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 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 28 stu 2022, 23:27 

Pridružen/a: 08 pro 2020, 13:41
Postovi: 1095
Lokacija: Српски свет
Da i ja sam jos ranije hteo da replikujem na temu sta je zapravo u celoj prici levica, a sta liberalizam.

Ovde je to lepo objasnjeno, osnova liberlizma je nominalizam - prevedeno na srpski nema univerzalnih vrednosti.
Znaci ne postoji nesto kao vrsta konji, nego postoji samo konj, kada primenis tu filozofiju na sve ostale oblasti ljudske kulture i drustva, dolazis to toga da ni nacije ne postoje, pa ni pol, ni porodica, ni tradicija, ni moral itd.... postoji samo pojedinac.
E sada zasto se taj liberalizam povezuje sa levicom, mozda zato sto je levica na isti nacin izazivala tradicionalne drustvene strukture crkvu, kralja, patrijarhalne vrednosti, tako da tu ima neka slicnost.
Ali osnova levih filozofija bi trebala da bude borba za radnicka prava, borba za obespravljene, klasna borba itd...tu je razmimoilazenje u odnosu na liberalizam, jer su klasa, radnicka prava itd..univerzalne vrednosti.

Нека буде борба непрестана,
нека буде што бити не може –
нек ад прождре, покоси сатана!
На гробљу ће изнићи цвијеће
За далеко неко покољење.

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 29 stu 2022, 00:35 

Pridružen/a: 28 srp 2022, 18:46
Postovi: 10796
Lokacija: banana
Sindjelic je napisao/la:
Da i ja sam jos ranije hteo da replikujem na temu sta je zapravo u celoj prici levica, a sta liberalizam.

Ovde je to lepo objasnjeno, osnova liberlizma je nominalizam - prevedeno na srpski nema univerzalnih vrednosti.
Znaci ne postoji nesto kao vrsta konji, nego postoji samo konj, kada primenis tu filozofiju na sve ostale oblasti ljudske kulture i drustva, dolazis to toga da ni nacije ne postoje, pa ni pol, ni porodica, ni tradicija, ni moral itd.... postoji samo pojedinac.
E sada zasto se taj liberalizam povezuje sa levicom, mozda zato sto je levica na isti nacin izazivala tradicionalne drustvene strukture crkvu, kralja, patrijarhalne vrednosti, tako da tu ima neka slicnost.
Ali osnova levih filozofija bi trebala da bude borba za radnicka prava, borba za obespravljene, klasna borba itd...tu je razmimoilazenje u odnosu na liberalizam, jer su klasa, radnicka prava itd..univerzalne vrednosti.



 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 29 stu 2022, 01:17 

Pridružen/a: 24 stu 2020, 22:56
Postovi: 1137

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 29 stu 2022, 15:03 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109214
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Vijetnamski rat je kriv za to. Prosvjedi i neredi koje je "ljevica" pravila. "Democrats" su vidjeli da tim budaletinama moraju preoteti "ljevicu" i uspjeli su u tome.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 29 stu 2022, 17:18 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 13278

Reparacije za potomke crnih robova prije 150 godina


Bijelci: 18%

Azijci: 33%

Hispanici: 39%

Crnci: 77%

HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 29 stu 2022, 19:13 

Pridružen/a: 17 ožu 2021, 16:33
Postovi: 10229
Normalizacija pedofilije. Ne da se ne trude da to sakriju, oni ne zele da to sakriju. Dolaze po vašu djecu.
I ovo uopste ne pripada ovoj temi, ovo je puno gore

Dom svoj čuva Zrinski 115

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 30 stu 2022, 13:48 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 13278

Apple - Borba protiv slobode govora na Twitteru

Apple - Borba protiv slobode govora i komuniciranja u Kini.

Bar su konzistentni.

HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 01 pro 2022, 02:44 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 13278
The Leftist Personality: Left-Wing ideology as a biological phenomenon

Countless studies have shown that physical and psychological characteristics closely align with political orientation. This article covers some of the most significant findings and explores the origins of the Leftist personality type.

