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 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 14:15 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 38641
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
To malo granice s Iranom im se pokazalo zlata vrijedno, bez toga bi Azeri davno krenuli na teritorijalno spajanje ali ovako trta jer bi Iranci u tom slučaju pregazili Nahičevan.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 14:33 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 38641
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
mrnjav je napisao/la:
nikakvu aboliciju neće dobit, ni političari ni vojska. ovo kači i staru gardu ratnih pobjednika iz devedesetih. brutalno poniženje za armene i nevjerojatan moral boost za azere.

Azerbaijani side handed over to the Armenian NKR officials a list of names of persons who should be extradited to Baku.

List includes:
-Former separatist leaders in Karabakh region who actively participated in separatism on the territory of Azerbaijan.
-Individuals who committed atrocities and warcrimes against the Azerbaijani civilian and military population during the First and Second Karabakh Wars.

U prijevodu svu mušku populaciju potrpati u logore, hvatat će i dede koji su sudjelovali u prvom ratu devedesetih.
Tu je za Armene najbolje da se kompletno evakuiraju.

I sad Kremlj optužuje Armeniju da su oni sami priznali GK kao dio Armenije, neviđena ***, s ovima trebaju prekinuti sve veze.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 14:49 

Pridružen/a: 24 srp 2023, 00:31
Postovi: 8
U Arcahu je trenutno bježanija. Gledam snimke i slike,posebno sa aerodroma u Stepanakertu. Armenci već bježe glavom bez obzira iz Arcaha


 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 14:59 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 38641
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Kaže Kremlj da su Armeni sami krivi jer je Pašinjanin priznao GK kao dio Azerbajdžana na EU samitu i time ugrozio status ruskih mirovnjaka tamo.
Uz poruku da Azerbajdžan provodi akciju na svom teritoriju.

Kremaljski debili zaboravili da i Ukrajina provodi antiterorističku akciju na svom teritoriju i da su i oni priznali da je AR Krim dio Ukrajine.
Ali neka sve se vrati, i oni će se uskoro evakuirati s Krima.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 15:05 

Pridružen/a: 06 ruj 2023, 16:02
Postovi: 307
daramo je napisao/la:
mrnjav je napisao/la:
nikakvu aboliciju neće dobit, ni političari ni vojska. ovo kači i staru gardu ratnih pobjednika iz devedesetih. brutalno poniženje za armene i nevjerojatan moral boost za azere.

Azerbaijani side handed over to the Armenian NKR officials a list of names of persons who should be extradited to Baku.

List includes:
-Former separatist leaders in Karabakh region who actively participated in separatism on the territory of Azerbaijan.
-Individuals who committed atrocities and warcrimes against the Azerbaijani civilian and military population during the First and Second Karabakh Wars.

U prijevodu svu mušku populaciju potrpati u logore, hvatat će i dede koji su sudjelovali u prvom ratu devedesetih.
Tu je za Armene najbolje da se kompletno evakuiraju.

I sad Kremlj optužuje Armeniju da su oni sami priznali GK kao dio Armenije, neviđena ***, s ovima trebaju prekinuti sve veze.

Koja još država dozvoljava (osim naravno Hrvatske) da neprijateljski vojnici i pobunjenici ostaju na njenom teritoriju?!
Uglavnom mi Armencima ne moramo ništa objašnjavati poznaju Azere bolje od nas, odnosno bolje od nas znaju na čemu su sa njima.

Attack of the Clones

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 15:06 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2019, 23:54
Postovi: 5421
Lokacija: Svjetski poznat oslobođeni grad na istoku Srpske
Rusi su im kupili 3 godine života. Za koji klinac?
Mogli su bar nekako da iskoriste ti, bar na vrijeme da se rasele, da ne bježe ovako.

PuTiN jE mIsLiO uZeTi KiJeV za TrI dAnA!

Do Dnjepra+ Odesa+Nikoljaev ✓

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 15:10 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2019, 23:54
Postovi: 5421
Lokacija: Svjetski poznat oslobođeni grad na istoku Srpske
Evo šta, po meni, može makar da smanji azerski apetit za jug Jermenije.

