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Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 00:43 |
Pridružen/a: 08 kol 2020, 21:26 Postovi: 1803
Jussi2 je napisao/la: tucepi je napisao/la: Ajmo malo o prizemnijim stvarima o soji o poljeprivredi :) Nećemo o hightech industriji... :):) Soja je najvažniji prehrambeni artikl u Kini. 90% mesa u Kini se proizvodi od soje(hrane se svinje, pilići...) itd. Kina troši po sadašnjim cijenama 100mird us$ na uvoz soje. Najveći izvoznik je Hamerika i Brazil. Sva soja u Brazilu proizvodi se od američkog gmo sjemena ( Monstanto RoundUp). Zapravo pola profita od izvoza brazilske soje vraća se u zločestu Ameriku. Brazilska polja su 100% prilagođena za GMO i gotovo nemoguće ih je resetirati na nešto što ne bi bilo Monsanto...(ugovor sa vragom): Kinezi pokušavaju naći zamjenu za soju ali ne uspjevaju...lakše im je raditi elektroniku. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... soy-demandMonsanto svake godine izbaci novu soju. https://www.theguardian.com/environment ... rity-boostKinezi kao ne kupuju američku soju, ali je pretovaruju na svoje brodove..na crno. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... ify%20wallVećina prihoda Hamerike u Brazilu je sjeme... https://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/docum ... %20billion)%20increase. https://www.world-grain.com/articles/16 ... cord-levelhttps://markets.businessinsider.com/com ... eans-pricehttps://theconversation.com/how-soybean ... war-118088https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsig ... tage-biteshttps://www.fastmarkets.com/insights/ch ... n-shortagehttps://www.foodbusinessnews.net/articl ... ommitmentshttps://www.farmprogress.com/commentary ... eeds-beanshttps://docs.lib.purdue.edu/open_access ... ions/1850/https://www.world-grain.com/articles/16 ... 02021%2D22. https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsig ... ght-supplyhttps://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202209/1275668.shtmlTeoretsko pitanje: Ako Kinezi napadnu Tajvan, da li će Ameri isporučivati svoje GMO sjeme Brazilu? (oranice u Brazilu su navučene/zagađene na to sjeme ko narkoman na kokain..namjerno) Neuvozom soje došlo do kraha kineske mesne industrije i općom kroničnom gladi...posredno smrt desetina milijuna ljudi... Da li će Kinezi ići u rat praznog trbuha? Za vraga, Amerikanci vlasnici apsolutne većinu proizvodnje kukuruza u Brazilu.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargillhttps://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... ify%20wallJesi ti znao da Kina kontroliše celu Hameričku farmaceutsku industriju. I ove hemije što im Indija šalje dolaze iz Kine. Uzgred, bez kineskih proizvoda, Amerika gubi toliko ekonomske ponude na tržištu, da ide onda u hiperinflaciju, građanski rat i kameno doba. Cela američka privreda se zasniva na preprodaji kineskih proizvoda nastampanim parama iz vazduha. Indijci rade generike, Kinezi specijaliziraju, rade molekule po američkim nacrtima, ali generici su dovoljni u 95% slučajeva.. Možda u Americi bude par desetaka tisuća mrtvih više naspram kineskoj gladi....zaposlit će indijce... https://www.raconteur.net/global-busine ... supremacy/Kinezi pokušavaju desetljećima izbjeći ovisnost o američkim GMO proizvodima, kupuju farme po Madagaskaru, pokušavaju soju uzgojiti na slanom tlu...al im nikako ne ide, suše propali projekti itd...itd.. Sve dok kinezi ne nadju zamjenu za američke poljeprivredne proizvode neće biti invazije. Inače i Kinezi i Ameri zarađuju na Brazilcima. Možda čak i ta Kineska genijalnost leži u GMO konzumaciji :)
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 00:52 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
tucepi je napisao/la: Jussi2 je napisao/la: Jesi ti znao da Kina kontroliše celu Hameričku farmaceutsku industriju. I ove hemije što im Indija šalje dolaze iz Kine. Uzgred, bez kineskih proizvoda, Amerika gubi toliko ekonomske ponude na tržištu, da ide onda u hiperinflaciju, građanski rat i kameno doba. Cela američka privreda se zasniva na preprodaji kineskih proizvoda nastampanim parama iz vazduha.
