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 Naslov: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 15 kol 2016, 22:08 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Evo pa pretražujte. Netko je dilao povjerljive dokumente od njegove fondacije, 25.000 komada mislim bar.



Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 20 kol 2016, 23:10 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
George Soros, the puppet master‘Obama has been too Soft on Putin,’ Said Soros as he Called the Shots on Ukraine

23:18 20.08.2016(updated 23:22 20.08.2016) Get short URL

New documents released by hackers who compromised George Soros’ Open Society Foundations raise serious questions about the Hungarian billionaire’s role in Ukraine.

A leaked document, from the massive 2,500 file dump by DC Leaks of George Soros’ most sensitive Open Society Foundations communications, show the inordinate amount of power and authority the Hungarian billionaire wielded over Ukraine in the immediate aftermath of the Maidan government overthrow.

Soros, along with key executives from the Open Society Foundations, held extensive meetings with nearly every actor involved in the Maidan coup including Ukraine’s Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Justice, Health and Education as well as US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt and the regional director of USAID. However, the documents do exclude one key official, Victoria Nuland, who was allegedly involved in steering the opposition to the Yanukovych government.

The records focus on plans to minimize and counter Russian influence and cultural ties to Ukraine with a focus towards steering Kiev towards social and economic reforms that Soros favored. The Hungarian billionaire has not been bashful about his acts or intent to influence politics in Ukraine establishing the NGO, International Renaissance Foundation (IRF) to spearhead the formation of the "New Ukraine."

Most troubling in the document leak appears to be a file titled "Breakfast with US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt" to discuss Ukraine’s future. In the meeting, which took place on March 31, 2014, just months after the Maidan coup and weeks prior to civil strife following Ukrainian forces assault on Donbass, US Ambassador Pyatt outlines a PR war against Putin, a position George Soros viewed favorably in the meeting.

"The short term issue that needs to be addressed will be the problem in getting the message out from the government through professional PR tools, especially given Putin’s own professional smear campaigns," said the US Ambassador.

George Soros responded, "Agreement on the strategic communications issue – providing professional PR assistance to the Ukrainian government would be very useful."

Pyatt seemed open to the idea of guiding Ukraine towards a decentralization of power just short of Lavrov’s recommendation for a federalized Ukraine, but George Soros pushed back stating that a federalization model would result in Russia gaining influence over eastern regions of the country which the Hungarian billionaire disapproved of.

The Ambassador noted that Secretary of State John Kerry "would be interested to hear George Soros’ views on the situation directly, upon return from his trip" raising the question why one wealthy foreign individual, neither from Ukraine nor Russia, had such access to influence American policy.

In this undated artist's rendition released by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) showing the Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2)

Ambassador Pyatt’s position towards decentralization also appeared to shake as the correspondence continued saying that the “Russian propaganda machine is telling Karkhiv and Donbass residents that the government in Western Ukraine is looking to take away their resources and rights through the decentralization process, feeding into Lavrov’s line that the Ukrainian government is dysfunctional and not successful as a unitary state, making it a necessity to have federalization.

Then, in a full capitulation, the American diplomat point blank asks George Soros, "what should the US government be doing and what is the US government currently doing."

To which, George Soros responded, "Obama has been too soft on Putin, and there is a need to impose potent smart sanctions." He then called on the US government to "impose sanctions on Russia for 90 days or until the Russian government recognizes the results of the presidential elections."

A Moskit supersonic anti-ship missile is launched from a missile boat during a training exercise for guard missile boats and artillery exercises held in the Sea of Japan

In a separate meeting, titled "Civil Society Roundtable Meeting," George Soros directly calls for the formation of a Ukrainian "fifth column" – a group whose sole purpose is to undermine a larger group – in order to push Ukraine away from Russia.

"We would rather have people there as fifth column – pivotal thing for future of Ukrainian society – continue to work with Crimean people" said the document regarding the disputed territory only highlighting that there was potentially improper interference by Soros in Ukraine’s civil society.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 20 kol 2016, 23:23 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Islamophobia Twitter Report Funded By Soros

by CHRIS TOMLINSON20 Aug 2016494

The left-wing think tank that released a controversial report about Islamophobia on Twitter was directly funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.
Left-wing think tank Demos released a new report that conflates Islamophobia with any criticism of Islam Friday claiming that Islamophobic tweets had become so frequent that Twitter should actively engage in censorship to stop the comments. Leaked documents from the Open Society Foundation (OSF) show that George Soros’ organization funded Demos to be able to conduct research over social media platforms like Twitter.

According to the document, “List of European Elections 2014 Projects,” Demos received 129,484 dollars from Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE), the European arm of the international foundation. The description of the money claims the funds are to be used to create software to scour data on Twitter. It reads, “Demos will produce tools and techniques, like open source software, that could be used to analyze real time Twitter data, in order to allow campaigners to increase turnout of target groups. These tools will be made available online free of charge.”

Chief Executive Claudia Wood claims that the method developed by Demos could identify “hateful, derogatory, and anti-Islamic” tweets in real time, exactly the features described by the leaked Soros document. The leak also specifies that Demos received the grant from OSIFE in order that they share the software with other groups across Europe. “Demos will also train advocates and civil society groups interested in civic and political participation through a series of two-day face-to-face workshops in France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK,” the document reads.

The Demos study was criticised by National Secular Society communications officer Benjamin Jones who remarked that the methodology of the study was unsound and claiming a link between violent passages in the Koran and racism,”creates a false moral equivalence between racism and criticising a set of ideas.”

While there is no mention of Islamophobia in the Demos grant, there are several other grants listed that specifically tackle criticism of Islam. In the Netherlands OSIFE directly funded groups that claimed to be tackling Islamophobia including Spior and umbrella organization for Islamic groups in Rotterdam.

OSIFE gave the group 24,970 dollars over a period of five months in 2012 to “realize a preliminary research into the nature and principal features of islamophobia in the Netherlands, preceding the development and executing of a (periodical) monitor on islamophobia,” showing that the foundation was, at the time, keen on developing a means to monitor Islam-critical speech online. Spior received a further 100,000 dollars in 2013 to, “promote participation in the political process amongst underrepresented groups, particularly migrants, women and Muslims.”

