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 Naslov: Breakup of Yugoslavia
PostPostano: 12 ožu 2021, 13:33 

Pridružen/a: 10 vel 2018, 15:56
Postovi: 2953
Lokacija: Hrvatsko kraljevstvo

Croatian perspective of breakup of Yugoslavia, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NAOkZHUUsg

Sources: Croatian admirala Davora Domazet Lošo, book "Hrvatski domovinski rat 1991.-1995. - strateški pogled" which was evidence on ICTY court, this is book presentation with overall presentation of the war from 20th of March 2011 in Zagreb, Studentski dom Stjepan Radić, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdW9nbspWPQ, presentation document PPTX, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw7RaN ... y=CNrJ3rcO, https://narod.hr/kultura/objavljena-knj ... nskog-rata, https://narod.hr/kultura/8-sijecnja-199 ... pad-drzave, https://www.portalnovosti.com/franje-dostojno, https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspad_SFRJ, Slobodan Praljak' sixth book, https://www.slobodanpraljak.com/knjige/ ... en_web.pdf, other Praljak's books on English, https://www.slobodanpraljak.com/index.html, war casulties in Croatia https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domovinski_rat, war casualties (victims) in BIH Zlatan Mijo Jelić, PODCAST VELEBIT 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiYekf-x9oA, Miroslav Tuđman, Politička strategija Alije Izetbegovića 2007 za pad Posavine, sansavic prist preaching in London that Croats are not Croats,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQHs_6emjH4, sainsavic priest tells the story about forbidding of baptism if you do not say that you are Serb, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PjFMH-TqqA

Animations: Hrvatska, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyxOBHFYVNo, Bosna i Hercegovina, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PExFA1nbaA, Šibenik, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bp2ailRsuOA, Oluja, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmUUv-Hg1LU

Songs: Thomspon Bojna Čavoglave, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfUCdsLgr4Y, Meri Cetinić Zemlja dide mog, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPjdQ1ZmxA8, Siniša Vuco Domovino, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPjdQ1ZmxA8, Tomislav Bralić Stina pradidova, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nws0JLQwKd0, The Mass, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ce-XDXuCNg

#Croatia #Yugoslavia #Serbia

At the end of the 1980s the anachronistic totalitarian communist regimes of Eastern Europe without bloodshed disintegrated in front of the peoples who wanted freedom. From Ceauşescu, Romania to Poland, from the Berlin wall to the Soviet Union, these regimes have left deep bloody traces behind, in tens of millions executed. Even the peoples of communist Yugoslavia failed to resist the spirit of freedom.

The Yugoslav outlawed leadership of political Yugoslavs and political Serbs, as opposed to political Croats and political Slovene, sought to maintain the communist regime. That regime was imbued with the Big Serbia hegemonic spirit as well as the unitarian Yugoslav spirit.

Political Yugoslavs and political Serbs found a common interest. Political Serbs in Big Serbia and Yugoslavs in some kind of Yugoslavia, even a smaller one. Yugoslavs, like Serbs, believed that Croats had killed 700 000 people in Jasenovac, so they hated the very thought of the Croatian state. Although contempt for the Croatian state was widespread even before the Second World War. In 1939 visible in the first fascist organization of Yugoslav nationalists, called ORJUNA, founded in 1921. And in the kingdom of Yugoslavia that lasted until 1941. Serbs were killing Croatian political leaders in Belgrade's parliament and best of Croat intellectuals on the streets, and in the police basements. Discrimination of Croats was widespread. For example, there was more Serb generals in the army of Independent State of Croatia (NDH) during the Second World War, in comparison to Croat generals in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

Franjo Tujman was a communist who took part in the communist revolution on the territory of Yugoslavia in the Second World War. He was also a historian, who in his book The roadless of historical reality, in 1989, would write that 30,000 to 40,000 people were killed in Jasenovac, instead of the 700,000 people claimed by political Serbs and political Yugoslavs. Tuđman will recognize, although too late to dispel prejudices among Serbs, that Jasenovac is an instrument for creating myths about Croats and consequent hatred. Franjo Tuđman will become the leader of the Croats in 1990.

The 1986 memorandum of the Serbian academy of sciences and arts, or SANU, abandoned the idea of a Yugoslav state, and indicated that the Serbian goal was to create a homogeneous Big Serbia, where only Serbs would live. This was not a new idea, but a continuation of the "Homogeneous Serbia" plan drawn up by Stevan Moljević on June 30th 1941. Before that, Nikola Stanojević in 1902 declared war on the Croats until the extermination of the Croats.

The implementation of the plan began with the reorganization of the Yugoslav people's army (JNA) in the officer military staff. There was discrimination based on the share of the people in the population of all peoples who were to become victims of aggression. Serbs, Yugoslavs and Montenegrin's were privileged as can be seen in this table. Blue numbers show the deviation index for privileged nations, and red for discriminated nations. Prior to the 1986 Memorandum, care was taken to ensured peoples were properly represented according to their share of the population.

