Vrijeme je da se i Amerikanci pozabave sami sobom. Dosta su harali svijetom, unistavali drzave i drustva, te izazivali ogromne migracijske valove koji su destabilizirali ostale drzave, ukljucujuci i evropske. Samo sto se zapravo nisu poceli baviti sami sobom nego iza svega o cemu se na ovoj temi raspravlja stoje bogati bijeli liberali. Vama desnicarima je tesko objasniti da liberal nije isto sto i ljevicar, a i sam pojam ljevicar moze znaciti svasta i nista, kao u medjuostalom i desnicar. Ljudi koji su opsjednuti politikom identiteta, kojima su prioriteti fetisi atomiziranih individua i ciji je "aktivizam" ogranicen na iskljucivo rasne i seksualne teme, nisu ljevicari, jer ti ljudi ne dovode u pitanje ekonomsku pozadinu nejednakosti. Njihov cilj nije socijalna pravda nego se, tako izbjegavajuci sukob sa krupnim kapitalom, zele dokopati privilegija i komada kolaca koji nudi spomenuti kapital. Ono cega se kapitalisti najvise boje su klasno osvijestene mase. Fragmentacija na stotine identitarnih sekti i grupica, od kojih svaka fura svoje "interese" i ne vidi dalje od svog nosa, ne predstavlja nikakvu opasnost po postojece odnose vlasnistva. Takozvani wokizam je posljedica Occupy pokreta i kandidature Bernie Sandersa za predsjednika SAD. Po prvi put u povijesti te zemlje se jedan kandidat usudio javno priznati da je "demokratski socijalist" i to jos u redovima Demokratske stranke koja je antisocijalisticka kao i republikanci. Da stvar bude gora, iz perspektive americkih elita, Sanders je uspio mobilizirati mase. To je upalilo sve alarme na Wall Streetu. Nisu Wall Street, Blackrock i njihovi lobisti u americkoj vlasti i senatu koje mediji pogresno nazivaju politicarima izmislili wokizam. On je nastao kao radikalna devijacija politicke korektnosti na sveucilistima u kojem je krupni kapital prepoznao efektivno sredstvo za neutralizaciju ljevice. U tome je ocigledno uspio. Sve u svemu, wokizam je cisto desnicarska ideologija s obzirom na glavne sponzore tog ludila i, kako rece ovaj momak i videu, prisiljavanja drustva da pravi razlike izmedju ljudi na rasnoj bazi umjesto da ih spaja.
Naravno se mogu izvuci mnoge pouke iz ovih dogadjaja. Lijepo je viditi sto mnogi crnci misle o bjelcima i sto bi radili da imaju vlast. Tu mrznju ispoljavaju najcesce ovi "ljevicarski" studenti koji su putem affirmative action dospjeli na koledz i koji, umjesto da iskoriste jedinstvenu sansu obrazovanja o cemu i vecina bjelaca moze sanjati, jer je visoko skolstvo izrazito skupo, trose vrijeme i energiju drugih koji su zaista dosli da nesto nauce. To ne znaci da studenti trebaju biti pasivni, gledajuci samo svoje interese i buducnost na radnom trzistu, ali ovaj oblik "aktivizma" je cisti parazitizam i raspirivanje rasne mrznje. Ima negdje i klip gdje debela crnkinja bijelim studentima govori da napuste neku prostoriju, jer "people of color" imaju pravo na svoju "white-free" zonu. Sto bi na to rekli svi oni civil rights aktivisti 60ih?
Zanimljivo je i ovo: u citavom tom ispoljavanju mrznje prema bjelcima se nitko od njih ne usudjuje zucnuti o Zidovima. Ron Unz, nekadasnji kandidat za guvernera Kalifornije i sam porijeklom Zidov, je objavio seriju clanaka u kojima pokazuje kako su Zidovi iskoristili manjine, prije svega crnce, da slomiju dominaciju Anglosaksonaca i drugih bjelaca na americkim sveucilistima. Nije se radilo o povecanju broja afroamerickih studenata nego smanjenju "gentilnih." Povijest se ponavlja. Nekada su Anglosaksonci zaista diskriminirali zidovske studente, uvodeci kvote. Danas Zidovi isto rade studentima azijskog porijekla. Unz objasnjava i dokazuje statistikama da su danasnja akademska postignuca Zidova daleko ispod onih od prije 50-ak i vise godina, ali da su Zidovi dalje, relativno njihovom sveukupnom postotku u demografiji SAD od nekih 2%, iznadprosjecno zastupljeni na sveucilistima. Azijski i "gentilni" ucenici u americkom high school sistemu ostvaruju bolje rezultate od zidovskih, ali imaju puno manje sanse da dobiju mjesto na nekom od velikih sveucilista. I to se onda prodaje kao "privilegij bjelaca." To je kao nedavna debata u Britaniji gdje je netko izjavio da su tamo vecina dilera drogom crnci i drugi nebjelci, da bi netko uzvratio da to nije istina u Liverpoolu i Manchesteru, pa ce se ispostaviti koga ta osoba misli pod bjelcima. Naime, Albance.