Censorship of Muslim and migrant critical speech online has become a major issue in European countries like Germany and the UK. In Germany dozens of people have had their homes raided by police for anti-migrant comments and in the UK Muslim critical comments have led to arrests and fines. London’s first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan has also vowed to create an “Online Hate Crime Hub” to monitor so-called hate crimes.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 20 kol 2016, 23:35 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Soros Group Attempted To Buy Dutch EU Referendum

Officials count the votes of the Dutch referendum about the association agreement between the EU and Ukraine on April 6, 2016 at a voting office in SchiermonnikoogAFP
by CHRIS TOMLINSON19 Aug 201699

Another leaked document from the Open Society Foundations shows the group trying to subvert the results of the Dutch EU-Ukraine referendum donating over 300,000 euros.
The leaked documents from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations have once again revealed another attempt by the left-wing billionaire to influence the politics and voting of a European country. According to a memo sent to Mr. Soros himself from the Open Society European Policy Insitute (OSIFE) in January of this year the group was to commit to the YES campaign of the now failed referendum on potential Ukraine membership into the European Union through an association agreement.

The memo which briefs Mr. Soros on the situation before he was to meet with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte, lays out the plan for the foundation to fund the yes campaign to win. Soros let the Prime Minister know that the OSIFE would “lend its support for a strong YES campaign and invest substantial resources. ” the memo states that securing a Yes vote in the referendum was crucial and noted that at least 300,000 euros would be allocated toward getting a YES result.

Another leaked document puts into details the way that the foundation would use the money to garner sympathy for Ukrainians in the Netherlands ahead of the vote. Much like the campaign to boost the image of Somali migrants that Breitbart London revealed earlier this week, the document attempts to use media coverage to highlight Ukrainians in the Netherlands.

The plan for the campaign is split up into an informative angle and an appeal to the emotions of the Dutch voter. In one of the stranger claims of the document the foundation states that “Ukrainian children involved in the campaign look very much like their Dutch counterparts (lightcoloured hair, freckles, etc) that eliminates perceived differences between the two nations.”

The Ukrainian children were meant to perform Dutch songs in order to show a connection with Dutch people and manipulate the Dutch into voting for a possible entry for Ukraine into the European Union.

George Soros and Open Society have been active in the Ukraine since the coup in 2014 that brought an end to the pro-Russian government. Soros has actively fought against what he terms as the influence of Russia and it’s president Vladamir Putin who he claims is more dangerous than the Islamic state.

The reach of the open Society foundation is not limited to Europe as it was recently revealed by Breitbart News that the rumours of the foundation funding the Black Lives Matter movement turned out to be true. The group funded BLM to the tune of 650,000 dollars and have also been revealed to have funded anti-police groups across the European continent.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 20 kol 2016, 23:38 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Odavno ga pratim i sad ovi leaks. Jasno se vidi da je tip jako škrt. Toliko bogatstvo ima htio bi mijenjati povijest i smjer politike nekom sićom od novca, i to jako krupne stvari.

Znam sad da je bogatstvo stekao od insider informacija iz US administracije, CIA i NSA. Za uzvrat im mora biti potrčko i odužiti se tamo gdje se oni ne smiju direktno petljati, da mediji ne saznaju. Ali stalno gleda da što manje potroši na te zadatke.

Mislim da su ove leaks ruski hackeri zaposleni od države izvukli.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 20 kol 2016, 23:41 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Soros Group ‘Trained’ Socialists To Combat Will Of The People

US billionaire financier George Soros speaks about his new book 'The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror' 13 September 2006 in Washington, DC.NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty
by CHRIS TOMLINSON16 Aug 20161184

Leaked documents from the Open Society Foundations show the group to have actively trained socialist MEPs to combat populist parties and shut down free speech.
A series of documents leaked from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations have revealed a number of startling revelations about the work of the NGO when it comes to combating what they refer to as “xenophobic parties” in countries around Europe. According to at least one document the foundations has been calling for the censorship of language in the European parliament they term as hateful and have been actively working with various socialist members of the European parliament to train them on how to combat “xenophobic populism.”

The leaked document entitled, “The Open Society European Policy Institute Outcomes and Activities Update”from December 2015 to February 2016 describes the various topics and initiatives the Open Societies foundations’ European policy institute (OSEPI) is trying to push through the European parliament and other European governments.

Under the heading of equality and anti-discrimination the document provides insights into how the foundation operates and it’s relationships with politicians. Not only does the foundation claim to want to put a stop to populist parties but is also actively training socialist MEPs in the European parliament. The report states, “OSEPI organised a follow-up training session for Socialist MEPs on how to counter xenophobic populism in the parliament.”

Another leaked document showed that the xenophobic parties the group refers to are populists like the Italian Northern League who are well known for their staunch opposition to Islamisation in the north of Italy and cooperate with Silvio Berlesconi’s Forza Italia. In another leaked report form the OSEPI entitled “Presidential portfolio review: Equality and Antidiscrimination,” from April 21st of this year, the Northern League and leader Matteo Salvini are referred to as, “xenophobic.”

Another telling piece of the report is the fact that the OSEPI admits to actively trying to shut down free speech in the European parliament. “Further meetings of OSEPI and ENAR5 took place with MEPs to advocate the re-drafting of the parliament’s rules of procedure to prohibit and sanction hate speech,” the report reads. Hate speech can be a broad topic, with many unable to define the limits of what constitutes hate speech.

Laws in Germany have gone so far as to ban criticism of migrants or insulting them and the legislation has led to multiple raids and arrests of German citizens who have posted speech on social media that the government has decided is hateful.