Apart from the discrimination in the military staff of the people who will become victims of aggression there was also a territorial reorganization of the Yugoslav people's army. The military areas will be changed so that the plan for the creation of a Big Serbia will be easier to implement. On the left is the layout of the areas before 1985, before the reorganization, and before the 1986 Memorandum. On the right is the layout after the reorganization in 1987. The right picture also shows the borders of the plan Big Serbia. Military exercises were also conducted to implement the 1986 Memorandum. Even before the Memorandum in 1983, the exercise of Sloga 83, in which the confiscation of weapons of Bosnia and Herzegovina was practiced, whose territory was planned to be annexed in full extent to Big Serbia. And also, the confiscation of weapons of the Republic of Croatia, part of whose territory was planned to be annexed, was practiced, from 1986 to 1990 with military exercises codenamed Romania or otherwise called plan S2. The Yugoslav people's army would be trained to create a Lesser Yugoslavia or a Big Serbia. The exercise was based on the assumption that Yugoslavia would be attacked by NATO, and that the Yugoslav people's army would defend Yugoslavia. This is evident in these pictures. This figure shows the rehearsed defense response of the Yugoslav people's army to NATO aggression. It will be evident that the Yugoslav people's army was actually training for aggression against the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. because the trained defense against NATO aggression was in fact the later Yugoslavian and Serbian aggression on two Yugoslav republics, as we can see on this picture.

The key part for carrying out the aggression will be the Serbs who lived on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. The Serb uprising took place mainly in areas where the share of Serbs was large. These are the orange areas in the picture. The blue areas in this figure shows areas with a high proportion of Serbs in 1991. Here one can compare the area with a high proportion of Serbs with the areas where the fighting took place. In these areas in the 1980s Serbs were intimidated with propaganda with the already mentioned myth about Jasenovac and the Croatian state from the Second World War.

The territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina was also mixed. The blue areas in this picture are areas with a large proportion of Serbs, green areas with a large proportion of bosnian muslims and orange areas with a large proportion of Croats. This picture shows the ethnic picture of Yugoslavia in 1991. White areas are those where no nation has an absolute majority. This ethnic mix is indirect evidence that a Big Serbia could not have been created without genocide and ethnic cleansing, the most brutal type of war. This red area in the picture was important for the plan to create a Smaller Yugaslavia or Big Serbia.

Serbs in the area would later be armed by the Yugoslav people's army. In the blue area was the naval area of the Yugoslav people's army from which the Republic of Croatia would later be attacked. The Yugoslav people's army was established on all islands. So in the blue area the Yugoslav people's army was established, and in the red area there were armed Serbs. The plan was that if this lower part of Croatia was cut off in two visible points K, then it would be easy to conquer the upper part of the Republic of Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina would then be easily conquered.

Before the armed uprising of Serbs in Croatia and the aggression of the Yugoslav people's army from the territories of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, Milošević needed to take more preparatory actions. The methods that Slobodan Milišević was willing to apply against the Yugoslav Constitution were visible in the Kosovo crisis of 1981, and later in the war in Kosovo in 1999. Milošević's language was physical violence and a violation of the Yugoslav Constitution. Milošević agreed with Slovenia in 1985 that Slovenia could leave Yugoslavia because there were no Serbs in Slovenia. We can see that on this ethnic map. Contrary to the constitution of Yugoslavia Milišević abolished the autonomous province of Vojvodina by revolution named Jogurt revolution.

Between 25,000 and 50,000 Croats would be expelled from the territory of Vojvodina during the war of the 1990s, and concentration camps were organized in Vojvodina for Croats from the territory of the Republic of Croatia. Prior to the aggression, Milošević invaded the monetary system of the national bank of Yugoslavia on January 8th 1991, and stole foreign exchange reserves to finance the war. He received a promise from some western countries for propaganda support and a green light for a war. Therefore the war could begin.

By the way, intellectuals and Yugoslav diplomacy were pro-yugoslav, and they were ready for the idea of Small Yugoslavia called also Big Serbia, instead of the idea of any independent Croatia.

The Communist Party of Yugoslavia split into three parts, according to the national key. The Yugoslav, Serbian and Croatian part. In fear of the Serbian communists and out of material interests, the Croatian part of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, in the form of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), led by Franjo Tuđman will side with the idea of an independent Croatian state. The Yugoslav part of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia on the territory of the Republic of Croatia in the form of the Social Democratic Party led by Ivica Račan, will be against the idea of an independent Croatian state, but will only be passively aggressive. Before the aggression, Ivica Račan will hand over Croatian weapons to the Yugoslav people's army. In addition, the yugoslav part of the Communist party of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Croatia will argue that it is: 1. a civil war of enrage Croatian and Serbian nationalisms, 2. that Croats and Serbs are two tribes of the same people, and 3. that an independent Republic of Croatia is impossible. Although, they were not completely against Lesser Yugoslavia or Big Serbia.

Religious affiliation is key to understanding the Yugoslav war. The four main religious currents were in Yugoslavia: communism, sansavism, islam and catholicism.