To su sankcije UNa. Čini mi se da nemaju prevelikih prijatelja među stalnim članicama, Rusi bi imali interes da budu za sankcije.

Naravno kad je u pitanju nešto jako bitno, tada su sankcije nebitne. Kad ih je Srbija preživjela, i Azerbejdžan će.

PuTiN jE mIsLiO uZeTi KiJeV za TrI dAnA!

Do Dnjepra+ Odesa+Nikoljaev ✓

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 15:15 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 38641
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Kakve sankcije, tu je najveći strah od Irana.

Upravo to, samo tri godine džabe mučili ljude u okruženju.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 15:22 

Pridružen/a: 02 tra 2012, 11:30
Postovi: 6290
Legionnaire je napisao/la:
Rusi su im kupili 3 godine života. Za koji klinac?
Mogli su bar nekako da iskoriste ti, bar na vrijeme da se rasele, da ne bježe ovako.

Pa nisu im krivi Rusi, oni im nisu nista ni obecali.
Krivi su sami skupa sa Armenijom jer nista nisu ucinili u te 3 godine

“Doći će vrijeme kad će ljudi poludjeti, i kad budu vidjeli jednoga koji nije luda kao oni, vikat će na njega “lud si” samo zato što nije lud kao što su oni.”

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 15:26 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 38641
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Jesu jer su potpisali da će ih štiti dok traje mandat, da je taj mandat istekao mogao bi to tvrditi
Vidiš da se Kremlj izvlači na to da je Pašinjanin priznao GK kao dio Azerbajdžana na EU samitu i pa eto zbog toga nisu mogli sprovesti mandat.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 15:30 

Pridružen/a: 02 tra 2012, 11:30
Postovi: 6290
daramo je napisao/la:
Jesu jer su potpisali da će ih štiti dok traje mandat, da je taj mandat istekao mogao bi to tvrditi
Vidiš da se Kremlj izvlači na to da je Pašinjanin priznao GK kao dio Azerbajdžana na EU samitu i pa eto zbog toga nisu mogli sprovesti mandat.

Svejedno Armenci nebi ucinili nista ni po isteku madata. Sta da su ih i stitili do kraja mandata?
Shvacam ja sve sta ti govoris ali na kraju opet ostaje cinjenica da se Armenija uopce nije bavila Armencima u Karabahu nego su jendostavno ostavili kako jest i glumili da ce se sve rjesit od sebe.
Armenija od kad postoji najkrivlja je sama sebi ajmo prvo od toga poci. Koliko god mi bili sentimentalni i empaticni

“Doći će vrijeme kad će ljudi poludjeti, i kad budu vidjeli jednoga koji nije luda kao oni, vikat će na njega “lud si” samo zato što nije lud kao što su oni.”

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 15:36 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 38641
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Ništa ali bi se barem moglo reći da su Rusi odradili svoj dio posla.

Aerodrom u Stepanakertu danas, narod bježi na aerodrom a dio u rusku vojnu bazu.


mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 15:40 

Pridružen/a: 02 tra 2012, 11:30
Postovi: 6290
I vidis nitko se ni okrneuo nije. Europa i Amerika donijeli par izjava i to je to. Narod ce otici i sutra ce biti sve kao i prije 3 godine Azarbajdzanci uselili Armenci iselili i to je to

“Doći će vrijeme kad će ljudi poludjeti, i kad budu vidjeli jednoga koji nije luda kao oni, vikat će na njega “lud si” samo zato što nije lud kao što su oni.”

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 15:52 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 38641
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Ne znam šta te tu ima čuditi kad znaš kakav su odnos imali i imaju i danas prema katolicima u BiH a da nekog briga za kršćanima u Azerbajdžanu.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 16:00 

Pridružen/a: 04 stu 2021, 11:21
Postovi: 2207
Medvedev se sprda sa Pašinjanom, smeta mu koketiranje sa NATO

Russia’s Medvedev Signals that Russia Will Not Support Armenia Against Azerbaijan Offensive

Medvedev posted:

One day, one of my colleagues from a fraternal country told me: “Well, I’m a stranger to you, you won’t accept me.” I answered what I had to: “We will judge not by biography, but by actions.” Then he lost the war, but strangely stayed in place. Then he decided to blame Russia for his mediocre defeat. Then he gave up part of the territory of his country. Then he decided to flirt with NATO, and his wife defiantly went to our enemies with cookies.