In brief: Leftists are shorter, uglier, weaker, less masculine, and less capable of fighting. They are more likely to exhibit manipulative, self-serving, and generally antisocial personality traits, including spite, narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism.

1. Defining “Leftism”

‘Leftism’ is characterized by ideas like equality, fraternity, “progress,” societal reform, and globalism. This manifests politically as support for feminism, homosexuality, wealth redistribution, immigration, and racial egalitarianism, combined with opposition to the family, nationalism, and traditional culture.

The rejection or embrace of hierarchy (i.e. inequality) is the fundamental difference between Left- and Right-Wing worldviews. Right-Wingers believe that hierarchy is inherent to reality and part of the natural order, while Leftists claim to believe that all men are fundamentally “equal” [1] [2].


2. Leftism and Physical Biology

Countless studies have shown that physical characteristics closely align with political orientation. AI facial recognition can accurately predict a person’s political alignment 72% of the time, outperforming chance (50%) and human estimation (55%) [3].

Taller [4] and more attractive [5] people are more likely to identify as Right-Wing and more likely to actively support Right-Wing parties, policies, and politicians. In America, Australia, and Europe, Right-Wing politicians are more likely to be physically attractive than their Left-Wing counterparts [6].

Men who are physically stronger are more likely to oppose wealth redistribution [7] and other forms of sociopolitical egalitarianism, even if they are poor themselves, and opposition to egalitarianism grows as men spend more time in the gym [8]. Similarly, men with more masculine facial features are more likely to support explicitly prejudiced ideas [9], and men who are better fighters are more likely to support warfare and hold “self-favoring” (non-Leftist) political beliefs [10].

In summary: Leftists are shorter and uglier, and Leftist men are weaker, less masculine, and less capable of fighting — characteristics that are not conducive to success in any human civilization.


3. Leftist Psychology 101

Studies on Left- and Right-Wing psychology have consistently found that Leftists are more likely to exhibit manipulative, self-serving, and generally antisocial personality traits. For example, Leftists have abnormally low disgust sensitivity [11]. A person’s political alignment can be predicted with 95% accuracy by observing their brain’s response to one disgusting image [12].

Despite Leftist claims that their ideology is “just being a good person,” support for wealth redistribution is best predicted by the psychological traits of “communal fairness” (egalitarianism), malicious envy, spite, being self-interested, and willingness to inflict “instrumental harm” (hurting innocent people for “the greater good”) [13]. The stereotypically Left-Wing behavior of “victimhood signaling” correlates with personality traits such as narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism (amoral manipulation) [14]. Victimhood signaling is best described as an emotional manipulation technique used to obtain free resources.


On average, Right-Wingers are much happier than Leftists. This phenomenon has been attributed to a variety of factors, including the ideological rationalization of inequality (“inequality is natural” vs “inequality is unfair”) [15]. However, the most logical explanation is that Leftists are predisposed to mental illness [16].

Numerous studies have found that Leftists are far more neurotic than Right-Wingers [17] and that White Far-Leftists are four times more mentally ill than moderate Right-Wingers. It is currently unclear whether Leftism causes mental illness or whether mentally ill people are instinctively drawn to Leftism. Both may be true simultaneously.

The psychological differences between Left- and Right-Wing people can be partially attributed to physical differences in brain structure. For example, Right-Wing views are associated with a larger amygdala [18], which is associated with higher emotional intelligence (e.g. reading facial cues or personal space) [19] and the ability to maintain more complex social networks [20]. The amygdala also plays a causal role in threat detection [21]. This data contradicts studies by Far-Left sociologists, like Alain Van Hiel, which claim that Right-Wing beliefs are defined by low emotional intelligence.

4. Left- and Right-Wing Moral Foundations

The Moral Foundations Theory was first proposed by psychology professor Jonathan Haidt and colleagues. It proposes that Left- and Right-Wing people base their worldviews on five major “Moral Foundations.”

Leftists are disproportionately high in the individualizing traits of Harm Avoidance and Fairness, but disproportionately low in the group-orientated traits of In-Group Loyalty, Respect for Authority, and Purity/Sanctity. In contrast, Right-Wingers express all five traits equally [22] [23].


