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 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 04 lip 2018, 22:28 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 10:29
Postovi: 69246
Lokacija: hrvatsko-hrvatska Federacija
Bobovac je napisao/la:
Problem sa imigracijom je u neku ruku sličan kao problem nastanka života na zemlji. Ima ona teorija da je život na zemlji nastao tako što je došao iz svemira. Problem te teorije je taj što ne objašnjava nastanak tog života koji je došao iz svemira.
U kakvoj je to svezi sa imigracijom? Pa u tomu što bijelu kugu u npr Njemačkoj liječe imigracijom, a ne obraćaju pozornost na stvarni problem. Jer što kada cijeli svijet bude izumirao? Odakle će onda dopremati ljude? Onda će oni (živi bili pa vidjeli) početi poduzimati neke prilično drastične i nimalo demokratske mjere za podizanje nataliteta.
Zašto onda ne krenu odmah sa tim planom B koji je ionako neminovan, a ne da uništavaju Europu imigrantima? Tu vidimo kakvo je zapravo "demokracija" zlo.

Pa nije tesko pogoditi sto je slijedeci korak. Vec se bubreg moze uzgojiti u laboratoriju. Nije tesko zamisliti umjetni inkubator u kojem bi rastao fetus, sa svim hranjivim sastojcima itd. Na taj nacin bi bio-tehnoloski razvijenije zemlje (recimo Japan) mogle napraviti onoliko genetski savrsenih Japanaca koliko hoce. Gledajuci brzinu razvoja tehnologija, maksimalno 100 godina do toga. Tako da su ovo sve prijelazni problemi.

A da ne govorimo da se odavno ne ratuje ljudskim tijelima, vec masinama, a jos kad se razvije umjetna inteligencija, cak ce ti i ti genetski savrseni ljudi postati suvisni. :D

Ako hoces vojsku, nastancas dronove i AI robote. Zadnjih 100 godina napredovali smo od parne lokomotive do Iphone SIRI. E sad ekstrapoliraj to jos 100 godina.

Lako za demografsku obnovu, nego sto ce AI i teznja sve vecoj automatizaciji izbaciti 99% ljudi sa trzista rada. http://www.businessinsider.com/will-my- ... bot-2017-6

Fun fact: I HDZ i SDA su osnovani u Zagrebu.
Vojni proračun Bošnji je manji od proračuna Dinama


 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 05 lip 2018, 08:12 

Pridružen/a: 03 sij 2012, 23:08
Postovi: 4974
Kad pogledamo u kojem smjeru ide svijet generalno po pitanjima nacina zivota, svjetonazora i sl., uopce mi nije tesko zamislit ovo sto robbie govori, stancanje ljudi kao na traci, pogotovo u vec sad degenericnim zemljama kao taj japan, njemacka, svedska, itd., ko bi se tamo pobunio. Bojim se i za nas a kamoli za te samomrzece degenerike.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 07 srp 2018, 08:25 

Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 10:09
Postovi: 24659
Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel
Hamburg. Merkelin inžinjer u podzemnoj odsjekao glavu bebi i preklao majku.


Odgovor njemačke policije je bio žestok - smjesta su poslali specijalce na kuću tipa koji je objavio ovu vijest. Kuća je pretresena, tip uhićen ali video se još drži, bez obzira koliko ga brisali na svim sajtovima.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_cont ... lBv0RcPBtA

"Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 07 srp 2018, 09:55 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 14:45
Postovi: 32141
s one strane dinare je napisao/la:
Kad pogledamo u kojem smjeru ide svijet generalno po pitanjima nacina zivota, svjetonazora i sl., uopce mi nije tesko zamislit ovo sto robbie govori, stancanje ljudi kao na traci, pogotovo u vec sad degenericnim zemljama kao taj japan, njemacka, svedska, itd., ko bi se tamo pobunio. Bojim se i za nas a kamoli za te samomrzece degenerike.

Tehnologija ne može zaustaviti procese propadanja čovječanstva, a i planeta. Postoji veliki broj studija koje to dokazuju. Glavni problemi ljudske populacije jesu moralno etički, ne tehnološki.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 07 srp 2018, 10:00 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Njemačka protestantska crkva ga krila da ga ne protjeraju.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 20 srp 2018, 18:31 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Čuj "incident". Idioti.

STRAVA U NJEMAČKOJ: Nožem napadao putnike u autobusu, najmanje 14 ozlijeđenih

srp 20, 2018

Lübecker-Online piše da je, prema njihovim informacijama, napadač rekao da je iz Irana te kako je u 30-im godinama.

