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Naslov: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 08 ruj 2024, 18:07 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
 Globalno poznat kao Saturn, no zapravo se krije iza mnogo naziva i pseudonima kroz povijest, pa da nabrojimo neke. Kronos- Grčki bog vremena, žetve, obično prikazivan sa vranom, kosom i srpom.  Saturn- Rimski bog vremena, žetve, bogatstva, prikazivan sa kosom i srpom  Odin- Germanski bog vremena, smrti, rata, znanja, liječenja, prikazivan sa vranom. Preko 150 različitih naziva zabilježeno.  Englezi su otišli toliko daleko da su čak dva dana u tjednu posvetili istom božanstvu, saturn-day i woden-day :) Pernata zmija- Mezoameričko božanstvo, pojavljuje se u svim američkim kulturama pod drugim imenom. :max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/mexico-teotihuacn-temple-of-quetzalcoatl-detail-of-carved-head-of-plumed-serpent-152837776-56ffc73b5f9b58619528738b.jpg) Veles- Poznata planina kraj Mostara, slavenski bog bogatstva, materijalizma, podzemlja, smrti, prikazivan također dualistički( što je i glavni motiv čitave teme, zapravo), rogovi, brada, tijelo zmije sa krilima.  Veliki arhitekt svemira, Svevideće oko, Univerzalni monarh- Bog masona, koji se u 33. stupnju otkrije kao Lucifer iliti Saturn, Sotona.  Davidova zvijezda i kaaba simboliziraju upravo istu stvar, Saturn.    Križ je još jedan tlocrtni prikaz kocke. Zapravo,kad se uđe duboko u simbolistiku i ezoteriju starih simbola i naziva,svi neupitno vode prema Saturnu. Sva solarna božanstva su obožavanje drugog sunca, ne onog na koje obično mislimo. Objašnjenje je vrlo jednostavno, semitski narodi, mezoamerički i nordijski su uvijek dan započinjali noću, tj od 6 sati poslijepodne. Citat: The Saturn Theory, comparative mythology and the Thunderbolts Electric Universe theory suggest that Saturn may have been our first Sun or was at least associated as a Sun. The Sun and Saturn are two very different celestial objects. Yet the Babylonians appeared to ‘confuse’ the two… or was it just the translators of the Babylonian texts? Thompson in his introduction to his collection of astrological reports has noticed that the planet Saturn was also designated as Šamaš, i.e. “sun” by the Babylonian-Assyrian astrologers and he quotes the statement of Hyginus to the effect that Saturn was called the star of the sun.
The profile of the great “sun” gods presents a fascinating dilemma. During the past century several authorities noticed that Greek and Latin astronomical texts show a mysterious confusion of the “Sun” — Greek Helios, Latin Sol — with the outermost planet, Saturn. Though the designation seems bizarre, the expression star of Helios or star of Sol was applied to Saturn! Of the Babylonian star-worshippers the chronicler Diodorus writes: “To the one we call Saturn they give a special name, ‘Sun-Star’”.
Similarly, the Greek historian Nonnus gives Kronos as the Arab name of the “sun,” though Kronos meant only Saturn and no other celestial body.
Hyginus, in listing the planets, names first Jupiter, then the planet of Sol, others say of Saturn.
A Greek ostrakon, cited by the eminent classicist, Franz Boll, identifies the Egyptian sun god Ra, not with our sun, but with the planet Saturn. This repeated confusion of the Sun and Saturn seems to make no sense at all.
One fact beyond dispute is that the word Helios did become the Greek word for our Sun, just as the Latin Sol gave his name to our Sun. The same can be said for the older Shamash and Ra: the names of these gods became the names for the solar orb. But that’s where the connection with our Sun ends and the mystery of Saturn, the Universal Monarch, begins. Citat: Here is a remarkable fact: though numerous figures of the Universal Monarch are translated conventionally as the “sun” god, the celestial power invoked by the world’s first religions is not the body we call [the] sun today. In fact the star-worshippers specifically distinguished it from our Sun by calling it best sun, the primeval sun, the central sun.
Natives of Mexico recall that prior to the present age, an exemplary sun ruled the world, but this was not the sun of today. His name was Quetzalcoatl. The Maya maintained essentially the same idea, calling the primeval sun god Huracan. The Incas of Peru spoke of a former sun superior to the present sun. To the ancient Egyptians, the sun god Atum-Ra, the model ruler, reigned over the fortunate era for a time, then retired from the world. The Sumerian An, ruling with “terrifying splendor,” was the central luminary of the sky, but not our sun, and later departed to a more remote domain.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 08 ruj 2024, 19:01 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 08 ruj 2024, 19:59 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Sumerski "solarni" sustav. 
