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 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 11:48 

Pridružen/a: 04 tra 2022, 14:01
Postovi: 7735
Lokacija: Jug
Naša Kvačica je napisao/la:
Rusi napadaju na nekoliko frontova. Možemo li reći počela je ta najavljivana svibanjska ofanziva?

Ako očekuješ neke kilometarske manevre u dubini Ukrajinske teritorije, ništa od toga, osim ako Ukrajinci sami ne uteknu kao Rusi iz Hersona.

Jednostavno, ovo je rat dronova i pokolj tehnike (logistike) po njivama.

Selo po selo i grad po grad, uz utvrdjivanje novih položaja.
Artiljerijska priprema, pa zatim kreni, uzmi naselje, utvrdi novi položaj u osvojenom mestu, obezbedi logistiku, pa opet artiljerija i FAB-ovke za prvo sledeće.

Sporo ali tako mora. U Dombasu će to proći jer je gusto naseljen.
Sad čekamo da vidimo koliko i kakvu je PVO dobila Ukrajina, to će opet usporiti stvari. Rusi imaju još mesec dana da uzmu šta mogu i da čekaju izbore u Americi.. :)


Srbijanski ukruh

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 13:22 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2019, 23:54
Postovi: 5393
Lokacija: Svjetski poznat oslobođeni grad na istoku Srpske
Butch@Cassidy je napisao/la:
Legionnaire je napisao/la:

SAD, Njemačka, Poljska itd su kategorički protiv slanja vojske u Ukrajinu, jer im je jasno ko dan da će to prerasti u svjetski rat. Makron je govorio oko 2000 legionara, ali sve su prilike da je to bila samo retorika ne bili se Rusi odvratili.

I ti bi mogao da razmisliš o tome. Da li si spreman rizikovati padanje bombi (da, i onih nuklearnih) po Hrvatskoj, za tvoj internet đir podrške Ukrajini?

Ovdje se radi o budućnosti jedne od najmnogoljudnije i gotovo u cijelosti bijele zemlje na svijetu (što je danas rijetkost) i tu ne mogu biti ravnodušan.

Da je Ukrajina odbila NATO, ništa joj ne bi falilo. To više nije propaganda Rusa, sam Stoltenberg je potvrdio.

Da nije bilo državnog udara 2014te, još uvijek bi imala Krim. A ta Ukrajina bi bila još bijelja nego ova danas.

PuTiN jE mIsLiO uZeTi KiJeV za TrI dAnA!

Do Dnjepra+ Odesa+Nikoljaev ✓

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 13:27 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2019, 23:54
Postovi: 5393
Lokacija: Svjetski poznat oslobođeni grad na istoku Srpske
JNA je napisao/la:
Naša Kvačica je napisao/la:
Rusi napadaju na nekoliko frontova. Možemo li reći počela je ta najavljivana svibanjska ofanziva?

Ako očekuješ neke kilometarske manevre u dubini Ukrajinske teritorije, ništa od toga, osim ako Ukrajinci sami ne uteknu kao Rusi iz Hersona.

Jednostavno, ovo je rat dronova i pokolj tehnike (logistike) po njivama.

Selo po selo i grad po grad, uz utvrdjivanje novih položaja.
Artiljerijska priprema, pa zatim kreni, uzmi naselje, utvrdi novi položaj u osvojenom mestu, obezbedi logistiku, pa opet artiljerija i FAB-ovke za prvo sledeće.

Sporo ali tako mora. U Dombasu će to proći jer je gusto naseljen.
Sad čekamo da vidimo koliko i kakvu je PVO dobila Ukrajina, to će opet usporiti stvari. Rusi imaju još mesec dana da uzmu šta mogu i da čekaju izbore u Americi.. :)


Ne može dovijek ovako se odugovlačiti. Sada ide sporo, jer još imaju i ljudi i oružja, a toga ponestaje. Po njihovim riječima treba im 500.000 ljudi za efektivnu odbranu, a to ne mogu skupiti.

Možemo očekivati mislim veći proboj do kraja godine. SAD će pokušati odužiti do izbora.

