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 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 21 tra 2023, 21:00 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
@Sindjdlic, taj protekcionizam o kojem pričaš je samo jedan deo kineskog ekonomskog i tehnološkog uspeha. Kineska vlada takođe stvara i lokalne i nacionalne "šampione" od kompanija. Prvo lokalne jurisdikcije svoje stvore male lokalne šampione, pa se onda oni takmiče između sebe, i samo najbolji onda pobede i dobiju status nacionalnih šampiona.

Pomoći koji oni dobijaju od pokrajinskih vlada i nacionalnih vlada uključuju subvencije, jeftine kredite, grantove, mogu da plaćaju manje poreze, dobiju besplatnu ili jeftinu zemlju, dobiju prioritet za projekte koji traži vlada, i td...

Šta se onda desi, pa zbog tih svih povlastica koje dobijaju ti šampioni, oni nemaji nikakvu konkurenciju sa kojima moraju da ulaze u rat nižih cena, i td, nego imaju praktične monopole, mogu da naplaćuju skuplje proizvode, da imaju veći odnos profita i cene, odnosno one diktiraju tržište, a ne tržište njih.

Sav taj akumulirani profit i fokus i slobodno vreme koje dobiju usled manjka konkurencije se onda direktno prenese na masovna R&D istraživanja, inovacije, nove tehnologije, inostrane ekspanzije, sa kojem onda te kompanije pokore internacionalna tržišta kasnije.

To je sve pametna politika kineske vlade. Mada ni to nije jedini razlog njihovog razvoja, tu je kulturna radna etika, najbolji edukacioni sistem na svetu, jedan od najbolji IQ proseka na svetu, autokratna vlada koja završava svu infrastrukturu u rekordnom roku, pametna politika vlade o akviziciji stranih tehnoloških transfera ako neka kompanija iz inostranstva hoće da uloži u Kinu, td.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 21 tra 2023, 21:22 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
Velebit je napisao/la:
Industrijske masine, u bitnijim kolicinama, Kinezi ne proizvode. To je proizvod Njemacke, Nizozemske, Svicarske, Ceske, Japana, UK i Amerike.

To je problem Rusiji i Kini.

To je old news, Kinezi su lideri u proizvodnji industrijih mašina ukupno na svetu, nego imaju i najveću industrijsku bazu na planeti (30% sve svetske proizvodnje svega i svačega) pa moraju dosta toga da uvoze i sa strane, da bi to ispratili, ali tehnologiju imaju gotovo svu usavršenu kod sebe u slučaju neke vanredne situacije.

In 2021, China, Germany, and Japan were the powerhouses of machine tool industry worldwide. That year, China accounted for 31 percent of the world's machine tool production, while Germany and Japan each accounted for 13 percent.

https://www.statista.com/statistics/264 ... ket-share/

"China's machine tool industry started late, but it develops rapidly, with significant growth in technology and market size. Now China has become the world's largest machine tool producer, marketer and consumer, with high sensitivity to the market as well as fast response to sale and services."

https://www.globenewswire.com/news-rele ... -2026.html

Ovo su ti prijatelju inače članci stari 3-4 godine, a videli smo koliko puno Kina godišnje raste po automobliskoj industriji, danas je još jača verovatno i u mašinama.

About 100 five-axis computer numerical control machine tools are being produced in the manufacturing shop at the Dalian Guangyang Technology Group in Jinpu New Area in Northeast China's Liaoning province.

"We've applied for some 20 international patents for this processing center, which is capable of processing large structural aircraft parts," Yu Dehai, president of the company, said while standing in front of a large machine tool.

Dalian Guangyang is a leading manufacturer of high-end CNC machine tools in the country.

In the office above the workshop, 71-year-old Yu works with the researchers and developers that account for more than a quarter of the company's 1,200 employees.

"I'm lucky that what I'm working on matches my passions. It is the same with our R&D colleagues. It is easier to achieve good results by combining work with interests," Yu said.

Previously, China's high-end CNC machine tools market was dominated by a couple of major foreign manufacturers. Yu and his colleagues changed that with the cost-effective products they developed.

"This is our main driving force for following a path of independent innovation," Yu said.

"We will produce the world's most advanced five-axis CNC machine tools and make exorbitantly priced imported machine tools a thing of the past."

According to Yu, the five-axis CNC machine tool sector is part of the core competitiveness of the country's manufacturing industry, as it has a decisive influence in a number of industries.

https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202207/ ... 6cdc6.html

Inače CNC mašine su bukvalno najnaprednije industrijske mašine koje trenutno postoje u svetu ne uključujući litografske mašine za čipove.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 21 tra 2023, 21:52 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
Ovakve "sitne" vesti retko kad možete pronaći na Zapadu, zato i imate pogrešne percepcije o Kini. A imajte na umu da ovakve i slične vesti stižu svaki dan. Nekad je Siemens inače imao monopol u ovim turbinama., Eto zašto Zapad toliko pljuje Kinu, pa zato što im krade svetski udeo u svim najnaprednijim tehnologijama.
Kina nadohnadjuje upravo tehnološku i ekonomsku vekovnu prednost koju je Zapad imao nad njom, usled pljačke sveta i kolonijalizma. Znači Kina kada je stala na noge, nadohnadjuje vekovni zaostatak u samo par decenija.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 21 tra 2023, 22:02 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
GPT-4 se slaže sa ovim,

Chinese Inventions Before Colonialism.