The communists had contempt for nationalism, and contradictorily to that, the communists were Yugoslav nationalists. The Yugoslav nation has no historical foundations, so the communists despised the Serbian and Croatian nations which had historical foundations. They wanted to make Yugoslavs out of Serbs and Croats. Therefore, they did not solve the national issues in Yugoslavia, as the Russian communists did in the Soviet Union. So, unlike the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Yugoslav disintegration ended in war. The totalitarian communist regime which did not allow the discussion of Croatian - Serbian disputes, is the main culprit for this outcome. When the disintegration of Yugoslavia was obvious, Serbian communists and Croatian communists were actually on the side of militarily stronger Serbian nationalism or alternatively in a state of disappointment and apathy. Communists feared that Serbian terror will be similar to the terror the communists carried out after 1945. So, a part of the Croatian communists sided with the interests of Croatian nationalism, in all leading positions. Josip Broz Tito was communist's idol in their national Yugoslav paganism in which they ended up. Croatian people generally despised Tito as a symbol of Yugoslav nationalism and the totalitarian communist regime.

The Serbian sansavism is relatively simple. Although it has orthodox symbolism, its integral part is the ideology of Big Serbia and the orthodoxy is peripheral. There is an idolatry of Serbian nationalism in it, which is aimed to conquer the territory where the Serbs were. The sainsavism did not respect the republican borders from the Yugoslav constitution, and the supported the war conquests and war methods that were applied. The sainsavism supported the myth of 700,000 killed Serbs in Jasenovac, they described the war as a Biblical conflict to which international law of war could not be applied to Serbs. Sainsavism believes the Croats are actually Serb catholics and that bosnian muslims are also Serbs. But, that did not stop them from carrying out ethnic cleansing from the area they considered their own. Serbian nationalism accepted such sensitivism settings.

The similarity between communism and sansavism is that they are focused on achieving earthly goals. The consequence of that is that sansavic priests did not want to carry out burial ceremony for orthodox Croats that fought against Big Serbia.
Croats are mostly Catholics who very often disagree with catholic secular interests. Catholicism was actually for yugoslavenism which was understood as a mean of spreading Catholicism to the east. At the same time Croats respected the catholic moral system, so catholic influence in the war was related to respect for international law of war. Catholic influence also referred to the acceptance of Croatian historical and legal right for the creation of the Croatian state, but not so explicitly. So,at first the pope Ivan Pavao II did not even want to receive the leaders of the Croatian people, and he recognized the Croatian state quite late. Catholicism is universal, so it is not bothered by other nations. It only condemns secular laws that are contrary to catholic moral law. Therefore, they are not necessarily opposed to either the communist or the sensitivism secular order, if Catholics are not forced into behaviors contrary to catholic morality.

Depending on how powerful Muslims are in the area, Islam demands the Islamic legal order defined in the K'uran. There is no problem with multinationality, but it seeks religious discrimination against non-muslims. In his Islamic declaration bosnian-muslim's political leader Izetbegović called for an Islamic legal order.

The similarity with Catholicism is that Islam is focused on saving the soul. This is the difference between Islam and Catholicism, in comparison to communism and sansavism. The difference between Catholicism and Islam is, that Islam saves the soul with the legal order and Catholicism with the faith. The difference between sainsavism and Catholicism is illustrated by this picture. In front of the catholic church is a saint with a cross, and in front of the sainsavic church is the statue with a sword.
Neither Croats nor Serbs could come to terms with the goals of Islam, which were in fact best understood by Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Serbs. Croat political leader Franjo Tuđman was confused with the insincerity and violation of the agreements by Alija Izetbegović.

Alija Izetbegović contrary to the Yugoslav Constitution, advocated that the rule of one man one vote applies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With that rule, Muslims could rule Bosnia and Hercegovina without respecting the will of the Croats and Serbs. The Yugoslav constitution required that each of the three peoples: Croats, Serbs and Bosnian Muslims elect their own political representatives. A total of three members of the presidency with the right to veto decisions of vital national interest. Alija wanted Bosnian Muslims to be able to rule Bosnia and Herzegovina with an absolute majority without Serbs and Croats according to the tradition of the Ottoman Empire. Therefore Alija Izetbegović rejected peace plans that did not include his rule, in other words, he rejected all peace plans that were in accordance with the Yugoslav Constitution, except the Deyton peace plan imposed by the United States.

Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the Republic of Croatia fought against Big Serbia or Lesser Yugoslavia together with the Croats, from the moment Serbs started the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina until the conflict between Croats and Muslims. When the conflict between Croats and Muslims ended, they fought together again against Serbs. Throughout the war, Muslim refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina were cared for in the Republic of Croatia. Therefore the disagreement between Catholics and Muslim in Bosnia and Herzegovina was influenced by religious reasons, which did not allow for a rational political solution. Catholics did not have problems with Muslims as with people because of their different religion. During the war Muslims would change their name to Bosniaks that is valid today.

Here are presented in six groups the activities until 1990 before the war, which the Serbs and Yugoslavs carried out when planning the creation of a Big Serbia or a Lesser Yugoslavia: adoption of a political memorandum, military exercises, black propaganda, reorganization of the Yugoslav People's Army in the territorial sense and in the command structure, creation of an alliance between communism and sansavism, and abolition of autonomy for Vojvodina.

