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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 14 kol 2016, 20:46 |
Pridružen/a: 11 lip 2015, 00:16 Postovi: 6001
daramo je napisao/la: Njemačka ulaže 2 milijarde € u policiju i specijalane cyber antiterorističke snage. Na kraju će završiti upravo onokvi čega su se pribojavali, policijska država u kojoj će se pratiti sve komunikacije, možda to Merkelica i želi, onako da se vrati u maldost i doba štazija. Pa to je de za vi vec isti scenarij sa hicom. Nista ovi lutkari iza scene nisu mastoviti i kreativni.
_________________ Kako smo svi opljackani.Film "Tezina lanaca" https://youtu.be/waEYQ46gH08
Film o propasti imperije duge 1.123 g. Vizantijska lekcija https://youtu.be/_fLuI92iHR4
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Junuz Djipalo
Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 14 kol 2016, 22:49 |
Pridružen/a: 08 lis 2009, 19:58 Postovi: 37889 Lokacija: Gl. grad regije
Ja imam teoriju po kojoj Nijemci namjerno žele izazvati ružnu perspektivu na Arape. Iako Arapi uopće više nisu glavni proizvođači nafte, percepcija je i dalje takva. Nekako mi je logično da nacija koja se sprema prijeći u 20 godina u potpunosti na hibride i el. vozila treba uvjeriti i sebe i druge kako to vrijedi subvencionirati i što prije implementirati. Najlakši način je da uvjeriš ljude da kupnjom električnog auta ne pomažeš tamo nekom šeiku da finansira teroriste.
Jednostavno su ih taman primili toliko da ne predstavljaju ozbiljnu prijetnju a opet dovoljno da izazovu antagonizam i nametnu islamski radikalizam kao dominantnu temu svugdje.
Kad im više ne budu trebali, obračunat će se zapadnjaci vrlo lako s kozojebima. A oni, pokazuju koliko ni kad ti pare padnu s neba ne znači da je to i neka velika sreća. Kod Arapa će to tako završiti, dobili, potrošili i opet sirotinja.
_________________ Ako se ovako nastavi, a hoće, imam pametnija posla no da ispravljam krive Drine ...
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 14 kol 2016, 23:20 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Nijemci će stvarno ponovo rat u Europi izazvati. Ali ne slažem se s tobom oko razloga.
Zamislite vi, ova sranja u državi koja nikad strane filmove nije prevodila tekstom "da sačuva njemački jezik".
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 15 kol 2016, 08:34 |
Pridružen/a: 11 lip 2015, 00:16 Postovi: 6001
Gde je bbc kad je najpotrebniji. Keln opet sranja. Ne mogu ja vama nositi forum a vi da mi tovarite upozorenja i bez obrazlozenja. Podsećate na kambodzanske crvene kmere i Pol Pota.
_________________ Kako smo svi opljackani.Film "Tezina lanaca" https://youtu.be/waEYQ46gH08
Film o propasti imperije duge 1.123 g. Vizantijska lekcija https://youtu.be/_fLuI92iHR4
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 15 kol 2016, 12:55 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Prvo su ih testirali sa napadima na njihove žene. Nijedna zatvorska kazna, nijedno protjerivanje. Onda ide halal klanje. Tko je Nijemcima kriv kad su postali pizde. Nek su oni dali otkaz Hrvatu koji je istinu govorio. To će im jako pomoći u ovakvim situacijama. Citat: One person injured after axe and gun attack in Cologne, with victim fleeing in a car as attackers open fire One person has been injured after an axe and gun attack in Cologne It has been reported that a group of men starting attacking with axes They also shot at the victim's car after he suffered stab wounds By ALLAN HALL IN BERLIN FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 06:32 GMT, 15 August 2016 | UPDATED: 08:16 GMT, 15 August 2016 Police in the German city of Cologne are hunting two fugitives after a man was left fighting for his life after an axe and gun attack in the early hours of Monday morning. Authorities said it was too early to say if there was an Islamic terrorist motive behind the incident in the city's old town.
Residents described 'heavy' gunfire in Flandrischenstrasse near to the centre of the city which became the focus of anti-refugee sentiment following the mass sexual assault of hundreds of women by gangs of marauding immigrant men on New Year's Eve last year.
Police received several emergency calls about 4am after locals reported a group of four people in dispute with another man.
