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 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 24 lis 2014, 12:03 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Zapucao prvi put u 29 godina i preciznim hicem ubio terorista koji je zgrozio svijet


Umirovljeni policijski narednik Kevin Vickers (58) danas je u kanadskom parlamentu u Ottawi dočekan kao narodni heroj nakon što je jučer u istoj zgradi, gdje radi kao šef osiguranja, ustrijelio i ubio naoružanog napadača navodno povezanog s terorističkim grupama.

Vickersa su svi članovi parlamenta dočekali na nogama, uz višeminutne ovacije i pljesak, a među njima je bio i kanadski premijer Stephen Harper.

Vickers je ubio pomahnitalog napadača Michaela Zehafa-Bibeaua, glavnog osumnjičenog za ubojstvo vojnika, inače člana počasne straže, kod spomenika žrtvama rata (National War Memorial), koje se dogodilo prije suludog pohoda na zgradu parlamenta.

Kanadski parlament danas je nastavio s radom, a zastupnici su Vickersa dočekali odajući mu priznanje za herojski čin i vjerojatno spašavanje još brojnih života.

On je stoički, s tužnim izrazom lica, stajao pred razdraganom masom, nekoliko puta kimnuvši glavom u znak zahvale. U tom su trenutku, kako pišu tamošnji mediji, kanadskom heroju niz obraze potekle suze.

Parlamentarni zastupnici zatim su otpjevali kanadsku himnu "O Canada" i odali počast ubijenom vojniku, desetniku Nathanu Cirillu.

Ubijeni Cirillo nije se mogao braniti, jer puške koje nosi kanadska počasna straža nisu napunjene. Ubrzo nakon ranjavanja, 24-godišnji vojnik je preminuo. Michael Zehafa-Bibeau zatim se zaputio u zgradu parlamenta gdje je ispalio 30-ak metaka, ali srećom bez žrtava. Njegov pohod okončao je narednik Vickers, kojemu je to bilo prvi put u 29 godina da je na dužnosti ispalio metak.

http://www.zabranjeni.url/video--priznanje ... e/1230388/

Heroj: Kevin Vickers
Ubijeni: Nathan Cirill
Terorist: Zehaf-Bibeau

Važno je kako se zoveš...

The Canadian news channel CTV News named his mother as Susan Bibeau, the deputy chair of the immigration committee at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. His father, Bulgasem Zehaf, is a Libyan national appears to have fought in Libya in 2011, according to the Globe and Mail. The couple divorced in 1999. Paulson said Zehaf-Bibeau may have been a dual Canadian-Libyan citizen.

Primjer liberalne progresivnosti.

Mamica uvjerena liberalka koja smatra da svaki čovjek iz bilo kojeg kutka svijeta ima pravo doći u Kanadu i uništiti europski nacionalni karakter Kanade jer Bože mili to je progresivno i napredno.

Da dokaže to svoje čvrsto životno opredjeljenje naravno da se uda za muslimana, vjerojatno na zgražanje dijela zadrte euro kanadske familije (U neka sretnija vremena to bi bio dobar predložak za film u kojem bi se zgražali nad zadrtošću tih Euro Kanađana i pustili suzu nad pristojnim, plemenitim, moralnim čovjekom koji je samo kriv što je smeđ i musliman).

Tata, već spomenuti musliman, kasniji islamist koji se odlazi boriti na strani islamista u Libiju.

Liberalni brak iz snova propao već ranije.

Sinek, rođen u divnom multikulti braku u divnoj obitelji punoj ljubavi, odraste, postane radikalni musliman i ubije euro kanadskog vojnika (još nisu poznate ali mogući zadrti stavovi prema muslimanima i strancima, opet još jedan predložak za film u neka bolja vremena) koji drži počasnu stražu pred spomenikom palim euro kanadskim vojnicima.


Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 24 lis 2014, 20:50 

Pridružen/a: 02 svi 2009, 17:45
Postovi: 6998
Muslimani i crnci- ima neka tajna veza. Stalno vidim da jedni šlepaju druge. Žuti Azijci ne mare, a kamoli Indijci, a ni Indijanci. Ali- crnci i muslimani, to je ljubav velika...

