Sveti Stipe (eng.Saint Stephen)Today on 26th of December we remember first martyr for Christianity Saint StephenSaint Stephen was stoned to death for spreading Jesus teaching
Today we also remeber croatian martyrs for christianty
Glorious Zrinski and FrankopanPetar Zrinski and Fran Krsto Frankopan were executed 30th of April 1671 in Austrian City Wiener Neustadt.
Later Leopold sent his army to kill rest of Zrinski and Frankopan families and Leopold also took all of their propety (castels, lands, business, arts, gold etc.)
King Leopold invated Petar Zrinski and Fran Krsto Frankopan in Wiena and made an ambush in Neustadt near Wiena were they were killed. King was sure that croatian nobel families won't support his deal with Sultan, because Leopold gave all occupied croatian lands (Bosnia etc.) to Muslims.
Zrinski and Frankopan were one of oldest and wealthier families in Europe.
They are the one's who gathered nobel's from Croatia to stop the muslim invasion of Europe, they also paid and lead the war against Islam. With their betrayal and death Croatia was not able to defend it's self alone from muslims anymore.
(Sultan's deal with Leopold lasted only about 20 years after that Muslims again invaded Europe.)
With the end of Zrinski and Frankopan ended the real Royal History in Croatia.
There are other noble families but their significance was not so important in Europe.
Venetian ambasador in Wiena wrote:
"This is enormous tragedy for such a glorious two man to end like this, glorious Zrinski family respected in all Europe and who gave 16 vice-kings for Croatia"
Zrinski and Frankopan had two Motto:
(He who dies brave for a moral cause, lives forever)
(For the glory of the Cross and golden freedom)