Indijci rade generike, Kinezi specijaliziraju, rade molekule po američkim nacrtima, ali generici su dovoljni u 95% slučajeva.. Možda u Americi bude par desetaka tisuća mrtvih više naspram kineskoj gladi....zaposlit će indijce... https://www.raconteur.net/global-busine ... supremacy/Kinezi pokušavaju desetljećima izbjeći ovisnost o američkim GMO proizvodima, kupuju farme po Madagaskaru, pokušavaju soju uzgojiti na slanom tlu...al im nikako ne ide, suše propali projekti itd...itd.. Sve dok kinezi ne nadju zamjenu za američke poljeprivredne proizvode neće biti invazije. Inače i Kinezi i Ameri zarađuju na Brazilcima. Možda čak i ta Kineska genijalnost leži u GMO konzumaciji :) Ti kao da se drogiraš brate. Koga boli *** za soju brate, to je nebitno i to samo nekim dijabolicima može da izgleda bitno. Kada reši Amerika njihovu zavisnost u SVIM mogućim ljudskim vrstama lekova, preko 80% lekova im stiže ili ima u sebi sastojke iz Kine i Indije, a i to iz Indije je vezano za Kinu. Inače ispadas retardiran sa ovim poredjenjima, jer Amerika više ne može da napravi ni Čačkalicu bez Kinu. Ona SVE uvozi iz Kine danas, ništa više ne proizvodi. Kina je oko 10000 puta više nacionalizana ekonomija od SAD.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 01:04 |
Pridružen/a: 08 kol 2020, 21:26 Postovi: 1803
Jussi2 je napisao/la: tucepi je napisao/la: Indijci rade generike, Kinezi specijaliziraju, rade molekule po američkim nacrtima, ali generici su dovoljni u 95% slučajeva.. Možda u Americi bude par desetaka tisuća mrtvih više naspram kineskoj gladi....zaposlit će indijce... https://www.raconteur.net/global-busine ... supremacy/Kinezi pokušavaju desetljećima izbjeći ovisnost o američkim GMO proizvodima, kupuju farme po Madagaskaru, pokušavaju soju uzgojiti na slanom tlu...al im nikako ne ide, suše propali projekti itd...itd.. Sve dok kinezi ne nadju zamjenu za američke poljeprivredne proizvode neće biti invazije. Inače i Kinezi i Ameri zarađuju na Brazilcima. Možda čak i ta Kineska genijalnost leži u GMO konzumaciji :) Ti kao da se drogiraš brate. Koga boli *** za soju brate, to je nebitno i to samo nekim dijabolicima može da izgleda bitno. Kada reši Amerika njihovu zavisnost u SVIM mogućim ljudskim vrstama lekova, preko 80% lekova im stiže ili ima u sebi sastojke iz Kine i Indije, a i to iz Indije je vezano za Kinu. Inače ispadas retardiran sa ovim poredjenjima, jer Amerika više ne može da napravi ni Čačkalicu bez Kinu. Ona SVE uvozi iz Kine danas, ništa više ne proizvodi. Kina je oko 10000 puta više nacionalizana ekonomija od SAD. Na sve moguće načine kinezi žele dignuti proizvodnju soje https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202203/ ... 89ac3.htmlSoja je strateška sirovina. Kao što je na u Europi kukuruz i pšenica, ajde da odjednom nestane u Srbiji kukuruza i pšenice...totalna glad. Ako dođe do napada na Tajvan, amerikanci će izgladniti Kinu i to Kinezi jako dobro znaju, koštati će ih 50 milijardi US$. Gladan vojnik/radnik slabo radi, naročito nakon vremena obilja.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 01:25 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
Ako ne jedu Soju, jesce nesto drugo, da li si ti normalan čoveče? Uostalom najviše uvoze soje iz Brazila, koji im je čelični prijatelj. A verovao ili ne, postoji nešto što se zove strateške rezerve za takve situacije. I neće Kina napadati Tajvan vojno, ne to uopšte nemora. Kina će samo napraviti pomorsku blokadu Tajvana, pa će onda Amerika vojno napasti Kinu na 12000 udaljenost od svoje obale, i doći na 100km od kineske obale da se qurče, i tu će doživeti najveće poniženje i šamaranje u svojoj kratkoj 250 godina dugoj istoriji.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 01:33 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
I ako nisi znao, nije da Kina ne zna kako razvijati GMO soju, nego je tehnologija ZABRANJENA kod njih. Zato i uvoze iz Brazila, Argentine, i SAD, zato što je kod njih zabranjeno. Ali oni sutra mogu to legalizovati, i čak i već idu ka tome. Kina svetski lider u raznim genetičkim istraživanjima, baš ne zna da koristiti GMO. Koji ste vi mitomani neki susjedi. https://www.science.org/content/article ... ting-crops
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 01:41 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
Evo ti, obrazuj se malo, Citat: China's status as the world's largest importer of soybean and corn for animal feed is expected to change once it approves new regulations to allow the planting of genetically modified (GM) seeds which will boost domestic production of these crops. This may free up millions of metric tons of these crops for other countries to import as feed for their animal industries, affecting global market supplies and prices.