The leaked Open Society foundations documents were posted to the website DC Leaks on Saturday and have so far led to multiple startling revelations as to the extent and scope of the groups involvement financially and politically across the world.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 20 kol 2016, 23:43 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Iz prve ruke znam da je ljude u Hrvatskoj kupovao sa jednim odmorom od 7 dana u Norveškoj i slično (Split konkretno, sve mlade osobe). Poslije je naravno valjalo vratiti uslugu, nisam upućen u to kakve su bile. Svakoga je sram pričati o tom dijelu bajke.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 20 kol 2016, 23:51 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Soros Leaks Refer To UN Chief As ‘Elite, Behind The Scenes’ Soros Advocate

Peter Sutherland Europe migrant crisis
by CHRIS TOMLINSON20 Aug 2016555

George Soros’ Open Society Foundation admits influence and incredibly close links with UN migration representative and former Goldman Sachs executive Peter Sutherland in leaked document.
The paper, which told of how the migrant crisis presented an “opportunity” for the foundation to extend its global influence and attract more money, mentions Sutherland’s pro-migrant work. The foundation notes that through Sutherland they have been able to advocate at an “elite level” behind the scenes.

Open Society are one of the contributors to the Columbia Global Policy Initiative (CGPI) which hosts Mr. Sutherland and claim that through Sutherland they are able to influence international migration policy due to the current migrant crisis. On the United Nations website Sutherland is described as a “strong advocate for promoting practical action to increase the benefits of migration” and has routinely made comments against national borders and national sovereignty in Europe. Sutherland has even called for the European Union to “undermine the homogeneity” of member states.

Sutherland has even gone as far as defending all migrants regardless of whether or not they are legitimate refugees saying, “We’re not just talking, either, about refugees. We’re talking about economic migrants, many of whom could be the future, and some at the present… are survival fighters. They’re not to be dismissed as an irrelevance.”

Last Year Sutherland argued that Britain was “xenophobic” because of border controls that stop the flow of migrants from Calais reaching Britain and earlier this year claimed that Brexit was an “act of insanity” and saying, “every independent voice in the world is saying it would be an act of insanity to leave the EU.”

The Open Society International Migration Initiative (IMI) program claims that Sutherland and his team are very closely linked saying, ” IMI’s access to the Sutherland team’s discussions has allowed us to keep civil society partners up-to-date on the latest developments, in order to inform advocacy and campaigning strategies prior to the events and to plan follow up actions.”

IMI also funded the “Sutherland Report” which they claim will, “set the stage for institutional reforms to global migration governance, and to break new ground on protections for migrants outside the asylum system,” or protection for migrants regardless if they qualify for asylum in Europe.

“CGPI’s elite-level behind the scenes advocacy through Peter Sutherland, has positioned its team of experts to influence policy and practical follow-up to global events,” the author writes. They note that their funding of the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) allows the foundation to have influence over actively pro-migrant organizations like Sutherland’s team and MPI who they say are a “neutral voice” though MPI received over half of the 2015 budget of the IMI, some 2.2 million dollars.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 20 kol 2016, 23:52 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Soros Foundation Spends Millions Promoting Somalian Migrants

SorosThe Associated Press
by CHRIS TOMLINSON16 Aug 2016770

Documents show that George Soros’ Open Society Foundations has spent 1.8 million dollars to improve the image of Somalians in Europe and to combat Islamophobia.
Newly leaked documents form the Open Society foundation by site DC Leaks show the organized web of funding that George Soros and Open Society have become infamous for. One particular report shows funding for an initiative to promote the image of Somalians in Europe who, according to the report are in the top ten most discriminated people on the continent. According to the foundations the real problem is the image of Somalians in the media and not the problems that have led to the creation of that image.

“Political and media coverage of Somalis was largely negative, focusing on piracy, terrorism, FGM, and abuse of the welfare system,” the report states. Somali men have garnered this image due to discrimination according to the report. While piracy along the horn of Africa is well known, there have been many cases of Somalians being involved in sexual assaults on minors, and people trafficking.

Other cases including the of murder by a Somalian man who posed as a minor and murdered asylum worker Alexandra Mezher earlier this year have also generated negative press. The Somalian was able to avoid jail after a psychiatric report deemed him unfit for prison and he was remanded into psychiatric care.

Open Society makes it clear that they are in favour of mass migration into Europe writing, “The recent refugee ‘crisis’ has been notable in its utter failure to understand that Europe is no longer a continent of emigration but one where immigration has been a fact for the last 60 years.” The group claims that “The surge of arrivals” during the ongoing the migrant crisis, “has exposed the gap between everyday multi-cultural living in European cities and the rhetoric of its politicians who deny that diversity is a reality.”

The funding for the pro-Somali migrant projects across Europe totals some 1.8 million dollars and is broken up into grants for smaller non-governmental organizations, direct advocacy and policy reports in which the foundations hires academics and others to write favourable pro-migrant reports.

Even the BBC was included in the report with the author noting that the foundations had been able to influence the British broadcaster in Leicester writing, “Sept 2014: Interview with BBC Radio Leicester leading to a commitment by the station to improve Somali representation in the media.” The foundations donated a sum of 25,000 dollars to the Media Trust in order to get Somali migrants jobs in local media by using the money to train them.

Earlier this year the BBC broadcast a Somalian radio play that caused outrage as it gave out tips for would-be illegal migrants who were thinking of making the trip to Europe. The play received millions of pounds of British tax payer’s money and may have been partially inspired by Open Society’s pledge to improve the image of Somalians in European media.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 20 kol 2016, 23:54 

Pridružen/a: 04 sij 2012, 00:08
Postovi: 4942
kad li će to pseto krepat više, koliko ima, 90 skoro

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 20 kol 2016, 23:54 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Soros Group Brags About Pushing Racist Police Agenda In Europe, Undermining Stop And Search

by CHRIS TOMLINSON16 Aug 2016503

The Open Society Foundations, through it’s “Xen fund” has bragged about being the only group to fund reports and advocacy accusing European police of discrimination toward minority groups.
A document entitled “OSIFE-Justice Initiative Portfolio Review – Ethnic Profiling in Europe” shows a coordinated effort to fund reports and advocacy to accuse European Police of discriminatory behaviour. This follows revelations in the United States that Mr. Soros and his foundation have been actively funding groups who are aggressive toward police, accusing them of discriminatory behavior toward minorities.

“To date only OSF is willing to fund controversial documentation and advocacy that accuses European police of discriminatory practices,” the report brags and details how through the Fund to Counter Xenophobia (Xen Fund) and the Justice Initiative (JI) the foundation has spent in excess of 1.7 million dollars on creating reports and funding advocacy groups who’s purpose is to undermine the reputation of the police and accuse them of discrimination.

