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 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 26 lis 2022, 20:04 

Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27
Postovi: 799
Kina ima 2 problema Kovida i Nekternine, dok Zapad ima 55 problema, i to vecinom mnogo gorih.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 26 lis 2022, 20:25 

Pridružen/a: 13 stu 2021, 23:58
Postovi: 7447
Lokacija: Nizza, Naissus...
Crnivuk je napisao/la:
K..M je napisao/la:
Izvanredna, prijelomna vijest:

Kinu trese skandal na partijskom kongresu....izgural bivseg Preds Kine i KP Kine....sjedeo pored Xia.

On i jos 3 smenjeni iz 7. clanog najviseg tjela....znaci 4 nova druga Xia...moguc pucki rat uz CIA zakuhavanje.

Korupcionski skandal trese Kinu, masa gradova duhova, hipotekarni mjehur u investicije nekretnine.

Smjenjen i guverner sredisnje banke, ravnatelj agenc za nadgledavanje, i jos deseci visokih duznosnika.

Šta je tu loše, Xi samo konsoliduje dodatno svoju moć. Tako će i Kina biti još jača. Ovo ostalo što si naveo su CNN gluposti.

Ne. .diktator pravi postaje, menjajući ustav od 2 mandata.
Vlastohlepan je i RAZHEBAĆE zapad ove žutaće.

Propast najdugovecnije imperije (1123 god), Istocno Rimskog carstva

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 26 lis 2022, 20:27 

Pridružen/a: 28 srp 2022, 18:46
Postovi: 10796
Lokacija: banana
Hocemo, evo jedva cekamo, samo jos na brzaka da oslobodimo Staljingrad i Moskvu.


 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 26 lis 2022, 20:27 

Pridružen/a: 13 stu 2021, 23:58
Postovi: 7447
Lokacija: Nizza, Naissus...
Crnivuk je napisao/la:

Poniževajuće pušenje malog žutog kurca od debila DJV.

Propast najdugovecnije imperije (1123 god), Istocno Rimskog carstva

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 26 lis 2022, 20:31 

Pridružen/a: 13 stu 2021, 23:58
Postovi: 7447
Lokacija: Nizza, Naissus...
dudu je napisao/la:
Legionnaire je napisao/la:

Meni djeluje sad najbolji momenat. Zapadu će biti teže ratovati na dva fronta i u Ukrajini i na Tajvanu. Već su se lijepo potrošili u Ukrajini. Osim ako Kini nije u interesu da prvo Rusija oslabi.

Xi se vjerovatno boji unutrašnjih previranja oko vlasti. Ovako mu je sigurnije. Dovoljno je jak da će ga teško ko ugroziti i zašto bi si pravio rizik?

Putin je, kad je napao, bio siguran da će zadržati vlast.

Zapad se potrošio u kom smislu? Imaš krivu percepciju na rat, ništa nije tako dobro za ekonomiju kao rat, pogotovo rat gdje netko drugi bije tvoje bitke.

Iz ovog rata Zapad izlazi jači, pogotovo Amerika, pokreće se vojno industrijski potencijal, Kina nema previše vremena, da imaju pameti stali bi na isti način iza Rusije kao NATO iza Ukrajine.

Točno mesje dudu ....pocepaće ih ujedinjeni bjeli čovek.

Udružene postrojbe RF i NATO SOTONISTA.

Previše se khurvaju da će ih razvaliti gore no u

2 Opijumska rata i podjeliti po zakrvljenim zonama.
Dugo Rusi nisu trgali Kinu, prošlo preko 160 g.

Propast najdugovecnije imperije (1123 god), Istocno Rimskog carstva

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 26 lis 2022, 20:37 

Pridružen/a: 13 stu 2021, 23:58
Postovi: 7447
Lokacija: Nizza, Naissus...
dudu je napisao/la:
Kod nad 99% gleda Kinu svisoka.

U Srb u nas posebno jug 99,5% ih smatraju za niža bića od cigana...pre bi se sa njima prijateljili no sa žutim štakorima. Odvratni su.

