Kad su katolici u pitanju onda je to Tianzhu, a katoličanstvo Tiānzhǔjiào (天主教, "Religion of the Lord of Heaven").
Tian - 天 (Literal meaning heaven, nature)

Tianzhu je također povijesni kineski naziv za Indiju.
Tianzhu is the historical Chinese name for India. Tenjiku (meaning "heaven") is the obsolete Japanese word for ancient India, being the Japanese pronunciation of the archaic Chinese name for India, "Tianzhu".
Tianzhu is the historical East Asian name for India that comes from the Chinese transliteration of the Persian Hindu, which itself is derived from the Sanskrit Sindhu, the native name of the River Indus. Tianzhu is the one of the Chinese translation of River Sindhu.
Tianzhu was also referred to as Wutianzhu (五天竺, literal meaning is “Five Indias”)