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Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 02 ožu 2013, 16:45 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 09:25 Postovi: 43752 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Dobio sam pristup jednom skupom američkom servisu koji poslovnim ljudima nudi analizu kulture (između ostalih usluga) u velikom broju zemalja. Nisam još ni sve pročitao, pa ću staviti ovdje da se zajedno divimo ili smijemo. Idemo redom. Sve je na engleskom, da se razme. Prvi post: Kultura. Citat: CultureReligionRoman Catholic (95%), Orthodox. Cultural classificationMulti-active, dialogue-oriented LanguagesCroatian. German is also widely spoken Values and core beliefsIn the northern part of Croatia, including the capital, Zagreb, people tend to be less entrepreneurial and more civil servant types. They are more subdued than the Mediterraneans, and boasting is considered bad form. Along the coast, life is louder, people are more temperamental, more entrepreneurial, more charismatic, and enjoy blowing their horn. They have a lot of vitality and are more adventurous. The two have in common their official Croatian language (keeping their dialects for home use), a fierce love of their country and a great pride in its beauty, and their religion, which is Catholic. In the cities people tend to be more secular, in the country more religious as is the case everywhere, but whether they are religious or not has nothing to do with the fact that they are emphatically Catholic, because it is part of their national identity. If you are not sure whether a person’s family name is Croatian or Serbian, ask them whether they are Catholic or Eastern Orthodox – that clinches it. Nevertheless, none of the fighting between the former Yugoslavs was ever really about religion. Cultural black holesThe Croatian cultural black hole is their lasting hatred of the Serbs. It is an animosity that dates back to the tribal period. Centuries of subjugation politically emasculated the Croats’ elite, who offered intellectual opposition as opposed to fighting for power. They fear and despise the more numerous Serbs, whom they regard as Oriental barbarians. Concept of spaceCroatians are tactile and demonstrative. The comfortable conversation distance is much shorter than in northern Europe. Like Hungarians, they are used to being crammed together in small spaces, and they are mostly very close to their families, in the literal as well as every other sense – for better or worse. Occasionally one still encounters the Austro-Hungarian hand-kissing behaviour, but this has largely been superseded by post-communist surliness. Concept of timeCroatians are not particularly punctual, but they will make a special effort if they consider a meeting very important. Senior people make younger ones wait longer.  This diagram shows multi-active and reactive concepts of the use of time, which are largely similar. Instead of getting down to immediate action, cultures such as the Japanese or Hispanic prefer to “pool” tasks and issues and “walk around the pool” for some time to contemplate a course of action which will take into account the inter-relating factors between the different elements. Nothing should be decided or determined piecemeal; action should only begin when an all-embracing solution has been constructed. Such an attitude to time leads (in the eyes of linear-actives) to annoying delays, procrastination and mañana behaviour. Linear-active cultures are interested in speed. Multi-active cultures and reactive cultures give priority to getting it right. Self imageLike the Slovenes, Croatians want to be seen as West Europeans, not Central European or, worse, East European. They claim that Serbian propaganda about Croatian atrocities against Serbs and Jews during World War II has given them a bad name.
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 02 ožu 2013, 16:50 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 09:25 Postovi: 43752 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Komunikacija: Citat: Culture: communicationCommunication patternsCroats possess strong opinions especially in the political sphere, but also concerning social and business matters. They are somewhat restrained in expressing them, however, and are less open than the Serbs, who often demonstrate their views forcibly or even in a fiery manner. A high level of education often enables Croats to pursue their argument in a sophisticated manner. Their linguistic skills are considerable. They shun rhetoric, choosing their words carefully for best effect.  In the diagrams depicting communication patterns, the depth of the initial segment generally gives some indication of the relative verbosity of the speaker. Barriers to the speech flow or progress of the meeting are shown by orange shaded divisions. At the end (on the right) there is usually a comment on what the outcome was (e.g. clarity, inconclusive, etc). Body language and non-verbal communicationDalmatian Croats are more demonstrable in their body language than those north of the Dinaric Alps. Dalmatian gestures are similar to those of northern Italians. Physical closeness and good eye contact are acceptable – less so in northern districts and in Zagreb. In all areas it is frequent to use body language (facial or with shoulders) to express cynicism. Listening habitsThey are not the world’s best listeners, inasmuch as they are suspicious of any arguments coming from an eastern direction and lapse into cynicism easily. They are, however, swayed by sophisticated and rational discourse, especially from a Western source. They may interrupt interlocutors, but generally do so in a courteous manner. Their quick minds cause them to evaluate speakers and formulate their reply while listening. Dalmatian Croats have a similar listening pattern to that of Italians. Further north they are influenced more by cold facts.  In the diagrams depicting listening habits, the orange zones indicates the areas of receptive, uncomplicated listening. The yellow zones indicate the areas of complication or conlflict. Audience expectations at presentations• They want logical arguments spiced with a little verve • They are suspicious of rhetoric or too much charisma • They “lean West” • Speakers should be well-dressed • They like reference to “new Croatia” • They appreciate humour • No confusing them with Serbs • They expect sophistication • They are fairly international • They warm to a speaker slowly (not before trust has been established)
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 02 ožu 2013, 16:50 |
Pridružen/a: 21 kol 2011, 16:34 Postovi: 15238 Lokacija: Misao svijeta
Malo površno s nekim netočnostima, ali pogađa u par mjesta dobro. Osobito o konceptu vremena.
