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 Naslov: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 27 vel 2021, 23:06 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2010, 18:56
Postovi: 5139
Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp Truth Just Got An Ally In Exact Science
February 27, 2021



https://inavukic.com/2021/02/27/croatia ... t-science/

MIR da, ali ne kao u Macelju, Ovčari i Hudim jamama!
Komunisti nude bolju budućnost, neuspješni u sadašnjosti, a razlog je uvijek u prošlosti!
Želiš stvoriti neprijatelja – spasi ga od genocida!

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 28 vel 2021, 15:56 

Pridružen/a: 23 ožu 2015, 21:56
Postovi: 4983
wery intriging and it screems for an investigation!

Muslimani su nastali, kada je Bosna nestala.

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 02 ožu 2021, 23:04 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2010, 18:56
Postovi: 5139

https://direktno.hr/upload/publish/2250 ... _970xr.jpg

Not only that our neighbors have a problem with math, where 2 + 2 = 22 (!) but it seems that the panic has stricken their spiritual leaders as well.
Their spirituality seems to be diminishing on the daily bases.
In his, recent speech to a crowd in Jasenovac, Patriarch said "That the people responsible for monstrous evils in Jasenovac were written out of every nation and have been inscribed in the nation of non-humans, alluding to the whole Croatian nation.
His every speech is directed against Croatian nation.
Why is he and his Hierarchy against any kind of Jasenovac investigation? He is constantly repeating the myths created by the greatserbian Political Hierarchy, thus creating the animosity between Serbian and Croatian people? Perhaps the main reason is to provoke Croatians. We endured so much and we will endure in denying him and his political hierarchy, this so fervently sought after, our revolt, to their constant evil provocation.
Further, he says he loves Croatia? According to all said he may love Croatia but it seems Croatia without Croatians.
Sad for a spiritual leader, even more tragic for his people.

https://direktno.hr/domovina/foto-porfi ... pc-225042/

MIR da, ali ne kao u Macelju, Ovčari i Hudim jamama!
Komunisti nude bolju budućnost, neuspješni u sadašnjosti, a razlog je uvijek u prošlosti!
Želiš stvoriti neprijatelja – spasi ga od genocida!

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 04 ožu 2021, 03:14 

Pridružen/a: 22 lis 2020, 17:59
Postovi: 3345
Kakava sranja ti ovde pišeš
Ti si ozbiljno bolestan.

Ja radim šta ja hoću.

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 04 ožu 2021, 16:50 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2010, 18:56
Postovi: 5139
elit star je napisao/la:
Kakava sranja ti ovde pišeš
Ti si ozbiljno bolestan.

You have a math problem?
How much is 2 + 2 = for you?
In fact I write about shit written by sickly lying historians of a former failed state!

MIR da, ali ne kao u Macelju, Ovčari i Hudim jamama!
Komunisti nude bolju budućnost, neuspješni u sadašnjosti, a razlog je uvijek u prošlosti!
Želiš stvoriti neprijatelja – spasi ga od genocida!

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 05 ožu 2021, 21:06 

Pridružen/a: 10 vel 2018, 15:56
Postovi: 2953
Lokacija: Hrvatsko kraljevstvo


Comunist Slavko Goldstein in video describes the method for determination of official number of victims in Jasenovac. This official number represents the official truth in mainstream politics in Croatia (80,000 to 100,000, "Točan broj žrtava ustaškog koncentracijskog logora Jasenovac ne možemo sa sigurnošću utvrditi. Prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima može se dati procjena da se taj broj kreće između 80.000 i 100.000 ljudi", http://www.jusp-jasenovac.hr/Default.aspx?sid=7338).

