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 Naslov: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 18:14 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
Učitelj engleskoga u Japanu, anarhist, novinar, James Corbett je jedan od vodećih alternativnih medija već duže vrijeme. Svoju karijeru je započeo slučajno, kad se počeo zanimati oko napada na tornjeve u 2001.

Mene su najviše dojmili njegovi dokumentarci, iako radi i podcaste, newslettere, i sav prateći sadržaj.

Blagi libertarijanac, teški anarhist, govornik na TED Talk-u, freethinker, teoretičar zavjera.


The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 18:16 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261

Njegova verzija događaja uz prateće izvore , citate i novinske vijesti

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 18:29 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
Ako niste gledali ništa iz njegove kolekcije, preporučujem ovaj video.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 18:43 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
Nastavak politike i uvjerenja NWO, lažni mesija, big daddy, lopov, EUGENIČAR

Njegova smrdljivost.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 20:35 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
That story, the official story of the origins of World War I, is familiar enough by now: In 1914, Europe was an interlocking clockwork of alliances and military mobilization plans that, once set in motion, ticked inevitably toward all out warfare. The assassination of the Archduke was merely the excuse to set that clockwork in motion, and the resulting “July crisis” of diplomatic and military escalations led with perfect predictability to continental and, eventually, global war. In this carefully sanitized version of history, World War I starts in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914.

But this official history leaves out so much of the real story about the build up to war that it amounts to a lie. But it does get one thing right: The First World War was the result of a conspiracy.

To understand this conspiracy we must turn not to Sarajevo and the conclave of Serbian nationalists plotting their assassination in the summer of 1914, but to a chilly drawing room in London in the winter of 1891. There, three of the most important men of the age—men whose names are but dimly remembered today—are taking the first concrete steps toward forming a secret society that they have been discussing amongst themselves for years. The group that springs from this meeting will go on to leverage the wealth and power of its members to shape the course of history and, 23 years later, will drive the world into the first truly global war.

Their plan reads like outlandish historical fiction. They will form a secret organization dedicated to the “extension of British rule throughout the world” and “the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of a British Empire.” The group is to be structured along the lines of a religious brotherhood (the Jesuit order is repeatedly invoked as a model) divided into two circles: an inner circle, called “The Society of the Elect,” who are to direct the activity of the larger, outer circle, dubbed “The Association of Helpers” who are not to know of the inner circle’s existence.

“British rule” and “inner circles” and “secret societies.” If presented with this plan today, many would say it was the work of an imaginative comic book writer. But the three men who gathered in London that winter afternoon in 1891 were no mere comic book writers; they were among the wealthiest and most influential men in British society, and they had access to the resources and the contacts to make that dream into a reality.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 20:49 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
But that story, properly told, begins somewhere unexpected. Not in Pennsylvania with the first commercial drilling operation and the first oil boom, but in the rural backwoods of early 19th century New York State. And it doesn’t start with crude oil or its derivatives, but a different product altogether: snake oil.

“Dr. Bill Livingston, Celebrated Cancer Specialist” was the very image of the traveling snake oil salesman. He was neither a doctor nor a cancer specialist; his real name was not even Livingston. More to the point, the “Rock Oil” tonic he pawned was a useless mixture of laxative and petroleum and had no effect whatsoever on the cancer of the poor townsfolk he conned into buying it.

He lived the life of a vagabond, always on the run from the last group of people he had fooled, engaged in ever-more-outrageous deceptions to make sure that the past wouldn’t catch up with him. He abandoned his first wife and their six children to start a bigamous marriage in Canada at the same time as he fathered two more children by a third woman. He adopted the name “Livingston” after he was indicted for raping a girl in Cayuga in 1849.

When he wasn’t running away from them or disappearing for years at a time, he would teach his children the tricks of his treacherous trade. He once bragged of his parenting technique: “I cheat my boys every chance I get. I want to make ’em sharp.”

A towering man of over six feet and with natural good looks that he used to his advantage, he went by “Big Bill.” Others, less generously, called him “Devil Bill.” But his real name was William Avery Rockefeller, and it was his son, John D. Rockefeller, who would go on to found the Standard Oil monopoly and become the world’s first billionaire.

The world we live in today is the world created in “Devil” Bill’s image. It’s a world founded on treachery, deceit, and the naïveté of a public that has never wised up to the parlor tricks that the Rockefellers and their ilk have been using to shape the world for the past century and a half.

This is the story of the oiligarchy.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 20:50 

Pridružen/a: 02 stu 2009, 22:36
Postovi: 2712
Imena te trojke, sa titulama?

"Ne funkcionira BiH zato sto je podjeljena, vec je podjeljeljena zato sto ne funkcionira"

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 21:07 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
Tomba17 je napisao/la:
Imena te trojke, sa titulama?

