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 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 17 srp 2013, 11:23 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Lukewarm Race War Series: Whitey Survival Guide, Part Five (The Media Versus Common Sense)

Life is Not Professional Sports or the Army–Liberal or naive Whites often protest that Whites and blacks can get along fine. Just look at sports teams and the military! This a dangerous fallacy. There are social and behavioral shackles that blacks are put in in the military and in sports: immediate, non-judicial discipline, the use of physical punishment and a “fast track” to military prison or loss of fortune are not found in everyday, civilian life. If they were, works like this one would not be necessary. If every neighborhood had a sergeant or NCO or head coach assigned to punish those who break the general social contract of decency, our society would not be in the state it is in. In situations where blacks are tightly controlled and closely watched, they can function well among whites–the military and professional sports actually prove a race realist’s point in this regard. But in post Jim Crow America, blacks are quite literally OUT of control. So, don’t allow sports or the military to color your judgment. There is no company commander to discipline the thug hiding in the stairwell. Also, another point: black behavior still regularly pokes it’s brutal head out in the military even with all the discipline and supervision.

http://toiletnation.wordpress.com/2013/ ... mon-sense/

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 17 srp 2013, 11:26 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Lukewarm Race War Series: Whitey Survival Guide, Part Six (Social Life)


In today’s world, White Survival can be boiled down to a few points:

1. Know where nonwhites–especially blacks–are and avoid areas where nonwhites live and congregate. Know where you belong and where they belong. Do all you can to make sure people stay where they belong, especially you and yours.

2. Be armed. Get your CCW and have accessible and safely stored firearms in your home.

3. Secure your surroundings and home. Other works by more qualified people have been written on this.

4. Resist efforts to further empower White-haters.

http://toiletnation.wordpress.com/2013/ ... cial-life/

Zanimljivo moram priznati.

Tim više što kad čuješ "rasiste" ili realiste koji su im razlozi za "rasizam" zbog kojeg se mi koji ne živimo u njihovom okruženju i izvještavamo se o tome putem hullywoodskih filmova ili liberalnih medija zgražamo.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 17 srp 2013, 11:32 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Kad pročitaš ovakve "rasističke" komentare malo se zapitaš.

Better questions:

Raise your hand if you've ever been assaulted by a black person for absolutely no reason.

Raise your had if you've ever been robbed at gunpointe by a black person.

Raise your had if you've ever seen a less qualified black person promoted ahead of a more qualified white person.

Raise your hand if you've ever been carjacked by a black person.

Raise your hand if you've read that black men sexually assaut 37,000 white women per year in the USA but know you better be careful who you say that to.

Raise your had if you don't bid government contracts because you know you won't get it because the contracts always go to the "minority" company.

Raise your hand if you've ever wondered if the government monitors your posts on this website.

Raise your hand if you've ever been forced to move out of your neighborhood because it turned black and as it did, crime went through the roof, property values fell through the floor and your white kids were picked on by blacks at school.

Raise your hand if you've ever noticed that an inordinate number of the crimes on your local news are perpetrated by blacks, you CAREFULLY mentioned it and some white liberal said, "YOU'RE AN IGNORANT RACIST!"

THAT'S what we call white privilege these days! I hope you feel as privileged as I do!

Jel ti zli bijeli rasisti mrze crnce samo zato što su crni? Ili imaju valjane razloge što zaziru od crnaca, a da to nije samo zbog crne kože.

Jeli to iracionalni strah zadrtih ili imaju racionalne razloge za strah?

Ako neka rasa u nekom gradu počini 1900% više ubojstava od druge rase jeli rasistički izbjegavati tu rasu?

I zašto se osjećamo nelagodno pričati o tome?

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 17 srp 2013, 11:55 

Pridružen/a: 13 sij 2012, 17:01
Postovi: 12216
Je li tebi smiješno kad vidiš naslov "Whitey Survival Guide"? Iz Amerike, najveće nacije svih vremena.

Jel ti zli bijeli rasisti mrze crnce samo zato što su crni? Ili imaju valjane razloge što zaziru od crnaca, a da to nije samo zbog crne kože.

