It was exactly 1111 years since prince Branimir established Croatia
Croatian Constitution On 22nd of December 1990 Croatian Parlament (cro.Sabor) voted and approved new modern Constitution (cro. Ustav) of Independent Croatia
With new free democratic Constitution Croatia has set all elements of modern independent europien state/country
It all started in early February of 1990 when first free (non-comunist) political side/party could be founded.
First free elections on 22nd of April 1990Result of elections for Sabor (eng.Parlament)
HDZ - Croatian Democratic Union won
SKH-SDP - Side of Kommunist Croatia with Socialst Democratic Party where second
Liberals where on 3rd place
Eurovision on 5th of May 1990TV Zagreb has won Yugoslavia election 1988 and Croatian Group from City of Zadar went on Eurovision 1989 and won, so the Eurovision 1990 was in Yugoslavia but politics wanted to be held in Serbia on Belgrade TV but Riva refused so Sarajevo TV was second option Riva also refused that. So in the end politcs had to accept Zagreb TV as a host of Eurovision, Toto won for Italy with song Insieme 1992
Game that started war on 13th of May 1990Famous Football game in Zagreb on Maximir stadium between Dinamo Zagreb and Red Star Belgrade
Serbian supporters Delije (eng.Deliye) lead by "Arkan" (hitman for secret service of Yugoslavia) attacked Croatia supporters Bad Blue Boys. Yugoslavian Police (Milicija) attacked BBB on north stand.
Policeman who was Muslim/Bosniak attacked captain of Dinamo Zvonimir Boban and then Boban...
Return of ban Jelačić on 16th of October 1990ban Josip Jelačić (eng.Joseph Jelachich) statue was returned on main Zagreb square
What a crazy year that was...
It is interesting that most international institution take 1992 as a year of break up of Yugoslavia, but actually it all started in 1990 and ended 1990
Later things were just conected with Yugoslavian People Army that didn't want to accept that Croatia is Independent state/country and that they have to leave Croatia.
So Army tried to explain its refuseal by protecting Serb minority which was funny because serb minority was so well armed they had more weapons than Croatian Police.
So when Serb terorist group Četnik (eng.Chetnik) would attack Police station Croatian policeman would have to surrender because they were just "over-gunned" like in small place "Hrvatska Kostajnica" where Serbian Terorist Chetnik captured about 200 Croatian Policeman and took them as prisoners over Sava river in Bosnia in a Death Camp called Manjača (eng.Manyacha) unfortunatlly many croatian policeman died during sever beating some were just slautered.