At the end of the 1980, with the revolution in Montenegro, Milošević appointed Momir Bulatović loyal to Milošević in 1989. Political parties were established in the Republic of Croatia. At the end of 1989, a decision was made to call for elections.

In January 1990 at a Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, Milošević wanted to impose his will. Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina left the congress. Thus, one of the three pillars of Yugoslavia fell apart, and the League of Communists of Yugoslavia disappeared.

On March 14th 1990, up to 100,000 Serbs protested in Knin, in Croatia. In protest Serbs correlated communist Ivica Račan and communist Franjo Tuđman to the Ustaše from World War II. At that protest they shouted: "we will kill Tuđman", "this is Serbia", "this is a betrayal", "give us weapons", "let's go to Zagreb". Elections are held in the republics that have left the Congress.

In April 1990 the first round of elections is held in Croatia.

In May 1990 the second round of elections were held.

On May 14th 1990 the Yugoslav People's Army confiscated weapons from the Republic of Croatia.

Franjo Tuđman won the elections, and on May 30th 1990 the Croatian Parliament was constituted.

On August 17th 1990, the Yugoslav People's Army, with the air force, landed Croatian police helicopters that were going to disarm the Serbs who attacked the Croatian Police station in Knin. By using the Yugoslav People's Army in such a way, Belgrade violated what was left from the Yugoslav Constitution.

Serbs in the Republic of Croatia are armed with the military operation of the Yugoslav People's Army called RAM.

On 23rd February 1990 Serbs killed a Croatian police officer on the Benkovac road.

The Serbs are raising an armed uprising called the Balvan revolution which is blocking Croatian roads from Northern to Southern Croatia.

The Yugoslav republic's ties are disappearing.

On December 21st 1990 the Serbs declared the autonomous region of Krajina which is in Croatia.

On December 22nd 1990, the Croatian Parliament adopted a new Constitution.

On February 28th 1991 Serbs in Croatia decided to separate Krajina from Croatia and remain in the Lesser Yugoslavia.

On May 2nd 1991 Serbs killed 12 and wounded 24 police officers.

On May 28th 1991 the establishment of Croatian armed forces have started.

Hrvatska je za više KRIŠTO a neki su za manje Karoline u hrvatskoj politici

Pred okupaciju BIH 800.000 stanovnika, od toga 80.000 kristijana i 50.000 pravoslavnih, sruseno 500 katolickih objekata

 Naslov: Re: Breakup of Yugoslavia
PostPostano: 12 ožu 2021, 13:33 

Pridružen/a: 10 vel 2018, 15:56
Postovi: 2953
Lokacija: Hrvatsko kraljevstvo
It is obvious that the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina was used in the aggression against the Republic of Croatia. The Serbs had the tacit support of the Bosnian Muslim leadership in the aggression against Croatia. It will be proven that the war in Croatia is inseparable from the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is because Bosnia and Herzegovina was the goal of Serbian conquests and because geostrategiclly Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia are connected. In order for the Croats to defend the Republic of Croatia, they also had to defend Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the 1990, apart from Croats there was no one else to defend Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Bosnia and Herzegovina in May 1991 Croatian civilians are blocking the Yugoslav People's Army's warpath in its campaign against the Republic of Croatia. That was the heroic act of the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Croatia declared independence on June 25th 1991.

Croatia was facing the most brutal war against the already started aggressive implementation of the project of creating a Big Serbia or Lesser Yugoslavia. On that path, apart from Croatia, the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina had to be defended. In addition to external aggression on the territory of Croatia, there was an armed revolt and occupation of the Serb population in Croatian territory. The Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina were aware that the same aggressor was coming for them, and as volunteers they began to join the defense of the Republic of Croatia. They were aware that this would be a single battlefield involving both republics.

After baptism the Croats made a treaty with pope Agaton in 679, confirmed by their own hands and a firm promise and a guarantee in the name of St. Peter the apostle. Croats promised that they would never go against a foreign country and make war on it, but would rather live in peace with all who are willing to do the same. The Croats received a blessing from the pope of Rome for this act, and that is the promise that if any foreigners went to war against the land of the Croats and imposed war on Croats, then the mighty God would fight for the Croats and protect them and Peter, a disciple of Christ, would give Croats victory.

"On what foundations do you base your claim of the legitimacy of Croatian national demands?"

"Take a look at your history books. Croatia is an old nation that took shape before the French under Frankish rule did so. Our history books say that Trpimir who ruled from 850 to 864 bears the title "dux Croatorum", this is the first mention of Croats as such. Tomislav from 910 to 928 takes the title "Rex Croatorum" in 925. which the pope acknowledges. Our history books also say during the whole period of the personal union with Hungary and the rule of the Habsburgs, Croatia will preserve the features of statehood in its ban and parliament. In addition, Croatia fits perfectly with the following definition of Otto Bauver, "a nation is a totality of people united by a community of destiny into a community of character". In short, in order to justify its aspiration for sovereignty, Croatia can invoke both the historical right and the modern international law. Intellectuals and politicians who speak of this people as a tribe, thus reveal their own deep ignorance of history. Had they wanted to see what was happening, their ignorance would have dissipated due to the form this war had taken. The aggression was not only aimed at Croatia's military and industrial potential, but also at Europeanism. While the European elite was concerned about the tribalism of the Croats, Europe was losing its romantic and baroque churches on the Croatian soil, as well as its venetian palaces."

