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 Naslov: General Election 2014
PostPostano: 07 lis 2014, 02:26 

Pridružen/a: 08 ruj 2010, 02:28
Postovi: 466
Will Next Elections In Bosnia And Herzegovina Help solve Anything? Analysis

http://www.eurasiareview.com/06102014-w ... -analysis/

Analysis, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Social Issues

Will Next Elections In Bosnia And Herzegovina Help Solve Anything? – Analysis

October 6, 2014 Elcano Royal Institute Leave a comment

By Elcano Royal Institute

On 12 October 2014 Bosnia and Herzegovina will be holding general elections. What can be expected from them? Not much. Neither the people will see their problems solved nor will the EU achieve any of its objectives for the country.

By Antonio Cortiñas

Regardless of the result of the forthcoming elections, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) will continue to be one of the darkest spots of the Western Balkans, with no indication whatsoever of having made any progress on a large number of issues: a lack of political agreements, a declining economy despite bordering EU countries, high unemployment, widespread corruption, high crime rates and unresolved socio-economic problems. Countries with an interest in the region, whether European or not, will have to maintain their presence, despite the weariness of more than 20 years of political stalemate. The Dayton Peace Agreement, which served to halt the war, also served to generate an unresolved political problem. An inability to solve real problems continues to be the distinctive hallmark of BiH for both local and foreign players in the country.


On 12 October 2014 many will celebrate the fact that general elections are being held in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). This will be the third after the wars of the 1990s. The voters will elect representatives for the country’s three administrative levels: the state as a whole, the two ‘entities’ in which the country is divided and the 10 cantons corresponding to one of the ‘entities’. At the state level, they will vote for both the President and the members of the House of Representatives. At the ‘entity’ level, the Republika Srpska (RS) will vote for its President, Vice-President and members of the RS National Assembly, while the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) will elect the members of its House of Representatives. Finally, the FBiH will vote for its 10 Cantonal Assemblies. The OSCE will deploy observers for the elections.

Experience suggests that nothing really out of the ordinary is likely to happen during the elections. The election campaign started officially on 12 September and all should be well: people will vote (although perhaps not many) and observers will report no major failures or problems in the voting process and the electoral commission will cooperate with the OSCE. Many politicians from European nations, or from the EU itself, will repeatedly express their confidence that violence in BiH is at an end and that progress will steadily be made once the economy improves. If that is the case, why worry? However, it might be useful to look at a few reason that are a cause for concern.

Political and ethnic geographical organisation

The political entity called BiH is the direct result of the implementation of the 1995 General Framework Agreement of Peace (also known as the Dayton Agreement), a treaty that put an end to one of the civil wars in the Balkans in the 1990s, caused by both internal and external factors. Nevertheless, despite the pressure exerted by the international community, local politicians have failed to move forwards in a political sense in the past 20 years and, with only small changes, the BiH ‘Constitution’ remains as designed in the Treaty. BiH’s political and territorial organisation is extremely complex: in an area of only 51,000 square kilometres with a population of 3.8 million and three main ethnic groups (although the official number is 17), the Dayton Agreement recognised ‘three constituent peoples’: the Muslim-Bosniaks, the Catholic-Croats and the Orthodox-Serbs. Thus, those not declaring themselves as belonging to any of those three ‘peoples’ are automatically classified under the label ‘others’. Dayton furthermore establishes that BiH is made up of two ‘entities’ –the FBiH and the RS– in addition to the small self-governing Brčko District, which geographically divides the RS in two.

Suffrage is ethnicity-based: BiH’s presidency is a three-member institution, with three presidents rotating every eight months and each of the ‘constituent peoples’ electing their own candidate for the position for a four-year term. At the state level, the many Ministries have, as a rule, one Minister and two Deputy Ministers or Secretaries (with the same ethnic division applying). BiH also has executive, legislative and judicial bodies.