PuTiN jE mIsLiO uZeTi KiJeV za TrI dAnA!

Do Dnjepra+ Odesa+Nikoljaev ✓

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 15:09 

Pridružen/a: 13 ožu 2011, 23:11
Postovi: 8202
Koja su sela zjanila u zadnja 24 sata?
Do rata nisam ni znao da oko Sarajeva imaju Špicasta Stijena, Kromolj, Mrkovici, Žuč ,Mala Kula....,
Sad opet Jovo nanovo:
Berdychi is finally lost.

The situation worsened in Novokalynovo and Umansky.

The enemy began attacks in the direction of Novopokrovsky.

Krasnohorivka is sinking.

South of Novomykhailivka, the occupier had success.

Yes, the enemy very successfully selected the timing for the advance.

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 15:37 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 15:45
Postovi: 32780
Mar-kan je napisao/la:
Biće lupanja...

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 16:45 

Pridružen/a: 28 srp 2022, 18:46
Postovi: 10743
Lokacija: banana
Upozorenja: 2
Ne znam Markane, nisam general. Ali mi ni mozak koka nije bas do te mjere popila pa da ne pamtim "hiljade i hiljade" gamechangera do sad. A vamo Rusi "svakoga dana u svakom pogledu sve vise napreduju".


 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 17:22 

Pridružen/a: 21 kol 2020, 19:26
Postovi: 5312
JNA je napisao/la:
Haram je napisao/la:
IzvinjaJEM se, Dan Europe, naravno.


Dan Leoparda.. :D

Dan pobjede nad Evropom =))

Sponzor lige hokejaških prvaka, brzog klizanja i ostalih zimskih sportova - vaš Gazprom.

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 18:31 

Pridružen/a: 28 tra 2024, 18:13
Postovi: 1
Evo citam i ne vjerujem. Većina su obični anglosax i germanski peraci guzica...ali shvatam. Nema vise ili ili....ili si za ********,trande, atak na polove, drogescinu i sve nenormalno, ili si za Rusiju. Šta vise kome nije jasno? EU je samo cukica od Amerike a na ljudi na vlasti su obične cukice. Ali budi se desnica u Europi.

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 18:31 

Pridružen/a: 19 ožu 2023, 08:20
Postovi: 302
Pobjeđivao je i Nijemac u Francuskoj 1918.

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 19:46 

Pridružen/a: 22 ožu 2024, 13:29
Postovi: 291
Mar-kan je napisao/la:
Mar-kan je napisao/la:
Biće lupanja...

Baš me zanima mogu li ATACMS projektili srušiti Krimski most?
Odgovor ćemo vjerujem uskoro saznati :gun_bandana

Ne boj se raja, ne boj se pakla. Za Ukrajinu, za pobjedu, idemo do kraja!

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 19:50 

Pridružen/a: 14 vel 2020, 17:12
Postovi: 4001
Butch@Cassidy je napisao/la:
Mar-kan je napisao/la:

Baš me zanima mogu li ATACMS projektili srušiti Krimski most?
Odgovor ćemo vjerujem uskoro saznati :gun_bandana

Beskorisno trošenje projektila od ionako ograničenog broja proizvedenih.

Je l' moguće da ste zaspali na straži,
zakletva barjaku da više ne važi?
Je l' moguće da ste zavezali oči,
i ne čujete tuđe korake u noći?

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 20:33 

Pridružen/a: 04 tra 2022, 14:01
Postovi: 7735
Lokacija: Jug
Sprema se sajam NATO oružja u Moskvi..




Srbijanski ukruh

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 20:37 

Pridružen/a: 14 vel 2020, 17:12
Postovi: 4001
Moraju se rusi nečemu diviti, zapadnim filmovima, glazbi, autima, elektronici, sada i vojnoj tehnici :D

Je l' moguće da ste zaspali na straži,
zakletva barjaku da više ne važi?
Je l' moguće da ste zavezali oči,
i ne čujete tuđe korake u noći?