To je rasizam. Možeš zazirati od tih što siluju, pljačkaju ili ubijaju, štogod da rade sve. Ali nije pošteno da mnogi najebu samo zato što su crnci, da se osjećaju kao građani drugog reda. Bijelci zarad sebe trebaju napraviti državu takvu da imaju slobodu i kontrolu nad svakim pedljom zemlje ili grada, kao i svi drugi, a to neće uraditi tako što će bježati od crnaca. A vjerujem da je ispravno ne želiti nositi oružje radi svoje sigurnosti, čemu to, šta to govori o mjestu u kojem živiš, tome valjda ne treba težiti. Pa da potroše još 50 godina isplati se. Dolaze pored crnaca latinosi, dolaze i drugi. Kako ne mogu srediti jedan dio Njujorka npr da liči na nešto.

Mi nikad ne bismo imali takvih problema, mi smo cigane uključili u društvo jako dobro zadnjih godina.

I ti previše pojednostavljeno posmatraš problem, kao i ja možda. Ali taj problem sadrži u sebi toliko toga da se ne može sve svesti na to što pokušavaš. Ne znam ni ja pravi, konačni odgovor ali ne moram zbog toga uzimati onaj najjednostavniji.

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 17 srp 2013, 16:18 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Mislim da sam dovoljno napisao gore. Nemam potrebe dalje tebi objašnjavati.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 17 srp 2013, 16:31 

Pridružen/a: 13 sij 2012, 17:01
Postovi: 12216
Ne objašnjavaš ti meni nego pučanstvu.
Ja gore vidim samo kopirane stvari, ništa tvoje.
Whitey Survival Guide. :D

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 17 srp 2013, 16:59 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Točno ne objašnjavam tebi, nego drugima koji hoće razmišljati.

Ti nisi zanimljiv da bi se tobom bavio.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 17 srp 2013, 17:01 

Pridružen/a: 13 sij 2012, 17:01
Postovi: 12216
Nema veze, meni je dovoljno što odvajaš vrijeme na moje postove. Ja znam da ti na kraju moraš biti u pravu.

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 17 srp 2013, 17:07 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Ma ne odvajam zbog tebe, da ne pomisliš. Nego kad mi se da pišem zbog drugih.

A sad molim te prestani trolati. Prebaci malo interese na druge teme. I one trebaju kvalitetan troling, a vrijeme ti je ipak ograničeno.

Diverzificiraj se. :zivili

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 18 srp 2013, 01:45 

Pridružen/a: 02 svi 2009, 17:45
Postovi: 6998
Lebowski je napisao/la:

In today’s world, White Survival can be boiled down to a few points:

1. Know where nonwhites–especially blacks–are and avoid areas where nonwhites live and congregate. Know where you belong and where they belong. Do all you can to make sure people stay where they belong, especially you and yours.

2. Be armed. Get your CCW and have accessible and safely stored firearms in your home.

3. Secure your surroundings and home. Other works by more qualified people have been written on this.

4. Resist efforts to further empower White-haters.

Thank you.

Jebo ti ovo ako je jedina opcija ovo gore nabrojano. Kao da ne postoje drugi načini.

Može, nema problema.

1. segregacija

2. rat i čišćenje, uz konačni cilj potpune deportacije u druge zemlje

3. u neuspjehu, stvaranje vlastite nacionalne države i davanje nekog područja
neasimilabilnim skupinama da organioziraju život na svom području

ili ...

ako sve pukne, bjelačke zemlje imaju arsenal dostatan za uništenje života na planeti zemlji.
Uz dobro planiranje, broj globalnog pučanstva se da smanjiti za 90% posto.

Naravno, treba paziti na ekološke posljedice ...

Ako propadne kakva-takva harmonija i društvo tone u divljaštvo i kaos, imperitiv je održanje reda koje vodi prosperitetu, uz odbacivanje liberalno-humanističkih normi. Ako i to propadne-imperativ je preživljavanje.

Darwin je bio bolji prorok nego što je mislio ...

Ovaj pak ekscentrik je imao neke dobre
ideje, no propao je u New Age idiotarije u drugima:

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 18 srp 2013, 18:09 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
A tribe including many members who, from possessing in a high degree the spirit of patriotism, fidelity, obedience, courage, and sympathy, were always ready to aid one another, and to sacrifice themselves for the common good, would be victorious over most other tribes; and this would be natural selection.

Charles Darwin

Da se i ja jednom složim sa čika Darwinom.

I zato je liberalizam blesav. Jer temeljne prirodne zakone ignorira i pretvara se da ne postoje.

