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 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 31 pro 2020, 15:49 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Preminuo im čovjek (85) poslije vakciniranja.
Neka cjepiva naprave istu oluju antitijela kao i virus.

(Pfizer-Biontechs mRNA-vaccin)

Ugasili 2 nuklearna reaktora, ostala 2 do 10 godina. Iako imaju nestašicu električne enrgije i uvoze je.
Sad će biti najveća deponija u Europi za odbačene solarne panele.

Kažu im lideri "Nema rizika za nestašice struje sve dok je možemo uvoziti". "Nobelovci".

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 04 sij 2021, 14:40 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Pristali glupani na eksperiment financiran od Bill Gates da im nebo prskaju nekim supstancama da blokiraju sunce. Za sad samo proba sa balonima i od iduće godine raspršivanje. (Jesen 2021 ili proljeće 2022)
U državi gdje jedva i vide sunca i željni su ga kao majmuni banana.

Oni će se toliko uništiti da će sve morati uvoziti a za uvoz neće više imati novca.

No dobro, i to je jedan od načina zaustavljanja uvoza muslimana. Siromaštvo.

A project conducted by Harvard University scientists and funded largely by Microsoft founder Bill Gates to test sun-dimming technology to cool global warming is quietly moving forward in Sweden.

Niclas Hällström, director of the Sweden-based environmentalist think-tank WhatNext? told Reuters, "There is no merit in this test except to enable the next step. You can't test the trigger of a bomb and say 'This can't possibly do any harm.'"

Hällström added that he has reservations over the concept for its "potential to change rain patterns or crop yields."

Lili Fuhr, who is head of the international environmental policy division at the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Germany, said that the project is, indeed, "crossing an important political red line."
"They don't want to stop at this small experiment. The reason is to get bigger experiments," she explained.

Reuters reported that both Fuhr and Hällström said the plan "would violate a global 2010 moratorium on geoengineering under the U.N. Convention on Biodiversity."

Jim Thomas, co-CEO of environmentalist organization ETC Group, said that he and his peers also oppose the idea.
"This is as much an experiment in changing social norms and crossing a line as it is a science experiment," Thomas warned.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 15 sij 2021, 14:26 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Mali pregled zanimljivosti iz "socijal-demokratske" The Utopije.

- "Migrant" zamalo prebio na smrt učiteljicu.

- 3 muslimana prebili Šveđanina jer im rekao da ostave njegovu djevojku na miru. Šutali ga nogama u glavu dok je ležao na podu.

- SIlovanja, razna.

- Hasan silovao Šveđanku. Pustili ga na slobodu bez pritvora, nekoliko dana poslije silovao drugu Šveđanku.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 15 sij 2021, 14:38 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Nešto nije u redu. Imaju previše djece sa ozbiljnim Covid-19 simptomima. Oko 30 djece leži na intenzivnim odjeljenjima, moraju ih nadgledati čitav dan, nekoliko stotina ima jake simptome ali ne životno opasni.
Pretjerana reakcija anti-tijela. Nemam pojma jel od cjepiva ili ne.

Novčane kazne za nerespektiranje pandemijskih pravila. Nešto im baš ne ide to "savjetovanje", trebaju jaki zakoni.

Jučer imali 351 mrtvih zbog zaraze.

Kaos nebeskih proporcija. I ne mijenjaju kurs jer o ovome ne da ovise sljedeći izbori "socijal-demokratima" već i njihov opstanak.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 15 sij 2021, 15:01 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 15:23
Postovi: 12467
BBC je napisao/la:
Mali pregled zanimljivosti iz "socijal-demokratske" The Utopije.

- "Migrant" zamalo prebio na smrt učiteljicu.

- 3 muslimana prebili Šveđanina jer im rekao da ostave njegovu djevojku na miru. Šutali ga nogama u glavu dok je ležao na podu.

- SIlovanja, razna.

- Hasan silovao Šveđanku. Pustili ga na slobodu bez pritvora, nekoliko dana poslije silovao drugu Šveđanku.

Šta 200 godina mira i prosperiteta plus 60 godina ljevičarskog ispiranja mozga od strane politike, medija i školstva učini od jednog naroda.

Baš su skandinavske seljačine kojima se posrećilo dosta toga uz njihovu marljivost i organiziranost.

Nema tolike gluposti, a da ju ne možeš ljudima prodati. Predobro im je bilo predugo. Švedska, Kanada, mogli su 1000 godina slijedećih uživati u svom malom raju ali to ne bi bilo zanimljivo...ajmo uvoziti divljake da malo začine stvari...

HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 19 sij 2021, 11:01 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Radili IQ testiranje Afrikanaca i sad avionima importiraju ove sa najnižim IQ u Africi.
Zanimljivo kako se "socijal-demokratima" gade IQ testiranja i bilo kakva priča o tome. Osim kad moraju importirati muslimane u Švedsku, onda sami plate i naprave testiranja.

Koliko ta njihova vladajuća elita mrzi Šveđane kad im sve ovo rade ?

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 19 sij 2021, 17:21 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
268 mrtvih za 3 dana. Ovo je zrelo za suda u Haagu.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 24 sij 2021, 13:09 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Molotov Cocktails Thrown At Church in Swedish No-Go Zone

An attacker threw three Molotov cocktails at a church in the no-go Stockholm suburb of Spånga-Tensta.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 24 sij 2021, 16:42 

Pridružen/a: 12 lis 2009, 17:44
Postovi: 8391
BBC je napisao/la:
Radili IQ testiranje Afrikanaca i sad avionima importiraju ove sa najnižim IQ u Africi.
Zanimljivo kako se "socijal-demokratima" gade IQ testiranja i bilo kakva priča o tome. Osim kad moraju importirati muslimane u Švedsku, onda sami plate i naprave testiranja.

Koliko ta njihova vladajuća elita mrzi Šveđane kad im sve ovo rade ?

Ne mrzi vladajuća elita Šveđane već su oni mazohisti, ne može vladajuća elita imati vlast bez svojih glasača.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 24 sij 2021, 20:45 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 16:34
Postovi: 23668
Na ovj temi jedan nelječeni PTSPovac iznosi non stop lažne podatke o broju mrlih s covidom u Švedskoj.

Svaki puta kada dotični objavi neki broj, molim vas da prije toga odete na: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavir ... ry/sweden/

i uvjerit se da laže.

Švedska je inače po smrtnosti 22. u svijetu i jedina zemlja s višom smrtnosti od nje (al i istarijim stanovnitvpm) koja ima liberalnije mjere je BIH.

Sve ostale koje su gore od Švedske imaju oštrije mjere. Sedmodnevni prosjek umrlih u Švedskoj je trenutno 20, što bi vam bio ekvivalent od 8 u HR. u kojoj je prosjek 30.

Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 25 sij 2021, 11:28 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
O majmune glupi. Nadasve veliki majmune.


Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 25 sij 2021, 11:59 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Od samog početka zaraze, od prvih dana, sintetički drže uporno oko 30% kreveta sa aparatima na intenzivnoj njezi slobodnim.
Hebeni ratni zločin, kao nacisti su.
Bitnije im da narod ne diže paniku zbog dobitka sljedećih izbora nego da liječe svoje bolesne. Ljudi kao vreće govana danima umiru u svojim domovima bez ikakve liječničke pomoći.

Isto to rade u Sarajevu, no ti imaju opravdanje, siromaštvo i nedostatak novca.

Ovaj moj prijatelj u BiH koji je dobio teži oblik (pomagala za disanje nekoliko dana i krvne infuzije, ne respirator, ventilator) u Švedskoj ne bi imao nikakve šanse dobiti krevet i liječenje u bolnici. Idi doma, ako možeš disati diši, ako ne umri.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 03 vel 2021, 19:25 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Ludnica. Imaju 125 i više mrtvih zbog Corona svaki dan.

Prognoziraju da imaju oko 160.000 dugoročno bolesnih od Corona. 10 tjedana i dulje imaju iste simptome.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 06 vel 2021, 00:36 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 15:23
Postovi: 12467
Sweden now the country with the highest percentage of Thai wives

Sweden has emerged as the country with the highest percentage of local men with Thai wives or life partners.

As well as a growing number of Thai workers travelling to Sweden as seasonal workers, the number of Thai women arriving in Sweden has increased three fold over the last 10 years. Over 80% of Thai immigrants to Sweden are relationship partners or Thai wives of Swedish men and Sweden, like Germany has a long tradition of men seeking Thai women as life partners. Sweden is one of a few countries where there is now a second and third generation Thai community which still maintains very close links with Thailand. However, the increased levels of younger Thai women now entering Sweden has now become a political issue.

Last year, a female governor of one rural Swedish province requested that the government look into this situation, investigate abuse and perhaps even limit the number of Thai women permitted into the country.

She has now been given a mandate from the Swedish government to investigate the trend although government agencies and leading academic have also conductive a qualitative studies into the nature of the growing number of relationships between Swedish men and Thai women. Although Sweden portrays itself to be one of the more liberal countries in Europe, the Swedish government is concerned with this as immigration becomes a powerful and divisive political issue.