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 20:41 

Pridružen/a: 04 tra 2022, 14:01
Postovi: 7735
Lokacija: Jug
Ima i tabla sa specifikacijama ispred svakog orudja.. :D

Srbijanski ukruh

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 20:51 

Pridružen/a: 04 tra 2022, 14:01
Postovi: 7735
Lokacija: Jug
Na telegramu ima snimaka (18+) kako je 47. ukrajinska pronadjena ("neutralisana") kod napuštenog Berdičija.
Ima ih dosta polegalih.

Takodje snimci kako ruski dronovi love Ukrajince i sakate ih (takodje težak 18+). Bukvalno za svakog skoro po jedan dron.

Azovci (preostali) se žale da je ozbiljan krah u vojsci i da rado Ukrajinac ide u vojnike, dva ga vuku a trojica tuku.

Rusi ih izgleda jako mlate u rogove.

Srbijanski ukruh

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 20:52 

Pridružen/a: 27 kol 2019, 23:54
Postovi: 5393
Lokacija: Svjetski poznat oslobođeni grad na istoku Srpske
JNA je napisao/la:
Na telegramu ima snimaka (18+) kako je 47. ukrajinska pronadjena ("neutralisana") kod napuštenog Berdičija.
Ima ih dosta polegalih.

Takodje snimci kako ruski dronovi love Ukrajince i sakate ih (takodje težak 18+). Bukvalno za svakog skoro po jedan dron.

Azovci (preostali) se žale da je ozbiljan krah u vojsci i da rado Ukrajinac ide u vojnike, dva ga vuku a trojica tuku.

Rusi ih izgleda jako mlate u rogove.

Koji kanal?

PuTiN jE mIsLiO uZeTi KiJeV za TrI dAnA!

Do Dnjepra+ Odesa+Nikoljaev ✓

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 20:55 

Pridružen/a: 14 vel 2020, 17:12
Postovi: 4001
JNA je napisao/la:
Na telegramu ima snimaka (18+) kako je 47. ukrajinska pronadjena ("neutralisana") kod napuštenog Berdičija.
Ima ih dosta polegalih.

Takodje snimci kako ruski dronovi love Ukrajince i sakate ih (takodje težak 18+). Bukvalno za svakog skoro po jedan dron.

Azovci (preostali) se žale da je ozbiljan krah u vojsci i da rado Ukrajinac ide u vojnike, dva ga vuku a trojica tuku.

Rusi ih izgleda jako mlate u rogove.

Tebi to zanimljivo? Nagon zvjeri jači od ljudskosti?

Je l' moguće da ste zaspali na straži,
zakletva barjaku da više ne važi?
Je l' moguće da ste zavezali oči,
i ne čujete tuđe korake u noći?

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 21:00 

Pridružen/a: 02 svi 2009, 17:45
Postovi: 7047
Više je to od gubitka tehnike, a nažalost i ljudi.
Rusi su, dio po dio, izabrali put Sjeverne Koreje. Potpuni promašaj u civilizacijskoj orijentaciji.

Drugačije misle poludjeli ljudi kao Lošo:

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 21:03 

Pridružen/a: 09 tra 2017, 22:00
Postovi: 3356
I lošo kod četnika u gostovanju.

5. avgust 1995. - Dan ujedinjenja Srbijanaca i Srba iz regiona.

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 21:07 

Pridružen/a: 02 svi 2009, 17:45
Postovi: 7047
Primarijus je napisao/la:
I lošo kod četnika u gostovanju.

Malo sam gledao, jedva koju minutu, no to je sprdnja. Srbi amo-tamo, a Lošo njima o Oluji kao super stvari, o Crvenoj Hrvatskoj, Ilirima qrcima palcima..... i skrenuo na luđačke teorije o Rusiji, no ostaje kao veliki Hrvat- iako luđak- a jadni Srbi ne znaju što bi s njim...

Mislim...totalna sprdnja, ako tko ima vremena neka pogleda i kaže svoj dojam, možda sam krivo ocijenio s tih par klikanja.