Adoption of GM corn and soybean is likely to increase average yields, possibly by as much as 50 percent, effectively reducing China's demand for large volumes of these two feeds.
Any reduction in corn or soybean imports by China means that millions more metric tons will be available for other importing countries like those in South-East Asia and many other developing countries. This may have cascading effects on grain prices.
https://phys.org/news/2022-01-china-shi ... -corn.html
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 01:51 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
Evo još jedan sektor gde Zapadnjaci zavise od Kine, znači ovo je samo rudnici iz Kine, ovo nisu rudnici koji su u vlasništvu kineskih firmi širom sveta. Kina ima monopol svetski nad litijumom i ostalim retkim metalima. Citat: According to the report, China is the leading supplier for 16 “critical” minerals and 25 other minerals we depend on. In 2021, China controlled the market for antimony, rare earth elements, tellurium and other commodities that are used to produce electric vehicle batteries and emerging technologies.Mar 8, 2022
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 04:49 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
Citat: China's new naval radar can monitor areas size of India: Report https://m.economictimes.com/news/defenc ... 453673.cmsBilo je ovde neke priče o radarima beše Tucepi? Shvati čoveče, tvoja raspala Hamerika se ne može više nikako porediti sa Kinom, jer u Kini godišnje dobiju naučne i inzinjerske diplome oko 7 puta više ljudi nego u Americi. Amerika je izgubila utrku u edukaciji protiv Kine, stoga je logičan sledeći korak to što je izgubila i naučnu i tehnološku prednost.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 04:50 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
Citat: Much has been written about China’s numerical advantage in science and engineering. China awarded 1.38 million engineering bachelor’s degrees in 2020. The comparable American number is 197,000 (144,000 in engineering and 54,000 in computer science), or just one-seventh of China’s total.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 04:58 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
I u STEM Phds sektoru ne samo da Kina godišnje ima daleko više dodela diploma, nego su i jači individualno od američkih po svim segmentima. Na školskim testovima ih Kinezi takodje ja šiju od vrtića, pa da univerziteta. Citat: In 2019, Chinese universities produced 49,498 PhDs in STEM fields, while U.S. universities produced 33,759. Based on current enrollment patterns, the report projects that by 2025 China’s yearly STEM PhD graduates (77,179) will nearly double those in the United States (39,959).
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 04:59 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
Citat: A recent report by Japan’s Science and Technology Ministry shows China has overtaken the United States as the world leader in both scientific research output and “high impact” studies.
According to the report, published by Japan’s National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTP), China now publishes the largest number of scientific research papers yearly, followed by the United States and Germany.
China published a yearly average of 407,181 scientific papers, pulling ahead of the US’s 293,434 journal articles and accounting for 23.4% of the world’s research output, the report said.
China also accounted for a high proportion of research into materials science, chemistry, engineering and mathematics.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 05:02 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
Citat: China has captured the top spot in 2020 among international patent applications for the second consecutive year, a United Nations ranking released Tuesday shows, demonstrating once again how Asia is leading the tech innovation in the new normal.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 05:05 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 05:08 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
Kada sabereš sve ove podatke koje sam postavio, dolaziš do neosporivog zaključka da će Amerika za 30 godina biti ono što je danas Španija za Ameriku, neka drugorazredna sila.
