

Forum Hrvata BiH
Sada je: 07 ožu 2025, 02:01.

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Stranica Prethodna  1 ... 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9  Sljedeća
Autor/ica Poruka
 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 14:15 

Pridružen/a: 08 lip 2021, 18:22
Postovi: 5678
Lokacija: Herceg-Bosna
Reconquista je napisao/la:
Neslužbeni diplomatski dokument o Bosni i Hercegovini, čiji je pokretač Hrvatska, naišao je na dobar prijem kod ministara vanjskih poslova država članica Evropske unije, izjavio je u ponedjeljak hrvatski ministar vanjskih i europskih poslova Gordan Grlić Radman.

Na sastanku ministara vanjskih poslova EU-a predstavio je neslužbeni diplomatski dokument, “non-paper” o Bosni i Hercegovini, koji je pokrenula Hrvatska, a pridružilo joj se još pet zemalja – Slovenija, Mađarska, Bugarska, Grčka i Cipar, prenosi Hina.

Naša braća !

Tu se nakon nabavke rafala pridružuje i Francuska .

Poljska malo kasni ali bi se i ona priključila .

Forumaš Dudu : na komentar o slomu Herceg Bosne i Hrvata u njoj .

"Bmk da prostiš, mene u BIH još samo zanima ispratit muslimane do nula u rođenima"

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 14:16 

Pridružen/a: 08 lip 2021, 18:22
Postovi: 5678
Lokacija: Herceg-Bosna
Mislim da bi na balkanu trebao se razvit blok unutar EU i NATO-a Hrvatska-Mađarska-Bugarska .

Zajedno imamo 20 milijuna stanovnika a imamo slična gledišta što se tiče europe .


Bugari zbog turaka
Mi zbog ovih radikala u trokutu
A Mađari zbog svoji stavova .

Forumaš Dudu : na komentar o slomu Herceg Bosne i Hrvata u njoj .

"Bmk da prostiš, mene u BIH još samo zanima ispratit muslimane do nula u rođenima"

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 14:18 

Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 01:05
Postovi: 22488
storarare je napisao/la:
Ajde sad otvori tjemu o vjekovnom bratstvu sa Aljbancima .

Čičak, fluoksetin 50mg dnevno. Biće ti mnogo bolje za jedno mesec dana, budalo depresivna.

Pazi ga, čudi se što naši neprijatelji vole naše neprijatelje, jebote koje iznanađenje, ne čudi me što si preneražen zbog toga.

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 14:26 

Pridružen/a: 01 lip 2021, 10:38
Postovi: 8643
Lokacija: Tu negde
Po čemu si zaključio da sam depresivan ?

Popis 2022-ge 99,99%Srbendi .
"Novi Pazar ,Sjenica i Tutin 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilne mujage".
"Preševo i Bujanovac 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilni Šiptari ".

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 14:28 

Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 01:05
Postovi: 22488
Pusti ti kako sam zaključio, idi kod psihijatra da ti prepiše neki SSRI ili SNRI.

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 14:30 

Pridružen/a: 01 lip 2021, 10:38
Postovi: 8643
Lokacija: Tu negde
Znači ja sam po tebi lud pa treba da idem kod psihijatra

Popis 2022-ge 99,99%Srbendi .
"Novi Pazar ,Sjenica i Tutin 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilne mujage".
"Preševo i Bujanovac 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilni Šiptari ".

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 14:32 

Pridružen/a: 01 lip 2021, 10:38
Postovi: 8643
Lokacija: Tu negde
A onda ti isti traže pomoć od Srba glede mujagi -

Popis 2022-ge 99,99%Srbendi .
"Novi Pazar ,Sjenica i Tutin 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilne mujage".
"Preševo i Bujanovac 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilni Šiptari ".

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 14:33 

Pridružen/a: 22 stu 2009, 12:36
Postovi: 25809
Lokacija: СРПСКА
Сърбия на Уна

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 14:33 

Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 01:05
Postovi: 22488
Niti sam rekao da si lud, niti sam ti preporučio antipsihotike.

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 15:26 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 12467
Th1950 je napisao/la:
Reconquista je napisao/la:

Naša braća !

Tu se nakon nabavke rafala pridružuje i Francuska .

Poljska malo kasni ali bi se i ona priključila .

To je bio prvi krug. Sklone su nam još neke zemlje.

HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 15:28 

Pridružen/a: 01 lip 2021, 10:38
Postovi: 8643
Lokacija: Tu negde
Ma da svi narodi su rvatske kujice .

Popis 2022-ge 99,99%Srbendi .
"Novi Pazar ,Sjenica i Tutin 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilne mujage".
"Preševo i Bujanovac 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilni Šiptari ".

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 15:29 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 12467
To ti se zovu kompleksi. Ideš ko gruppie i komentiraš stvari koje te se ne tiču.

HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 15:32 

Pridružen/a: 10 svi 2019, 22:58
Postovi: 21116
DzoniBG je napisao/la:
Orion je napisao/la:

Nego, vidim da imaš avatar od Aleksandra. Znači li to da imaš pozitivno mišljenje o njemu?

Kompleksna licnost... podeljeno misljenje, za neke stvari je bio dobar, u politici uglavnom los...

Vise tu stoji jer su od njega komunisti napravili demona i diktatora... a bio je mnogo toga sto je Tito postao kasnije...o kome sve najbolje...

Kralj je bio tiranin, da ga je narod volio ne bi prošao kako je prošao u Marseju.

#Zoki 2024

Apartmanđije, uhljebi i kradeze = grobari Hrvata

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 15:37 

Pridružen/a: 10 svi 2019, 22:58
Postovi: 21116
Agathonikos je napisao/la:
Сърбия на Уна

Možda prvo pokušate doći na Kosovo, daleko je Una :laugh

#Zoki 2024

Apartmanđije, uhljebi i kradeze = grobari Hrvata

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 15:55 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 12467

The mobilization period lasted between 17 and 18 days, during which it was covered from the Serbians only by border guards. By the end of September the total number of mobilized personnel reached 15,908 officers and 600,772 soldiers (12-13% of the population), some 19,224 reservists however were absent.

These forces were divided between the three field armies, several independent units and the troops stationed in the interior of the country. As planned and agreed with the Military Convention the 1st Army concentrated on the old border with Serbia and was placed under the command of Army Group Mackensen. The 2nd Army was deployed against Vardar Macedonia and remained under direct Bulgarian control. The 3rd Army was tasked with the protection of the Romanian border. Two divisions were stationed on the Greek border and another one was kept as reserve of the high command.

A total of 390 battalions were mobilized - some 232 infantry and 11 pioneer battalions within the eleven infantry divisions containing 469,140 men; another 75 battalions containing 86,444 men were independent; 31 militia and 41 supplementary battalions containing 64,845 men remained in the interior of the country. The artillery of various caliber was deployed in 219 batteries - 94 batteries with 409 guns in the 1st Army, 44 batteries with 182 guns in the 2nd Army, 50 batteries with 401 guns in the 3rd Army and 31 batteries with 130 guns in the three independent divisions.The cavalry mobilized around 62 squadrons.

All but one division retained the three infantry brigade structure typical for a Bulgarian division. The total personnel of most divisions was over 40,000 men, which made them the equivalent of the army corps in other armies.

Following the mobilization of 1915 the Bulgarian General Staff was left with few unmobilized reservists. In order to secure a source of reinforcements for the army it opened new military schools for young infantry, cavalry, artillery officers and soldiers. Thus from the end of 1915 until the beginning of 1918 the four regular annual contingents of young conscripts were called and received their training. Their total number was 214,343 and was sufficient for the replacing the 181,515 casualties that had occurred.

The exact number of all the mobilized men during the war however remains unclear. Some sources point at a number of 1,200,000 men which seems to be on the high side but still may be close to the truth. When trying to determine the precise number it must be taken into account that towards September 1918 the Bulgarian Army reached a strength ranging between 855,175 and 877,392 men under arms in all branches of the service, or some 18% of the population, and that for the duration of the war the army also used the manpower of the territories it had occupied – some 133,837 men from the Macedonian regions were mobilized.