Since 2002, the Museum of Victims of Genocide in Belgrade has no longer defended the figure of 700,000 to 1 million victims of the camp. In 2005, Dragan Cvetković, a researcher from the Museum, and a Croatian co-author published a book on wartime losses in the NDH which gave a figure of approximately 100,000 victims of Jasenovac. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) in Washington, D.C. presently estimates that the Ustaša regime murdered between 77,000 and 99,000 people in Jasenovac between 1941 and 1945, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasenov ... ation_camp

Method CHRITISISM, "TVOR: Finding Discrete Total Variation Outliers Among Histograms", Nikola Banić, Neven Elezović, Published in: IEEE Access ( Volume: 9), Page(s): 1807 - 1832, Date of Publication: 24 December 2020
Electronic ISSN: 2169-3536, Publisher: IEEE, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9306761, short Croatian clip https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e120WOp8suU, authors Banić and Elezović presented the issue in longer clip on Croatian, PODCAST VELEBIT 9.2.2021., https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j2d7IY_a4W4

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 07 ožu 2021, 11:56 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2019, 22:54
Postovi: 4862
Lokacija: Svjetski poznat oslobođeni grad na istoku Srpske
My grand-grandfather was executed in Jasenovac. He was arrested by local Ustashas (Bosnian Muslims) in the Kozara region after the offensive. The rest of the family were hiding in the forrest.

Nećete u Bejruuut, niste ni prije.

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 09 ožu 2021, 00:07 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2010, 18:56
Postovi: 5139
Legionnaire je napisao/la:
My grand-grandfather was executed in Jasenovac. He was arrested by local Ustashas (Bosnian Muslims) in the Kozara region after the offensive. The rest of the family were hiding in the forrest.

Every exception, confirms the rule!
My condolences.

MIR da, ali ne kao u Macelju, Ovčari i Hudim jamama!
Komunisti nude bolju budućnost, neuspješni u sadašnjosti, a razlog je uvijek u prošlosti!
Želiš stvoriti neprijatelja – spasi ga od genocida!

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 28 tra 2021, 00:01 

Pridružen/a: 10 vel 2018, 15:56
Postovi: 2953
Lokacija: Hrvatsko kraljevstvo

Roman Leljak, Mit o Jasnovcu, English subtitles

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 23 svi 2021, 01:07 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2010, 18:56
Postovi: 5139
Instruktor je napisao/la:

Roman Leljak, Mit o Jasnovcu, English subtitles

Hvala Romanu Leljaku i hvala Instruktoru za ovaj vrijedni i potrebni dokumentarac, koji se mora znati!

MIR da, ali ne kao u Macelju, Ovčari i Hudim jamama!
Komunisti nude bolju budućnost, neuspješni u sadašnjosti, a razlog je uvijek u prošlosti!
Želiš stvoriti neprijatelja – spasi ga od genocida!

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 12 ruj 2021, 15:14 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2010, 18:56
Postovi: 5139
Mocking And Distortion Of Holocaust Truth Unjustly Vilify Croatia
September 12, 2021


Hrvoje Klasić i Ivo Goldstein

When it comes to revising the truth of Croatia’s World War Two history, horribly twisted and fabricated by the Yugoslav communists and Serbs, then, I think, historical revisionism we hear of is actually the only path of truth and honour anyone could take.

According to sources Dr Robert Rozett, Senior Historian in the International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, had on 25 August 2021 written a statement letter to the Jerusalem Post, regarding the David Goldman article on mocking of the Holocaust, however, that letter, it seems, was not published by the Jereusalem Post. I understand from sources that the letter from Dr Robert Rozett was worded as follows:

https://inavukic.com/2021/09/12/mocking ... %ef%bf%bc/

MIR da, ali ne kao u Macelju, Ovčari i Hudim jamama!
Komunisti nude bolju budućnost, neuspješni u sadašnjosti, a razlog je uvijek u prošlosti!
Želiš stvoriti neprijatelja – spasi ga od genocida!

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 11 lis 2021, 18:17 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2010, 18:56
Postovi: 5139
One of the biggest manipulations and lies in the world has begun to be revealed!