In the UK the foundation claimed that a study they had commissioned in the wake of the 2011 Tottenham riots had led to “galvanized political action by the government” along with their funding of the StopWatch campaign. The StopWatch campaign pushed for a decrease in the number of stop and search made by police. Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, commissioner of the Metropolitan police claimed last October that the decrease in stop and search led to a higher number of knife crimes in London.

Sir Hogan-Howe was rebuked by now Prime Minister Teresa May who said the reaction was “false” and “knee-jerk.” Ms. May went on to take a page from the Open Society Foundations and claim the police were “too white” and didn’t look enough like the communities they operate in.

The push for more minorities in police forces is one of the pillars of Open Society’s ethnic profiling campaign. According to the document France has been a particularly hard case to push tensions between police and minority groups. “France is a particularly challenging country in which to develop broad-based campaigns on non-discrimination or civil rights,” the foundation writes and adds, “The more established NGOs, especially those on the left, hold tightly to the French universalistic Republican model’s deeply ambivalent attitude toward ethnic or racial identities.”

The Xen Fund and the Justice Initiative spent hundreds of thousand of dollars between 2011 and 2014 in France, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom. While the Black Lives Matter movement originated in the United States, the work of the Open Society foundation to lay a groundwork narrative of racial discrimination by police could explain the movements growth in European countries.

In the UK the group has brought traffic to a standstill at Heathrow airport causing chaos at one of the worlds busiest travel hubs. BLM has also called for the boycott of American businesses at a protest outside the U.S. embassy last month. The boycott was compared to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel by one of the spokesmen at the event.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 20 kol 2016, 23:58 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
s one strane dinare je napisao/la:
kad li će to pseto krepat više, koliko ima, 90 skoro

Vrlo brzo. Zadnjih godina izbjegava kamere pa mediji stavljaju njegove stare fotografije. Ali vidio sam jednu od nedavno, i bez šminke, izgleda već kao polu-mrtvac. Mislim da bori sa nekom bolesti.
Sve u svemu jako mi je drago da neće dočekati svoj NWO. Karma kurva...pardon tjelesna djelatnica po PC govoru.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 21 kol 2016, 00:01 

Pridružen/a: 11 lip 2015, 00:16
Postovi: 6001
MoS ne voli da se petljamo oko njegovih jesa. Tabue ne treba dirati niti otvarati ni teorije urote.
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 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 21 kol 2016, 00:08 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Smiju li hrvatski novinari o ovome pisati ? Ili svi primaju slatkiše od Sorosa.

The Bizarre Media Blackout Of Hacked George Soros Documents


Scandal: Leaked documents released a few days ago provide juicy insider details of how a fabulously rich businessman has been using his money to influence elections in Europe, underwrite an extremist group, target U.S. citizens who disagreed with him, dictate foreign policy, and try to sway a Supreme Court ruling, among other things. Pretty compelling stuff, right?

Not if it involves leftist billionaire George Soros. In this case, the mainstream press couldn't care less.

On Saturday, a group called DC Leaks posted more than 2,500 documents going back to 2008 that it pilfered from Soros' Open Society Foundations' servers. Since then, the mainstream media have shown zero interest in this gold mine of information.

We couldn't find a single story on the New York Times, CNN, Washington Post, CBS News or other major news sites that even noted the existence of these leaked documents, let alone reported on what's in them.

Indeed, the only news organization that appears to be diligently sifting through all the documents is the conservative Daily Caller, which as a result has filed a series of eye-opening reports.

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So what could possibly explain the mainstream media's disinterest?

Is the problem that the material is too boring or inconsequential? Hardly.

As we noted in this space on Monday, the leaked documents show how Soros' far-flung international organizations attempted to manipulate Europe's 2014 elections. The "List of European Elections 2014 Projects" details over 90 Soros efforts he had under way that year.

The documents reveal that Soros has poured nearly $4 million into anti-Israel groups, with a goal of "challenging Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies."

Here at home, they show that Soros proposed paying the Center for American Politics $200,000 to conduct a smear campaign against conservative activists.

More recently, an October 2015 document came to light showing that Soros' Open Society U.S. Programs had donated $650,000 to "invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement." Since then, several BLM protests have turned violent.

That same document details how this group successfully used its "extensive networks" to pressure the Obama administration into increasing the number of refugees it would take to 100,000, despite concerns that Islamic terrorists could use the refugee program to infiltrate the U.S.

A separate memo details how Soros tried to use his clout to sway Supreme Court justices into approving President Obama's unilateral effort to rewrite immigration law. "Grantees are seeking to influence the Justices (primarily via a sophisticated amicus briefs and media strategy) in hopes of securing a favorable ruling in U.S. v Texas," the memo, dug up by the Daily Caller, states.

Anyone with this much power and influence demands close media scrutiny. Particularly when he has extremely close ties to the would-be next president of the United States.

This year alone, Soros has given $7 million to the Clinton-supporting Priorities USA super-PAC, and a total of $25 million to support Democrats and their causes, according to Politico.

And when Soros speaks, Clinton listens. A separate email released by WikiLeaks shows Soros giving what read like step-by-step instructions to then-Secretary of State Clinton on how to deal with unrest in Albania in early 2011, including a list of people who should be considered as candidates to become an official mediator sent to that country. Days later, the EU dispatched one of the people on Soros' list.

Thomas Lifson, writing in the American Thinker blog, said "Soros got the U.S. and other accomplices to intervene in the internal affairs of a sovereign state…. How is this not huge news?"

How, indeed.

If Soros were a rock-ribbed conservative who supported Republican candidates and causes, you can bet that a swarm of reporters would right now be lustily tearing into these documents determined to expose any and every shred of evidence of influence peddling and misdeeds.

But because Soros is a hard-core leftist, he apparently gets a pass. Shameful.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 21 kol 2016, 00:25 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Sandra Benčić. Osoba koja je u Hrvatskoj dobivala novac od Sorosa da utječe na demokratske izbore.



Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 21 kol 2016, 00:34 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Saša Šegrt je uzela novac od milijardera iz strane države i time sebe, i svoju nevladinu udrugu, kompromitirala kao dio hrvatske demokracije. Posebno je kompromitirala ljevičarstvo.



Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 21 kol 2016, 01:52 

Pridružen/a: 01 sij 2015, 22:05
Postovi: 2956
Ta Sandra Benčić je u CMS-u koliko vidim. To je jedina organizacija u RH koja je promovira useljavanje blisko istočnih muslimana. Organizacija je povezana sa Fakultetom političkih znanosti, Dejanom Jovićem i ljudima koji promoviraju jugosferu u RH.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 21 kol 2016, 01:55 

Pridružen/a: 01 sij 2015, 22:05
Postovi: 2956
CMS isto tako drži tečajeve ljudskih prava koji naplačuje oko 1000 kuna godišnjeg. Od tamo regrutiraju najbolje ljudsko pravaše, no da bi ti ljudi koji pohađaju tečaj upali moraju biti posebno dobri tako da u biti mali broj uspije dobiti posao iz snova.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 21 kol 2016, 01:59 

Pridružen/a: 01 sij 2015, 22:05
Postovi: 2956
BBC je napisao/la:
Saša Šegrt je uzela novac od milijardera iz strane države i time sebe, i svoju nevladinu udrugu, kompromitirala kao dio hrvatske demokracije. Posebno je kompromitirala ljevičarstvo.



GONG je grupa zadužena da kao "neovisno promatrači" prate izbore u RH. Ne sumnjam da su manipulirai u SDPovu korist.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 21 kol 2016, 02:23 

Pridružen/a: 01 sij 2015, 22:05
Postovi: 2956
Malo prošvrljao "neovisne" medije u RH. Jedino nije index objavio vijest o hakiranim Soroševim mailovima.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 21 kol 2016, 02:23 

Pridružen/a: 01 sij 2015, 22:05
Postovi: 2956

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 24 kol 2016, 22:46 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
DC leaks otkriva kako Soros manipulira izborima i političkim procesima u Hrvatskoj

Autor: Marcel Holjevac
Petak, 19. Kolovoz 2016. u 12:57

GONG, platforma 112, i maligni Teršelićkin "Centar za mirovne studije" se izrijekom spominju u papirima koji su hakirani iz Sorosevih arhiva, a uz njih se spominju, kao "dokazani saveznici" Soroseve fundacije, Biljana Borzan, Tonino Picula, Jozo Radoš, Ivan Jakovčić, i Davor Škrlec.

Od 750 eurparlamentaraca, 226 je na tom popisu ljudi koje Soros očito smatra lojalnima sebi, a ne svojim nacionalnim državama i biračima. Dakle, praktički je jedna zavjerenička organizacija, koja zagovara “transparentnost” u politici, ali sama djeluje vrlo netransparentno i služi se zavjereničkim i zaplotnjačkim metodama da bi na vlast dovela svoje ljude posvuda, blizu preuzimanja vlasti u EU, na koju ima ogroman utjecaj. Veći od birača, svakako, jer i njih kontrolira preko medija u kojima je još više njih lojalno Sorosu nego u politici. U pravilu, svaka inicijativa koja dolazi od Sorosevih ljudi i udruga, ma kako bile marginalne, dobiva ogroman i pozitivan publicitet, dok oni koje on smatra neprijateljima uvijek dobivaju ogroman negativni publicitet. Od onih koji nisu iz Hrvatske, valja s popisa “Soresevih ljudi” u europarlamentu zabilježiti Ollie Rehna, a posebno je zanimljivo da među “njegovim ljudima” ima i članova Europske pučke stranke, i to ne tako malo: njih tridestak, iako većina dolazi iz redova zelenih i socijaldemokrata, te liberala. Kako god, Soros ima svoje ljude svugdje, u svim strankama, i svim državama.

Kad se pogleda koliko je projekata Soros organizirao samo na razini EU, i koliko je potrošio na to, može se tek pretpostaviti koliko je potrošio na projekte u pojedinim nacionalnim državama. I koliko je onih u samom hrvatskom parlamentu koje smatra “svojim ljudima”. U papirima je procurilo i izvješće GONG-a koje su nakon izbora za europarlament 2014. poslali krovnoj organizaciji “Otvoreno društvo”, gdje oni pišu da su zadovoljni, i otvoreno navode koje kandidate podržavaju, a koje ne, te daju kratak pregled životopisa svih koji su ušli, i daju procjene. Naročito su se obrušili na Marijanu Petir i Ružu Tomašić. O Plenkoviću nisu rekli ništa – reklo bi se, nit’ smrdi nit’ miriše, što se Sorosa tiče, tek su stavili njegov životopis. GONG se, međutim, uvijek predstavljao kao “neutralan” nadgledatelj izbora, a ovi papiri dokazuju da je i te kako pristran, i ne samo to – već da se u osnovi radi o izdajničkoj organizaciji čija lojalnost nije spram Hrvatske već vanjskog centra moći, koji preko njih ostvaruje svoje interese u Hrvatskoj, preko korumpiranja demokratskih procesa u korist onih koji su bliži idejama koje zastupa Soros. To bi, u normalnim okolnostima zdrave demokracije, koja ne dozvoljava vanjskim čimbenicima sumnjivih motiva da utječu na rezultate izbora i kroje ih po svojoj volji, trebalo voditi ili do zabrane djelovanja GONG-u, naročito zabrane nadgledanja izbora – jer su oni tu očito u sukobu interesa – ili do zabrane financiranja nevladinih organizacija novcem stranih veleposlanstava i međunarodnih organizacija kojima sama RH nije odobrila takvo djelovanje i financiranje, svakoj ponaosob. Naime, netko tko se bavi “nadgledanjem izbora” ne može istovremeno podržavati “stranke lijevog centra”, što je navedeno kao jedna od osnovnih zadaća organizacija koje djeluju pod Sorosevom kapom.