However, the BiH ‘state’ as such has few responsibilities. Real political power lies in its two main ‘entities’: the RS, with a Serb majority, and the FBiH, with a Bosniak majority but a substantial Croat minority. Each of the two ‘entities’ has its own president and ministries, as well as its own executive, legislative and judicial bodies. Furthermore, while the RS is sub-divided into municipalities, the Federation is sub-divided into 10 cantons, each with its own ministers, cantonal assembly and police force. Each canton is further subdivided into municipalities. Foreign visitors note wryly that it is difficult to find someone in BiH who has never been a minister and that to govern 4 million people perhaps it would be sufficient to have just a mayor and some municipal councillors.

Crowning BiH’s political architecture Dayton created the ‘Office of the High Representative’, an international body with the mandate to oversee the Agreement’s implementation. The High Representative is a proconsul with extensive powers who can impose legislation or remove officials, although in recent times his prerogative has been used sparingly in order to encourage local politicians to find solutions through compromise rather than by resorting to a higher authority. The position has clearly suffered some wear-and-tear and been manipulated by the country’s political class, and 20 years on some even consider it to be part of the problem although others have a vested interest in maintaining it as it perpetuates the status quo.

BiH has a large number of political parties divided along ethnic lines, including the few that claim the opposite. In any political discussion, the three ethnic groups have tended to appeal to a threat to their ‘national interest’ to side-line issues and kill debate. Over the past 20 years, political parties have tended to agree only on not agreeing about almost anything except keeping their seats, lobbying the international community and permanently asking for help. Aid poured into the Western Balkans after the wars, especially into BiH, but has more often than not been diverted into the pockets of local politicians and their client networks. Some local politicians (particularly Ministers of Defence) have been known to paraphrase Clausewitz: ‘in BiH, peace is the continuation of war by other means’.

How can such a complex –as well as expensive and corrupt– structure function properly in a country with only 4 million people? The answer is that it does not. Its practical purpose has been to distribute all kind of international aid to a fortunate few, to trade positions for favours –whether contributions from donors or highly lucrative privatisations of state or ‘entity’ enterprises– or simply to forge mutually beneficial links with organised crime. Voters can see no end to it.

The international community

Besides the institutions created by the Dayton Agreement there are international players also involved in the BiH question, although their number has decreased slightly in recent years. Some of them have expressed doubts about the BiH experiment. Others consider that, in time, the RS should split away from BiH. Most, however, believe a ‘united’ BiH should be preserved but find the course of events deeply unsatisfactory. Some are openly mistrustful of BiH’s political stability and regularly lobby and vote every 12 months at the UN for the renewal of the High Representative’s mandate and the continued presence of the EUFOR’s ‘Operation Althea’. Simultaneously, most international actors are reluctant to actually participate and prefer to have the regional powers (including Germany, Austria, Hungary and Turkey) foot the bill and provide the troops. Only Turkey is willing and committed, with other major powers, in a time-honoured way, preferring to look at the experiment from the outside while retaining a mandate to act if they deem it necessary.

NATO still has a small HQ in BiH that no longer has troops on the ground but devotes itself to the usual after-conflict activities of public diplomacy and information, mainly trying to convince the Serbian population of the benefits for BiH of joining both the EU and NATO. After being bombed by NATO in 1999, Serbian politicians understandably tend to procrastinate and have so far refused the offer.

In July 2011 the EU created the office of the Special Representative to BiH. Located in central Sarajevo in the same building as the German Embassy, its mandate is to achieve the EU’s policy objectives for the country: ensuring a ‘stable, viable, peaceful, multi-ethnic BiH, co-operating fully and peacefully with its neighbours in the region’. The EU places a great emphasis on the rule of law, security and the need for coherence with its policies, and has the economy as its goal, with public communication being the key. The EU sees itself as the carrot, believing –quite wrongly– that the local politicians consider belonging to the European club a distinction well above their local quarrels and interests.

There are also many other external players: OSCE, several UN agencies, Embassies, NGOs and GOs. Historically speaking, the Balkans have always been subject to tension, having been known not so long ago as ‘Turkey in Europe’. Different attitudes to lifestyle, culture and everything else derived from considering oneself a Catholic, a Muslim or an Orthodox Serb are still present in daily life. This is not necessarily related to religion but more to its social and cultural implications. It is understandable that Russia and Greece, are not indifferent to the fate of their Orthodox brethren. The same can be said about Muslim countries –like Turkey– supporting the Muslim Bosniaks and other countries –like Germany, Austria, the Vatican and the US– being concerned about the Catholic Croats.

