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 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 07 srp 2019, 06:45 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
- Kako ih "socijal-demokrati" zavaljuju sa "reguliranom migracijom". U ovoj godini će im uvaliti muslimanije migranata veličine grad/općina Osijek. 120.000.
Više ne znaju kako bi to prikrili pa sve migrante koji upišu srednju školu da bi dobili papire (spriječili protjerivanje jer nemaju osnova za azil) vode kao "uvoz radne snage".

- Volvo direktor se žali da ne mogu zaposliti strane inžinjere i ljude iskusne u pravljenju vozila, jer niko neće da dođe živjeti u SW zbog straha. (loše škole za djecu tih ljudi, stanovi u no-go zonama, kriminal)

- U jednoj no-go zoni u nastajanju muslimanska novodošla djeca (8-10 godina stara) ne daju Šveđankama ženama i ženskoj djeci da izlaze van stanova. Prijete im da će ih silovati jer hodaju same bez muškaraca, nisu pokrivene, palicama mlate njihovu djecu. Djeca "inžinjera" kulturno obogatili novo naselje. Šveđani svako 2 godine sele i bježe, ali uskoro više neće imati gdje pobjeći.
Mass mediji "upozoravaju da situacija može povećati rasizam kod Šveđana".

Kao dašak proljeća i za promjenu vijest iz normalne Danske:

- Mass mediji ugošćavaju profesore, i ostale uvažene osobe, koji slobodno diskutiraju kako je integracija fail i da treba oko Europe izgraditi zid (četiri reda bodljikave žice) sa stražama i reflektorima. Napraviti apsolutan stop primanja migranata iz muslimanskih država.
Kažu da je izbor jednostavan. Ili čitava Europa ograđena i zaštićena. Ili će istočne europske države staviti ogradu prema njima ("zapadne države") jer imaju ludu migranstku politiku.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 07 srp 2019, 08:24 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 17:49
Postovi: 34054
"Šveđani svako 2 godine sele i bježe, ali uskoro više neće imati gdje pobjeći."

Selit ce se iz Svedske i tako jos brze prepustiti zemlju islamistima.

Ukidanjem BiH štedimo 50 milijardi KM. Neka razum prevlada.

1112 of 2558 - 43.47%

Sarajevo, generalno sarajevska kotlina je rasadnik zla i mržnje. Frustrirana, napaćena i bahata sredina.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 07 srp 2019, 18:46 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
BBC je napisao/la:
- Uhitili Arapa u vlaku. Imao bombu u torbi.

Hebo te, što bi u svakoj normalnoj državi izazvalo poplavu članaka, emisija, diskusija. Kod Šveđana zero, nada, nula. MSM se pretvaraju da to ne vide.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 08 srp 2019, 13:11 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Previše rapidno se srozava kvalitet života u toj državi.
U jednoj općini (veličina Koprivnica općine) učenicima u srednjim školama će sad jednom tjedno za ručak servirati samo kiselo mlijeko, nemaju više novca. Ako se pokaže kao dobar eksperiment (čitaj provjere da Šveđani neće šiziti i buniti se) onda će dobiti kiselo mlijeko svih 5 dana u tjednu.


U toj istoj općini:

- Oko 1000 uglavnom muslimana "migranata" čekaju papire. Masa drugih koji su već dobili.
- 294 stana im općina plaća.
- Svaki musliman "dijete" migrant ih dnevno košta 550€ (smještaj) + 190€ (socijala, većinu dobije skrbnik) = 740€ dnevno po odraslom muslimanu kriminalcu koji laže da je "dijete".
- 22.200 € mjesečno po svakom migrantu kriminalcu. Toliko porezni obveznici plaćaju tu gadariju. Statistike i medicinska testiranja iz drugih država pokazuju da 9/10, 90% njih su odrasle osobe koje lažu da su djeca.
Nedavno uspjeli nagovoriti policiju u Maroku da razmjenjuju otiske prstiju i identitete osoba. 90% muslimana laže da su "djeca". Eto, ne može više sa strane zannosti. Pošalju otiske prstiju u Maroko, ovi im jave nazad da se radi o odrasloj osobi.

Ovako službena web stranica općine pere mozak Šveđanima, to su djeca migranti:


Ovo su muslimani "djeca" u stvarnosti.




Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 08 srp 2019, 20:08 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Koja stoka su ti švedski "socijal-demokrati". Azilantkinja iz Ukrajine dobila odbijenicu i mora napustiti državu.
U onom terorističkom napadu u glavnom gradu kad ih musliman kamionom zavaljao izgubila nogu, morali joj nogu amputirati.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 10 srp 2019, 12:43 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Ne daju se "socijal-demokrati". Nećete dušmani iz 194 države po svijetu olajavati i lagati o Švedskoj.

Britanci, Amerikanci, Kanađani, Australci i Novozelanđani od svojih turističkih agencija dobili (javno) upozorenje da se paze kad putuju u Švedsku. Gang kriminalitet, pljačke, opasnost od terorizma, džeparoši. itd...

Šveđani kažu da su oni najsigurnija zemlja za turiste u Skandinaviji. I pokazuju na istraživanje institucije koja je plaćena od "socijal-demokrata". :laugh Hebite se Danci, Finci i Norvežani.
Inače zadnjih mjeseci sve što njihova vlada radi da riješi goruće probleme u SW je da napada "rasiste" iz jedine "desne" stranke u SW.
Ovih dana prave i neki institut za borbu protiv "AntiCiganizam". Da dobro ste pročitali. :laugh

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 11 srp 2019, 17:19 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
BBC je napisao/la:
01.07 dolazi na snagu zakon koji ih definitivno stavlja na prvo mjesto najretardiranijih nacija ne na svijetu, već u povijesti.

Ima veze sa muslimanima migrantima i silovanjima, u biti samo zbog tog su i izglasali ovaj zakon. Jer je u vijestima kronična suša informacija o Šveđanima koji siluju žene. Pa da mogu reći, eto vidite svi muškarci to rade ne samo migranti muslimani.

Ide ovako odprilike, da je jasnije za shvatiti:

- Dedera mala ukucaj svoj kod u moj App da ti smijem staviti ruku među noge. Ili potpiši mi se na papir.
(Prije toga moraš otkucati u App taj dio "ugovora". Valjda će domišljati Šveđani imati već unaprijed pripremljene predloške za sve moguće.)
- Kad želiš promijeniti pozu u recimo "doggy", dedera mala ukucaj svoj kod ponovo.
- Želiš staviti svoju ruku na njenu desnu dojku, dedera mala ne bilo ti teško ukucaj svoj kod u moj App.

Svaka, čak i najsitnija, promjena kod seksualnog snošaja po novom zakonu zahtijeva pristanak druge osobe. Kod u App, pismeno na papiru, bilo što. Jer je na sudu breme dokazivanja na muškarcu.

Još nisam vidio nacije da je sama sebi uništila bilo kakvo uživanje u životu kao ovi imbecili.

Ima i App, sa osobnim kodovima i centralnom pohranom podataka.

Pala i prva žrtva na sudu, Šveđanin po svemu sudeći. Poslije provoda vani on i ženska završili u krevetu u donjem rublju. Samo peting i maženje bez penetracije, bez imalo prisile i slično. 2,3 godine zatvora za "silovanje", ženska ga poslije prijavila.
Po novom zakonu ona ne mora ni tiho reći "NE", ne mora se uopće braniti. Ako je on nije pitao za dozvolu i dobio jasno "DA" može ga ženska prijaviti za silovanje. Ali sam zakon nema puno smisla jer su 2 osobe bez svjedoka, pa ženska kad poželi može muškarca poslati u zatvor.

Viši sud spustio kaznu za godinu dana.
Primjetite nesrazmjer kazni za (gruba i nasilna, i grupna) silovanja koje muslimani naprave, i kazne za na primjer ovo "silovanje" koje je Šveđanin napravio. Na silu žele "popraviti" statistiku pa kao eto, "vidite da to muškarci rade, i Šveđani to rade", ne samo migranti muslimani.
Ta njihova sudačka bagra se stalno sastaje po masonskim ložama i dogovaraju čitavu politiku i smjer društva. "Socijal-demokrati". Nije konspiracija, već su novinarima prijetili kad su ispitivali taj fenomen.

