Najmanja stranka koja je ušla u Veliki Medžlis je jedna komunističko marksistička stranka. ... rkey_(2017)
Predvodi ju gospodin Erkan rođen 1979 u Berlinu od oca Bošnjaka i majke Turkinje, koji je zbog turskih zakona morao promijeniti prezime Jusović u Baš.
Erkan Baş was born on 14 July 1979 in West Berlin to a Bosniak[2] immigrant family from Sandžak. His family name was Jusović in former Yugoslavia. His father was a worker who went to Germany for work and his mother was a housewife, who also has been a textile worker for a while.
Marksist je, predavač na humanističkim studijima, i posvećen demokratizaciji i emancipaciji turskog društva i države.
Kao student prosvjedovao je protiv dopuštanja nošenja hidžaba na sveučilištima.
He also participated in a student rally in Ankara against legal regulations that would make Hijabs possible to be worn at universities.
Kako mu je partija prošla cenzus?
Izašla zajedno sa Kurdskom strankom.
Although members of parliament from TİP got elected through HDP and later resigned from HDP, the two parties maintain close ties and act together on many issues. The possibility of an electoral alliance in the upcoming elections was given as a possibility.[13] On 25 August 2022, HDP, TİP, other left-wing parties put the groundwork for their electoral alliance, known as the Labour and Freedom Alliance.[14] Under the leadership of Baş, the party was able to increase its seats to four in the parliament, and TİP has become one of the most fierce opponents against Erdoğan and AKP.