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 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 22 srp 2022, 22:11 

Pridružen/a: 04 srp 2022, 07:35
Postovi: 1219
Def Mon ima uvijek točne i najbolje komentare. :palacgore1 :sega

Sinovi kupaca Lada napali su u smjeru
Verkhn'okam'yans'ke, Ivano-Dar'ivka, Vesele, Soledar Pokrovs'ke. Napadi nisu uspjeli i neke sretne majke mogu kupiti nove Lade.

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 22 srp 2022, 22:18 

Pridružen/a: 18 pro 2015, 10:33
Postovi: 16650
..ono kad pogledaš Rusi nisu nista napravili topovskim udarima su dobili premoć ..al premalo skroz..kad ukri krenu a oružje stiže bice cirkusa..

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 22 srp 2022, 22:43 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109214
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Digli su dobnu granicu za teritorijalnu obranu (to su oni koji za 2 tjedna završe na prvoj crti) na 70 godina.
HVO i Herceg-Bosnu su vodili ljudi nobelovci i magistri u poređenju sa tim kijevskim budaletinama.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 22 srp 2022, 22:43 

Pridružen/a: 04 srp 2022, 07:35
Postovi: 1219
BBC je napisao/la:
Ako ste se pitali za Odessu.

In the Kherson region, the Odessa brigade completed combat coordination - offensive operations will begin in the near future in the Nikolaev and Odessa directions

"In the near future, together with the allied forces, we will begin to liberate the city of Nikolaev and the hero city of Odessa. We will not show any mercy to the Ukronazis, mercenaries and any Bandera scum," the representative of the brigade said.

Separately, we note that the brigade consists of people from the south of Ukraine, Odessa and Nikolaev regions.

Das saberi se, kako te nije sram takve nebuloze ovdje pisati.

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 22 srp 2022, 22:45 

Pridružen/a: 18 pro 2015, 10:33
Postovi: 16650
BBC je napisao/la:
Digli su dobnu granicu za teritorijalnu obranu (to su oni koji za 2 tjedna završe na prvoj crti) na 70 godina.
HVO i Herceg-Bosnu su vodili ljudi nobelovci i magistri u poređenju sa tim kijevskim budaletinama.

..Rusi su angažirali rocnike i penzice nema tu snage…ubogoj općoj ofenzivi su napredovali pedeset metara dnevno..jadno

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 22 srp 2022, 22:48 

Pridružen/a: 01 kol 2020, 12:37
Postovi: 18185
Upozorenja: 1
laganini je napisao/la:

..Rusi su angažirali rocnike i penzice nema tu snage…ubogoj općoj ofenzivi su napredovali pedeset metara dnevno..jadno

Ne lupetaj, za Rusiju ratuju Čečeni, Baškiri, Burjati, kozaci i wagner grupa uz proruske ukrajince.
Rusija nije ni 15% profesionalne vojske angažirala u Ukrajini

Broj učenika u osnovnim školama u USK
2013/2014 - 25,758
2023/2024 - 15,503

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 22 srp 2022, 22:49 

Pridružen/a: 11 vel 2012, 13:30
Postovi: 12935
Sve da napreduju 50m dnevno, opet je to 50m vise nego sto su Muslimani napredovali za 4 godine.

Tako da ne znam cemu ruganje? :neznam

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 22 srp 2022, 22:56 

Pridružen/a: 18 pro 2015, 10:33
Postovi: 16650
..ako te to riješi super..ak naouruzanje stiže od Amera ruse moze samo spasit eventualna nesloga europe…

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 22 srp 2022, 22:59 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109214
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Russian military bases will be located in the Kherson region after reunification with Russia.

This was stated by the deputy head of the military-civil administration of the region.
Today, air defense systems have been strengthened in the region and weapons capable of shooting down American HIMARS missiles have been delivered.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 00:21 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 13:49
Postovi: 9911
Lokacija: Usa

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 10:20 

Pridružen/a: 04 srp 2022, 07:35
Postovi: 1219
Opet uhvatili Rusku propagndu u laži. Ovi zarobljenici od 23.Lipnja još su jedan put prikazani kao zarobljeni od prije 3 dana u Siversku. :zubati
Tako su na početku rata jedan srušeni Bayrakter slikali na jedno 10 različtih mjesta. :sega

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 10:35 

Pridružen/a: 26 pro 2021, 20:59
Postovi: 4514
Ameri guraju Ukrajince da napadnu Ruse u Pridnjestrovlju, ako se ovo dogodi bice mobilizacije u Rusiji.