Sasvim je jasno da je stotinjak ujedinjenih pojedinaca koji njeguju zajedništvo, zajedničke ideale, ideje, koji vjeruju da su posebni i drugačiji od ostalih i žele to sačuvati, međusobno si pomažu i spremni su se žrtvovati jedni za drugog u potpunosti superiorniji od stotinjak oslobođenih pojedinaca koji svako živi su svom svijetu, brije svoju spiku, ne osjeća posebnu povezanost sa drugih 99 brijača, nije spreman za neku preveliku žrtvu i misli samo na sebe.

Liberalizam je ideologija zapadnog samubojstva.

I mora nestati. Ili ćemo mi nestati.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 18 srp 2013, 19:52 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 12979
Lokacija: Zagreb
Mi ljudi imamo slobodnu volju i imamo potpunu slobodu izbora hoćemo li se udružiti sa svojim istomišljenicima, zatomiti sebe i podrediti se napretku kolektiva ili živjeti u svijetu gdje su svi jedbaki i svaki pojedinac je bitan. Nametanje bilo kojeg od ova dva stava je opasno...

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 18 srp 2013, 20:01 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Nitko ne govori o tome. Ili barem ja ne.

Ja sam za individualnu slobodu i jako sam osjetljiv što se toga tiče. Samo ističem liberalno kidanje svih veza kao opasno.

Ja sam za zajednicu jakih i pojedinaca, a ne društvo bezličnih klonova.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 14 kol 2013, 11:54 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
The Barren Wombs of Smart Women

A statistical analysis from England suggests that a woman’s IQ is inversely proportional to her desire to breed. This, in turn, suggests that the world will grow dumber with every new day.

In his book The Intelligence Paradox, London School of Economics researcher Satoshi Kanazawa surveyed data from the United Kingdom’s National Child Development Study. Controlling for variables such as education and income, he reached the following conclusions:

• With each increase of 15 IQ points, a woman’s urge to reproduce is diminished by 25%.

• The average IQ of women who want children is 5.6 points lower than those who don’t want them.

• Among all 45-year-old women in England, 20% are childless, but this figure rises to 43% among those with college degrees.

The paradox is that women who are measurably more intelligent based on IQ tests are dumber in terms of evolutionary survival instincts. Kanazawa writes:

If any value is deeply evolutionarily familiar, it is reproductive success. If any value is truly unnatural, if there is one thing that humans (and all other species in nature) are decisively not designed for, it is voluntary childlessness. All living organisms in nature, including humans, are evolutionarily designed to reproduce. Reproductive success is the ultimate end of all biological existence.

Kanazawa’s findings correlate with a 2010 Pew survey that found women ages 40-44 with a master’s degree or higher are 60% more likely to be childless than women who never graduated high school.

“Dumber people tend to invest as much thought into reproduction as they do to defecation.”

Kanazawa is widely known as a “controversial” researcher, which is coded speech meaning that his results cause significant discomfort among those who swallow the reigning cultural dogma. In the past he has faced disapprobation, ridicule, and even job dismissal for publishing studies that claim black women are less attractive than women of other races due to their higher testosterone levels, sub-Saharan Africa’s poverty is caused by low IQ, intelligent men are less likely to cheat on their partners, and attractive people are more likely to produce female offspring. He also wrote that if Ann Coulter had been president in 2001, she would have dropped nuclear bombs on the Middle East and won the War on Terror “without a single American life lost.”

But it is specifically his research on race and intelligence that causes his critics to dismissively snort that he is a zero-credibility genocidal wackjob who peddles junk science riddled with huge methodological flaws that raise the terrifying notion of eugenics that has long been debunked and discredited because of, well, Hitler and everything.

Paul Gilroy, a colleague of Kanazawa’s at the London School of Economics, says:

Kanazawa’s persistent provocations raise the issue of whether he can do his job effectively in a multi-ethnic, diverse and international institution.

In other words:

His statistical findings do not jibe with our cultural dogma.

Despite all the jeers and catcalls, Kanazawa defends his research:

The only responsibility scientists have is to the truth. Scientists are not responsible for the potential or actual consequences of the knowledge they create.

The most egregious blasphemy one can utter in today’s insanely stifling and repressive climate of intolerant egalitotalitarianism is to gently suggest that genetics play any role in determining intelligence differences and relative prosperity between individuals and social groups.