Model: GPT-4

China has a long history of technological innovation, particularly during the period before Western colonialism. Many significant inventions and discoveries that we use today originated in ancient China. Here is a list of some of the most important Chinese inventions that predate colonialism:

Paper: The invention of paper can be traced back to the Han Dynasty (202 BCE - 220 CE), where it was first made from mulberry bark. The process was later refined during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE).

Printing: The Chinese invented woodblock printing during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) and movable type printing during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE). These innovations revolutionized the dissemination of knowledge and helped to spread literacy.

Gunpowder: Gunpowder was invented in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE). Initially used for medicinal purposes, it eventually found its way into military applications, such as fireworks and firearms.

Compass: The Chinese invented the magnetic compass during the Han Dynasty (202 BCE - 220 CE). It was originally used for divination purposes but later became an essential tool for navigation, enabling explorers and traders to journey across vast distances.

Silk: Silk production, or sericulture, has been practiced in China for thousands of years. It was a well-kept secret for centuries, giving China a significant advantage in trade, as silk was a highly sought-after luxury item.

Porcelain: The invention of porcelain occurred during the Han Dynasty (202 BCE - 220 CE), and it became an important export item, particularly during the Tang (618-907 CE) and Song (960-1279 CE) dynasties.

The mechanical clock: The first recorded mechanical clock was invented by the Chinese engineer Su Song in 1088 during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE). It was an impressive water-powered astronomical clock tower.

The seismograph: Zhang Heng, a Chinese scientist and inventor, developed the world's first seismograph in 132 CE during the Han Dynasty (202 BCE - 220 CE). This early instrument was able to detect earthquakes and determine the direction they originated from.

The wheelbarrow: The wheelbarrow was invented in China during the Han Dynasty (202 BCE - 220 CE) and played a crucial role in agriculture, construction, and transportation.

These inventions, among others, contributed to China's technological advantage over the West until the era of colonialism. However, with the rise of European colonial powers, China's influence waned, and the country fell behind in terms of technological advancements. It was not until the late 20th and early 21st centuries that China began to re-emerge as a global technological powerhouse.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 04:26 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
Pricamo juce o industrijskim masinama, a upravo stize informacija da ne samo da su dostigli Zapadne industrijske masine (to su odavno), nego su ih i prestigli.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 04:28 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
China’s 4th Industrial Revolution rattles US tech stocks

BYD’s $11,400 electrical vehicle, Huawei’s progress in enterprise resource planning software hurt Tesla & Cisco


Two of the worst-performing US tech stocks this week – Cisco and Tesla – have something in common: Both ran into a buzz-saw of Chinese competition. At the New York opening April 21, Telsa had lost more than 12% during the week and Cisco more than 8.1%.

Tesla’s Chinese competitor BYD announced an $11,400 electrical vehicle, a challenge to Tesla’s lowest-cost offering at about $33,000.

And Huawei announced that it had shifted to its home-grown enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, after US sanctions in 2019 cut off its access to American systems. Huawei competes with Cisco in wireless local area networks (LAN’s), Ethernet switches, routers and other communications technology.

BYD’s 78,000 Yuan ($11,400) Seagull EV, which offers a 300-mile radius and acceleration of 0 to 60 mph in five seconds, stole the show at last week’s Shanghai auto fair, according to industry websites. That’s half the base price of the Nissan Leaf or the Chevy Bolt, making the Seagull the world’s cheapest electric vehicle – possibly, the Ford Model T of the 21st century. BYD says it will export 300,000 vehicles this year, a six-fold increase over 2022.

China produced 27 million cars in 2022, compared with 10 million in the United States, 7.8 million in Japan, 5.5 million in India and 3.7 million each in South Korea and Germany. With nearly US $3 trillion in revenues, the automotive sector is by far the world’s largest manufacturing industry.

China’s carmakers are a national laboratory for so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, and China’s dominance in batteries for electric vehicles provides an added advantage. The combination of robotics and artificial intelligence, including quality control and preventive maintenance, may collapse the cost structure of automotive production, and China is far ahead of the rest of the world in this sphere.

According to a Huawei spokesperson, 6,000 dedicated 5G networks already have been installed in Chinese factories. The high information capacity and quick response time of 5G enable AI applications in manufacturing – for example, transmitting very large numbers of images to the Cloud for real-time processing to improve quality control. Huawei is introducing so-called 5.5G, an enhancement that increases information throughput by a third, because AI applications already are straining the capacity of 5G systems.

BYD’s inexpensive Seagull is an augury of change. The average new US car costs $48,000, about the same as the average annual disposable income. The $11,400 sticker price for the new BYD offering is slightly less than the average disposable income in China and slightly more than the $7,000 disposable income in Brazil.

Industry 4.0 manufacturing could collapse the cost of entry-level vehicles to the point that average families in the Global South can afford them, the way Henry Ford’s assembly line put the Model T in the reach of the average American family in 1907.

China’s exports jumped 14% year-over-year in March, led by a 35% rise in exports to Southeast Asia with digital and physical infrastructure at the top of the list. If China succeeds in collapsing the cost structure of manufacturing, its export market will continue to expand as well as corporate operations overseas. BYD for example is trying to take over Ford’s abandoned Bahia plant in Brazil.