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 08 ruj 2024, 20:04 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Sumerski "solarni" sustav.  
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 08 ruj 2024, 20:48 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 08 ruj 2024, 21:59 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 08 ruj 2024, 22:06 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
 Odin odobrava.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 08 ruj 2024, 22:11 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 08 ruj 2024, 22:22 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Citat: He stands waiting at the edge of the forest; fierce Hunter, tender guardian, lover of mirth and revelry. He is Cernunnos, Herne, Pan, the Horned God, the Green Man. He brings life to nature each spring and hunts the woods in autumn.
He sacrifices himself at Lughnasadh and is reborn at the Winter Solstice; He marries the Goddess at Beltane and is the King of fertility as He impregnates Her at the Summer Solstice. 
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 08 ruj 2024, 22:27 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Bog magije i vještičarenja Citat: The Wiccan god himself can be represented in many forms, including as the Sun God, the Sacrificed God and the Vegetation God
The Goddess and her son-consort, the Horned God of Wicca, we are referring to the archetype or source energies of the feminine and masculine aspects of ultimate power. They are the creative female and male principles, acting not in opposition to each other but as complementary and necessary parts of a whole. All the named goddesses and gods in witchcraft represent the different qualities of these supreme forms, for example the goddesses of the hunt, or specific forms in different cultures.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 11 ruj 2024, 14:51 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Citat: In Hindu mythology, Saturn appears as the god Sani, holder of the secrets of fate. One could predict the future through use of a Saturn diagram, which represents the planet’s path through our skies. This god is so malevolent that a single glance from the evil-eyed deity burned off the head of the infant Ganesa, god of good fortune and prosperity. Associated with childhood disease, Sani demonstrates that not even a god’s luck can stand against the inevitability that Saturn represents.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 11 ruj 2024, 15:01 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Citat: For some Native Americans, the planet represents that winter is coming. Australian Aboriginal beliefs identify Saturn as the creator of the stars and the world. For the people of the Andean region of South America, Saturn is associated with fertility, agriculture, and the god Pacha Kamaq. The planet even signifies death, acting as a guide to the afterlife for some indigenous African cultures.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 11 ruj 2024, 15:18 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Citat: The crescent and the star which appear upon both the civil red flag of Turkey, and on the sacred green flag of Mohammedanism, is not a symbol of the Turks, though many believe that it originated with them, nor is it a symbol of the earlier Greeks of Constantinople.
It is as old as the civilization of man, for its origin may be found in the witchcraft or astrology of the Babylonians of more than 6000 years ago.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 11 ruj 2024, 16:42 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Citat: Saturn is known in Vedic astrology as the “lame one.’ His metal is lead. He sinks rather than rises. He stands for much of what early Christianity holds to be the greatest impediments to spiritual growth, such as greed, materialism, inequity, cruelty to innocence and the epitome of the Jealous god.
Moloch is Saturn by another name. As the god of money, he emphasizes the materialism of Saturn. More grotesquely, he is known as the god who demanded child sacrifices, consumed by a furnace in his belly.
We live in a world where millions of children are sacrificed to the god of money by their labour in dark mines and backbreaking work of all kinds. Their childhoods have in effect be consumed by the worship of Moloch, aka Saturn. Moloch is without mercy. The current global economic appetite requires the poor to manufacture or mine items that they could never afford for themselves.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 11 ruj 2024, 16:59 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Citat: Statue of Moloch had been placed at the entry to the Colosseum in Rome, best known as the site of Christians sacrificed to wild animals and gladiators for entertainment and as an admonition that Christianity was an enemy of Rome – to be shown no mercy.
What is particularly curious about this story, is that the statue was put there with the apparent blessing of the Vatican.
The article states the following by way of explanation;
“Previously, the Catholic Church had made the Colosseum a sacred site to honor these first Christians martyred for their faith, even placing Stations of the Cross there for the faithful to contemplate their sacrifice. Now it’s guarded by the pagan god Molech, whose demand for child sacrifice has been compared to the modern epidemic of abortion, and the faithful are greeted with a statue honoring a pagan deity whose murderous spirit still seeks to kill children.” 
