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Autor/ica Poruka
 Naslov: Re: Hoće li roditelji uskoro u Hrvatskoj braniti djeci ići u školu?
PostPostano: 10 ožu 2024, 16:59 

Pridružen/a: 02 svi 2009, 17:45
Postovi: 6998
Sayeret Matkal je napisao/la:
Hroboatos je napisao/la:

Jesi li ti stvarno toliko----lud?
Musk jest lud, ali da svatko mora biti kao on, to je bez komentara.

https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/23/heal ... ex.htmlThe number of gender-affirming surgeries rose from 4,552 in 2016 to 13,011 in 2019, declining only slightly to 12,818 during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, when many hospitals cut back on all surgeries. The number of medical appointments related to gender identity disorder rose from 13,855 in 2016 to 38,740 in 2020, the study found.

Dakle, od 13.000 do oko 40.000, a većina od toga su kozmetičke promjene.
I to u zemlji od 330 milijuna.

U Iranu ih ima više, o Thailandu da ne govorimo.

Lupate idiotarije.

Stavljaš podatke iz 2016, eksplozija se dogodila u zadnje 3 godine LGBT-a kao i tih operacija.
Broj je narastao sa tih tvojih 40 000 na 4 miliona.

Musk idiot?

4 mlijuna?

Ti si lud.

What are the national estimates of gender-affirming surgery in the US?

The absolute number of GAS procedures rose from 4552 in 2016 to a peak of 13 011 in 2019 and then declined slightly to 12 818 in 2020.Aug 1, 2023

https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamane ... le/2808707

Results A total of 48 019 patients who underwent GAS were identified, including 25 099 (52.3%) who were aged 19 to 30 years. The most common procedures were breast and chest procedures, which occurred in 27 187 patients (56.6%), followed by genital reconstruction (16 872 [35.1%]) and other facial and cosmetic procedures (6669 [13.9%]). The absolute number of GAS procedures rose from 4552 in 2016 to a peak of 13 011 in 2019 and then declined slightly to 12 818 in 2020. Overall, 25 099 patients (52.3%) were aged 19 to 30 years, 10 476 (21.8%) were aged 31 to 40, and 3678 (7.7%) were aged12 to 18 years. When stratified by the type of procedure performed, breast and chest procedures made up a greater percentage of the surgical interventions in younger patients, while genital surgical procedures were greater in older patients.

 Naslov: Re: Hoće li roditelji uskoro u Hrvatskoj braniti djeci ići u školu?
PostPostano: 10 ožu 2024, 17:12 

Pridružen/a: 13 lis 2023, 11:37
Postovi: 1056
Hroboatos je napisao/la:
Sayeret Matkal je napisao/la:
Stavljaš podatke iz 2016, eksplozija se dogodila u zadnje 3 godine LGBT-a kao i tih operacija.
Broj je narastao sa tih tvojih 40 000 na 4 miliona.

Musk idiot?

4 mlijuna?

Ti si lud.

What are the national estimates of gender-affirming surgery in the US?

The absolute number of GAS procedures rose from 4552 in 2016 to a peak of 13 011 in 2019 and then declined slightly to 12 818 in 2020.Aug 1, 2023

https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamane ... le/2808707

Results A total of 48 019 patients who underwent GAS were identified, including 25 099 (52.3%) who were aged 19 to 30 years. The most common procedures were breast and chest procedures, which occurred in 27 187 patients (56.6%), followed by genital reconstruction (16 872 [35.1%]) and other facial and cosmetic procedures (6669 [13.9%]). The absolute number of GAS procedures rose from 4552 in 2016 to a peak of 13 011 in 2019 and then declined slightly to 12 818 in 2020. Overall, 25 099 patients (52.3%) were aged 19 to 30 years, 10 476 (21.8%) were aged 31 to 40, and 3678 (7.7%) were aged12 to 18 years. When stratified by the type of procedure performed, breast and chest procedures made up a greater percentage of the surgical interventions in younger patients, while genital surgical procedures were greater in older patients.

Stavljaš članak iz 2020 kako bi umanjio broj, to radiš planski ili jer si glup? Broj se dupla svake godine, 2022 su imali 1.6 miliona a danas 4 miliona i to većina djece

https://www.reuters.com/world/us/new-st ... 022-06-10/

https://www.axios.com/2022/06/10/transg ... cla-report

About 1.6 million people in the U.S. are transgender, and almost half of them are teenagers and young adults, according to a new report based on government health surveys.

Driving the news: About 43% of the U.S. transgender population is between the ages of 13 and 24, per a June report released by the UCLA Williams Institute.

 Naslov: Re: Hoće li roditelji uskoro u Hrvatskoj braniti djeci ići u školu?
PostPostano: 10 ožu 2024, 17:18 

Pridružen/a: 13 lis 2023, 11:37
Postovi: 1056
Amerika danas ima 5 posto svjetske populacije i 55 posto transgendera.