When, at the time of Rhodes’ death in 1902, this “secret” society decided to partially reveal itself, it did so under the cloak of peace. It was only because they desired world peace, they insisted, that they had created their group in the first place, and only for the noblest of reasons that they aimed to “gradually absorb the wealth of the world.”

But contrary to this pacific public image, from its very beginnings the group was interested primarily in war. In fact, one of the very first steps taken by this “Rhodes Round Table” (as it was known by some) was to maneuver the British Empire into war in South Africa. This “Boer War” of 1899–1902 would serve a dual purpose: it would unite the disparate republics and colonies of South Africa into a single unit under British imperial control, and, not incidentally, it would bring the rich gold deposits of the Transvaal Republic into the orbit of the Rothschild/Rhodes-controlled British South Africa Company.

The war was, by the group’s own admission, entirely its doing. The point man for the operation was Sir Alfred Milner, a close associate of Rhodes and a member of the secret society’s inner circle who was then the governor of the British Cape Colony. Although largely forgotten today, Alfred Milner (later 1st Viscount Milner) was perhaps the most important single figure in Britain at the dawn of the 20th century. From Rhodes’ death in 1902, he became the unofficial head of the roundtable group and directed its operations, leveraging the vast wealth and influence of the group’s exclusive membership to his own ends.

When Rhodes’ co-conspirator and fellow secret society inner circle member William Stead objected to war in South Africa, Rhodes told him: “You will support Milner in any measure that he may take short of war. I make no such limitation. I support Milner absolutely without reserve. If he says peace, I say peace; if he says war, I say war. Whatever happens, I say ditto to Milner.”

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 21:22 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
The Boer War, involving unimaginable brutality—including the death of 26,000 women and children in the world’s first (British) concentration camps—ended as Rhodes and his associates intended: with the formerly separate pieces of South Africa being united under British control. Perhaps even more importantly from the perspective of the secret society, it left Alfred Milner as High Commission of the new South African Civil Service, a position from which he would cultivate a team of bright, young, largely Oxford-educated men who would go on to serve the group and its ends.

And from the end of the Boer War onward, those ends increasingly centered around the task of eliminating what Milner and the Round Table perceived as the single greatest threat to the British Empire: Germany.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 21:23 

Pridružen/a: 02 svi 2009, 17:45
Postovi: 7150
Milnor je dokaz da su konspiratori kratkovidni drugorazredni ljudi.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 21:51 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
The first major coup occurred in 1899, while Milner was still in South Africa launching the Boer War. That year, the Milner Group ousted Donald Mackenzie Wallace, the director of the foreign department at The Times, and installed their man, Ignatius Valentine Chirol.

Chirol, a former employee of the Foreign Office with inside access to officials there, not only helped to ensure that one of the most influential press organs of the Empire would spin all international events for the benefit of the secret society, but he helped to prepare his close personal friend, Charles Hardinge, to take on the crucial post of Ambassador to Russia in 1904, and, in 1906, the even more important post of Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 21:56 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
In order to finish the coup, they needed to install one of their own as Foreign Secretary. And, with the appointment of Edward Grey as Foreign Secretary in December of 1905, that’s precisely what happened.

Sir Edward Grey was a valuable and trusted ally of the Milner Group. He shared their anti-German sentiment and, in his important position of Foreign Secretary, showed no compunction at all about using secret agreements and unacknowledged alliances to further set the stage for war with Germany.

HOF: He became foreign secretary in 1905, I believe, and the foreign secretary in France was of course Delcassé. And Delcassé was very much anti-German and he was very passionate about the recovery of Alsace-Lorraine, and so he and the king hit it off very well together. And Edward Grey shared this anti-German feeling with the king—as I explained in my book how he came to have that attitude about Germany. But in any case, he had the same attitude with the king. They worked very well together. And Edward Grey very freely acknowledged the heavy role that the king played in British foreign policy and he said that this was not a problem because he and the king were in agreement on most issues and so they worked with very well together.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 22:09 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
The pieces were already beginning to fall into place for Milner and his associates.

With Edward Grey as foreign secretary, Hardinge as his unusually influential undersecretary, Rhodes’ co-conspirator Lord Esher installed as deputy governor of Windsor Castle where he had the ear of the king, and the king himself—whose unusual, hands-on approach to foreign diplomacy and whose wife’s own hatred of the Germans dovetailed perfectly with the group’s aims—the diplomatic stage was set for the formation of the Triple Entente between France, Russia and Great Britain.

With France to the west and Russia to the east, England’s secret diplomacy had forged the two pincers of a German-crushing vise.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 22:43 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
In retrospect, the machinations that led to war are a master class in how power really operates in society. The military compacts that committed Britain—and, ultimately, the world—to war had nothing to do with elected parliaments or representative democracy.

