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 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 10 vel 2017, 21:40 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109214
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Vrlo niske ocjene za US mass medije.

The survey, conducted by Emerson College Polling, found that the Trump administration is considered to be truthful by 49% of respondents compared to 48% who think it’s untruthful.
In comparison, the news media is considered to be untruthful by 53% of respondents compared to 39% who find it to be truthful – a 14 point gap.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 11 vel 2017, 11:29 

Pridružen/a: 20 ruj 2014, 13:08
Postovi: 4869
Lokacija: Bosna
Amiđa je napisao/la:
Nisam pogledao uradke ali kada Hrvati krenu govoriti o nečijem humoru ili nedostatku humora... =))

Jedino lošije od hrvatskog je srbokatolički ''humor'' :rolleyes

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 11 vel 2017, 11:31 

Pridružen/a: 20 ruj 2014, 13:08
Postovi: 4869
Lokacija: Bosna
Inače, moćni 9th Circuit Court je zadao još jedan udarac ovom klovnu od predsjednika.

Živjela SAD i ''Checks and Balances'' :palacgore1

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 11 vel 2017, 11:43 

Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 11:09
Postovi: 25597
Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel
U međuvremenu potpora Trumpu raste i nikada nije bila veća. Mudro, ako ovako nastavi na sljedećim izborima će imati dvotrećinsku većinu elektora.

A Morning Consult/Politico poll released on Wednesday showed that 55% of registered voters support Trump’s travel ban, compared with 38% who do not support it.

"Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 11 vel 2017, 11:52 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:39
Postovi: 60131
Lokacija: DAZP HQ
Oj Donalde samo reci, letit ćemo kao meci,
Kao meci, kao strijele, muslimani kukulele.

"Hrvata je danas u BiH manje od 400.000, ali je naš cilj da nas je milijun", kazao je Čović.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 13 vel 2017, 01:39 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41
Postovi: 9853
Bobovac je napisao/la:
U međuvremenu potpora Trumpu raste i nikada nije bila veća. Mudro, ako ovako nastavi na sljedećim izborima će imati dvotrećinsku većinu elektora.

A Morning Consult/Politico poll released on Wednesday showed that 55% of registered voters support Trump’s travel ban, compared with 38% who do not support it.

Moje predviđanje, ako budemo živi i zdravi u to vrijeme, je da će odnijet i New Hampshire i Minnesotu, i Colorado i Virginiju... Neđe 340 elektora. Vaistinu.

Ovo mislim zato jer je i sada bila jako mala razlika u Minnesoti, a radnici će vremenom sve više prelazit u Republikance (višegodišnja tendencija u Pensilvaniji, Mišigenu i Viskonsinu). I iduće izbore će se Minnesota nakon ohoho godina okrenut na crveno.

NH je i ove izbore bio veoma blizu. A ovo ostalo dvoje - prosto pogađanje neko. Doduše, Colorado iz nekih mojih osobnih osvetničkih pobuda... Prognoziro sam ga crvenim i 2016., pa popušio. E, nećeš!

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 13 vel 2017, 10:17 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2015, 17:38
Postovi: 1757
Lokacija: Novi Sad
Liberalne moroncine i soroševi banditi organizuju proteste protiv Trampa i pozivaju na nerede i nasilje :kava

#protest#against#dictator#trump.png [ 126.77 KiB | Pogledano 4403 put/a. ]

[quote="joe enter"]Jeo sam sendvič dok sam forumao , a "bacanje pegle" je ako nisi znao sleng za povraćanje.[/quote]
 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 13 vel 2017, 14:37 

Pridružen/a: 19 kol 2015, 12:38
Postovi: 4019
Prije par mjeseci su Anglo-švicarski Glencore i Katarski fond ušli u vlasništvo ruskog Rosnjefta.
Zašto sam to stavio u temu o Donalnu Trumpu. Jer je zanimljivo kako za krupni kapital nema ni granica ni sankcija ni religijskih barijera, oni sklapaju svoje poslove i onda se svi zajedno smiju muslimanskoj sirotinji kojoj je Trump zabranio ulaz i kršćanskoj sirotinji koja se veseli toj zabrani.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 13 vel 2017, 19:54 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41
Postovi: 9853
Kaftanzoglio je napisao/la:
Prije par mjeseci su Anglo-švicarski Glencore i Katarski fond ušli u vlasništvo ruskog Rosnjefta.
Zašto sam to stavio u temu o Donalnu Trumpu. Jer je zanimljivo kako za krupni kapital nema ni granica ni sankcija ni religijskih barijera, oni sklapaju svoje poslove i onda se svi zajedno smiju muslimanskoj sirotinji kojoj je Trump zabranio ulaz i kršćanskoj sirotinji koja se veseli toj zabrani.