With its vast economies of scale, China may achieve cost efficiencies that put the auto industry of developed markets at risk. It is catching up with the United States in some of America’s remaining pockets of excellence, including enterprise software.

Huawei’s announcement of its homegrown ERP system illustrates the risk of technology boycotts. Dependent on American software until 2019, Huawei now has a system, “MetaERP,” that it can sell competitively, taking market share away from America’s Oracle and Germany’s SAP.

On April 20, Huawei held an award ceremony at its Dongguan facility for the Meta ERP team, under the rubric, “Heroes Fighting to Cross the Dadu River,” according to a company press release. That refers to the 1935 Battle of Luding Bridge, a victory by outnumbered Communist forces pursued by the Nationalist Army during the Long March.

Analogies to China’s civil war abound in the country’s business writing. China’s semiconductor industry, the main target of US technology controls, will dominate the production of mature nodes (14 nanometers and wider, according to “Observer” columnist Chen Feng. By out-competing the West in the mature segment of the market, China will position itself to challenge them in the high-end segment of the market.

Chen Feng wrote in February: “Mid-to-low-end chips are still profitable, but China will not be satisfied with this market segment. Instead, it will rely on mid-to-low-end chips to bootstrap high-end chips. This is a sustainable development. China’s steel industry, which crushes the world, was built in this way. Whether it was the era of the Revolutionary War [China’s civil war] or the world economy, encircling the cities from the countryside was China’s most successful experience.”

Power, it seems, flows from a broadband base station, if not from the barrel of a gun.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 04:30 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
Huawei’s announcement of its homegrown ERP system illustrates the risk of technology boycotts. Dependent on American software until 2019, Huawei now has a system, “MetaERP,” that it can sell competitively, taking market share away from America’s Oracle and Germany’s SAP.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 05:55 

Pridružen/a: 31 svi 2020, 16:38
Postovi: 4966
Ako Kina proizvodi kompetitivne i tehnoloski napredne masinske strojeve, onda ce Rusiji bit lako izbjec sankcije i zaminit sve sta in fali od zapada. No stvar je sta kad gledas tvornice oruzja, racunala, i najnaprednije tehnologije, vidis samo ili iskljucivo proizvode iz nekoliko europskih zemalja.

Kina da ima Bosch, Bosch bi propao jer doslovno nema sta ponudit onda.

No postoji dobar razlog zasto ne mozes pokrenuti jedan Rimac, SpaceX, Microsoft, Apple, Newport News Shipyard ili cak HS Produkt sa kineskim masinskim strojevima i zasto to nitko ne radi.

Da, ti mozes imat obrt koji radi keramicke plocice ili cigle sa industrijskom masinom iz Kine. Ta masina ce odradit sta triba. No postoje granice di to moze ic.

https://www.businessinsider.com/china-h ... ens-2017-1

Kina je tek 2017. god. otkrila kako napravit ballpoint penkalu jer jednostavno nisu imali znanje kako da postignu preciznost koja je potribna za to.

Dakle iako ne sumnjam da Kina sustize, ne virujen da su bas blizu. Takoder, nije samo stvar sustic nego to napravit profitabilno a ako citav svit, kad otvara novu tvornicu ili laboratorij, kupuje njemacko jer im viruje i jer su od njih kupivali zadnjih 150 godina, to se ne moze zaminit tek tako.

Tu Afrika i ostale tropske zemlje ne znace nista jer ne proizvode nista u visokotehnoloskom sektoru. Nece Venezuela, Nicaragua, Kuba ili Mijanmar pokrenit neku industriju koja ce konkurirat icem na zapadu.

Oni ce kupovat stvari od prosle generacije, najcesce polovne, ka i do sad.

Postoji razlog zasto pola zemaljske kugle kupuje ruske avione i rakete ali ne i kineske. To nije samo tehnologija nego i reputacija, navika i tradicija.

Juzna Koreja, pored Rusije i Francuske takoder gradi nuklearne elektrane diljen svita, ali skoro nitko in ne viruje dovoljno da nesto tako osjetljivo povjeri njihovoj tehnologiji.

Zbog tog nije sve isto dostic tehnologiju i uradit to na profitabilan i odrziv nacin.

No svakako, volia bi vidit da je Kina sustigla zapad.

Hrvati BiH tribaju uvest americke/ceske zakone o oruzju.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 07:12 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 17:34
Postovi: 24718
Velebit je napisao/la:
No svakako, volia bi vidit da je Kina sustigla zapad.

Kina je tehnološki prestigla Zapad u svemu osim u mikročipovima.

Naravno, za izgraditi ime, brand na tržištu, treba vremena, ali kad govorimo o situaciji stani pani, kakvu sad ima recimo Rusija, zapadna tehnologija nikome nije potrebna.

Zapravo takve situacije otkriju koliko smo svi bespotreno ovisni o nekim zapadnim stvarima, odnosn uvjereni da smo ovisni, preko čega ucjenjuju čitav svijet, a u stvari ti ništa njihovo ne treba. Naprotiv, njima treba stanje u kojem drže ostale u uvjerenju kako se bez njih ne može.

Najbolji primjer takvog mentalnog stanja ti je odnos ex yu područja prema njemačkim autima. Posebno boomeri bi vjerojatno umrli od muke da nestanu njemačk iauti s tržišta. A zapravo njemačkoj industirji treba ovo tržište, a auta boljih i jeftinijih ima koliko hoćeš. Znači u nekoj stani pani situaciji, oni su na gubitku, ne mi.