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 21:22 

Pridružen/a: 02 svi 2009, 17:45
Postovi: 7047
Dobra analiza Rusa, iako sam to znao i odprije ...

https://visegradinsight.eu/russia-a-thr ... r01042015/

Russia – a threat against Europe forever?Understanding the historical development of the Russian state
Miltiades Varvounis 1 April 2015

If anyone wants to understand why Russia has always been a mortal threat against the West, it is essential to examine the historical development of the Russian state. With the exception of the Central European peoples, westerners often consider Russia through the sphere of the Soviet Union and the Second World War. But we must look further back if we wish to understand the Russian nation and Kremlin’s long-term imperialistic aims and motivations.

A Byzantine-Asiatic culture

A simple explanation of the historically cultural elements and traditions that have influenced Russia and its civilization is much needed here. The confrontation between Russia and the Free World is often portrayed as a clash between East and West; and since the rise of Russia as a world power, the country has always been considered a representative of Asianism. Historical analysis, however, has revealed that Russia has a complex identity, a Byzantine-Asiatic one, which stands in sharp contrast with the values of the Western civilization.

The Byzantine Empire, indeed, contributed to the shaping of the country’s political culture and social organization by providing Russians with the gift of Orthodoxy. The millennium-old strong and unbroken presence of the Orthodox faith in Russia resulted in an ultra-conservative, anti-intellectual, anti-democratic, and xenophobic worldview that kept Russia isolated from the West for a number of centuries.
But one should remember that Mongols and Tatars ruled Russia from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century. These warriors of the steppe brought despotism, backwardness and ignorance to Russia. And it was this painful experience that caused Russia’s traditional adherence to the curbing of freedom and also Kremlin’s hostile attitude towards neighboring states.
The effects of the Mongol rule over Russian lands were profound and it influenced greatly the political, social, and religious facets of Russia. The very Mongolian cultural impacts are still evident today in Russia from on the language to on the form of the government. Had the chance been given to experience the Renaissance, as had the other European states, the political, religious and social thought structure of Russia would presumably differ greatly today than it really is now. However, despite the fact that the Russians became a more Asiatic nation in political and cultural terms as the result of the Mongol oppression, their deep Christian roots helped them maintain a link to Europe.

The Mongol yoke contributed to the course that Russian culture, political geography, history, and national identity would take. Nevertheless, the negative anti-western aspects of Russian political culture come not only from the Mongol Empire but also from the Byzantine world. Therefore, Byzantinism and Orthodoxy became deeply integrated with Asianism. This all-embracing Byzantinism-Asianism, a system of military theocracy-autocracy characterized by a Messianic imperialistic ideology, led to tragic results for the Russian people: a despotic state that subjugated the unfortunate Russians a long time ago and is continuing to do so. It is no wonder why the Tsarist Russia and Soviet Union were called “the prison of the peoples” and “the prison of the nations.”
To sum up, many analysts have wondered if Russians are a part of Europe. Undoubtedly, Russia has been connected to Europe for centuries. It is evident that geographically and culturally, the Russian people are actually “Eurasians” with a unique Byzantine-Asiatic mentality, not found elsewhere. However, the desperate effort of Russia to portray itself as a pure European did not prevent Russians to be hostile to the West in cultural, social and political dimensions, despite the admirable efforts of Peter the Great, actually a ruthless despot, to transform his semi-Asiatic barbaric nation into a completely modern westernized and European one.

Russia’s imperialistic ambitions

The most important idea for Russians from the fall of Byzantium until today is the idea of empire and they think they are an imperial nation with a holy mission to realize. Russian history is an unbroken chain of endless territorial expansion, bloody annexation, suffering and tragedies of conquered ethnic groups. The idea of empire has been always one of the most precious ones in Russian ideological lore and it is this that Russians proudly proclaim to other nations, especially their European and Caucasian neighbors, who had suffered for a long time under the Kremlin’s totalitarian rule.

