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 Naslov: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 29 ožu 2024, 00:44 

Pridružen/a: 26 tra 2023, 00:54
Postovi: 2324
aka muslimanska sola scriptura vs muslimanski talmud


Što kažu forumski "muslimani" na ovo ?

Iuste ambulans coram Deo pretium non habet
Tko pronađe sarkazam nek si ga zadrži.

 Naslov: Re: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 29 ožu 2024, 00:51 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 38728
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Zašto Alavite ne priznaju za muslimane?

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 29 ožu 2024, 01:18 

Pridružen/a: 26 tra 2023, 00:54
Postovi: 2324
daramo je napisao/la:
Zašto Alavite ne priznaju za muslimane?

Starije je od islama. Nije branch islama, već influenced by islam.

"Alevism took shape long before Islam with influences from Central Asian faiths such as Shamanism, Zoroastrianism, and Manichaeanism. Later, after the emergence of monotheistic religions, it was influenced by Judaism and Christianity. Finally it was most strongly influenced by Islam and adopted by the trinity of God, Mohammed, and Ali as its guide" (1 Oct. 2004).


Iuste ambulans coram Deo pretium non habet
Tko pronađe sarkazam nek si ga zadrži.

 Naslov: Re: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 29 ožu 2024, 10:34 

Pridružen/a: 12 lis 2018, 20:35
Postovi: 208
I koji su tocno od ovih nasih susjedi?

 Naslov: Re: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 29 ožu 2024, 11:38 

Pridružen/a: 26 tra 2023, 00:54
Postovi: 2324
Osnivač Muhamedanstva je Perzijanac Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl ibn Ibrāhīm al-Juʿfī al-Bukhārī.

Ancestry and early life

Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari al-Ju'fi was born after the Friday prayer on Friday, 21 July 810 (13 Shawwal 194 AH) in the city of Bukhara in Greater Khorasan in present-day Uzbekistan.[2][3][4][5] He has been described as Persian [6][7][8] and his father was Ismail ibn Ibrahim, a scholar of hadith and a student of Malik ibn Anas, Abd Allah ibn al-Mubarak, and Hammad ibn Salamah.[6][9] Ismail died while Al-Bukhari was an infant. Al-Bukhari's great-grandfather, Al-Mughirah, settled in Bukhara after accepting Islam at the hands of Bukhara's governor, Yaman al-Ju'fi. As was the custom, he became a mawla of Yaman, and his family continued to carry the nisba "al-Ju'fi."[10]

Al-Mughirah's father, Bardizbah (Persian: بردزبه), is the earliest known ancestor of Al-Bukhari according to most scholars and historians. Bardizbah was a Zoroastrian Magi. Taqi al-Din al-Subki is the only scholar to name Bardizbah's father, who he says was named Bazzabah (Persian: بذذبه). Little is known of both of them except that they were Persian and followed the religion of their people.[6][11][12] Historians have also not come across any information on Al-Bukhari's grandfather, Ibrahim ibn al-Mughirah (Arabic: إبراهيم ابن المغيرة, romanized: Ibrāhīm ibn al-Mughīrā).[6]

Stoga ne treba čuditi sljedeća činjenica.

Jews at the time faced Jerusalem when praying. The Qur’an shows that Muslims
prayed towards Jerusalem first; only later did they pray towards Mecca. This is a clear
example of syncretism at work. The similarity is obvious.

Zoroastrianism has also been shown to have been an influence on salāt. One of
Muhammad’s first followers was Salmān the Persian. Salmān had been at one time a
priest in a Zoroastrian fire temple. He was thus privy to the practice of Zoroastrian
prayer. Because it was the elite rather than the laity who had the obligation to uphold
correct practice, Salmān would have had an intimate understanding of how Zoroastrian
prayer was practiced.

This included ritual washing and prayer five times a day. Thus,
there was close contact between Muhammad, his early followers and at least one person
who had firsthand knowledge of Zoroastrian prayer ritual.

The similarities between Zoroastrian washing, prayer times and salāt are clear.

As in the Jewish tradition, washing with earth and water was a practice in Zoroastrianism.
Unlike Jewish practice, however, earth was required in ritual washing, rather than serving
as an alternative to water. However, that the practice existed indicates the possibility for
syncretic influence. It is likely that the presence of this practice in both Zoroastrian and
Jewish ritual mutually reinforced this aspect of salāt.

More clearly a Zoroastrian influence is praying five times a day. In the Qur’an
five times for prayer is not explicitly stated
. However, it is clear from hadith that
Muhammad prayed five times a day
. Because of contact and similarity, it seems that the
tradition of performing salāt five times a day was influenced by the Zoroastrian tradition


Iuste ambulans coram Deo pretium non habet
Tko pronađe sarkazam nek si ga zadrži.

 Naslov: Re: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 29 ožu 2024, 11:40 

Pridružen/a: 26 tra 2023, 00:54
Postovi: 2324
Burekspinat je napisao/la:
I koji su tocno od ovih nasih susjedi?


Iuste ambulans coram Deo pretium non habet
Tko pronađe sarkazam nek si ga zadrži.

 Naslov: Re: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 30 ožu 2024, 08:58 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1354
Veoma zanimljivo.

Sklepotina svih monoteističkih religija je jedina prava religija.

Širenje Islama mačom i ognjem je naravno misionarski pothvat religije mira.

The sheep tremble and here come the votes
Thrown from tha throat, new cages and scapegoats

Undressed and blessed by Lord, the same Devil that ran around Managua with a sword.

 Naslov: Re: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 30 ožu 2024, 10:24 

Pridružen/a: 30 ožu 2024, 09:13
Postovi: 287
Koji od ovih su "najnormalniji" iz perspektive kršćanstva za miran suživot? Ima li takvih?