Kineski tehnolopki uzlet je logičan.
Kina ima i dalje više rođenih od Five Eyes, EU, Japana i Koreje zajedno, s prosječno višim IQom. To je tako već desetljećima. Otkad se kapital počeo masovno sljevati u Kinu, ona je to stanovništvo upregnula u obrazovanje i razvoj, nakon stoljeća uspavanosti.

S vremenom će zapadni blok prestići Kinu po broju rođenih, ali će prosječni IQ dodatno opasti zbog suspstitucije pametnog stanovništva glupim. K tome, na zapadu se provodi totalni dumbing down čak i inteligentne populacije, odnosno misalokacija intelektualnog kapitala. Najbolji umovi Zapada se guraj u pravo, politiku, aktivizam, fake studije ekofemitrans tematike ili rasnih teorija i sl...

Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 07:44 

Pridružen/a: 08 kol 2020, 21:26
Postovi: 1803
Crnivuk je napisao/la:
Ovakve "sitne" vesti retko kad možete pronaći na Zapadu, zato i imate pogrešne percepcije o Kini. A imajte na umu da ovakve i slične vesti stižu svaki dan. Nekad je Siemens inače imao monopol u ovim turbinama., Eto zašto Zapad toliko pljuje Kinu, pa zato što im krade svetski udeo u svim najnaprednijim tehnologijama.
Kina nadohnadjuje upravo tehnološku i ekonomsku vekovnu prednost koju je Zapad imao nad njom, usled pljačke sveta i kolonijalizma. Znači Kina kada je stala na noge, nadohnadjuje vekovni zaostatak u samo par decenija.

Evo ti članak sa Kineskog tehnološkog članka..


/ Clanak o turbinana
https://inf.news/ne/economy/84852b33af4 ... e1587.html

The first echelon, E-level (the initial gas temperature is 1150℃-1250℃).
The second echelon, Class F (the initial gas temperature is 1300℃-1450℃).
The third echelon, G/H grade (gas initial temperature 1500℃-1600℃).
The fourth echelon, J-level (the initial gas temperature is above 1600 ℃).

Obviously, the domestically produced G50 operates close to 1400 degrees Celsius, and it is only the mainstream model now, which cannot be compared with the G/H grades of General Electric, Siemens, Mitsubishi, and even the J grades.

Originalni KINEZI priznaju da je njihova tehnologija za proizvodnju DRUGE generacije.
Zapad proizvodi isključivo 4 generaciju.
2 generacija na Zapadu je bila aktuelna 70ih godina..1970-etih.

Na tu tehnologiju turbina vezana je tehnologija proizvodnje turbomlaznih motora. Kineski motori u avionima imaju 10x manji vijek trajanja, možda 200-300 sati.

Intersantno, Jugoturbina iz Karlovca je proizvodila plinske turbine od 32Mw 1970ih, Kinezi 50Mw 2020ih..

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 08:45 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
Velebit je napisao/la:
Ako Kina proizvodi kompetitivne i tehnoloski napredne masinske strojeve, onda ce Rusiji bit lako izbjec sankcije i zaminit sve sta in fali od zapada.

Pa to se vec desava covece. Stavljao sam vec desetine clanaka mesecima na temi o sankcijama Rusiji.

Velebit je napisao/la:
No stvar je sta kad gledas tvornice oruzja, racunala, i najnaprednije tehnologije, vidis samo ili iskljucivo proizvode iz nekoliko europskih zemalja.

Stvar je u tome sto ti povrsno gledas. Ne mogu misliti sta mislis konkretno pod "najnaprednijim tehnologijama", ali kineske brendove ja vidim svugde gde se okrenem, ne moze ni opisati recimo kako su odvalili smartphone trziste zadnjih godina (Oppo, Vivo, Realme, Huawei, OnePlus, Xiaomi). Ali evo ti najbrojaci ti neke jake tehnoloske brendove sto su mi na vrh glave, Hisense, TCL, Midea, Haier, Lenovo. Ovi svi navedeni pokrivaju kompletan sistem elektronskih uredjaja od kucnih uredjaja pa do svega ostaloga.

Sto se tice oruzja, dovoljno ti je pogledati sajam naoruzanja Zhuhai Airshow 2022, 40 milijardi oruzja prodato, a 4 milijardi samo Saudijskoj Arabiji. Neverovatni sistemi, pogotovo dronovi i razne vrste odbrane protiv dronova koji su ispred Zapadnih. Kina je mislim svetski lider izvoza vojnih dronova, raznih vrsta raketa, PVO za dronove, posebno su se istakli u ratu u Jemenu. Sto se tice vojne tehnologije, tu Kina kaska samo u krupnim sistemima, koji se ni ne izvoze nigde, kao sto su odredjene vrsta nuklearnih podmornica, bombardera, i td... 052DE je najbolji mornaricki destroyer koji se trenutno izvozi u svetu i kineski je. Pa pogledaj samo onaj FK-3 sto je Srbija dobila, to ti je neverovatan odnos cena kvalitet.

Velebit je napisao/la:
Kina da ima Bosch, Bosch bi propao jer doslovno nema sta ponudit onda.