When Conservative Prime Minister Arthur Balfour resigned in 1905, deft political manipulations ensured that members of the Round Table, including Herbert Henry Asquith, Edward Grey and Richard Haldane—three men who Liberal leader Henry Campbell-Bannerman privately accused of “Milner worship”—seamlessly slid into key posts in the new Liberal government and carried on the strategy of German encirclement without missing a step.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 23:01 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
This is how the cabal functioned: efficiently, quietly and, convinced of the righteousness of their cause, completely uncaring about how they achieved their ends. It is to this clique, not to the doings of any conspiracy in Sarajevo, that we can attribute the real origins of the First World War, with the nine million dead soldiers and seven million dead civilians that lay piled in its wake.

But for this cabal, 1914 was just the start of the story. In keeping with their ultimate vision of a united Anglo-American world order, the jewel in the crown of the Milner Group was to embroil the United States in the war; to unite Britain and America in their conquest of the German foe.

Across the Atlantic, the next chapter in this hidden history was just getting underway.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 21 srp 2024, 23:07 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
N.W.O- Ujedinjena engleska govorna područja.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 22 srp 2024, 13:40 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
Bill Gates is no public health expert.

He is not a doctor, an epidemiologist or an infectious disease researcher. Yet somehow he has become a central figure in the lives of billions of people, presuming to dictate the medical actions that will be required for the world to go “back to normal.”

The transformation of Bill Gates from computer kingpin to global health czar is as remarkable as it is instructive, and it tells us a great deal about where we are heading as the world plunges into a crisis the likes of which we have not seen before.

This is the story of How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health.

But, once reviled for the massive wealth and the monopolistic power that his virus-laden software afforded him, Gates is now hailed as a visionary who is leveraging that wealth and power for the greater good of humanity.

KLAUS SCHWAB: "If in the 22nd century a book will be written about the entrepreneur of the 21st century [. . .] I’m sure that the person who will foremost come to the mind of those historians is certainly Bill Gates."

ANDREW ROSS SORKIN: "I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that Bill Gates is singularly—I would argue—the most consequential individual of our generation. I mean that."

ELLEN DEGENERES: "Our next guest is one of the richest and most generous men in the world. Please welcome Bill Gates."

JUDY WOODRUFF: "At a time when everyone is looking to understand the scope of the pandemic and how to minimize the threat, one of the best informed voices is that of businessman and philanthropist Bill Gates."

The process by which this reinvention of Gates’ public image took place is not mysterious. It’s the same process by which every billionaire has revived their public image since John D. Rockefeller hired Ivy Ledbetter Lee to transform him from the head of the Standard Oil hydra into the kind old man handing out dimes to strangers.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 22 srp 2024, 22:21 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
"But someone would have talked,” say the self-styled skeptics who believe the government’s official conspiracy theory of 9/11. “After all, every major conspiracy has its whistleblowers, doesn’t it?”

But there’s a problem with this logically fallacious non-argument. “Someone” did talk. In fact, numerous people have come out to blow the whistle on the events of September 11, 2001, and the cover-up that surrounds those events.

These are the stories of the 9/11 Whistleblowers.

In 2001, Kevin Ryan was the site manager at Environmental Health Laboratories (EHL) in South Bend, Indiana. At the time, EHL was a subsidiary of Underwriters Laboratories (UL), a global safety consulting and certification corporation that tests a range of consumer and industrial products for compliance with government safety standards. Among many other things, UL provides fire resistance ratings for structural steel components to insure compliance with New York City building codes.

Just weeks after the events of September 11, 2001, UL’s then-CEO, Loring Knoblauch, visited Ryan’s EHL lab in South Bend. During his speech there, Knoblauch assured the lab’s workers that UL “had certified the steel in the World Trade Center buildings” and “that we should all be proud that the buildings had stood for so long under such intense conditions.” Knowing UL’s role in producing a fire resistance directory and providing ratings for steel components, Ryan thought little of the statement at the time.

But Ryan’s curiosity about UL’s role in the certification of the World Trade Center steel was piqued when, in 2003, he began to question the lies that the Bush administration had used to justify the invasion of Iraq, and, eventually, to question the official story of September 11th itself. Recalling Knoblauch’s comments about UL’s role in certifying the Trade Center steel shortly after 9/11, Ryan began to take a professional interest in the official investigation into the Twin Towers’ destruction, an investigation in which UL itself was to play a part.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 22 srp 2024, 22:26 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
As Ryan began to learn more about the issues involved with the destruction of the towers and the ongoing investigation into that destruction, his concerns only grew.