Countless studies support the Moral Foundations theory, but one statistic related to in-group preference is particularly significant:

White Leftists, who are by far the most mentally ill demographic, have a negative in-group preference, meaning that they genuinely despise their own race and will always prioritize the group interests of foreign races above their own.


A 2019 study investigated the self-reported “moral circle” of Left- and Right-Wingers [24]. Participants were asked to assign 100 “moral units” to 16 categories, ranging from their “(1) immediate family” and “(2) closest friends” to “(15) all natural things in the universe” and “(16) all things in existence.” The categories did not overlap, so points attributed to ‘higher’ categories (e.g. the universe) were not shared with ‘lower’ categories (e.g. the family).

Leftists claimed to care more about “all natural things in the universe including inert entities, such as rocks” than they do about their own family and friends. They may disdain their friends and family, but the information listed in section 3 of this article casts doubt upon the sincerity of their “universal love.” It seems much more likely that an immoral, narcissistic, manipulative psychopath would only claim to be the most “loving” person in the world to conceal their malevolent, self-serving intentions. It’s empty, performative virtue signaling.


5. Conclusion: A profile of the average Leftist

Using the data compiled above, we can construct a basic psychological profile of the typical Leftist. This will not apply to every Left-Wing individual, but it can serve as a general framework for understanding and dealing with Leftists. So, generally speaking…

Leftists believe that life is fundamentally unfair, likely due to their undesirable physical characteristics (shortness, ugliness, weakness, etc.).

This causes neuroticism and leads to self-obsession and spiteful envy.

They lose all concern for group interests and focus exclusively on advancing their own standing in society.

As they cannot get ahead in fair competition, they resort to underhanded, manipulative, and psychopathic strategies.

This manifests as behaviors like victimhood/virtue signaling, gaslighting, and other forms of coercion and emotional abuse.

To disguise their nefarious and self-serving aims, they proclaim a universal love for humanity, nature, or the even entire material universe.

They collaborate with other outcasts and potentially dangerous out-groups to exact vengeance on their perceived “oppressors,” by which they mean normal people.

However, they will happily betray (“cancel”) their friends and allies, who they value as little as inert objects like rocks, for social gains.

Leftist ideology can thus be summarized as an attempt to climb the social ladder via underhanded tactics, such as eliminating the competition by promoting “equality,” i.e. dragging everyone down to their level: The gutter. Leftism is a strategy for losers to take power and resources from winners.

The key takeaway is this: When it comes to Leftists, we are not dealing with honest people who want what is best for society but are tragically mistaken about how this can be achieved. Such individuals certainly exist on the Left, but the average Leftist is spiteful, malicious, and vindictive. They cannot be reasoned with or rationally convinced of their “mistakes” because they are driven by deep-rooted biological and psychological issues that, in many cases, cannot be resolved. Use extreme caution when dealing with them. They would think nothing of using the system to destroy your life.

https://biopolitics.substack.com/p/the- ... -left-wing

Turbotakija jel ovo točno? :D

Mi stojimo postojano kano klisurine. Proklet bio izdajica svoje domovine.

HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 01 pro 2022, 02:54 

Pridružen/a: 31 svi 2020, 16:38
Postovi: 4966
BBC je napisao/la:
Vijetnamski rat je kriv za to. Prosvjedi i neredi koje je "ljevica" pravila. "Democrats" su vidjeli da tim budaletinama moraju preoteti "ljevicu" i uspjeli su u tome.

Vijetnamski rat je skoro isti ka i Korejski rat. Oba rata su za juzni 'kapitalisticki i demokratski' rezim a protiv njihovog socijalistickog sjevernog djela nacije.

No generacija Korejskog rata nije bila subvertirana kulturnim ratom koji se odvija u 60im i 70im pa do danas.

Zbog tog je u 50im rat bija odraden bez kmecanja i bunta, isto ka i WW2 i ka prije njega WW1.

No u 60im i 70im je kulturna revolucija bila. Ne samo da se to na ratu vidilo nego i na musko zenskim odnosima, ekonomiji i radnim mistima, glazbi, odjevanju, frizurama i jos mnogim stvarima.