Ovo nema nikakvog smisla. To je kao da kazes Ford bi propao zato sto se otvorio BMW ili neka slicna glupost.

Velebit je napisao/la:
No postoji dobar razlog zasto ne mozes pokrenuti jedan Rimac, SpaceX, Microsoft, Apple, Newport News Shipyard ili cak HS Produkt sa kineskim masinskim strojevima i zasto to nitko ne radi.

SpaceX je kao kao prvo neprofitabilna zajebancija koja nece biti profitabilna jos 30 godina ako ikad i bude. Kinezi su prakticni i oni rade ono sto im trenutno pravi pare. Ali prave raketu Long March 9 koja je u rangu sa Falcon. Apple je maltene kineska kompanija, gde je 50% delova iz Kine, koji se 95% sklapa u Kini, od koga americka vlada dobija prakicno nikakve korporativne takse jer je Apple globalna internacionalna korporacija koja koristi poreske rajeve da izbegne poreze dok zato Kineska vlada ima uredno porez na svakog radnika, kineske firme su u lancu dobavljaca, Kini se povecava GDP, Ameri qurca ne vide od toga. Uostalom kineski telefoni (oni koji se proizvode u Kini ali i pod brendom kineskih firmi) imaju vecinu trzista na svetu. Spominjes Kinezima Rimac koji su de facto i de jure trenutno svetski lideri u proizvodnji elektricnih automobila, elektricnih baterija, i td, GTFO, jbt...

Velebit je napisao/la:
Postoji razlog zasto pola zemaljske kugle kupuje ruske avione i rakete ali ne i kineske. To nije samo tehnologija nego i reputacija, navika i tradicija.

Kina je pretekle Rusiju u izvozu oruzja jos i pre rata u Ukrajini, a ne danas. Ti nisi uopste up to date.



 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 09:02 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
tucepi je napisao/la:
Crnivuk je napisao/la:
Ovakve "sitne" vesti retko kad možete pronaći na Zapadu, zato i imate pogrešne percepcije o Kini. A imajte na umu da ovakve i slične vesti stižu svaki dan. Nekad je Siemens inače imao monopol u ovim turbinama., Eto zašto Zapad toliko pljuje Kinu, pa zato što im krade svetski udeo u svim najnaprednijim tehnologijama.
Kina nadohnadjuje upravo tehnološku i ekonomsku vekovnu prednost koju je Zapad imao nad njom, usled pljačke sveta i kolonijalizma. Znači Kina kada je stala na noge, nadohnadjuje vekovni zaostatak u samo par decenija.

Evo ti članak sa Kineskog tehnološkog članka..


/ Clanak o turbinana
https://inf.news/ne/economy/84852b33af4 ... e1587.html

The first echelon, E-level (the initial gas temperature is 1150℃-1250℃).
The second echelon, Class F (the initial gas temperature is 1300℃-1450℃).
The third echelon, G/H grade (gas initial temperature 1500℃-1600℃).
The fourth echelon, J-level (the initial gas temperature is above 1600 ℃).

Obviously, the domestically produced G50 operates close to 1400 degrees Celsius, and it is only the mainstream model now, which cannot be compared with the G/H grades of General Electric, Siemens, Mitsubishi, and even the J grades.

Originalni KINEZI priznaju da je njihova tehnologija za proizvodnju DRUGE generacije.
Zapad proizvodi isključivo 4 generaciju.
2 generacija na Zapadu je bila aktuelna 70ih godina..1970-etih.

Na tu tehnologiju turbina vezana je tehnologija proizvodnje turbomlaznih motora. Kineski motori u avionima imaju 10x manji vijek trajanja, možda 200-300 sati.

Intersantno, Jugoturbina iz Karlovca je proizvodila plinske turbine od 32Mw 1970ih, Kinezi 50Mw 2020ih..

Ko je rekao da ne proizvode bolje od te koja se zove G50?

Imaju jos napredniji model "M701J". Proizvodi isto Dongfang Electric.

Ona ti je H/J-klase. Inace H i J klase su ti na istom nivou, tako ti je ovo najnaprednija klasa na svetu.

I kakav 50Mw lupas, 478MW je "M701J".

Inace to jeste Mitsubishi licenca, ali je proizvodnja u Kini.

To cim se nalazi fabrika i radnici u Kini, to znaci da je kinesko.

Samo sto je fora sto lokalizacija komponenti im nije 100%, nego 65%, kaost sto imaju na F klasi, pa se zato nisu qurcili sa njom.

A inace i te Zapadne firme ne koriste 100% svojih komponenti nego uizimaju neke i sa strane, ali Kinezi su perfekcionisti.

F-35 motor Americki nema 100% lokalizaciju nego uzima neke komponente iz Kine, a ne komercijalne turbine.



Ovo o 10x manji vek trajanja ne vredi ni komentarisati, takve gluposti najbolje ignorisati.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 09:26 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
divizija je napisao/la:

Kina je tehnološki prestigla Zapad u svemu osim u mikročipovima.

Naravno, za izgraditi ime, brand na tržištu, treba vremena, ali kad govorimo o situaciji stani pani, kakvu sad ima recimo Rusija, zapadna tehnologija nikome nije potrebna.