Kako javlja njemački Bild, jedan muškarac naoružan nožem u njemačkom gradu Lübecku napao je ljude u busu, prenosi Index.hr.

Da je do napada došlo potvrdila je i policija pokrajine Schleswig-Holstein, koja kratko javlja da je velik broj policije na terenu te kako će više informacija biti dostupno uskoro.

Bild pak javlja kako nema mrtvih, ali kako je 14 osoba ozlijeđeno u napadu. Dodaju i kako su 2 osobe teško ozlijeđene. Bild se poziva i na izjavu glasnogovornika policije koji je rekao kako u napadu nitko nije ubijen, dok više informacija o stanju ozlijeđenih još uvijek nije dostupno.

"Imao je kuhinjski nož"

Lokalni portal Lübecker-Online prenosi izjave očevidaca.

Jedna žena im je ispričala kako je bus bio pun putnika kada je odjednom jedan od putnika ispustio ruksak na pod busa, izvadio nož i napao ljude.

"Vozač busa odmah je zaustavio bus, a napadač ga je napao. Uspio je otvoriti vrata busa kako bi putnici mogli pobjeći. U blizini se našlo i vozilo policije, a policajci su vidjeli što se događa i odmah su uhitili napadača", izjavila je.

Osim njezine izjave, prenose i izjavu 87-godišnjeg Lothara H. koji je rekao kako su putnici vrišteći bježali iz busa.

"Bilo je grozno. Onda su odvedeni ozlijeđeni. Napadač je imao kuhinjski nož", rekao je.

Lübecker-Online piše da je, prema njihovim informacijama, napadač rekao da je iz Irana te kako je u 30-im godinama.

Ruksak se dimio?

Prema pisanju lokalnog lista,počinitelj je iza sebe ostavio zadimljeni ruksak koji je odmah ugašen, a dodaju i kako je u njemu bila zapaljiva tekućina. Jedna svjedokinja iz autobusa je lokalnim medijima dala sljedeću izjavu:

"Jedan od napadnutih je baš ustao sa svojeg mjesta da bi ga prepustio starijoj gospođi, i tada ga je počinitelj ubo nožem u prsa. Bilo je to klanje", izjavila je.

U međuvremenu ponovno su se oglasili iz policije i potvrdili kako je došlo do incidenta.

"Došlo je do incidenta u javnom busu u Lübecku. Ljudi su ozlijeđeni. Nitko nije ubijen. Napadač je svladan i trenutno je u pritvoru. I dalje smo na mjestu događaja i nastavit ćemo izvještavati", poručili su.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 24 srp 2018, 09:42 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Gdje nestade "Izbjeglice dobrodošli" ?

Bavarian town votes against building mosque

Citizens in the small Bavarian town of Kaufbeuren voted not to provide public land for a mosque. A local initiative was started by a retired detective and garnered enough votes to stop the negotiations.

In a local vote on Sunday, the residents of Kaufbeuren, a small town in Bavaria, decided against providing public land for the construction of a mosque.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 17 kol 2018, 14:46 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Quo vadis Deutschland ?

Former Yazidi slave girl flees Germany after being confronted by her ISIS captor-turned refugee

Published time: 16 Aug, 2018 10:36
Edited time: 16 Aug, 2018 18:08

A Yazidi teenager enslaved by Islamic State who sought asylum in Germany has moved back to Iraq after being confronted by her former ISIS captor, who had registered as a refugee in Stuttgart.
Ashwaq Ta’lo said that she was stopped by Abu Humam – a Syrian ISIS guard who had purchased her for $100 – while walking home in Stuttgart.

“I froze when I looked at his face carefully,” she told Bas News, a Kurdish agency. “It was Abu Humam, with the same scary beard and ugly face.”

She said that during her unexpected encounter with her former captor, Humam told her: “I am Abu Humam and you were with me for a while in Mosul. And I know where you live, with whom you live, and what you are doing.”

She recorded a video detailing the encounter.

Ashwaq a Yazidi girl, kidnapped by ISIS in 2014, she fled to Germany. And there she saw the ISIS man who bought her for 100$ walking free in Germany. He even confronted her After talking to German police, the officers told her that the man is an asylum seeker just like her

Ashwaq immediately told her brother about the incident and reported Humam to the German police, who were able to identify the man from CCTV footage. However, German authorities said they had no grounds for arrest, as Humam was also a registered refugee.