In fact, the Swedish government has had several issues to deal with. In spite of it representing its country as liberal and progressive, Swedes has been putting their government under pressure to investigate such issues as gay and lesbian marriages, the ordination of lesbian bishops and the growth of the sex industry in Sweden, including the large numbers of Thai massage parlours in Stockholm.

Those lobbying the Swedish government highlight the number of Thai women who appear to be discarded by their male Swedish partners or seek help from Sweden's welfare agencies. Women's groups claim many Thai women have been subjected to abuse by Swedish men. However, like Finland and Norway, while there are documented cases of abuse, most relationships between Thai women and Swedish men are successful. Although there is no accurate data on relationship breakdown between Thai women who marry Swedish men, it is likely to be lower than the overall divorce rate in Sweden which is now nearly 55%. One UK man living in Sweden estimates that over 85% of marriages between Thai women and Swedish men are successful.

Jim Henderson is a Londoner living in Stockholm who met his Thai wife Paphora on ThaiLoveLines in 2010 and now lives happily in Sweden: 'My wife loves Sweden in spite of the cold, we are very happy but I have heard stories of some guys on their third wife from Thailand, I have had to take my wife to the hospital and the administrators insisted on having a Thai translator for her when she first arrived even though she speaks very good English. I think the authorities are right to be so protective here but I am concerned that some people have an agenda. Behind their concern for Thai women, I think they really want to cut down on it.'

Although there are undoubtedly concerns for some Thai women who are married to Swedes or in long-term relationships, a new survey by a Swedish academic institute into Thai women living in rural Sweden shows that Thai women do not fit the obvious stereo types often portrayed. The survey finds a colourful picture of strong women working hard to make a new life in a very different country and culture. This is similar to studies carried out in diverse countries such as Finland, Germany and Australia where government agencies have accepted that most relationships between Thai women and foreign men are, in fact, bone fide.

Says Jim: 'Sweden is a great country but it's the same as all wealthy countries, there has been such a change in the dating culture and family life. I'm a professional, I've had wonderful dating experiences with Swedish women but I never married until I met my wife in Thailand. It never occurred to me that there could be something wrong with what I was doing until I had some comments from friends and started reading stuff on the net. Most times it sort of amuses me but there have been times when I've gotten annoyed with the rubbish been thrown out there.'

Thai Immigration and Berry Picking

In fact, increasing numbers of Swedish men are choosing Thai women to be their wives. Not only that, but immigration of both Thai men and women into Sweden is nothing new: this has been taking place for many years, and the Thai community in Sweden has been steadily growing over the years. There has not been a sudden influx of Thai women into Sweden although the trend has increased steadily and sharply - perhaps it has reached a critical level or perhaps the key factor is that Swedish society is coming to terms with new political and social tensions.

For instance the Swedish berry industry has relied on Thais for many years. Except for Thais picking berries under temporary work visas, the Swedish berry harvests would have been in trouble.

This is a job that native Swedes apparently dislike doing, hence the decision of the Swedish government in 2007 to allocate temporary visas to Thais to help gather in this important harvest to the Swedish economy. Blueberries, lingonberries, strawberries and raspberries among others have to be picked, most Swedes regard the wages paid to be beneath them.

The Swedish berry crops have to be picked, and as in many western countries, Swedes tend not to be interested in this type of work. Farmers rely on immigrants to carry out this work, and Thailand has tended to supply most of these for the Swedish berry crop since the 2007 visa agreement. In fact, 3,582 permits were given to Thais in 2008, and while many have claimed this to be slave labour the Thai workers would disagree.

Thais can make enough money picking berries in a season to buy a house back in Thailand. Their monthly income is more than that of a doctor in Thailand, and Swedes should not judge income by their own standards. Many berry pickers originate from the very poor north-east of Thailand, where the income these workers can earn is a fortune by local standards. Many return year after year because Swedes will not do the hard work for the same money.

Exploitation of Thai Women in Sweden

There is certainly evidence in Sweden of abuse occurring to Thai women travelling to the country. In spite of its Liberal and progressive image Sweden has a vibrant sex industry with a reputed 190 Thai massage parlours in Stockholm alone.

There are stories of young Thai women being sold by their families to Swedish men and then forced into slavery or the sex trade when they arrive in Sweden. In fact, the parallel business of human trafficking to satisfy the explosion in the prostitution industry is often confused with the growth in inter racial dating worldwide now made possible by the internet.

