.-1606.), it marked, along with
the Siget (1566.) and the Lepant (1571.) battles, the change
of war fortune in the Ottoman-European wars.
The Battle for Sisak
ca. 1600.-1685.
Ivan Ancic,
a Bosnian Franciscan and theologian. Writer of Latin and Croatian
language treatises.
The remains of the remnants (Reliquie Reliquiarum) of the
glorious Croatian kingdom - cca. 1606
Fra Matija
Divkovic, a Franciscan intellectual, published "Nauk
karstianski"/Christian doctrine in Venice. This is the
printed work of a Bosnian writer in Croatian language; reprinted
thirteen times (not counting abridged versions.)
to the Papal visitator Peter Masarecchi's notes, circa
40-50,000 Croat Catholics have converted to Islam in the central
Andrijasevic in Trebinje region (eastern Hercegovina) writes
on the conversion of Croat Catholics into Serbian Orthodoxy.
His data show that out of 12 Catholic churhes in the region,
7 had "passed into Orthodox hands".
war, or the 1st Turkish war, fought over Erdely in the south
Hungary area, where brothers Zrinski achieved particular prominence.
During the Fall of 1663. Croatian Ban Nikola Zrinski has with
300 cavalrymen defeated 2,000 Tartars near the Mura river,
while his brother Petar, commanding 2,500 soldiers, crushed
the 10,000 men strong Turkish army in the Lika region in Croatia,
capturing its chief commander Bosnian Muslim pasha Alija Cengic.
Following other military successes, Ban Nikola Zrinski has
launched sustained military campaign, capturing many Turkish
fortresses and burning famous Osijek bridge, the gateway of
Ottoman armies on their raids into central Europe. However,
even after the defeat of Turkish forces at St.Gotthard, cowardly
Viennese court, fearing the possible unstoppable rise of powerful
Croatian and Hungarian nobility (which would certainly endanger
the Habsburg project of centralized absolutism), made a humiliating
peace treaty with the Ottomans in Vasvar. Since Croatian and
Hungarian lords expected final liberation of Croatian and
Hungarian territories still under Turkish occupation, this
Habsburg-orchestrated defeatist treaty embittered even more
relations between them and the Viennese court.
Sitovic Ljubusak: a Franciscan, preacher, professor and writer.
army numbering 250,000 soldiers set the siege of Vienna on
the August the 13th 1683. The siege was relieved with the
help of Polish king Jan Sobjeski and Turks suffered a crushing
defeat at the Kalenberg field, September the 12th. This event
triggered general uprising of Christian masses in Croatian
and Hungarian lands under the Ottoman rule. The ensuing warfare
ousted Turks out of Lika and Slavonia regions in Croatia,
as well as from Hungary and Transylvania. The Croatian military
border with Ottoman Empire went along Una and Sava rivers.
Habsburg-Turkish war (1683.-1699.), according to the Franciscan
Andrija Siprasic's testimony, more than 100,000 Bosnian Croats
have, fleeing the Turkish oppression, crossed the Una and
Sava rivers and found refuge in Croatia.
commander, Field Marshall prince Eugene of Savoia, crossed
the Sava river with 6,500 soldiers, 12 small cannons and 2
merzers. Having met little or no resistance (considering that
Frankopan's troops sent desperately to relieve the siege of
Jajce, some 170 years before, consisted of roughly the same
number, one can see how the Ottoman force has spent itself),
prince Eugene reached Sarajevo in 11 days, took it, plundered
and burnt it , and then returned to Osijek. Fearing Turkish
reprisals, circa 40,000 Croat Catholics left Bosnia with his
Fra Filip
Lastric, professor and educator, provincial of Franciscan
province Bosnia Argentina, writer and historian.
fra. Filip Lastric
to demographic estimates there are 25,000 Croat Catholics
in Bosnia and Hercegovina
The Habsburg-Ottoman
war by which the Habsburgs have lost everything they had acquired
in Bosnia, Serbia and Wallachia in the 1716.-1718. campaign.
The river Sava became a border between Croatia and Turkey.
to the census made by apostolic vicar the bishop Pavao Dragicevic,
Bosnian vicariate numbered 39,831 Catholics (the diocese of
Trebinje not included).