The social aspects

The population’s disenchantment with its politicians is notorious. The current system reinforces their dependence on local bosses, and strictly along ethnic lines. There is no such thing as civil society in BiH, despite some social unrest last year. Unemployment is soaring. Young people see their future outside BiH, in self-employment or working for local strongmen. For those in their 30s or 40s, often with excellent qualifications, the decision is more painful. Corruption is an everyday occurrence, whether in hospitals for basic medical treatment, in the police, the border police or any other individual position of power. The difference between urban and rural areas is appalling. Religion continues to play a fundamental role in the country as in centuries past, with a persistent attachment to very traditional values. It is easy to find residents of the Muslim part of Sarajevo (85%) or, for that matter, of the Serb part, who have travelled to Germany, Austria, Turkey or even the US but never dared to cross into each other’s neighbourhoods, 500 metres away. In the countryside, the wars have turned BiH into one of the most heavily-mined countries in the world. De-mining, if it continue, might easily take up to 30 years.

In the Federation they still enforce the ‘two schools under one roof’ system. Children of the dominant minority in a particular village use local school’s classrooms and main gate while those from minority groups have to use other rooms, other schedules and other entrances. And, of course, they use different textbooks, with different contents, particularly as regards history and language. Serbo-Croat was the official language of the former Yugoslavia, in Latin characters for Catholics and Muslims and in Cyrillic script for Orthodox Serbs. Now there are three official and separate languages: Serbian, Croat and Bosniak.

The generations that lived through the war are too weary and fearful to contemplate the possibility of another one, but there is now a whole new generation that knows little about it. Surprisingly, there is some nostalgia for Tito’s times also in those who were born after Yugoslavia disintegrated. Unfortunately, hooliganism and a passion for weapons are not uncommon, a problem shared with other Western Balkan countries. BiH has been well provided since Tito’s day with all manner of firearms and ammunition. The huge arsenals left over from the wars in the 90s are in private and party hands, as well as in insecure depots. A small difference now is that neighbouring Croatia has been a member of the EU since 2013. Croatia has a frontier of almost 1,000 km with BiH but only three official border crossings and smuggling has been a way of life for centuries. To this can now be added human smuggling, drugs, money laundering and Internet crimes. The mafias in the new countries that arose out of the dissolution of have no problem in cooperating regardless of any political or ethnic considerations: business is business.

Events in July and August 2014

Floods are a recurrent problem in BiH and are a yearly occurrence due to powerful rivers and insufficient civil engineering works. Unfortunately, this year’s floods have had devastating consequences. The Assistant Minister for Search and Rescue Operations of the BiH Ministry of Security, Samir Agić, said last month that sadly the existing search and rescue efforts were ineffective because coordination was poor ‘due to the way the country is organised’ and because ‘we have a decentralised law on search and rescue, but the entities have never harmonised’. Furthermore, the recent floods will hinder the current plan for mine clearance operations as they have displaced mines.

During his tour of flood-affected areas the current Chair of the BiH Presidency, Bakir Izetbegović (a Muslim), visited Doboj, a municipality located in the RS, and held a meeting with Doboj’s mayor, Obren Petrović. He was accompanied by Christopher Perry, the Commander of NATO HQ in Sarajevo, Zekerijah Osmić, BiH Defence Minister, and BiH armed forces’ commanders. They visited the Doboj barracks, a health centre and a soup kitchen established by the Majlis of the BiH Islamic Community. Several small villages in the municipality are known to have connections to Muslim extremists and Wahhabi sects, which have so far been alien to the Balkans’ Muslim culture.

The President of the RS, Milorad Dodik (a Serb), commented on Izetbegović’s visit to Doboj that it was not in accordance with the Dayton Agreement or the BiH Constitution, as it was not supported by a decision of the BiH Presidency. Dodik considered the visit to Doboj a manipulation and politicisation of the role of the members of the Armed Forces during the floods. He also saw Izetbegović’s visit as simply sightseeing and useful public relations stunt for the upcoming elections. Izetbegović answered that he would act in the same way on any future occasion. But for Dodik, who is a stickler for complying with the Dayton Agreement and the BiH Constitution, the RS Presidency is the only competent authority to decide on military matters in the RS.