Bio si mi ni vruć ni hladan, tvoje postove sam ignoriro. Nakon ovog posta ću da te hejtam.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 13 vel 2017, 22:56 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2015, 17:38
Postovi: 1757
Lokacija: Novi Sad
@Kaftanzoglio Odakle muslimanskoj "sirotinji" desetine hiljada dolara za put do evrope ?

Emirati i Arabija su topliji od namačke, francuske itd. što tamo ne ode ta tzv. "sirotinja" ?

[quote="joe enter"]Jeo sam sendvič dok sam forumao , a "bacanje pegle" je ako nisi znao sleng za povraćanje.[/quote]

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 14 vel 2017, 09:16 

Pridružen/a: 19 kol 2015, 12:38
Postovi: 4019
Odakle? Pa isto pitanje odakle im novci za gradnju džamija po Europi. A oni koji financiraju slobodno dolaze i primljeni su na najvišem nivou u Washingtonu, Moskvi i Londonu , Zagrebu, Sarajevu i Beogradu.

Koliko je džamija financirao Katar naprimjer, a koliko Sudan i Somalija? Iz Sudana i Somalije je zabranjen ulaz u SAD, a iz Katara nije.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 14 vel 2017, 09:40 

Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 11:09
Postovi: 25597
Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel
Apsolutno se slažem sa @Kaftanzogliu. Žurno treba proširiti listu na još više muslimanskih zemalja, po mogućnosti na sve.

"Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 14 vel 2017, 11:23 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 13041
Lokacija: Zagreb
Odletio Flynn

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 14 vel 2017, 11:27 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 15:45
Postovi: 32866
Kaftanzoglio je napisao/la:
Prije par mjeseci su Anglo-švicarski Glencore i Katarski fond ušli u vlasništvo ruskog Rosnjefta.
Zašto sam to stavio u temu o Donalnu Trumpu. Jer je zanimljivo kako za krupni kapital nema ni granica ni sankcija ni religijskih barijera, oni sklapaju svoje poslove i onda se svi zajedno smiju muslimanskoj sirotinji kojoj je Trump zabranio ulaz i kršćanskoj sirotinji koja se veseli toj zabrani.

Da, kao što je zanimljiva parcijalna zabrana ulaska u SAD iz određenih muslim zemalja, a glavni finansijeri "terorizma" nisu dobili te zabrane...zanimljivo.Nisi u klubu - nema te niđe...

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 14 vel 2017, 11:50 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41
Postovi: 9853
volvoks je napisao/la:
Odletio Flynn

Pročitah. Šteta.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 14 vel 2017, 11:56 

Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 11:09
Postovi: 25597
Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel
Ne znam što je sporno. Glavni cilj je smanjiti muslimansku imigraciju. Ona je najveća iz tih zemalja. Istina, trebalo bi dodati još nekoliko ali daj šta daš. Pored toga, Trump je samo iskoristio već postojeću listu zemalja glede kojih su već postojale restrikcije. Pa dakako da na toj listi neće biti npr Katar jer otamo nema baš mnogo useljenika u USA. Tko je lud napustiti blagostanje i izležavanje.

"Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 14 vel 2017, 12:00 

Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41
Postovi: 9853
Officials said Mr. Pence had told others in the White House that he believed Mr. Flynn lied to him by saying he had not discussed the topic of sanctions on a call with the Russian ambassador in late December. Even the mere discussion of policy — and the apparent attempt to assuage the concerns of an American adversary before Mr. Trump took office — represented a remarkable breach of protocol.

The F.B.I. had been examining Mr. Flynn’s phone calls as he came under growing questions about his interactions with Russian officials and his management of the National Security Council. The blackmail risk envisioned by the Justice Department would have stemmed directly from Mr. Flynn’s attempt to cover his tracks with his bosses. The Russians knew what had been said on the call; thus, if they wanted Mr. Flynn to do something, they could have threatened to expose the lie if he refused.