Meni *** i ako im izdajem 2 TC za goleme novce

To smrdi, prdi, podriguje, pljuje dok priča sa tobom.
Odvratni stvorovi. :zubati

Propast najdugovecnije imperije (1123 god), Istocno Rimskog carstva

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 26 lis 2022, 20:46 

Pridružen/a: 08 kol 2020, 21:26
Postovi: 1803
Jussi2 je napisao/la:
Kina ima 2 problema Kovida i Nekternine, dok Zapad ima 55 problema, i to vecinom mnogo gorih.

https://www.statista.com/statistics/114 ... tinations/


https://www.minerals.org.au/news/austra ... ld-quality

https://www.afr.com/policy/energy-and-c ... 810-p58hfl

Kina uveze 130 milijardi željezne rude iz Australije, i ugljena u takvim količinama.
Samo od te rude mogu se praviti specijalni čelici.
Ono što ljudi ne znaju, da je australska ruda najkvalitetnija na svijetu i nemoguće joj je naći zamjenu, nema ju. Ugljen koji topi tu rudu je isto S klase.

Energiji se može naći zamjena, pa bila skuplja, no svijet nema zamjenu za australsko željezo i ugljen. Da prestane izvoz rude, Kina bi izgubila XX% GDP-a.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 26 lis 2022, 23:02 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2019, 23:54
Postovi: 5421
Lokacija: Svjetski poznat oslobođeni grad na istoku Srpske
K..M je napisao/la:
dudu je napisao/la:

Zapad se potrošio u kom smislu? Imaš krivu percepciju na rat, ništa nije tako dobro za ekonomiju kao rat, pogotovo rat gdje netko drugi bije tvoje bitke.

Iz ovog rata Zapad izlazi jači, pogotovo Amerika, pokreće se vojno industrijski potencijal, Kina nema previše vremena, da imaju pameti stali bi na isti način iza Rusije kao NATO iza Ukrajine.

Točno mesje dudu ....pocepaće ih ujedinjeni bjeli čovek.

Udružene postrojbe RF i NATO SOTONISTA.

Previše se khurvaju da će ih razvaliti gore no u

2 Opijumska rata i podjeliti po zakrvljenim zonama.
Dugo Rusi nisu trgali Kinu, prošlo preko 160 g.

Točno. Kad počne pravi okršaj Kina vs Zapad, borit će se za simpatije RF. RF će birati onog tko više ponudi, a ne vidim što Kina može ponuditi. Zapad će skinuti sankcije, dati Litvu i ta sranja. MOŽDA IH PUSTE U NATO PAKT.

Tisuću osamsto i neke Kina je bila pocijepana. RF je uzela vanjsku Mandžuriju, slijedeći put će i UNUTRAŠNJU. Kinezi prevelike pičkice za UPRAVLJATI SVIJETOM, prije će bit tko u opijumskom ratu.

PuTiN jE mIsLiO uZeTi KiJeV za TrI dAnA!

Do Dnjepra+ Odesa+Nikoljaev ✓

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 31 lis 2022, 13:24 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109214
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
BBC je napisao/la:
Kinezi znaju da sve ovo i njih čeka. Od 1989. im Amerikanci dijele sankcije, paket za paketom.

The US may propose to the EU to impose export restrictions on China — Bloomberg

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 31 lis 2022, 14:47 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 17:34
Postovi: 24718
Dutch01 je napisao/la:
Je i takva će zemlja postati najjača zemlja na svijetu. Možeš si misliti.
Koliko god Zapad bio dekadentan, jednostavno ne mogu zamisliti da će ga na tronu zamijeniti bilo Rusija ili Kina sa svojim satelitima ili bilo tko drugi.

je li ti ikada palo napamet da možda ne bi trebalo biti trona ni ikoga na njemu?

uostalom, do `1991. nikada u poviejsti ni nije bilo

Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 31 lis 2022, 17:06 

Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27
Postovi: 799

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 31 lis 2022, 17:59 

Pridružen/a: 10 svi 2019, 22:58
Postovi: 21803
divizija je napisao/la:
Dutch01 je napisao/la:
Je i takva će zemlja postati najjača zemlja na svijetu. Možeš si misliti.
Koliko god Zapad bio dekadentan, jednostavno ne mogu zamisliti da će ga na tronu zamijeniti bilo Rusija ili Kina sa svojim satelitima ili bilo tko drugi.

je li ti ikada palo napamet da možda ne bi trebalo biti trona ni ikoga na njemu?

uostalom, do `1991. nikada u poviejsti ni nije bilo

Nisam ti baš siguran za ovo, Englezi su u 19. stoljeću bili kao amerika danas, kratko vrijeme je Napoleon i Francuska prije toga drmao svijetom...