Guess what fate awaits him…

https://theatlasnews.co/conflict/2023/0 ... offensive/

Iranci se ne ljute zbog vojnih vježbi Armenaca i Amera, nego kažu da je napad na Armeniju crvena linija za Iran, vojno će intervenirati

Shahriar Heydari: Maintaining border with Armenia is Iran's red line

Shahriar Heydari, deputy head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian parliament, said in an interview with the Hayat analytical website that "maintaining the border with Armenia and respecting the territorial integrity of Armenia is Iran's red line. But unfortunately, Azerbaijan, with the collaboration of the Zionist regime [i.e. Israel], Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, seeks to change the geography of the region," reports ParsToday.

"The change in the geopolitics of the region is one of the red lines of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and we do not accept any change in our shared borders with the neighboring Republic of Armenia, which is a very good neighbor, and we have always had peaceful relations with this country since the distant past," Heydari said.

He noted that it is better that Azerbaijan does not take steps that will cause tension in the region.

"If necessary, Iran will also resort to military force to prevent such a thing. But our advice to Azerbaijan is that it is better to resolve its problems with Armenia diplomatically, and the Islamic Republic of Iran also has expressed its willingness in connection with acting as a mediator between Armenia and Azerbaijan," said the deputy head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian parliament.


 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 16:04 

Pridružen/a: 30 tra 2020, 18:35
Postovi: 10821
Lokacija: No Country for White Men
Zviezda Granda je napisao/la:
Iranci se ne ljute zbog vojnih vježbi Armenaca i Amera, nego kažu da je napad na Armeniju crvena linija za Iran, vojno će intervenirati

Shahriar Heydari: Maintaining border with Armenia is Iran's red line

Shahriar Heydari, deputy head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian parliament, said in an interview with the Hayat analytical website that "maintaining the border with Armenia and respecting the territorial integrity of Armenia is Iran's red line. But unfortunately, Azerbaijan, with the collaboration of the Zionist regime [i.e. Israel], Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, seeks to change the geography of the region," reports ParsToday.

"The change in the geopolitics of the region is one of the red lines of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and we do not accept any change in our shared borders with the neighboring Republic of Armenia, which is a very good neighbor, and we have always had peaceful relations with this country since the distant past," Heydari said.

He noted that it is better that Azerbaijan does not take steps that will cause tension in the region.

"If necessary, Iran will also resort to military force to prevent such a thing. But our advice to Azerbaijan is that it is better to resolve its problems with Armenia diplomatically, and the Islamic Republic of Iran also has expressed its willingness in connection with acting as a mediator between Armenia and Azerbaijan," said the deputy head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian parliament.


Ni uz najbolju volju u ovom citatu ne mogu pronaći riječ SAD, Amerika ili istoznačnicu.

Ta hercegovacka tragedija je bila prva vijest svih dnevnika u BIH (kod Senada prvih 15 minuta cak) a na HRTu 34 minuta. Ko tada nije razumio nikada nece.

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 16:06 

Pridružen/a: 06 ruj 2023, 16:02
Postovi: 307
Zviezda Granda je napisao/la:
Medvedev se sprda sa Pašinjanom, smeta mu koketiranje sa NATO

Russia’s Medvedev Signals that Russia Will Not Support Armenia Against Azerbaijan Offensive

Medvedev posted:

One day, one of my colleagues from a fraternal country told me: “Well, I’m a stranger to you, you won’t accept me.” I answered what I had to: “We will judge not by biography, but by actions.” Then he lost the war, but strangely stayed in place. Then he decided to blame Russia for his mediocre defeat. Then he gave up part of the territory of his country. Then he decided to flirt with NATO, and his wife defiantly went to our enemies with cookies.