In addition, the Army has been investigating whether Mr. Flynn received money from the Russian government during a trip he took to Moscow in 2015, according to two defense officials. Such a payment might violate the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, which prohibits former military officers from receiving money from a foreign government without consent from Congress. The defense officials said there was no record that Mr. Flynn, a retired three-star Army general, filed the required paperwork for the trip.

Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said in a statement late Monday that Mr. Flynn’s resignation would not close the question of his contact with Russian officials.

“General Flynn’s decision to step down as national security adviser was all but ordained the day he misled the country about his secret talks with the Russian ambassador,” said Mr. Schiff, noting that the matter is still under investigation by the House committee.

Two other Democratic lawmakers — Representative John Conyers Jr. of Michigan and Representative Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland — called for an immediate briefing by the Justice Department and the F.B.I. over the “alarming new disclosures” that Mr. Flynn was a blackmail risk. “We need to know who else within the White House is a current and ongoing risk to our national security,” they said in a statement.


The White House had examined a transcript of a wiretapped conversation that Mr. Flynn had with Mr. Kislyak in December, according to administration officials. Mr. Flynn originally told Mr. Pence and others that the call was limited to small talk and holiday pleasantries.

But the conversation, according to officials who saw the transcript of the wiretap, also included a discussion about sanctions imposed on Russia after intelligence agencies determined that President Vladimir V. Putin’s government tried to interfere with the 2016 election on Mr. Trump’s behalf. Still, current and former administration officials familiar with the call said the transcript was ambiguous enough that Mr. Trump could have justified either firing or retaining Mr. Flynn.

Mr. Trump, however, had become increasingly concerned about the continued fallout over Mr. Flynn’s behavior, according to people familiar with his thinking, and told aides that the media storm around Mr. Flynn would damage the president’s image on national security issues.

Stephen K. Bannon, the president’s chief strategist, asked for Mr. Flynn’s resignation — a move that he has been pushing for since Friday, when it became clear that the national security adviser had misled Mr. Pence.


Administration officials said it was unlikely that Mr. Kellogg would be asked to stay on as Mr. Flynn’s permanent replacement. Mr. Flynn brought Mr. Kellogg into the Trump campaign, according to a former campaign adviser, and the two have remained close. K. T. McFarland, the deputy national security adviser who also was brought on by Mr. Flynn, is expected to leave that role, a senior official said.

One person close to the administration, who was not authorized to discuss the personnel moves and spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that retired Vice Admiral Robert S. Harward is the leading candidate to replace Mr. Flynn, although Mr. Kellogg and David H. Petraeus are being discussed. It was not clear whether Mr. Petraeus is still expected to appear at the White House this week, as initially discussed by advisers to the president.


But current Trump administration officials and former Obama administration officials said that Mr. Flynn did appear to be reassuring the ambassador that Mr. Trump would adopt a more accommodating tone on Russia once in office.

Former and current administration officials said that Mr. Flynn urged Russia not to retaliate against any sanctions because an overreaction would make any future cooperation more complicated. He never explicitly promised sanctions relief, one former official said, but he appeared to leave the impression that it would be possible.

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/13/us/p ... .html?_r=0

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 14 vel 2017, 13:16 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 15:45
Postovi: 32866
Bobovac je napisao/la:
Ne znam što je sporno. Glavni cilj je smanjiti muslimansku imigraciju. Ona je najveća iz tih zemalja.

Sporno je što glavni finansijeri ostaju "nekažnjeni".Zaključak se sam nameće.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 14 vel 2017, 15:19 

Pridružen/a: 11 lip 2015, 00:16
Postovi: 6015
Mar-kan je napisao/la:
Bobovac je napisao/la:
Ne znam što je sporno. Glavni cilj je smanjiti muslimansku imigraciju. Ona je najveća iz tih zemalja.

Sporno je što glavni finansijeri ostaju "nekažnjeni".Zaključak se sam nameće.

Lutkari su iz svog rasadnika izvukli Trampa. To je ocito bilo i za nominaciju stranacku. Malo sarade za prost nepismeni svetski puk.