Inače, propada im slučaj u SAD oko grada Fergusona, puštaju probne balone da je policajac ubio u samoobrani i da je crnački "gentle giant" napao policaja: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/ag-holder ... nfo-leaks/

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 25 lis 2014, 09:03 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15513
Cirillo? Italijan?

Inače, jel nam ovo nešto govori o efikasnosti Kanađana, u SAD se ovo ne bi zaustavilo dok ne pobije bar 15ak ljudi, pa makar se sve dešavalo i usred vojne baze...

Divan tekst gospodine Doc, suza mi je krenula :)

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 25 lis 2014, 16:38 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 12979
Lokacija: Zagreb
Metemma je napisao/la:
Cirillo? Italijan?

Inače, jel nam ovo nešto govori o efikasnosti Kanađana, u SAD se ovo ne bi zaustavilo dok ne pobije bar 15ak ljudi, pa makar se sve dešavalo i usred vojne baze...

Divan tekst gospodine Doc, suza mi je krenula :)

Dobro sad, ne možemo uspoređivati zgradu parlamenta i neku lokalnu školu. Čudno je da je tako naoružan uopće uspio ući u zgradu.

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 25 lis 2014, 18:03 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15513
Sjeti se onog lika u Teksasu, usred vojne baze...

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 26 lis 2014, 12:17 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Hroboatos je napisao/la:
Muslimani i crnci- ima neka tajna veza. Stalno vidim da jedni šlepaju druge. Žuti Azijci ne mare, a kamoli Indijci, a ni Indijanci. Ali- crnci i muslimani, to je ljubav velika...




New York


Zale Sikirica Thompson.

Pardon, Zaim Farouq Abdul-Malik.


Zadnja poznata slika.

Otišao još jedan Allahov ratnik djevicama na tulum.

Kad ga gore dočeka 80 sistas from da hood pomislit će: What the hell.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 26 lis 2014, 12:20 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Sveti Petar će uzeti svoju knjigu, malo prelistati, i upitati ga "Sjekira kažeš ?".

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 26 lis 2014, 12:31 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb

Čovjek ima pravo ekspresivno se izražavati, kaj ne?

Is the hatchet attack by Muslim Convert Zale Thompson aka Zaim Farouq Abdul-Malik a copy cat attack on four NYPD cops in Jamaica Queens just like the attack by Michael Adebolajo, (photo above) one of the men who killed British soldier Lee Rigby on a London street last year with a hatchet.


The terror convert who stormed Canada’s parliament and shot dead a soldier this week was influenced by the teachings of British hate-preacher Anjem Choudary, it has been claimed. Michael Zehaf-Bibeau stormed his government’s headquarters in Ottowa and opened fire on Wednesday morning, gunning down Corporal Nathan Cirillo, a 24-year-old father, as he stood guard at the War Memorial. Choudary’s Al-Muhajiroun followers have been connected to a number of militant plots in Britain in recent years and Michael Adebolajo, (photo above on L) one of the men who killed British soldier Lee Rigby on a London street last year, had attended Al-Muhajiroun protests he had organised. He was also one of nine men arrested last month on suspicion of encouraging terrorism, and supporting the banned organisation Al-Muhajiroun, but was released without charge.

The terror convert who stormed Canada’s parliament and shot dead a soldier this week was influenced by the teachings of British hate-preacher Anjem Choudary.

Londonski imam Anjem Choudary gostuje u popularnom televizijskom showu Hannity.


http://pibillwarner.wordpress.com/2014/ ... ican-hate/

Okupljaju se dečki...

Zašto da ne naposlijetku.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 26 lis 2014, 12:44 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb








Pripadnici britanske NVO Al-Muhajiroun.

Kakvo samo kulturno obogaćenje i raznolikost.

Što li navodi mlade Britance na ovakvo kreativno izražavanje...


Njihov čelnik i ugledni engleski vjerski vođa efendija Anjem-Choudary.

Poznat i po tome što je snažno utjecao na uzornog mladića koji je sjekirom odrubio glavu engleskom vojniku usred Londona i drugog divnog mladića koji je ubio kanadskog vojnika prije par dana.