Od 1963. do 1976. su skoro sve vridnosti koje su defacto vladale od pada Rimskom carstva do tad SUBVERTIRANE.

Skroz uspjesno.

Od tada se identican model primjenjuje na sve siri dijapazon svakodnevnice.

Hrvati BiH tribaju uvest americke/ceske zakone o oruzju.

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 01 pro 2022, 08:13 

Pridružen/a: 08 lis 2009, 19:58
Postovi: 37303
Lokacija: Gl. grad regije
U pravu je BBC, s kakvom lakoćom su pretvorili vlastite protivnike u za njih korisnu rulju. Izgubili su Vijetnam ali pola svijeta zauzeli s hipijima, minicama, Hendrixom...

I s ovim sadašnjim lijevim glupostima im dobro ide.

Ako se ovako nastavi, a hoće, imam pametnija posla no da ispravljam krive Drine ...

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 01 pro 2022, 17:23 

Pridružen/a: 24 stu 2020, 22:56
Postovi: 1137
Haram je napisao/la:
weasel je napisao/la:
Današnji socijaldemokrati svakako, pudlice globohomo imperije. Zato i kažem da nema više stranke koja se bori za radnička prava.

Znaš zašto? Zato što bi onda netko postavio škakljiva pitanja poput toga zašto nam padaju plaće i zašto se ljude izrabljuje?

Pa bi to povuklo pitanje imigracije, prava imigranata i dok kažeš keks propada im 50 godina trovanja masa.

Danas se borba za svoje ljude i prava svog naroda, malog čovjeka ili svoje klase kako ti kažeš gura u ekstremnu desnicu.

Većina tih ljudi koji su bijesni na zapad uopće nisu samo desničari, tu je pola ljevičara nacionalista tipa Milanovića...

Istina, evo u Austriji ni danasnji strajk zeljeznice nisu podrzali
- pregovori o platama za iducu godinu. Sindikati - vazda support.

Ali taj izostanak podrske je dokaz da istinske ljevice NEMA.

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 01 pro 2022, 21:45 

Pridružen/a: 30 lip 2009, 18:35
Postovi: 10870

Ovo je trailer za kratki film o transgedner deci kroz "oči u um dece" , koji je inače finansirala farmacetutska kompanija BAYER.

Dakle jasno je već od ranije da je sve ovo oko škopljenja dece i odraslih zapravo veliki biznis , jer kad jednom kreneš u sve to , ti si do kraja života njihova mušterija i zavisnik.

O turčine za nevolju kume
A ti vlaše silom pobratime

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 14:45 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 13278

HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 15:17 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 13278



HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 15:25 

Pridružen/a: 26 stu 2020, 16:23
Postovi: 13278

Why the US Women's team will earn more from the men's World Cup than 2019 win


The US women's national football team will earn more from the men's World Cup than they did from their own title winning performances in 2019 and 2015.

USA's men are guaranteed $13m in prize money for managing to qualify for the knockout stages of the Qatar tournament after beating Iran 1-0 on Tuesday.

The men's win over Iran increased their World Cup prize money to approximately $380,000 for each player in the squad.

That prize money will be shared equally between both the men's and women's teams under the equal pay agreement struck between US Soccer and the USWNT Player's Association earlier this year - with 10% of the total prize money going to the US Soccer Federation.

Jednakost spolova.

Muškarci igraju svjetsko prvenstvo, osvoje novčane nagrade svojim trudom, žene dobiju 50% toga kao alimentaciju.

Stunning and brave.

HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.

Neka živi Dinamo i majka Hrvatska!

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 16:22 

Pridružen/a: 10 svi 2019, 22:58
Postovi: 21803
Tko je kriv muškim igračima što su pristali na to. Mogli su kolektivno odbiti igrati.