Yet (grab a hankie) that’s what the evidence suggests.

Despite the propaganda the media uses to try and blow out your eardrums, the scientific consensus suggests that adult IQ is roughly 75-85% inherited. But due to the currently taboo nature of this fact, Western researchers are unlikely to even suggest such things publicly without sacrificing their careers. The Chinese suffer no such ultimately dysgenic superstitions and are forging ahead in their attempts to crack the code. This might be one of the main reasons why the coming century could belong to them.

Further buttressing Kanazawa’s findings, global evidence suggests that high IQ tends to be negatively correlated with total fertility rate. J. Philippe Rushton’s r/K selection theory noted that parents who actually invested time and thought in nurturing their children tended to have fewer of them…and vice-versa.

Intelligent people have the reflective capacity to consider things such as whether they’d have the economic wherewithal to raise successful offspring, whereas dumber people tend to invest as much thought into reproduction as they do to defecation. The end result is an increasingly dysgenic world—Idiocracy made flesh.

Western sophisticates claim that the world already has enough people, and many tend to see it as a matter of conscience to not breed. The problem is that hordes of Third Worlders suffer no such ethical qualms. Paradoxically, the pampered First World utopian ideal that the world should be intelligent, sustainable, and filled only with children who are wanted could backfire and create a planet crammed almost exclusively with emotionally, financially, and intellectually deprived Third World bastards.

This wasn’t the case before feminism came along to empower women and free them from childbearing’s oppressive shackles. It wasn’t the case until Big Brother morphed into Big Daddy and financially penalized the intelligent for reproducing as it gave handouts that encouraged cretins to spawn. It wasn’t the case during the Victorian Era, when it wasn’t considered so déclassé for wealthy and intelligent women to have children and when it’s estimated that the mean Western IQ was nearly 14 points higher than it is now.

The grand irony is that by failing to breed, this new breed of woman will breed itself out of existence.

http://takimag.com/article/the_barren_w ... z2bw3JpsYQ

Nekoliko naglasaka. Liberalna "tolerancija" na dijelu prema znanstvaniku čija istraživanja ne odgovaraju njihovom svjetonazoru.

Kanazawa’s persistent provocations raise the issue of whether he can do his job effectively in a multi-ethnic, diverse and international institution.

Kako oni to lijepo sroče.

Ne misliš kao mi, ne znamo jel ima za tebe mjesta ovdje.

No to isto napravljeno od konzervativaca u zadrtim 50ima na američkom filmu je prikazano kao vrhunac zadrtosti.

I naravno ta luda ideja liberala kako je svijet prenapučen pa se oni neće razmnožavati (riječi im se pozlatile) što naravno u budućnosti ne pridonosi ničemu (kao ni sve druge liberalne fiks ideje) osim nestanku liberala i njihovih fiks ideja.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 14 kol 2013, 11:58 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
http://shine.yahoo.com/parenting/is-bei ... 19641.html

I brdo komentara na tu temu.

Ne imati djecu je vrhunac sofisticiranoti na liberalnom Zapadu.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 14 kol 2013, 12:26 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
“ELYSIUM”—Hollywood Open Borders Propaganda Concedes "Nativists" Are Right

Los Angeles is an overpopulated Third World wasteland, where swelling masses of non-whites scramble through the ruins of a once-great city. The rich and powerful live figuratively and literally above the ruins, experiencing luxuries and pleasures that most Angelenos can only dream of.

Also Matt Damon stars in a new movie set there. The only difference is that, in his futuristic version, the rich live in space.

Elysium is in its own way a masterpiece. It’s a dystopian morality play oblivious to its own absurdity, earnest to the point of kitsch, equally self-righteous and sentimental. In the world of the future, the middle class is a thing of the past, and so, apparently, is irony.

Yet despite it all, Damon and writer-director Neill Blomkamp give us something timeless. They have achieved artistic immortality in capturing the premises, the delusions, and the peculiarly poisonous moral idealism behind the ideology we call “Open Borders.” Elysium succeeds because it shows us what it is to believe that “citizenship” itself is the root cause of oppression.