 Naslov: Re: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 30 ožu 2024, 11:53 

Pridružen/a: 26 tra 2023, 00:54
Postovi: 2324
Zahumlje je napisao/la:
Koji od ovih su "najnormalniji" iz perspektive kršćanstva za miran suživot? Ima li takvih?

Možda ovi Kuranisti. S nijednim Muhamedancima se dokazano ne može.

Hajj (pilgrimage)

Extra-Quranic traditions in the Hajj, such as kissing or hugging the black stone and the symbolic stoning of the devil by throwing stones are rejected and seen as shirk by Quranists.[47][48]

Ridda (apostasy)

According to Sunni hadith, a Muslim who leaves his religion should be killed.[49] However, since Quranists do not accept hadith and no command to kill apostates can be found in the Quran, they reject this procedure. In addition, 2:256,[50] which states that "there shall be no compulsion/pressure in religion", is taken into account and everyone is allowed to freely decide on their religion.[51][52][46]


Some Quranist movements allow polygamy only on the condition of the adoption of orphans who have mothers and do not want to lose them, as the concerning verse 4:3 set the condition after the 'Battle of Uhud' where many of the male companions martyred; but other Quranist movements argue that although it is not explicitly banned, polygamy is a thing of the past because the regulations which are contained in the Quran are very strict and they have been fulfilled by almost nobody on Earth, therefore polygamy cannot be practiced anymore. In the extremely rare case in which it may be practiced, there is a strict limit on the number of wives, which is four.[53][54][46]

Military Jihad

Most Quranist movements interpret the "holy war" as a solely defensive war, because according to them that is the only type of war allowed in the Quran. A war is only "holy" when Muslims are threatened on their own lands. Therefore, unlike the Sunnis and Salafi-Jihadis, for the Quranists "holy war" does not refer to an offensive war against non-Muslim countries or communities in any circumstances.[53][54][46]

Dress code

Clothing does not play a key role in Quranism. All Quranist movements agree that Islam has no sets of traditional clothing, except the rules described in the Quran. Therefore, beards and the hijab are not necessary.[53][54][46]


Although there are Quranist tafsir works, for the most part Quranists do not have tafsir and do not think that it is needed. They believe the Quran does not give anyone the authority to interpret because, as stated in Quran, Allah sends guidance individually.[54][53][46]

Quranists see circumcision as irrelevant; circumcision is not mentioned in the Quran.
Quranists see Eid al-Fitr (festival of breaking the fast) and Eid ul-Adha (Islamic festival of sacrifice) as merely cultural holidays, not holy.
Quranists do not consider the headscarf (hijab) for women to be obligatory.
Quranists believe cremation is permissible in Islam as there is no prohibition in the Qur'an against cremation, and that burial is not the only Islamic method that is approved by God.[59][60]
Quranists are strictly against torture.
Quranists are strictly against stoning to death of adulterers or homosexuals because stoning is not mentioned in the Quran.
Quranists are against the prohibition of music, singing, drawing, making sculpture and statues. This includes drawings of prophets.
Quranists are against the prohibition for a man to wear gold or silk, to shave his beard, etc.
Quranists do not consider dogs unclean or to be avoided.
Quranists do not believe in Imam Mahdi or the Dajjal, as they are not mentioned in the Quran.


Iuste ambulans coram Deo pretium non habet
Tko pronađe sarkazam nek si ga zadrži.

 Naslov: Re: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 01 tra 2024, 22:56 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2020, 19:06
Postovi: 344
Lokacija: Obečano zemljište
Nije nego od naše vjere sve ostale izlaze. A da su Islam i države koje je stvorio bile toliko totalitarne, ne bi ni Iberija ni Balkan ni Rusija bila toliko kjafirska.

القوة تكمن في التفاني

 Naslov: Re: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 01 tra 2024, 23:21 

Pridružen/a: 26 tra 2023, 00:54
Postovi: 2324
TI si zoroastrijanac ?

Iuste ambulans coram Deo pretium non habet
Tko pronađe sarkazam nek si ga zadrži.

 Naslov: Re: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 15 tra 2024, 09:37 

Pridružen/a: 02 tra 2012, 11:30
Postovi: 6294
Covik sve reko

Elvedin Pezić: Haram je zvono na mobitelu, svaka vrsta muzike je haram

“Doći će vrijeme kad će ljudi poludjeti, i kad budu vidjeli jednoga koji nije luda kao oni, vikat će na njega “lud si” samo zato što nije lud kao što su oni.”

 Naslov: Re: Kuranisti v Muhamedanci
PostPostano: 15 tra 2024, 09:45 

Pridružen/a: 26 tra 2023, 00:54
Postovi: 2324
Bernard Lewis je napisao/la:
"Iran was indeed Islamized, but it was not Arabized. Persians remained Persians. And after an interval of silence, Iran reemerged as a separate, different and distinctive element within Islam, eventually adding a new element even to Islam itself. Culturally, politically, and most remarkable of all even religiously, the Iranian contribution to this new Islamic civilization is of immense importance. The work of Iranians can be seen in every field of cultural endeavor, including Arabic poetry, to which poets of Iranian origin composing their poems in Arabic made a very significant contribution. In a sense, Iranian Islam is a second advent of Islam itself, a new Islam sometimes referred to as Islam-i Ajam. It was this Persian Islam, rather than the original Arab Islam, that was brought to new areas and new peoples: to the Turks, first in Central Asia and then in the Middle East in the country which came to be called Turkey, and India. The Ottoman Turks brought a form of Iranian civilization to the walls of Vienna..."[31]


Iuste ambulans coram Deo pretium non habet
Tko pronađe sarkazam nek si ga zadrži.

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Započni novu temu Odgovori  [ 13 post(ov)a ] 

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