_________________ Te kad mi jednom s dušom po svemiru se krene, Zaorit ću ko grom: O, gledajte ju divnu, vi zvijezde udivljene, To moj je, moj je dom!
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 02 ožu 2013, 16:56 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 09:25 Postovi: 43752 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Interakcija: Citat: Culture: interactionConcept of statusPerception of status is important to Croatians. They appreciate a high level of education and sophistication. They also respect money, power and influence. They strive to get qualified first, then use their education to achieve material ends. Trappings of status such as fine clothes, homes and cars are eagerly sought. Once money is available there is a tendency towards consumption. Gender issuesWomen are generally well-educated and find influential positions in business and politics. They are conscious of their reputation for physical attractiveness (as are female Serbs). Many of them excel in music and the arts. They are often gifted linguistically. Leadership styleCroatia was used by the Habsburgs as a defensive outpost against the Ottoman Empire. Croatian loyalty was to the Habsburg Emperor and to the Catholic Church. Leadership until independence emanated chiefly from Imperial or Church officials. During 45 years of Communism, leadership was invested in Communist party officials, often Serbian. Tito, however, was a Croat. In present-day Croatia some former Communist luminaries (now converted to a market economy) still linger in the halls of power. The many opportunities offered by tourism, however, are leading to the creation of an entrepreneurial class of managers who embrace Western principles. Meritocracy is on the rise, though respect for status and hierarchical rank remain. Language of managementCroatians are proud of the richness of their Slavic tongue and wield it effectively to manage staff and followers. Zagreb and the Dalmatian coast have different dialects. Overall there is a general respect for linguistic fluency and correctness. This, combined with a high level of education, facilitates motivation through elegant discourse. Motivation factors Croats are proud of their country and expect recognition They expect you to know something of their culture They consider themselves cultured and expect you to match their level of sophistication If you can gain their trust they will work well with you Distinguish them clearly from Serbs and Slovenes If you speak “Serbo-Croat”, make sure you use the Croat version They like entrepreneurial ideas Indicate you can be relaxed about certain laws and regulations They sometimes lack self-confidence, so it is wise to encourage them Socialise if they show they want to Emphasise their “Westernness” General behaviour at meetingsCroatia’s trading partners are mainly Italy, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Austria. Relations with neighbouring countries are partly very good (Hungary), periodically strained but not seriously so (Slovenia and Italy), and non-existent to reluctant (Yugoslavia). Bosnia is a special case, because it is not one country. Feelings towards foreigners are generally positive if they come from the West. If you are English or French, however, you will be met politely and be welcome to do business, but do not expect to be loved. Those two countries are perceived as being at the bottom of all the woes that have befallen Croatia in the past hundred years, and their continuing friendliness toward the Serbs does not help a bit. Still, if one can establish trust, this should not get in the way of business negotiations. Croatians are very eager to join the rest of Europe, where they feel they belong. They learn foreign languages, they travel as much as they can, and many of them have spent some time abroad. Therefore quite a few of them know what business transactions should look like, given a chance. This is especially true of the coastal people, the Dalmatians, who have close ties with the United States,. Unfortunately very often those are not the people who are in charge. In short, there is a great variety of possibilities, so you will have to exercise your judgement about the kind of people you are talking to. It is best to find out about their background first, to see which culture they feel comfortable with. Expect some delay in getting down to do business. There will be lots of refreshments and lots of digressions. It is best to prepare a strategy for keeping close to the agenda. Sub-discussions between those present may develop, and sometimes everybody will talk at the same time. Croatians are not the best listeners in the world. And they have the tendency to disagree with each other, which can slow down negotiations, unless the power structure in the group is such that everybody simply has to follow the leader. They will probably not use humour during a business meeting, but they will everywhere else. Their sense of humour is of a cynical, disenchanted kind, which they have in common with all Eastern Europeans. That, along with a certain lack of confidence, visible or not, is the result of never having been able to do what they wanted, because there was always someone there to stop them, often in a life-threatening way. A lot of Croatians have become fatalistic and have given up trying. They should be encouraged in trying positive thinking, indispensable in business. Meetings are usually held in a formal manner with use of titles. There is a general respect for hierarchy, as applied to seating arrangements and who takes the chair. No commitments are entered into early on. Trust must be established first. Croatians often say things that will please the other side. In general one takes statements with a pinch of salt. Deceit is not in fact intended, but Central Europeans tend to observe certain courtesies in communication.  