On September 25th 1991 a decision 713 was made by the United Nations Security Council to ban the import of weapons into Yugoslavia. This was at the request of the influential diplomat and political Yugoslav Budimir Lončar. This decision badly affected Croats who had previously been disarmed and had a hard time resisting aggression. The aggressor on the other hand was armed.

Additional armed forces from Montenegro and Serbia came to support an aggression against Croatia through Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first victims fell in Bosnia and Herzegovina on October 1st 1991 in the village of Ravno which was completely destroyed. To the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina this was proof that the Yugoslav People's Army was carrying out aggression on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Muslim leader Alija Izetbegović, and the president of Bosnia and Herzegovina, then sided with the aggressor, and declared "this is not our war". Many then saw that Bosnia and Herzegovina had been betrayed, especially Croats who were willing to defend themselves.

On October 7th 1991 the Yugoslav People's Army rocketed the Banske dvore wanting to kill the leadership of the Republic of Croatia. Coincidentally president's Tuđman survived. On October 8th 1991, Croatia declared independence.

The destruction of Vukovar and its bloody fall did not make the Muslim leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina to speak out. Alija Izetbegović was silent. Seeing this the democratically elected political leadership of the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina established the Croatian Republic of Herceg-Bosna. On November 18th 1991 in decision to establish Herceg-Bosna it was emphasized that it would respect the democratically elected government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Prior to that, in the 1990 elections, Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina voted for the Serb party Muslims for the Muslim party and Croats for the Croat party.

Pursuant to the Geneva Agreement of 23rd November 1991 the army of the Yugoslav People's Army withdrew to Bosnia and Herzegovina from the unblocked barracks on the territory of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia. This was a sign that war was being transferred to the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). Some parts of BIH were already occupied at that time.

In 1992 military territories of the Yugoslav People's Army were organized on the territory of the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. This can be seen in this picture. It is evident that the fourth military area of the aggressor army included the territory of the Republic of Croatia. It is part of this blue area. These upper pliers wanted to connect two warpaths that would be closed through the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In city Split Croatia would be cut into two parts. The Croatian army prevented this by fighting against aggressors army on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina against the Yugoslav People's Army, and the Bosnian Serbs. Croatia had the right to do so, because the attacks on the territory of the Republic of Croatia came from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Before the fall of the Bosnian Posavina which was defended by Croats. Bosnian Muslims led by Alija Izetbegović made a decision that contributed to the fall of the Bosnian Posavina. On March 27th and 28th 1992, at the 63rd Session of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the conclusion was reached requesting that the Croatian army withdraw from the Bosanska Posavina to Croatia. Subsequently the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 757 of 30th May 1992, which required the army of the Republic of Croatia to withdraw from Bosanska Posavina. With that move, Alija Izetbegović made a move in the interest of the aggressor. Alija hoped that Bosnian Muslims would be defended by the Yugoslav People's Army which subsequently ethnically cleansed them from 70% of Bosnia and Herzegovina's territory.

In 1991 there were more than 4 million people on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, of which: 44% were Muslims, 31% Serbs and 17% Croats. These two images represent the ethnic map of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the picture on the left we see the ethnic map of 1991. In the picture on the right we see the ethnic map of 1992 after the Serbs had already carried out ethnic cleansing of Muslims and Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Muslims are green, Serbs are blue, and Croats are orange.

This picture shows the direction of the movement of refugees who were ethnically cleansed by Serbs. There were 400,000 ethnically cleansed people. The Republic of Croatia received the majority of Bosnian refugees. Croats managed to defend a large part of their territory in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Muslims failed to defend their territories. The Muslims were too weak to regain territory from stronger Serbs. Since they lacked territory, what they could not take from the stronger Serbs they intended to take away from the weaker Croats. They drew up a military plan Neretva 93 with which they intended to break out of the central Bosnia to the sea, and ethnically cleanse the Croats in that area. Alija Izetbegović did not accept the peace plans of the international community during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There were three such agreements. Alija did not accept them because they did not include his idea of unitary Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Prior to that Bosniak (Muslims) signed a Historic Agreement on July 14th 1991 with Serbs to stay in the Leaser Yugoslavia, signed by Muhamed Filipović and Radovan Karadžić. Thus the Muslims sided with the aggressor army, that is for political yugoslavenism. On July 21th 1992 Alija thanked Franjo Tuđman for the enormous reception of refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina beyond Croatian means. On June 11th 1993 Franjo Tuđman complained to Alija Izetbegović that Alija had moved 7,500 soldiers from East Bosnia to Central Bosnia where they would later be used for war with the Croats.

