Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 10:29 Postovi: 79068 Lokacija: Institut za razna i ostala pitanja
lider30 je napisao/la:
This sentence construction is interesting:
The more information you give, the description is much clearer. Is the above sentence grammatically correct?
I think you wanted to do this:
The more information you give, the clearer the description is. This is indeed correct.
If you insist on the second part of the sentence in the original form ("the description is much clearer"), then you need to swap them, as Max pointed out: The description is much clearer the more information you give.
A couple of more examples I found for you:
1. The more it rains , the more serious the problems become. 2. The more you pay, the better the quality is. 3. The fewer mistakes you make, the better your mark is. 4. The more I work, the less time I spend with my family. 5. The better I know him, the more I like him. 6. The more candidates there were, the more difficult the exam was.
_________________ Nema Izbornog zakona BiH ako nema BiH.
Nema ukradenog hrvatskog člana Predsjedništva BiH, ako nema BiH.
1. The more it rains , the more serious the problems become. 2. The more you pay, the better the quality is. 3. The fewer mistakes you make, the better your mark is. 4. The more I work, the less time I spend with my family. 5. The better I know him, the more I like him. 6. The more candidates there were, the more difficult the exam was.
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 10:29 Postovi: 79068 Lokacija: Institut za razna i ostala pitanja
Stecak je napisao/la:
Robbie MO je napisao/la:
A couple of more examples I found for you:
1. The more it rains , the more serious the problems become. 2. The more you pay, the better the quality is. 3. The fewer mistakes you make, the better your mark is. 4. The more I work, the less time I spend with my family. 5. The better I know him, the more I like him. 6. The more candidates there were, the more difficult the exam was.
A little off topic but something that annoys me is when non-Croatian language media outlets, ie in Serbia and BiH decide to spell English words phonetically.
I saw this one not too long ago: Anđelina Đoli (Angelina Jolie)
I think given the accessability that the Internet provides, most people from the region already recognize the names in English but if you're going to promote a phonetic spelling of a city why not just localize the term completely? So instead of Sent Luis we could say Sveti Luka or instead of Njujork we could say Novi Jork.
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 21:11 Postovi: 24356 Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Robbie MO je napisao/la:
lider30 je napisao/la:
This sentence construction is interesting:
The more information you give, the description is much clearer. Is the above sentence grammatically correct?
I think you wanted to do this:
The more information you give, the clearer the description is. This is indeed correct.
If you insist on the second part of the sentence in the original form ("the description is much clearer"), then you need to swap them, as Max pointed out: The description is much clearer the more information you give.
A couple of more examples I found for you:
1. The more it rains , the more serious the problems become. 2. The more you pay, the better the quality is. 3. The fewer mistakes you make, the better your mark is. 4. The more I work, the less time I spend with my family. 5. The better I know him, the more I like him. 6. The more candidates there were, the more difficult the exam was.
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 14:32 Postovi: 11637 Lokacija: Varta drzava
Hi! My name is Aztek, and I'm eating an apple, and then I'l have som grilled chees and ham sandwiches with skimmed milk. Oh, when I was young (or yunger hihihi) I liked to eat cokolino.
And, what the fuck is with these mutherfucking turkis series??! Can anybody please tell me? Where is Esmeralda, where is Emperatriz?
_________________ Prvo i najbitnije!!! Kupuj Janu, i kupi je u Konzumu!!! Život je tvoje igralište Pretpostavka je majka svih zajeba Svi mi prdimo
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 21:11 Postovi: 24356 Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Aztec je napisao/la:
Hi! My name is Aztek, and I'm eating an apple, and then I'l have som grilled chees and ham sandwiches with skimmed milk. Oh, when I was young (or yunger hihihi) I liked to eat cokolino.
And, what the fuck is with these mutherfucking turkis series??! Can anybody please tell me? Where is Esmeralda, where is Emperatriz?
Pridružen/a: 21 kol 2011, 15:34 Postovi: 15238 Lokacija: Misao svijeta
lider30 je napisao/la:
Aztec je napisao/la:
Hi! My name is Aztek, and I'm eating an apple, and then I'l have som grilled chees and ham sandwiches with skimmed milk. Oh, when I was young (or yunger hihihi) I liked to eat cokolino.
And, what the fuck is with these mutherfucking turkis series??! Can anybody please tell me? Where is Esmeralda, where is Emperatriz?