Doduše istina da nitko nije imao hegemoniju poput amerike 1991-2008.

#Zoki 2024

Apartmanđije, uhljebi i kradeze = grobari Hrvata

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 31 lis 2022, 18:52 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 17:34
Postovi: 24718
weasel je napisao/la:
Nisam ti baš siguran za ovo, Englezi su u 19. stoljeću bili kao amerika danas, kratko vrijeme je Napoleon i Francuska prije toga drmao svijetom....

ni blizu, ni za namirisat. Amerika je drmala svojim kontinentom, druge sile svojim imperijima, u kontinentalnoj Europi nisu imali nikakav utjecaj praktički. Imali su najveći imperij i to je sve

Moć SADa nakon propasti SSSRa je neusporediva s bilo čime ikada

Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 03 stu 2022, 18:44 

Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27
Postovi: 799

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 04 stu 2022, 21:33 

Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27
Postovi: 799
Lula presidential win a boost for Brazil-China ties, BRICS, experts say

Previous Lula government built strong ties with Beijing and helped to establish the BRICS forum


https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diploma ... xperts-say

Scholz Won’t Be Xi’s Last Western Guest

As the German chancellor’s controversial trip to China shows, economic interests have become harder to sacrifice to professed moral values at a time of crisis.

https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/artic ... ify%20wall

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 05 stu 2022, 21:43 

Pridružen/a: 13 ožu 2011, 23:11
Postovi: 8202
I sta onda?

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 05 stu 2022, 21:46 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 17:34
Postovi: 24718
Yebote, kod Rusa nafta i plin, kod Kineza litij, što će jadna gayropa, kako će, kamo li će, pomoz joj Bože u kojeg ne vjeruje!

Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 06 stu 2022, 00:04 

Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27
Postovi: 799
Kinezi znaju da nece ratovati samo sa Tajvanom, nego sa celim NATO + Japanom i Australijom, zato toliko odugovlace. A godisnje izbace 5 puta vise tehnike od Amerike, vreme radi za njih. Dok vreme radi protiv Amerikanaca, zato Amerikanci toliko pritistikaju i izazivaju Kinu. Oni misle bolje danas da bude rat, nego za 5 godina, a Kina suprotno misli. Kina misli bolje rat da bude za 5 godina, nego danas. Svakim danom Kina jaca.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 06 stu 2022, 00:08 

Pridružen/a: 19 stu 2010, 11:50
Postovi: 10411
Lokacija: Banja Luka
Jussi2 je napisao/la:
Kinezi znaju da nece ratovati samo sa Tajvanom, nego sa celim NATO + Japanom i Australijom, zato toliko odugovlace. A godisnje izbace 5 puta vise tehnike od Amerike, vreme radi za njih. Dok vreme radi protiv Amerikanaca, zato Amerikanci toliko pritistikaju i izazivaju Kinu. Oni misle bolje danas da bude rat, nego za 5 godina, a Kina suprotno misli. Kina misli bolje rat da bude za 5 godina, nego danas. Svakim danom Kina jaca.

...a zapadna *** zaglavila u Ukrajini .

Sunce izlazi na Istoku . Ništa nije moćnije od ideje čije je vrijeme stiglo .

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 06 stu 2022, 00:23 

Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27
Postovi: 799
China completes T-shaped Tiangong space station with new Mengtian module move

https://www.space.com/china-completes-t ... ce-station

China Is Now a Major Space Power

https://www.wired.com/story/china-is-no ... e-station/

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 07 stu 2022, 16:25 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109214
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
bezimeni12 je napisao/la:
I sta onda?

The chinese army takes rare metals from washing machines and refrigerators.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 09 stu 2022, 06:30 

Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27
Postovi: 799

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 09 stu 2022, 07:08 

Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27
Postovi: 799
As President Joe Biden talks about a “battle between autocracy and democracy,” China has no ideological agenda that would bother Saudi Arabia. And while it’s made enormous investments in renewable energy, Beijing isn’t part of any crusade against fossil fuels, with China continuing to finance coal-fired power plants across the developing world.

China is Saudi Arabia’s biggest trading partner, and a source of increasing investment as Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman pursues his Vision 2030 redevelopment plan—an initiative that fits well with President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative.