Ironically, Elysium inadvertently concedes that today's “nativists” are right. The futuristic Los Angeles is a decrepit, overcrowded ruin. The English conversations of the main characters are simply for the American audience—all the casual encounters in the film are in Spanish. Matt Damon's character, “Max,” is the fulfillment of VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow's projected but unwritten concluding Alien Nation chapter about the last white family in Los Angeles, except that “Max” was raised by (Spanish-speaking) nuns.

At no point throughout the course of the film do we see an American flag. While there is the occasional vague reference to “the government,” there is no sense of American national identity, culture, or civic unity. There are simply the exploitative rich (who have literally abandoned the planet for the eponymous space-based refuge) and the resentful Third World masses.

In contrast, “Elysium” itself seems to have a semblance of identity and culture. This orbital refuge for the rich is almost entirely white, except for a few token Asians and a weak and cowardly Indian “President Patel” (Farhan Tahir). The real power in Elysium: Defense Secretary “Jessica Delacourt” (Jodie Foster in a comically bad performance). Foster gleefully veers into outright camp, affecting what can only be called a “supervillain” accent. We see her speaking French with the attractive “citizens” of Elysium and talking about giving presents to various blonde children—in today’s New America, this is the kind of “character development” that shows how evil she is.

Secretary “Delacourt” favors a hard line in defending her habitat. When challenged by the sniveling “Patel” over her tactics, she pronounces that unless someone has children, they can't understand her willingness to do anything to defend what has been built for them and their children's children.

Of course, we never actually see “Delacourt” with her children—or husband—interesting, considering Foster's own personal life. But insofar as we are given any insight into Foster's character, it is as someone who is willing to do anything to defend what has been built for “ourselves and our posterity.” This is seen as the very definition of evil.

And make no mistake—this is a morality tale about immigration policy. Thus the desperate Third World masses occasionally try to fly to Elysium in crude spacecraft. These are referred to as “undocumented” ships. “Delacourt” orders her Earth-based agent “Kruger” to “shoot them down.” (“Kruger,” needless to say, is a white South African—apparently they are still running around being oppressive centuries in the future. Director Blomkamp is himself a liberal white South African who, surprise, moved with his family to Canada after white rule ended). When one craft does make it to Elysium and the refugees scatter, they are referred to as “illegals” who are to be sent to “deportation” when captured.


The great attraction of Elysium, other than attractive aesthetics and artificially-created “natural” beauty, are its “Med-Pods,” advanced devices that can instantly cure injuries and disease in a matter of seconds. Most security, service, and administrative tasks are performed by droids of various sorts. These droids are produced by Armadyne, headed by “John Carlyle” (William Fichtner).

“Max” works in Armadyne's factory, where is he treated as utterly disposable and pushed to produce as much as possible as cheaply as possible. Because of a cruel supervisor, he is accidentally given a lethal dose of radiation and has only five days to live. With nothing to lose, he agrees to do a job for “Spider” (Brazilian actor Wagner Moura) an immigrant smuggler, in exchange for a ticket to Elysium and a chance at survival.

The job: to hack into the mind of Armadyne boss “John Carlyle” himself. But as “Carlyle” is scheming with “Delacourt” for an outright coup on Elysium, the result is “Max” gets the codes to Elysium itself—the ability to determine who is and who is not a citizen and command of the security systems. The codes are (SPOILER ALERT). implemented in “Max”'s brain. In the end, as you may have guessed, “Max” is able to defeat “Kruger”, take control of Elysium's system, and open the gates of Elysium to everyone.

Of course, there are various subplots involving powered exo-skeletons, futuristic weaponry, and “Kruger”'s betrayal and murder of “Delacourt” when he tries to take over Elysium himself. But these are all distractions. What is important is the moral vision underlying the film, which is entirely consistent and utterly predictable.

“Max”'s childhood love is “Frey,” a Latina woman (and single mother, naturally) with a daughter dying of leukemia. (She is played by Alice Braga (pictured right) perhaps significantly another Brazilian).

She is caught up in the violence when she helps a wounded “Max.” In the post-Christian culture of the post-West, the cinematic trope of the saint-like single mother with a child (and entirely absent father, a modern Immaculate Conception :D ) serves as the new moral center for male protagonists—utterly blameless, totally altruistic (“Frey” is a nurse, of course), and the worthy object of sacrificial love. “Frey”'s daughter is the personal symbol of the entirely innocent and virtuous Third World masses whom the cruel (white) masters of Elysium are sentencing to death.