Ja vidjam kineskih brendova koliko hoces a nalazim se okruzen EU i njihovim kompanijama, mozes misliti kako je to onda na drugim kontinentima, oni verovatno ni ne vidjaju Zapadne proizvode vise usled odnosa cene/kvalitet koji ti pruzaju kineski. Mada i ti "Zapadni" brendovi i proizvodi su uglavnom proizvedeni u Kini + puni kineskih komponenata, i td i td.

Kinezi se takodje i pozioniraju da budu svetski lideri u proizvodnji starijih cipova, onih od 14nm pa na gore. Tu su uspeli lokalizovati celu industriju. Pitanje je vremena kada ce da dostignu i ovu sitniju tehnologiju. Ulazu stotine i stotine milijardi u to a ima ih 1.4 milijardi sa najboljom edukacijom na planeti i 105 prosekom IQ. Ako oni to ne usavrse za par godina, ja secem ruku.

Evo inace neki snimce kineske tehnologije nevezano za ovu konverzaciju:

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 14:20 

Pridružen/a: 08 kol 2020, 21:26
Postovi: 1803
Crnivuk je napisao/la:
tucepi je napisao/la:

Evo ti članak sa Kineskog tehnološkog članka..


/ Clanak o turbinana
https://inf.news/ne/economy/84852b33af4 ... e1587.html

The first echelon, E-level (the initial gas temperature is 1150℃-1250℃).
The second echelon, Class F (the initial gas temperature is 1300℃-1450℃).
The third echelon, G/H grade (gas initial temperature 1500℃-1600℃).
The fourth echelon, J-level (the initial gas temperature is above 1600 ℃).


Originalni KINEZI priznaju da je njihova tehnologija za proizvodnju DRUGE generacije.
Zapad proizvodi isključivo 4 generaciju.
2 generacija na Zapadu je bila aktuelna 70ih godina..1970-etih.

Na tu tehnologiju turbina vezana je tehnologija proizvodnje turbomlaznih motora. Kineski motori u avionima imaju 10x manji vijek trajanja, možda 200-300 sati.

Intersantno, Jugoturbina iz Karlovca je proizvodila plinske turbine od 32Mw 1970ih, Kinezi 50Mw 2020ih..

Ko je rekao da ne proizvode bolje od te koja se zove G50?

Imaju jos napredniji model "M701J". Proizvodi isto Dongfang Electric.

Ona ti je H/J-klase. Inace H i J klase su ti na istom nivou, tako ti je ovo najnaprednija klasa na svetu.

I kakav 50Mw lupas, 478MW je "M701J".

Inace to jeste Mitsubishi licenca, ali je proizvodnja u Kini.

To cim se nalazi fabrika i radnici u Kini, to znaci da je kinesko.

Samo sto je fora sto lokalizacija komponenti im nije 100%, nego 65%, kaost sto imaju na F klasi, pa se zato nisu qurcili sa njom.

A inace i te Zapadne firme ne koriste 100% svojih komponenti nego uizimaju neke i sa strane, ali Kinezi su perfekcionisti.

F-35 motor Americki nema 100% lokalizaciju nego uzima neke komponente iz Kine, a ne komercijalne turbine.



Ovo o 10x manji vek trajanja ne vredi ni komentarisati, takve gluposti najbolje ignorisati.

https://www.neimagazine.com/news/newsfr ... s-10648100

Sva upravljačka elektronika za ruske nuklearke dolazi iz Francuske, a turbine dolaze iz Njemačke/Hamerike, iz Rusije armatura, beton, cijevi i reaktor.

Rusi u ovih 50 godina nisu sposobni napravit ključne djelove nuklearke, a Kinezi će kroz 2-3 godine.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... 0722000620

Depending on the HPT blade version, its total hourly service life is 850–1400 FH. Extending the engine TBO to 400–800 FH requires the installation of brand new HPT blades or first category ones

Životni vijek ruskih motora je 850-1400 sati, izmedju jedan generalni remont.

https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-TBO-T ... ight-hours

F16 motor napravljen u isto vrijeme kao mig29, generalni remont nakon 3500 sati, za to vrijeme mig29 promijeni 3 motora.

Ovo pišem jer tehnologija vojnih motora direktno ovisi o tehnologiji proizvodnje lopatica plinakih turbina. Ako hvaljeni Kinezi ne mogu napraviti poštenu turbinu, onda ovi motoru u šenčentzen lovcima 5 generacije su iste izdržljivosti ko ruski, možda čak i gore. Ako im je ok, da svakih 500 sati mjenjaju motore, onda je ok.

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 16:24 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
Druže, pre par godina su imali 0% lokalizaciju, sad imaju verovatno i 70%, a za par godina 100%. To pričam o J-H klasi, a na F klasi već imaju 100 lokalizaciju. Inače Rolls Royce ti uzima delove za auto motore od Kine, i to je samo samo ono što ja znam provereno.

Pošto vidim da si zainteresovan za tehnologiju vojnih avio motora, pogledaj malo ovo,

China’s New WS-15 Jet Engine Finally Enters Serial Production: How Will it Supercharge J-20 Stealth Fighters?