Multi-active people are not happy with the bullet point approach, which they see as premature conclusions reached by their linear colleagues. They prefer to take points in random order (or in order of importance) and discuss them for hours before listing bullet points as conclusions. When they see them at the beginning they feel they have been manipulated. Negotiating characteristics A fair amount of small talk will precede definite proposals Actual meetings are rarely arranged unless some form of socialising has taken place first Agendas are followed in theory, but digression is common, especially with Dalmatians People from Zagreb are somewhat more linear in their discourse The style is generally sober with occasional flashes of sentiment Humour is left outside most business meetings In view of their previous oppression by others, Croats expect to be treated generously and think Western partners will offer concessions when their own resources are inadequate Reluctance to accept responsibility is frequent (a carry-over from Communist times) Normally only the chief negotiator takes decisions Apart from those who have spent a few years in the US, Croats have little experience of Western business procedures and methods. They often appear naïve Older men often use clichés from the communist time – old habits die hard Bluffing is fairly frequent Negotiations are tenacious enough, but rarely openly forceful. In the end they “get what they can” Meetings occasionally end in ambiguity. It is advisable to ask for frankness when this happens Contracts and commitmentsCroats normally make efforts to keep commitments, though they sometimes fail to do so, through attempting to bite off more than they can chew. They expect Westerners to show a certain flexibility when they are in difficulties. As business, especially tourism, develops, there is an increased adherence to contracts. After the fractures they have suffered, Croats cannot afford to lose any business that comes their way. Manners and taboosThere is nothing Slavic, Latin, Hungarian, Germanic or Middle Eastern that seems totally strange to Croats. Having been invaded and occupied many times, they have learned to eat many different foods and have a feel for all the diverse mentalities. As in other Central European countries, ladies enter a room first, but follow a man into a bar or restaurant. A handshake has to be firm. Eye contact is important and it is advisable to remove sunglasses while conversing with someone. In Croatia, the visitor will be entertained pretty lavishly, and not get enough sleep. Their hospitality is sincere and generous. They will also be eager to show you as much of their beloved country as possible. Their national anthem is not of the rousing martial kind, but it is simply “Our Beautiful Homeland” which the song proceeds to describe. Informal parties usually end with everybody singing. Sometimes there is even nothing else going on. In Dalmatia especially, you can often see a group of people in a café just singing, harmonising beautifully, sounding perfectly professional. In those parts, anybody who cannot carry a tune considers himself seriously handicapped. Do not ever call Croats Yugoslavs. Do not ever call their language Serbo-Croatian. Be equally careful not to refer to them as being part of the Balkans, geography notwithstanding. If you have to talk about world War II, you would do well to remember that while their Nazi puppet government did whatever the likes of them did in most occupied countries, it did not enjoy widespread support, and Croats made up the bulk of the fabled Yugoslav resistance, which was actually started by them. And if you talk about their recent war, never call it a civil war or a religious war, because it was neither, and Croats are very tired of hearing that it was. Croatians have a lot of old-fashioned customs which originated in their peasant past. Folklore and folk arts live on and festivals take place regularly. They are happy to share these events and parties with strangers. Often they take place in the country. As for eating and drinking, there is a lot of it. Alcohol is consumed sitting down with enough time allowed to do it properly. The Croats are more wine-oriented than the beer-loving Czechs and produce reasonable wines. Soccer is the most popular sport, though skiing and hiking are common. Socialising with friends in wine cellars and taverns is a way of life. As for coffee, Croats prefer espresso or cappuccinos (Serbs drink Turkish coffee). Music has long occupied an important and distinguished place in Croat life. A national musical tradition began to develop in the 19th century. How to empathize with themDo not talk down to them. In business and investment, make them understand that you are not trying to take over, as there is some fear in certain circles that foreign investors are trying to “buy up Croatia”. Express appreciation for their cultural and artistic patrimony, and the beauty of their country. Show them that you understand that they are truly European. Eat and drink with them as much as you can, which may not be as much as they do. Expect to be exposed to some soul-searching. Personal contact is important. If mutual trust is established, you may make some good friends, business is likely to benefit and you may be in for an enjoyable time. Croats appreciate visitors and partners who know who they are, especially their culture, arts and sports.