Elysium ultimately is transformed when “Spider” is able to use the code to literally transform everyone on earth from “Illegal” to “Legal.” As a result, the robots begin flying Med-Pods to Earth to instantly heal everyone. One hesitates to consider the effects of this policy on the “overpopulation” bemoaned at the beginning of the film but never mind.

“Max” allows “Spider” to remove the codes from his brain even though he knows the effort will kill him. Thus, although initially motivated by fear of death, “Max” ultimately sacrifices himself to destroy Elysium and save the masses on earth. The sacrificial white hero (and the moral glory he achieves by saving the helpless brown people from themselves) is the quintessential liberal fantasy.

In contrast, the white South African villain as a symbol of absolute depravity, sadistically violent, utterly disloyal…and, oddly, sexually obsessed with the random and rather average-looking Frey.

The premise underlying immigration enthusiasm of both Left and Right is that, like droids, modern civilization is an automatic program, something that can run on autopilot regardless of the actual population.

Further, like the “Med-Pods,” resources are infinite and it is simply a matter of taking them away from selfish people and giving them to the virtuous poor.

But in the real world, medical care is expensive and resources are limited. This mass immigration has been utterly devastating to hospitals around the country. As Obamacare takes effect, the result will be worse health care for everyone.

Furthermore, while we are supposed to sneer at the sheltered whites living in luxury on Elysium, the logic of the situation opening its borders will simply turn the space colony into what opening the U.S.A.’s borders have turned Los Angeles. Civilization is not just some program that can be transferred like a flash disk—it is a fragile, precious thing. Already it is being wiped out in entire neighborhoods, regions, and even countries of the Western world.

Denying people free medical care and luxury living might indeed be monstrous—if these benefits cost nothing. But in the real world, imposing limits on medical care, living space, and access to resources is necessary for a people to survive.

However, as Damon's character “Max” illustrates, the movie’s implicit point is that whites are obligated to die—even when it does no good in the long run.

But what do the likes of Matt Damon and Neill Blomkamp care? Blomkamp crows, “This isn't science fiction. This is today. This is now.”[Future Shock, by Sean Smith, Entertainment Weekly, August 2, 2013]

This is now—but not in the way Blomkamp thinks. We already live in a world where national solidarity and civic virtue has collapsed. But mass immigration is a reason for that collapse, not an alternative to it. And whatever their sloganeering, the likes of Damon and Blomkamp will be isolated from the consequences of the policies for which they are morally responsible.

If the movie had wanted to be realistic, the citizens of Elysium would keep a secure border for themselves but would use their money and power to make sure it was still open for everyone else. “Kruger” would be beating up patriotic activists. Secretary “Delacourt” would commit her murders in the name of democracy and equality. “Spider”, because of his Snowden-type violation of the cyberstate, would be called a racist terrorist.

At the end of the movie, Elysium is to be opened up to everyone. So what comes next for our heroes, now that the whole planet will become just one big nightmarish Los Angeles?

I can take a guess. Don't count on a sequel.

http://www.vdare.com/articles/elysium-h ... -are-right

Vrhunska analiza liberalne fantazije na filmu.

Dakle naši vrli liberali prikazuju budućnost i priznaju da će se dogoditi sve ono na što zli bijeli konzervativci upozoravaju.

U viziji liberalne budućnosti Los Angleles postaje slum trećeg svijeta (ne ostaje zlatna Kalifornija samo sa stanovnicima svih boja umjesto do nedavno dosadne prevladavajuće bijele. što se naravno i u sadašnjosti već ostvaruje).

Bijela elita bježi u svemir kako bi sačuvala svoj način života (redatelj je već pobjegao iz Južne Afrike nakon pada apartheida, a sad zagovara da se Južna Afrika dogodi i zemlji u koju je pobjegao, šta reći nego jedan veliki :klanjam )

Ali nu logike. Nakon što su najbogatiju američku saveznu državu, sinonim za američki san, pretvorili su kanalizaciju trećeg svijeta, nije dovoljno da se masama iz trećeg svijeta prepusti ta nekad zlatna, obećana zemlja. Mora ih se pripustiti u svemirsku postaju (kako bi valjda i njoj donjeli blagoslove etničke raznolikosti tako neprocjenjive za zemlju ispod nje).

I naravno koje je riješenje?