Zato se vidi zašto se Amerima žuri da izazovu sukob na Tajvanu, za 30 godina ima će 0% šanse za pobedu, a ovako barem imaju 20% šanse da pobede Kinu.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 21 stu 2022, 05:18 |
Pridružen/a: 25 lis 2022, 09:27 Postovi: 799
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 01 pro 2022, 19:27 |
Pridružen/a: 27 lis 2010, 16:06 Postovi: 29516
Citat: Prema medijskom izvješću, zaposlenici njemačkog Saveznog ministra gospodarstva Roberta Habecka, očekuju da će Tajvan biti pripojen Kini najkasnije do 2027.
_________________ - Sarajevo drugi u svijetu po broju izdanih radnih viza za Njemačku 2022. - Luka Mišetić: Haag nigdje i nikad nije tvrdio da je Herceg-Bosna UZP. - Reis: Država nam curi kroz prste poput pijeska.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 01 pro 2022, 21:59 |
Pridružen/a: 30 stu 2022, 11:32 Postovi: 1276
Rata možda neće ni biti, pre neki dan na lokalnim izborima razvalila stranka koja se zalaže za "jednu Kinu" i protiv samostalnosti Tajvana. Citat: Pro-China opposition wins vote as Tsai’s threat bet fails AFP Published November 27, 2022 Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen announces to resign as Democratic Progressive Party chair to take responsibility for the party's performance in the local elections in Taipei, Taiwan, November 26. https://www.dawn.com/news/1723423Pametni Tajvanci, vide šta se dešava u Ukrajini, jasno im je da hamerikanci hoće da ih iskoriste kao kurton u borbi protiv Kine.
_________________ ex Skeletor
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 02 pro 2022, 00:02 |
Pridružen/a: 08 kol 2020, 21:26 Postovi: 1803
Megatron je napisao/la: Rata možda neće ni biti, pre neki dan na lokalnim izborima razvalila stranka koja se zalaže za "jednu Kinu" i protiv samostalnosti Tajvana. Citat: Pro-China opposition wins vote as Tsai’s threat bet fails AFP Published November 27, 2022 Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen announces to resign as Democratic Progressive Party chair to take responsibility for the party's performance in the local elections in Taipei, Taiwan, November 26. https://www.dawn.com/news/1723423Pametni Tajvanci, vide šta se dešava u Ukrajini, jasno im je da hamerikanci hoće da ih iskoriste kao kurton u borbi protiv Kine. Ta druga struja Pro-china je Kuomitang partija, Chan-Kai-Shek, to su žestoki antikomunisti, pobjegli na otok. Njihova vizija je demokratska, antikomunistička Kina. Evo nek kinezi raspuste partiju, uvedu izbore…ujedinjena Kina! Ovi na vlasti se više ne smatraju Kinezima, već Tajvancima…
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 04 pro 2022, 17:34 |
Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03 Postovi: 6716
Ovo jasno govori kako ce Indonezija "objaviti rat" Kini ako vrati svoju provinciju Tajvan, ili pusti Zapadne ludake, kao sto je Australija, da kroz njene prostore napadnu Kinu. Ovako isto razmislja i ASEAN. Citat: Key points relating to Indonesia: 1. The Indonesian President can publicly call the Chinese President "Big Brother" with no/little blowback from the Indonesian public or the opposition party 2. If Indonesia was to join the US in declaring war on China (as you suggest), presumably that new and expensive railway linking Jarkata would fall into disrepair due to lack of spares Ovo zaboravite da ce bilo ko pomagati Americi, nece ni Juzna Koreja ratovati sa Kinom, jer ce se odma ukljuciti i Severna Koreja koja bi automatski dobila priliku. Japan isto mislim da nema muda jer nisu nacija za ratovanje, a tu su im i Rusi za Kurilska ostrva. Realistocno je jedino da ce Japan i Severna Koreja dozvoliti Americkim vojnicima da prolaze kroz njihove teritorije, i koriste baze i svoje stacionirane vojnike, ali se nece ukljuciti u rat nikako. Nesto u sustini kao danas Belorusija, nije ukljucena u rat sa Ukrajinom, ali dozvoljava prolaz Ruskim vojnicima, isto tako i Filipini. Ali ima i Kine svoje saveznike u regionu, sa Rusijom mogu da razmenjeju satelitske podatke, Severnom Korejom isto, Mjanmar, Kambdoza, Pakistan, tu svugde verujem da bi kineske mornarica i avijacija mogli da se refiluju i staju. Rusi bi verovatno isto bili indirektna stajalista.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 06 pro 2022, 13:45 |
Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03 Postovi: 6716
Svi eksperti su se slozili da danas Amerika nema sanse na 100 km od kineske obale "braniti" Tajvan. Kinezi, Pengaon, Republikanci, Demokrate, Evropljani, svi se slozili, osim par neocon ludaka i psihopata. Naravno ima takvih i medju obicnim ljudima, pazi ti samo i na ovom forumu sta sve lupetaju Amerofili. Veci Katolici od pape. Citat: Pentagon, Chinese analysts agree US can’t win in Taiwan Strait
China’s satellite coverage in the Western Pacific has doubled since 2018, the Pentagon reported last week in its annual assessment of the Chinese military. That gives China the ability to detect American surface ships with an array of sensors that can guide its 2,000 land-based missiles to moving targets, including US aircraft carriers.