Kad Šveđanka prijavi Šveđanina za silovanje, nisu uopće potrebni nikakvi dokazi. Samo njena riječ na sudu i Šveđanin ide u zatvor. Kad Šveđanka prijavi muslimana za silovanje (i tužitelj i suci) nemoguće mentalne akrobacije rade da oslobode optuženog zbog "malo dokaza". Tužitelj često spriječi skandal tako da ukine sam optužnicu. Onda više riječ Šveđanke ne vrijedi ništa, baš ništa. Čak ni to da je sva izderana dovedena u bolnicu.
Ako im migrantski ured pošalje pismo da sumnjaju da je "dijete" migrant odrasla osoba i da laže da se izvuče jeftinije na sudu, i preporuče tužitelju i sucu da urade medicinski test starosti. ovi to nikad ne urade, baš nikad, Ponekad u slučaju ubojstva, ali to mora biti baš gadan slučaj.

Jako je opasno tako se igrati sa ljudima. Nisu to balvani, kad jednom pukne.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 12 srp 2019, 10:50 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Provučeno kroz Google Translate. Šveđanin, živi u USA i profesor na jednom USA institutu.


My last visit to the country where my family lived for 500 years

Opinion11th of July, 2019

I have just returned home after two weeks in Sweden. It was my last visit. It's with a heavy heart I say it, but that's it. Once and for all, I have left behind the country where my family used the earth, cut the forest, worn the mines, fished, hunted, built and lived for five hundred years.

I left Sweden 20 years ago. My decision was justified by the crisis of the 1990s, and the destructive response of the Social Democratic Government to it. Sweden's social institutions began to crumble, slowly but surely.

It was only superficial flaws to begin with, but as the very idea of ​​a community building was replaced by an almost fiscal fascist regime in the entire public sector, the dissolution of the actual social reinforcement in Swedish society began. It was this resolution that paved the way for today's inhuman immigration policy.

"Slow collapse"

It is not clear how fiscal policy in the 1990s opened up for an immigration policy destruction of Sweden, but there is a connection. The fiscal policy itself in the 1990s I have discussed in my book Industrial Poverty; Let me, on the basis of my Sweden trip, explain how this policy opened the door to destructive immigration.

During my visit, I heard people talk about how they got down, kicked off, robbed, abused and humiliated by immigrant gangs. I heard examples from a medical care in due course. I heard stories from the school world, stories of a disintegration of basic rules of calm and order.

I was described to me a slow breakdown of a learning culture that fostered generations of Swedes. How can immigration policy destroy healthcare, police, school?

"People's needs not at the center"

The answer lies in the actual shift of business goals, a shift that got its model, so to speak, in crisis management in the 90s. The government's response to strong budget deficits, sky-high unemployment and a shrinking economy was to tighten public sector, cut spending and massively raise taxes.

In the public sector, managers were appointed whose only task was to implement cuts. It didn't matter what the effects were of the savings, only the overall goal of balancing the state budget was achieved. The fact that people died in sick beds, seniors in the homes of the elderly and children did not learn much at school did not matter.

The fact that Försäkringskassan sent cancer patients back to work was also an acceptable price to pay for the cuts. It was no longer the business as such that was important. It was not people's needs that were at the center. It was no longer a matter of learning in the school, the care of the hospitals or the income security of the insurance systems.

"The Immigration Policy Goal Above all"

Instead, all activities were reorganized into instruments for an external goal - a goal that had nothing to do with the actual business. This goal, balance in the state budget, would be achieved at any price.

Crisis management in the 1990s taught the Swedish public sector employees to override the very goal of the business. They had to accept to do their job not for students and patients, but for the politicians in Stockholm. Therefore, it was quick and easy to replace the budget balancing policy with an uncontrolled immigration. It does not matter how schools, hospitals, police stations, social services and insurance funds fall due. All that counts is that the business implements the external immigration policy goal.

During my just completed visit to Sweden, I heard about how healthcare personnel are forced to arrange Swedish patients because immigrants receive free healthcare and take up their entire working days. The goal of maximum immigration invades health centers, doctors' clinics and hospitals. I saw and heard about the violence Kent Ekeroth describes in his excellent documentaries.

"Ubiquitous violence"

I personally experience how ubiquitous this violence is, and the threats of it. As an old gun-trained martial artist, I am not afraid of anyone, and here in America I would not have any problems with the police if I had to do self-defense. But I was told about how the police can respond to a Swedish who defended himself against the racist violence of immigrants. There were stories about how the police shrug their shoulders or even turn the self-defense into a crime in itself.