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 02 ožu 2013, 17:30 |
Pridružen/a: 24 vel 2012, 13:46 Postovi: 6569 Lokacija: kašeta brokava
Ovo je 95% tocno. Jedino ne znam koliko je staro, jer se spominje Jugoslavija kao susjedna zemlja.
_________________ Čast svakome, veresija nikome.
Jutarnji list, 16.11.2012., 8h:
Sudac Meron danas će pročitati konačnu presudu Hrvatskoj dr. Franje Tuđmana.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 02 ožu 2013, 18:05 |
Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2009, 21:01 Postovi: 13737 Lokacija: ZG
Ovo je brutalno, ne mos vjerovat...
_________________ Muslimane ko je kleo, nije dangubio.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 02 ožu 2013, 18:26 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11 Postovi: 24251 Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Jako detaljno i vidi se da je netko, tko dobro pozna situaciju pisao. Vidi se, kako na Zapadu se u biznisu ništa ne prepušta slučaju. Ovo tako mrzim, a često doživljavam: Citat: Meetings occasionally end in ambiguity. It is advisable to ask for frankness when this happens
_________________ Safe European Home
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 04 ožu 2013, 00:44 |
Pridružen/a: 12 lip 2009, 13:19 Postovi: 5947 Lokacija: Croatia Alba; site:hercegbosna.org/forum
Nevjerojatno precizan opis mog iskustva u nastupu i pristupu hrvatske strane prema strancima. Nisam mislio da su opisani oblici komunikacije i interakcije do te mjere dominantni među Hrvatima.
Hvala na postanju ovog priručnika.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 04 ožu 2013, 00:49 |
Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09 Postovi: 15513
Nekako propuštam da shvatim važnost ovog priručnika, stvari mi nekako izgledaju previše uopštene sa par "caka"... ili je do mene?
_________________ + Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 04 ožu 2013, 10:10 |
Pridružen/a: 12 lip 2009, 13:19 Postovi: 5947 Lokacija: Croatia Alba; site:hercegbosna.org/forum
Metemma je napisao/la: Nekako propuštam da shvatim važnost ovog priručnika, stvari mi nekako izgledaju previše uopštene sa par "caka"... ili je do mene? Na prvi pogled se tako može činiti. Ipak, ako se ljudi prepoznaju u opisu, onda se čini da postoji relativno homogeni obrazac ponašanja. Iznenadilo me da je ono čega sam se je nagledao i kako sam postupao u poslovnoj komunikaciji sa strancima, toliko univerzalna pojava, da nalazi mjesta u priručniku za strance kao opći hrvatski tip ponašanja. Neobično mi je da hrvatski izvoznik električnih kablova ili uvoznik automobila u osnovi nastupaju identično meni. Ministar je u prvom postu napisao svrhu priručnika: Citat: Dobio sam pristup jednom skupom američkom servisu koji poslovnim ljudima nudi analizu kulture (između ostalih usluga) u velikom broju zemalja. Ako Ministar postavi ostale zatražene priručnike, onda ćemo moći vidjeti kolike su varijacije i razlike prema ostalim susjednim narodima. Priručnik o srpskoj kulturi je, čini se prema reakcijama srpskih forumaša, prilično vjerno opisao i srpski obrazac komunikacije, a potvrdio je i moje ranije stvorene dojmove.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 04 ožu 2013, 18:34 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
To je priručnik za izbjegavanje konflikta i sklapanje boljih ugovora kad srećeš potpune strance. Nije ni zamišljeno da osvajaš srca i duše djevojaka i duboke veze.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
Vrh |
Naša Kvačica
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 08 ožu 2013, 15:27 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 17:49 Postovi: 34356
PCM je napisao/la: Ovo je brutalno, ne mos vjerovat... Prestrašno. Osjećam se gol. 