The Yazidi teen decided to leave Germany, believing that she would be safer in Kurdistan, where her father lives. “I will never go back,” she said.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 28 kol 2018, 10:59 

Pridružen/a: 10 vel 2018, 07:02
Postovi: 318

Anti-migrantska pobuna u gradu Chemnitz, Istocna Njemacka.
nakon ubojstva izvornog stanovnika migrantima iz Sirije i IRaka.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 28 kol 2018, 11:27 

Pridružen/a: 10 vel 2018, 15:56
Postovi: 2950
Lokacija: Hrvatsko kraljevstvo
Postoje socijalni zakoni koji su neumoljivi, kao drug zakon termodinamike.

Detaljniji izvjestaj o dogadjaju https://narod.hr/eu/trokut-chemnitz-lei ... ike-merkel

Hrvatska je za više KRIŠTO a neki su za manje Karoline u hrvatskoj politici

Pred okupaciju BIH 800.000 stanovnika, od toga 80.000 kristijana i 50.000 pravoslavnih, sruseno 500 katolickih objekata

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 28 kol 2018, 13:14 

Pridružen/a: 01 stu 2011, 07:41
Postovi: 270
Novi imigrantsko-radnicki zakon, kada je u Bundestagu/Bundesratu?

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 28 kol 2018, 14:29 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Općepoznate stvari. Ono što mnogima nije još uvjek jasno je, to je low lewel Jihad.

Trokut Chemnitz-Leipzig-Dresden uporišta desnice i Afd-a: Građanima prekipjelo zbog politike Angele Merkel

Piše: Petar Horvatić - 28. kolovoza 2018. u 11:335 komentara

U noći sa subote na nedjelju ubodima noža ubijen je 35-godišnji Nijemac, a zbog toga ubojstva su privedena dva mladića, Sirijac i Iračanin, nakon čega se u nedjelju došlo do spontanog okupljanja stanovnika Chemnitza, grada u blizini Dresdena i Leipziga koji su najjača uporišta Afd-a, stranke koja okuplja Nijemce koji se bore protiv ovakve loše i konfuzne imigrantske politike Angele Merkel.

Prosvjed je rastao, tako da su se u Chemnitzu u ponedjeljak okupile tisuće ogorčenih demonstranata koji smatraju da se Nijemci više ne osjećaju sigurnim u svojoj zemlji zbog nasilja koje čine imigranti koji su posljednjih godina u valovima stizali u Njemačku, nakon otvorenog poziva Merkel.

Dok njemačka i svjetska medijska javnost uopće nije označila ovo bešćutno ubojstvo nožem kao zločin iz mržnje, spontana okupljanja ogorčenih Nijemaca odmah su dobila u medijima stigmu ‘ultradesničarenja’, ‘netoleranicije’ i ‘mržnje’, po već klasičnom i oprobanom obrascu.

Situacija je tim problematičnija jer se ubojstvo dogodilo u gradu Chemnitzu koji je jedan od vrhova trokuta Leipzig-Dresden-Chemnitz gdje stranka AFD ima svoje najveće uporište i gdje je najveći otpor imigrantskoj politici koja se vodi iz Berlina od strane Angele Merkel.

Naime, već prije ovog ubojstva u Chemnitzu, u ovog kolovoza 2018. godine, Afd i Pegida u Dresdenu su organizirali proteste protiv politike Angele Merkel prilikom kojih je došlo i do sukoba demonstranata s novinarima zbog njihove pristranosti u izvještavanju. Pegida u prijevodu znači “Patriotski Europljani protiv islamizacije Zapada”, a već je niz puta održala velike demonstracije u ovim gradovima još od 2015. godine. Iz tih gradova pokret se raširio i u druge dijelove Njemačke, kao i Švedsku, Švicarsku, Austriju gdje je bio jedan od niza razloga uspjeha konzervativaca na izborima.

Na ulicama Chemnitza, je osim protesta i ogorčenosti, došlo i do sukoba u koje su uključeni i nogometni navijači iz Chemnitza, Dresdena i Leipziga koji su poznati po svojoj desničarskoj orijentaciji i privrženosti Afd-u.

Afd je najjača stranka u Lepizigu i Dresdenu, te je dobila više od 27 posto glasova na posljednjim izborima.

Policija je zbog eskalacije sukoba morala tražiti pojačanje iz drugih gradova Njemačke, nije rekla o kojem se točnom broju ljudi radi.

Glasnogovornik Vlade Steffen Seibert osudio je nasilje na ulicama (ne i ubojstvo Nijemca nožem i nasilje imigranata) i rekao „da ono što je viđeno na ulicama Chemnitza nema mjesta u Njemačkoj“. Naime, došlo do sukoba ogorčenih demonstranata sa ekstremnim ljevičarskim skupinama, kao i skupinama imigranata iz Sirije, Iraka i drugih zemalja Azije. „Na ulicama Njemačke nema mjesta grupama koje šire nasilje, mržnju, netoleranciju i rasizam“, rekao je glasnogovornik policije.