The Defense Department’s November 29 report “Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China” reflects a grimly realistic rethinking of China’s military capacity in its home theater.
China hawk Elbridge Colby, a prominent advocate of a Western Pacific military buildup to deny China access to its adjacent seas, tweeted on November 6, “Senior flag officers are saying we’re on a trajectory to get crushed in a war with China, which would likely be the most important war since WWII, God forbid.”
The strategic takeaway is that the United States cannot win a firefight close to China’s coast, and can’t defend Taiwan whether it wants to or not. That view in the Joe Biden administration’s Department of Defense (DOD) persuaded the president to discuss “guardrails” against military confrontation in his November summit with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.
Republican hawks appear to have come to the same conclusion. The United States will enact a scorched-earth policy in Taiwan, destroying its semiconductor industry, if the PRC seizes the island, former Trump national security adviser Robert O’Brien told a conference at the Richard Nixon Foundation on November 10, reports army-technology.com.
“If China takes Taiwan and takes those factories intact – which I don’t think we would ever allow – they have a monopoly over chips the way OPEC has a monopoly, or even more than the way OPEC has a monopoly over oil,” O’Brien said.
A much-read paper by two Army War College professors published this year proposes that “the United States and Taiwan should lay plans for a targeted scorched-earth strategy that would render Taiwan not just unattractive if ever seized by force, but positively costly to maintain.”
“This could be done most effectively by threatening to destroy facilities belonging to the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the most important chipmaker in the world and China’s most important supplier.”
O’Brien evidently agrees with the Pentagon’s assessment that the US can’t win a war in the Taiwan Strait, proposing – apropos of the Vietnam War’s most celebrated sound bite – to destroy the island in order to save it.
Anti-ship missiles are the 21st-century equivalent of the torpedo and dive bombers that banished the battleship from military budgets after the 1940 sinking of the Bismarck by the British and the 1941 sinking of the Repulse and the Prince of Wales by the Japanese. Surface ships including aircraft carriers can’t defend against modern missiles that can downlink guidance data from reconnaissance satellites.
The DOD report states that the PLA Rocket Force’s “conventionally armed CSS-5 Mod 5 (DF-21D) ASBM variant gives the PLA the capability to conduct long-range precision strikes against ships, including aircraft carriers, out to the Western Pacific.”
“The [People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s] ground-based missile forces complement the air and sea-based precision strike capabilities of the PLAAF and PLAN.… DF-21D has a range exceeding 1,500 km, is fitted with a maneuverable reentry vehicle (MaRV), and is reportedly capable of rapidly reloading in the field.
“The PLARF continues to grow its inventory of DF-26 IRBMs, which it first revealed in 2015 and fielded in 2016. The multi-role DF-26 is designed to rapidly swap conventional and nuclear warheads and is capable of conducting precision land-attack and anti-ship strikes in the Western Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and the South China Sea from mainland China.
“In 2020, China fired anti-ship ballistic missiles against a moving target in the South China Sea.”
