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Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:08 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 08:25 Postovi: 43757 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Sa obzirom da sam jučer postavio priručnik za Hrvate, za koji ljudi kažu da je brutalno točan - čak osjećam izvjesnu dozu nelagode, kada ti neki strani antropolog i psiholog, jako precizno i detaljno. rastavi narod na proste faktore. Sa obzirom da se u hrvatskom tekstu spominjala Jugoslavija, mislim da su počeli pisati tekst negdje 2000 i kasnije nadograđivali. U srpskom tekstu spominju skori gubitak pristupa moru (ali prije gubitka Kosova), što bi sugeriralo da je pisano 2005 ili 2006 (pred referendum u Crnoj Gori). Idemo redom. Kultura: Citat: CultureReligionOrthodox Christian (10-20% Muslim) Cultural classificationMulti-active, dialogue-oriented LanguagesSerbian. Albanian and Hungarian minorities are mainly bilingual. German is fairly common. English is on the rise. Values and core beliefs One of the outstanding characteristics of the Serbs is their sense of superiority and persistent arrogance vis-à-vis other nationalities of former Yugoslavia, especially where Croats and Albanians are concerned. “Greater Serbia” remains a dream for Serbs – one which was rudely shattered in the 1990s. Paradoxically they are traditionally both pro-American (they fought on the side of the Allies in both World Wars) and pro-Russian (being Slavs and Orthodox). Relations with the Americans have deteriorated due to Serb behaviour during the recent civil war and Russia, with political and economic problems of her own, has been less of a paternal (or maternal) figure. Cultural black holesThey hate the Croats implacably and look down on other Balkan peoples and the Turks. They feel betrayed by the West and historically victimised by Austro-Hungarians, Ottomans, Croats and others. Concept of spaceSerbs stand and sit close to interlocutors. They are tactile and personal. What used to be a big country has now been reduced to a rump state. Many Serbs feel national claustrophobia, especially when losing territory, surrounded by hostile neighbours and with the prospect of soon losing their only outlet to the sea. Concept of timeSerbs are unpunctual, showing up late for most appointments.  This diagram shows multi-active and reactive concepts of the use of time, which are largely similar. Instead of getting down to immediate action, cultures such as the Japanese or Hispanic prefer to “pool” tasks and issues and “walk around the pool” for some time to contemplate a course of action which will take into account the inter-relating factors between the different elements. Nothing should be decided or determined piecemeal; action should only begin when an all-embracing solution has been constructed. Such an attitude to time leads (in the eyes of linear-actives) to annoying delays, procrastination and mañana behaviour. Linear-active cultures are interested in speed. Multi-active cultures and reactive cultures give priority to getting it right. Self imageThe Serbian male sees himself as a David standing up to a series of Goliaths. Serbian bravery is taken for granted, as is their fortitude in the face of victimisation. “Defenders of the West”, against the Turks particularly, is another description they are fond of. Hungarians and Poles say the same thing about themselves. In 1389 the Serbs suffered a resounding defeat at the hands of the Turks at the battle of Kosovo. This result marked the beginning of nearly half a millennium of Ottoman rule in Europe. Paradoxically the Serbs celebrate the date of the battle (June 28) as a national holiday and refer to Kosovo as the “cradle of the nation”. Hence the Serbian sensitivity and paranoia visible in the more recent conflicts in the region. Kosovo today is inhabited largely by Albanians.