HDZ nije među favoritima Sorosa, što nije niti čudno, ali valja napomenuti da je tvorac ekonomskog programa HDZ-a, Hans Werner Sinn, jedan od najboljih i najutjecajnih europskih ekonomskih stručnjaka, često ulazio u polemike sa Sorosem – na stranicama project-syndicate.org, gdje ima redovitu kolumnu, a koji financira upravo Soros. To bi moglo upućivati na vezu između njih, no izgleda da je ipak nema, jer se Soros i Sinn razilaze u gotovo svim ključnim političkim i ekonomskim pitanjima. Naročito oko toga bi li Njemačka trebala zadržati euro, oko pitanja migracije, i oko pitanja integracije EU te brexita. Dok je Soros bio veliki protivnik Brexita, Sinn je ukazivao da su britanski zahtjevi, upravo zbog imigracije, legitimni. Dok Soros otvoreno zagovara maksimalna socijalna prava za imigrante, dotle Sinn upozorava da će to nužno dovesti do erozije “države blagostanja” koja djeluje kao magnet za imigrante – ne samo izvana, nego i one unutar EU, gdje spadaju i Hrvati, upravo u bogatim zemljama zapada koje moraju, kaže, naći ravnotežu između slobode kretanja, koja je temeljni princip EU i ne smije se ograničavati, kvalitete “države blagostanja” koja će nužno erodirati pod pritiskom ne samo izbjeglica nego i migranata unutar same EU – a godišnje deseci tisuća Hrvata odlaze u Njemačku – i “uključivanja”. Što to znači za Hrvate? Sinn kaže da danas imigranti iz EU, ako ne pronađu posao unutar 6 mjeseci, imaju pravo na program Hartz IV koji im omogućuje da praktički doživotno parazitiraju na njemačkoj socijali, uz dječji doplatak za “obitelji s pet djece od 1,335 dolara mjesečno – “više nego dvostruka mjesečna plaća u Bugarskoj ili Rumunjskoj”, kaže Sinn koji to pravo želi ukinuti. Sorosev cilj je pak što više migranata iz siromašnih država kako EU tako i izvan nje u bogatim zapadnim državama, kako bi se promijenio tamošnji politički krajolik – u konačnici, svi oni s dobivanjem državljanstva postaju birači ljevice, koja će im osigurati nastavak života na socijali.

Dokumenti koji su nedavno procurili iz Sorosevih prepiski i arhiva, afera “dc leaks” nisu privukli ni blizu toliko pažnje kao nedavno “Panama leaks” – iako je ovime dokazano ono o čemu sam svojevremeno pisao, da iza “Panama leaksa” stoji osobno Soros, odnosno organizacija “slobodnih novinara” koju on osobno kontrolira i financira gotovo u cijelosti, te kontrolira sve dokumente koji su procurili. Tako su “selektivno” procurili dokumenti koji “ukazuju” na Putina, iako se on osobno čak ni u tim dokumentima ne spominje, što je posve u skladu sa Sorosevom agendom da treba ukloniti i njega, i sve one za koje on smatra da su “prijetnja” demokraciji kako je on vidi, dok je s druge strane pranje novca od strane Rotschilda i ostalih ostalo negdje u arhivama koje nisu dostupne javnosti. Ukratko, ovo dokazuje da se radilo upravo o onom o čem sam pisao, da je “Panama leaks” obavještajna operacija CIA-e i Sorosa.

Kao što je i “Soros leaks” obajveštajna operacija Putina, ni to nije sporno, kao odgovor na to. Prije nego Putina proglasite jednostrano negativcem, čisto zbog diktatorskog stila vladanja Rusijom (koja nikakav drugi stil ni ne želi) i pravoslavnih veza Rusije i Srbije – razmislite o ovom: Putin je, kao i Erdogan u Turskoj, demokratski izabrani, iako ne baš liberalan, predsjednik. Soros djeluje zaplotnjački, kao i Gülen u Turskoj, koristeći međusobno povezane klanove u obavještajnim službama “suverenih” država, medije, i NGO-kler koji kontrolira kako bi kontrolirao i usmjeravao ishode izbora. Turci imaju izraz “deep state” za takav klan kod sebe, a mi to obično zovemo “udbaškim strukturama”, više zbog načina djelovanja u tajnosti i mimo zakona i demokratskih procedura, nego zbog izravne veze tih struktura sa starom Titovom udbom, iako ta veza svakako postoji.

On i ne skriva previše da to radi, ali to objašnjava “većim dobrom”. Uklanjanjem “antiliberalnih” režima poput ne samo Putinovog, nego i Orbanovog, a do nedavno i vlade u Hrvatskoj – one Karamarkove (“spriječili smo orbanizaciju Hrvatske”, rekoše tada, iako Karamarko, na žalost, nije bio kalibar jednog Orbana). No, naravno, kad bilo tko pravda svoje postupke koji idu protiv demokracije ili bilo čega legitimnog “većim dobrom” može se slobodno reći da se radi o sociopatu koji na taj način zapravo samo pravda, pred samim sobom ili javnošću, svoju megalomaniju i želju za prekrajanjem svijeta prema svojim idejama “dobra”, a protivno željama onih koji će po zakonima koje njihova vlada donese morati i živjeti. Zapravo, sve što je vidljivo iz tih papira upućuje da je Soros ne samo “krojač Hrvatske”, nego i “krojač EU”. Činjenica da je star, ne treba nikog tješiti. Njegov sin Alex, koji dijeli njegova uvjerenja proizašla iz filozofije Karla Poppera, njemačkog filozofa koji je Sorosu bio profesor na fakultetu, se već slikao s Hillary Clinton i sve upućuje da ćemo u njemu imati novu verziju Ernst Stavro Blofelda iz Bonda, što je lik koji je najbliži onom što Soros stvarno jest. A Popperova filozofija je da treba “uništavati netolerantne društvene skupine”, zanemarujući da takve u stvarnosti ne postoje – svaka je, sociološki i znanstveno a ne filozofski gledano, upravo onoliko netolerantna koliko joj prilike u danom trenutku dozvoljavaju već i zbog svoje neizbježne unutarnje dinamike, neovisno o tome koje ideje zastupala. Pa tako danas osjetno više netolerancije i isključivosti dolazi upravo od masovnih pokreta koje podržava Soros, od ekoloških i feminističkih do gay i proimigracijskih.