The Goldman Report’s direct response to Yad Vashem’s Press Release,
dated 25/8/21 — The Goldman Report

https://thegoldmanreport.org/blog/the-g ... ated-25821

In the Balkans, Holocaust manipulation launches ‘Transracialism’

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” -
A. I. Solzhenitsyn

One could say that my (now deleted) op-ed in the Jerusalem Post: This disgraceful mocking of the Holocaust needs to stop now, was a huge ‘hit’ across the former Yugoslavia.

To date, it has generated thousands of comments, over 50 online and/or print stories, a mass of TV or YouTube commentaries, 3 subsequent responses to the Jerusalem Post and (allegedly) at least one diplomatic complaint.

And not to mention the dozens - and counting - of death threats I’ve received, all over a small opinion article about a place few had ever heard of up until now.

As Yad Vashem says on its website: “Many thousands were murdered at the Jasenovac concentration and extermination camp. The majority were Serbs, but others were murdered in the camp as well, including Jews, Roma and Croats deemed as opponents of the Ustaša regime....”.

This is correct, as was my original premise that some random place with a death toll of 4, 10 or even if it was 40,000 mostly non-Jews should and could never be compared to Auschwitz for the purposes of political point scoring. Never. Ever. Period.

The issues with Jasenovac stem from the 1980s when the former Yugoslavia rebranded it as the Auschwitz of the Balkans and had it ‘grafted’ onto Holocaust history despite the fact as Yad Vashem noted, most of the victims were not Jews. Added to that was the post-war physical evidence from that country’s own War Crimes Commission that was not even close to the astronomical figures used today that can range anywhere from 1,700 all the way up to 1.7 million depending on who you talk to.

This has led to a fetishization (by the Right) and an obfuscation (by the Left) that could also have serious and long-lasting implications for the overall history of the Holocaust. It has also revealed the curious phenomenon of Serbs identitying as Jews, but more on that later.

As I noted in my original article, those behind this promotion of Jasenovac are able to provide very little physically ‘verifiable data’, even admitting that any forensic excavations were at best, superficial and that their own victim numbers were nothing more than ‘extrapolations’, sometimes up to 70-times that of the forensic data.

In other words, their claim is that most of the data ‘proving’ the Jasenovac death toll is in the documentation (i.e. databases). But even this documentational data seems not in order.

Earlier this year, the world's largest technical professional organisation, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) published a scientific paper that compared the demographic spread of a number of wartime concentration camps to that of their host country’s populations. It found that all the camps results matched their host country’s demographics. All except for one that is - Jasenovac.

The research found that via the use of what is called the ‘Total Variation Outlier Recognizer’ method, that most - or some 89 percent of Jasenovac’s figures were wholly unreliable.

Therefore, the same people who admit there is not much physical evidence and that it’s all about the documentational data, now have lost even the use of that myth.

This was also underlined by the US Holocaust Museum which said that the integrity of most of the documentation concerning Jasenovac was ‘highly problematic’ - or in other words, unable to be used for verification purposes.

While I have never said that I know what the real Jasenovac death toll is and only what Yugoslavia could physically prove, any comparisons to Auschwitz whose figures were not extrapolated 70-fold but were real must be regarded as being null and void and show that Jasenovac has no equal anywhere on the planet - at least not that I’m aware of.

Contrast this with the actions of Jewish historians who in 1989 lowered the Auschwitz-Birkenau death toll from 4 million to under 2 million to ensure historical accuracy.

So, in the end, we are talking about a place that EVERYONE agrees has very little physical evidence to show, has had most of its documentation shown as being unverifiable and can only quote victim numbers derived from quasi-scientific ‘extrapolations’ provided by a motley crew of ex-communist apparatchiks, opportunists and grifters.

This fact was more than proven by some of the responses to my op-ed from these very same ‘experts’, responses that quite honestly verged on the non-sensical and showed how fragile their lies really are.