SHOW MAST GOOOOOOOOOOO.........procenili Rusi prejaki, ajmo udariti Kina ili Perzija, to ruski suveznici, da ih razljuljamo i dezintegriramo.

Kako smo svi opljackani.Film "Tezina lanaca" https://youtu.be/waEYQ46gH08

Film o propasti imperije duge 1.123 g. Vizantijska lekcija https://youtu.be/_fLuI92iHR4

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 14 vel 2017, 19:14 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2015, 17:38
Postovi: 1757
Lokacija: Novi Sad
De će bre arabiju i katar dirati. Da nije njih, engleska bi bankrotirala, a bez engleske ništa ne može :kava Jes da uskoro u engleskoj neće biti engleza ali, jebiga, što reče KIM,

[quote="joe enter"]Jeo sam sendvič dok sam forumao , a "bacanje pegle" je ako nisi znao sleng za povraćanje.[/quote]

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 14 vel 2017, 20:21 

Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 11:09
Postovi: 25597
Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel
Ne budite paranoični. Da su neki mračni centri htjeli zadobiti extra moć nominirali bi nekoga tko bi imao više šanse a ne Trumpa koji na dan izbora ni sam vjerojatno nije vjerovao u pobjedu.

Uostalom, po meni, i za slučaj najcrnjeg od najcrnjih scenarija, opet su liberali i demokrati kirivi jer su doveli zemlju i svijet u stanje da ljudi traže i crnog đavola samo da ih spasi od njih.

"Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 16 vel 2017, 11:10 

Pridružen/a: 19 kol 2015, 12:38
Postovi: 4019
Bobovac je napisao/la:
Ne znam što je sporno. Glavni cilj je smanjiti muslimansku imigraciju. Ona je najveća iz tih zemalja. Istina, trebalo bi dodati još nekoliko ali daj šta daš. Pored toga, Trump je samo iskoristio već postojeću listu zemalja glede kojih su već postojale restrikcije. Pa dakako da na toj listi neće biti npr Katar jer otamo nema baš mnogo useljenika u USA. Tko je lud napustiti blagostanje i izležavanje.

Ne samo da neće zabraniti ulazak nego se novi šef CIA-e upravo vratio iz Saudijske Arabije gdje je odlikovao njihovog princa ne da mi se copy/paste kako se zove za borbu protiv terorizma.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 19 vel 2017, 18:51 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109214
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
I došlo vrijeme da svjedočimo i tome. Poslije desetljeća skidanja, mijenjanja i utjecanja na vlade po svijetu CIA i NSA sad probaju to raditi doma sa Trumpom.
Dilaju novinarima tajne informacije kao na pokretnoj traci. Nikad do sad to nisu radili nijednom predsjedniku i njegovoj administraciji. Od vremena kad je Hover prisluškivao Kennedys.

Ja sam vam govorio da su Pentagon, CIA, NSA (FBI puno manje) igračke i alat za discipliniranje naroda po svijetu i ubijanje Boga u njima da prihvate NWO. Sad im to po prvi put u riziku da izgube kontrolu nad tim.
Na njihovu žalost Kina i Rusija nisu kandidati za takve rabote, iz raznih razloga, lista predugačka. Ostale "sile" Indija, Brazil, Turska, Pakistan. Možeš s njima guzicu obrisati, ne NWO napraviti. Samo su Kinezi i Rusi alternativa. A ovi koji su protiv Trumpa te igračke ne mogu dobiti nikada. Ostaje im boriti se za Pentagon, CIA, NSA. Ne bi me čudilo da ubiju Trumpa. Ali izglednije da će mu pokušavati zatvor namjestiti.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 24 vel 2017, 15:02 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2015, 17:38
Postovi: 1757
Lokacija: Novi Sad
Trump administration plans crackdown on recreational marijuana


President Donald Trump’s administration said on Thursday for the first time that it will crack down on marijuana sales in states that have approved recreational pot use.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the Department of Justice will pursue enforcement of federal law against recreational use, but not medical use. The statement marked a major break with the Obama administration’s hands-off approach to the growing marijuana legalization movement.

“I do believe that you’ll see greater enforcement,” Spicer told reporters at his daily briefing. “Because again there’s a big difference between the medical use … that’s very different than the recreational use, which is something the Department of Justice will be further looking into.”