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 15 ruj 2024, 13:53 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
 Citat: The Star of David, known in Hebrew as Magen David which means the Shield of David is the symbol of Israel. It is considered to be both a Jewish and a Christian symbol, but there is no evidence that King David ever used this symbol - it is not found anywhere in the Bible or in Jewish literature. The six pointed star/hexagram is one of the most ancient and universal symbols - it was the symbol of Molech and Ashtoreth. Citat: The worship of the foreign gods Astarte, Milcom, Chemosh (Ba’al) and Molech (Set, Saturn) involved heterosexual and homosexual sexual orgies, human sacrifice and cannibalism. The result was that the Lord was angry with Solomon to the extent that He said: I will surely tear the kingdom from you and give it to your servant. (1 Kings 11/11) Citat: The number 666 is associated with Solomon in 1 Kings 10:14 and 2 Chronicles 9:13 which state that the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred sixty-six talents of gold - the number of the beast in Revelation 13/18. Citat: The Israelites clearly had a ‘star god’ which was one of the reasons God removed them to Babylon:
No; you took along the tent of Moloch, and the star of your god Rephan, the images that you made to worship; so I will remove you beyond Babylon.' (Acts 7/43)
You shall take up Sakkuth your king, and Kaiwan your star-god, your images, which you made for yourselves….. (Ezra 5/26)
Satan’s title as ‘Day Star, son of Dawn’ in the NRSV indicates that the star is an important title for Satan. Citat: Rephan (also spelled Remphan and Rophan) is another name for Molech or Baal; it is also a name for Chiun, the planet Saturn (Amos 5/26). There are a lot of sixes associated with Saturn; in Latin it is Saturnus, the Roman God of the Harvest where we get the sixth day - Saturday – Satur(n)-day. Rome was once known as Saturnalia which is interesting since it is widely speculated that this is where the false prophet/second beast of Revelation will arise. Saturn is the sixth planet in our solar system with the unexplained six sided polygon at its north pole. In Chaldee it is STUR: S = 060 T = 400 U = 006 R = 200: = 666.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 15 ruj 2024, 14:15 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Citat: In ancient Egypt, Saturn was referred to as “Horus bull of the sky,” or sometimes simply shortened to “Horus the bull.”  Svi vrhovni bogovi Egipta se mogu asocirati sa Saturnom.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 15 ruj 2024, 15:04 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 15 ruj 2024, 18:44 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Citat: In wider Germanic mythology and paganism, the god was also known in Old English as Wōden, in Old Saxon as Uuôden, in Old Dutch as Wuodan, in Old Frisian as Wêda, and in Old High German as Wuotan, all ultimately stemming from the Proto-Germanic theonym *Wōðanaz, meaning 'lord of frenzy', or 'leader of the possessed'. Citat: Old Norse texts portray Odin as the son of Bestla and Borr along with two brothers, Vili and Vé, and he fathered many sons, most famously the gods Thor (with Jörð) and Baldr (with Frigg). He is known by hundreds of names. Odin is frequently portrayed as one-eyed and long-bearded, wielding a spear named Gungnir or appearing in disguise wearing a cloak and a broad hat. Citat: During the Golden Age Jupiter and Saturn revolved around the Sun in synch. The northern hemisphere of Earth always faced Saturn and Earth’s rotation produced no diurnal periods; there were no seasonal changes. We received indirect light and warmth from the Sun and some warmth and light from Saturn. The southern hemisphere was in the shadow of both Saturn and Earth and received no sunlight. It was uninhabitable and probably helped shape our imagination about the Underworld. The children of the survivors of Saturn’s capture looked at the world in wonder and discovered that everything had a name. They saw an enormous disc in the sky and called it Saturn. They saw a smaller disc in front of Saturn, decided it was Saturn’s mate, and called it Rhea.
There is an abundance of support for this scenario in the mythology of the world. I researched twenty well known world mythologies and in nineteen of them I came up with these pairings.