Why? Because even the police have been subordinated to the same external ideological goals as redefined the rest of the public sector. Statistics on the crime of immigrants are a disturbing moment when the state power implements its immigration policy. Therefore, the police should rather enforce this policy than to prevent and clear up crime.

When the government overrides people's need for a superior ideological goal; when you are prepared to sacrifice people who play in a chess game; then the state power is no longer democratic. To degrade people into political instruments is the very definition of a totalitarian state.

"Fear in the eyes"

The Swedes have been degraded. In the name first of a fatal budget remediation policy, then an inhuman immigration policy, Sweden's people have been sacrificed their children's school, their health care, their income security, their pensions.

I met Swedes who, with fear in their eyes, talked about how it is getting old in Sweden today. Never ever did I hear my grandparents talk about old age in such terms. The Swedes have also had to sacrifice their physical security in the name of the prevailing immigration policy regime.

I have visited every big city here in the US, from New York and Philadelphia to Los Angeles. I've traveled through cities ranked as America's most dangerous. I should not say that Sweden's most dangerous places are worse than Camden, NJ, downtown Baltimore or South Side Chicago, but neither should I say I felt safer in Stockholm - or Uppsala, Östersund or Ronneby.

"Collective, self-imposed repression"

On the contrary: violence in the United States has a different character than in Sweden. It does not make the violence itself more bearable for the person affected, but the chance of being hit is so much less. Here, the crime of violence is all that usually related to robbery and drug dealings. And we are completely unfamiliar with the epidemic car fires that are now also spreading into quieter areas in Swedish cities.

In Sweden, the now dominant motive behind the crime of violence appears to be at the same time ethnic, cultural and religious. Immigrants commit crimes against Swedes precisely because they are Swedes. Thus, the pool of potential victims of violence becomes so much larger. The cruelty of violence is increasing.

Crime takes a character of cultural conquest. Swedish culture does not defend itself. Here in America defends the prevailing culture. It does so in Denmark as well. And in Italy, Hungary, Poland… The Swedish paralysis of action is reinforced by the collective, self-imposed oppression of opinion.

"Reminded of DDR"

I soon noticed, during my visit, that when you take up controversial topics with Swedes, a deafening silence settles over the conversation. I'm old enough to have traveled in GDR, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and the Soviet Union. I was reminded of these trips during my visit to Sweden.

The horror of talking about something that falls outside the accepted norm is now as tangible in Stockholm as it once was in East Berlin.

"My last visit"

For my own part, I have made my last visit to Sweden. I have once left behind me the land where my family used the land, cut the forest, worn the mines, fished, hunted, built and lived for five hundred years. The future of my family is America.

My grief over my desolate homeland I get to carry and handle on my own.
With Håg and Hand For Home and Hearth,

Sven Larson

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 12 srp 2019, 15:19 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
BBC je napisao/la:
- Volvo direktor se žali da ne mogu zaposliti strane inžinjere i ljude iskusne u pravljenju vozila, jer niko neće da dođe živjeti u SW zbog straha. (loše škole za djecu tih ljudi, stanovi u no-go zonama, kriminal)

Ovog oštro napadali sa raznih strana da začepi gubicu ali tip neki tvrdokožac, ubacio u veću brzinu. Valjda kako može birati po svijetu gdje, i kako, će živjeti jebe mu se što ovi pričaju o njemu.

Volvo CEO laments Sweden’s high crime rate, says company might move its HQ abroad

Published time: 11 Jul, 2019 22:23
Edited time: 12 Jul, 2019 08:36

The head of the Swedish car manufacturer Volvo has created quite a stir at home, saying that his company struggles to attract foreign specialists due to the lack of public security and may be considering moving elsewhere.
Speaking to the daily Svenska Dagbladet, Volvo CEO Hakan Samuelsson lamented the fact that the auto manufacturer has been gradually losing its appeal to foreign tech experts and engineers, as well as top managers. The problem, according to him, partly lies in the fact that the specialists are reluctant to move to Sweden’s second largest city of Gothenburg, where Volvo’s headquarters are located, because of the arguably high crime rate.

“We are building cars, we cannot solve this problem,” Samuelsson told SvD. “Yet, one can still point out that this problem does exist.” Among the other issues he mentioned were the lack of affordable housing and schools.

The Volvo CEO even mentioned that the company might potentially consider moving its headquarters somewhere else – probably even out of Sweden – if this situation does not change. He hastened to say that Volvo is not considering such possibility just yet, but he would not completely rule it out in the future.