Da plemeniti bijeli liberalni junak žrtvuje svoj život.

Daje svoj život i prestane postojati kako bi druge etničke grupe živjele u boljem svijetu.

Liberalizam je čisti kult samoubojstva.

Ne može se racionalizirati, shvatiti taj način razmišljanja osim kao potpuno sulud, tjeranje nekih svojih fantazija danas, jer sutra ne postoji.

Potpuna zaluđenost ideologijom koja nema budućnosti jer uništava društvo u kojem zavlada.

I sljedbenici idu sretno u smrt i uništenje vlastite grupe jer je altruističko samoubojstvo kako bi drugim grupama na kraju bilo isto tako cool. :klanjam

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 20 kol 2013, 19:46 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Fear of a Clown Planet

After all the progress we’ve made as a nation, it’s depressingly obvious that Americans still harbor a deep-seated hatred and fear of clowns.

Such utter disregard for the humanity and well-being of our men and women who labor behind the greasepaint is due in part to the undeniable fact that American culture is rife with hateful and disparaging stereotypes against clowns. From Bobcat Goldthwait’s alcoholic and foul-mouthed Shakes the Clown to the murderous Pennywise in Stephen King’s It to Batman’s nemesis the Joker to the violent and psychopathic “horrorcore” hip-hop group Insane Clown Posse, Americans are taught that clowns are a lazy, shiftless, and untrustworthy breed of malefactors and ne’er-do-wells.

Yes, it is true that serial killer John Wayne Gacy was a part-time children’s party clown who murdered 33 people. It’s also true that continental Europe’s most famous clown of the 19th century, Jean-Gaspard Deburau (AKA “Pierrot”), killed a young boy with one cruel blow from his walking stick.

But certainly such monsters are the exceptions rather than the rule, despite the media’s obsessive focus on the myth of the “evil clown.” For every Gacy and Pierrot, there are a thousand honest, hardworking, pure-hearted clowns who seek to bring joy and laughter to a world that often gives them nothing but scorn and fear in return.

“Coulrophobia” is the word used to describe an irrational fear of clowns, a fear that is compounded by societal prejudices that refuse to even acknowledge the word’s existence in dictionaries and medical diagnostic manuals. If you suffer from coulrophobia, you should beware that it is not an officially recognized disorder and will not even be covered under Obamacare.

Just as science has shown that infants can be racist, a study in England concluded that “clowns are universally disliked by children.” And unless such thought disorders are treated early, they can metastasize into full-blown bigotry and violence once the child reaches adulthood.

Such hatred is evident even in Sarasota, FL, the fabled “Circus Capital of the World,” which on a sane and just planet would be a safe haven for clowns, a sort of Israel for the clowning community. But in 2006 when city planners announced they were going to erect nearly six dozen life-size clown statues in the downtown area, the public outcry was nearly as ferocious as the infamous Tulsa Race Riot of 1921. One unidentified Sarasotan reportedly threatened to run over the clown statues with his car. Many of the statues wound up being vandalized.

Tragically, many clowns have internalized the hatred that society directs toward them, leading to schisms within the clowning community itself. In a recent CNN op-ed, a woman responded to the Obama rodeo clown fiasco not by admonishing society, but by scolding her comrade in clownsmanship:

As part of our training, and really the training of most clowns, we have a strict code of ethics covering such things as drinking while clowning, cleanliness and remaining in character. We take offense at the actions of the rodeo “clown” because we are strictly trained not to offend anyone while “in clown.”…Real clowns have clown hearts long before we put on makeup.

I, for one, am tired of seeing clowns portrayed as fools, freaks, and buffoons. They should be taken seriously, and a phrase such as “just clowning around” should be called out for the hate speech that it is. The word “bozo” should not be an insult. We should cease treating clowns as cultural “others” merely because their features and apparel are different than ours. Hiding in fear behind their self-imposed lily-white makeup and bulbous red noses, they should be treated with the same honor and respect as the transgendered. Rodeo clowns, especially, should be honored rather than mocked for doing the work that normal Americans just won’t do.

I stand before you all today to declare that I am unafraid of clowns and will do my best to fight this unjust and hurtful societal phobia.

http://takimag.com/article/fear_of_a_cl ... z2cX4P4RPC

Još jedan primjer liberalnog licemjerja.

