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Dodik: Aspiration of Croats to form a third entity in BiH is completely natural

Written 19.01.2015. 21:36

Remarking on  statement by Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, the newly elected president of Croatia, that she would support the founding of a new entity in BiH if representatives of the Croat people proposed it, Dodik in a statement to reporters in Banja Luka said that this is not a new idea.

"I think that it is a reality, and it is the true aspiration of the Croat people in BiH, which, because of the different political moment, is not enumerated,” said Dodik.

He considers Grabar-Kitarovic’s statement from that side to be understandable.

"I expect that the newly elected president of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, with all due respect, will accept whatever is the reality in BiH, and that is agreement of the three constitutive peoples, and the aspiration of to form a third entity in BiH is completely natural,” the entity president said.

Dodik congratulated Grabar-Kitarovic on her victory in the presidential elections in Croatia, and thanked current president Ivo Josipovic for his good cooperation.

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