#Zoki 2024

Apartmanđije, uhljebi i kradeze = grobari Hrvata

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 16:32 

Pridružen/a: 28 srp 2022, 18:46
Postovi: 10796
Lokacija: banana
Reconquista je napisao/la:
The Leftist Personality: Left-Wing ideology as a biological phenomenon

Countless studies have shown that physical and psychological characteristics closely align with political orientation. This article covers some of the most significant findings and explores the origins of the Leftist personality type.

In brief: Leftists are shorter, uglier, weaker, less masculine, and less capable of fighting. They are more likely to exhibit manipulative, self-serving, and generally antisocial personality traits, including spite, narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism.

1. Defining “Leftism”

‘Leftism’ is characterized by ideas like equality, fraternity, “progress,” societal reform, and globalism. This manifests politically as support for feminism, homosexuality, wealth redistribution, immigration, and racial egalitarianism, combined with opposition to the family, nationalism, and traditional culture.

The rejection or embrace of hierarchy (i.e. inequality) is the fundamental difference between Left- and Right-Wing worldviews. Right-Wingers believe that hierarchy is inherent to reality and part of the natural order, while Leftists claim to believe that all men are fundamentally “equal” [1] [2].


2. Leftism and Physical Biology

Countless studies have shown that physical characteristics closely align with political orientation. AI facial recognition can accurately predict a person’s political alignment 72% of the time, outperforming chance (50%) and human estimation (55%) [3].

Taller [4] and more attractive [5] people are more likely to identify as Right-Wing and more likely to actively support Right-Wing parties, policies, and politicians. In America, Australia, and Europe, Right-Wing politicians are more likely to be physically attractive than their Left-Wing counterparts [6].

Men who are physically stronger are more likely to oppose wealth redistribution [7] and other forms of sociopolitical egalitarianism, even if they are poor themselves, and opposition to egalitarianism grows as men spend more time in the gym [8]. Similarly, men with more masculine facial features are more likely to support explicitly prejudiced ideas [9], and men who are better fighters are more likely to support warfare and hold “self-favoring” (non-Leftist) political beliefs [10].

In summary: Leftists are shorter and uglier, and Leftist men are weaker, less masculine, and less capable of fighting — characteristics that are not conducive to success in any human civilization.


3. Leftist Psychology 101

Studies on Left- and Right-Wing psychology have consistently found that Leftists are more likely to exhibit manipulative, self-serving, and generally antisocial personality traits. For example, Leftists have abnormally low disgust sensitivity [11]. A person’s political alignment can be predicted with 95% accuracy by observing their brain’s response to one disgusting image [12].

Despite Leftist claims that their ideology is “just being a good person,” support for wealth redistribution is best predicted by the psychological traits of “communal fairness” (egalitarianism), malicious envy, spite, being self-interested, and willingness to inflict “instrumental harm” (hurting innocent people for “the greater good”) [13]. The stereotypically Left-Wing behavior of “victimhood signaling” correlates with personality traits such as narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism (amoral manipulation) [14]. Victimhood signaling is best described as an emotional manipulation technique used to obtain free resources.


On average, Right-Wingers are much happier than Leftists. This phenomenon has been attributed to a variety of factors, including the ideological rationalization of inequality (“inequality is natural” vs “inequality is unfair”) [15]. However, the most logical explanation is that Leftists are predisposed to mental illness [16].

Numerous studies have found that Leftists are far more neurotic than Right-Wingers [17] and that White Far-Leftists are four times more mentally ill than moderate Right-Wingers. It is currently unclear whether Leftism causes mental illness or whether mentally ill people are instinctively drawn to Leftism. Both may be true simultaneously.

The psychological differences between Left- and Right-Wing people can be partially attributed to physical differences in brain structure. For example, Right-Wing views are associated with a larger amygdala [18], which is associated with higher emotional intelligence (e.g. reading facial cues or personal space) [19] and the ability to maintain more complex social networks [20]. The amygdala also plays a causal role in threat detection [21]. This data contradicts studies by Far-Left sociologists, like Alain Van Hiel, which claim that Right-Wing beliefs are defined by low emotional intelligence.

4. Left- and Right-Wing Moral Foundations

The Moral Foundations Theory was first proposed by psychology professor Jonathan Haidt and colleagues. It proposes that Left- and Right-Wing people base their worldviews on five major “Moral Foundations.”