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 10:46 

Pridružen/a: 08 srp 2017, 11:10
Postovi: 37650
laganini je napisao/la:
..ako te to riješi super..ak naouruzanje stiže od Amera ruse moze samo spasit eventualna nesloga europe…

Nesloga Evrope je cilj a Ukrajina je sredstvo.
Pad Liberalnog nacizma je pobjeda Rusije.
Ukrajina je sporedna i jednim i drugim. Igralište.

Srbi su mali narod sa karakterom super sile.

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 18:06 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 11:29
Postovi: 73975
Lokacija: Institut za razna i ostala pitanja
Siversk se već pola mjeseca brani.

Fun fact: I HDZ i SDA su osnovani u Zagrebu.


 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 18:47 

Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 11:09
Postovi: 25635
Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel
Robbie MO je napisao/la:
Siversk se već pola mjeseca brani.

Kako se uzme. Tu je bilo borbi ukupno nekoliko dana. Pravi napad će uslijediti kad dođe profesionalna vojska sa godišnjeg odmora.

"Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 18:54 

Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 11:09
Postovi: 25635
Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel
Inace impresivno je to. Stotinjak tisuća ruskih vojnika (s obzirom na rotacije), ima inicijativu na frontu dugom kao od Jadrana do Finske, protiv ukrajinske vojske- najače kopnene sile Europe.
Za divljenje.

"Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 19:34 

Pridružen/a: 01 ožu 2022, 11:15
Postovi: 1560
Rusa se boj kad miruju, znači da spremaju nešto veliko, Ukrajinci misle da su okusili rat, tek sad će shvatiti da rata zapravo još nisu ni vidjeli, ni oni ni zapadne ******** pičke, tek će da upoznaju rusko oružje i ruske vojnike.

Работайте, братья!

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 19:38 

Pridružen/a: 01 ožu 2022, 22:12
Postovi: 525
Bome ovi Rusi previše miruju

Drugi profil Th1950 .

Bugojno ne vidimo Tuzla u daljini ali Rafal pogađa Hrvatski sine ne brini !

Hrvatsku granatu božja ruka vodi , tamo gdje je pošaljemo ona i pogodi !

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 19:51 

Pridružen/a: 01 ožu 2022, 11:15
Postovi: 1560
Još nešto, pojam veličine u Rusiji je drugačiji nego u ostatku svijeta, ono što je za većinu veliko, za Rusiju je pičkin dim. Rusija je zemlja gdje ni sunce nikad ne zalazi, a zapadne pičke toliko su prepotentne da misle da su vidjeli ruski ratni potencijal...

Работайте, братья!

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 20:10 

Pridružen/a: 04 srp 2022, 07:35
Postovi: 1219
Bobovac je napisao/la:
Robbie MO je napisao/la:
Siversk se već pola mjeseca brani.

Kako se uzme. Tu je bilo borbi ukupno nekoliko dana. Pravi napad će uslijediti kad dođe profesionalna vojska sa godišnjeg odmora.

Profesionalna vojska je većinom već potracana, misliš da će izaći iz groba? :biceovodobro

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 20:43 

Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 11:09
Postovi: 25635
Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel
neman je napisao/la:
Bobovac je napisao/la:

Kako se uzme. Tu je bilo borbi ukupno nekoliko dana. Pravi napad će uslijediti kad dođe profesionalna vojska sa godišnjeg odmora.

Profesionalna vojska je većinom već potracana, misliš da će izaći iz groba? :biceovodobro

Naljepše molim bez navijačkih bedastoća. I u navijanju treba imati mjeru.

"Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 23 srp 2022, 23:52 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109214
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Predvidivo. Kad ratuju za Amerikance i Twitter popularnost.

Today in Ukraine they began to declare that there is no encirclement of the RF Armed Forces near Potemkino and Vysokopolye. This was forced to broadcast, including Arestovich, who launched this duck. Since their flock spent the whole day eating this informational manure from a shovel and demanding evidence of "encirclement", the topic became too toxic and today they began to merge it so that it would not work out like with the "attack on Kherson".

In practice. As it was mentioned yesterday, the attempts to "encircle" the RF Armed Forces near Vysokopolie ended with the fact that 2 battalions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that rushed to organize the "Vysokopolie Cannes" came under concentrated artillery fire of the RF Armed Forces, suffered heavy losses in killed and wounded and rolled back to the original ones.
In Ukraine, they preferred to inform the audience about the beginning of the "offensive", and not about its outcome. Today I got a bad hangover.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 24 srp 2022, 00:22 

Pridružen/a: 19 stu 2010, 11:50
Postovi: 10402
Lokacija: Banja Luka
Bobovac je napisao/la:
neman je napisao/la:
Profesionalna vojska je većinom već potracana, misliš da će izaći iz groba? :biceovodobro

Naljepše molim bez navijačkih bedastoća. I u navijanju treba imati mjeru.