Guess what fate awaits him…

https://theatlasnews.co/conflict/2023/0 ... offensive/

Iranci se ne ljute zbog vojnih vježbi Armenaca i Amera, nego kažu da je napad na Armeniju crvena linija za Iran, vojno će intervenirati

Shahriar Heydari: Maintaining border with Armenia is Iran's red line

Shahriar Heydari, deputy head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian parliament, said in an interview with the Hayat analytical website that "maintaining the border with Armenia and respecting the territorial integrity of Armenia is Iran's red line. But unfortunately, Azerbaijan, with the collaboration of the Zionist regime [i.e. Israel], Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, seeks to change the geography of the region," reports ParsToday.

"The change in the geopolitics of the region is one of the red lines of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and we do not accept any change in our shared borders with the neighboring Republic of Armenia, which is a very good neighbor, and we have always had peaceful relations with this country since the distant past," Heydari said.

He noted that it is better that Azerbaijan does not take steps that will cause tension in the region.

"If necessary, Iran will also resort to military force to prevent such a thing. But our advice to Azerbaijan is that it is better to resolve its problems with Armenia diplomatically, and the Islamic Republic of Iran also has expressed its willingness in connection with acting as a mediator between Armenia and Azerbaijan," said the deputy head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian parliament.


Kako im je crvena linija kad je Azerbejdžan već napao samu Armeniju i okupirao dio njihova teritorija?!

Attack of the Clones

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 16:07 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 14:12
Postovi: 3010
Zviezda Granda je napisao/la:
Medvedev se sprda sa Pašinjanom, smeta mu koketiranje sa NATO

Russia’s Medvedev Signals that Russia Will Not Support Armenia Against Azerbaijan Offensive

Medvedev posted:

One day, one of my colleagues from a fraternal country told me: “Well, I’m a stranger to you, you won’t accept me.” I answered what I had to: “We will judge not by biography, but by actions.” Then he lost the war, but strangely stayed in place. Then he decided to blame Russia for his mediocre defeat. Then he gave up part of the territory of his country. Then he decided to flirt with NATO, and his wife defiantly went to our enemies with cookies.
resort to military force to prevent such a thing. But our advice to Azerbaijan is that it is better to resolve its problems with Armenia diplomatically, and the Islamic Republic of Iran also has expressed its willingness in connection with acting as a mediator between Armenia and Azerbaijan," said the deputy head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian parliament.


Kad kroz 10-20 godina ostale kavkaske pöturice krenu u džihad protu Rusa, nek ne očekuje simpatije, jer je jedino što ću tada imati "Schadenfreude".

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 16:10 

Pridružen/a: 02 tra 2012, 11:30
Postovi: 6290
Zar nema i Azarbajdzan neke 2-3 male enklave u sklopu Armenije

“Doći će vrijeme kad će ljudi poludjeti, i kad budu vidjeli jednoga koji nije luda kao oni, vikat će na njega “lud si” samo zato što nije lud kao što su oni.”

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 16:10 

Pridružen/a: 04 stu 2021, 11:21
Postovi: 2207
Iran inače nije zadovoljan sa ruskom politikom na Kavkazu, glavna primjedba prebliski odnosi Rusije i Turske, i dopuštanje širenja turskog, ali i izraelskog utjecaja

Za vrijeme tenzija Azera i Iranaca, Rusija se usprotivila vojnim vježbama Irana nedaleko granice

Iran calls for a “Wake-Up Call” to Moscow in South Caucasus

The post-November 10, 2020 geopolitical reality in the South Caucasus and the shift of balance of power have created not just an unfavorable situation for Armenia, but for Iran as well, which felt isolated from the region. Despite Tehran’s pro-active engagement towards the region, Iranian experts and politicians felt their legitimate concerns were being unheard in Moscow.

Many even publicly criticized the Russian leadership for working against Iranian interests in the region by cooperating closely with Turkey. This article will highlight some of the Iranian concerns directed at Moscow regarding the recent developments in the South Caucasus.

On what issues have Russia and Iran diverged in the region?