The history of Russian imperialism began in the sixteenth century. From its very beginning, Russian expansion was steeped in the religious doctrine of the “Third Rome,” which was borrowed from the Byzantine tradition. However, the holy mission to “liberate” Constantinople, the Dardanelles, and the Balkans had to be postponed for the future. All of the Russian state’s aggressive wars of invasion in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were against its numerous neighbors – the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Sweden, Livonia, the Khanates of Crimea, Kazan, Astrakhan, and the nomadic tribes of Siberia.

The territories which Russia acquired through her imperialistic wars from the eighteenth century to the early twentieth century (and during the Soviet period), such as Poland, Baltic States, Central Asia, Caucasus, Crimea and Finland, had no common aspects with the rest of Russian territory. These conquered regions were so different from the Russian authoritarian state in all conceivable aspects such as nationality, culture, traditions, and religion. For that reason, several cases of enforced Russification took place in most of the occupied areas, including the Eastern-Central European ones at the same time as the fact that tribes such as the Uralic and Volga-Finnic peoples were completely assimilated and their cultures disappeared.

It also has to be mentioned that the control of the Polish and Lithuanian lands by the Tsarist Russia (and later by the USSR) always threatened the fragile European balance of power and it proved disastrous for the West on several occasions since the nineteenth century. Poland, the heart of Europe, was not called Antemurale Christianitatis (Bulwark of Christendom) without a reason. The Poles did not only defend the values of the Western civilization from the Ottomans, but also from the Russian Empire’s anti-western holy divine mission (or the USSR’s anti-western mission of global Communist revolution) to expand itself against the Latin heretics and pluralism of the West.

The most important characteristic of the Russian and Soviet imperialism has always been the maximization of territorial expansion for the realization of economic, cultural and political interests as it has been one of the important principles of state policy. Moreover, it is not an exaggeration to say that the despotic states of Tsarist Russia and the USSR were built on the corpses of the non-Russian conquered peoples, who suffered for centuries under the yoke of the Kremlin’s imperialistic domination.

Russian paranoid mentality

Apart from the Russian expansionist agenda, a paranoid “besieged by the West” mentality has characterized the foreign policy and strategic thinking of the Kremlin for centuries. This anti-western dimension of Russia has a deeper layer. We have to keep in mind that Russia’s national identity has historically been shaped in opposition to its traditional military enemies – its European neighbors. The specific root of this phenomenon is linked to Catholicism that was historically perceived by the Russians as an obstacle to their Orthodox Messianic mission.
However, Russia did not only invade, but also was invaded a few times. The Russians saw all foreign invaders – Polish and Lithuanian forces, Napoleon – as hateful symbols of Western civilization that tried to destroy the last bastion of Orthodoxy. The Kremlin’s manipulation efforts of public opinion always try to emphasize those invasions, repeating ad nauseam for decades that the West is plotting to encircle Russia and invade and destroy the Russian “exceptional soul.”

So what is the main objective of Russian deceptive propaganda? It is the method of the aggressor playing the victim by using the classic “the West wants to dismember Russia and control her resources” motto. And such methods are enough to turn the tables by turning the invaders into victims in the eyes of the public. This kind of rhetoric enables effectively the Russian elites to officially justify their aggressive foreign policy by presenting it as defense-through-attack.
Another problem for the West is that Russia has established an image of being a champion of conservative values. Since the West is in decline, where political correctness, ultra-progressivism, unlimited materialism and globalization threaten the moral and traditional values of the Western civilization, Russia follows the steps of militant Islam by taking advantage of the West’s moral decay. To achieve its purposes, Russia seeks to be a great ally for European conservatives and right-wing political parties on issues like defending the values of family and religion against a tide of liberal “pro-gay” progressive way of life without limits.

Clearly, the Kremlin’s ambitious – but unrealistic – aim is to control several European countries, marking an end to American hegemony over Europe and also the end of the dominant power of the Free World. Nevertheless, Russia’s target audience is not only the right-wing fringes of western politics but also people in what was once called the Soviet sphere of influence in the ex-Eastern Bloc, the Middle East and even Africa. Russian academics, diplomats and journalists with the assistance of several dangerous European apologists or fifth columnists have taken an active role, building a powerful coalition of pro-Russian conservative circles. No need to analyze further why these Moscow’s European influential “agents” (who can be found in Central European countries as well) are the Russia’s Trojan Horse into the West.
Ultra-conservative values, international diplomacy, effective propaganda and “information aggression” by Moscow’s great-in-size trolling armies and western fifth columnists with a political or academic voice are apparently the main fields where the Kremlin is exercising its international influence.