Na drugoj strani glasnogovorniku policije odgovorio je na twitteru jedan od vođa Afd-a Markus Frohnmaier koji je napisao da „kada već država ne može zaštititi svoje građane, da onda oni moraju zaštiti sami sebe“.

Valja istaknuti da je među ogorčenim stanovnicima Chmenitza bilo i mnogo starijih osoba, što se vidi u gornjem video prilogu, koji su se spontano okupljali i izražavali nezadovoljstvo zbog nasilne smrti i ubojstva koje su počinili imigranti.

Studije koje su rađene u pojedinim saveznim državama Njemačke pokazuju da je kriminal, kao npr. u Donjoj Saskoj, porastao čak za 92 posto zbog masovnog ulaska imigranata, piše Die Welt. Tako u nekim gradovima, kao u Berlinu, imigranti već čine preko 50% kriminalnih djela premda im je udio u stanovništvu bitno manji, a neka kultna mjesta kao Alexanderplatz u Berlinu ili Eberplatz u Kolnu postali su praktički „no go zone“.

Trump: Ilegalni imigranti u Njemačkoj doveli do rasta kriminala i nasilne promjene kulture, “ne želimo to u SAD”

Također, broj seksualnih kriminalnih radnji, poput silovanja, bitno je porastao u Njemačkoj, pa je Bavarska u prvoj polovici prošle godine godine imala drastičan porast silovanja od čak 48 posto, od čega je broj silovatelja imigranata čak 91 posto o čemu je pisao i Bild

Njemački sociolozi i društveni autoriteti su to pokušali opravdati time što je populacija tražitelja azila uglavnom muška i to u dobi od 14 do 30 godina, čime zapravo potvrđuju da je laž da u Njemačku i Europe ulaze ratne izbjeglice. To je pravi val dolaska mladih muškaraca u najjačoj i najproduktivnijoj životnoj dobi, od kojih su mnogi skloni navikama kriminala i nasilja, osobito nad ženama koje u njihovim matičnim zemljama nemaju gotovo nikakva ljudska prava.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 01 ruj 2018, 10:20 

Pridružen/a: 05 kol 2018, 19:37
Postovi: 5633

Wir sind die Wolk. Hoffentlich es ist nicht zu spät für Deutschland...?

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 02 ruj 2018, 11:28 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Smjestiš ga u zatvor dok se ne "sjeti" odakle je. Jednostavno.

Migrant in Germany accused of 542 crimes can't be deported because nobody knows where he's from

Published time: 31 Aug, 2018 11:19

A migrant suspected of committing hundreds of crimes has been let roam free in the German city of Frankfurt because the authorities have been unable to establish his identity and country of origin for decades.

Little is known about the man, as no one knows his name, let alone his age or nationality. The only more-or-less verifiable fact known about him is that he arrived in Germany some 20 years ago, in 1998, without any identity documents. He has lived on the streets of German cities ever since and currently resides in Frankfurt, according to the German Bild daily.

The list of the crimes that the unidentified migrant has allegedly committed over this period is extensive. Some 542 criminal proceedings have been opened against him during these years, according to the German police.

"One third of the investigations were related to possession and purchase of drugs," Ruediger Buchta, a high commissioner with the Frankfurt police, told the German media, adding that the migrant's other alleged offenses included "fraudulent acquisition of services like fare dodging," as well as "assault, theft, robbery" and numerous "offenses against the Residence Act."

Despite being repeatedly detained, the man has successfully resisted deportation from Germany for all these years for one simple reason: the German authorities still do not know where to deport him. The man repeatedly claimed to be from one of the North African countries, Algeria and Morocco in particular. However, the authorities of these states did not confirm this information.

The migrant apparently refused to reveal his name or provide any other personal details to the German authorities. Database searches for his fingerprints also yielded no matches, leaving the German police in limbo.
This quite bizarre case exposes flaws in the current German migration policy, Michael Seyfert, a migration spokesman of the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, told RT.

"It is a failure of the system; it is a failure of the government," he said, adding that the German authorities simply "do not dare to [extradite people] as they are afraid of the left-wing media and… protests."

Various "NGOs… protest against it and even try to prevent [deportations] physically," Seyfert added. Almost every second deportation in Germany ends in failure, the German Die Welt daily's weekly edition reported, citing police data.