Klaunofobija koja je eto očito dopuštena u Liberaliji kad bi se svaki čestiti čovjek sramio na takav način tretirati klaune.

Pa i oni su ljudi! :sneaky2

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 20 kol 2013, 19:52 

Pridružen/a: 21 kol 2011, 16:34
Postovi: 15238
Lokacija: Misao svijeta
Pomilovao ih :dragobojic

Te kad mi jednom s dušom po svemiru se krene,
Zaorit ću ko grom:
O, gledajte ju divnu, vi zvijezde udivljene,
To moj je, moj je dom!

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 20 kol 2013, 19:55 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb

Nećeš biti zaboravljen!

Dok jednog dana klauni i neklauni neće moći skupa zajedno ulicom hodati i klaunska se djeca igrati zajedno sa ostalom djecom.

"Clowns should never be portrayed as villains in TV crime thrillers. They should be shown in positions of authority, dispensing wisdom to the young hotheads under their command."

Jedan dobar prijedlog kako se može započeti.

Još nekoliko riječi hvale za te hrabre diskriminirane ljude:

"I haven't followed the whole rodeo scene for quite a while but it's apparent even one of the presumed strongholds of American manliness has bowed in to the whims of the immature and tantrum prone Imperial elite.

Rodeo clowns are some of the toughest, most courageous persons in a tough sector. They get nothing of the glory (and often a measly payday) but all of the risks. With nothing more than grease paint and a goofy outfit they have to face an enraged bull or stallion."

Vaša borba je i naša.

Herceg Bosna za potlačene klaune. :HercegBosanac

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 21 kol 2013, 19:51 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Here is a very good piece by Simcha Fisher at the National Catholic Register about a gender studies professor who has decided that breastfeeding her son was bad for her family because it gave her an unfair advantage over her husband, who could not develop the same kind of closeness with their son.

http://www.ncregister.com/blog/simcha-f ... er-studies



But when a mother feels guilty for feeling like a mother, then we've engineered the kind of problem that causes civilizations to fall.

I zaključak zbog čega se to i nas tiče.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 21 kol 2013, 19:57 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15513
Objasnite Vi nama gospodina Doc zasto ovi kretenizmi postaju dominantni, na fakultetima, na vlasti, i namecu svima nama svoju ludost?

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 21 kol 2013, 20:04 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
A zašto da ne?

Pa moraju i obrazovani ljudi smišljat nekog vraga, šta će radit po cijele dane.

Uz to se i zabave, a usput i unište koju ("svoju") civilizaciju.

(Inače pretpostavljam da je uz dosadu odlučujući faktor odvojenost od stvarnog svijeta i odsutnost brze kazne za gluposti; nakupili smo dosta toga u prošlosti pa cvrčci mogu tamburati svoje i uz to se rugati glupim mravima (koji su tako zadrti da još rade), a da se ne smrznu odmah prvu zimu.)

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 21 kol 2013, 20:07 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15513
Opet je meni sumnjivo da se ta degenericna manjina tako "slucajno" nametne koliko toliko normalnoj vecini... pogledajmo samo ovu histeriju oko ruskih zakona protiv promocije homoseksualizma...

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 21 kol 2013, 20:21 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Na napiši koju rečenicu. Dvije glave su pametnije od jedne.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 21 kol 2013, 20:25 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15513
U Srbiji smo 2000. imali primjer kako jednu drzavu preuzima liberalna zgadija.
Ajde sto su na izborima pobijedili DOSovci, tu je bilo svega i svacega.
Ali odmah potom je uslijedila najezda zohara - na sve aspekte drustva, koje su stavili pod svoju kontrolu. Pisu zakone o toleranciji, pisu porodicne zakone u kojima ne smijes vidjet karton svog djeteta od 14 godina zbog privatnosti (o djeci ce valjda brinuti drzava, odnosno NVO i socijalne sluzbe, u kojima opet sjedi gamad), uzeli su medije, kulturu, radna mjesta, stranke, NVO... sve sto ti moze pasti na pamet, mehanizme vlasti. Sve to potpomognuto parama CIA.

Gledas film o seksualnom zlostavljanju djece, odnosno neku dramatizaciju, i pricaju tako zlostavljane djevojke sa svojom mentorkom "bilo bi divno da su sve zene lezbejke, ali nisu"... i tako te svinjarije.

CIA snajka CIA!

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

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