China tested these weapons thoroughly, the Pentagon report adds:
“In 2021, the PLARF launched approximately 135 ballistic missiles for testing and training, more than the rest of the world combined excluding ballistic missile employment in conflict zones. The DF-17 passed several tests successfully and is deployed operationally.
“While the DF-17 is primarily a conventional platform, it may be equipped with nuclear warheads. In 2020, a PRC-based military expert described the primary purpose of the DF-17 as striking foreign military bases and fleets in the Western Pacific.”
Key to the effectiveness of anti-ship missiles is satellite intelligence and electronic warfare measures. As the Pentagon reports:
“China employs a robust space-based ISR [intelligence/surveillance/reconnaissance] capability designed to enhance its worldwide situational awareness. Used for military and civilian remote sensing and mapping, terrestrial and maritime surveillance, and intelligence collection, China’s ISR satellites are capable of providing electro-optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery as well as electronic and signals intelligence data.”
Most important:
“As of the end of 2021, China’s ISR satellite fleet contained more than 260 systems – a quantity second only to the United States, and nearly doubling China’s in-orbit systems since 2018.”
Satellite signals can be jammed or spoofed (misdirected to show incorrect coordinates), but
“The PLA continues to invest in improving its capabilities in space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), satellite communication, and satellite navigation … the PRC continues to develop a variety of counter-space capabilities designed to limit or prevent an adversary’s use of space-based assets during crisis or conflict.
“In addition to the development of directed energy weapons and satellite jammers, the PLA has an operational ground-based anti-satellite (ASAT) missile intended to target low-Earth orbit satellites, and the PRC probably intends to pursue additional ASAT weapons capable of destroying satellites up to geosynchronous Earth orbit.
“PLA [electronic warfare] units routinely train to conduct jamming and anti-jamming operations against multiple communication and radar systems and Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite systems during force-on-force exercises.
“These exercises test operational units’ understanding of EW weapons, equipment, and procedures and they also enable operators to improve confidence in their ability to operate effectively in a complex electromagnetic environment.”
China’s military has improved quality as well as quantity, according to the Pentagon:
“Recent improvements to China’s space-based ISR capabilities emphasize the development, procurement, and use of increasingly capable satellites with digital camera technology as well as space-based radar for all-weather, 24-hour coverage.
“These improvements increase China’s monitoring capabilities – including observation of US aircraft carriers, expeditionary strike groups, and deployed air wings. Space capabilities will enhance potential PLA military operations farther from the Chinese coast.”
Overall, the Pentagon’s readout on China’s missile and satellite capability is virtually identical to the estimation of Chinese analysts, for example, the widely read military columnist Chen Feng in the prominent Chinese website “The Observer” (guancha.cn). In a November 27 report, Chen explained why an array of small satellites can achieve precise real-time target location:
“Small satellites are not only small, lightweight, and low-cost, but also operate in low orbits. In terms of space ISR, one is worth nearly three. This is true for optical and radar imaging, as well as for signal interception. So the actual reconnaissance capability of small satellites is no weaker than large satellites, and commercial Synthetic Aperture Radar small satellites in the United States and China are able to reach 0.5-meter resolution.
“Optical imaging has always had the advantage of high resolution, which is also a very mature technology. In the era of digital imaging, there is no longer a need to use the re-entry capsule to send the film back to the ground when the satellite is overhead.”
Synthetic aperture radar, Chen explains, “is not applicable to moving targets, but most of the intelligence can be interpreted from still images, and the similarities and movement can be inferred from differences between the before and after still images can also be inferred from the movement.”
A lead satellite may detect a suspicious object, and follow-up satellites “can be switched to a detailed investigation mode, and relay the results of detailed investigation.” Other satellites with electromagnetic rather than optical sensors can conduct real-time triangulation.
In addition to its satellite ISR capability, Chen says, the other half of China’s reconnaissance capability consists of “unmanned aircraft, unmanned boats, submarines, and networked land-based radar, and undersea hydroacoustic monitoring.”
China, Chen concludes, does not yet have global ISR capability, “but theater coverage has been achieved.”
In the past, the US Navy has insisted that a combination of electronic warfare measures and anti-missile defenses can defend US capital ships against Chinese attack. This year, the navy’s top officer Admiral Jonathan Greenert told reporters that a combination of spoofing (feeding false position coordinates to an incoming missile), masking electronic emissions, and anti-missile systems like Aegis can defend US carriers.