The WS-15 afterburning turbofan engine under development for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force’s top air superiority fighter the Chengdu J-20 has reportedly entered serial production, according to a statement by an Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC) official. The long awaited engine is thought to currently be in low rate initial production, and is expected to fully phase out the WS-10C turbofan which the large majority of J-20 units currently rely on. Where the WS-10C represented a heavily enhanced variant of a fourth generation engine design, the baseline WS-10B, the WS-15 is a clean sheet new design which is expected to remain in production in enhanced forms past past the year 2050. Development makes China the first country to serially produce an engine with such high specifications after the United States, which developed the F119 engine for its equivalent fighter to the J-20 the F-22 Raptor, and subsequently an enhanced derivative the F135 for its lighter single engine F-35 fighter. The WS-15 is expected to not only have a much longer life and lower maintenance requirements than the WS-10, but also a massively greater power output which will give the J-20 more thrust than any other tactical combat aircraft in the world. The engine is also expected to introduce two or three dimensional thrust vectoring capabilities for improved manoeuvrability.

Introduction of the WS-15 is expected not only to make the J-20 far more manoeuvrable, but also provide much more energy for onboard sensors and other avionics and potentially provide a more viable option for powering future directed energy weapons such as laser weapons. While the J-20 already has a much longer range than any Western fighter, the WS-15 is expected to extend this significantly further still due to its greater fuel efficiency. It will allow the fighter to fly at much higher supersonic speeds without using afterburners. A new variant of the J-20, which is speculated to be the new airframe type first seen in December 2022 with improved stealth features, is thought to have been modified to make better use of the new powerplant and may be designated the J-20B - where the baseline J-20 used stopgap Russian engines and the improved J-20A was produced from 2019 with the WS-10C.

Although the J-20 entered full scale production in late 2021, and has been entering service very quickly since at far greater rates than the F-22 ever did, the WS-15’s potential lowering of the fighter’s lifetime costs and expanding of its advantages over other fighter classes could well lead to production on a larger scale still - potentially accelerating the phasing of the Air Force’s other heavyweight fighter class the older fourth generation J-16 out of production. The J-16, as well as the J-20’s direct fourth generation predecessor the J-11, are both powered by the WS-10B. The J-20 is third in the world among fighters today in terms of its scale of production, surpassed only by the American F-35 and China’s own lightweight single engine fighter the J-10C, with some estimates placing J-20 production rates at close over 40 per year. To place this in perspective, the F-22 was produced at rates of around 20 per year, although its production run was ordered cut less than four years after it entered service due to multiple issues with the design. The competing Russian fifth generation fighter the Su-57, although by some estimates much cheaper than the J-20, saw just six produced in 2022 and is not expected to see production rise above around 20 aircraft per year. The J-20 is one of just two fighters of its generation both in production and fielded at squadron level strength alongside the F-35, with the two having had their first encounter confirmed in March 2022 over the East China Sea.

Beginning development in the mid 1990s, work on the engine was long expected to be the most protracted part of the program. The PLA only got its first indigenous fourth generation afterburning turbofan the WS-10B meaningfully into service in the early 2010s, and only reached reliability levels seen as sufficient to power single engine fighters near the end of the decade, which made moving on to a fifth generation engine as ambitious as the WS-15 particularly groundbreaking. The engine was first seen being flight tested on a J-20 airframe in January 2022, with multiple further sightings having been made since. It has been widely reported but remains unconfirmed that fighters integrating two WS-15s have been seen, although whether any of these are serial production models or only prototypes is unknown. The United States, while moving to retire the troubled F-22, is strongly considering developing a new engine for the F-35, since the F135 was developed at a time when the fighter was expected to be significantly lighter meaning it leaves it underpowered today. The F135’s very significant reliability issues have also been a key driver of the F-35’s low availability rates, which has only further fuelled calls for a new engine. As China moves to begin fielding J-20s with WS-15 engines, this is likely to only strengthen arguments in the U.S. for what is increasingly seen as an urgently needed engine replacement for the F-35.

https://militarywatchmagazine.com/artic ... production

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 16:29 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
U stvari zajebi prijatelju, izglede te "Zapadne" turbine, kojima si se qurčio na forumu, se izgleda isto prave u Kini. General Electric najbolje turbine. =))

China's first HA-class heavy-duty gas turbine was offline in Qinhuangdao

It is understood that HA gas turbine technology represents one of the most advanced technologies in the field of gas turbine power generation. GE HA gas turbine is one of the largest and most efficient gas turbine generator units in the world, and also the fastest growing gas turbine installed capacity in the world in recent years. It is especially suitable for use as pure condensing power generation in large urban clusters or as peak-shaving units to complement renewable energy.

Among them, the output of 9HA.01 gas turbine power plant can reach 661 MW, and 9HA.02 gas turbine can reach 838 MW, which is equivalent to 660 MW and 1000 MW coal-fired power units in China, and can be used as base load power to replace coal-fired power plants. In terms of efficiency, the efficiency of 9HA.02 gas turbine combined cycle has reached more than 64%.



 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 16:30 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
Evo je ta General Electric "Američka" najbolja turbina, :zubati

First domestically-produced HA-class heavy-duty gas turbine rolls off production line

The first domestically-produced HA-class heavy-duty gas turbine was successfully assembled and rolled off the assembly line in Harbin, capital of China's northernmost Heilongjiang province, on Feb 14.

HA-class heavy-duty gas turbine has a power generation capacity of 436 MW and a combined cycle power generation efficiency of over 63 percent.

It features a large output, high efficiency, low emissions, and small carbon footprint, greatly reducing construction costs.