The decision is certain to provoke a fight with the states that have legalized recreational marijuana. Those states are Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon and Washington and the District of Columbia.

Jay Inslee, Washington state’s Democratic governor, made it clear earlier this month that the state would fight hard if the Trump team tried to block its recreational pot sales. “I think it would be a really big mistake for them to pick this fight, and I hope it will not occur,” Inslee said.

California legalization could translate to $5 billion in annual retail sales if Trump doesn’t intervene, according to estimates from Marijuana Business Daily. A cannabis caucus formed in Congress last week and vowed to fight Trump, if necessary, and protect legalization. Among the co-founders is Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican and Trump supporter whose name was floated for secretary of state before ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson got the job.

Nevada Senate Majority Leader Aaron D. Ford called on the state’s attorney general to “vigorously defend” the state’s laws.

“Not only did voters overwhelmingly vote to approve the legalization of recreational marijuana, the governor’s proposed education budget depends on tax revenue from recreational marijuana sales,” Ford said. “Any action by the Trump administration would be an insult to Nevada voters and would pick the pockets of Nevada’s students.”

Seventy-one percent of voters say the government should not enforce federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized medical or recreational marijuana use, according to a Quinnipiac University Poll released Thursday. Fifty nine percent support legalizing recreational marijuana while 93 percent of Americans support medical marijuana use.

Washington and Colorado were the first states to legalize marijuana in 2012, while California followed suit last year. Twenty-eight states have legalized the drug for medical use.

Spicer compared the use of recreational marijuana to the opioid addiction crisis that has ravaged many communities across the nation. “The last thing we should be doing is encouraging people,” he said. He referred specific questions on enforcement to the Justice Department.

But there’s little evidence to connect marijuana to opioid addiction. In 2014, John Hopkins School of Public Health published a report that found in states that had legalized medical marijuana “the annual number of deaths from prescription drug overdose is 25 percent lower than in states where medical marijuana remains illegal.”

“Science has discredited the idea that marijuana serves as any kind of gateway drug, and the addiction and death rates associated with opioids simply do not occur in any way with cannabis,” said Taylor West, deputy director of the National Cannabis Industry Association.

Backers of marijuana legalization had been been waiting to see how the Trump administration would respond to the growing conflict between state and federal marijuana laws.

Trump has voiced conflicting opinions about marijuana legalization through the years. At one point, during the presidential campaign, he said he supported allowing states to choose how to legislate medical marijuana. “In terms of marijuana and legalization, I think that should be a state issue, state-by-state,” Trump told reporters in 2015.

But Trump’s appointment of former Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions, a longtime marijuana foe who criticized President Barack Obama for not enforcing the ban on pots sales, rattled pot backers and had them braced for the worst. Obama, who smoked marijuana in his younger days in Hawaii, had left states to deal with the issue after famously telling ABC-TV’s Barbara Walters in 2012 that he had “bigger fish to fry.”

During his recent confirmation hearing, Sessions did not reveal whether he would enforce the laws. “Using good judgment about how to handle these cases will be a responsibility of mine,” he said. “I know it won’t be an easy decision, but I will try to do my duty in a fair and just way.”

Marijuana advocates said Trump risks a public backlash if he cracks down on weed.

“If the administration is looking for ways to become less popular, cracking down on voter-approved marijuana laws would be a great way to do it,” said Tom Angell, chairman of the pro-legalization group Marijuana Majority.

“The vast majority of Americans agree that the federal government has no business interfering in state marijuana laws,” said Mason Tvert, director of communications for the Marijuana Policy Project. “This administration is claiming that it values states’ rights, so we hope they will respect the rights of states to determine their own marijuana policies.”

But Kevin Sabet, president of the anti-legalization group Smart Approaches to Marijuana, called the current situation “unsustainable.”

“States that have legalized marijuana continue to see a black market for the drug, increased rates of youth drug use, continued high rates of alcohol sales, and interstate trafficking, with drug dealers taking advantage of non-enforcement,” he said. “This isn’t an issue about states rights – it’s an issue of public health and safety for communities.”

Still, some industry officials said it was hard to take the White House announcement seriously, given the growing popularity of marijuana and widespread pubic acceptance for legalization.