It has to be said however that there is anecdotal evidence of some Thai women who have been discarded by Swedish husbands or where relationships have broken down, turning to the sex industry. The Swedish government has been very active in preventing this and is making efforts to inform Thai women in such situations of their rights and support that is available from government agencies. The Thai embassy in Sweden has recently announced a hotline for Thai women stranded in Sweden. This is part of an overall policy initiative taken by the Thai government throughout the world in response to the huge increase in Thai women marrying foreign partners.

Jim Henderson says: ' I think most responsible men who have Thai wives or relationship partners are deeply concerned at this sort of activity, I don't think it's the real story and I think most government agencies already know this, the problem is, as I said some groups want to tar it all with the same brush. That's not funny when it touches you personally, you know but we just get on with it.'

Integration of Thais into Swedish Communities

Enlightened immigration policies in Sweden have led to a virtual invasion by Thai workers of many kinds, not just crop pickers. Thais have also moved to Sweden to open restaurants and Thai restaurants, as in countries all over the world form the vanguard of the Thai community.

Many Thais have settled permanently in Sweden over the past 20 years. In fact, it is estimated that there are now around 30,000 Thai-born people living in Sweden, including wives of Swedish men, restaurant owners and those that run small business of various kinds. Thais are astute business people, and many Thai wives are able to run businesses themselves.

They have integrated well into local communities. In Utanede, in the north of Sweden just east of Östersund, one of the major tourist attractions is a genuine Thai pavilion, the spire of which rises well above the pines and birch trees. It is the only pavilion of its design outside Thailand.

Noi, a young Thai woman living in Utanede, says 'this is great: It's good for the Swedes to experience our culture and we feel almost at home here.' Apart from being a tourist attraction, the pavilion has generated interest in the development of trade between Thailand and Sweden.

There are more Thais in Sweden than just the seasonal workers, and Thais are not the only seasonal workers here. There are many other nationalities represented in those that work in the northern forests of Sweden, although it is the Thai women that the Swedes appear to prefer to marry. In fact, in some areas they are no longer perceived as being 'exotic,' but are regarded as members of the local communities.

Thai women in Sweden are enjoying an increasing degree of acceptance by their Swedish neighbours, many of whom learn a great deal from their Thai friends. Each culture can learn from the other, and while the Swedish government may be concerned at the level of Thai immigration, those that live with them and marry them welcome the diversity that these colourful and hard-working people offer to their communities.

Švedske feministice su malo ljubomorne...

HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 06 vel 2021, 08:50 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 16:49
Postovi: 34436
Pa jbg kad im domaće cure više ne vrijede ništa, ali to je krivica Šveđana, pokvariti će oni brzo i te uvezene jer je korijen problema u muškarcima.

Ukidanjem BiH štedimo 50 milijardi KM. Neka razum prevlada.

1132 of 2558 - 44.25%

Sarajevo, generalno sarajevska kotlina je rasadnik zla i mržnje. Frustrirana, napaćena i bahata sredina.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 10 vel 2021, 13:31 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Već odavno su svim alternativnim medijima ukinuli bankovne račune. Ako nisi na partijskoj liniji "socijal-demokrata". Upozorenje i onim većim vjernim medijima što im se može dogoditi ako talasaju previše.
Šef (jedne od njih) banke "socijal-demokrat" bivši premijer. 70 godina svoje ljude raspoređuju na sva imalo bitna radna mjesta pa su zakoni i vlade potpuno nebitni.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 10 vel 2021, 14:11 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
- Gase nuklearne centrale "da spase planet Zemlju" i sad lože naftne derivate jer nemaju struje. Maskimalno uvoze ali i to je ograničeno. (Uvoz struje skoro sav je generiran od fosilnih goriva)

- Državna TV kuća savjetuje Šveđane da ne koriste usisivače da ne dođe do havarije u električnoj mreži i defekti u transformatorima.

- Žena im utrpala "knjigu" matematike u škole. Nema ispravnog odgovora. Knjiga je uglavnom prazni listovi u koje će učenici crtati i pisati matematiku kako ih volja. Uči ih da nije bitno što je ispravno već je istina to u što oni vjeruju da je ispravno. Bit će zanimljivo kad odrastu i u Volvo budu radili knjigovodstvo. Ja vjerujem da je ovo ispravno i toliko poreza morate platiti državi.
Oni sami su tradicionalnoo slabi sa matematikom i sad im importirana muslimanija skroz srozala rezultate na međunarodnim testiranjima pa traže "rupe u zakonu" da to zaobiđu. Bez ikakve javne diskusije, bez ikakvog otpora, jedna stara žena im život promijeni tako drastično. Smio bih se okladiti da je "socijal-demokrat".

