Let's assume hypothetically that you are a Christian living in (Bosnia) Armenia...MAP OF ARMENIA

Christian in Armenia
green color on map
Sunni muslim from Turkey
blue color on map
Shia muslim from Iran
red color on map

red/rose color on map
- lead by Sultan Erdogan Plenković
you are surrounded by Turkey from the north, west and south
- Turkey is a member of BRICS
- Turkey wants Armenia in BRICS
Orange/yellow color on map
- lead by Ayatollah Abdul Vučić
you are surrounded by Iran from east
- Iran has the support of Russia, China
- Iran wants part of Armenia
So hypothetically what are your options as christian considering the situation in the country- low wages
- no jobs
- corruption
- nepotism and private connections
- crime is growing
- UN doesn't want to financially support Armenia anymore
- Turkey is getting stronger financially and diplomatically
- Iran is arming the army, the influence of Russia and China in Iran is also growing
- future doesn't look so bright for you or your children
Iran is saying they don't want war, they just want to live in peace, but iranian people in Armenia are calling for a split and joining Iran.
Turkey acts as a fake friend but under the table their plans are similar to Iran plan, we all know what they did in Armenia in WW2
Relations between Iran and Turkey were destroyed during the war, but today they are getting better and better
What will happen if Iran and Turkey make a deal without Armenia Christians and they share the Armenia between them selfs and Christians in Armenia will stay without the right to vote. Christians will be put in hard situation, without choice