But as Gabriel Honrada reported on August 14, US anti-missile systems like Aegis or Patriot aren’t effective against missiles honing in from a high trajectory. China’s DF-21 and other anti-ship missiles are designed to ascend to the stratosphere and strike vertically.
Electronic countermeasures, moreover, are less effective against multiple sensors. China’s tiered system of sequenced optical, as well as electromagnetic reconnaissance combined with air and sea drones, is getting harder, if not impossible, to spoof. And China’s missile force is so large that it can inflict devastating damage even with a high error rate.
Apart from its formidable inventory of conventional missiles, China has developed hypersonic glide vehicles that hug the ground and maneuver at the speed of intercontinental ballistic missiles, or several times the speed of sound. No conventional missile defense can stop HGVs.
Apart from its missile force, China has about 800 fourth-generation fighters deployed at its coast and close to 200 fifth-generation (stealth) fighters. As the Pentagon report notes, China has corrected the most important deficiency in its domestic warplane production, namely jet engines:
“China’s decades-long efforts to improve domestic aircraft engine production are starting to produce results with the J-10 and J-20 fighters switching to domestically produced WS-10 engines by the end of 2021. China’s first domestically produced high-bypass turbofan, the WS-20, has also entered flight testing on the Y-20 heavy transport and probably will replace imported Russian engines by the end of 2022.”
A noteworthy observation in the new Pentagon report is that China now has only 30,000 marines, compared with a US Marine Corps of about 200,000 including reserves. Only 200 Chinese marines are deployed outside the country, at China’s sole overseas base in Djibouti. China has about 14,000 special forces versus an American count of about 75,000. This isn’t consistent with the report’s claim that China wants to “project power globally.”
https://asiatimes.com/2022/12/pentagon- ... an-strait/
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 06 pro 2022, 13:46 |
Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03 Postovi: 6716
Ameri su toliko nisko pali, da im je sada zvanicna nacionalna strategija za Tajvan da ce unisitit fabrike cipova po Tajvanu, teroristickim napadom, ako Kina vrati Tajvan. Ne zezam se, jer drugo nista ne mogu.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 06 pro 2022, 13:54 |
Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03 Postovi: 6716
Pazi ti ovo, da 41% ovog foruma misli da Kina NIKAKO ne moze vratiti Tajvana, NIKADA, ni vojno ni pritiskom.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 07 pro 2022, 18:08 |
Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03 Postovi: 6716
Ali zajebali su se Amerikanci, nije Tajvan bitan Kini samo zbog cipova:
Besides, Taiwan has way more to offer to Beijing than just TSMC: 1. Breaking through the First Island Chain encirclement; 2. Allowing PLAN East Sea Fleet to be stationed right at the gateway into the Pacific; 3. Allowing Chinese SSBN to have immediate access and hide in the vastness of the Pacific to become an effective nuclear deterrent arm for China; 4. Enable better PLA response to threats comming at China and/or her prospective allies in the region by stationing forward outposts on the island; 5. Gateway for China to venture into Oceania and South America for further and better BRI and socio-economic cooperation & integration; 6. As a forward staging base for China for future operations into the Pacific, plus enabling better security and safety guarantee for nations that are friendly to China in the Pacific and South America; 7. A new location for China's space launches that are close to open ocean and close to the equator; and 8. To fulfill the ultimate dream and vision of the Chinese civilization state that the Century of Humiliation is truly over by the final reunification of lost land by Beijing.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 15 pro 2022, 02:53 |
Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03 Postovi: 6716
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Kinesko-tajvanski rat (Kineska invazija na Tajvan) Postano: 15 pro 2022, 02:57 |
Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03 Postovi: 6716
Ameri se qurce sa svojom prvom hipersonicnim raketom kakvu je Kina razvila još 2019, i ne samo vazdušno lansirajucu, kao Hameri, nego i sa zemlje, kao i sa brodova. Kina je sad već presla na razvijanje hipersonicna glide vozila, (HGV), sto je tek ispred obicnih hipersonicnih raketa, a Ameri su cak i u tim manje sposobnim raketama iza Kine debelo. Citat: US succeeds in hypersonic missile test launch, technology China has long mastered
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