1st Army (commander Lt. Gen. Kliment Boyadzhiev)
1st Sofia Infantry Division (commander Maj. Gen. Yanko Draganov)
6th Bdin Infantry Division (commander Maj. Gen. Asen Papadopov)
8th Tundzha Infantry Division (commander Maj. Gen. Todor Mitov)
9th Pleven Infantry Division (commander Maj. Gen. Stefan Nerezov)

2nd Army (commander Lt. Gen. Georgi Todorov)
3rd Balkan Infantry Division (commander Maj. Gen. Nikola Ribarov)
7th Rila Infantry Division (commander Maj. Gen. Valko Vasilev)
1st Cavalry Division (commander Maj. Gen. Aleksandar Tanev)

3rd Army (commander Lt. Gen. Stefan Toshev)
4th Preslav Infantry Division (commander Maj. Gen. Panteley Kiselov)
5th Danube Infantry Division (commander Maj. Gen. Panayot Barnev)

2nd Thracian Infantry Division (commander Maj. Gen. Dimitar Geshov)
10th Aegean Infantry Division (commander Maj. Gen. Ivan kolev)
11th Macedonian Infantry Division (commander Col. Krastyo Zlatarev)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobilizat ... my_in_1915

HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 16:06 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 12467
The commander in chief of the Bulgarian Army Nikola Zhekov

In the First World War Bulgaria decisively asserted its military capabilities.

The Second Battle of Doiran, with general Vladimir Vazov as commander, inflicted a heavy blow on the numerically superior British Army, which suffered 12,000 casualties against two thousand from the opposite side.

One year later, during the Third Battle of Doiran, the United Kingdom, supported by Greece, once again suffered a humiliating defeat, losing 3,155 men against just about five hundred for the Bulgarian side.

The reputation of the French Army also suffered badly. The Battle of the Red Wall was marked with the total defeat of the French forces, with 5,700 out of six thousand men killed. The 261 Frenchmen who survived were captured by Bulgarian soldiers.

Out of a 4.5 million population, Bulgaria fielded 1,200,000 people in its army.

Even this vast expansion of the military could not save Bulgaria from the imminent defeat of its patron Germany. The Allied breakthrough at Dobro Pole and the subsequent soldier mutiny at Vladaya completely disrupted the war effort in 1918. Bulgaria capitulated soon after these events.

Bulgarian casualties amounted to 412,000, along with 253,000 refugees created from the lost territories.


HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 16:08 

Pridružen/a: 01 lip 2021, 10:38
Postovi: 8643
Lokacija: Tu negde
weasel je napisao/la:
Agathonikos je napisao/la:
Сърбия на Уна

Možda prvo pokušate doći na Kosovo, daleko je Una :laugh

Možda prvo pokušate doći do Lašve daljeko je Drina .

Popis 2022-ge 99,99%Srbendi .
"Novi Pazar ,Sjenica i Tutin 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilne mujage".
"Preševo i Bujanovac 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilni Šiptari ".

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 16:14 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 12467
A detachment of the Bulgarian 57th infantry regiment pose with three British POWs, captured near the Upper Viper Heights at the front near Doiran.

The Battle of Doiran was a 1917 battle between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria.

The battle for a breakthrough in the Bulgarian positions began on 22 April and continued intermittently until 9 May 1917. The assault began with a bitter four-day artillery barrage in which the British fired about 100,000 shells. As a result, the earthworks and some wooden structures in the front positions were destroyed. The Bulgarians also opened fire from the batteries between Vardar and Doiran. Vladimir Vazov ordered fire day and night on the Allied positions. The initial several-hour struggle between the British and Bulgarian batteries was followed by a one-hour Bulgarian counter-barrage in which 10,000 shells were fired.

The British infantry began its attack on the night of 24–25 April - 12 companies attacked the Bulgarian 2nd Brigade and after a bloody fight managed to take the "Nerezov", "Knyaz Boris" and "Pazardzhik" positions. After a Bulgarian counter-attack the British were repulsed with heavy casualties and by 8 pm had retreated. The British assaults on the right and central fronts were also repulsed with heavy casualties after help from the Bulgarian artillery.

The British attacks in the next two days were defeated by constant Bulgarian fire and counter-attacks. Due to this fire the British withdrew to their initial positions on 27 April, the Bulgarians immediately started to reconstruct the destroyed fortifications.

Due to criticism by their high command, the British made new attempts at a breakthrough. On 8 May, after a long artillery barrage, they began another attack. The main assault started at 9 pm with five waves of British troops attacking the Bulgarian positions. After four attacks during the night of 8–9 May the British were defeated and suffered enormous casualties. A Times correspondent wrote that the British soldiers called the "Boris" point "the valley of death".

The artillery duel continued until 9 May but due to heavy casualties the British had to abandon all attacks. They lost 12,000 killed, wounded and captured of which more than 2,250 were buried by the Bulgarian defenders. The losses of the Ninth Pleven Infantry Division were 2,000 of whom 900 died from disease and wounds.