“I don’t think it’s realistic for Trump to wage an all-out war against recreational marijuana. … My guess is that this is saber rattling,” said Aaron Herzberg, partner and general counsel of Calcann Holdings LLC, a California medical marijuana real estate company.

Spicer said the administration would not go after medical marijuana use.

“The president understands the pain and suffering that many people go through who are facing, especially terminal diseases, and the comfort that some of these drugs, including medical marijuana, can bring to them,” Spicer said.

Trump administration puts recreational marijuana in crosshairs

States where recreational marijuana is legal will be subject to “greater enforcement” under the Trump administration, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Thursday.

But watchers of Colorado’s billion-dollar weed industry are waiting to see whether Spicer’s statements during his daily briefing actually yield a real shift in enforcement policy.

“There’s a big difference between (medical marijuana) and recreational marijuana, and I think when you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country, the last thing we should be doing is encouraging people,” Spicer said, giving the first glimpse of the new administration’s views of the growing legal cannabis industry. “There is still a federal law that we need to abide by in terms of recreational marijuana and other drugs of that nature.”

Marijuana remains illegal under federal law, although voters in Colorado and seven other states and Washington, D.C., approved measures to legalize recreational pot sales and consumption. Medical marijuana is legal in 28 states, Puerto Rico, Guam and the District of Columbia.

When asked about increased enforcement around recreational pot, Spicer said: “That’s a question for the Department of Justice. I do believe that you’ll see greater enforcement of it.”

Mark Bolton, marijuana advisor to Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, said it would be premature to speculate about the administration’s intentions.

“We have worked with the Department of Justice since legalization to develop a framework that respects voters and promotes public safety,” he said in an e-mail.

Brookings Institution drug policy expert John Hudak said the White House statement “is not a death knell for recreational marijuana, nor is it clarification.”

Hudak said a troubling aspect of the briefing was Spicer’s “clear lack of understanding of federal law.”

Spicer claims there’s a difference between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana, Hudak said.

“I think it’s true in practice, it’s true in public opinion, but it’s not true in federal law,” Hudak said. “Medical marijuana is just as illegal as recreational marijuana.”

And yet, the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment keeps the Department of Justice from spending money to enforce the Controlled Substances Act in medical marijuana states, he said.

“I think what is said from the podium and what happens in policy often have a disconnect,” Hudak said.

Pushing back in Congress
Uncertainty has lingered for months around how the Trump administration might handle the topic of marijuana legalization.

“The president has said time and again that the decision about marijuana needs to be left to the states,” U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, a Boulder Democrat, said in a statement about Spicer’s comments. “Now either the president is flip-flopping or his staff is, once again, speaking out of turn. Either way, these comments leave doubt and uncertainty for the marijuana industry, stifling job growth in my state.”

Polis is a member of the congressional Cannabis Caucus, along with Earl Blumenauer, D-Oregon, whose state started recreational sales in the fall of 2015.

“The national prohibition of cannabis has been a failure, and millions of voters across the country have demanded a more sensible approach. I’m looking forward to working with the leadership of our newly formed cannabis caucus to ensure that these wishes are protected,” Blumenauer said in a statement.

Colorado, which in 2014 became the first state to initiate recreational marijuana sales, recorded $1.3 billion in medical and recreational cannabis sales in 2016. Sales nationwide are projected to reach $24.5 billion by 2025, according to a report issued earlier this week by industry analytics firm New Frontier Data.

Adhering to Cole Memo for now
After winning the election, President Donald Trump nominated Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions a vocal opponent of legalization, as the nation’s attorney general. This raised questions about the direction the Department of Justice would take regarding the 2013 Cole Memo, which established guidance for when federal prosecutors should enforce U.S. marijuana laws..

All U.S. attorneys, including Bob Troyer, the acting U.S. attorney for Colorado and Wyoming, operate under the Cole Memo. While Spicer’s comments Thursday indicated new guidance may be coming, nothing new has been handed down.

“We will follow that guidance until, if or when, we receive new or amended guidance,” said Jeff Dorschner, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Colorado.

Trump has wavered on the marijuana legalization issue, but said on the campaign trail that he favors states’ rights and would not interfere even with legal recreational-use states such as Colorado.