Slika sa njenog bloga. Učenik je bio u pravu i dao ispravan rezultat "jer je njoj uspio objasniti zašto" je došao do tog rezultata.
Ovi iz Sarajeva sa svojim šibicarskim pričama sad u Švedskoj mogu biti najbolji matematičari.


- 300 € novih (dodatnih) poreza godišnje vlasnicima vozila. "Socijal-demokratska" utopija se mora sa nečim financirati. Nema besplatno.
(Preko 3 milijarde € poklona vladi za zajebavanje, jednim potpisom)

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 11 vel 2021, 06:28 

Pridružen/a: 31 svi 2020, 15:38
Postovi: 4270
Odlicno. Ne zelin da se to uopce moze vratit unatrag... recimo 10, 20 godina. Tria taj sustav slomit do pucanja civilnosti.

BBC je napisao/la:
Radili IQ testiranje Afrikanaca i sad avionima importiraju ove sa najnižim IQ u Africi.
Zanimljivo kako se "socijal-demokratima" gade IQ testiranja i bilo kakva priča o tome. Osim kad moraju importirati muslimane u Švedsku, onda sami plate i naprave testiranja.

Koliko ta njihova vladajuća elita mrzi Šveđane kad im sve ovo rade ?

Odakle ti ovo? Daj izvor.
Doslovno ne mogu smislit odlicniju stvar za Svedsku. Ja vec godinama govorim da ovo sve triba ubrzat. Triba uvest sta veci broj Zulua i Kongoanaca da drustvo bude sta zacinjenije.

Hrvati BiH tribaju uvest americke/ceske zakone o oruzju.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 11 vel 2021, 12:12 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Britanska studija u školama. Šveđani nisu politički korektni kad se ispunjava "socijal-demokratska" agenda pa je prihvatili.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 11 vel 2021, 13:24 

Pridružen/a: 22 pro 2020, 08:59
Postovi: 438
Svedska je definitivno u svakom pogledu pala u mojim ocima kad su na osnovu svojih perverznih zakona koji se ticu silovanja izradili Juliana Assangea. Mogu sad prditi koliko god hoce o "ljuckim pravima" i ne znam cemu - kad gazda naredi, sve pada u vodu. A zna se kome je Julian A. stao na zulj.

Za one koji jos ne znaju: Imao covjek seks s 2 prostitutke koje su nakon toga izjavile da nije htio koristiti kondome - optuzba: silovanje. Od tog momenta, a prodje od tad 11 bajrama, covjek nije ni na nebu, ni na zemlji. Et...

A zna se o cemu se radi i sta im kod njega smeta, naime cinjenica da je prije svega Klintonovku okaljao svojim objavama na Wikileaksu, a naravno razotkrio mnoge ratne zlocine americke soldateste u Iraku i sire.


 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 18 vel 2021, 22:04 

Pridružen/a: 25 lip 2012, 07:32
Postovi: 2508
Lokacija: United States Of Balkan
Asirac otpušten s posla u Švedskoj jer je odbio skinuti svoj križ

https://www.nedjelja.ba/hr/kriznim-pute ... kriz/19454


 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 18 vel 2021, 22:40 

Pridružen/a: 23 ožu 2015, 21:56
Postovi: 4983
Nekuzim ove generacije,nedostatak domisljatosti i buntovništva,rokerštine i stick it to the boss mentaliteta!!

Pa da nije znao obuc majicu na svedsku zastavu sutra dan i tako doc na posao.
Jebote pa ja bi još pojacao onaj zuti kriz onim fluorescentnim tkaninama sa onih svijetlecih radnickih prsluka i tako došao,ispao pametniji i mocniji od sistema pa neka mi daju otkaz!!

Muslimani su nastali, kada je Bosna nestala.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 19 vel 2021, 09:45 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Može im lako uzeti novac na sudu. Križ ispod majice dok radi nije sigurnosni rizik.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 03 ožu 2021, 19:49 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2019, 22:54
Postovi: 4862
Lokacija: Svjetski poznat oslobođeni grad na istoku Srpske
Multi kulti:

Osam osoba povređeno u napadu nožem u Švedskoj

Muškarac naoružan nožem ranio je osam osoba u Švedskoj, javlja agencija AFP, pozivajući se na policiju. Postoji sumnja da se radi o terorističkom napadu.


Nećete u Bejruuut, niste ni prije.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 03 ožu 2021, 20:29 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 11:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Upucali ga u nogu. Nije prošlo ni par sati policija otvorila istragu protiv policajca koji je pucao. Usrani su kao zečevi. Svoje sjene se plaše,


Spetsnaz, a force for good.

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