Kako smo blagoslovljeni što takvi izuzetni ljudi utječu na mladež izvodeći ih na pravi put.

I to usred naših europskih zemalja.


Čovjek može samo osjetiti ushićenje pred ovim dugo sanjanim ostvarenjem multikulturalnog sna.



Više na islam4uk.com

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 26 lis 2014, 12:58 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Glazbenik je napisao/la:
Studija o medijskoj prisutnosti WN i anarhista na Twitteru i načinima kako im kontrirati:

Glazbenik je napisao/la:
I ovo ih brine.


Zanimljivo je pročitati stranice 63.-65. ovog izvješća objavljenog 2013. i prisjetiti se slučaja Rotherham obznanjenog 2014.

Za to vrijeme liberalne institucije u tijeku sa događajima...

Studija pod imenom:

A Neo-Nationalist Network: The English Defence League and Europe’s Counter-Jihad Movement

Jer zamisli netko se buni protiv ove divote multikulturalnosti i etničke, rasne, vjerske, kulturne raznolikosti gore.

Čak imaju te nekakve ekstremističke pokrete nazvane Europe’s Counter-Jihad Movement. :001_rolleyes

Šta reći o tim ljudima.

Zatucanci i nazadnjaci...

Vjerojatno i ognjištari.

Sva sreća da je tu:

The international centre for the study of radicalisation and political violence

U suradnji s:

In partnership with the Swedish National Defence College and the Centre for Asymmetric Threat Studies (CATS)

Koji paze na prave prijetnje.

Bijele rasiste.


Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 27 lis 2014, 14:00 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
We read that five new Ebola cases occur every hour in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, that thousands are dead and thousands more are dying, that, by December, there may be 10,000 new cases a week of this dreadful and deadly disease.

Yet calls for the cancellation of commercial airline travel from the affected nations to the United States are being decried as racist, an abandonment of America’s responsibilities to Africa, a threat to the economies of the poorest continent on earth.

How could we consider such a thing!

Where once we suffered from infantile paralysis, now we suffer from ideological paralysis.

http://buchanan.org/blog/ebola-ideology ... sense-7035

Zaustaviti širenje Ebole je rasistički.

Svi se trebamo jednako zaraziti Ebolom ako su se već jadni Afrikanci zarazili...

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 28 lis 2014, 13:49 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Austrian 15-year-old who ran away to be jihadi wife in Syria says she is enjoying her new life 'even if the food is mostly halal... plus Nutella and cornflakes'

An Austrian girl has said she feels she 'can really be free' among the radicals of the so-called Islamic State, six months after leaving her her parents with a note saying she would die for Allah.

Asked about the routine of life in IS stronghold Raqqa, Sabina Selimovic, 15, said: 'I like to eat. The food here is very similar to Austria even if it's mainly halal food.

'But you can get ketchup here, Nutella and cornflakes.'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -free.html

Misao dana.

Cura nije austrijska djevojka niti Austrijanka. Sabina je živjela u Austriji, možda je austrijska građanka (bivša?) ali nije Austrijanka.

Ona je muslimanka, Bošnjakinja, podrijetlom iz Bosne koja je živjela u Austriji i sad otišla na teritorj Islamske države da živi na Alahovom putu.

To ustrajavanje na terminima koji su u osnovi pogrešni zbog političke korektnosti je u osnovi pogrešno.

Svako tko živi u Austriji ili Francuskoj nije Austrijanac ili Francuz.

Zavaravanje i ponavljanje netočnosti ne čini želju stvarnošću.


Za privlačenje muškog svijeta na temu nije zgoreg ponoviti sliku. :laugh

Privlačna mlada djevojka.


Prije odlaska na Alahov put...

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 28 lis 2014, 13:53 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb

Turtle power!

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 03 stu 2014, 14:38 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
The Guardian: Pankaj Mishra
The western model is broken
The west has lost the power to shape the world in its own image – as recent events, from Ukraine to Iraq, make all too clear. So why does it still preach the pernicious myth that every society must evolve along western lines?