_________________ Ukidanjem BiH štedimo 50 milijardi KM. Neka razum prevlada.
1126 of 2558 - 44.02%
Sarajevo, generalno sarajevska kotlina je rasadnik zla i mržnje. Frustrirana, napaćena i bahata sredina.
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 14 lip 2015, 15:37 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 09:25 Postovi: 43752 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Razmišljajući pomalo o različitostima i heterogenosti hrvatskoga naroda, mi je palo na pamet da bi se možda mogli poslužiti matematikom i zemljopisom kako bi te razlike stavili u europski kontekst.
Ako nisam previdio neku zemlju, Hrvatska je apsolutni i nadmoćni prvak u Europi kada se mjere udaljenosti između njenih najvećih gradova u kontekstu veličine same zemlje i broja stanovnika. Mali broj stanovnika na velikim udaljenostima mora biti uzročnik heterogenosti i nesporazuma.
1. Zagreb - Split 409km 2. Zagreb - Dubrovnik 599km 3. Split - Osijek 688km! 4. Rijeka - Osijek 438km 5. Pula - Vukovar 555km
Dakle, to je sve na 4m ljudi i 56 tisuća kvadratnih km.
Uzmimo Italiju s 61m (15x više) ljudi i 301 tisuća (6x više) kvadratnih km (i podjelama Sjever-Jug)
1. Milano - Rim 574km (manje od Zagreb - Dubrovnik) 2. Milano - Torino 144km 3. Milano - Napulj 775km
Španjolsku s svim njenim regionalnim razlikama i problemima (10x veća i po stanovništu i površini).
1. Madrid - Barcelona 621km 2. Madrid - Bilbao 398km (iliti manje od Zagreb - Split)
Njemačka s 81m ljudi (20x više) i 356 (7x više) kvadratnih km
1. Minhen - Berlin 585km
Enivej, mislim da je poanta jasna. Da vidimo zemlje slične veličine i broja stanovnika:
1. Budimpešta - Debrecen 231km
1. Beograd - Novi Sad 94km 2. Beograd - Niš 237km
1. Beč - Salzburg 296km 2. Beg - Graz 199km
1. Sofia - Plovdiv 145km
1. Amsterdam - Roterdam 74km 2. Amsterdam - Eindhoven 124km
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 14 lip 2015, 18:31 |
Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2010, 23:57 Postovi: 2541
ne moze se strpat cjelokupna nacija pod ove opise.razlicitosti su izrazite
_________________ ...naši zadržavaju po koju usamljenu zgradu, kao: "Hrvatski dom", hotel "Kalin", jedna zgrada u Gaju... Sva vojska u potpunom okruženju. Takvo nešto ne bih ni ja baba rasporedila.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 14 lip 2015, 19:35 |
Pridružen/a: 20 pro 2011, 20:02 Postovi: 8414
To je tocno, oni su uzeli Dalmaciju i Zagreb kao najvecu referencu, a mislin da je Slavonija posebna po mentalitetu i naravno druge regije. Samo ko ce to sve pohvatati, mogle bi se knjige pisati na tu temu.
Onako povrsno gledano je dosta toga tocno.
_________________ Oj Hrvati, svi na desno krilo....
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 22 lip 2020, 07:23 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 09:25 Postovi: 43752 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Bump za novije braću i sestre Perece. Ovo je jedna od vrijednijih ekskluziva za forum. Napisano je tamo 2005. pa zanemarite neke arhaične izraze i teme, pa i statistike, pogledajte jesmo li suštinski pročitani.
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 22 lip 2020, 08:33 |
Pridružen/a: 30 tra 2018, 13:41 Postovi: 5913
Ja mislim ako je pisano za biznis onda je loše, ako je pisano generalno za društvenu orijentaciju djelomično može proć...al to može proć za bilo koju mediteransku europsku državu.
Mislim i budali je jasno da hrvati mrze jugoslavene (srbe) pa Jugoslaviju je osnovo srbski kralj za teror nad hrvatima! (zato smo ga i ubili)
Nema ništa o tradiciji o moru i utjecaju Hrvatske na povijest Svijeta, jer moderni Svijet je nezamisliv bez Hrvatske, ko što je nezamisliv bez Italije, Francuske, Njemaćke, Britanie...usporedbe sa izmišljenim državama tipa Slovenije, Bosne, Slovačke, Češke su smiješne
Nije ni čudno zašto USA biznis ne prolazi u Hrvatskoj.