Out of 23,900 extraditions, which the German police should have carried out between January and May 2018, 12,800 failed for various reasons, according to Die Welt. The migrants, who ought to have been deported, often failed to turn up on time and just disappeared. However, in more than 500 cases, the deportees managed to successfully physically resist deportation, the daily said, adding that the number of such incidents doubled in comparison to the first five months of last year.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has been repeatedly criticized for her 'open door policy' that partially led to the massive influx of migrants and asylum seekers in Germany during the refugee crisis, is apparently looking abroad for a solution to her domestic problems.

Merkel arrived to Senegal on Wednesday on the first leg of her three-day trip to West Africa, which is also scheduled to incorporate visits to Ghana and Nigeria. The chancellor met with Senegalese President Macky Sall and spoke about economic development and cooperation with Senegal, which is one of Africa's poorest countries.

Migration, however, apparently remained the underlying issue during the talks, as Merkel and Sall not only agreed on the need to combat human trafficking and stop smugglers who facilitate illegal migration to Europe, but also said that the development of African countries would be the best way to stem the influx of migrants to European countries.

For that purpose, Merkel, who was accompanied by a delegation of entrepreneurs working in the fields of electrification, automation and infrastructure, urged the German companies to invest more in Africa while citing China as an example. She also said that German businesses should combat a "negative perception" of Africa as a place where risks outweigh benefits.

Meanwhile, the clock is ticking for Merkel as Germans' patience is apparently gradually wearing thin. Most recently, the murder of a German man, which was allegedly committed by two asylum seekers of Syrian and Iraqi origin, has sparked a wave of violent protests in the German eastern city of Chemnitz.

The riots, in which right-wing radicals and leftists clashed with each other and with police, left 20 people injured. Later, an arrest warrant for one of the suspects was leaked to some right-wing groups, prompting suspicions that some of the local police officers are sympathetic to the far-right.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 03 ruj 2018, 19:59 

Pridružen/a: 30 sij 2012, 17:47
Postovi: 4042
Bolje mu je u njemačkom zatvoru nego u vukojebini iz koje je došao.


 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 13 ruj 2018, 12:33 

Pridružen/a: 30 pro 2010, 15:32
Postovi: 6242
Lokacija: Izvan sebe
Divlja svinja5 je napisao/la:
Bolje mu je u njemačkom zatvoru nego u vukojebini iz koje je došao.

Moraju mu u zatvoru izgraditi dzamiju, nije zadovoljan sa molitvenim prostorom.

Da je pravda i demokracija, bila bi Herceg-Bosna a ne Federacija.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 13 ruj 2018, 12:50 

Pridružen/a: 30 pro 2010, 15:32
Postovi: 6242
Lokacija: Izvan sebe
Ovdje nije pomenuto ali to moram navesti kao flagrantan primjer kako situacija u njemackoj je sasvim slicna onoj u svedskoj po pitanju manipulacije zdravim ljudskim razumom.
nekoliko dana nakon dogadaja u Chemnitzu.
Na jednom igralistu za djecu u Köthenu, svadaju se tri afganistanca oko jedne zene, ko je od njih otac djeteta koje ona nosi.
U to vrijeme dolaze dva njemca da bi smirili svadu.
Jedan afganistanac zbode jednog od ove dojice, koji je imao 22 godine, nozem.
Covjek umire u bolnici. I pazi sada ovo, situacija u gradu se usijava i da bi je smirili objavljuju nalaz obdukcije da smrt momka nije nastupila zbog uboda nozem nego da mu je srce otkazalo.
Takvih primjera ima bezbroj, primjera radi napadi na sinagoge na jevrejske rabby i tako dalje se skoro uvijek pripisuju napadima fasista i krajnje desnice. U stvarnosti se kasnije dokaze da su to napravili palestinci ili drugi arapi. iako se pravi pocinitelj zna nikada kasnije nije dematirano da djelo nije pocinila tzv extremna desnica.
Takvih primjera ima mnogo.
Meni licno to posebno ne smeta jer ovi iz extremne desnice i jesu, neskolovani, primitivni, alkoholizirani i glupi, ali smeta mi sakrivanje istine i manipulacija.

Da je pravda i demokracija, bila bi Herceg-Bosna a ne Federacija.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 16 ruj 2018, 11:10 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Anti-Islam book becomes German bestseller less than two weeks after release

Published time: 14 Sep, 2018 18:54
Edited time: 15 Sep, 2018 11:57

A new book highly critical of Islam and Muslims has been flying off the shelves in Germany to become a non-fiction bestseller. Mainstream media panned it for a simplistic approach to the religion.