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/o ... kaj-mishra

Često spominjani esej Pankaja Mishre o zapadnom modelu.

Iako je u temeljnoj postavci promašen ima dobrih dijelova i zapažanja.

Zavist trećeg svijeta izbija iz svake druge rečenice, a za skoro sve se krivi Zapad.

Pretjeranoj kritici su podvrgli Zapad, a ostalima se izmišljavaju izlike i isprike.


No i tu dolazi polako do preokreta kad i čitatelji The Guardiana već prvim komentarom primjećuju.

Where is the non Western model in this article? A lot of knocking of the west, but no alternative. Fairly meaningless in the end since everything appears to be " the west".

its like a drunk in the pub slagging off his wife. Wont ever leave though. Could never do his own cooking and ironing.

Ima nade.

Vrijedi pročitati, samo kao i sve u današnjem svijetu treba znati što odabrati, a što odbaciti.

Kao cijelina ne valja ali mnoge pojedinosti su dobre.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 03 stu 2014, 14:44 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Secular liberalism, the Russian thinker Alexander Herzen cautioned as early as 1862, “is the final religion, though its church is not of the other world but of this”.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 03 stu 2014, 15:35 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Secular liberalism, the Russian thinker Alexander Herzen cautioned as early as 1862, “is the final religion, though its church is not of the other world but of this”. But it has had many presumptive popes and encyclicals: from the 19th-century dream of a westernised world long championed by the Economist, in which capital, goods, jobs and people freely circulate, to Henry Luce’s proclamation of an “American century” of free trade, and “modernisation theory” – the attempt by American cold warriors to seduce the postcolonial world away from communist-style revolution and into the gradualist alternative of consumer capitalism and democracy.

One event after another in recent months has cruelly exposed such facile narratives. China, though market-friendly, looks further from democracy than before. The experiment with free-market capitalism in Russia has entrenched a kleptocratic regime with a messianic belief in Russian supremacism. Authoritarian leaders, anti-democratic backlashes and rightwing extremism define the politics of even such ostensibly democratic countries as India, Israel, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Turkey.

The atrocities of this summer in particular have plunged political and media elites in the west into stunned bewilderment and some truly desperate cliches. The extraordinary hegemonic power of their ideas had helped them escape radical examination when the world could still be presented as going America’s way. But their preferred image of the west – the idealised one in which they sought to remake the rest of the world – has been consistently challenged by many critics, left or right, in the west as well as the east.

Herzen was already warning in the 19th century that “our classic ignorance of the western European will be productive of a great deal of harm; racial hatred and bloody collisions will develop from it.” Herzen was sceptical of those liberal “westernisers” who believed that Russia could progress only by diligently emulating western institutions and ideologies. Intimate experience and knowledge of Europe during his long exile there had convinced him that European dominance, arrived at after much fratricidal violence and underpinned by much intellectual deception and self-deception, did not amount to “progress”. Herzen, a believer in cultural pluralism, asked a question that rarely occurs to today’s westernisers: “Why should a nation that has developed in its own way, under completely different conditions from those of the west European states, with different elements in its life, live through the European past, and that, too, when it knows perfectly well what that past leads to?”

The imperative to emulate Europe’s progress was nevertheless embraced by the ruling elites of dozens of new nation-states that emerged from the ruins of European empires in the mid-20th century, and embarked on a fantastic quest for western-style wealth and power. Today, racial hatred and bloody collisions ravage the world where liberal democracy and capitalism were expected to jointly reign.

Robert Kagan, writing in the Wall Street Journal at the start of September, articulated a defiant neoconservative faith that America is condemned to use “hard power” against the enemies of liberal modernity who understand no other language, such as Japan and Germany in the early 20th century, and Putin’s Russia today. Kagan doesn’t say which manifestation of hard power – firebombing Germany, nuking Japan, napalming Vietnam – the United States should aim against Russia, or if the shock-and-awe campaign that he cheerled in Iraq is a better template. Roger Cohen of the New York Times provides a milder variation on the clash of civilisations discourse when he laments that “European nations with populations from former colonies often seem unable to celebrate their values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law”.