Andrew Freedman, a marijuana regulations consultant who previously served as Colorado’s director of marijuana coordination, said that it would be a very complicated exercise — especially legally — to unravel the regulations put in place by states such as Colorado, Washington and Oregon. The federal government also would be going against the will of voters who told their states to develop regulations, he said.

“States are set up to be laboratories of democracy,” he said.

States argue that by regulating the sale of pot they can help ensure public health and safety.

Freedman worries that if the feds try to undo the regulated pot industry, “in that vacuum it would be the black market that comes in to fulfill the supply.”

Dan Anglin, the chairman of the Colorado Cannabis Chamber of Commerce, said he was surprised by Spicer’s statements. A crackdown would harm the president’s popularity considering that legalization has broad support across the nation, he said.

“The administration has its hands full with a lot of other things which they intended to change,” he said. “This didn’t seem like something that was at the top 100 of President Trump’s list.”

Anglin didn’t expect an immediate crackdown, but said he wouldn’t be surprised if cannabis businesses received legal notices to stop selling and growing. If that does happen, he said he hopes Attorney General Cynthia Coffman will step up to defend Colorado’s constitution.

In the meantime, Anglin said it will be business as usual at his Boulder edibles company, Americanna.

As a voting Republican, Anglin said he was disappointed by the federal government stepping in on what he called a states’ rights issue.

“If we were issued a federal order to cease and desist, we would,” Anglin said. “However, I would imagine that many of us — if not all of us — would join in a suit against the federal government for making such a decision.”

Nevada Senate Majority Leader Aaron D. Ford released a statement saying Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt “must make it immediately clear that he will vigorously defend Nevada’s recreational marijuana laws from federal overreach. Not only did voters overwhelmingly vote to approve the legalization of recreational marijuana, the Governor’s proposed education budget depends on tax revenue from recreational marijuana sales. Any action by the Trump administration would be an insult to Nevada voters and would pick the pockets of Nevada’s students.”

Tom Angell of drug law reform group Marijuana Majority said: “If the administration is looking for ways to become less popular, cracking down on voter-approved marijuana laws would be a great way to do it. On the campaign trail, President Trump clearly and repeatedly pledged that he would leave decisions on cannabis policy to the states. With a clear and growing majority of the country now supporting legalization, reneging on his promises would be a political disaster and huge distraction from the rest of the president’s agenda.”

[quote="joe enter"]Jeo sam sendvič dok sam forumao , a "bacanje pegle" je ako nisi znao sleng za povraćanje.[/quote]

 Naslov: Re: Donald J. Trump, predsjednik SAD-a
PostPostano: 25 vel 2017, 13:36 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2015, 17:38
Postovi: 1757
Lokacija: Novi Sad
Trump zabranio prisustvovanje konferencijama za medije BBC-u, CNN-u, NYT i drugim medijima

Bijela kuća zabranila je određenom broju medija prisustvovanje konferenciji za novinare, pišu američki mediji.
Administracija predsjednika Sjedinjenih Američkih Država Donalda Trumpa tako je zabranila ulazak na konferenciju novinarima The New York Timesa, Los Angeles Timesa, Politica, BuzzFeeda, BBC-a i Guardiana.

Riječ je o neformalnom druženju na kojem su novinari trebali razgovarati sa glasnogovornikom Bijele kuće Seanom Spicerom.

CNN navodi da je ulazak u Bijelu kuću bio dozvoljen novinarima zaposlenim u desničarskim medijima poput Breitbart Newsa, The Washington Timesa i One America News Network ističući kako je selektivan pristup administracije Donalda Trumpa neprihvatljiv.

Izvršni urednik New York Timesa Dean Baquet kazao je da se ovakvo nešto nikada nije desilo u historiji Bijele kuće dodajući da su medijske slobode i transparentnost vlade ključne stvari za nacionalni interes.

The Guardian piše da je ovakav potez američke administracije posebno zabrinjavajući ukoliko se uzme u obzir da je samo nekoliko sati prije Donald Trump izjavio kako je većina medija "neprijatelj američkom narodu".

Američki mediji osudili su zabranu poručujući vlastima da Donald Trump mora javnosti pojasniti svoje kontradiktorne izjave.

:thumbup :biceovodobro

[quote="joe enter"]Jeo sam sendvič dok sam forumao , a "bacanje pegle" je ako nisi znao sleng za povraćanje.[/quote]

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