Leftists are disproportionately high in the individualizing traits of Harm Avoidance and Fairness, but disproportionately low in the group-orientated traits of In-Group Loyalty, Respect for Authority, and Purity/Sanctity. In contrast, Right-Wingers express all five traits equally [22] [23].


Countless studies support the Moral Foundations theory, but one statistic related to in-group preference is particularly significant:

White Leftists, who are by far the most mentally ill demographic, have a negative in-group preference, meaning that they genuinely despise their own race and will always prioritize the group interests of foreign races above their own.


A 2019 study investigated the self-reported “moral circle” of Left- and Right-Wingers [24]. Participants were asked to assign 100 “moral units” to 16 categories, ranging from their “(1) immediate family” and “(2) closest friends” to “(15) all natural things in the universe” and “(16) all things in existence.” The categories did not overlap, so points attributed to ‘higher’ categories (e.g. the universe) were not shared with ‘lower’ categories (e.g. the family).

Leftists claimed to care more about “all natural things in the universe including inert entities, such as rocks” than they do about their own family and friends. They may disdain their friends and family, but the information listed in section 3 of this article casts doubt upon the sincerity of their “universal love.” It seems much more likely that an immoral, narcissistic, manipulative psychopath would only claim to be the most “loving” person in the world to conceal their malevolent, self-serving intentions. It’s empty, performative virtue signaling.


5. Conclusion: A profile of the average Leftist

Using the data compiled above, we can construct a basic psychological profile of the typical Leftist. This will not apply to every Left-Wing individual, but it can serve as a general framework for understanding and dealing with Leftists. So, generally speaking…

Leftists believe that life is fundamentally unfair, likely due to their undesirable physical characteristics (shortness, ugliness, weakness, etc.).

This causes neuroticism and leads to self-obsession and spiteful envy.

They lose all concern for group interests and focus exclusively on advancing their own standing in society.

As they cannot get ahead in fair competition, they resort to underhanded, manipulative, and psychopathic strategies.

This manifests as behaviors like victimhood/virtue signaling, gaslighting, and other forms of coercion and emotional abuse.

To disguise their nefarious and self-serving aims, they proclaim a universal love for humanity, nature, or the even entire material universe.

They collaborate with other outcasts and potentially dangerous out-groups to exact vengeance on their perceived “oppressors,” by which they mean normal people.

However, they will happily betray (“cancel”) their friends and allies, who they value as little as inert objects like rocks, for social gains.

Leftist ideology can thus be summarized as an attempt to climb the social ladder via underhanded tactics, such as eliminating the competition by promoting “equality,” i.e. dragging everyone down to their level: The gutter. Leftism is a strategy for losers to take power and resources from winners.

The key takeaway is this: When it comes to Leftists, we are not dealing with honest people who want what is best for society but are tragically mistaken about how this can be achieved. Such individuals certainly exist on the Left, but the average Leftist is spiteful, malicious, and vindictive. They cannot be reasoned with or rationally convinced of their “mistakes” because they are driven by deep-rooted biological and psychological issues that, in many cases, cannot be resolved. Use extreme caution when dealing with them. They would think nothing of using the system to destroy your life.

https://biopolitics.substack.com/p/the- ... -left-wing

Turbotakija jel ovo točno? :D

Mi stojimo postojano kano klisurine. Proklet bio izdajica svoje domovine.

Tebra ja ne znam kad sam zadnji put na nekom forumu procitao tako dugacak tekst. Nema teorije, skrati mi to, najvaznije dijelove, kao sekretarica sto mi radi.


 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 16:34 

Pridružen/a: 28 srp 2022, 18:46
Postovi: 10796
Lokacija: banana
Reconquista je napisao/la:

Ovome na pogledu vidis da je hairli i normalan u glavi. A i tetke na faci su onno..bash.. Misim i ja sam sav istetoviran ali ne u faci brte.

Ne cudi uopste sto misli da je ..sta ono tacno..neki transkurac.