Such diehard believers in the west’s capacity to shape global events and congratulate itself eternally were afflicted with an obsolete assumption even in 1989: that the 20th century was defined by the battles between liberal democracy and totalitarian ideologies, such as fascism and communism. Their obsession with a largely intra-western dispute obscured the fact that the most significant event of the 20th century was decolonisation, and the emergence of new nation-states across Asia and Africa. They barely registered the fact that liberal democracies were experienced as ruthlessly imperialist by their colonial subjects.

By the 1940s, competitive nationalisms in Europe stood implicated in the most vicious wars and crimes against religious and ethnic minorities witnessed in human history. After the second world war, European countries – under American auspices and the pressures of the cold war – were forced to imagine less antagonistic political and economic relations, which eventually resulted in the European Union.

But the new nation-states in Asia and Africa had already started on their own fraught journey to modernity, riding roughshod over ethnic and religious diversity and older ways of life. Asians and Africans educated in western-style institutions despaired of their traditionalist elites as much as they resented European dominance over their societies. They sought true power and sovereignty in a world of powerful nation-states – what alone seemed to guarantee them and their peoples a fair chance at strength, equality and dignity in the white man’s world. In this quest China’s Mao Zedong and Turkey’s Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as much as Iran’s democratically-elected prime minister Mohammed Mossadegh followed the western model of mass-mobilisation and state-building.

By then European and American dominance over “the world’s economies and peoples” had, as the Cambridge historian Christopher Bayly writes in The Birth of the Modern World, turned a large part of humanity “into long-term losers in the scramble for resources and dignity”. Nevertheless, the explicitly defined aim of Asia and Africa’s first nationalist icons, who tended to be socialist and secular (Atatürk, Nehru, Nasser, Nkrumah, Mao, and Sukarno), was “catch-up” with the west. Recent ruling classes of the non-west have looked to McKinsey rather than Marx to help define their socioeconomic future; but they have not dared to alter the founding basis of their legitimacy as “modernisers” leading their countries to convergence with the west and attainment of European and American living standards. As it turns out, the latecomers to modernity, dumping protectionist socialism for global capitalism, have got their timing wrong again.

In the 21st century that old spell of universal progress through western ideologies – socialism and capitalism – has been decisively broken. If we are appalled and dumbfounded by a world in flames it is because we have been living – in the east and south as well as west and north – with vanities and illusions: that Asian and African societies would become, like Europe, more secular and instrumentally rational as economic growth accelerated; that with socialism dead and buried, free markets would guarantee rapid economic growth and worldwide prosperity. What these fantasies of inverted Hegelianism always disguised was a sobering fact: that the dynamics and specific features of western “progress” were not and could not be replicated or correctly sequenced in the non-west.

The enabling conditions of Europe’s 19th-century success – small, relatively homogenous populations, or the ability to send surplus populations abroad as soldiers, merchants and missionaries – were missing in the large and populous countries of Asia and Africa. Furthermore, imperialism had deprived them, as Basil Davidson argued in The Black Man’s Burden: Africa and the Curse of the Nation-State, of the resources to pursue western-style economic development; it had also imposed ruinous ideologies and institutions upon societies that had developed, over centuries, their own viable political units and social structures.

Recklessly exported worldwide even today, the west’s successful formulas have continued to cause much invisible suffering. What may have been the right fit for 19th-century colonialists in countries with endless resources cannot secure a stable future for India, China, and other late arrivals to the modern world, which can only colonise their own territories and uproot their own indigenous peoples in the search for valuable commodities and resources.

The result is endless insurgencies and counter-insurgencies, wars and massacres, the rise of such bizarre anachronisms and novelties as Maoist guerrillas in India and self-immolating monks in Tibet, the increased attraction of unemployed and unemployable youth to extremist organisations, and the endless misery that provokes thousands of desperate Asians and Africans to make the risky journey to what they see as the centre of successful modernity.

