Master of Takiya Aliya IzetbegovichPresident of presidency in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the '90s
TAKIYA (from croatian Takija)
What does takiya mean ??
We will use 3 very short YT videos of first President of Presidency in Bosnia and Herzegovina Aliya Izetbegovich
1st video is from 1990
Izetbegovich supports Croatian Republic Herzeg Bosnia (Hrvatska Republika Herceg Bosna) because Muslim need help from Republic of Croatia in weapons, food, medicine etc.
Izetbegović :
"If you are muslim, serb or croat, together we must stand and protect our only and beloved Herzeg-Bosnia"2nd and 3rd video is combination from 1993 uptil modern years
Izetbegovich from 1990-1993 has received enuff weapons from Croatia and Mujahideen from arab/muslim countries disguised as volunteers of the United Nations and other humanitarian organizations have entered BH to start jihad against primarily catholic croats but also against christian serbs.
(You have english translation in title)
Takiya some individuals

(reality 2 million individuals)
In short:
Takiya is a croatian word still in use in Croatia as expression "Tako-je" "Tak-je" (eng. That's it) meaning "I agree with you" "Yes, you are right") In reality:
Takiya is a process in which Muslims convince people in their charming lies,
until Muslims are in a position of power and then Muslim can show their true evil face.Takiya is not "just a thing" in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Muslim all over the world use takiya as a "soft weapon" to reach their evil goals!
Wester Europe doesn't understand takiya process because during Muslim invasion of Europe from 14th to 17th century most of the war was fought in Croatia, Hungary and Austria and the Muslims were stopped and defeated.
Muslim never reached Western Europe which was their primary goal. (except for part of Spain and Portugal through Africa)