The controversial book titled “Hostile Takeover: How Islam Impedes Progress and Threatens Society” reached the number one spot on Der Spiegel’s non-fiction list after being on the market for less than a fortnight. It’s a critique of Islam as a religion, which the author sees as detrimental to people sharing it, based on a literal reading of the Koran.

Written by one-time SPD politician and former member of the executive board of the Bundesbank, Thilo Sarrazin, the work comes eight years after Sarrazin’s previous take on Muslims titled “Germany Abolishes Itself”. Focusing on what he called a failure of multiculturalism policies, that book accused Arab and Turkish immigrants of “dumbing down” the German society, and shifted 1.5 million copies.

Speaking ahead of the release of his latest work last month, Sarrazin proclaimed that “everything has been worse than I predicted eight years ago.”

The release of “Hostile Takeover” comes during a period of heightened tensions in Germany, with much public attention focused crimes committed by immigrants. It was started by the murder of a man in the city of Chemnitz in August, which triggered massive anti-immigration protests in parts of the country with violent clashes erupting between left and right-wing demonstrators.

Calling Islam an “ideology of violence in the guise of a religion,” Sarrazin’s latest work had a somewhat bumpy path to the shelves. US-based publisher Random House, which signed a book deal with Sarrazin in November 2016, refused to print in in May, leading to a lawsuit from the author. The manuscript was eventually picked up by Munich-based FinanzBuch Verlag, a publisher that usually specializes in non-fiction books dealing with business and trading subjects.

Sarrazin’s new work has received praise in right-wing German weekly Junge Freiheit, but mainstream media outlets, both in and outside of Germany, have slammed the book. A review by Deutsche Welle called it a “distorted picture based on prejudice” and compared Sarrazin’s way of reading the Koran to that of jihadist groups. The UK’s Financial Times criticized its “reductive approach” pulling up Sarrazin for his lack of knowledge of Arabic and for not being either a theologian or religious scholar.

The criticism hasn’t stopped the book from becoming a best seller on online retailer Amazon, however, receiving an average 4.3 stars out of 5 from the 264 reviews made by online purchasers.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 16 ruj 2018, 16:22 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Prošlu godinu 447 ljudi ubijeno od strane migranata.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2018, 08:24 

Pridružen/a: 16 ožu 2010, 21:38
Postovi: 4370
BBC je napisao/la:
Prošlu godinu 447 ljudi ubijeno od strane migranata.

Zvuci previse, imas neki izvor ?

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2018, 08:59 

Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 10:09
Postovi: 24659
Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel
VUKsaJUGA je napisao/la:
BBC je napisao/la:
Prošlu godinu 447 ljudi ubijeno od strane migranata.

Zvuci previse, imas neki izvor ?

S jedne strane, to se odnosi na ubojstva i pokušaje ubojstava od strane islamske krmadi u Njemačkoj.

S druge strane to se odnosi i na njihove međusobne obračune.

S treće strane, to su zvanični podaci njemačkog ministarstva unutarnjih poslova, što znači da su stvarne brojke još i veće.

Ali simpatično kako se vlast opavdava zbog tih brojki. Kažu: - Nije to brojka ubijenih os strane imigranata već i od strane izbjeglica i tražitejlja azila!!
Kao da ima neke razlike u tom slučaju.


"Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2018, 12:02 

Pridružen/a: 16 ožu 2010, 21:38
Postovi: 4370
Bobovac je napisao/la:
VUKsaJUGA je napisao/la:

Zvuci previse, imas neki izvor ?

S jedne strane, to se odnosi na ubojstva i pokušaje ubojstava od strane islamske krmadi u Njemačkoj.

S druge strane to se odnosi i na njihove međusobne obračune.

S treće strane, to su zvanični podaci njemačkog ministarstva unutarnjih poslova, što znači da su stvarne brojke još i veće.

Ali simpatično kako se vlast opavdava zbog tih brojki. Kažu: - Nije to brojka ubijenih os strane imigranata već i od strane izbjeglica i tražitejlja azila!!
Kao da ima neke razlike u tom slučaju.


Pa stvarno zastrasujuce da je toliko. Naravno da oni pricaju sad neke bajke nije tako jer ovo ono bla bla.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2018, 15:19 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Delingpole: ‘Civil War Is Coming to Europe’ Warns German Politician

16 Sep 20182,577

“Civil war is coming to Europe,” a German city politician told me this week.
I shan’t mention his name – it was an off-the-record briefing and, anyway, in Germany there are penalties for this kind of frankness.

But he was only repeating what plenty of other people say in private in Germany where I’ve spent the last couple of weeks, soaking up the atmosphere, people-watching, gauging the public mood in the wake of Angela Merkel’s open invitation to perhaps three million immigrants – most of them fighting-age males from Muslim countries.