China has backed big-ticket projects including a high-speed rail link between Jeddah and Medina and the Ras Al-Khair Maritime Complex. Bilateral trade amounted to over $65 billion as of 2020, compared with less than $20 billion for US-Saudi flows, according to data compiled by Germany’s Mercator Institute for China Studies.

“MBS continues to demonstrate his preference for global engagement that is transactional, similar to how both China and Russia generally engage in the world. The problem is, that’s not traditionally how Washington conducts foreign policy,” says Jonathan Panikoff, a director at the Atlantic Council who previously served in the US office for national intelligence.

Last year, Saudi Arabia was given observer status in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a China-led international security group that originally focused on Central Asia but is now expanding toward the Middle East. Xi’s first trip outside China since Covid struck saw him attend an SCO summit last month, and speculation has mounted that he may visit Saudi Arabia this year or next, after receiving an invitation in March.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 09 stu 2022, 07:10 

Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27
Postovi: 799
China’s Xi Jinping Plans Visit to Saudi Arabia Amid Global Reshuffling


https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinas-xi- ... 1667818979

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 09 stu 2022, 07:16 

Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27
Postovi: 799
Kakvo istorijsko ponizenje za Hameriku,

Saudi Arabia Reiterates Commitment To China, Regardless Of U.S. Concerns

Apparently confirming the view of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) that the U.S. is now regarded as just another one of its partners in a new global order that would see Beijing and its allies share the leadership position with Washington, Saudi Arabia last week reiterated its commitment to China as its “most reliable partner and supplier of crude oil,” along with broader assurances of its ongoing support in several other areas. That MbS seemingly now sees the U.S. as a partner just for its security considerations, with no meaningful quid pro quo on Saudi Arabia’s part, whilst regarding China as its key partner economically and Russia as its key partner in energy matters, should not surprise the U.S. Back in March last year it was made clear enough at the annual China Development Forum hosted in Beijing, when Aramco chief executive officer, Amin Nasser said: “Ensuring the continuing security of China’s energy needs remains our highest priority - not just for the next five years but for the next 50 and beyond.” And yet, the U.S. is surprised by the apparent finalisation of the transition of Saudi Arabia away from Washington and towards China, which effectively marks the end of the 1945 core agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia that defined their relationship up until extremely recently. This transition has been seen most recently in the refusal of MbS to take a telephone call from President Joe Biden in which he was to ask for his help in bringing down economy-crimping high energy prices and then in the huge cut in collective OPEC oil production that has only added to energy-driven inflationary fears for global economies.

Given the peremptory way in which the core 1945 agreement was ended by MbS, Washington is angry too, as was evidenced in the highly pointed comments from several senior U.S. officials at the time of the OPEC cut, including from Biden himself, who said that: “There’s going to be some consequences for what they’ve done, with Russia [supporting oil prices by leading OPEC’s 2 million barrel per day (bpd) collective output cut]…I’m not going to get into what I’d consider and what I have in mind. But there will be – there will be consequences.” Just before Biden’s comments, John Kirby, the national security council spokesperson, echoed official doubts on the future of the U.S.-Saudi security relationship, as he said that Biden believed that the U.S. ought to “review the bilateral relationship with Saudi Arabia and take a look to see if that relationship is where it needs to be and that it is serving our national security interests,…in light of the recent decision by OPEC, and Saudi Arabia’s leadership [of it].”

Related: China’s Covid Strategy Is Keeping Oil Prices In Check

Apparently careless of these ramifications, Saudi Arabia last week stated that, in addition to continuing in its role as China’s partner of choice in the oil market, the two countries would continue “close communication and strengthen co-operation to address emerging risks and challenges,” according to a joint communique from Saudi Energy Minister, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman and Beijing's National Energy Administrator, Zhang Jianhua. In the context of crude oil, according to Chinese Customs data, Saudi Arabia delivered 1.76 million bpd in shipments to China over the January to August period, marking an increase in its market share to 17.7 percent from 16.9 percent a year earlier.

Additionally, last week saw the two countries pledge to continue discussions on developing joint integrated refining and petrochemical complexes and to cooperate on the use of nuclear energy. Although flagged by Saudi Arabia and China as being ‘the peaceful use of nuclear energy’, the news just before Christmas 2021 that U.S. intelligence agencies had found that Saudi Arabia is now manufacturing its own ballistic missiles with the help of China – and given China’s long-running and extensive ‘assistance’ to Iran’s nuclear ambitions, as analysed in full in my latest book on the global oil markets - ongoing U.S. fears about what Beijing’s endgame might be in building out the nuclear capabilities of key states in the Middle East will not have been alleviated.