And if you question their nonsense, then these same ‘experts’ will turn to their friends in the media and launch attacks and accusations of ‘revisionism’ of the Jewish Holocaust.

In a nutshell, their outrageous claim is, if you question the veracity of a place where mainly Serbs were the victims, then you must be a ‘Holocaust denier’!

This is because when it comes to the history of the Holocaust in the Balkans, Serbs have for some time now identified as Jews in a politicised and racialised version of transgenderism, or if you like, ‘transracialism’.

As Serbian writer Vuk Draskovic proclaimed in 1985: "Serbs are the thirteenth, lost and the most ill-fated tribe of Israel"

Now, if that makes no sense at all, well that was EXACTLY one of the main points of my original article.

As the University of Haifa’s Professor Lea David put it: “From 2005, Holocaust discourse in Serbia was directed by the Jasenovac Committee, so as to keep Holocaust education within the bounds of Serbian memory. …the Jasenovac committee immediately made ties with Yad Vashem, who did not realise what Holocaust memorialization would be made to serve in Serbia. The Serbian political elite then hijacked the images and symbols of the Holocaust in order to equate Serbian victims with Jewish victims and promote Serbian righteous victimhood as enduring throughout the 1990s wars. In this way, the Holocaust serves as a screen-memory, used to repress another aspect of history which the Serbian political elite does not wish to be seen.”

So much like example of the history of Jasenovac, this Serbian desire to ‘transracialise’ by identifying as Jews for political purposes also has no equal anywhere else on this planet that I am aware of.

That I am forced to remind everyone - including the editor of the Jerusalem Post - that it is despicable to literally ‘recycle’ some of the many millions of Jewish (and other) victims of the Holocaust for use in Balkan inter-ethnic squabbles shocks and saddens me greatly.

The visceral over-reaction to my article can only be interpreted as a vindication of my initial premise and seems deliberately calibrated to mask the lies of those who have ‘transracialised’ themselves - not only are they hijacking the memory of the Holocaust, but also the broader Jewish racial identity as well, all for their own political ends.

So, while the abuse and death threats directed at me over the past weeks have subsided, thanks to the moral cowardice of the Jerusalem Post and many others, it seems the controversy over Jasenovac is set to continue.

Date: 11 Oct 2021,
Today marks 75 years since Blessed Alojzije Stepinac was convicted by the Tito regime in a rigged trial. Since the news had emerged that Stepinac had personally mediated in rescuing Slavko Goldstein, we asked Dr. Esther Gitma for the following clarification:
"Where Stepinac was involved was an amazing deed and it is included in my book When Courage Prevailed. The Governor of the Italian zone Bastianini wanted to sent back to The NDH who by the thousands flocked into the areas of the Adriatic mostly Split, Dubrovnik and others.
When Stepinac heard the news he and Abbot Marcone worked very hard and via the Vatican to obtain permits for the Jews to remain in the Italian zone where over 6000 Jews were congregated, among them was my mother and me! Stepinac made our rescue possible! We owe him our gratitude and I hope that I'm contributing in some small measure. Slavko Goldstein, his brother and mother were among them! By the way his brother owe thanks to a young Ustase who risked his life when he traveled to Tuzla and brought him to his mother to the Italian zone! "

MIR da, ali ne kao u Macelju, Ovčari i Hudim jamama!
Komunisti nude bolju budućnost, neuspješni u sadašnjosti, a razlog je uvijek u prošlosti!
Želiš stvoriti neprijatelja – spasi ga od genocida!

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 12 lis 2021, 20:00 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2010, 18:56
Postovi: 5139
MIR je napisao/la:
One of the biggest manipulations and lies in the world has begun to be revealed!


The Goldman Report’s direct response to Yad Vashem’s Press Release,
dated 25/8/21 — The Goldman Report

https://thegoldmanreport.org/blog/the-g ... ated-25821

In the Balkans, Holocaust manipulation launches ‘Transracialism’

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” -
A. I. Solzhenitsyn

One could say that my (now deleted) op-ed in the Jerusalem Post: This disgraceful mocking of the Holocaust needs to stop now, was a huge ‘hit’ across the former Yugoslavia.