Additionally, the population’s perception of crime has not improved. The results of a survey on organised crime recently issued by the Centre for Security Studies of the EU Delegation to BiH show that the population is aware that organised crime in the country is on the rise because criminals can count on the support of both politicians and political parties. As many as 80% of the respondents agreed that the political parties in power were consorting with criminals. The respondents listed drug trafficking, money laundering, human trafficking and car theft as the most common offences, adding that financial crime, tax evasion, illegal arms trafficking and racketeering were also flourishing in BiH thanks to the connivance of those in power. Terrorism has always been an issue in BiH. It is believed that some 350 Muslim Bosnians have travelled to Syria in the past two years, with a number of suicide deaths already confirmed.

Meanwhile, for the international community it is business as usual. Last month, the British Ministry of Defence issued a press release to the effect that additional British troops were to be deployed in BiH in order to ‘assist EUFOR to maintain a safe-and-secure-environment over the next six months, including the election period’.


BiH has an ethnic-based and very limited democracy in which the pressure exerted by the international community has forced people who not so long ago were killing each other to live together. It is a post-conflict country, whose inhabitants can have full political rights only by declaring themselves members of one of the three main ethnic groups. Those who do not (whether Jews, Roma or others) cannot stand in the elections. Many citizens of Brcko will not have the right to vote in these upcoming elections due to administrative problems. Conversely, internally displaced people will be given the opportunity to vote either where they live now or where they were living in 1991 (last census).

During the wars, ethnic cleansing was widespread. This has occurred several times in the area over the past 100 years. As the Bosnians say, ‘historically the shortest period in between wars among us has been four years, and the longest, 50 years’. Those who fought or had to live through the wars of the 1990s have had enough: they can live together, as long as they do not have to socialise too much. A serious problem is that political parties make a good living out of the stalemate and of exploiting ethnic differences. The availability and abundance of weapons is no help. The enormous areas of arable land that still contain minefields will continue to be a problem for the next 30 years.

The influence of Bosnia’s powerful neighbours, Serbia and Croatia, should not be overlooked. It is not the purpose of this paper to analyse either their roles today or how differently they are perceived by the international players involved. Their roles during the wars are not easy to ignore. Nevertheless, they are parties to the Dayton accord’s implementation, at least on paper. As a carrot, the EU decided two years ago to remove the visa requirements for BiH citizens to travel to the EU (but not to work). However, the result was a notorious increase of immigration abuses in several EU countries.

Despite the signing in 2011 of a Stabiliation and Association Agreement between BiH and the EU, nothing further has been achieved with the pompously named ‘BiH roadmap to the EU’. Local politicians do not agree on how –or even if– laws in BiH should be aligned with EU standards.

The bottom line is that local politicians have very different views on how BiH should function. Some are openly dubious about the future or the existence itself of BiH: short-term interests and ethnic views prevail.

Consensus is a word that means nothing in BiH. Overlapping responsibilities at the state, ‘entity’, cantonal and municipal levels are a heavy economic burden, particularly in the FBiH. Corruption is rampant and nothing has really been achieved in the fight against organised crime and money laundering. Despite agreements, the processing of war crimes is lacking impartiality and accountability, despite all the money provided for that purpose by the EU through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). There have been several cases of journalists being harassed and intimidated. The Bosnian economy is contracting and having Croatia, its main neighbour, in the EU has helped much in economic terms. The reality is that BiH is an artificial state in which two quite completely different political ‘entities’, the FBiH and the RS, are pursuing divergent political goals. Given these structural conditions, how can the 2014 elections in BiH help to resolve any of the country’s problems?

About the author:
Antonio Cortiñas, Officer (Retd.) in the Spanish Armed Forces with diplomatic and military experience in the Balkans

This article was published at Elcano Royal Institute.