Nema ništa gore oddesnog centra . Oni su gori od otvorenih leftarda , kad su otvoreni leftardi na vlasti narod je barem u pripaavnosti , dočim to nje slučaj lad je na vlasti "deni centar" ,oni anesteziraju narod .
In the year after the George Floyd riots, S&P100 companies added more than 300,000 jobs. White Americans, more than half the adult population, got just 6% of them.
Thousands of young white graduates entering the workforce found their path blocked, not because of ability or qualifications, but because of skin color.
It's time for white people to reject the "white supremacy" lie. White people are not the perpetrators of "systemic racism." They are the victims of it.
Danas je tako. Šta će biti sutra?
_________________ HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.
White men no longer want to fight for a nation that scorns them
If you can't recruit among the largest group, you won't have enough people
Let me begin by making this point as clearly as possible. There is absolutely nothing worse for the combat effectiveness of a military, than attempting to use recruiting as a social engineering program.
It was reported in this newspaper recently how the US Army has seen a dramatic fall in the number of white recruits, as the Military.com website found that the army fell 10,000 short of its 65,000 enlistment target.
Underpinning this drop was a dramatic decrease in white recruits from 44,042 in 2018, to just 25,070 in 2023, leading to the proportion of white recruits falling from 56.4 per cent of all recruits in 2018, to just 44 per cent. According to the US Census from 2022, around 59 per cent of all US citizens were from white backgrounds. The US military is 17 per cent women, so the recruiting crisis is primarily one among white men.
Clearly, something inside the US Army’s recruitment system is failing, both in terms of targets being drastically missed, and a failure to recruit effectively among the nation’s largest ethnic group.
The UK Armed Forces are in a similar depressing situation. Recruiting targets are consistently not met, but the main priority is not to get more people to join up – it is to get more non-white people and women to join up.
Failure to meet recruiting targets is one thing. Peddling politically motivated and deeply flawed ideologically driven quotas is quite another. In another ill-thought out and controversial move to attempt to fix the UK military’s recruiting crisis, last week Defence Secretary Grant Shapps declared that ‘women are the solution to the Armed Forces recruitment crisis’.
This is merely the latest apparent policy to attempt to force equality of outcome in the British military. Best illustrating this woke agenda is the Royal Air Force’s shameful recruitment fiasco from 2022 – when it was discovered that female and ethnic minority candidates were prioritised over white male recruits, regardless of suitability.
There is a strong case to be made that this breached employment law, and was thus illegal. The head of the RAF at the time, Sir Mike Wigston, conveniently managed to avoid any real public scrutiny, though his reputation rightly lies in ruins after trying to defend the shambolic and disgraceful policy. His successor, Sir Richard Knighton, has since apologised over the affair.
I hate to break it to anybody reading this, but forcing equality of outcome on something as important as the nation’s defence is not the solution to our recruiting crisis. Military housing and accommodation needs urgently improving. MoD contracts for poor service providers need to be cut and offered to better managed contractors.
Pay needs to rise at least in average with other public sector bodies, if not far higher given the skill sets required and the risks to life which we routinely ask our men and women in uniform to run on our behalf. The government needs to improve the offer, and create working conditions more in-line with expectations of the society of today, whilst balancing the need to retain combat lethality.
There’s a wider problem in society, too. For a long time now, the disciples of affirmative action and critical race theory have been at work. All groups have been prioritised except one, to the point where it is often a serious disadvantage to be a white male, particularly when it comes to getting a promotion or a job – as in the case of the RAF in recent times.
Another British example was the recent case of the TV station Channel 4, in which protests were made over the appointment of five new directors, four of whom were white. This was deemed to be too many, despite the fact that slightly more than 80 per cent of British people are white. A US example is the recent case of accounting firm PWC, which has belatedly been forced to allow white people apply for its internship scheme.
It’s not really a surprise, then, that young white men have apparently become less willing to defend at risk of their lives a society which discriminates against them and blames them for all the evils of history – evils which they themselves had nothing to do with.
Recently, the US Supreme Court has moved to end affirmative action in higher education. It should be eliminated in other areas, too.
This kid died. Where are the protest? I see new videos like this every day. The corporate media are pushing a narrative that white people deserve to die. The real white privilege is living in a world where it’s open season on you.
_________________ HR + HB = Hrvatska domovina. Za dom.
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