Btw. u Austriji se vec nekolike godine da primjetiti po skolama, pogotovo kod pubertetlija, da se pecaju na ta sranja i umisljaju da su trans ili sta vec. (ne zelim se previse udubljivati u te derperluke definicije jer me bespotrebno zamara a necu nauciti nista pametno).


 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 16:40 

Pridružen/a: 28 srp 2022, 18:46
Postovi: 10796
Lokacija: banana
Sad sam poslao sliku ovog lika mom jaranu Markusu i upitao ga da li je i ovaj blizi nasoj civilizaciji od radnika iz Sirije.

Cekam odgovor. A nadam se da se necemo previse zakaciti posto ovaj vikend moramo snimiti pjesmu heheh.


 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 18:12 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 17:34
Postovi: 24718
Reconquista je napisao/la:

da su ljevičari psihički ili fizički bolesnici je jasno, važnije je zašto se bolest toliko raširila

Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 18:31 

Pridružen/a: 30 stu 2022, 11:32
Postovi: 1276
divizija je napisao/la:
Reconquista je napisao/la:

da su ljevičari psihički ili fizički bolesnici je jasno, važnije je zašto se bolest toliko raširila

Prestankom evolutivnih pritisaka i visoke smrtnosti novorođenčadi i dece, što je ranije bio filter koji je uklanjao iz populacije fizički i mentalno slabe osobe, došlo je do drastičnog porasta broja individua sa disgeničnim mutacijama a koje imaju veći fertilitet od zdravih jedinki. Vremenom takvi zloćudni mutanti zauzimaju sve veći udeo u društvu, a oni su skloni mentalnim bolestima iz kojih proizilaze ideologije zla koje uništavaju civilizaciju, od ateizma i feminizma do marksizma i multikulturalizma. U poslednjih 150 godina je srednji IQ u Evropi pao za više od 10 bodova, a u poslednjih 50 godina pada još i brže zbog masovne imigracije niskointeligentnih osoba kao i subvencija manjinama sa izrazito niskom inteligencijom.

Veliki potresi tokom 20. veka su ubrzali i ojačali taj proces, npr. u oba svetska rata je broj poginulih među sposobnim muškarcima bio ogroman a među nesposobnim nizak jer ih niko nije ni zvao u vojsku, pa je samim tim ukupno stanovništvo izgubilo veliki deo najbolje genetike a ostala je najgora koja se posle širila. U slučaju bivših komunističkih diktatura kao što je bila i naša, to je još više pogoršano komunizmom - na vrhu države i u svim službama pre komunista su bili koliko toliko sposobni i inteligentni ljudi, a posle rata su sve te položaje zauzeli čobani i raspikuće dok su sposobni oterani ili pobijeni. Potomci tih čobana i danas vedre i oblače na ovim napaćenim prostorima, a i inteligencija i karakter su genetski, tj. ako se ikada zapitate zašto nešto kod nas ne funkcioniše, ne radi, ne može, a negde drugde može, eto vam odgovora.

ex Skeletor

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 18:43 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 17:34
Postovi: 24718
Megatron je napisao/la:
Prestankom evolutivnih pritisaka i visoke smrtnosti novorođenčadi i dece, što je ranije bio filter koji je uklanjao iz populacije fizički i mentalno slabe osobe, došlo je do drastičnog porasta broja individua sa disgeničnim mutacijama a koje imaju veći fertilitet od zdravih jedinki.

podatci pokazuju da danas ljevičari imaju znatno NIĆI fertilitet od desničara, ali već utjecaj na mlade.

da je samo do fertiliteta, ljevica bi izumrla odavno.

mislim da se bolest širi memeovima, a ne genima

Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 19:09 

Pridružen/a: 30 stu 2022, 11:32
Postovi: 1276
divizija je napisao/la:
Megatron je napisao/la:
Prestankom evolutivnih pritisaka i visoke smrtnosti novorođenčadi i dece, što je ranije bio filter koji je uklanjao iz populacije fizički i mentalno slabe osobe, došlo je do drastičnog porasta broja individua sa disgeničnim mutacijama a koje imaju veći fertilitet od zdravih jedinki.