 Naslov: Re: General Election 2014
PostPostano: 07 lis 2014, 10:25 

Pridružen/a: 12 lip 2009, 13:19
Postovi: 5940
Lokacija: Croatia Alba; site:hercegbosna.org/forum

Will Next Elections In Bosnia And Herzegovina Help Solve Anything? – Analysis

October 6, 2014

By Elcano Royal Institute

Suffrage is ethnicity-based: BiH’s presidency is a three-member institution, with three presidents rotating every eight months and each of the ‘constituent peoples’ electing their own candidate for the position for a four-year term.

Not quite like that. In 2006 and 2010 Muslim Bosniaks elected both their own member of the Presidency as well as Croat member.

Crowning BiH’s political architecture Dayton created the ‘Office of the High Representative’, an international body with the mandate to oversee the Agreement’s implementation. The High Representative is a proconsul with extensive powers who can impose legislation or remove officials, although in recent times his prerogative has been used sparingly in order to encourage local politicians to find solutions through compromise rather than by resorting to a higher authority. The position has clearly suffered some wear-and-tear and been manipulated by the country’s political class, and 20 years on some even consider it to be part of the problem although others have a vested interest in maintaining it as it perpetuates the status quo.

By Muslim Bosniak political class based in Sarajevo.

BiH has a large number of political parties divided along ethnic lines, including the few that claim the opposite.


NATO still has a small HQ in BiH that no longer has troops on the ground but devotes itself to the usual after-conflict activities of public diplomacy and information, mainly trying to convince the Serbian population of the benefits for BiH of joining both the EU and NATO. After being bombed by NATO in 1999, Serbian politicians understandably tend to procrastinate and have so far refused the offer.

Good luck with that.

The EU sees itself as the carrot, believing –quite wrongly– that the local politicians consider belonging to the European club a distinction well above their local quarrels and interests.

Correct. The only side interested in BiH joining the EU are the Croats.

There are also many other external players: OSCE, several UN agencies, Embassies, NGOs and GOs. Historically speaking, the Balkans have always been subject to tension, having been known not so long ago as ‘Turkey in Europe’. Different attitudes to lifestyle, culture and everything else derived from considering oneself a Catholic, a Muslim or an Orthodox Serb are still present in daily life. This is not necessarily related to religion but more to its social and cultural implications. It is understandable that Russia and Greece, are not indifferent to the fate of their Orthodox brethren. The same can be said about Muslim countries –like Turkey– supporting the Muslim Bosniaks and other countries –like Germany, Austria, the Vatican and the US– being concerned about the Catholic Croats.

Funny to hear that. :sega

There is no such thing as civil society in BiH, despite some social unrest last year.

Good to know.

A small difference now is that neighbouring Croatia has been a member of the EU since 2013. Croatia has a frontier of almost 1,000 km with BiH but only three official border crossings and smuggling has been a way of life for centuries.

He must be joking?

During his tour of flood-affected areas the current Chair of the BiH Presidency, Bakir Izetbegović (a Muslim), visited Doboj, a municipality located in the RS, and held a meeting with Doboj’s mayor, Obren Petrović. He was accompanied by Christopher Perry, the Commander of NATO HQ in Sarajevo, Zekerijah Osmić, BiH Defence Minister, and BiH armed forces’ commanders. They visited the Doboj barracks, a health centre and a soup kitchen established by the Majlis of the BiH Islamic Community. Several small villages in the municipality are known to have connections to Muslim extremists and Wahhabi sects, which have so far been alien to the Balkans’ Muslim culture.


Terrorism has always been an issue in BiH. It is believed that some 350 Muslim Bosnians have travelled to Syria in the past two years, with a number of suicide deaths already confirmed.

Muslims are a disgrace for Bosnian name. Poor Bosnian Croats who have to share the Bosnian name with those lunatics.

As a carrot, the EU decided two years ago to remove the visa requirements for BiH citizens to travel to the EU (but not to work). However, the result was a notorious increase of immigration abuses in several EU countries.

That explains the fall in Muslim natality during the last two years.

The Bosnian economy is contracting and having Croatia, its main neighbour, in the EU has helped much in economic terms. The reality is that BiH is an artificial state in which two quite completely different political ‘entities’, the FBiH and the RS, are pursuing divergent political goals. Given these structural conditions, how can the 2014 elections in BiH help to resolve any of the country’s problems?