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:11 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 08:25 Postovi: 43757 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Komunikacija: Citat: Culture: communicationCommunication patternsSerbs can be charismatic to an extraordinary degree and present themselves well to foreigners. They are renowned for efficient lobbying, especially in the UK and USA. Social or business discussions are preceded by extensive small talk. Politics is a favourite subject. Serbs are an outspoken people, unafraid to voice their strong opinions in politics or business. In order to support their arguments, it is not unknown for them to exaggerate facts and invent some others. It is advisable to take what they say with a pinch of salt. Boasting is common (Serbs do not see anything wrong with it). However they accompany their boasts with charming anecdotes. They are good at speedy repartee, but often make contradictory statements. When an opponent pounces on these, they invariably have a good excuse. If they haven’t, it is wise to find one for them as they must not lose face. They are practised complainers and are quick to exploit what they see as weakness in others. Firmness and strict adherence to facts and figures are the only remedies for dealing with them. They can be extremely generous on occasion. It is advisable to ask oneself why. Their loquacity is notorious, their oratorical skills undeniable.  In the diagrams depicting communication patterns, the depth of the initial segment generally gives some indication of the relative verbosity of the speaker. Barriers to the speech flow or progress of the meeting are shown by orange shaded divisions. At the end (on the right) there is usually a comment on what the outcome was (e.g. clarity, inconclusive, etc). Body language and non-verbal communicationExplicit, demonstrative, often fiery. Eye contact is among the strongest in Europe. Gestures with hands and shoulders typically Slav. Mobile facial expressions. Listening habitsThey are not the world’s best listeners, inasmuch as they are suspicious and lapse into cynicism easily. They are, however, swayed by sophisticated and rational discourse, especially from a Western source. They may interrupt interlocutors, but generally do so in a courteous manner. Their quick minds cause them to evaluate speakers and formulate their reply while listening.  In the diagrams depicting listening habits, the orange zones indicates the areas of receptive, uncomplicated listening. The yellow zones indicate the areas of complication or conlflict. Audience expectations at presentations• Sympathy for Serb cause • Help in difficulties • Opinions to be expressed clearly • Word-deed correlation • Some charisma • Liveliness and rhetoric • Interruptors acceptable • Audience will want to speak soon • Wary of being cornered
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:18 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 08:25 Postovi: 43757 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Interakcija: Citat: Culture: interactionConcept of statusPeople are admired for their intelligence, dexterity and ability to come out on top. Status is achieved through success in politics, especially when this serves Serb nationalism. Wealth also confers status. Gender issuesSerbia is a male-dominated society. There is little sexual equality, though some women achieve a measure of authority. Women will be charmed and flattered, but the macho psyche dominates. Serbian women are generally attractive and are unafraid of approaching foreign males. They are less daring with Serbian men, though in rural areas, their industriousness gives them more equality than in the cities. Many women travel abroad at the first opportunity. Feminism is hardly evident. Leadership styleThe Serb aristocracy and nobility was more or less eradicated by the Ottomans and Turkish dominance over Serbian peasants ensued for the next 500 years. Leadership concepts between the World Wars leant heavily on nationalistic issues and the Second World War left Tito in sole charge. He was a Croat, but represented all Yugoslavs and maintained authority in the fragmented nation successfully until his death. Leadership then was dictated by the needs and demands of each region. Serbian leaders were dictatorial – Milosevic being the prime example. In Serbia, the man in power can get away with a lot. Since Milosevic’s removal, different figures have assumed authority and although in theory the democratic process functions, power brokers are the reality. In business Serbian managers reflect the national autocratic style of leadership. There is little consensual governance or participative management. Whoever has the power makes virtually all decisions. Ex-communist leaders still wield power behind the scenes. Language of managementThe rhetorical use of Serbo-Croat is the vital tool whereby managers mould staff behaviour. Words count more than deeds – the language itself possesses Slavic richness and vitality. In spirit it is persuasive, manipulative and, with the right speaker, effectively coercive. Motivation factorsBasically Serbs are motivated by appeals to their national pride and by rallying them round their flag and aspirations. Other ways of motivating them include the following: Compare them favourably with Croatians and Slovenes Admire their vitality Give them credit for their outspoken style and frankness Share their enthusiasms Go along with their ideas, though with some caution Show them how to make money Discuss their culture, folk arts, etc Be generous Socialise (drink their drinks, if you can) Accept that coffee house networking and gossip is