U svakom slučaju ZANIMLJIV izvor informacija fala što si refrešo
_________________ JA SAM ZAGREB !!!
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 22 lip 2020, 09:29 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 09:25 Postovi: 43752 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
2020 Addendum by MoS:
All Croats, regardless of their regional or political affiliation crave and desire approval from those nations they consider superior to them (northern hemispere, starting at the Austrian border and ending on the US Pacific coast). The approval can manifest itself as the merest mention or acknowledgment of existence by a Western politician, personality or a media outlet. Croatian media spends thousands of man hours per week combing through any and all mentions of Croatia in the public discourse of nations deemed superior to Croatia. These are immediately relayed to the anxious body public, who will subsequently dissect and analyse the quote or article in question. Depending on the content and length, this may become THE burning issue among the political elite.
It has been said that Croats are akin to an incel beta-orbiter, continually orbiting the object of their lust and attention, only occassionally receiving the smallest token of recognition, which is sadly enough to keep them mesmerised and in a state of servitude, hoping that one day, it will be their turn for a warm and loving embrace.
Safe topics and easy brownie points with Croats of any political persuasion:
- Compliment them on the beauty of their town (don't compliment the entire country, as Croats from the left side of the political spectrum might be horrified as they could perceive that you think they are nationalist and expect their country to be spoken about in a kind manner) - Tell them that you have heard that Croats are "good Europeans" and that have done a good job of keeping the EU together.
For anything outside of that, you need to identify whether a person is from the left or the right. This can be gleaned by asking them whether they recommend "Index" or "Vecernji" as your own source of information. If it's the former, proceed as follows:
- Compliment them on the progress that Croatia has made moving on from its "fascist past" (don't ask just do it) - Tell them that you and your friends in the west have heard about "eminent human rights activists" such as Jelena Veljaca and Oliver Frljic and that Croatia is earning a good reputation in the west for being a very "progressive country" - Compliment them on the immaculate organisation and support of the Zagreb Pride - Wax lyrical about the amazing cultural spectacle put on in the city of Rijeka and remark that it might just have been THE pinnacle of European culture - Wish them good luck in dismantling the conservative shackles and "regional rednecks" who are holding the country back from receiving even more praise from the "friends in the west"
If the person reads Vecernji, do the following:
- Compliment them on the beauty of the entire country and make a big point of telling them you could see a huge difference as soon as you crossed the border from Serbia (do mention that the Serbs were not your cup of tea and that Croats are "real Europeans") - Mention that their football team was "robbed" in the WC 2018 final - Thank the Croats for protecting the borders of the west for centuries and especially now - Tell them that you have heard that Franjo Tudjman was a leader akin to George Washington and whether they could tell you more about it - Tell them that you are a military history buff and that you have heard that their brilliant "Operation Storm" is a mandatory subject in the military academies of the country you hail from
Proceed to fuck them over and extract the maximum in whatever your extractive commercial or political goal is.
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 22 lip 2020, 11:30 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11 Postovi: 24251 Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Ministry of Sound je napisao/la: 2020 Addendum by MoS:
All Croats, regardless of their regional or political affiliation crave and desire approval from those nations they consider superior to them (northern hemispere, starting at the Austrian border and ending on the US Pacific coast). The approval can manifest itself as the merest mention or acknowledgment of existence by a Western politician, personality or a media outlet. Croatian media spends thousands of man hours per week combing through any and all mentions of Croatia in the public discourse of nations deemed superior to Croatia. These are immediately relayed to the anxious body public, who will subsequently dissect and analyse the quote or article in question. Depending on the content and length, this may become THE burning issue among the political elite.
It has been said that Croats are akin to an incel beta-orbiter, continually orbiting the object of their lust and attention, only occassionally receiving the smallest token of recognition, which is sadly enough to keep them mesmerised and in a state of servitude, hoping that one day, it will be their turn for a warm and loving embrace.
Safe topics and easy brownie points with Croats of any political persuasion:
- Compliment them on the beauty of their town (don't compliment the entire country, as Croats from the left side of the political spectrum might be horrified as they could perceive that you think they are nationalist and expect their country to be spoken about in a kind manner) - Tell them that you have heard that Croats are "good Europeans" and that have done a good job of keeping the EU together.