Is it possible to find pork ham in Sarajevo?
Sounds like a scenario for MI5- Mission Impossible 5
_________________ Te kad mi jednom s dušom po svemiru se krene, Zaorit ću ko grom: O, gledajte ju divnu, vi zvijezde udivljene, To moj je, moj je dom!
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 14:32 Postovi: 11637 Lokacija: Varta drzava
lider30 je napisao/la:
Aztec je napisao/la:
Hi! My name is Aztek, and I'm eating an apple, and then I'l have som grilled chees and ham sandwiches with skimmed milk. Oh, when I was young (or yunger hihihi) I liked to eat cokolino.
And, what the fuck is with these mutherfucking turkis series??! Can anybody please tell me? Where is Esmeralda, where is Emperatriz?
Is it possible to find pork ham in Sarajevo?
Yes, it is. But, you need to look little more further in malls and such places. I must say that I don't understand because pork is seeling quite well in Sarajevo.
I will tell a little anegdot ... A butcher told me (well, not me, one of mine acquaintances) that pork sale is veri, veri god, and that muslims are his main customers, but, he says that muslims ask him to wrap pork in manner so nobody can't see what they are caring.
_________________ Prvo i najbitnije!!! Kupuj Janu, i kupi je u Konzumu!!! Život je tvoje igralište Pretpostavka je majka svih zajeba Svi mi prdimo
Yes, it is. But, you need to look little more further in malls and such places. I must say that I don't understand because pork is seeling quite well in Sarajevo.
I will tell a little anegdot ... A butcher told me (well, not me, one of mine acquaintances) that pork sale is veri, veri god, and that muslims are his main customers, but, he says that muslims ask him to wrap pork in manner so nobody can't see what they are caring.
Aztec, very good English. Congrats, but one of your sentences could be better. Why is this wrong? You made a few grammar mistakes. There is a way how this sentence could sound better.
Croatian sitcom "Get rest, you deserve it", is my favorite.
Jel ovo dobro napisano?
"Get rest, you've deserved it"
Ok, there is a difference in a tense used. The first one is Present Simple, and the second one is Present Perfect Simple. You can use both, but there is a quite difference in meaning.
Let me translate that.
1. Odmori se, zaslužuješ to. (statement, fact) 2. Odmori se, zaslužio si to. (time of action the is of no importance for the action itself, but Present Perfect is usually translated into Croatian as past).
I would translate it as follows: Get some rest, you've earned it.
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 14:32 Postovi: 11637 Lokacija: Varta drzava
Rory Gallivan je napisao/la:
Could someone translate this into English for me please?
"ne ali covjek zna da ne postoje bosnje"
Here it is...
No, but man knows that there is no Bosniaks (or in this case "Bosnje" as tauntingly (I hope that this word is correct, I had to google it ) name for Bosniaks).
_________________ Prvo i najbitnije!!! Kupuj Janu, i kupi je u Konzumu!!! Život je tvoje igralište Pretpostavka je majka svih zajeba Svi mi prdimo
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 14:32 Postovi: 11637 Lokacija: Varta drzava
snowflake je napisao/la:
Aztec je napisao/la:
Yes, it is. But, you need to look little more further in malls and such places. I must say that I don't understand because pork is seeling quite well in Sarajevo.
I will tell a little anegdot ... A butcher told me (well, not me, one of mine acquaintances) that pork sale is veri, veri god, and that muslims are his main customers, but, he says that muslims ask him to wrap pork in manner so nobody can't see what they are caring.
Aztec, very good English. Congrats, but one of your sentences could be better. Why is this wrong? You made a few grammar mistakes. There is a way how this sentence could sound better.
Thanks, Snowflake. I learned from Santa Barbara, TV series.
Well, I think I know where the problem is... Maybe the part "he says" should go in past tense "he said", and "ask him", should go "asked him" (but for the last I'm not to shure, I thought of it first time, but it didn't sound right).
Like so...
A butcher told me (well, not me, one of mine acquaintances) that pork sale is veri, veri god, and that his main customers are muslims, but, he said that muslims asked him to wrap pork in manner so nobody can't see what they are caring.
_________________ Prvo i najbitnije!!! Kupuj Janu, i kupi je u Konzumu!!! Život je tvoje igralište Pretpostavka je majka svih zajeba Svi mi prdimo
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