The Battle of Doiran was a 1917 battle between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria during World War I.

Result: Bulgarian victory


1 Division:
30,000 men
147 guns
35 mortars
130 machine guns

United Kingdom
3 Divisions:
43,000 men
160 guns
110 mortars
440 machine guns

Casualties and losses

Bulgaria 2,000

United Kingdom 12,000


HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 16:15 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 12467
storarare je napisao/la:
weasel je napisao/la:

Možda prvo pokušate doći na Kosovo, daleko je Una :laugh

Možda prvo pokušate doći do Lašve daljeko je Drina .

Nekima daleka Drina, nekima daljeko Kosovo.

HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 16:23 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 12467

The Third Battle of Doiran was fought from 18–19 September 1918, with the Greeks and the British assaulting the positions of the Bulgarian First Army near Dojran Lake. The battle was part of World War I and took place in the Balkan Theatre. The battle ended with the Bulgarians repulsing all attacks.

9th (Pleven) Infantry Division

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
22nd Division

Serres Division
Crete Division


Bulgaria 35,000

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 45,672
Greece 29,328
Total: 75,000

Casualties and losses

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 3,155-3,871
Greece 3,404-3,948
Total: 6,559-7,819

Bulgaria: 2,726


HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 16:24 

Pridružen/a: 10 svi 2019, 22:58
Postovi: 21116
storarare je napisao/la:
weasel je napisao/la:

Možda prvo pokušate doći na Kosovo, daleko je Una :laugh

Možda prvo pokušate doći do Lašve daljeko je Drina .

Mi ćemo jednog dana preuzeti Federaciju kad **** isele, a vi vratiti Kosovo nećete nikada.

#Zoki 2024

Apartmanđije, uhljebi i kradeze = grobari Hrvata

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 16:34 

Pridružen/a: 13 stu 2021, 11:31
Postovi: 781
To se može nazvati pobjedom Bugara ali ni na kakav način ne možemo reći da je tu išta fascinantno jer u vojnom svijetu je poznato tzv. “3:1” pravilo u borbama na zemlji. Napadačka sila mora biti najmanje tri puta veća od obrambene da bi napad bio uspješan. Poslati 75.000 ljudi na 35.000 ljudi koji su u defanzivi nije dovoljno.

Zbog toga je Oluja tako fascinantna npr. Da bi se izvela, bilo je potrebno poslati puno veću silu, ali suprotno logici, bila je iznimno uspješna, van svih očekivanja.

Spusti jedan bili cvitak tamo iznad Kijeva

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 16:47 

Pridružen/a: 01 lip 2021, 10:38
Postovi: 8643
Lokacija: Tu negde
weasel je napisao/la:
storarare je napisao/la:

Možda prvo pokušate doći do Lašve daljeko je Drina .

Mi ćemo jednog dana preuzeti Federaciju kad **** isele, a vi vratiti Kosovo nećete nikada.

Šta šiptari ne sele ?
Još neka godina i padaju ispod 10 %

Popis 2022-ge 99,99%Srbendi .
"Novi Pazar ,Sjenica i Tutin 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilne mujage".
"Preševo i Bujanovac 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilni Šiptari ".

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 16:49 

Pridružen/a: 13 stu 2021, 11:31
Postovi: 781
Kakav je uopće odnos u stanovništvu Kosova između šiptara i škavela

Spusti jedan bili cvitak tamo iznad Kijeva

 Naslov: Re: Hrvatsko-bugarsko prijateljstvo
PostPostano: 19 pro 2021, 19:06 

Pridružen/a: 01 lip 2021, 10:38
Postovi: 8643
Lokacija: Tu negde
K..M je napisao/la:
NSOS je napisao/la:
Lepo od vas. Onda cemo mi sa Muslimanima da vas ukinemo u BiH.

Strašno što ovaj Rika Riječan promovira. Osupnut sam.

A o n je još deo tehnomenadzerko. briselističkog krila HDZ-a.
Tu se vidi da nema razlike između centfora i desnih krilika -

Popis 2022-ge 99,99%Srbendi .
"Novi Pazar ,Sjenica i Tutin 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilne mujage".
"Preševo i Bujanovac 99,99%high IQ Srbendi ostatak srbofilni Šiptari ".

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Započni novu temu Odgovori  [ 222 post(ov)a ]  Stranica Prethodna  1 ... 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9  Sljedeća

Vremenska zona: UTC + 01:00 [LJV]


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