Three million is higher than the figure admitted by the German authorities, which tend to put it closer to 1.5 million. My source tells me the higher number is closer to the mark.

I was staying in Frankfurt, not one of the places hardest hit by the immigration wave. Partly this is because its traditions as an “open city” date back centuries so, culturally it has always been better attuned to accepting and absorbing immigrants from all backgrounds. Partly it’s because, being Germany’s financial centre, it tends to attract the better educated sort of immigrant.

That doesn’t mean it has remained immune to the problem hardly anyone dares talk about except in private: hordes of Muslims, often with entirely different, indeed hostile, value systems who can’t or won’t integrate, and often just don’t want to integrate for reasons ranging from laziness to contempt and a jihadist desire to bring the West under submission to Islam.

You see some of them begging on the street, often young women pitiably clutching a picture of a child (which may or may not be theirs) while, a few yards back, a sullen looking male (perhaps a relative, perhaps acting as kind of pimp) lurks as her chaperone.

Mostly though they just hang in groups, in the shopping areas and squares and parks, smoking cigarettes, kicking their heels, or, if they’ve found some way of making a living, in the shisha bars and kebab houses which are cropping up all over the place.

The Germans – instinctively polite, kind and reluctant to rock the boat – affect not to notice. They’re welcoming and friendly to those immigrants who make the effort (the nice, hard-working Syrians who run the felafel store in Bergerstrasse, say), and would really rather bury their heads in the sand about the others and just pretend it’s not happening.

That’s why, even now, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) the main party of the resistance to Angela Merkel’s madcap Islamic enrichment experiment still only polls around 16 percent of the national vote.

Remember that next time you’re told that the “far-right” (as the media likes to misrepresent the AfD) is on the rise and rise. It may now be Germany’s second-biggest party. But this is all but meaningless in a nation which has long been ruled by rainbow coalitions. The other parties – Angela Merkel’s majority Christian Democrats and the SPD and the Greens, especially – will make sure that the AfD stays out of power by forming alliances of convenience.

So if you were pinning your hopes on the AfD rescuing Germany (and Europe) from the consequences of Merkel’s self-inflicted disaster – don’t. Things are going to get a lot lot worse before they get better.

Hence my German city politician’s talk of civil war.

And let me stress, he wasn’t talking about it with any enthusiasm. Germans have spent so many years beating themselves up about what happened under Hitler they squirm at the thought of militarism of any kind, which is why their army is so fat and useless. It was more a resigned sigh about the inevitable.

I think he’s right. Or at least that his argument has unassailable logic. You can agree or disagree. It goes something like this.

Why is Germany inflicting this immigration on itself?

Apart from desperation to show itself in a good light to make amends for World War II and the Holocaust, there are two main reasons.

Economics: there is a view abroad, mostly promoted by the mainstream liberal-left but also by squishy conservatives, that Germany’s ageing population needs an influx of fresh blood. If native Germans won’t breed at replacement rates, then “guest-workers” must be imported to keep the economy going strong. Obviously, this is nonsense for a number of reasons debunked by Douglas Murray in his The Strange Death of Europe. But it appeals greatly to the German psyche: they saw what happened after the unemployment of the Weimar era and they don’t want it to happen again.

Anti-Nationalist, Post-Borders New World Order: this the world-view promoted and funded by George Soros and his acolytes, an article of faith for many on the hard left. Encouraging immigration from apparently inimical foreign cultures will ultimately make us better people. It will solve the disgusting problem of white privilege. We will interbreed and cross-pollinate and abandon our unhelpful nationalistic identities which have led to so much chauvinism and war in the past. Sure there might be the odd blip, but because this New World Order is so self-evidently desirable, no sacrifices are too great in order to achieve it.

Yes, most of us find even the first rationale abhorrent, let alone the second.

The problem is that this, pretty much, is the current thinking of the global liberal elite which dominates our governments, local governments, civic institutions, corporations, law firms and so on. Most of them probably haven’t thought it through on quite those explicit terms outlined above, but then groupthink is an insidious and pervasive thing. It is a simple, observable truth that most of our governing class – at every level, from the supranational (UN; EU), the national, to the local (councils, senior police, etc) – have bought into the idea that mass immigration and the formation of parallel communities by unintegrated Muslims is an inevitability which cannot be challenged too hard.

It’s not at all where the people are – hence the Brexit vote, hence Donald Trump, hence the wave of populist upstarts from Matteo Salvini in Italy to Viktor Orban in Hungary – but it’s definitely where most of those in charge of us are.

And this is why there is going to be a civil war.