Why had the actual steel evidence of the towers’ destruction been illegally removed and disposed of before a proper investigation could take place? Why did not one or two, but three modern, steel-frame buildings completely collapse due to fire on 9/11 given that such an event had never taken place before?

Why did the towers fail at all when John Skilling, the structural engineer responsible for designing the towers, claimed in 1993—just five years before his death—that his own analysis of jet plane crashes and ensuing fires in the towers had concluded that “the building structure would still be there”? And why had Knoblauch himself bragged about UL’s role in testing the World Trade Center steel—a test that would have rated the floor components for two hours of fire resistance and the building columns for three hours—when the North Tower “failed” in 102 minutes and the South Tower came down in just 56 minutes?

These concerns prompted Ryan, in October 2003, to write directly to Loring Knoblauch, outlining his thoughts and “asking what [Knoblauch] was doing to protect our reputation.” But if Ryan was expecting Knoblauch to put his mind at ease about these issues, he was sorely disappointed. Instead, Knoblauch—who included Tom Chapin, then the head of UL’s fire resistance division, in the email chain—wrote a response that only raised more questions than it answered

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 22 srp 2024, 22:35 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
KEVIN RYAN: Knoblauch copied Tom Chapin on his response to me, because it was Tom’s job as the leader of the fire resistance division to really address these kinds of things. And interestingly, Tom Chapin had written a letter to the editors at The New York Times in 2002 where he basically admitted, again, that UL’s testing had been behind the fire resistance of the World Trade Center towers.

And so I’ve written about that a little bit, but he was very clear that the World Trade Center stood for as long as it did because of UL’s testing. And the problem of course with that is that the South Tower lasted for only 56 minutes after it was hit, and the testing that was required by New York City code was three hours of fire resistance for the columns and two hours for the floor assemblies.

So 56 minutes and those ratings do not add up. That’s just not something that should go unquestioned.

So Loring Knoblauch wrote back to me after my questions in—it must have been October 2003 when I wrote to him. He wrote back to me a month later and he said all these things about how the company had tested the steel components used to build the World Trade Center towers.

What he meant is we had tested samples of those and provided ratings for fire resistance to the New York City code—again, three hours for columns and two hours for floor assemblies. And that information established the confidence that the buildings would stand in those fire durations. And the test that was used was ASTM E119, which is the standard test used for this purpose. And UL is the leader in doing that testing, so it wasn’t a surprise.

And not only that, but NIST—the government agency NIST [the National Institute of Standards and Technology]—had made clear in some of their progress reports that UL had consulted with the construction companies for the World Trade Center towers, and throughout the building of the buildings that UL had provided that information. So it’s really not a surprise at all.

And Tom Chapin replied further to me that the NIST agency was doing an investigation and asked me, basically, to have patience. And I did for maybe the next year.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 23 srp 2024, 10:05 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261
In 2002, NIST began its three-year, $16 million study of the Twin Towers’ “failure.” Tom Chapin had assured Ryan that UL was cooperating with this investigation and that his concerns would be allayed once the final report was released.

But by 2004, it was already clear that there were serious problems with that report and its preliminary findings, including findings from tests conducted by UL on mock-ups of the WTC floor assemblies that contradicted NIST’s own conclusions about the buildings’ destruction.

RYAN: Well, it’s very important to understand that with the official accounts for the World Trade Center, there were a number of explanations given in the early years. And for the towers the one that was settled upon and that lasted for three years was the pancake theory.

And the pancake theory was this concept where the floor assemblies had heated up and sagged and this steel had softened or weakened and then they started to collapse upon each other in a pancake fashion. And then the columns basically just folded inward.

So that was the official account, really. It was given by the FEMA investigators Corley and Thornton and others—who coincidentally had also given us the official account for the Oklahoma City bombing. But in this video from the television program Nova, it was captured for everyone’s benefit in little videos . . . animations. And so the pancake theory was the official account.

And UL tested the floor assemblies basically for the possibility of this in August 2004. So this was, again, nine months or ten months after I had asked my original questions. And they did so by using different assemblies with varying amounts of fireproofing.

One of the assemblies had basically no fireproofing on it at all, and they ran it through this furnace in this ASTM E119 test and concluded in the end that there would be no collapse. That the floors would not collapse even at temperatures and times greater than what we’re seeing at the World Trade Center.

And they made that clear. NIST made this clear, that the pancake theory was not supported.

So that left us all at that time with no explanation, in 2004, three years later. Having invaded Iraq, having done so much to invest in the official account that the World Trade Center had been destroyed by these planes. And that was a difficult situation for NIST and for everyone.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: The Corbett Report: Politika i povijest koju niste učili u školi.
PostPostano: 24 srp 2024, 15:09 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1261

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

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