The war between Croats and Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina did not suit the Republic of Croatia. PLAN A of the Republic of Croatia was the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state of three peoples, and the Republic of Croatia as the whole state of the Croatian people, as defined by the Yugoslav Constitution in a referendum. In Bosnia and Herzegovina Franjo Tuđman called on Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina to vote for an independent Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Republic of Croatia was among the first to recognize Bosnia and Herzegovina as an independent state, unlike Slobodan Milošević in Serbia who recognized Bosnia and Herzegovina only after the war. The policy of the Republic of Croatia did not exclude the survival of Yugoslavia within the former republican borders for example as a confederation however the idea of a confederation collapsed with the aggressive. war of Serbia and Montenegro against Croatia which began in 1991. PLAN A remained in Croatia's interest until the end of the war. PLAN B included the possibility of the disintegration of Bosnia and Herzegovina especially in the situation when Bosnian Muslims started the war against Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992.

Namely, if Bosnia and Herzegovina disintegrated, from the territory of Bosnia and Hercegovina, which would become part of Serbia, almost whole Republic of Croatia could be bombed in future wars between Croatia and Serbia. Disintegration of BIH was not in the Croatian national interest. Therefore, Croatia's diplomatic victory was the Washington Agreement which ended the war between Croats and Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) in Bosnia and Hercegovina. The military alliance of Croats and Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) called Split Agreement also suited Croats.

Croatia was on the path to liberating the rest of its occupied territory. There was a Z4 plan that guaranteed the Serbs some form of state within the Croatian state, a state on the territory occupied by the Serbs and from which the Serbs ethnically cleansed the Croats. The Serbs rejected plan Z4. After that, before Croatia liberated its territory by military means, Croatia had offered the Serbs a pardon for armed rebellion, if they lay down their weapons. Serbs rejected the offer. After that the Croats started the military liberation of their territory called a Oluja (Storm). The Serbs realizing that their defense had fallen apart, and that they had lost the war, the leader of the rebel Serbs Milan Martić ordered the evacuation of the Serb population from Croatia to Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to the Republic of Croatia liberating its own territory, Croatia had the right to enter the territory of Bosnia and Hercegovina because the aggression on the territory of the Republic of Croatia came from its territory. In addition, the Republic of Croatia had the right to enter the territory of Bosnia and Hercegovina on the basis of the Split Agreement.

What made Serbs to commit such suicidal acts? The answer should be sought in the Kosovo myth. The Kosovo sansavic myth orders Serbs to choose death that will lead them to the Kingdom of Heaven as opposed to rational solutions. Proof of such a mental structure is the statement of Serbian general Momčilo Perišić. After the war, when asked by journalists Svjetlana Petrušić in 1997, why they did not evacuate 30 to 50,000 Serps from Kordun, general Momčilo replied "So what? With 30 to 50,000 Serbs killed, we would show the world that Croats are fascists". By properly planning operation Storm (Oluja), the Croats left the Serbs two corridors to go if they did not want to fight. With minimal civilian casualties and the abandonment of these two corridors, the Croats saved the Serbs from themselves, from their Kosovo mythomania and the sansavic Kingdom of Heaven. Serbs have had big casualties several times in history because of the Kosovo myth. For example, in the First World War and in the Second World War where two million Serbs, Croats and Bosnian Muslims killed on the territory of Yugoslavia. In addition operation Oluja (Storm) prevented Serbs from committing genocide against Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks) in Bihać. it was the first time in history that In army prevented genocide. In fact, the second time, if we include the prevention of genocide of Serbs against Bosnian Muslims in operation Zima 94 (Winter 94). After operation, Milošević mocked rebel Serbs for fleeing like rabbits.

Operation Storm (Oluja) was a tactical and strategic military operation that thanks to its originality and success is studied by numerous military analysts. The main directions of the attack were from the Dinara and Velebit mountains in the direction of Knin. Previously, in operation Summer 95 (Ljeto 95) the preconditions were created for the Fourth and Seventh guard's brigades to move from the peaks of the Dinara towards Knin. On the other hand, Special Forces of the Croatian Police penetrated strongly across Velebit and Sveti Rok. The First Guard Association entered by helicopter detachment behind the enemy lines. The capture of Prijevoj Ljubovo and the capture of the enemy air base in Udbina was the task of the Nineth Guard's Brigade On the north, through the Kapela from Slunj and Rakovica on one side, and Korenica and Plitvice on the other side, the forces of the First Guards Brigade attacked to merge with the Fifth Corps of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ABIH) with the aim of unblocking the Bihać enclave. The area of Banija (Banovina) was surrounded from several directions. The strike force was from the direction of Petrinja where the enemy offered fierce resistance and further towards Glina, Second Guard's Brigade was here. The Third and Fifth Gouard's Brigades were in the far east of Croatia, waiting for a possible Serbian attack from the east. During the first day of the operation, the penetration of the Croatian army in depth was from 5 to 15 kilometers, and the enemy strongholds were in the vicinity or in a semicircle. Already on the second day of the operation 80% of the planned combat missions were carried out. Most of the occupied Croatian cities were free again. Kostajnica, Petrinja, Slunj, Glina, Gračac, Obovac, Drniš celebrated. It was also celebrated in Knin which was the center of the enemy rebellion, but Knin has always been a Croatian royal city. The whole of Croatia was also celebrating the liberation of Knin, the center of the enemy uprising in Croatia, most important strategic political and military goal was achieved.

