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The ICTY expert witness dr. Mladen Ancic

Read more » | 02.12.2009. | Viewed 2674 time(s)

Mladen Ancic: Who made the mistake in Bosnia

Modern history (some of it as recent as yesterday's front page news), is, because of its implications for the present, surely the most sensitive amongst all historical topics. Something which seems certain today can be shown to have been completely wrong and a case of failed judgement after new facts, unknown documents or somebody's memoirs, come to light.
Read more » | 02.12.2009. | Viewed 3541 time(s)

Mladen Ancic: Cognitive disorder

Politician's words or statements are certainly not scientific material - they are usually just rhetorical "acrobatics" which refer to the ephemera of the daily politics, and as such they are generally not to be taken too seriously. However, such statements say a lot about the one who pronounces them and, moreover- they may serve as indicators of the general condition of a society. They are also able, under certain circumstances and on certain occasions, to generate some general condition.
Read more » | 02.12.2009. | Viewed 3332 time(s)

Bosnian language myth

Bosnian language is «essentially» the language of all the inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was called Serbo-Croatian before the collapse of Yugoslavia and only extremists's nationalist passions created artificial rift which has no linguistic foundation whatsoever (but is a socio-political reality one must accept). Moreover, Bosnian language is not only a «successor language» (along with Croatian and Serbian) to the old Serbo-Croatian, but also the true heir of the entire corpus of literary and linguistic works written on the Bosnia & Herzegovina soil which (although tangentially in most cases) mention the name «Bosnian language».
Read more » | 02.12.2009. | Viewed 24779 time(s)

Myth about the bogus war and the Karadjordjevo partition deal

During the meeting in the Karadjordjevo estate (Serbian province Vojvodina), March 30th 1991., Croatian president Tudjman and Serbian president Milosevic struck a deal whereby they agreed about the respective influence spheres and the partition of Bosnia and Herzegovina, completely ignoring even mere existence of Bosnian Muslims. Thus, the "alliance made in Hell" came into being, Serbs and Croats united trying to annihilate Bosnia's statehood and laying the ground for joint military aggression and ethnic cleansing to come.
Read more » | 02.12.2009. | Viewed 12793 time(s)

Myth about the crown witness and the central evidence

Tudjman himself gave away (in a bibulous mood) his expansionist/annexationist master-plan with regard to Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Guildhall banquet, 6th May 1995, when British liberal-social democratic politician Paddy Ashdown succeeded in talking him into an astonishing act of self-disclosure: he (Tudjman) has drawn possible future boundaries on a napkin Ashdown cautiously preserved (presumed similarity with Monica Lewinsky's sperm-soaked blouse is purely coincidental), in order to expose Tudjman's partitionist appetites.
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Myth about the provincial imperialist predator

Tudjman's permanent political orientation has remained an almost Anschluss-like drive for annexation of the Croatian majority areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was his central geopolitical strategy and obsessive expansionist ambition. Tudjman himself has openly disclosed (or "blurted out") his sinister expansionist obsession in numerous historical books and essays, interviews and academic ruminations: he publicly questions and, more, expressly announces his disbelief with regard to feasibility and long-term stability of multicivilization states (not multiethnic- see the discourse below).
Read more » | 02.12.2009. | Viewed 16916 time(s)