Axes were used by more than one person and one of three injured is in a critical condition. The other two suffered light wounds. Police said that when the more seriously wounded man tried to run he was shot at but the bullets only hit his car.
He managed to get behind the wheel and drive away but was stopped by police a few hundred yards away. All four tyres were shot out and bullets had hit the bodywork. Interpol have been alerted to be on the lookout for the two men wanted in connection with the incident.
The area where the violence occurred is well known for red light businesses, drug pushing and money laundering.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 15 kol 2016, 13:43 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Toliko o Merkelinim kebab-tehničarima koji će poboljšati njemačko gospodarstvo. Sve to nepismeno, malo ih i osnovnu školu ima. Citat: UZIMAJU GOTOVO Njemačka medicinarima iz BiH nudi posao i plaću od 1.600 eura, natječaj otvoren
Objavljeno 15.08. - 0:21
Agencija za rad i zapošljavanje BiH objavila je poziv za medicinske djelatnike koji žele posao u Njemačkoj u okviru “Triple Win” projekta, preko kojeg je dosad iz naše zemlje otišlo oko 300 kandidata, dok ih se vratila tek nekolicina.
U Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmBH, njemačkom zastupniku u našoj zemlji, “Nezavisnim novinama” je potvrđeno da je interes veliki, ne samo zbog visine prihoda, odnosno 1.600 eura bruto najniže plate, već mogućnosti za trajnim boravištem u Njemačkoj.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 15 kol 2016, 22:23 |
Pridružen/a: 20 pro 2011, 20:02 Postovi: 8414
Profesor Sirijac: ‘Oni siluju vaše žene jer im niste dali luksuzne stanove i aute, i jer misle da su drolje’ Autor: Marcel Holjevac Profesor Bassam Tibi rekao je u intervjuu ovog tjedna kako su masovni seksualni napadi u Kölnu rezultat "sustava vrijednosti imigranata": bijesni jer ih nije dočekao luksuzan životni stil kakav su očekivali, oni se osvećuju ponižavajući Nijemce. Bassam Tibi, inače otac islamologije, je ustvrdio kako arapski imigranti u njemačkim ženama vide “drolje” i lovinu, nešto poput divljači, te upozorio da će zemlja uskoro svjedočiti “velikim socijalnim konfliktima”, što će biti rezultat politike otvorenih vrata koju vode kancelarka Angela Merkel i EU. On masovne napade na Njemice pripisuje sustavu vrijednosti Arapa i njihovim očekivanjima da će kad dođu u Njemačku živjeti u obilju i luksuzu. Profesor, njemački državljanin rođen u Siriji, kaže kako Arapi dolaze “očekujući raskošne stanove, plave žene, i državu blagostanja” (tj. socijalu, da ne moraju za sve to još i raditi). http://www.dnevno.hr/vijesti/svijet/pro ... lje-946703
_________________ Oj Hrvati, svi na desno krilo....
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 15 kol 2016, 22:30 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
To se zove islamska takija. Sve moguće razloge je pronašao osim samog islama. Čudi me da je Marcel nasjeo na to.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 15 kol 2016, 23:00 |
Pridružen/a: 20 pro 2011, 20:02 Postovi: 8414
Nije vazan Tibi, vec tocan zakljucak, spominje li on islam ili ne, njegova stvar, taj pristup tih likova je amalgam arapskog kurcenja, i islamizma.
Izostavi li on jedno od tih dvoje, prosjecan citatelj ce to nesvjestno spojiti.
_________________ Oj Hrvati, svi na desno krilo....
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 17 kol 2016, 18:59 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Još jedan major teroristički napad spriječen, koji policija i političari kriju od svog naroda. Prva izjava je bila da su uletili sa pretresom zbog islamskog terorističkog napada. Vjerojatno ih pisanja i kontakti po net-u alarmirali. Pa onda da je "Nijemac" i da su našli samo 2 rakete od Nove Godine. Usput i obavezno da je "mentalno poremećen". Citat: ISIS terror plot to bomb German festival is foiled after police seize explosives as Oktoberfest organisers announce they will ban rucksacks from the event Swat team arrested a suspected terrorist in Eisenhuettenstadt Officials believe the man was planning to bomb the City Festival The arrest comes after a string of attacks in Germany last month By TED THORNHILL FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 15:06 GMT, 17 August 2016 | UPDATED: 15:50 GMT, 17 August 2016 An Isis plot to cause carnage at a festival in Germany with a nail bomb has been foiled by police. A Swat team arrested a 27-year-old suspected terrorist at his apartment in Eisenhuettenstadt, Frankfurt an der Oder, near Berlin. Police said they raided the flat and found the nail bomb along with Isis propaganda and a flag. It came as organisers of Oktoberfest said that rucksacks will be banned at the event.