Mjeru ?
To je onomad na fudbalskom SP u Brazilu očekivalo trofej :zubati

Elem, tema...
Nisam previše ''inovativan'' kad kažem da je u toku ključni i najteži dio ruske intervencije u Ukrajini .
Otprilike , kao kad ribar izvlači velikog soma , nemoguće ga je izvući bez zamaranja . Sve dok se ne okrene na leđa i zabjelasa mu se stomak.
Poslije sve ide lakše.

Sunce izlazi na Istoku . Ništa nije moćnije od ideje čije je vrijeme stiglo .

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 24 srp 2022, 00:44 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109214
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Stvaranje "građanske" Ukrajine. Za 30 godina im nije uspjelo kao ni muslimanima. Ne ide na silu.
Životna pouka i jedina univerzalna istina. Ako hoćeš nešto takvo moraš se riješiti svog najvećeg neprijatelja, svog nacionalizma. (U primjeru muslimana iz Bosne i drugog neprijatelja, vjerskog fanatizma.)

Pročitajte pozorno sve, nauči se dosta toga.

Russian cities of Ukraine are waiting for the arrival of the Russian army

July 21, 2022, 16:05

The Kiev authorities are publicly perplexed - why the population of frontline zones is massively evading evacuation to the Ukrainian rear? There are suspicions that the inhabitants of Ukraine “somehow loyal to the enemy”, and threats against them. And in fact, the local population admits that they are waiting for the arrival of Russian troops. And this contributes, oddly enough, the Ukrainian government itself.

Some of the region’s residents “loyal to the enemy,” said Pavel Kirilenko, head of the Ukrainian Donetsk regional civil service administration on Wednesday. According to him, the rate of evacuation of the population from the region is low. Every day, 300-350 people can be taken out. In total, about 340 thousand residents remain in the part of the Donetsk region controlled by Kiev, Kirilenko said.

“Perhaps among those who do not want to go, some somehow loyally belong to the enemy, but believe me, we also deal with this and are engaged in law enforcement agencies. And the motives of some of them are also known to us, ”the governor threatened on the air of the All-Ukrainian telethon and announced in this regard“ more stringent and persistent measures ”.

The mayor of the Donetsk city of Kramatorsk, Alexander Goncharenko, reported that a week ago he launched an evacuation bus to the city of Pokrovsk, but there were few who wanted to. “There is no influx of people who begin to travel en masse,” said the mayor.

One of the subscribers Telegram -community “I love Kramatorsk”, without giving its name, describes the mood that reigns these days at the Kramatorsk city-forming enterprise Energomasspetsstal (EMSS). “The plant, of course, is now crushed and stolen. There, in the design bureau, pensioners are sitting behind old pot-bellied monitors.

But the plant is waiting for the Russians to come to Kramatorsk and transfer EMSS to the aid of the Russian army. Russian tanks will be repaired there - and that is bread.

For tanks to be repaired there, EMSS needs workers from residents of Kramatorsk, ”the city dweller writes. Another employee of the plant in the same public “I love Kramatorsk” directly writes: “There is no longer any Ukraine, and Kramatorsk and EMSS were, are and will be, the Russians will not do anything wrong to us.”.

Although the Kiev press regularly describes the “envelope of the invaders”, calling the Russian army nothing more than “Orcs”, the lion's share of the population of the Ukrainian part of Donbass still wants to wait for ours, said MIA observer “Russia Today”, director of the Center for Eurasian Studies Vladimir Kornilov. “Donbass, of course, remains on the side of Russia. This fact is recognized even by many Ukrainian officers and Western journalists. People are ready to take risks for a secure future. Many are sitting in basements, realizing that their houses will soon be in the battle zone. But they understand something else: if tomorrow they leave for the rear, for example, in Zaporozhye, then soon peace and tranquility will reign in their house. They cannot return through the front line. And then again you will have to retreat further to the west, it is not known where, being in refugee status, without shelter and at home, ”the expert explained.

“By the way, even Western media resources, which constantly conduct Russophobic propaganda, note such sentiments. The other day, a British newspaper published a story by a resident of Kramatorsk. The woman prepares to leave, but then promises to return - as soon as Kramatorsk is under Russian control, ”the political analyst emphasized.

In addition to Kirilenko, another Kiev governor in the region, the head of the military administration of the Lugansk region, Sergey Gaidai, previously complained about the reluctance of the residents of Donbass to leave. At the end of June, he even proposed to the Verkhovna Rada to introduce a law on forced deportation of the population from the war zone.