part of their culture AVOID Attacking their contradictory statements Too much discussion of the Civil War Praising Turks or Croats Calling them Russianised Discussing the parlous state of their economy General behaviour at meetingsSerbs turn up late for meetings and wish to carry on small talk for some time (30-60 mins) before getting down to business. During this preamble they are getting to know you and assess your strengths and weaknesses. Their initial proposals will be reasonable, optimistic and hint at expansiveness and generosity. On meeting resistance, they exhibit less cordiality and will continue to press their proposals until they see an impasse. When finally blocked they will seek the other side’s opinions and listen carefully to them. Haggling is part of the process. They will also throw in new ideas which are not part of the original agenda. These ideas have been planned in advance, but they may present them as spontaneous. They are mainly proud, but are not averse to asking for sympathy and help (especially from Westerners) if their resources appear inadequate for them to carry out their side of the bargain. Considerable formality is exercised at the outset of meetings, but they become more informal when heated or upset. They often feign righteous indignation. One has to be patient with them and resist many of their ploys. If you show that they cannot pull wool over your eyes, they descend into reality and in the process become friendly, even generous.  Multi-active people are not happy with the bullet point approach, which they see as premature conclusions reached by their linear colleagues. They prefer to take points in random order (or in order of importance) and discuss them for hours before listing bullet points as conclusions. When they see them at the beginning they feel they have been manipulated. Negotiating characteristics Alternately warmth and “anger” Manipulating of the issues Digressing from the agenda and discussing at length their “sticking points” Reluctant concessions Exaggeration of facts and attitudes Scooping up peripheral business Taking refuge in occasional ambiguities Using charm and charisma Using righteousness as a tactic Long-windedness Creative imagination Questions are often replied to by questions Dry or black humour Reluctance to admit failure of talks Try to leave doors open for future negotiations Contracts and commitmentsNot a Serbian strong point, though the dire state of their economy obliges them to comply with most agreements made. They themselves admire people who “do what they say they will do”. Their residual resentment of the West (and others) causes them, however, to seek advantage where they are able to. Manners and taboosSerbia is rich in folk lore and rural traditions. Here the country and people are seen at their best. Although traditionally a male-dominated society, Serbs still occasionally observe old-fashioned gallantry towards the gentler sex. As in Hungary and Poland (though less frequently), women’s hands may be kissed and niceties of seating and paying attentions are often seen. Drinking is common (slivovits) and often to excess. Men often drink hard liquor with black Turkish coffee first thing in the morning. It is not easy for many Westerners to join them in this habit, especially when it is accompanied by large sweet cakes. Serbian cuisine does not enjoy a great reputation, though rural cooking can be very tasty. The coffee house culture is prevalent in the cities. Many hours are spent in cafes and restaurants. Serb are traditionally interested in music, history and politics. Taboos include criticising their political record, especially such subjects as alleged atrocities and “ethnic cleansing”. How to empathize with themForeign males gain points by behaving in a macho and rather boisterous manner. Sympathise with their aspirations where you can. Hold your tongue where you cannot. Socialising, eating and drinking are useful (and non-controversial) pastimes with them. Speak out for what you believe in, loud and clear with strong eye contact. They like firmness, as long as it is not too strongly directed against Serbs. Scenery, folklore and the arts are non-controversial subjects. Praise their football skills. Don’t mention friendships you may have with Croats or Slovenes. Flatter them regularly; they usually don’t see through it. Be broad-minded.
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Jagnjeca brigada
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:24 |
Pridružen/a: 11 vel 2012, 12:30 Postovi: 12878
Jeste malo čudno čitati ovakve stvari... Ministre  i nadao sam se da ćeš postaviti ovu temu.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:27 |
Pridružen/a: 20 pro 2011, 19:02 Postovi: 8414
Imas li ti to za druge narode, Nijemce, Spanjolce, Britance itd.?
_________________ Oj Hrvati, svi na desno krilo....
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:30 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 08:25 Postovi: 43757 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Od ostalih naroda ima samo za Slovence, mada vremenom mogu ispuniti i zahtjeve za neke druge strane narode (koga zanima). Sa obzirom da je ovo zatvorena informacija, od čije točnosti zavisi prodaja i savjetovanje velikim korporacijama, mislim da nema mjesta za spiku o "zavjerama", "mržnji" i sl.
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:31 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 08:25 Postovi: 43757 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
puntar2.0 je napisao/la: Imas li ti to za druge narode, Nijemce, Spanjolce, Britance itd.? Ima. Pročitao sam za Australce, i pogođeno je 110%, fakat neugodno za čitati.