Samuelsson's words provoked an angry reaction from Gothenburg police chief Erik Nord, who dismissed them as “unfair.”

The general situation in the city is not that bad, he said, explaining that something that is seen as “normal” elsewhere somehow gets “undeservedly great attention” in Sweden.

The American shipping company has reportedly stopped delivering parcels to a notorious neighborhood in Malmo, Sweden, often labeled a “no-go zone,” following a wave of attacks on their drivers.

Nord also criticized Sameulsson for what he described as relying too much on social media, which provides a distorted view of the situation, according to the police chief.
“Even such people as Hakan Samuelsson get their information from what they read on Facebook and Twitter. That does not mean it is true,” Nord told the Swedish media, adding that “Gothenburg is a fairly safe city” as compared with other cities around the world.

Other Swedish officials, however, were seemingly more favorable towards the Volvo CEO’s assessment of the situation. Prime Minister Stefan Loefven said he had “respect” for Samuelsson’s opinion.
“If Volvo experiences [such problems] then it is so,” he said, vowing to build more homes, make education better, and combat crime.
“We are investing more in higher education. We train twice as many police officers as before we took office,” Loefven told journalists.

Axel Josefson, a municipal official from Gothenburg, said that he is well aware of the city’s problems and “agrees” with the criticism voiced by the CEO.
Criminal activities in Sweden’s second-largest city have indeed featured in the headlines for quite some time. Back in August 2018, Gothenburg saw a massive crimes surge, with dozens of cars as well as several buildings getting torched in a series of arson attacks.

A year prior, some areas of Gothenburg were described as virtual “no-go zones,” which have high crime and poverty rates and serve as fertile ground for religious extremism.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 13 srp 2019, 13:03 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Mislim da su zimske olimpijske igre 2026. izgubili jer svijet ne vjeruje da su u stanju spriječiti islamske terorističke napade. Čak je prije glasovanja šef (jedan od njih) njihove policije izjavio da ne može dati nikakve garancije jer oni ne organiziraju zaštitu na sportskim terenima. Zanimljivo potpuno nahvalio Italiju kako oni mogu organizirati sigurne OI, iz ovih i onih razloga. I Italija dobila OI.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 14 srp 2019, 12:32 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
BBC je napisao/la:
Christian Dad Flees Sweden with Daughters Placed in Muslim Foster Care, Claims Asylum in Poland


A Russian father and his three daughters are seeking asylum in Poland after he fled Sweden with them when they were placed in foster care with a Muslim family.
Denis Lisov’s daughters. 12-year-old Sofia, six-year-old Serafina, and four-year-old Alisa, were placed into the Swedish foster care system after his wife’s mental state had greatly deteriorated due to schizophrenia, with a court sending them to live with a Lebanese Muslim family in 2017.

Mr Lisov took exception to the fact that the girls, who are all Christian, were placed in a Muslim home, but also that they were taken 186 miles away from where he lived and he was only allowed to see them six hours a week, Polish broadcaster Polsat reports.

Earlier this week, Lisov and his daughters arrived in Warsaw and were taken into police care after it was found that the three girls had been reported as missing in Sweden.

Swedish authorities offered to take the girls back to Sweden but police did not release them. The next day, Lisov applied for asylum along with his daughters and Polish judge Żaneta Seliga-Kaczmarek ruled that the girls could stay in Poland with their father.

“The court can not issue minor children outside the territory of the Republic of Poland, where they entered under the care of their father,” the judge said.

“After hearing the minors and in the absence of a document confirming limitation of the rights of the father, the court decided that bearing in mind the broadly-understood well-being of minors, they should be left under the care of their father,” the judge added.

“Speaking to me, they indicated that they want to be with their dad, love their dad, and do not want to part with him,” she added.

Bartosz Lewandowski, the lawyer for Lisov and his family, slammed Swedish authorities after a man shouted something in Swedish to the girls before they gave their testimony to the judge. “This shows how the Swedish services manipulate children,” he said.

The case echoes a similar situation in the United Kingdom in which a five-year-old Christian girl was placed into care with an allegedly hardline Muslim family, despite protests from her family.

It was alleged that the girl was forced to remove her crucifix necklace and that Arabic, which she did not understand, was spoken around her frequently.