Spanish opinion.

About the author:
Antonio Cortiñas, Officer (Retd.) in the Spanish Armed Forces with diplomatic and military experience in the Balkans

This article was published at Elcano Royal Institute.

He must have been stationed in Herzegovina.

 Naslov: Re: General Election 2014
PostPostano: 13 lis 2014, 16:23 

Pridružen/a: 18 kol 2009, 17:38
Postovi: 1101
Source: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wir ... y-26134230

Bosnians voted in general elections on Sunday that will show whether people are more concerned about the 44-percent unemployment rate or still mired in wartime nationalist divisions.

Polls closed in the evening and election commission head Sjepan Mikic said based on information he is getting, the turnout will be higher than two years ago when more than 56 percent of 3.3 million eligible voters cast their ballots in local elections. Preliminary results will be announced early Monday.

The incumbent leader of the Serb half of the country based his campaign on promises of Serb secession and Russian support for it, while his opponents focused on fighting poverty and corruption.

The country's Bosniacs and Croats, who share the other half, have their own nationalistic disputes but are also more focused on the economy.

But many in Bosnia believe it will be hard for anyone to raise the living standard and create jobs. During two decades of nationalistic quarrels, the country became one of the poorest and corrupt in Europe, and the broken promises after six post-war elections have made people believe their leaders don't really care about them.

"To choose from what?" asked Janko Milovanovic, 54, from Banja Luka. "It's like putting your hand into a bag of snakes and grabbing either a big one or a small one. You are choosing between death in a half-hour or in an hour."

Whoever wins will for the next four years face the challenge of creating jobs in a country with one of the most complex bureaucracies in the world.

Voters were choosing more than 500 officials, including a three-member state presidency and parliament.

The country is divided in two self-administering regions. Voters in Republika Srpska will also vote for a president and a parliament of Republika Srpska. Voters in the Bosniac-Croat federation will chose lawmakers for their regional parliament and for parliaments of 10 cantons.

The constitution created several governments on various levels with overlapping authorities. A bit over 4 million people are governed by 162 ministers — one for every 26,000 citizens. The setup was a compromise made to stop the 1992-95 war over whether Bosnia should be divided among its three major groups or stay together.

All sides agree the system needs to be changed but they disagree on how. Bosnian Serb leaders say they would like an independent state. Muslim Bosniacs, the majority in the other region, seek a more centralized state. Catholic Bosnian Croats would like to have their own mini-state within Bosnia.

The average voter seems to have grown tired of decades of discussions over the country's political future.

"We need pensions to increase, our youth to get jobs. We need change," Sarajevo teacher Dubravka Duranovic said.

 Naslov: Re: General Election 2014
PostPostano: 13 lis 2014, 16:25 

Pridružen/a: 18 kol 2009, 17:38
Postovi: 1101
http://www.aljazeera.com/news/europe/20 ... 49580.html

Nationalists primed for victory in Bosnia

Parties that led country into war two decades ago scoring high in one of Europe's poorest nations.

Nationalist candidates of Bosnia's Croats, Muslims and Serbs were ahead in elections for the country's tripartite presidency, with just over half of the votes counted.

Based on the partial vote count, authorities said Zeljka Cvijanovic, alongside Bakir Izetbegovic and Dragan Covic were out in front in the race for the tripartite state presidency, as Serb, Bosniak, and Croat representatives respectively.

Bosniac leader Izetbegovic, who is the only candidate certain to occupy one of the seats in the three-member presidency for a second term, said it was not yet time to speculate about possible coalitions.

"Those who are ready will make an almost identical programme about the most essential issues like moving Bosnia and Herzegovina out of a reform standstill, and putting it on the path of EU and NATO integration, put up a determined fight against corruption and crime," Izetbegovic said on Monday.

He added that all candidates were keen to try to revive the ailing economy and create jobs, a key demand of voters in a country with an official unemployment rate at 44 percent and an average monthly salary of $525.

Nearly 20 years after a devastating war between its Croats, Muslims and Serbs, the country is one of Europe's poorest nations and remains split along its ethnic lines.

