

Forum Hrvata BiH
Sada je: 01 lis 2024, 01:27.

Vremenska zona: UTC + 01:00 [LJV]

Započni novu temu Odgovori  [ 11 post(ov)a ] 
Autor/ica Poruka
 Naslov: Gruzija službeno zabranila LGBT propagandu, brakove jednospolnim brakovima i promjenu spola!
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2024, 19:55 

Pridružen/a: 17 ruj 2024, 19:09
Postovi: 4
Podrška braći Gruzijcima, ratuju protiv Rusije ali ispravnim kršćanskim vrijednostima se bore protiv devijatnog sotonizma sa zapada.
Nadam se kako će Ukrajina ići ovim putem.



 Naslov: Re: Gruzija službeno zabranila LGBT propagandu, brakove jednospolnim brakovima i promjenu spola!
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2024, 19:59 

Pridružen/a: 01 kol 2020, 12:37
Postovi: 18010
Gdje ratuju protiv Rusije? Nova gruzijska vlast je proruska i antizapadna

Broj učenika u osnovnim školama u USK
2013/2014 - 25,758
2023/2024 - 15,503

 Naslov: Re: Gruzija službeno zabranila LGBT propagandu, brakove jednospolnim brakovima i promjenu spola!
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2024, 20:05 

Pridružen/a: 01 kol 2020, 12:37
Postovi: 18010
Kobakhidze's government accelerated the deterioration of relations with the West, with his government being accused of sabotaging Georgia’s EU membership bid. The United States announced sanctions against Kobakhidze, members of his government, and the members of the Georgian Dream party for "undermining democracy in Georgia."

Kobakhidze elaborated that there was a coordinated effort by the "global war party of the West" to drag Georgia into the war.
Kobakhidze said that "opening a second front" would alleviate Ukraine's situation, but bring suffering and destruction to Georgia as Russia's army is considerably stronger and well equipped compared to Georgia's. Kobakhidze said that Georgia had the military means to "make the situation worse for Russia", but doing so would "come at the cost of destroying Georgia"

Kobakhidze rhetoric is that the West is trying to push Georgia into the Russo-Ukrainian War and open a "second front" of war on the Georgian territory; his rhetoric has been described as "anti-European" and "anti-American". In February 2024, when the State Security Service of Georgia announced discovery of Ukrainian explosives on Georgian territory, Kobakhidze repeated his claims that Georgia is being dragged into war: "This once again confirms what, in principle, the high-ranking officials of the Ukrainian government openly said that they wanted and probably still want: a second front in our country".

In May 2024, Kobakhidze emphasized the importance of safeguarding Georgia's independence in light of the lessons learned from Ukraine's experience. He highlighted the adverse effects of the Euromaidan on Ukraine, pointing out the external influence on the country's leadership and the subsequent lack of accountability for the turmoil that followed. By drawing attention to Ukraine's economic decline, territorial loss, and human casualties, Kobakhidze underscored the need for Georgia to prioritize its independence and protect its interests.

Razuman i mlad premijer. Vidi se da nije bumer.


Broj učenika u osnovnim školama u USK
2013/2014 - 25,758
2023/2024 - 15,503

 Naslov: Re: Gruzija službeno zabranila LGBT propagandu, brakove jednospolnim brakovima i promjenu spola!
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2024, 20:05 

Pridružen/a: 31 kol 2024, 13:00
Postovi: 333
Gilbert je napisao/la:
Podrška braći Gruzijcima, ratuju protiv Rusije ali ispravnim kršćanskim vrijednostima se bore protiv devijatnog sotonizma sa zapada.
Nadam se kako će Ukrajina ići ovim putem.

Ne ratuju više protiv Rusije, zato i idu ovim putem. Trenutnu vlast je Zapad više puta pokušao rušiti.

Ukrajina da bi išla ovim putem isto mora prestati ratovati protiv Rusije.

 Naslov: Re: Gruzija službeno zabranila LGBT propagandu, brakove jednospolnim brakovima i promjenu spola!
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2024, 20:09 

Pridružen/a: 01 kol 2020, 12:37
Postovi: 18010
Zapad ih pokušava gurnut ko kamikaze na Rusiju. 3,5 milijuna stanovnika imaju s vojskom slabijom od Hrvatske. Kad su odbili slijede sanckije i "ruše demokraciju"
Čisti sotonisti zapadnjaci.