Iranian expert on the South Caucasus Vali Kaleji, in his article “Russia and Iran Diverge in the South Caucasus,” argued that despite the similarities in Iran’s and Russia’s approaches towards the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the South Caucasus, after November 10, 2020, the countries have diverged when it comes to the “Zangezur Corridor,” its impact on the Armenian-Iranian border and Israel’s relations with Azerbaijan. Moreover, after the war in Ukraine, Russia distanced itself from the developments in the region leaving Armenia alone in resisting the Turkish-Azerbaijani-Israeli axis. This factor has created a security and strategic dilemma for Iran along its entire northwestern border.

According to Kaleji, Iran had reservations about the fifth paragraph of the trilateral statement, which called for the establishment of the peacekeeping forces but also for establishing a Russian-Turkish joint monitoring center in Aghdam. (Iran did not participate in this mission.) In fact, while Turkey was not mentioned in the agreement, both Ankara and Moscow signed an MoU to establish the joint Russian-Turkish center to monitor the ceasefire in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). Interestingly, Iran, which was directly impacted by this war, was left out of the agreement, and according to the Iranian expert, this showed “Russia’s preparedness to disregard Iranian interests” in the region.

Another issue is the establishment of the so-called “Zangezur Corridor” project, to which Baku wants to have an uninterrupted and extraterritorial connection between Azerbaijan proper and the Nakhichevan exclave. When Russia’s ambassador to Baku Mikhail Bocharnikov said that the project has all the bases for implementation and he doesn’t see any “unsolvable differences on this issue,” alarms went off in Iran. Although many Russian high-ranking officials disregarded the term “corridor” (Russia’s FM spokesperson used the term “route”), Iran and Armenia are still suspicious of Russia’s main objective in controlling these routes and giving them a certain status. Iran’s concerns arise from the fact that Azerbaijan wants to cut the Armenian-Iranian border and isolate Iran. President Aliyev has occasionally threatened that if Armenia doesn’t give Baku a “corridor,” then Azerbaijan will take the land by force.

Third, Russia’s passive view of Israel’s role in the region has also raised some concerns in Tehran. Kaleji argues that while Iran is extremely worried about Israeli military and intelligence involvement in the region, as well as the threat of Israeli drones targeting Iranian nuclear centers and assassinating scientists, Moscow has been looking the other way. Moreover, “Russia has adopted an approach to Israel’s presence in the South Caucasus that is similar to that in Syria, which is definitely not favorable to Tehran,” argues the Iranian expert.

Iranians are aware that Russia’s war with Ukraine has shifted Moscow’s attention from the South Caucasus, while at the same time improving Russia’s economic relations and increasing trade via Turkey and Azerbaijan (the latter within the context of the International North-South Transport Corridor). As a result of this political vacuum, the Israeli-Turkish-Azerbaijani axis is being consolidated in the region, making Iran “extremely worried about geopolitical changes, the balance of power and changing international borders in the region,” argues Kaleji. Furthermore, the involvement of Russia in Ukraine also weakened the idea of the “3+3” format which Iran was pushing as a regional cooperation example to exclude the West and stabilize the region.

Kaleji also mentions that over the past three years, Russia has ignored Iran’s geopolitical concerns in the region. When tensions between Baku and Tehran ran high in September and October of 2021, Iran sought to cooperate with Russia to calm the situation. However, surprisingly, in a meeting between Iran’s and Russia’s foreign ministers, Sergei Lavrov expressed Russia’s opposition to Tehran’s military exercises along the Azerbaijani border. According to Iranian experts, the Russians were concerned that Iran’s military exercises and its involvement in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict would further complicate the situation in the region.

https://armenianweekly.com/2023/07/26/i ... -caucasus/

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 16:14 

Pridružen/a: 04 stu 2021, 11:21
Postovi: 2207
HHerceg je napisao/la:
Zviezda Granda je napisao/la:
Iranci se ne ljute zbog vojnih vježbi Armenaca i Amera, nego kažu da je napad na Armeniju crvena linija za Iran, vojno će intervenirati

Ni uz najbolju volju u ovom citatu ne mogu pronaći riječ SAD, Amerika ili istoznačnicu.