The work
of fra Filip Lastric "Epitome vetustatum provinciae bosniensis"
(A Survey of Antiques of the Bosnian Province) printed in
Venice. This work is considered the beginning of the modern
historiography in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
fra Filip Lastric, "Historical Chronicles", a
manuscript, 1759-1774
The Habsburg-Turkish
war, into which the Monarchy was drifted as a Russia's ally.
The Monarchy amassed 245,000 men and 1,150 cannons. The Austrian
army got stuck in the five-months siege of Bosanska Dubica
fortress, which nowadays is the border between Croatia and
Bosnia. The Viennese Court, which entered the war with a plan
to get back what was lost in 1739., despite isolated successes,
like the penetration in the major part of Bosnia, was out
of luck again. The only territorial gain was the inclusion
of the parts of present-day Lika and Kordun into Croatia.
The "boundaries
redrawing" period in and around Bosnia under the influence
of the French revolution and the Napoleonic Empire. After
short-lived "Illyrian provincies", the restoration
of the Austrian administration in the continental Croatia
and Dalmatia. East to Bosnia, the uprising against Ottoman
Empire broke out in Serbia, in which the Serbian forces, after
initial successes (the Turkish army faced a defeat on several
occasions) and general national liberation war in which the
local Muslim population was expelled mostly into Bosnia, have
succumbed to decay and disintegration. However, by Sultan's
recognition of autonomy of Smederevo Sanjak in 1815., the
foundations of the Serbian state have been laid.
The general
decline of the Ottoman authority in Bosnia-Herzegovina. After
the reorganization of the army (the destruction of the yannissary
corps), signs of revolt appear among Muslim aristocracy in
Bosnia (traditionally connected to this military unit), as
well as the uprising of the local captains in command (the
most spectacular being the northern-Bosnia based unsuccessful
rebellion of captain Husein, who has with his army of 25,000
men tried to extort the foundation of Bosnian autonomy under
the rule of the local Muslim nobility, as well as the discontinuance
of social reforms). In the period of several decades the Ottoman
Empire has undertaken a number of reforms with the aim to
make real religious freedom, which provoked the resistance
of Bosnian Muslim aristocracy and even greater antagonism
and separation of Christian and Muslim populations. However,
due to general economic decline, the pressures from Muslim
traditionalists, badly organized administration, as well as
growing national self-confidence, especially of Christian
inhabitants--the Ottoman 'perestroika' has, like her Soviet
heiress, only sped up the collapse from within a rotten system.
Ivan Frano
Jukic, the Bosnian Franciscan, a writer, a follower of the
Croatian national revival and a sufferer in Turkish gaols.
Grga Martic,
the Bosnian Franciscan, a propagator of education and schooling,
a politician, a fighter for union of Bosnia-Herzegovina with
Croatia, one of Croatian revivalists, and a poet. His verses:"Woe
to a home without fraternal bliss, woe to Bosnia that gives
Croatia a miss", are especially known.
Grga Martic,
Bosnian Franciscan reformer and Croatian writer
Ante Starcevic,
a scrivener at scriptorium of the Zagrebian lawyer Schram,
the first modern translator of the Holy Scriptures and Anacreon,
a philosophical and political writer, a public representative,
a co-founder of the Party of Rigts, the most celebrated Croatian
ideologue and politician, the creator of the Croatian national
idea and nationhood, an intercessor for the universal civic
rights. The father of the homeland. The Party of Rights would
become the major political force among BH Croats during the
Austrian administration in Bosnia-Herzegovina (1879.-1918.).
Ante Starcevic, Croatian writer, ideologue and politician.
"The Father
of the Nation"
In lower
Herzegovina, in the Gabela and Hrasno district, under the
leadership of don Ivan Music, Croats have, ignited by overtaxing,
rebelled against Turkish authorities on June the 19th. Very
soon after, in east Herzegovina, the Serbs rebelled too, and
after that the rebellion of the whole Christian population
of Bosnia-Herzegovina followed. The Turkish authorities couldn't
put down the uprising so that Serbia and Montenegro (1876.),
and Russia (1877.) were sucked into the war--the fighting
having ended at 1878. During the war, more than 150,000 people
took refuge in Croatia.