Greek – Kronos and Rhea
Roman – Saturn and Ops
Norse (Germanic) – Odin (Wotan) and Frigg
Irish – Elatha and Ethniu for the Fomorians
Elatha and Danu for the Tuatha De Danann
Egyptian – Atum and Lusaaset before Doomsday
Osiris and Isis after Doomsday
Sumerian – Enlil and Ninursag (also Ninlil)
Babylonian – Enlil (also Ashur) and Ninlil
Hurrian/Hittite – Kumarbi and Hebat/Hannahannah
Canaanite – El and Elat (also Asherah)
Hebrew – El unmarried
Hindu – Brahman and Devi (theologized into Brahma and Saraswati)
Maya – Itzamna and Ixchel
Aztec – Ometecuhtli (Tonacatecuhtli) and Omecihuatl (Tonacacihuatl) before Doomsday
Tezcatlipoca and Coatlicue after Doomsday
Inca – Viracocha (also known as Kon Tiki) and Mama Killa (sometimes conflated with Mama Qucha)
Sioux – Ksa and Unk
Chinese – Huangdi and Leizu
Japanese – Izanagi and Izanami
Hawaiian – Ku and Hina
The cosmology of the Golden Age was very simple: There was the sky, which the Greeks of the Golden Age called Uranus. There was Saturn, an enormous disc that filled the sky, and Rhea, a smaller disc that hovered in front of Saturn. Finally, there was the Earth, which the Greeks called Gaia. We need to remember this because every tradition has mythical lineages for generations of primordial deities. All traditions are muddled about the beginning, but some of the twenty traditions give a clear picture of sky and Earth: Citat: In addition to naming themselves, the plants and the animals, the ancients named the ocean, the light, the directions, and speech itself. These names were remembered and in Greek tradition they would be configured as Titans. However, during the Golden Age there was no need for a creation myth because very little happened. The weather was warm and there were no dramatic temperature changes. The ground was watered from a constant mist and food was abundant. Humans had not much to do but explore the world and develop their minds.
Our unusual rotation made Saturn appear to turn like a wheel in the sky, and Saturn and Rhea put on a variety of spectacular sights. Rhea stayed in place because of tidal lock and appeared to be the eye of Saturn. The Sun, which we never saw, changed Saturn’s appearance. Sometimes there was a crescent on Saturn that looked like a sickle or the horns of a bull. The diffusion of light behind Rhea gave the appearance of rays or stars with four, six or eight points. Plasma emanating from Saturn made it appear that there was a connection between Earth and Saturn, which our ancestors saw as a world mountain or tree. Veoma zanimljiva teorija.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 15 ruj 2024, 19:01 |
Pridružen/a: 08 svi 2009, 12:12 Postovi: 25520
Šanse da se cijeli Sunčev sustav izmigrira prije par tusuća godina, ne da su ravne nuli, nego su negativne.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 15 ruj 2024, 19:16 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Ceha je napisao/la: Šanse da se cijeli Sunčev sustav izmigrira prije par tusuća godina, ne da su ravne nuli, nego su negativne. Pa ni meni nije jasna onda pozicija same zemlje, zar ne obitavamo u "Goldielock" orbiti, ili je onda stvarno geocentrični sustav ? I onda nije bilo ni noći?
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 15 ruj 2024, 19:19 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Uglavnom, sve te tradicije se slažu da je Saturn imao ulogu Sjevernjače, gdje je se svod prividno vrtio oko njega.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 15 ruj 2024, 19:29 |
Pridružen/a: 08 svi 2009, 12:12 Postovi: 25520
Salivator je napisao/la: Ceha je napisao/la: Šanse da se cijeli Sunčev sustav izmigrira prije par tusuća godina, ne da su ravne nuli, nego su negativne. Pa ni meni nije jasna onda pozicija same zemlje, zar ne obitavamo u "Goldielock" orbiti, ili je onda stvarno geocentrični sustav ? I onda nije bilo ni noći? Imao si Ptolomejeve kružnice koje su poprilično točno opisivale kretanje Zemlje, a koje su heliocentirčne, dala bi se složiti neka krivulja koja bi opisala takav sustav, ali  Čemu ako je centar mase unutar Sunca. Ovo što je opisano u ovom članku je nemoguće.
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 15 ruj 2024, 19:37 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Citat: Imao si Ptolomejeve kružnice koje su poprilično točno opisivale kretanje Zemlje, a koje su heliocentirčne, dala bi se složiti neka krivulja koja bi opisala takav sustav, ali  Čemu ako je centar mase unutar Sunca. Ovo što je opisano u ovom članku je nemoguće. Da, koliko znam, ako uzmemo da se Sunce okreće oko Zemlje, ostali planeti onda da se okreću oko Sunca. I to je prilično nemoguće, rekao bih :)
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Naslov: Re: Religija Crne Kocke- Najboljeg Sunca-Univerzalnog Monarha Postano: 15 ruj 2024, 20:00 |
Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 10:49 Postovi: 2096
Meta je napisao/la: Spomeni i zemzem vodu. Meni je to poslije crne kocke najzanimljivije. U Sarajevu se može i kupiti. Donose je iz Meke. Pomijesana sa obicnom vodom isto je ljekovita. Kažu da kada je pomiješaju i ta obična voda mijenja sastav. Prvi put čujem :) Možeš slobodno objasniti sve. 
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