Izetbegovic, son of Bosnia's late wartime leader Alija Izetbegovic, won 33.16 percent of the votes, according to results based on almost 77 percent of ballots counted.

Wartime parties surge

His main opponent, local media mogul Fahrudin Radoncic, gathered 26.67 percent, the early results from the electoral commission showed.

Covic, who seeks to split the Bosniac and Croat federation, is ahead in the race for the Croat seat; the two Serb candidates are separated by only about 1,000 votes.

Cvijanovic and Covic were leading the race for the Serb and Croat member of the presidency respectively.

Although less important than the parliament, the results for Bosnia's presidency show the trend that parties that led Bosnia into a war two decades ago could be back in power.

Corruption that has plagued the country since its inception now costs taxpayers about $950m annually, according to non-governmental organisations.

 Naslov: Re: General Election 2014
PostPostano: 13 lis 2014, 16:27 

Pridružen/a: 18 kol 2009, 17:38
Postovi: 1101
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/o ... im-victory

Bosnia elections: nationalists from rival ethnic groups claim victory

Nearly 19 years after Bosnian conflict, early results suggest fundamental questions of national identity remain unresolved

Nationalists from rival ethnic groups have claimed victory in the Bosnian elections – a result which, if confirmed, will deepen divisions and fuel instability in one of Europe’s poorest countries.

The first official results are not due to be announced until 2pm Sarajevo time (1pm BST) on Monday, but some nationalist leaders have already started celebrating.

Milorad Dodik, a secessionist with strong ties with Moscow, claimed his lead was unassailable in the race for the presidency of the Serb half of the country, the Republika Srpska (RS), which he has long vowed to lead to independence. He said his policy would be for the RS to function “less and less [as] an entity and more a state”.

Dodik’s ally, Zeljka Cvijanovic, was also ahead in the vote for the Serb seat on the Bosnian state presidency, in which Serbs, Croats and Muslims, known as Bosniaks, share power. Deadlock between nationalist leaders has weakened the collective presidency and other tripartite state institutions. Serb nationalists are seeking to weaken them further.

Bakir Izetbegovic, the son of the country’s leader during the Bosnian war and the head of the main Bosniak party, the SDA, was ahead in the contest for the Muslim seat on the presidency, and said he hoped the voters would choose candidates capable of “overcoming the current deadlock that blocks the country’s integration into EU and Nato”.

However, Dragan Covic, another nationalist, was leading the race for the Croat presidency, strengthening pressures not only to undermine the Bosnian state but also the Croat-Bosniak federation that makes up half the country.

Reformists pointed to the vote for the country’s various legislative assemblies as a sign that the population as a whole wanted to change, but it was far from clear whether reformist parties would be able to form a working coalition.

“Ruling majorities got less votes than the opposition on all levels. Bosnia seems to have voted for change, the question is whether the post-election coalition negotiations will respect the will of the people for change,” said Reuf Bajrovic, the head of the Emerging Democracies Institute.

Turnout was estimated at about 54% of the country’s 3.3 million electorate.

Nearly 19 years after the end of the Bosnian conflict, which killed 100,000 people, the early results suggest that the fundamental questions over which the war was fought – national identity, ethnic distinctions and government structure – are still far from resolved. The 1995 Dayton peace agreement stopped the bloodshed but entrenched the results of “ethnic cleansing”, cementing the divide between the two halves of the country.

It has also led to an elaborate multi-tiered system of government with cabinets and parliaments on state, entity and cantonal levels, overburdening Bosnia with politicians and civil servants, who have generally paid themselves salaries out of proportion with Bosnia’s impoverished condition.

The official unemployment rate is 44%, with youth unemployment even higher, and the average monthly salary is €415 (£327). Corruption in the six layers of government is estimated to cost taxpayers €750m each year. The already stalled economy was further hit in May by devastating floods believed to have cost €2bn, equivalent to 15% of Bosnia’s gross domestic product.