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:34 |
Pridružen/a: 20 pro 2011, 19:02 Postovi: 8414
Zbog cega neugodno, ima neke drustvene pojave koje su toliko ocigledne da ih strpamo u kos stereotip, a na kraju ima dosta istine u njima. Za pocetak bi moga postaviti Slovence, sigurno zanimljivo. 
_________________ Oj Hrvati, svi na desno krilo....
Vrh |
Jagnjeca brigada
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:39 |
Pridružen/a: 11 vel 2012, 12:30 Postovi: 12878
Malo mi je nejasno ovo. Citat: Religion Orthodox Christian (10-20% Muslim) Neka detalji su možda blago precenjeni ili potcenjeni, ali uglavnom poprilično tačno i precizno napisano.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:40 |
Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 20:35 Postovi: 12980 Lokacija: Zagreb
Zanimljivo, no čini mi se manje opširno nego za Hrvate, očito je da je autor u Srbiji boravio dosta kraće vrijeme... Ovo je istina  Citat: Avoid discussing the parlous state of their economy
_________________ Summum ius, summa iniuria.
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:41 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 08:25 Postovi: 43757 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
puntar2.0 je napisao/la: Zbog cega neugodno, ima neke drustvene pojave koje su toliko ocigledne da ih strpamo u kos stereotip, a na kraju ima dosta istine u njima. Za pocetak bi moga postaviti Slovence, sigurno zanimljivo.  Neugodno je jer je detaljno antropološko, kulturološko i psihološko seciranje (svi mi volimo misliti da nas je teško skontati, pročitati i objasniti) i stjecanje prednosti u pregovorima i bizMis dilovima. Kao da mi netko pred partiju pokera isporuči analizu svih grimasa i manerizama ostalih igrača za stolom. Zlovence kasnije, možda sutra.
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:41 |
Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 20:35 Postovi: 12980 Lokacija: Zagreb
Jagnjeca brigada je napisao/la: Malo mi je nejasno ovo. Citat: Religion Orthodox Christian (10-20% Muslim) Neka detalji su možda blago precenjeni ili potcenjeni, ali uglavnom poprilično tačno i precizno napisano. Tad ste još držali Kosovo, ovo je malo starijeg datuma...
_________________ Summum ius, summa iniuria.
Vrh |
Drinski vuk
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:47 |
Pridružen/a: 23 sij 2013, 01:16 Postovi: 877 Lokacija: Ambasada Republike Srpske u Sarajevu
A jel ima ovakvo uputstvo o BiH,to bi bilo interesasntno procitati. Uglavnom za Srbiju je dobro odradio,ko je god radio!
_________________ DzoniBG Amerikance mogu da vole, i da im se dive samo inferiorni pojedinci i narodi...
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 13:51 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 08:25 Postovi: 43757 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Drinski vuk je napisao/la: A jel ima ovakvo uputstvo o BiH,to bi bilo interesasntno procitati. Uglavnom za Srbiju je dobro odradio,ko je god radio! Imaju bazu od obrađenih 57 svjetskih naroda, iz EX-YU samo Srbe, Hrvate (postavio temu na politici), i Slovence.