Kiev is distributing fairies on the Web about evacuation to the Donetsk People’s Republic in order to identify the disloyal inhabitants of Donbass, the headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR said on Wednesday. “Ukrainian channels and public relations tables on social networks disseminate misinformation about urgent evacuation along humanitarian corridors in the DPR. The occupation authorities of Kiev announced the start of the collection of applications from the population about the desire to travel to the DPR. Thus, Ukrainian special services continue to collect detailed information about the local population that remained disloyal to Kiev, ”the headquarters quoted the message RIA Novosti.
Earlier, the assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the LPR Vitaly Kiselev said that the national police of Ukraine are trying by force take to the territory western regions of civilians from the frontline zone. “More than 80% of citizens say they do not want to leave their homes. People, in reality, cannot tell the truth and say that they are waiting for us, ”the assistant to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR explained.

The recently famous Ukrainian blogger, radical nationalist Kirill Sazonov, performed an interview on one of Kiev TV channels dedicated to the battles in Lisichansk and Donetsk. Sazonov indignantly said that the inhabitants of these cities did not want to leave, because they are "vata". If people for 30 years of independence have not been inspired by love for Ukraine, it is useless to talk with them, the blogger complained.

The search for the “fifth column” was taken by the Ukrainian authorities at the other end of the front line. The head of the Nikolaev region, Vitaly Kim, on the eve warned that Nikolaev would be closed for several days for a raid on citizens supporting Russia. According to Kim, "candidate hour, development activities are planned.". The city “will be closed for several days”, “they will go home and work out bad people,” the publication “Country.ua” quotes the governor.

“I can say with confidence that Nikolaev was and remains a Russian city. A large number of people are waiting for the Russian army, ”said Larisa Shesler, chairman of the Union of Political Migrants and Political Prisoners of Ukraine, former deputy of the Nikolaev Regional Council Larisa Shesler, on this occasion to the newspaper VZGLYAD. - In Nikolaev arrested big the number of people whose whole fault is that they expressed their benevolent attitude towards Russia. ”.

“However, those who want to evacuate from Donbass or Nikolaev have a lot of problems,” she adds. - The Kiev authorities may be able to organize transport, but they do it extremely rarely. And most importantly, they do not provide housing and benefits for living in the western regions of Ukraine. If earlier refugees were placed in schools and other social facilities, now they are already being kicked out of there. Therefore, people who leave understand that they will remain homeless. ”.

According to human rights defenders, the Kiev government is not responsible for its citizens. “For several months of hostilities, people have already been able to see this, see it with their own eyes, hear from relatives and acquaintances. Today, only very wealthy people leave the frontline zone, or those who, for ideological reasons, warmly support the Kiev government, ”Shesler concluded.

Refugees in the deep Ukrainian rear do not expect anything good reminds on his VKontakte page, ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Alexei Zhuravko, who lives in Kherson. He talks about the misadventures of his two friends in the territory controlled by the Armed Forces. The Khersonist Peter, who left for Nikolaev, is hiding from mobilization in rented apartments, and at the same time cannot find work. “There is nothing to feed children. I can’t find work. Because I'm of draft age. I don’t want to fight, since this war is not ours. Already received two summons from the military enlistment office, ”Zit Zhuravko quotes a friend. Now, according to the ex-deputy, his friend is afraid to get into the SBU during the raids promised by Governor Kim.
Another friend Zhuravko, a Kiev citizen Konstantin sent his family to Western Ukraine, and he remained in the capital. However, the city is now in high crime rates, and Konstantin recently became a victim of a robbery. He took the car, money and was beaten.

By information EADaily news agency, more than 20 thousand refugees from the east are homeless in the Lviv region. The city hall in this regard is seeking additional funding from the government in Kiev - to organize new temporary accommodation centers in schools, kindergartens and other state institutions.

Earlier, Vladimir Kornilov noted that the evacuees from Donbass in Western Ukraine have numerous conflicts with local residents. The reason for the conflict is the fact that residents of the eastern regions do not know the Ukrainian language and speak Russian at home.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Rat u Ukrajini - vojni aspekt
PostPostano: 24 srp 2022, 10:27 

Pridružen/a: 14 sij 2022, 10:12
Postovi: 562
Sad rusi tvrde da se bitka dogodila.

https://military.pravda.ru/news/1729824 ... khersonom/

Može se očekivati ​​da će takva odluka rasplamsati nacionalističke, protuzapadne i militarističke tendencije u ruskom mišljenju..."

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