Officials believe that the man, believed to be German, was planning to bomb Eisenhuettenstadt's City Festival.
Brandenburg Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke reportedly said that the man had been under police surveillance for some time. Ingo Hesse, a spokesman for police in Frankfurt an der Oder, told n-tv television the man is under investigation for violations of explosives laws. Hesse said that the man was being questioned and his apartment was being searched. Asked whether he had contacts to the Islamic extremist scene, he said that 'we don't yet have this information.'
He said police received 'information that this man allegedly had explosives at his apartment; what kind is still completely unknown and what quantity too.'
The arrest comes after a string of attacks in Germany last month that put the country on edge.
Two of the attacks in a weeklong period starting July 18 were the first in Germany to be claimed by the Islamic State group: an ax rampage near Wuerzburg that wounded five and a bombing that injured 15 outside a bar in Ansbach. Both attackers, asylum-seekers who arrived over the past two years, were killed.
In two other attacks Islamic extremism is not suspected. Those attacks include the shooting by a German-Iranian 18-year-old in Munich that claimed the life of the assailant and nine others, and the fatal stabbing of a woman by a Syrian asylum-seeker at a restaurant in Reutlingen. Police, meanwhile, have said that rucksacks at Munich's Oktoberfest will be banned.
Organizers of the world's biggest beer festival have raised security after the Islamist attacks last month. Other measures will include security checks at all entrances and fencing.
Drawing some six million tourists, the Oktoberfest is a major highlight of the year for residents, who often wear traditional lederhosen or dirndls, and visitors from all over the world travel there. This year's festival runs from September 17 to October 3.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 17 kol 2016, 20:12 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Najsmiješnije je kad policija kaže da je tip 2 rakete kupio preko Darknet u Poljskoj. Kao da su zabranjene za kupiti u Njemačkoj.
Evo vam mal savjet, ali za ovakve vijesti beskonačno velik. Ako policija i političari par sati nakon upada u stan kažu da nema dokaza o povezanosti sa islamom onda lažu. Pretrage računala traju danima, provjeravanje što je brisano na diskovima i medijima za pohranjivanje podataka, i ostale provjere.
Za 2 sata ih ne stignu ni odnijeti u svoj laboratorij i prikopčati pa upaliti.
Ili tip jednostavno u stanu nema nikakvo računalo. Imate slobodu vjerovati i da je to moguće.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 18 kol 2016, 11:20 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Ako njena stranka pređe i 10% na sljedećim izborima Nijemci stvarno zaslužuju da nestanu kao nacija. Citat: German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she sees no connection between the unregulated flow of refugees into Germany and a spike in Islamic terrorism in her country.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 20 kol 2016, 00:43 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Citat: Migrants Refuse Jobs, Claiming They Are ‘Guests of Merkel’
by CHRIS TOMLINSON19 Aug 2016600
Integration into the job market for migrants has become a major ongoing task for the German government but in one town migrants are refusing to work entirely. One of the major issues of the migrant crisis is Germany and elsewhere has been the economic impact the massive wave of migrants will have in Europe. While some experts initially were optimistic about a potential vast new source of skilled labour, most economists have come to the conclusion that the migrants who have arrived are for the most part unskilled and poorly educated.
Yet in own Saxon town, they have moved past the usual barriers but the migrants have declared they don’t want to work anyway, reports OE24.
Bernd Pohlers, mayor of the town of Waldenburg told of how he thought creating jobs for the migrants who resided at the asylum home in his town would help alleviate their boredom in waiting for their claims to be processed. The mayor expressed his disappointment that having gone to the trouble of creating seven job opportunities they had been rejected outright by the migrants.
The migrants had claimed that they did not have to work at all because they were “guests” of German Chancellor Angela Merkel who many say invited them to Germany last year.