_________________ sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 14:31 |
Pridružen/a: 28 sij 2010, 17:54 Postovi: 13005
Svakako zanimljivo za procitati... Pisao je covek, ili grupa ljudi koji su shvatili zadatak malo ozbiljnije, pa to nije samo par generalnih fraza o nekom narodu, sto moze izaci iz random usta...dobro je i struktuirano po oblastima. Nije bilo duboke analize, vec samo zakljucka o nekim pitanjima gledano ocima stranca, koji nije mnogo upucen u detalje, ali zeli da ih razume, i uklopi u svoj puzzle. Motivation factors Citat: Basically Serbs are motivated by appeals to their national pride and by rallying them round their flag and aspirations. Other ways of motivating them include the following:
Compare them favourably with Croatians and Slovenes Admire their vitality Give them credit for their outspoken style and frankness Share their enthusiasms Go along with their ideas, though with some caution Show them how to make money Discuss their culture, folk arts, etc Be generous Socialise (drink their drinks, if you can) Accept that coffee house networking and gossip is part of their culture Ovo je jako zanimljivo vidjenje, i uglavnom tacno... da zaobidjemo prvu tezu koja je kod stranaca uglavnom neshvatljiva... sve ostalo je na prilicno dobrom mestu. Srbi su po prirodi uglavnom ekstrovertni ljudi... vole da diskutuju, da se nadmecu, da cesto preteruju samo kako bi zadrzali intenzitet teme, i sami sebe opravdali... Kao da su nas godinama drzali u nekoj vrsti kucnog pritvora, pa kad su nas pustili van, sve nas zanima, ne shvatamo tu odmerenost drugog sveta koji ima svoju proracunatu dinamiku. Mislim da je to posledica nezrelosti, jer smo imali strasno tesko detinjstvo, uvek smo kasnili sa modernim tokovima...i u zelji da pokazemo sebi i drugima da ipak mozemo da budemo u ravni onih koji su nam bili uzori, pravili smo velike korake i krupne greske, jer nam je vreme uvek curilo...
_________________ Pokaj se Grobi! Mali korak za tebe, veliki za Srpstvo!
Vrh |
Carmello Šešelj
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 15:33 |
Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 00:05 Postovi: 22488
Prilično tačna i donekle detaljna disekcija. Ozbiljno urađeno.
Slažem se sa Ministry-em. Neprijatno sam iznenađen koliko smo dobro pročitani.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 15:50 |
Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 03:21 Postovi: 14970 Lokacija: Zagreb
Nije da mi to svi duboko u sebi ne znamo. Samo ne želimo priznat i suočit se s tim. Što je znak nezrelosti.
Prvo se radi objektivna analiza, a onda popravljaš nedostatke. Samo budalasti čovjek može misliti da nedostatke može nadoknaditi hvalisanjem, laganjem ili skrivanjem.
Naravno ovo se osnosi na obje analize.
_________________ Do godine u Herceg Bosni.
Vrh |
Ministry of Sound
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 15:56 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 08:25 Postovi: 43757 Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 16:03 |
Pridružen/a: 16 lip 2012, 23:09 Postovi: 15513
Pff, za samosvjesne osobe sklone introspekciji ovo nije ništa novo...
_________________ + Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 16:05 |
Pridružen/a: 13 sij 2012, 16:01 Postovi: 12225 Upozorenja: 1
Metemma je napisao/la: Pff, za samosvjesne osobe sklone introspekciji ovo nije ništa novo... Jah.
Vrh |
Carmello Šešelj
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 16:44 |
Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 00:05 Postovi: 22488
Metemma je napisao/la: samosvjesne osobe sklone introspekciji Depressive much?  (zajebavam se, ne uzimati k srcu  )
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 16:49 |
Pridružen/a: 16 lip 2012, 23:09 Postovi: 15513
Carmello Šešelj je napisao/la: Metemma je napisao/la: samosvjesne osobe sklone introspekciji Depressive much?  (zajebavam se, ne uzimati k srcu  ) Introspekcija je znanstveni metod.
_________________ + Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +
Vrh |
Carmello Šešelj
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 16:56 |
Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 00:05 Postovi: 22488
Metemma je napisao/la: Introspekcija je znanstveni metod. Znam. Kao i sve ostale samosvesne osobe sa sklonošću ka introspekciji. A kao sklon ka introspekciji sam naravno upućen i u osnove psihologije. Ne pitam napamet.  Disclaimer: Ovo je sve čista zajebancija, ne shvatati ozbiljno.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 17:01 |
Pridružen/a: 16 lip 2012, 23:09 Postovi: 15513
Bar ne veliš da bi me ubio 
_________________ + Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +
Vrh |
Carmello Šešelj
Naslov: Re: Srpska kultura, običaji, komunikacija i interakcija (priručnik za strance) Postano: 03 ožu 2013, 17:04 |
Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 00:05 Postovi: 22488
Metemma je napisao/la: Bar ne veliš da bi me ubio  Neću da te ubijem. Na tvoju sreću, nisam trezan. 
Vrh |
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