To date, it has generated thousands of comments, over 50 online and/or print stories, a mass of TV or YouTube commentaries, 3 subsequent responses to the Jerusalem Post and (allegedly) at least one diplomatic complaint.

And not to mention the dozens - and counting - of death threats I’ve received, all over a small opinion article about a place few had ever heard of up until now.

As Yad Vashem says on its website: “Many thousands were murdered at the Jasenovac concentration and extermination camp. The majority were Serbs, but others were murdered in the camp as well, including Jews, Roma and Croats deemed as opponents of the Ustaša regime....”.

This is correct, as was my original premise that some random place with a death toll of 4, 10 or even if it was 40,000 mostly non-Jews should and could never be compared to Auschwitz for the purposes of political point scoring. Never. Ever. Period.

The issues with Jasenovac stem from the 1980s when the former Yugoslavia rebranded it as the Auschwitz of the Balkans and had it ‘grafted’ onto Holocaust history despite the fact as Yad Vashem noted, most of the victims were not Jews. Added to that was the post-war physical evidence from that country’s own War Crimes Commission that was not even close to the astronomical figures used today that can range anywhere from 1,700 all the way up to 1.7 million depending on who you talk to.

This has led to a fetishization (by the Right) and an obfuscation (by the Left) that could also have serious and long-lasting implications for the overall history of the Holocaust. It has also revealed the curious phenomenon of Serbs identitying as Jews, but more on that later.

As I noted in my original article, those behind this promotion of Jasenovac are able to provide very little physically ‘verifiable data’, even admitting that any forensic excavations were at best, superficial and that their own victim numbers were nothing more than ‘extrapolations’, sometimes up to 70-times that of the forensic data.

In other words, their claim is that most of the data ‘proving’ the Jasenovac death toll is in the documentation (i.e. databases). But even this documentational data seems not in order.

Earlier this year, the world's largest technical professional organisation, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) published a scientific paper that compared the demographic spread of a number of wartime concentration camps to that of their host country’s populations. It found that all the camps results matched their host country’s demographics. All except for one that is - Jasenovac.

The research found that via the use of what is called the ‘Total Variation Outlier Recognizer’ method, that most - or some 89 percent of Jasenovac’s figures were wholly unreliable.

Therefore, the same people who admit there is not much physical evidence and that it’s all about the documentational data, now have lost even the use of that myth.

This was also underlined by the US Holocaust Museum which said that the integrity of most of the documentation concerning Jasenovac was ‘highly problematic’ - or in other words, unable to be used for verification purposes.

While I have never said that I know what the real Jasenovac death toll is and only what Yugoslavia could physically prove, any comparisons to Auschwitz whose figures were not extrapolated 70-fold but were real must be regarded as being null and void and show that Jasenovac has no equal anywhere on the planet - at least not that I’m aware of.

Contrast this with the actions of Jewish historians who in 1989 lowered the Auschwitz-Birkenau death toll from 4 million to under 2 million to ensure historical accuracy.

So, in the end, we are talking about a place that EVERYONE agrees has very little physical evidence to show, has had most of its documentation shown as being unverifiable and can only quote victim numbers derived from quasi-scientific ‘extrapolations’ provided by a motley crew of ex-communist apparatchiks, opportunists and grifters.

This fact was more than proven by some of the responses to my op-ed from these very same ‘experts’, responses that quite honestly verged on the non-sensical and showed how fragile their lies really are.

And if you question their nonsense, then these same ‘experts’ will turn to their friends in the media and launch attacks and accusations of ‘revisionism’ of the Jewish Holocaust.

In a nutshell, their outrageous claim is, if you question the veracity of a place where mainly Serbs were the victims, then you must be a ‘Holocaust denier’!