It should be no surprise that religion in the non-western world has failed to disappear under the juggernaut of industrial capitalism, or that liberal democracy finds its most dedicated saboteurs among the new middle classes. The political and economic institutions and ideologies of western Europe and the United States had been forged by specific events – revolts against clerical authority, industrial innovations, capitalist consolidation through colonial conquest – that did not occur elsewhere. So formal religion – not only Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, and the Russian Orthodox Church, but also such quietist religions as Buddhism – is actually now increasingly allied with rather than detached from state power. The middle classes, whether in India, Thailand, Turkey or Egypt, betray a greater liking for authoritarian leaders and even uniformed despots than for the rule of law and social justice.

But then western ideologues during the cold war absurdly prettified the rise of the “democratic” west. The long struggle against communism, which claimed superior moral virtue, required many expedient feints. And so the centuries of civil war, imperial conquest, brutal exploitation, and genocide were suppressed in accounts that showed how westerners made the modern world, and became with their liberal democracies the superior people everyone else ought to catch up with. “All of the western nations,” James Baldwin warned during the cold war in 1963, are “caught in a lie, the lie of their pretended humanism; this means that their history has no moral justification, and the west has no moral authority.”

Thus the editors of the Economist elide in The Fourth Revolution the history of mass slaughter in the west itself that led to the modern nation-state: the religious wars of the 17th century, the terror of French revolutions, the Napoleonic wars, the Franco-Prussian war and the wars of Italian unification, among others. Mainstream Anglo-American writers who vend popular explanations of how the west made the modern world veer between intellectual equivocation and insouciance about the west’s comparative advantage of colonialism, slavery and indentured labour. “We cannot pretend,” Ferguson avers, that the “mobilisation of cheap and probably underemployed Asian labour to grow rubber and dig gold had no economic value.” A recent review in the Economist of a history explaining the compact between capitalism and slavery protests that “almost all the blacks” in the book are “victims”, and “almost all the whites villains”.

Understandably, history has to be “balanced” for Davos Men, who cannot bear too much reality in their effervescent prognoses of “convergence” between the west and the rest. But obscuring the monstrous costs of the west’s own “progress” destroys any possibility of explaining the proliferation of large-scale violence in the world today, let along finding a way to contain it. Evasions, suppressions and downright falsehoods have resulted, over time, in a massive store of defective knowledge – an ignorance that Herzen correctly feared to be pernicious – about the west and the non-west alike. Simple-minded and misleading ideas and assumptions, drawn from this blinkered history, today shape the speeches of western statesmen, thinktank reports and newspaper editorials, while supplying fuel to countless log-rolling columnists, TV pundits and terrorism experts.

A faith in the west’s superiority has not always been an obstacle to understanding the tormented process of modernisation in the rest of the world, as the French anti-communist Raymond Aron demonstrated in books like Progress and Disillusion (1968) and The Opium of the Intellectuals (1955). Aron believed the west made the modern world with its political and economic innovations and material goals, but did not flinch from examining what this fact really augured about the modern world. As he saw it, the conflicts and contradictions thrown up by the pursuit of modernity had been hard enough to manage for western societies for much of the last century. Industrial societies alone had seemed able to improve material conditions, and bring about a measure of social and economic equality; but the promise of equality, which staved off social unrest, was increasingly difficult to fulfill because specialisation kept producing fresh hierarchies.

Some parts of the west had achieved some reduction in material inequalities, due to a market economy which produced both desirable goods and the means to acquire them; organised labour, which made it possible for workers to demand higher wages; and political liberty, which made the rulers accountable to the ruled. And some western countries had also, however brutally, got the sequencing broadly right: they had managed to build resilient states before trying to turn peasants into citizens. (“We have made Italy; now we must make the Italians,” the Italian nationalist Massimo d’Azeglio famously proclaimed in 1860.) The most successful European states had also accomplished a measure of economic growth before gradually extending democratic rights to a majority of the population. “No European country,” Aron pointed out, “ever went through the phase of economic development which India and China are now experiencing, under a regime that was representative and democratic.” Nowhere in Europe, he wrote in The Opium of Intellectuals, “during the long years when industrial populations were growing rapidly, factory chimneys looming up over the suburbs and railways and bridges being constructed, were personal liberties, universal suffrage and the parliamentary system combined”.