Dobili politički azil u Poljskoj.

Russian father of three will not be handed over to Sweden

mmj/kb 10.07.2019, 17:59

Having found refuge in Poland after fleeing Sweden from the Swedish child welfare services with his three daughters, Russian Denis Lisov will not be handed over to the Swedish authorities despite a European arrest warrant, Warsaw District Court decided on Wednesday.

“The court decided that the European arrest warrant issued by the Swedish authorities violates the freedoms and human rights of citizen Denis Lisov…,” said judge Dariusz Łubowski, adding that “he was put in a no-win situation, a genuine deadlock. His children were taken away, simultaneously he was faced with impossible conditions under which they could be recovered because he was not granted the right of permanent residence. The [Swedish] authorities did not guarantee him proper rights to contact his children. The selected foster family lived a considerable distance from his place of residence.”

Judge Łubowski said that the Swedish authorities took Mr Lisov’s three children away on the grounds of “their mother’s mental illness alone, who was then put in an asylum.” The judge also said that the mother’s mental illness hampered the execution of parental authority and “was connected to the limitations of expression of will by the second parent.”

According to a psychologist’s opinion, the children are very closely attached to their father and want to live with him. “They did not feel safe in the foster family, which might have deepened their stress and result in disorders,” said the judge, adding that “the father was unable to watch this and the Swedish authorities’ actions violated the children’s good. The Swedish authorities’ actions glaringly disregarded the sensitivity of children coming from a Russian-European family.”

According to the family’s attorney, the fact that the children were placed in a Muslim family of Lebanese origin despite being raised in the Christian faith was also an important factor in Mr Lisov’s decision to escape Sweden taking them with him.

In April, Denis Lisov and his 12, 6, and 4-year-old daughters were detained by the Polish border guard at Warsaw airport while on their way to Russia.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 14 srp 2019, 12:34 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Najbolji komentar: Trump bi trebao napraviti reviziju svojih shithole countries. :laugh

Pazi ovo, kao ratna zona. Jedini razlog da se ovo događa je taj da Šveđani nisu muslimani i ne prakticiraju islam.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 15 srp 2019, 19:42 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Panika ih hvata, bar one poštenije i odgovornije (ne nisu "socijal-demokrati), Za 5 mjeseci gase 2 nuklearna reaktora i više se nikad neće upaliti. A nemaju zamjenu osim uglja i nafte, i to ne odmah već kad izgrade.
Stranka "smećara" kaže mogu oni to nadomjestiti sa vjetroelektranama.
- 1800 MW od 2 nuklearna reaktora.

Uskoro će svi reaktori biti ugašeni. 3 su zatvorili zadnjih godina, zato imaju nestašicu el. enegije zadnjih godina, 7 uskoro.

Ali eto, u njihvom slučaju možda i pozitivno. Da im uleti 5-8 muslimana sa AK-47 i dosta municije ne bi znali obraniti nuklearku.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 16 srp 2019, 11:06 

Pridružen/a: 02 pro 2011, 22:58
Postovi: 9003
Lokacija: Zagreb
https://www.sloboda.hr/direktor-volva-s ... nozemstvo/

Načelnik policije krivi društvene medije xD

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 17 srp 2019, 14:16 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
- Sud osudio Šveđanku za "zločin iz mržnje" jer je napisala da su Talibani majmuni, doslovce. Niži sud odbacio optužnicu, viši poništio presudu i osudio je.
Doslovce su napisali "Talibani su grupa" i za njih vrijedi zakon o zločinu mržnje i nije ih dozvoljeno vrijeđati. Kad ta ista Šveđanka stane pred suca ovaj put silovana od muslimana, sudac će pronaći milijun razloga zašto ga ne može osuditi ili mora osuditi na uvjetnu kaznu.

- Šveđanin upao u životnu gospodarstvenu krizu i otišao na socijalnu službu tražiti pomoć za stanarinu i hranu. Rekli mu da ima 1.8 € na računu u banci i da to prvo mora potrošiti na hranu, pa poslije nek ide sam tražiti posao. Žalio se na dvije instance i na drugoj dobio pravdu, jedva.
To što namjerno i svjesno rade svom narodu je puno gore od bilo kakvog ratnog zločina.