The frustration and anger at the country’s stagnation among ordinary Bosnians boiled over into street protests in February. There have recently been more ominous developments. A few hundred Bosnian jihadis are believed to be fighting in Iraq and Syria, raising concerns of the threat of violence they would represent on their return. The country was also unnerved by the arrival over the past fortnight of about 150 Russian cossacks in the main Serb town of Banja Luka, at the invitation of Dodik’s government. They were ostensibly there to commemorate wartime Serb-Russian alliances but it emerged that their leader, Nikolai Dyakonov, had also led an armed cossack unit involved in the invasion and annexation of Crimea.

Sunday’s vote was the seventh set of elections since the war. It showed no signs of extricating Bosnia from a vicious cycle of poverty and discontent fuelling nationalist parties which deadlocked state institutions, which in turn further deepened the economic malaise.

Progress towards EU accession stalled in 2009, when the European court of human rights demanded a change in the Bosnian constitution so that members of ethnic minorities could run for senior posts currently reserved for Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs under the system inherited from Dayton. The demand went unheeded.

“No one can celebrate in this country. Those who won the largest number of votes will be put to the test,” the Sarajevo-based Dnevni Avaz daily commented. “If those parties don’t take in the seriousness of the situation and the message sent by the population during February’s protests, what will come next will be much more violent.”

 Naslov: Re: General Election 2014
PostPostano: 13 lis 2014, 16:28 

Pridružen/a: 18 kol 2009, 17:38
Postovi: 1101
Source: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/10/1 ... 7Y20141013

Divided nationalists ahead in Bosnia


(Reuters) - Nationalists with little shared vision of Bosnia's future were in the lead in an election for the three-person presidency on Sunday, likely portending more dysfunction in a country still haunted by the divisions of a 1992-95 war.

Based on a partial vote-count, authorities said Bakir Izetbegovic, Dragan Covic and Zeljka Cvijanovic were out in front in the race for the tri-partite state presidency, as the Bosniak, Croat and Serb representatives respectively.

Results of elections for national, regional and local assemblies were expected on Monday. Turnout was 54 percent.

The presidency steers foreign policy but little else. The results, however, are an indication of the way the parliamentary elections may go too.

Izetbegovic campaigned on the need for a strong, unified state, Covic on the creation of a Croat entity within Bosnia, while Cvijanovic is part of a Serb bloc that advocates Bosnia's dissolution.

The presidency is part of an unwieldy system of power-sharing between Bosnia's former warring sides - Muslim Bosniaks, Orthodox Christian Serbs and Catholic Croats - set down by a 1995 U.S.-brokered accord to end a war in which an estimated 100,000 people died.

The highly decentralised and costly system frequently paralyses decision-making, stifling economic development and efforts to create jobs for an army of unemployed.

Anger over factory closures, joblessness and corruption were at the heart of protests in February that turned violent in an unprecedented bout of civil unrest. Hopes that the violence might spur reform of a broken system quickly evaporated.

"I didn't vote for anyone; they're all the same. I just came to cast an empty ballot so they can't misuse it," said Sarajevo pensioner Saima Alajbegovic.


Sunday's elections were dominated by still-unresolved issues of identity and statehood, and fielded few new faces. The votes for parliament risk being split between many players, raising the prospect of long delays in forming governments at the various levels.

That will only worsen Bosnia's economic outlook, already hit by devastating floods in May that inflicted damage totalling about 2 billion euros (1.57 billion pounds).

Some analysts fear a repeat of the February violence without radical change.

"I expect that poverty and social problems will increasingly put pressure on politicians to change the way they work, as opposed to coming from their own desire for change," pollster and political analyst Srdjan Puhalo told state television.

The political system in Bosnia has spawned huge networks of political patronage through government jobs handed out to the party faithful, making change difficult.

"These elections are being won thanks to party foot soldiers, motivated to choose those who are already in power in order to keep their own positions," said Puhalo.

Limited Western efforts to encourage reform of the political system in Bosnia have run into the sand. Izetbegovic, leader of the main Bosniak SDA party, vowed an end to the divisions and to kickstart Bosnia's stalled bid to join NATO and the European Union.

"It's high time to end the standstill and I think that politicians have matured enough to come out of this vicious cycle," he said on Sunday.

"In any future coalition, I want to see parties that will have a programme to help take this country out of depression and standstill and put it back on the track of Euro-Atlantic integration."

($1 = 0.7913 euro)

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