Pa održavaju vježbe sa Amerikom, a Iran se ne ljuti nego obećava vojnu pomoć u slučaju agresije.

Po Rusima, nek Turci sve zauzmu zbog koketiranja Armenaca sa NATO

Kod Turaka Rusiji ne smeta NATO

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 16:21 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 38641
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
krstjanin je napisao/la:
Zar nema i Azarbajdzan neke 2-3 male enklave u sklopu Armenije

Imao, više nema, toliko o nepovredivosti svetih komunističkih granica.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 16:26 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2019, 23:54
Postovi: 5421
Lokacija: Svjetski poznat oslobođeni grad na istoku Srpske
daramo je napisao/la:
Naravno da nema nikakve veze s Rusima koji više ništa nemaju s južnim Kavkazom.
Za Ruse je Gorski Karabah kojeg su oni ugurali u Azerbajdžan danas Turska.

Glupi Armeni ako imaju išta u glavi čim se slegne prašina trebaju izaći iz CSTO i zatražiti ulazak u NATO, ako treba klečeći u Tbilisi da se pomire s Gruzima.

Baš će im Turska dozvoliti ulazak u NATO. Turci koji zajebavaju Šveđane, da dozvole raspalim Jermenima.

PuTiN jE mIsLiO uZeTi KiJeV za TrI dAnA!

Do Dnjepra+ Odesa+Nikoljaev ✓

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 16:29 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2019, 23:54
Postovi: 5421
Lokacija: Svjetski poznat oslobođeni grad na istoku Srpske
krstjanin je napisao/la:
daramo je napisao/la:
Jesu jer su potpisali da će ih štiti dok traje mandat, da je taj mandat istekao mogao bi to tvrditi
Vidiš da se Kremlj izvlači na to da je Pašinjanin priznao GK kao dio Azerbajdžana na EU samitu i pa eto zbog toga nisu mogli sprovesti mandat.

Svejedno Armenci nebi ucinili nista ni po isteku madata. Sta da su ih i stitili do kraja mandata?
Shvacam ja sve sta ti govoris ali na kraju opet ostaje cinjenica da se Armenija uopce nije bavila Armencima u Karabahu nego su jendostavno ostavili kako jest i glumili da ce se sve rjesit od sebe.
Armenija od kad postoji najkrivlja je sama sebi ajmo prvo od toga poci. Koliko god mi bili sentimentalni i empaticni

Upravu si. U prve 3 godine ništa nisu uradili, e baš su sigurno u zadnje 2 odlučili nešto revolucionarno. Lol.

PuTiN jE mIsLiO uZeTi KiJeV za TrI dAnA!

Do Dnjepra+ Odesa+Nikoljaev ✓

 Naslov: Re: Armenija
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2023, 16:29 

Pridružen/a: 30 tra 2020, 18:35
Postovi: 10821
Lokacija: No Country for White Men
Legionnaire je napisao/la:
daramo je napisao/la:
Naravno da nema nikakve veze s Rusima koji više ništa nemaju s južnim Kavkazom.
Za Ruse je Gorski Karabah kojeg su oni ugurali u Azerbajdžan danas Turska.

Glupi Armeni ako imaju išta u glavi čim se slegne prašina trebaju izaći iz CSTO i zatražiti ulazak u NATO, ako treba klečeći u Tbilisi da se pomire s Gruzima.

Baš će im Turska dozvoliti ulazak u NATO. Turci koji zajebavaju Šveđane, da dozvole raspalim Jermenima.

Dozvolit će im ako im Armenci otvore koridor do Azerbejdžana, a ako ne dozvole koridor do Azerbejdžana onda će ga Azeri sami napravit. Dobar im je bio taj preokret prema NATOu na putu kojeg im stoji Turska, najveći saveznik Azerbejdžana. Ali jebiga Rusi su krivi. =))

Ta hercegovacka tragedija je bila prva vijest svih dnevnika u BIH (kod Senada prvih 15 minuta cak) a na HRTu 34 minuta. Ko tada nije razumio nikada nece.

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