“It was subsequently argued by these people that they are guests of Mrs. Merkel and guests do not have to work,” Pohlers said. The town had created the seven jobs to be 20 hours per week and were part of the controversial one-euro an hour job programs for migrants that have been pushed by the Federal government.
According to Pohlers the municipality was even willing to split the difference and make sure the migrants were being paid the German minimum wage so they could have extra cash in their pockets.
Many German government officials have claimed that the long term effects of mass migration will be a benefit to the German economy, though more economists are arguing it will have the opposite effects. Large corporations in Germany have hired hardly any migrants since the start of the migrant crisis, many arguing that even if migrants have the skills for complex professions, they lack basic German language skills which relegate them to simpler labour and retail positions.
Many migrants have expressed a desire to work in Germany but many others have used German hospitality to commit crimes and live a life of luxury that would not be possible in their homelands.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 20 kol 2016, 11:50 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Njemački predsjednik na TV rekao da je problem njemački narod ne politička elita. "Problematični" narod mu napravio "dobrodošlicu".
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 20 kol 2016, 12:03 |
Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47 Postovi: 40318 Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Nijemci uvijek biraju budale koje ih gone u propast, povijesna činjenica.
_________________ mostarski europski
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 20 kol 2016, 16:55 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Citat: Right-wing party leader says Germans should be able to ARM themselves after series of violent attacks Frauke Petry said 'law-abiding citizens' should be able to defend families Alternative for Germany party is expected to do well in local elections By REUTERS and CHRIS SUMMERS FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 10:01 GMT, 20 August 2016 | UPDATED: 14:24 GMT, 20 August 2016 The leader of the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has spoken out in favour of people arming themselves with guns and self-defence devices following a series of violent attacks last month.
Frauke Petry said: 'Many people are increasingly feeling unsafe. Every law-abiding citizen should be in a position to defend themselves, their family and their friends.' 'We all know how long it takes until the police can get to the scene, especially in sparsely populated places,' she said in an interview with the Funke Media Group. After two Islamist attacks and a shooting rampage by a mentally unstable teenager in Munich last month, Germans are on edge and the AfD is expected to take advantage with a strong showing in elections next month in Berlin and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
The anti-immigrant AfD has won growing popular support in Germany partly on the back of Europe's migrant crisis, which has seen more than a million refugees arrive in the country over the past year.
It now has seats in eight of Germany's 16 state assemblies. Ms Petry, known for her fiery speeches to AfD supporters, sparked an uproar earlier this year when she called for German police to be allowed to use firearms against illegal migrants.
Ms Petry rejected calls to toughen up gun laws, saying this would affect respectable citizens and not those who acquire weapons in the so-called 'dark net', which is only accessible via special browsers.
Ali Sonboly, the teenager who shot dead nine young people in Munich last minute before killing himself, had bought his Glock 17 handgun on the 'dark net'. Ms Petry criticised 'ruinous cuts' to Germany's police and said the state had lost its monopoly on the use of force in some places.
Ali Sonboly, dressed in black, fired 20 shots at a McDonald's in Munich last month during a murderous onslaught. He claimed to have been getting revenge after years of bullying Germany has some of the most stringent rules around gun control in Europe.
Firearm owners must obtain a weapons licence for which applicants must generally be at least 18 years old and show they have they have a genuine reason for needing a weapon. But sexual assaults on women in Cologne on New Year's Eve and three fatal attacks more recently have added to the feeling of vulnerability and prompted Germans to stock up on self-defence devices.
The number of Germans applying for special licences, which are required to carry around blank guns and pepper spray, jumped 49 percent in the first half of 2016 to 402,301, according to federal statistics.
However, permits for firearms fell to 1.894 million as of the end of June compared to 1.898 million a year earlier. Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel has not commented on Ms Petry's comments. Her Christian Democratic Party have been losing votes in recent months to the AfD.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 21 kol 2016, 18:56 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Što će im to kad Merkel neki dan kaže da nema dokaza da migracija povećava opasnost za terorizam. Čitajući ove nebuloze koje od njih dolaze kao da je Merkel kancelarka Mongolije a ostali političari i lideri funkcioneri u Kolumbiji. I to od naroda koji je do nedavno imao image jako organiziranog i takvi propusti im se nikad ne bi dogodili. Što bi rekao narod na Balkanu, ne znaju kud udaraju. Citat: Germany 'set to introduce facial recognition software at its borders' in a bid to catch would-be terrorists trying to sneak in among refugees Germany's Interior Minister wants facial recognition software to be used
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 22 kol 2016, 10:22 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Citat: NJEMAČKA SE PRIPREMA ZA KATASTROFU: Od građana traže da počnu skladištiti hranu i vodu Objavljeno 22.08. - 10:11
Foto: Ilustracija Njemačka će svoje građane potaknuti da počnu skladištiti hranu, vodu i druge namirnice u slučaju katastrofe ili oružanog napada.
