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 Naslov: Open letters
PostPostano: 29 sij 2014, 06:00 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2010, 19:56
Postovi: 5139
Open letters
Otvorena pisma za javnost

Dear Fr. Joseph Mary,

Two and half years ago, Ed Pentin, the National Catholic Register’s Rome correspondent, out of all armies fighting and killing during World War II, had singled out my Croatian generation and insulted it as “murderers of hundreds of thousands of Serbs and Jews.” Since then, I wrote numerous letters to the Editor of the NCR and other EWTN celebrities, including you and Doug Keck. As of today, none of those letters has been even acknowledged.

That notwithstanding, I prayerfully congratulate you and Doug Keck and all other EWTN personnel for many hours of inspiring coverage of Pro-Life March in Washington, D. C., and Pro-Life Walk in San Francisco, CA. I especially congratulate you, Fr. Joseph, on your fervent prayers for all the victims of Abortion Industry and for your insightful homilies about the Gospel of Life.

In gratitude for all that, here I am enclosing a copy of my recent letter to Pope Francis and another copy of my letter to Bill O’Reilly. Both letters deal with the super-eminent dignity and sanctity of St. Joseph, the Rescuer of the life of Baby Jesus and the Patron of the world’s unborn and born children.

My second book, Joseph the Messianic Father of Jesus, will also be sent to you as soon as it is out of print. Hopefully, this will be next month, exactly two years after the publication of my first book on your Patron Saint, Joseph the Immaculate Virgin Mary’s Husband.

In Jesus-Mary-Joseph,
Ivan John Prcela

Survivor of the Croatian Holocaust and author of several books on that Holocaust
Cleveland, OH. January 27, 2014

Blaženi Alojzije Stepinac

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mr. Bill O’Reilly
Fox News
New York, N. Y. 10036

Dear Mr. O’Reilly,

In the book, Killing Kennedy, you have skipped an important event, namely, President Kennedy’s welcoming in the White House Josip Broz Tito, Dictator of Communist Yugoslavia, on November 5, 1963 - 17 days before JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. In Killing Jesus, however, you have not skipped the miraculous pregnancy of the Blessed Virgin Mary; instead, on the book’s page 80 you have written insulting words of that history-changing Event. Here is my reply to those insults:

From the historical, biblical and theological point of view, the comments on page 80 of your book are completely wrong. The historical records of Joseph and Mary’s times teach us that the Jewish betrothal was a true marriage and, as such, was endowed with all rights and obligations pertaining to it. This is confirmed by the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke’s Gospels, where Joseph is the Betrothed Husband of Mary and Mary is Joseph’s Betrothed Wife. Many Church luminaries, including Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, teach the same. In view of all that, calling the Virgin Mary an “unwed” mother and considering her blessed state an “out of wedlock” pregnancy and a “shame” is an insult of Joseph and Mary’s Covenant of Love. During their First Passover as a married couple, both of them were actually congratulated on the fruitfulness of their marriage.

John Prcela
Author of St. Joseph the Virginal Father of Jesus and of Joseph the Messianic Father of Jesus
Cleveland, Ohio, January 21, 2014

MIR da, ali ne kao u Macelju, Ovčari i Hudim jamama!
Komunisti nude bolju budućnost, neuspješni u sadašnjosti, a razlog je uvijek u prošlosti!
Želiš stvoriti neprijatelja – spasi ga od genocida!

 Naslov: Re: Open letters
PostPostano: 11 tra 2014, 18:31 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2010, 19:56
Postovi: 5139
Open letter of Ukrainian Jews to Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin



MIR da, ali ne kao u Macelju, Ovčari i Hudim jamama!
Komunisti nude bolju budućnost, neuspješni u sadašnjosti, a razlog je uvijek u prošlosti!
Želiš stvoriti neprijatelja – spasi ga od genocida!

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