We know, of course, that it has long been one of the missions of Islamic State and similar Muslim terror organisations – indeed it’s the goal of political Islam generally – to provoke a civil war in Europe in order to force moderate Muslims to take a side, and ultimately, to bring the whole of Europe into Islam.

What we probably mistakenly assumed is that the political establishment would be on our side in such a conflict.

You only have to look around to appreciate that this is not necessarily the case.

Look at the Maoist mode of thinking which prevails in Google and the rest of Silicon Valley – and of course in academe: anything that combats white privilege must perforce be desirable.

Look at how the senior police in Britain and elsewhere determinedly promote the idea that the “far right” is as big a threat as the Islamic one, and why they stigmatise people like Tommy Robinson.

Look at how the mainstream media, even conservative imprints, frequently like to brand any vaguely anti-immigrant political movement, however middle class and determinedly non-extremist, as “far-right”.

Look at how the protest rally in Chemnitz – held to draw attention to the large number of rapes and murders inflicted by mostly Muslim immigrants on Germans – was utterly misrepresented by the media and the authorities as neo-Nazi revivalism.

Look at how the New Year mass rapes in Cologne and elsewhere were covered up by the German police and the German media.

Look at how Germans who want to find out what’s happening in their own country cannot get the truth in their own newspapers – only by reading foreign outlets like Breitbart.

Ordinary people across Europe – in the U.S. too before Trump came along – are becoming increasingly frustrated at the failure of their governing elites to take their worries seriously, especially where the two biggest worries of all are concerned: immigration and terrorism.

But instead of responding by mending their ways and addressing these issues, the elites are shooting the messengers. They are clamping down on the people who speak out about the rape gangs, the murders, the acid attacks, the antisocial behaviour who are being punished, not the actual perpetrators.

I’m sure some inkling of these truths had been swimming around my ahead before, especially after reading Douglas Murray’s The Strange Death of Europe. But it only really became clear after spending time in a country even further down the road to disaster than my own – and after talking to a German politician who spelled out the problem clearly.

This is the kind of argument, I know, which induces apoplexies of self-righteousness and shrill denials among liberals and leftists of all hues. They’ll bang on about how it’s an ill-supported, classically right-wing paranoid conspiracy theory. Of course they will: because that is the time-honoured method they have used to close down the argument, to make people embarrassed to talk about it, to bully newspapers into not covering it as honestly they should.

I welcome articulate disagreement.

But in order for it to persuade me it will have to answer a simple question:

When there is such a huge and growing gulf between where our governing, globalist elites are on Islam and immigration – and where ordinary people are on Islam and immigration – how can there ever, possibly, be a happy ending?

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 26 lis 2018, 23:12 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Open borders, viču na hrvatskoj granici.

Sedmorica Sirijaca i Nijemac nadrogirali djevojku pa je silovali ispred kluba!

Ona je oko ponoći izašla sa tim nepoznatim muškarcem iz kluba, a on je onda gurnuo u žbunje i silovao. zatim je otišao u klub i pozvao svoje prijatelje koji su zatim svi silovali tinejdžerku

Njemačka policija uhapsila je sedmoricu Sirijaca i jednog Nijemca, pod sumnjom da su silovali tinejdžerku (18) u Frajburgu. Osumnjičeni su inače poznati policiji od ranije zbog više izvršenih krivičnih djela.

Djevojka je u nedjelju 14. oktobra otišla na tehno žurku u jedan klub u Frajburgu zajedno sa drugaricom, kada joj je nepoznati muškarac donio piće u koje je, vjerovatno bila ubačena neka droga ili lijekovi.

Ona je oko ponoći izašla sa tim nepoznatim muškarcem iz kluba, a on je onda gurnuo u žbunje i silovao. zatim je otišao u klub i pozvao svoje prijatelje koji su zatim svi silovali tinejdžerku.

Tužioci su saopćili da su na djevojci pronašli DNK 19-godišnjeg muškarca iz Sirije, koji je u Njemačkoj od 2014. godine. Vlasti su saopćile da su ostali muškarci, koji su uhapšeni u posljednjih nekoliko dana, mlađi od 30 godina, te da su svi osumnjičeni od ranije poznati lokalnoj policiji.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 29 lis 2018, 11:30 

Pridružen/a: 16 ožu 2010, 21:38
Postovi: 4370
Ljudi prijavili demonstracije protiv toga (to mi je licno glupo jer cemu to vrijedi?) odma se digla ljevica na protu demonstracije protiv "nacista i fasista".
Koje bolesno stanje ubiju ti nekog i ako pisnes odma si fasista...

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