Ovo je prvi put da se takve mjere razmatraju još od završetka Hladnog rata.
Prijedlog je dio vladinog plana za razvoj civilne obrane, kojim se predlaže da građani prikupe i čuvaju dovoljno hrane za 10 dana, kao i odgovarajuće količine vode, izvora energije, novca i lijekova, što bi im omogućilo da dočekaju pomoć vlade.
U Njemačkoj vlada uznemirenost zbog nedavnog niza terorističkih napada i više od milijun izbjeglica primljenih prošle godine.
Čitav plan će biti objavljen u srijedu, piše Deutche Welle. Premda se procjenjuje kako veći napad na Njemačku nije vjerojatan, takvu mogućnost se ne može potpuno isključiti./HMS/
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 23 kol 2016, 16:26 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Rekli su da hoće, odmah iza Prosinca. Kako se ovakvim budaletinama dozvoli da dobiju u ruke toliki proračun i moć. Nijemci su sami glasovali, sad nek uživaju. Nekad davno su političari šutjeli oko tema u kojima mogu totalne budale ispasti. Ne bi ih puškom natjerao da to komentiraju. Danas ova Twitter generacija političara za to više ne mari. Citat: Merkel pozvala domaće Turke da budu lojalni Njemačkoj Objavljeno 23.08. - 12:01
Njemačka kancelarka Angela Merkel pozvala je domaće stanovnike turskog porijekla da budu lojalni Njemačkoj.
“Očekujemo od ljudi turskog porijekla koji dugo žive u Njemačkoj da razviju visok stepen lojalnosti našoj zemlji”, rekla je Merkel u intervjuu listu “Rur nahtrihten”.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 26 kol 2016, 10:48 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Dobrodošlica Merkel u Pragu. Došla ih nagovarati na njene kvote migranata. U Hrvatskoj bi HDZ i Plenković zabranili ovakva okupljanja, i gospođi Merkel ponudili da izgrade kamp kod memorijalnog centra u Vukovaru.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 26 kol 2016, 10:51 |
Pridružen/a: 11 lip 2015, 00:16 Postovi: 6001
Njemacka ceka da potpuno izbaci UK iz EU i onda ponovo sama zavlada. Mozda namerno popustaju migrantima i primaju ih zbog naci proslosti. Ako bi bili kao Orban onda bi ih medijski tukli bas zestoko.
_________________ Kako smo svi opljackani.Film "Tezina lanaca" https://youtu.be/waEYQ46gH08
Film o propasti imperije duge 1.123 g. Vizantijska lekcija https://youtu.be/_fLuI92iHR4
Vrh |
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 26 kol 2016, 12:08 |
Pridružen/a: 01 sij 2015, 22:05 Postovi: 2956
Navodno uhvaćen u Češkoj neki što je namjeravao atentat na Merkelicu izvršiti. Zvuči mi kao patka lijevo-liberalnih medija da se Merkelicu prikaže kao mučenicu.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 26 kol 2016, 12:12 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Ma gluposti. U autu imao baseball palicu, vjerojatno krivo skrenuo dok je vozio. Sa palicom htio zaustaviti blindirano vozilo.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 26 kol 2016, 12:13 |
Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47 Postovi: 40318 Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Da i ja to upravo pročita da je uhvaćen navodni atentator na Merkelicu. To nešto u stilu jadne Clintonice koja je u Bosni bila izložena sniperskoj prijetnji. Jadne one riskiraju život da pomognu drugima.
_________________ mostarski europski
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Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije Postano: 27 kol 2016, 18:15 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 108338 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
81% Nijemaca želi zabranu burki. Nijemce hebu ne obični suci kao Šveđane, oni su normalni, već suci iz najviših sudskih instanci. Ne znam tko ih postavljao i na koji način. Birali su ih da pogoduju zakonima Brisela i EU i sad im se to vraća kao pljuska nazad.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
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