U svakom slučaju, utjecaj Sorosa i njegovih ideja je veći nego što većina ljudi želi priznati. Taj utjecaj je u svakom slučaju antidemokratski, jer ide za nametanjem jednog stava kao jedinog ispravnog, jedne političke opcije kao jedine ispravne, i u konačnici za jednoumljem oko svih bitnih društvenih pitanja, s demokracijom kao fasadom. Politika koju on svojim milijardama gura ide na štetu masa, a u korist isključivo elita. Imigranti će, u konačnici, od tih politika isto imati tek štetu, jer ta politika siromašne, ali manje-više časne seljake koji skromno žive od skromog znanja u svojim zemljama pretvara u društvene parazite s društvenog dna u bogatim zemljama zapada. No, iako nisu privukli preveliku pažnju medija, Sorosevi papiri pokazuju da ono što su do nedavno brojni analitičari nazivali “teorijama zavjera” nisu nikakve teorije zavjera, već jednostavno – realna politika.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 24 kol 2016, 22:50 

Pridružen/a: 11 tra 2016, 17:17
Postovi: 7747
Lokacija: Сарај Чадор
Soros radi za jewish new world order.

Skidanje okova je imperativ.

Takozvana "rs" je genocidna tvorevina.

The so-called "republic of srpska" is a genocidal ramshackle pseudo-state.

Ko je zrinyia na sigetu posjek'o..

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 24 kol 2016, 22:53 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Soros potrošio 6 milijuna dolara na euroizbore, 46.000 dolara “Centru za mirovne studije” za “kampanju javnog blaćenja i sramoćenja”

Autor: Marcel Holjevac
Srijeda, 24. Kolovoz 2016. u 09:01

Dokumenti koji su nedavno procurili pokazuju da je "Zaklada Otvoreno društvo" potrošila 6 milijuna dolara na izbore za Europski parlament 2014. godine, kako bi "uništili populizam" (što je naziv koji koriste za demokraciju, kad im ishod izbora ne odgovara) te "usredotočili kampanju na osudu ksenofobnog diskursa" i manipulirali biračima. Od tog iznosa, 47.000 je otišlo Centru za mirovne studije, a 50.000 Gongu. Pročitajte za što točno!

U pokušaju da manipulira ishodom izbora, iako nije politička stranka niti sudionik izbora, Soroseva fondacija je odlučila potrošiti novac kako bi spriječili izbor određenih kandidata, u cilju, kako su naveli, “ublažavanja straha od vala populizma” i “ograničavanja štete” za koju vjeruju da je nastala zbog “ksenofobnih” i “anti-EU” kampanja u pojedinim zemljama. Papiri pokazuju da je milijarder i bivši menadžer hedge-fonda financirao brojne projekte kojima je cilj bio “pratiti”, “osramotiti”, i “ismijati” stranke i kandidate diljem EU koji, po njemu, šire ono što njegova organizacija zove “govor mržnje”. Istovremeno, uz pokušaje uništenja i ismijavanja bilo kakve politike koja naglašava europski identitet, organizacija je kao cilj postavila i “pojačati utjecaj” etničikih manjina na izborima za europarlament. Pritom se to uglavnom odnosi na useljenike iz sjeverne Afrike.

Dokumenti DcLeaksa pokazuju kako on smatra da izbori za europarlament predstavljaju “brojne izazove za otvoreno društvo”. Kao te izazove navodi “osnaživanje manjina” i migraciju, te kaže kako demokratski proces u kom europljani biraju 751 zastupnika u Europarlament “predstavljaju preveliku priliku a da se ne bismo u to uključili”. Ti izbori su se odvijali prije tzv. “krize migranata”, za koju postoje vrlo ozbiljne indicije da ju je prouzročio upravo sam Soros preko svojih NGO-a, od krovnog u Turskoj koji “migrantima” osigurava sredstva koja ih čekaju na bankomatima u određenim državama kroz koje moraju proći (ako ste se kad pitali zašto svaki “migrant” koji je došao u Hrvatsku unaprijed zna svoju “odredišnu državu” u koju putuje, jer oni koji stvarno bježe od rata ili bijede ne idu nigdje određeno!) do mobitela i uputstava kako izigrati vlasti kako kasnije deportacija ne bi bila moguća (zato su svi izgubili dokumente, a nitko mobitel!) do područnih u zemljama kroz koje prolaze!

Izbori su održani godinu dana prije nego što su milijuni ljudi iz trećeg svijeta, u najvećoj operaciji “human traffickinga” ikad izvedenoj, ilegalno krenuli put Europe privučeni prevarama o blagostanju koje ih čeka i plavim promiskuitetnim ženama, no unatoč tome su euroskeptici i protivnici masovne imigracije na njima polučili zapažen uspjeh. Ne i dovoljan, doduše, da bi zaustavili val migranata.

Jedan od glavnih projekata “Otvorenog društva” za europarlamantarne izbore je bilo osnivanje grupa koje će, kao svojevrsna vjerska policija, nadgledati i osuđivati “seksistički, rasistički, i ksenofobni govor”. U recenziji projekta, NGO zadužen za taj projekt je izrazio zaprepaštenje i iznenađenost time što “sprječavanje govora mržnje”, unatoč novcu koji su usmjerili u “podizanje svijesti” o tom “problemu”, nije bio među temama koje su dominirale izborima. “Otvoreno društvo” unatoč tome hvali zadužene za projekt za razvoj “novih metoda praćenja diskriminatornog govora” (tj. razvoj mehanizama policijske paradržave i cenzure) ali napominje kako to “jednostavno nije bio čimbenik u kampanji”.

Osvrćući se na to zašto to nije bio slučaj, dokument navodi kako su političari “ili usvojili politički korektnije ponašanje” ili su “poboljšali komunikaciju sa svojim biračima oko pitanja koja nisu izravno povezana s otvoreno mrzilačkim primjedbama”. Piše: “Dodatno na rečeno, temeljem primjera iz prošlosti vezanih na izbore različitih razina u Europi, OSIFE je pretpostavila da će govor mržnje i ksenofobni diskurs dominirati izbornim kampanjama u brojnim državama EU, a pokazalo da to nije bio slučaj”.