Unfortunately for the Free World, Russia is decisively back as a dangerous major global player, glorifying nationalism and militarism that once again threaten peace and stability in Europe. No matter how hard the European apologists of Kremlin try to excuse Russia’s imperialistic foreign policy, History is not on their side; for History tells us that since the sixteenth century, the Tsarist Russia, the USSR and post-Soviet Russia, traditional enemies of the values of democracy and freedom have been responsible for nearly sixty wars of aggression against its neighbors.
In its nature, Russian civilization is anti-western and it is based on antagonism towards foreign civilizations and especially towards values such as democracy, civil liberties, individualism, and humanism. Undoubtedly, Russian identity belongs to a non-western civilization “code” as a successor of the Byzantine Empire. Russia will only be able to move forward and become a successful member of the new world of the twenty-first century by embracing completely western values, thus abandoning Byzantine-Asiatic totalitarianism and the “Third Rome” expansionist ideology. But what price Europe will have to pay for that almost impossible transformation is entirely another matter.

Miltiades Varvounis is a prominent Greek-Polish historian and freelance writer, with a thorough knowledge of the history of Central Europe. He has written several books in Greek and English, including “Jan Sobieski: The King Who Saved Europe.”

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 21:52 

Pridružen/a: 28 srp 2022, 18:46
Postovi: 10743
Lokacija: banana
Upozorenja: 2
Uopste ne vidim nikakvog izlaza vise za Ukrajince. Osim ako se bukvalno ne odvoje od NATO i ne kleknu pred Rusima na koljena.

Sto je prilicno nerealno. Tako da ce im stradanje i dalje ici, sve do totalnog puknuca.

Nevjerovatno je sta im zapadnjacki lihvari uradise a morali su biti svjesni toga da Rusija nece dozvoliti da im ovi skacu po glavi.


 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 22:05 

Pridružen/a: 04 svi 2020, 20:58
Postovi: 132
Lokacija: Hanoj
Hroboatos je napisao/la:
Dobra analiza Rusa, iako sam to znao i odprije ...

Zločesti Rusi, postoje, imaju veliku državu i vojsku, ne žele raskomadavanje svoje zemlje, imaju svoju autentičnu kulturu i duhovnost već 1000 godina, podmuklo se brane od Hitlera, Napoleona i NATO i svojim hrišćanskim vrednostima kvare planove sotonističkog globalnog totalitarizma.

Ma kako ih nije sramota

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 22:46 

Pridružen/a: 28 lis 2023, 19:52
Postovi: 273
Ujka Ho je napisao/la:
Hroboatos je napisao/la:
Dobra analiza Rusa, iako sam to znao i odprije ...

Zločesti Rusi, postoje, imaju veliku državu i vojsku, ne žele raskomadavanje svoje zemlje, imaju svoju autentičnu kulturu i duhovnost već 1000 godina, podmuklo se brane od Hitlera, Napoleona i NATO i svojim hrišćanskim vrednostima kvare planove sotonističkog globalnog totalitarizma.

Ma kako ih nije sramota

Dobro si sumirao.
Boomer vjeruje u izumrle mitološko-romantičarske reprezentacije Zapada.
Ne vidi da je to sada civilizacija Georgea Floyda.

"Pobijedili smo, naime, Murata, onoga oholog sina i slugu Sotone..."

 Naslov: Re: Rusija napala Ukrajinu, Vol.2
PostPostano: 28 tra 2024, 22:49 

Pridružen/a: 28 lis 2023, 19:52
Postovi: 273
Ne valja navodni euroazijanizam Rusije i Putina, bolji je naš euroafrikanizam i euroarabizam.

"Pobijedili smo, naime, Murata, onoga oholog sina i slugu Sotone..."

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