podatci pokazuju da danas ljevičari imaju znatno NIĆI fertilitet od desničara, ali već utjecaj na mlade.

da je samo do fertiliteta, ljevica bi izumrla odavno.

mislim da se bolest širi memeovima, a ne genima

Genetska šteta je već napravljena, a i ovo je sve već viđeno i odvijalo se potpuno istim koracima. Svako društvo koje propada obuzme isti splet poremećaja kao što su propagiranje prava žena, tolerancija prema pe.derima, propast religije i sve veći ateizam, nizak fertilitet među inteligentnim delom populacije, imigracija sa ciljem nadomeštanja niskog fertiliteta, nestanak vere u pošten politički sistem i sve veće zloupotrebe istog, sve veća gramzivost, sveopšti nedostatak vere u bolje sutra, dominantna želja da se ne radi ništa nego da se živi od izdavanja stanova/apartmana i slično. Isto se desilo Grcima (čiji je kognitivni i civilizacijski maksimum dostignut u 5. veku pre nove ere), Rimljanima, Persiji, a sada se u istim problemima našla zapadna civilizacija.

Teško je sada razlučiti šta je tu uzrok a šta posledica jer se različiti efekti propasti međusobno podupiru. Npr. žene imaju tendenciju da glasaju protiv svojih interesa i to samo pojačava negativne efekte koje vidimo, ali to je posledica civilizacijskog pada koji im je uopšte dozvolio da glasaju. Današnji levičari imaju nizak natalitet zato što su oni koji se zovu levičarima otišli potpuno na kvasinu, ali zloćudni mutanti koji su pre sto godina imali viši natalitet su doveli do takve situacije. Sve u svemu, društvo postaje sve gluplje i kada padne ispod prosečnog IQ dovoljnog za održavanje civilizacije, civilizacija propada i opet će proći ko zna koliko vekova da se opet obnovi u nekoj novoj renesansi.

ex Skeletor

 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 21:35 

Pridružen/a: 28 srp 2022, 18:46
Postovi: 10796
Lokacija: banana
Svako društvo koje propada obuzme isti splet poremećaja kao što su propagiranje prava žena


Treba hi zamotati jebo him ja moater.

Salu na stranu. Gledao sam nekidan dobar dokumentarac koji me podstakao na razmisljanje. Radi se o reformama u odredjenim islamskim zemljama, prije svega u Sjevernoj Africi. I ono, nekada duboko konzervativna drustva prihvataju polako odredjene, liberalne norme. Kao npr. ukidanje "familijarnog prava/zakonodavstva" u Maroku i slicno. Time zene polako ali sigurno prestaju biti mazge za vucu i vreca za boks itd..

Sto je, nadam se da cemo se sloziti :D , ipak pozitivna stvar.

No, to i jeste na neki nacin prvi korak, korak koji vodi ka daljim koracima, koracima koji se pak mogu pretvoriti u ovo sto gledamo sirom Zapada. Pitanje je gdje prestaje individualna sloboda a gdje pocinje gejprajdashija, i da li zarad onemogucavanja gejprajdashije zene npr. trebaju zivjeti kao u Srednjem vijeku. (ovo samo kao 1 primjer, nadam se da ces shvatiti sta zelim reci)


 Naslov: Re: Ljevičarsko ludilo na Zapadu
PostPostano: 02 pro 2022, 22:23 

Pridružen/a: 30 stu 2022, 11:32
Postovi: 1276
U arapskim i generalno islamskim zemljama je taj pad smrtnosti dece imao još veće posledice nego na zapadu zbog mnogobrojnih brakova među rođacima. Od kada su prestali evolutivni pritisci rodile su se generacije mutanata, mnogi sa ozbiljnim genetskim i razvojnim manama, koji i dalje imaju dosta visok fertilitet uz prosečan IQ od 80-85. Društvo koje je toliko neinteligentno nije sposobno da se organizuje ni u kakvu naprednu civilizaciju, čak je pitanje i da li bi moglo da obnovi nivo razvoja sa početka 19. veka kada bi propao zapad i sve se vratilo na fabrička podešavanja.

ex Skeletor

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