The idea of creating a Big Serbia which was supported by the political Yugoslavs who saw the idea similar to creating a Lesser Yugoslavia ended catastrophically. It could not have ended differently because of the ethnic mixing in the area that was supposed to enter Big Serbia and from which the Serbs sought to remove non-Serb peoples. The resistance of the Croats in the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina saved many lives from the sansaivic idea of a Big Serbia. Macedonia left Yugoslavia without war and Slovenia with an operetta war, with small casualties, because there were no Serbs in the territories of Slovenia and Macedonia which could be instrumentalized for the project of creating a Big Serbia.

Kosovo suffered several times in the 1980s and in 1999 because sansavic ideology could not accept the territorial loss of Kosovo. The sansavism focuses on territory instead of the souls of believers. Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks) supported the idea of Lesser Yugoslavia hoping that Serbs would not physically destroy them. Thus in 1991 Muslims tacitly supported the aggression against the Republic of Croatia. It was only when the Serbs turned against Bosnian Muslims in 1992 that they began defending themselves. A strong alliance between Croats and Bosnian Muslims did not take place because Bosnian Muslims contrary to the Yugoslav Constitution wanted a unitary Bosnia and Hercegovina where they could rule over Croats and Serbs according to the tradition of the Ottoman Empire. Alija Izetbegović thus accepted the alliance with the Croats only for tactical reasons with a fig in his pocket. Franjo Tuđman as a communist who fought against the Independent State of Croatia in the Second World War did not seem to understand how Serbs could see in his actions the return of the Croatian State from the Second World War.

Croats could have prevented the instrumentalization of Serbs through prejudices in the Republic of Croatia by fighting against prejudices before the disintegration of Yugoslavia. Croats could broke the Serbian and Yugoslav myths from the Second World War in time. The Croats did not have the support of the international community in removing prejudices because the world supported Josip Broz Tito and Yugoslavia.

Up to 50,000 Croats where ethnically cleansed from Serbia (Vojvodina) to Croatia

There where concentration camps for Croats on the territory of Serbia during the war

There where no attacks from Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina on Serbia

Comparison between census in 1991 and 2013 for Bosnia and Hercegovina shows that fall of population was 20% (4,3 milion people in comparison with 3,5 milion)

Fall of Muslim population was 130,000 or 8%, number of Serbs fell by 280,000 or 20,4%, and number of Croats fell by 220,000 or 28,4%

In Bosnia and Hercegovina there where 104,732 killed persons, of which 36,700 or 35% civilians

Out of 104,732 killed people, there were 68,101 or 65% killed Muslims, Serbs 22,779 or 21,7% and Croats 8,858 or 8,4%

Shares in total population of 4,3 milion people in 1991 where, Muslims 43,47%, Serbs 31,21% and Croats 17,38%

3,261 Croat's civilians and war prisoners where killed in Bosnia and Hercegovina, of which 2,033 by Serbs or 62,3% and 1,228 by Bosnian Muslims (Bosniaks) or 37,7%

320,000 Croats where ethnically cleansed in Bosnia and Hercegovina, 170,000 by bosnian muslims and 150,000 by Serbs. Croats ethnicly clenst 50,000 bosnian muslims during the Muslim (Bosniak) - Croat war

Croats ethnically cleanest more then three times less Muslims, and number of Muslims in Bosnia and Hercegovina was two time bigger then number of Croats

Croats killed approximately the same number of Muslim (Bosniak) civilians and war prisoners as Muslims killed Croats, and there are more then twice Muslims in Bosnia and Hercegovina in comparison to Croats (43,47% Muslims and 17,38% Croats)

Bosnia and Herzegovina was destructed in aggressive Serbian and Yugoslav war

There where in total 23,471 killed people in Republic of Croatia, of which 15,970 or 68% on Croatian side and 7,501 or 32% on aggressor (Serb / Yugoslav) side

Out of 15,970 killed on Croatian side, 6,605 civilians or 41% were killed civilians

During massive operation Storm (Oluja) there where killed up to 50 Serbian civilians, and Croatia did not do ethnic cleansing. Serb rejected all international (eq. Z4) and national peaceful proposals offered to rebelled Serbs in Croatia before operation Storm (Oluja), and in the end Milan Martić commanded evacuation of Serbs when he was facing military defeat.

On Croatian territory in 1993 there where 253,705 refuges from 30% of occupied territory of Republic of Croatia, 31,449 refuges from Serbia (Vojvodina and Kosovo), 366,971 refugies from Bosnia and Hercegovina, in total on the territory of Republic of Croatia there where 652,125 refuges

Republic of Croatia was destructed on occupied territory in aggressive war. Croatian towns were bombed from the 30% of the occupied territory of Republic of Croatia

"The President expresse his oft repeated opinion that the Croats and Serbs had nothing in common and that it is ridiculous to try to force two such antagonistic peoples to live together under one government", 1943, Roosvelt's opinion


Political jugoslavenism = stupidity and lies -> evil

Interpretation of war by political Yugoslavs: civil war between Serb and Croatian nationalism, we had nothing to do with war

Interpretation of war by political Serbs: civil war in Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina between Croats from Second World War (Ustaše) and Serbs, Serbia had nothing to do with war

Defense war against aggression from territory of Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Montenegro, and also rebelled Serbs in Croatia instrumentalised from Serbia defense of Bosnia and Hercegovina and defense from aggression on Croats in BIH liberation from communism and war for independence and survival of Croats.