For anything outside of that, you need to identify whether a person is from the left or the right. This can be gleaned by asking them whether they recommend "Index" or "Vecernji" as your own source of information. If it's the former, proceed as follows:
- Compliment them on the progress that Croatia has made moving on from its "fascist past" (don't ask just do it) - Tell them that you and your friends in the west have heard about "eminent human rights activists" such as Jelena Veljaca and Oliver Frljic and that Croatia is earning a good reputation in the west for being a very "progressive country" - Compliment them on the immaculate organisation and support of the Zagreb Pride - Wax lyrical about the amazing cultural spectacle put on in the city of Rijeka and remark that it might just have been THE pinnacle of European culture - Wish them good luck in dismantling the conservative shackles and "regional rednecks" who are holding the country back from receiving even more praise from the "friends in the west"
If the person reads Vecernji, do the following:
- Compliment them on the beauty of the entire country and make a big point of telling them you could see a huge difference as soon as you crossed the border from Serbia (do mention that the Serbs were not your cup of tea and that Croats are "real Europeans") - Mention that their football team was "robbed" in the WC 2018 final - Thank the Croats for protecting the borders of the west for centuries and especially now - Tell them that you have heard that Franjo Tudjman was a leader akin to George Washington and whether they could tell you more about it - Tell them that you are a military history buff and that you have heard that their brilliant "Operation Storm" is a mandatory subject in the military academies of the country you hail from
Proceed to fuck them over and extract the maximum in whatever your extractive commercial or political goal is. 
_________________ Safe European Home
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 22 lip 2020, 12:28 |
Pridružen/a: 30 tra 2018, 13:41 Postovi: 5913
Takav stav bi mogo proć isključivo kod neobrazovanih ljudi, al s obzirom da većina njih ne govori strane jezike malo od tog bi prošlo
Ko puši te priče o ljepoti zemlje, osim (polupismenih) novinara..."How do you like Croatia" pa to je poštapalica za zajebanciju na račun novinara u ZG - TV kuće i novinari su najomraženiji ljudi by far in Croatia, a zanimljivo da su u vlasništvu istih ti stranaca...
Ko uopće čita večernji? ljudi evemtualno pročitaju poslovni (u vlasništvu iste grupe) Ko uopće čita Index? osim male grupe mlađe ekipe
Korupcija je najveći problem u RH a ona se sponzorira naveliko iz vana (ne proizvode hrvati kokain, marihuanu, dope i sl.)
Kompliment koji se može dat hrvatima je da su sigurna zemlja (što je činjenica zbog duboke usađenosti Rimokatoličkog odgoja koji propagira mirno rješavanje problema) Da su hrvati ekološki osvješteni i da gotovo u 90% slučajeva biraju siguran i čist okoliš umjesto prljavog profita (što je također neosporna činjenica i posljedica Rimokatoličkog odgoja koji se bazira na dobrobiti cijele zajednice, a ne profitu pojedinaca)
Postoji cijeli niz biznis projekata na razini države koji su propali zbog negativnog utjecaja na okoliš!
Tako da priče o turizmu i slučajnosti istog (zbog čistog mora) mogu pušit samo polupismeni. Turizam je posljedica hrvata koji žive tu. Uostalom da nije tako Crna Gora, Albanija bi bile u vrhu po profitu od turizma...
More je teško ukrotit i ko god radi il je radio nešto uz more zna da je to krvav poso, a mi smo po tome u samom vrhu od pamtivjeka...
STOP using news people as a standard behavier for average croatian citizen!
NEVER confuse my politeness with weakness
- to bi trebalo upisat tamo VELIKIM slovima...haha
_________________ JA SAM ZAGREB !!!
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 22 lip 2020, 14:43 |
Pridružen/a: 10 tra 2018, 22:19 Postovi: 3488
Odlični uvodni postovi, jako precizno. Citat: Bosnia is a special case, because it is not one country
Ovo mi je zanimljivo, vjerovatno je članak između 1995.-2000.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 26 lip 2020, 16:57 |
Pridružen/a: 02 sij 2011, 12:38 Postovi: 2814
Već sam to viđala na internetu. To rade strane ambasade, i to mi se ne sviđa. Radi se na način da intervjuiraju neku Hrvaticu/Hrvata koji se iselio kod njih, zatim nekog njihovog državljanina koji živi/ je živio tu/ i uspoređuju njihove odgovore. To je profesionalan, stručni rad, usmjeren na konkretnu korist. Oni koji to rade su visokoobrazovani sociolozi/antropolozi i nije jedan priručnik. Nadam se da i mi to radimo njima. Ali dobar podsjetnik sljedeći put kad pomislite da neki službenik strane ambasade ili stranac koji je ovdje tek došao ne zna ništa sustinski o vama, da se podsjetite da to nije baš tako. Ovo je ono što je javno.