Broj učenika u osnovnim školama u USK
2013/2014 - 25,758
2023/2024 - 15,503

 Naslov: Re: Gruzija službeno zabranila LGBT propagandu, brakove jednospolnim brakovima i promjenu spola!
PostPostano: 19 ruj 2024, 10:07 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1247
Jesu li Gruzijci izglasali zakon o stranim agentima?

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: Gruzija službeno zabranila LGBT propagandu, brakove jednospolnim brakovima i promjenu spola!
PostPostano: 19 ruj 2024, 13:32 

Pridružen/a: 01 kol 2020, 12:37
Postovi: 18010
On 15 September 2024, the Belarusian journalist Andrei Mialeshka, who has been living in Georgia since 2021, was denied entry to the country after returning from Poland.
According to the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), Mialeshka left Belarus due to political persecution and had been residing in Georgia for the past three years. The journalist and his daughter who he was travelling with were sent back to Warsaw

On 16 September, Arsen Kharatyan, the founder and editor-in-chief of the outlet Aliq Media, also reported being denied entry to Georgia. Kharatyan stated in the social media that he was detained at Tbilisi International Airport for four hours before being sent back to Europe.

Following the 2018 Velvet Revolution in Armenia, Kharatyan served as a foreign policy adviser to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, and before that worked in the United States as a reporter.

https://georgiatoday.ge/media-workers-a ... o-georgia/

Nema stranim agentima mjesta u Gruziji

Broj učenika u osnovnim školama u USK
2013/2014 - 25,758
2023/2024 - 15,503

 Naslov: Re: Gruzija službeno zabranila LGBT propagandu, brakove jednospolnim brakovima i promjenu spola!
PostPostano: 19 ruj 2024, 13:35 

Pridružen/a: 01 kol 2020, 12:37
Postovi: 18010
Freedom House: Adoption of anti-LGBT law, ‘Agents Law’ taken straight from Kremlin’s authoritarian handbook


https://georgiatoday.ge/freedom-house-a ... -handbook/

Broj učenika u osnovnim školama u USK
2013/2014 - 25,758
2023/2024 - 15,503

 Naslov: Re: Gruzija službeno zabranila LGBT propagandu, brakove jednospolnim brakovima i promjenu spola!
PostPostano: 19 ruj 2024, 13:44 

Pridružen/a: 25 pro 2023, 11:49
Postovi: 1247
Rika sv Vida je napisao/la:
Freedom House: Adoption of anti-LGBT law, ‘Agents Law’ taken straight from Kremlin’s authoritarian handbook


https://georgiatoday.ge/freedom-house-a ... -handbook/

Da naši imaju imalo pameti, uveli bi pronto ovaj zakon.

The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing;

Rush in and die!, dogs- I was a man before I was a king.

 Naslov: Re: Gruzija službeno zabranila LGBT propagandu, brakove jednospolnim brakovima i promjenu spola!
PostPostano: 19 ruj 2024, 14:10 

Pridružen/a: 13 sij 2020, 19:34
Postovi: 3988
Taj zakon o stranim agentima koju su usvojili Rusija i Gruzija je bukvalno prepisan americki zakon koji je donesen jos 1938. i koji i danas vazi.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_A ... ration_Act

Inace sef vladajuce stranke je rekao da su rat 2008. pokrenuli izdajnici i kriminalci i da Juznu Osetiju treba zamoliti za oprostaj.

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ge ... 024-09-15/

Nesto mi govori da ce na izborima koji uskoro predstoje u Gruziji opet pokusati da im uvedu demokratiju.

 Naslov: Re: Gruzija službeno zabranila LGBT propagandu, brakove jednospolnim brakovima i promjenu spola!
PostPostano: 20 ruj 2024, 12:01 

Pridružen/a: 01 kol 2020, 12:37
Postovi: 18010
Sjedinjene Države su uvele osobne sankcije protiv više od 60 dužnosnika Gruzije zbog njihove uloge u suzbijanju prosvjeda protiv Zakona o stranim agentima u Gruziji.

Broj učenika u osnovnim školama u USK
2013/2014 - 25,758
2023/2024 - 15,503

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Započni novu temu Odgovori  [ 11 post(ov)a ] 

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