There where two courts: ICTY - for individual guilt and ICJ - for disputes between countries. ICJ in case Croatia against Serbia concluded that Serbia made an aggression on Croatia in a goal of making homogeneous Big Serbia with genocide acts.

Hrvatska je za više KRIŠTO a neki su za manje Karoline u hrvatskoj politici

Pred okupaciju BIH 800.000 stanovnika, od toga 80.000 kristijana i 50.000 pravoslavnih, sruseno 500 katolickih objekata

 Naslov: Re: Breakup of Yugoslavia
PostPostano: 12 ožu 2021, 13:37 

Pridružen/a: 10 vel 2018, 15:56
Postovi: 2953
Lokacija: Hrvatsko kraljevstvo
From Vojvodina (Sebia) 25 - 45,000 Croats were expelled during the war, and 17 were killed, according to Ante Nazor in Moja Hrvatska, TV Laudato, 24.2.2021.


Hrvatska je za više KRIŠTO a neki su za manje Karoline u hrvatskoj politici

Pred okupaciju BIH 800.000 stanovnika, od toga 80.000 kristijana i 50.000 pravoslavnih, sruseno 500 katolickih objekata

 Naslov: Re: Breakup of Yugoslavia
PostPostano: 11 tra 2021, 18:09 

Pridružen/a: 10 vel 2018, 15:56
Postovi: 2953
Lokacija: Hrvatsko kraljevstvo


Operation Storm was the single-most decisive battle of the Croatian War for Independence (1991-1995). Launched by the Republic of Croatia in August 1995, it was the largest European land battle since the Second World War. Outnumbered, outgunned, but not outmaneuvered, this tiny new democracy prevailed in a David versus Goliath encounter, a moral as well as military victory. Storm ended a massive humanitarian disaster and genocide. It led to the liberation of one third of Croatian territory, and made possible the Dayton Agreement that brought peace to the region. Based on interviews conducted with the American Ambassador to Croatia during the war years, military and political principals in the battle, noted scholars, security and intelligence agency officials, humanitarian leaders and journalists, this social scientific qualitative study examines the political and historical origins of the war and its aftermath. The article documents the events leading up to the war and surrounding this extraordinary military operation, providing strategic and political insights into the need for cooperation between democratic allies.

war, humanitarian disaster, genocide, Yugoslavia, Croatian War for Independence, Balkans, democracy, human rights, rights, Greater Serbia, Ambassador Peter Galbraith, Hague Tribunal, Operation Storm

DOI: 10.20472/SS2021.10.1.003

Download, https://www.eurrec.org/ijoss-article-116890?download=3

APA citation:
DOROTHY S. MCCLELLAN, NIKOLA KNEZ (2021). Operation Storm: Ending Humanitarian Disaster and Genocide in Southeastern Europe. International Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. X(1), pp. 39-73. , DOI: 10.20472/SS2021.10.1.003

6 Conclusions

As Dr. Lang explains:
I was a humanitarian advisor to President Tudjman's government. Tudjman showed an extraordinary degree of intelligence and care. He appointed Hebrang as health minister, Granić as minister for refugees and displaced persons, and Kostolić as minister for prisoners of war and missing persons. No government in history has taken such proactive measures to address these concerns. If we wrote a book about the Humanitarian dimension of modern warfare in 1996, no one in Croatia would have been charged with war crimes. Croatia would be at the center of the world's attention for doing good (in interview September 2013).

Čutura argues that:
The Croatian army did what the international community should have done. The international community and the U.N. did not do their job in protecting the civilian
¡ population, which was their primary task. Perhaps we shamed them and that is why our Croatian generals faced charges from the Hague International Tribunal (in interview August 2013).

According to Dr. Lang:
Operation Storm was a world-class military operation. It is important to say that the idea of preventing the war crime of genocide came from Croatia. Thanks to this, there is a permanent counselor for the prevention of genocide at the United Nations today. Conceptually and practically this idea comes from the Croatian military defense strategy of President Franjo Tudjman, who was the first to apply the principle of anticipating and
confronting genocidal threat in the world. This Croatian contribution to the security of the
world is amazing.

Jakob Bienenfeld argues that
unlike questionable behavior in World War II, Croatia was extremely cognizant of its moral responsibility toward minorities. In fact, Gojko Šušak, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, received recognition from the
international Jewish organization JOIN. Generals Praljak, Gotovina and Tuta played an enormous role in the protection of Jews. It is a historical truth that needs to be repeated thousands of times because the Croatian people have shown that when they have their own state, the government has adopted very high standards in relation to minorities and respecting human rights (in interview September 2013).

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