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 15 sij 2021, 17:50 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 09:25 Postovi: 43752 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Bump za novije hrvatske forumaše, ovo je jedna od najvrijednijih stvari na ovom forumu, nema drugdje.
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
The Green Zebra
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 15 sij 2021, 18:27 |
Pridružen/a: 02 sij 2021, 01:17 Postovi: 1419
Ministry of Sound je napisao/la: Bump za novije hrvatske forumaše, ovo je jedna od najvrijednijih stvari na ovom forumu, nema drugdje. Ovo je staro, je li ostalo isto ili ima neki update? Ovo je sa CultureActive, je li tako?
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Hrvatska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 15 sij 2021, 18:33 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 09:25 Postovi: 43752 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
The Green Zebra je napisao/la: Ministry of Sound je napisao/la: Bump za novije hrvatske forumaše, ovo je jedna od najvrijednijih stvari na ovom forumu, nema drugdje. Ovo je staro, je li ostalo isto ili ima neki update? Ovo je sa CultureActive, je li tako? Je, Culture Active mislim, ali primarni izvor je: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/482071.When_Cultures_CollideA update sam ja osobno napravio, eno ga gore, nekoliko postova iznad: 2020 Addendum by MoS: All Croats, regardless of their regional or political affiliation crave and desire approval from those nations they consider superior to them (northern hemispere, starting at the Austrian border and ending on the US Pacific coast). The approval can manifest itself as the merest mention or acknowledgment of existence by a Western politician, personality or a media outlet. Croatian media spends thousands of man hours per week combing through any and all mentions of Croatia in the public discourse of nations deemed superior to Croatia. These are immediately relayed to the anxious body public, who will subsequently dissect and analyse the quote or article in question. Depending on the content and length, this may become THE burning issue among the political elite. It has been said that Croats are akin to an incel beta-orbiter, continually orbiting the object of their lust and attention, only occassionally receiving the smallest token of recognition, which is sadly enough to keep them mesmerised and in a state of servitude, hoping that one day, it will be their turn for a warm and loving embrace. Safe topics and easy brownie points with Croats of any political persuasion: - Compliment them on the beauty of their town (don't compliment the entire country, as Croats from the left side of the political spectrum might be horrified as they could perceive that you think they are nationalist and expect their country to be spoken about in a kind manner) - Tell them that you have heard that Croats are "good Europeans" and that have done a good job of keeping the EU together. For anything outside of that, you need to identify whether a person is from the left or the right. This can be gleaned by asking them whether they recommend "Index" or "Vecernji" as your own source of information. If it's the former, proceed as follows: - Compliment them on the progress that Croatia has made moving on from its "fascist past" (don't ask just do it) - Tell them that you and your friends in the west have heard about "eminent human rights activists" such as Jelena Veljaca and Oliver Frljic and that Croatia is earning a good reputation in the west for being a very "progressive country" - Compliment them on the immaculate organisation and support of the Zagreb Pride - Wax lyrical about the amazing cultural spectacle put on in the city of Rijeka and remark that it might just have been THE pinnacle of European culture - Wish them good luck in dismantling the conservative shackles and "regional rednecks" who are holding the country back from receiving even more praise from the "friends in the west" If the person reads Vecernji, do the following: - Compliment them on the beauty of the entire country and make a big point of telling them you could see a huge difference as soon as you crossed the border from Serbia (do mention that the Serbs were not your cup of tea and that Croats are "real Europeans") - Mention that their football team was "robbed" in the WC 2018 final - Thank the Croats for protecting the borders of the west for centuries and especially now - Tell them that you have heard that Franjo Tudjman was a leader akin to George Washington and whether they could tell you more about it - Tell them that you are a military history buff and that you have heard that their brilliant "Operation Storm" is a mandatory subject in the military academies of the country you hail from Proceed to fuck them over and extract the maximum in whatever your extractive commercial or political goal is.
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
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