Why do Serbs view Operation Storm during the breakup of Yugoslavia during the war (1991 - 1995) as a tragedy despite it being celebrated as a national triumph in Croatia?Serbs in their national narrative neglect the following facts:
1. They ethnically cleansed Croats from 30% of Croatia during an aggressive war against Croatia, with the involvement of forces from Serbian, Bosnia, and Montenegro, along with the help of Croatian Serbs. Operation Storm facilitated the return of ethnically cleansed Croats.
2. They disrupted transportation between Dalmatian Croatia and North Croatia. Operation Storm helped restore the broken transport connection.
3. Croats did not ethnically cleanse the Serbian population; instead, Serb leaders (Mile Martić) ordered the evacuation of Serbian civilians and military personnel.
4. The ICTY court revealed that the number of Serbian civilian victims was below 70. Serbs perpetuate mythological figures regarding the number of Serbian civilian casualties.
5. Operation Storm prevented genocide in Bihać. One of the reasons for the Operation Storm was the request of the Turkish President Süleyman Demirel (the only president who attended Franjo Tuđman's funeral) to save muslim population in Bihać from Serbian genocidal intent.
Serbs have a "Cult of the Endangered Serbian" (Mato Artuković), which leads them to whine and forget about the causes and consequences.
MAIN RESAON: Without whining, they would have to deal with the war they have started against Croatia and which they lost, along with their war crimes.
The German population does not celebrate defeat in the Second World War, the Serbian population does not celebrate the defeat in Croatia.
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