The country's first gas turbine was developed and produced by Harbin Turbine Company Limited, and will be used in the Dayawan project in Huizhou, South China's Guangdong province.

The project plans to build two 600MW gas-steam combined cycle units, which will be the first to adopt HA-class heavy-duty gas turbine units burning natural gas-hydrogen mixed fuel in China.

A series of new technologies, new processes and new materials will be adopted to improve the unit technology and environmental protection indicators of the project and its comprehensive utilization efficiency.

In March last year, Harbin Turbine Company Limited and Harbin Electric General Gas Turbine (Qinhuangdao) Co formally signed a gas turbine main engine supply contract.

Harbin Turbine Company Limited is responsible for the supply and on-site technical services of two gas turbines, two gas turbine generators, two steam turbines, two steam turbine generators and related auxiliary equipment for the project.

https://govt.chinadaily.com.cn/s/202303 ... -line.html

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 23 tra 2023, 16:50 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
Spominjo si i nuklearne reaktore i slično kao i obično i naravno nalupao se, jer Kina je isto lider o u tome. Samo što ne izvozi kao Rusija zato što ima najveće domaće tržište za nuklearnu energiju na svetu.

China Starts Up First Fourth-Generation Nuclear Reactor

https://www.powermag.com/china-starts-u ... r-reactor/

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 26 tra 2023, 21:23 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 12 svi 2023, 19:06 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 12 svi 2023, 19:20 

Pridružen/a: 22 tra 2023, 23:58
Postovi: 274
divizija je napisao/la:
Velebit je napisao/la:
No svakako, volia bi vidit da je Kina sustigla zapad.

Kina je tehnološki prestigla Zapad u svemu osim u mikročipovima.

Naravno, za izgraditi ime, brand na tržištu, treba vremena, ali kad govorimo o situaciji stani pani, kakvu sad ima recimo Rusija, zapadna tehnologija nikome nije potrebna.

Zapravo takve situacije otkriju koliko smo svi bespotreno ovisni o nekim zapadnim stvarima, odnosn uvjereni da smo ovisni, preko čega ucjenjuju čitav svijet, a u stvari ti ništa njihovo ne treba. Naprotiv, njima treba stanje u kojem drže ostale u uvjerenju kako se bez njih ne može.

Najbolji primjer takvog mentalnog stanja ti je odnos ex yu područja prema njemačkim autima. Posebno boomeri bi vjerojatno umrli od muke da nestanu njemačk iauti s tržišta. A zapravo njemačkoj industirji treba ovo tržište, a auta boljih i jeftinijih ima koliko hoćeš. Znači u nekoj stani pani situaciji, oni su na gubitku, ne mi.

Kineski tehnolopki uzlet je logičan.
Kina ima i dalje više rođenih od Five Eyes, EU, Japana i Koreje zajedno, s prosječno višim IQom. To je tako već desetljećima. Otkad se kapital počeo masovno sljevati u Kinu, ona je to stanovništvo upregnula u obrazovanje i razvoj, nakon stoljeća uspavanosti.

S vremenom će zapadni blok prestići Kinu po broju rođenih, ali će prosječni IQ dodatno opasti zbog suspstitucije pametnog stanovništva glupim. K tome, na zapadu se provodi totalni dumbing down čak i inteligentne populacije, odnosno misalokacija intelektualnog kapitala. Najbolji umovi Zapada se guraj u pravo, politiku, aktivizam, fake studije ekofemitrans tematike ili rasnih teorija i sl...

Kina još nije na nivou zapada, definitivno ne. A ako bude, ni Srbima ni Hrvatima i ostalim neće biti dobro! Ja sam 10 godina radio sa kinezima, fer i poštovanje ne poznaju. Amerika nije puno bolja

Ajatolah KAVAZOVIĆ. Veliki vođa muslimana

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 12 svi 2023, 19:26 

Pridružen/a: 08 sij 2020, 17:34
Postovi: 24718
socks5 je napisao/la:

Kina još nije na nivou zapada, definitivno ne. A ako bude, ni Srbima ni Hrvatima i ostalim neće biti dobro! Ja sam 10 godina radio sa kinezima, fer i poštovanje ne poznaju. Amerika nije puno bolja

Kina je daleko i u našim prostorima nikada neće biti faktor.

Čuvajte nacionalnu homogenost ko zjenicu oka svoga!

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 12 svi 2023, 19:37 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716
socks5 je napisao/la:

Kina još nije na nivou zapada, definitivno ne. A ako bude, ni Srbima ni Hrvatima i ostalim neće biti dobro! Ja sam 10 godina radio sa kinezima, fer i poštovanje ne poznaju. Amerika nije puno bolja



China leading US in technology race in all but a few fields, thinktank finds

Year-long study finds China leads in 37 of 44 areas it tracked, with potential for a monopoly in areas such as nanoscale materials and synthetic biology

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/ ... tank-finds

 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 27 svi 2023, 21:28 

Pridružen/a: 25 vel 2022, 19:03
Postovi: 6716



 Naslov: Re: Kina
PostPostano: 27 svi 2023, 22:18 

Pridružen/a: 22 tra 2023, 23:58
Postovi: 274
Crnivuk je napisao/la:



50% baterija za EU Auta se prave u EU. 2027 100%

Ajatolah KAVAZOVIĆ. Veliki vođa muslimana

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