- Svaki musliman "dijete" migrant ih dnevno košta 550€ (smještaj) + 190€ (socijala, većinu dobije skrbnik) = 740€ dnevno po odraslom muslimanu kriminalcu koji laže da je "dijete".
- 22.200 € mjesečno po svakom migrantu kriminalcu. Toliko porezni obveznici plaćaju tu gadariju. Statistike i medicinska testiranja iz drugih država pokazuju da 9/10, 90% njih su odrasle osobe koje lažu da su djeca.
Nedavno uspjeli nagovoriti policiju u Maroku da razmjenjuju otiske prstiju i identitete osoba. 90% muslimana laže da su "djeca". Eto, ne može više sa strane znanosti. Pošalju otiske prstiju u Maroko, ovi im jave nazad da se radi o odrasloj osobi.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 17 srp 2019, 23:29 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 14:12
Postovi: 3896
Kako su švedski ******** s depre kraljem gustavom adolfom 2. na čelu bili frendovi s osmanlijama kontra pravih kršćana, smatram da je ovo pravedna božija kazna za te nordijske heretike.
Uslast drugovi moderno transđenderski.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 22 srp 2019, 23:34 

Pridružen/a: 04 srp 2019, 23:20
Postovi: 3502
Samo čekam kad će krenuti masovni prosvjedi, zahtjevi za još većim pravima, žalbe protiv sistematske "opresije" i fantomskog "rasizma", neredi i na koncu "autonomne oblasti"/separatizam, oružani sukobi, islamska kontra-revolucija itd. Naši ljudi idu u Švedsku živit neki svoj san, ali uskoro bi se mogli vračati u suzama.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 25 srp 2019, 16:14 

Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 11:09
Postovi: 26010
Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel

"Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 25 srp 2019, 20:35 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Šveđani migranti u Italiji.


Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 25 srp 2019, 22:57 

Pridružen/a: 04 srp 2019, 23:20
Postovi: 3502
Liberalna utopija gdje je razotkrivanje terorizma, nasilja nad domicilnim stanovništvom i islamske kontra-revolucije ravno zločinu, nacizmu i rasizmu, vrijedno svake cenzure, prijezira, otpuštanja s posla i društvene izolacije. Sudovi uvijek sude protiv domicilnog stanovništva. Zbogom slobodi govora i mišljenja, dobrodošli u radikalni Švedistan, čuvajte se "thought police" i 86 no-go zona. Unutar pola godine na 6 policijskih stanica bačene granate... Ko voli mazohizam i stockholmski sindrom, nek izvoli, pametnom dosta.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 01 kol 2019, 21:19 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Policija, napokon, dala u javnost opis počinitelja grupnog silovanja (pokušaj, uspjela pobjeći). Nijedan, baš nijedan, masovni medij im nije pomogao da je prenijeo te detalje. Samo prenijeli da traže počinitelje silovanja bez ikakvih detalja.
Muslimani, tamnoputi i crne kose, 10 njih čekali na svoj dio silovanja.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 03 kol 2019, 22:40 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Priznali "Palestinu" kao državu (2 puta), sad 30.000 Palestinaca neće protjerati jer "nemaju državu". Kako ih "socijal-demokrati" deru kao male majmune. Potpuno svoj narod tretiraju kao pravo glupo smeće.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 03 kol 2019, 23:07 

Pridružen/a: 04 srp 2019, 23:20
Postovi: 3502
Paralizirani sudovi, paralizirana policija, cenzura, nered, bezakonje, silovanja, palež, napadi granatama, nasilje nad svima koji se suprotstave, glavno žarište islamofašizma u Sjevernoj Europi... Multikulturalni Švedistan je rasulo, to je država samo na papiru.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 03 kol 2019, 23:48 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Neopisiva je poplava silovanja i podmetanja požara. Neopisiva epidemija. Neki dan su Šveđanku odvukli na travu u gradu, i više njih je pokušalo silovati.
16:00 poslije podne, u sred grada od 67.000 ljudi.


Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 04 kol 2019, 00:08 

Pridružen/a: 04 srp 2019, 23:20
Postovi: 3502
Samo je pitanje vremena kad će krenut neka naoružana povorka iz neke džamije, zauzet općine/policijske postaje i proglasit uspostavu kalifata islamske krajine. Mislim da bi mediji to prenijeli kao prosvjed protiv rasizma i čin emancipacije marginaliziranih skupina. A naši "intelektualci" će i dalje htjeti prekopirati "švedski" model.

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