This is because when it comes to the history of the Holocaust in the Balkans, Serbs have for some time now identified as Jews in a politicised and racialised version of transgenderism, or if you like, ‘transracialism’.

As Serbian writer Vuk Draskovic proclaimed in 1985: "Serbs are the thirteenth, lost and the most ill-fated tribe of Israel"

Now, if that makes no sense at all, well that was EXACTLY one of the main points of my original article.

As the University of Haifa’s Professor Lea David put it: “From 2005, Holocaust discourse in Serbia was directed by the Jasenovac Committee, so as to keep Holocaust education within the bounds of Serbian memory. …the Jasenovac committee immediately made ties with Yad Vashem, who did not realise what Holocaust memorialization would be made to serve in Serbia. The Serbian political elite then hijacked the images and symbols of the Holocaust in order to equate Serbian victims with Jewish victims and promote Serbian righteous victimhood as enduring throughout the 1990s wars. In this way, the Holocaust serves as a screen-memory, used to repress another aspect of history which the Serbian political elite does not wish to be seen.”

So much like example of the history of Jasenovac, this Serbian desire to ‘transracialise’ by identifying as Jews for political purposes also has no equal anywhere else on this planet that I am aware of.

That I am forced to remind everyone - including the editor of the Jerusalem Post - that it is despicable to literally ‘recycle’ some of the many millions of Jewish (and other) victims of the Holocaust for use in Balkan inter-ethnic squabbles shocks and saddens me greatly.

The visceral over-reaction to my article can only be interpreted as a vindication of my initial premise and seems deliberately calibrated to mask the lies of those who have ‘transracialised’ themselves - not only are they hijacking the memory of the Holocaust, but also the broader Jewish racial identity as well, all for their own political ends.

So, while the abuse and death threats directed at me over the past weeks have subsided, thanks to the moral cowardice of the Jerusalem Post and many others, it seems the controversy over Jasenovac is set to continue.

Date: 11 Oct 2021,
Today marks 75 years since Blessed Alojzije Stepinac was convicted by the Tito regime in a rigged trial. Since the news had emerged that Stepinac had personally mediated in rescuing Slavko Goldstein, we asked Dr. Esther Gitma for the following clarification:
"Where Stepinac was involved was an amazing deed and it is included in my book When Courage Prevailed. The Governor of the Italian zone Bastianini wanted to sent back to The NDH who by the thousands flocked into the areas of the Adriatic mostly Split, Dubrovnik and others.
When Stepinac heard the news he and Abbot Marcone worked very hard and via the Vatican to obtain permits for the Jews to remain in the Italian zone where over 6000 Jews were congregated, among them was my mother and me! Stepinac made our rescue possible! We owe him our gratitude and I hope that I'm contributing in some small measure. Slavko Goldstein, his brother and mother were among them! By the way his brother owe thanks to a young Ustase who risked his life when he traveled to Tuzla and brought him to his mother to the Italian zone! "

Small addition:
There is no doubt that Stepinac was strongly committed to preventing the persecution of Jews. But in the case of Slavko Goldstein and his mother Lee, the main role was played by the Karlovac Ustasha camp inmate Marijan - Mane Bilović. At the risk of his own life, he enabled Lea and the then minor Slavko (later the father of today's Ivo Goldstein) to escape to the territory under Italian rule. Thus, he literally enabled the arrogant Ivo Goldstein to be born today.

MIR da, ali ne kao u Macelju, Ovčari i Hudim jamama!
Komunisti nude bolju budućnost, neuspješni u sadašnjosti, a razlog je uvijek u prošlosti!
Želiš stvoriti neprijatelja – spasi ga od genocida!

 Naslov: Re: Croatia: WWII Jasenovac Camp
PostPostano: 17 lis 2021, 14:53 

Pridružen/a: 18 kol 2009, 16:38
Postovi: 1101

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