This latest round of talks and agreements comes very shortly after the signing of a multi-pronged memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Saudi Arabian Oil Company – formerly the Saudi Arabian American Oil Company – ‘Aramco’, and the China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), which can be regarded as a critical step in China’s ongoing strategy to secure Saudi Arabia as a client state. As the president of Sinopec, Yu Baocai, himself put it: “The signing of the MoU introduces a new chapter of our partnership in the Kingdom…The two companies will join hands in renewing the vitality and scoring new progress of the Belt and Road Initiative [BRI] and [Saudi Arabia’s] Vision 2030.”

Crucially for China’s long-term plans in Saudi Arabia, it also covers opportunities for the construction of a huge manufacturing hub in King Salman Energy Park that will involve the ongoing, on-the-ground presence on Saudi Arabian soil of significant numbers of Chinese personnel: not just those directly related to the oil, gas, petrochemicals, and other hydrocarbons activities, but also a small army of security personnel to ensure the safety of China’s investments. At that point in early 2021, Aramco had a 25 percent stake in the 280,000 bpd Fujian refinery in south China through a joint venture with Sinopec (and the U.S.’s ExxonMobil) and had also earlier agreed (in 2018) to buy a 9 percent stake in China’s 800,000 bpd ZPC refinery from Rongsheng. Several other joint projects between China and Saudi Arabia that had been agreed in principle were delayed due to a combination of the ongoing effects of Covid-19, Aramco’s crushing dividend repayment schedule, and concern from both countries – especially China – on how Washington might react to this clear threat to the U.S.’s own long-running interests in, and geopolitical relationship with, Saudi Arabia.

Just prior to this, June saw Saudi Aramco’s senior vice president downstream, Mohammed Y. Al Qahtani, announce the creation of a ‘one-stop shop’ provided by his company in China’s Shandong. “The ongoing energy crisis, for example, is a direct result of fragile international transition plans which have arbitrarily ignored energy security and affordability for all,” he said. “The world needs clear-eyed thinking on such issues. That’s why we highly admire China’s 14th Five Year Plan for prioritising energy security and stability, acknowledging its crucial role in economic development,” he added. The megaproject in Shandong, which is home to around 26 percent of China’s refining capacity and is a key destination for Saudi Aramco’s crude oil exports, will broadly involve the flagship Saudi oil and gas giant creating “stronger ties with the world’s largest oil exporter [that] would enhance China’s energy security, especially as we work on increasing our production capacity to 13 million barrels per day,” according to Al Qahtani. Aside from the fact that Saudi Arabia still cannot produce anywhere near 13 million barrels per day of crude oil, closer cooperation between Aramco and China will mean Saudi Arabia investing heavily in the build-out of a large, integrated downstream business across the country in tandem with its Chinese partners

Given the transition of Saudi Arabia away from the U.S. and towards China – and the senior Saudis do look at the issue in these terms, whatever they say publicly – there is also every reason to expect Riyadh to continue to back China’s efforts to undermine the power of the U.S. dollar in the global energy markets as well. Not only is Saudi Arabia now a prime mover in advancing the China-GCC Free Trade Agreement (FTA) – a key aim of which is to forge a “deeper strategic cooperation in a region where U.S. dominance is showing signs of retreat” – but also the Kingdom is now a prime advocate for switching away from the hegemony of U.S. dollars in the pricing of global oil and gas.

Just after China made a crucial face-saving offer to MbS to privately buy the entire 5 percent stake in Saudi Aramco that he originally wanted to float but could not entice Western investors to buy, the then-Saudi Vice Minister of Economy and Planning, Mohammed al-Tuwaijri, told a Saudi-China conference in Jeddah that: “We will be very willing to consider funding in renminbi and other Chinese products.” He added: “China is by far one of the top markets’ to diversify the funding…[and] we will also access other technical markets in terms of unique funding opportunities, private placements, panda bonds and others.” Moreover, recent reports state that long-running talks between Saudi Arabia and China for Saudi to price and receive payments for some of its oil sales in Chinese renminbi rather than in U.S. dollars have intensified in the past few months.

https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-Gene ... cerns.html

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