Toliko o tome da su neuspješni, spominješ Iran :D

1980 90 posto bijelih kršćana, 2024 oko 50 posto bijelaca.

To su činjenice koliko god ti izmišljao ili lažirao

 Naslov: Re: Hoće li roditelji uskoro u Hrvatskoj braniti djeci ići u školu?
PostPostano: 10 ožu 2024, 17:51 

Pridružen/a: 02 svi 2009, 17:45
Postovi: 6998
Sayeret Matkal je napisao/la:
Hroboatos je napisao/la:

4 mlijuna?

Ti si lud.

What are the national estimates of gender-affirming surgery in the US?

The absolute number of GAS procedures rose from 4552 in 2016 to a peak of 13 011 in 2019 and then declined slightly to 12 818 in 2020.Aug 1, 2023

https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamane ... le/2808707

Results A total of 48 019 patients who underwent GAS were identified, including 25 099 (52.3%) who were aged 19 to 30 years. The most common procedures were breast and chest procedures, which occurred in 27 187 patients (56.6%), followed by genital reconstruction (16 872 [35.1%]) and other facial and cosmetic procedures (6669 [13.9%]). The absolute number of GAS procedures rose from 4552 in 2016 to a peak of 13 011 in 2019 and then declined slightly to 12 818 in 2020. Overall, 25 099 patients (52.3%) were aged 19 to 30 years, 10 476 (21.8%) were aged 31 to 40, and 3678 (7.7%) were aged12 to 18 years. When stratified by the type of procedure performed, breast and chest procedures made up a greater percentage of the surgical interventions in younger patients, while genital surgical procedures were greater in older patients.

Stavljaš članak iz 2020 kako bi umanjio broj, to radiš planski ili jer si glup? Broj se dupla svake godine, 2022 su imali 1.6 miliona a danas 4 miliona i to većina djece

https://www.reuters.com/world/us/new-st ... 022-06-10/

https://www.axios.com/2022/06/10/transg ... cla-report

About 1.6 million people in the U.S. are transgender, and almost half of them are teenagers and young adults, according to a new report based on government health surveys.

Driving the news: About 43% of the U.S. transgender population is between the ages of 13 and 24, per a June report released by the UCLA Williams Institute.

Ćlanak je iz 2023. To nije ni 4 milijuna, ai nema veze ni s čim. To je samoizjašnjavanje koje se mijenja od mjeseca do mjeseca, obična blesavoća i hirovitost klinaca u odrastanju koja nema nikakve posljedice u zbilji.

Rekoh već da si mentalno poremećen.

 Naslov: Re: Hoće li roditelji uskoro u Hrvatskoj braniti djeci ići u školu?
PostPostano: 10 ožu 2024, 18:11 

Pridružen/a: 13 lis 2023, 11:37
Postovi: 1056
Hroboatos je napisao/la:
Sayeret Matkal je napisao/la:
Stavljaš članak iz 2020 kako bi umanjio broj, to radiš planski ili jer si glup? Broj se dupla svake godine, 2022 su imali 1.6 miliona a danas 4 miliona i to većina djece

https://www.reuters.com/world/us/new-st ... 022-06-10/

https://www.axios.com/2022/06/10/transg ... cla-report

About 1.6 million people in the U.S. are transgender, and almost half of them are teenagers and young adults, according to a new report based on government health surveys.

Driving the news: About 43% of the U.S. transgender population is between the ages of 13 and 24, per a June report released by the UCLA Williams Institute.

Ćlanak je iz 2023. To nije ni 4 milijuna, ai nema veze ni s čim. To je samoizjašnjavanje koje se mijenja od mjeseca do mjeseca, obična blesavoća i hirovitost klinaca u odrastanju koja nema nikakve posljedice u zbilji.

Rekoh već da si mentalno poremećen.

Djeca sva ne koriste operacije, neka djeca uzimaju muške ili ženske hormone od 7 godine i tako uništavaju svoje tijelo za vrijeme puberteta zauvijek i imaju 20 puta veće šanse za samoubojstvo od normalne djece.

Podržavaš li sličnu politiku za RH? Izbacivanje iz škola djece koja tvrde da postoje muškarac i žena? Njegovanje kulta smrti?

"To je samoizjašnjavanje koje se mijenja od mjeseca do mjeseca" :D

 Naslov: Re: Hoće li roditelji uskoro u Hrvatskoj braniti djeci ići u školu?
PostPostano: 10 ožu 2024, 18:26 

Pridružen/a: 13 lis 2023, 11:37
Postovi: 1056
Stari kako ti misliš da to ide? Hormoni za vrijeme pubereta ženski muškom djetetu i misliš kako dijete može ispraviti svoj hir kasnije?

Ili ako ga odrežeš kasnije i dođeš sve će biti ok?

Musk je upravo o tome pričao kao o kultu smrti, mladim Amerikancima je ispran mozak.

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