Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 14:32 Postovi: 11637 Lokacija: Varta drzava
dudu je napisao/la:
Aztec je napisao/la:
And, what the fuck is with these mutherfucking turkis series??! Can anybody please tell me? Where is Esmeralda, where is Emperatriz?
You can watch Esmeralda on Doma TV.
No, I couldn't. That time is long gone now. I just feel more pleasant with spanis, rather then turkish language. And I like actresses more, to be honest.
_________________ Prvo i najbitnije!!! Kupuj Janu, i kupi je u Konzumu!!! Život je tvoje igralište Pretpostavka je majka svih zajeba Svi mi prdimo
[/b] Aztec, very good English. Congrats, but one of your sentences could be better. Why is this wrong? You made a few grammar mistakes. There is a way how this sentence could sound better.
Thanks, Snowflake. I learned from Santa Barbara, TV series.
Well, I think I know where the problem is... Maybe the part "he says" should go in past tense "he said", and "ask him", should go "asked him" (but for the last I'm not to shure, I thought of it first time, but it didn't sound right).
Like so...
A butcher told me (well, not me, one of mine acquaintances) that pork sale is veri, veri god, and that his main customers are muslims, but, he said that muslims asked him to wrap pork in manner so nobody can't see what they are caring.
Could someone translate this into English for me please?
"ne ali covjek zna da ne postoje bosnje"
Here it is...
No, but man knows that there is no Bosniaks (or in this case "Bosnje" as tauntingly (I hope that this word is correct, I had to google it ) name for Bosniaks).
dudu: Wow that is painful on the ears. I think she should have given the announcement in Serbian. If my speaking skills were so so for an announcement like that I would just speak in my native language.
Offtopic: Here is a perfectly good reason why we should do what other groups do and have an English language bureau for HRT and Croatian TV in BiH and have all of the journalists be native or near native speakers of English. With the size of our Croatian Diaspora in English speaking countries like Canada, Australia and America, we might be able to recruit a few journalists. Having something like that would be invaluable for Croatia and Croatians and not to mention easier on the ears.
Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 10:09 Postovi: 26257 Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel
What is "script writing"? I can`t find propper translation for that term. A person from Ireland told me that she will send me a homemade card with "script letters". I know what it`s mean and how its looks like, but what is propper croatian word/s for that? "Krasnopis", "Pisana slova"...?? I dont think so...
_________________ "Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.
Bobovac: I think she is referring to cursive writing (Hr kursivan). Script writing is a movie term and a script writer would be a scenarist in Croatian.
Yes, it is. But, you need to look little more further in malls and such places. I must say that I don't understand because pork is seeling quite well in Sarajevo.
I will tell a little anegdot ... A butcher told me (well, not me, one of mine acquaintances) that pork sale is veri, veri god, and that muslims are his main customers, but, he says that muslims ask him to wrap pork in manner so nobody can't see what they are caring.
Aztec, very good English. Congrats, but one of your sentences could be better. Why is this wrong? You made a few grammar mistakes. There is a way how this sentence could sound better.
I will tell you an anecdote. A butcher told me (well not me, one of my acquaintances) that pork was going very, very well, and that Muslims were his main customers, he also added that the Muslims asked him to wrap the pork in such a manner that nobody would be able to see/could see what they were carrying.
When retelling somebody else's words in Past Simple, you are advise to follow these rules.
You said: I butcher told me... Alternatively, you could say I butcher tells me... There isn't any semantic diffrence, but the you don't have to obey sequence of tenses.
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 10:29 Postovi: 79006 Lokacija: Institut za razna i ostala pitanja
snowflake je napisao/la:
snowflake je napisao/la:
[/b] Aztec, very good English. Congrats, but one of your sentences could be better. Why is this wrong? You made a few grammar mistakes. There is a way how this sentence could sound better.
I will tell you an anecdote. A butcher told me (well not me, one of my acquaintances) that pork was going very, very well, and that Muslims were his main customers, he also added that the Muslims asked him to wrap the pork in such a manner that nobody would be able to see/could see what they were carrying.
Ne može svakome uspjeti da dođe tamo za manje od tri sata, uostalom vrijeme se pogoršava a on nea prikladne tenisice za kišu, a nema ih ni Cody. Odvezi nas s autom, a usput se možemo družiti s Veronikom. Što se Robbija tiče, odlično se slažem s njim otkad se poznajemo.
(try to use not more than 100 seconds, which should roughly correspond to speaking fluently)
_________________ Nema Izbornog zakona BiH ako nema BiH.
Nema ukradenog hrvatskog člana Predsjedništva BiH, ako nema BiH.
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 21:39 Postovi: 60715 Lokacija: DAZP HQ
There is no way everyone can get there in less than 3 hours, after all the weather is going to get worse and he doesn`t have proper snickers for rain, neither Cody. You can drop us with car and we can hang out with Veronica by the way. Concerning Robbie, I get along with him since I`ve know him.
_________________ "Hrvata je danas u BiH manje od 400.000, ali je naš cilj da nas je milijun", kazao je Čović.
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 14:32 Postovi: 11637 Lokacija: Varta drzava
snowflake je napisao/la:
snowflake je napisao/la:
[/b] Aztec, very good English. Congrats, but one of your sentences could be better. Why is this wrong? You made a few grammar mistakes. There is a way how this sentence could sound better.
I will tell you an anecdote. A butcher told me (well not me, one of my acquaintances) that pork was going very, very well, and that Muslims were his main customers, he also added that the Muslims asked him to wrap the pork in such a manner that nobody would be able to see/could see what they were carrying.
Hohoho. Well, I must say that I like my way better. Just kidding.
No, but, I was retelling the story in the way the butcher told it to me. When you say "were", "asked" and such, I have a feeling that it is something that happened, and that won't happen again. Like, "Muslims were his main customers". I don't know, somehow that just don't sit in my ears.
Because, muslims are still his main customers, and when you say "where", it sounds like that time is in the past. I had that dilemma first time.
_________________ Prvo i najbitnije!!! Kupuj Janu, i kupi je u Konzumu!!! Život je tvoje igralište Pretpostavka je majka svih zajeba Svi mi prdimo
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 10:29 Postovi: 79006 Lokacija: Institut za razna i ostala pitanja
dudu je napisao/la:
There is no way everyone can get there in less than 3 hours, after all the weather is going to get worse and he doesn`t have proper snickers for rain, neither Cody. You can drop us with car and we can hang out with Veronica by the way. Concerning Robbie, I get along with him since I`ve know him.
Not bad this time, quite well.
Ne može svakome uspjeti da dođe tamo za manje od tri sata, uostalom vrijeme se pogoršava a on nea prikladne tenisice za kišu, a nema ih ni Cody. Odvezi nas s autom, a usput se možemo družiti s Veronikom. Što se Robbija tiče, odlično se slažem s njim otkad se poznajemo.
Not everyone can (manage to) get there in less then three hrs, not to mention the weather that is getting worse (alternative: after all the weather is getting worse) and he doesn't have proper shoes/sneakers for rain, neither has Cody. Drive us with your car, and we can hang out with Veronika by the way (/in the mean time). Speaking of Robbie, I've been getting along with him since I got to know him.
Sorry for changing the tense će se pogoršati -> progoršava.
_________________ Nema Izbornog zakona BiH ako nema BiH.
Nema ukradenog hrvatskog člana Predsjedništva BiH, ako nema BiH.
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