Tipičan projekt među onima koje je Otvoreno društvo financiralo u sklopu izbora za Europarlament je bio upravo u Hrvatskoj, gdje, u dokumentu koji je procurio, doslovce piše: “Predložene aktivnosti (u Hrvatskoj) uključuju javni barometar kojim će se mjeriti razina govora mržnje, ambasadore koji će promovirati vrijednosti nediskriminacije i jednakosti, kampanju javnog online sramoćenja i optuživanja korištenjem satiričnih video klipova, i tematske koncerte protiv rasizma”. To je trebao provesti Sorosev “Centar za mirovne studije”. Izvornik ovdje. Preko Sandre Benčić, navedene kao kontakt – osoba, je isplaćeno 46,840.00 dolara za te svrhe. Uz to se navodi, kao zadaća “Centra”, i “Strateška kooperacija i litigacija s uredoma javnog pravobranitelja”, dakle pritisak na državne organe i njihovo usmjeravanje u željenom pravcu.

Drugi projekt u Hrvatskoj je onaj Gong-ov, gdje je 49,882.00 dolara dodijeljeno, preko Saše Segrta, za projekt koji kreće od “bogatog iskustva GONG-a u poticanju javnih rasprava i njegovog uspostavljenog ugleda među donosiocima odluka, opinion-makerima, političarima, tradicionalnim medijima, i javnosti, za uključivanje ljudi u “odozdo prema gore” agendu za dolazeće izbore za EP u Hrvatskoj. Projekt GONG-a ide za tim da identificira i usmjeri ideje građana i “grass-root” inicijativa i da pošalje pozitivnu poruku o vrijednostima otvorenog društva, te ohrabri neodlučne birače za izlazak na izbore”. Navodi se i da će oni pritom surađivati s “Centrom za mirovne studije” i “Platformom 112”.

Pored izbora u Hrvatskoj, zanimaju ga i oni u SAD, pa je tamo do sad već, pokazuju papiri, dao preko 7 milijuna dolara za financiranje predsjedničke kandidature Hillary Clinton. Stoga nije čudno da je njena kampanja fokusirana na prikazivanje Trumpa kao “rasista” i “seksista”, što su danas u SAD optužbe ravne onima za vještičarenje u puritanskom Salemu pred koje stoljeće. I od njih se je, naravno, nemoguće braniti. Njenu kampanju, među ostalima, financira u velikom iznosu i Saudijska Arabija, gdje riječ “seksizam” ima posve drugo značenje, no to Sorosa, a ni Hillary, ne brine.

Dokumenti koji su iscurili pokazuju i da je Soros financirao projekte koji idu za potiskivanjem euroskeptičnih i antiimigrantskih stranaka, te za podsticanje “politike identifikacije” kod birača s migrantskom pozadinom. Navode kako su ostvarili napredak u svom cilju da pokažu Europljanima kako su “migranti politička snaga koju treba uzeti ozbiljno”. Posebno navode uspjeh u mobilizaciji birača u francuskim predgrađima, “banlieues”. Ta su predgrađa naseljena gotovo isključivo muslimanima, i zadnjih godina su na glasu kao izvorište islamskog terorizma i mjesto radikalizacije mladih muslimana. No, Otvoreno društvo se ne bavi problemima radikalizacije muslimana u Europi, niti terorizma, već – “islamofobijom”, nepostojećom kategorijom u stvarnom svijetu. Fobija je, naime, iracionalni i neutemeljeni strah, a strah Europljana da će biti opljačkani, silovani, ili pretučeni od bandi Arapa na ulici, ili da će završiti razneseni u terorističkom napadu, je posve racionalan i u stvarnosti i te kako utemeljen. Jedan prjekt financiran od ODF-a se tako zove “Borba protiv političke islamofobije”, a sastoji se od poticanja muslimana da podižu svijest o islamofobiji kod bijelaca, u suradnji s džamijama i imamima! Kampanja uključuje obilazak kuća, od vrata do vrata, od strane muslimana kako bi uvjerili starosjedioce da im od njih ne prijeti opasnosti, te video kampanje na internetu.

Dokumenti koji su procurili pokazuju da projekti idu za time da “pojačaju glasove i zahtjeve onih koji su daleko od centara moći”. No, najveći centar moći u EU, ni od koga izabrana Europska Komisija, de facto europska vlada koja postavlja agendu Unije i predlaže zakone, je ionako jasno stavila do znanja da podupire iste ciljeve kao i Soros – Jean-Claude Juncker, predsjednik te komisije, je jasno rekao da će EK blokirati bilo koju stranku koja se protivi masovnoj imigraciji, iz bilo koje EU države, pri donošenju odluka.

Naravno, sve ovo što zastupa i financira Soros nekom naivnom može djelovati humano i fer, no činjenica je da će ta politika neminovno dovesti do ozbiljnih sukoba, vjerojatno i ratova, u Europi, a s porastom broja migranata raste i broj mrtvih u terorističkim napadima, jer što su migranti brojniji kao zajednica, to su agresivniji, zatvoreniji u sebe, manje spremni na integraciju, a rezervar iz kojeg se regrutiraju teroristi veći. Je li Soros svjestan da su budućnost Europe naseljene desecima, uskoro i s preko sto milijuna ljudi ne-europskog porijekla, uglavnom muslimana, neizbježno ratovi i bijeda? Da, svakako da jest, jer samo je jedna stvar sigurna u vezi Sorosa: on nije glup, i u stanju je jako dobro predvidjeti posljedice svojih postupaka. Tako se, uostalom, i obogatio. Jesu li toga svjesni oni koji od njega dobivaju novac? To je već složenije pitanje.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Soros Foundations Leaks - za slobodne novinare sa integritetom
PostPostano: 19 ruj 2016, 13:40 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Rusija se etablira kao istinski bastion slobode. Đorđi, pazi kad piješ čaj, da nema slučajno Polonijum u njemu.

Vladimir Putin: George Soros Is Wanted “Dead Or Alive”, “a Threat to Russian National Security”

Russia have officially declared that Billionaire George Soros is a wanted man in their country, citing him and his organizations as a “threat to Russian national security”. Putin banned Soros from Russia last year due to the fact that Soros helped to nearly destroy the Russian economy in the early 1990’s.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

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