Countries outside the west, however, faced simultaneously the arduous tasks of establishing strong nation-states and viable economies, and satisfying the demands for dignity and equality of freshly politicised peoples. This made the importation of western measures and techniques of success in places that “have not yet emerged from feudal poverty” an unprecedented and perilous experiment. Travelling through Asia and Africa in the 1950s, Aron discerned the potential for authoritarianism as well as dark chaos.

There were not many political choices before societies that had lost their old traditional sources of authority while embarking on the adventure of building new nation-states and industrial economies in a secular and materialist ethos. These rationalised societies, constituted by “individuals and their desires”, had to either build a social and political consensus themselves or have it imposed on them by a strongman. Failure would plunge them into violent anarchy.

Aron was no vulgar can-doist. American individualism, the product of a short history of unrepeatable national success, in his view, “spreads unlimited optimism, denigrates the past, and encourages the adoption of institutions which are in themselves destructive of the collective unity”. Nor was he a partisan of the blood-splattered French revolutionary tradition, which requires “people to submit to the strictest discipline in the name of the ultimate freedom” – whose latest incarnation is Isis and its attempt to construct an utopian “Islamic State” through a reign of terror.

Applied to the many nation-states that emerged in the mid-20th century, Aron’s sombre analysis can only embarrass those who have been daydreaming since 1989 about a worldwide upsurge of liberal democracy in tandem with capitalism. Indeed, long before the rise of European totalitarianisms, urgent state-building and the search for rapid and high economic growth had doomed individual liberties to a precarious existence in Japan. Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia and South Korea went on to show, after 1945, that a flourishing capitalist economy always was compatible with the denial of democratic rights.

China has more recently achieved a form of capitalist modernity without embracing liberal democracy. Turkey now enjoys economic growth as well as regular elections; but these have not made the country break with long decades of authoritarian rule. The arrival of Anatolian masses in politics has actually enabled a demagogue like Erdoğan to imagine himself as a second Atatürk.

Turkey, however, may have been relatively fortunate in being able to build a modern state out of the ruins of the Ottoman empire. Disorder was the fate of many new nations that had been insufficiently or too fervidly imagined, such as Myanmar and Pakistan; their weak state structures and fragmented civil society have condemned them to oscillate perennially between civilian and military despots while warding off challenges from disaffected minorities and religious fanatics. Until the Arab spring, ruthless despots kept a lid on sectarian animosities in the nation-states carved out of the Ottoman empire. Today, as the shattering of Iraq, Libya and Syria reveals, despotism, far from being a bulwark against militant disaffection, is an effective furnace for it.

Countries that managed to rebuild commanding state structures after popular nationalist revolutions – such as China, Vietnam, and Iran – look stable and cohesive when compared with a traditional monarchy such as Thailand or wholly artificial nation-states like Iraq and Syria. The bloody regimes inaugurated by Khomeini and Mao survived some terrible internal and external conflicts – the Korean and Iran-Iraq wars, the Cultural Revolution and much fratricidal bloodletting – partly because their core nationalist ideologies secured consent from many of their subjects.

Since 1989, however, this strenuously achieved national consensus in many countries has been under siege from a fresh quarter: an ideology of endless economic expansion and private wealth-creation that had been tamed in the mid-20th century. After its most severe global crisis in the 1930s, capitalism had suffered a decline in legitimacy, and in much of the non-western world, planned and protected economic growth had become the chosen means to such ends as social justice and gender equality. In our own age, feral forms of capitalism, which after the Depression were defanged by social-welfarism in the west and protectionist economies elsewhere, have turned into an elemental force. Thus, nation-states already struggling against secessionist movements by ethnic and religious minorities have seen their internal unity further undermined by capitalism’s dominant ethic of primitive accumulation and individual gratification.

China, once the world’s most egalitarian society, is now even more unequal than the United States – 1% of its population owns one-third of the national wealth – and prone to defuse its increasing social contradictions through a hardline nationalism directed at its neighbours, particularly Japan. Many formally democratic nation-states, such as India, Indonesia, and South Africa, have struggled to maintain their national consensus in the face of the imperative to privatise basic services such as water, health and education (and also, for many countries, to de-industrialise, and surrender their sovereignty to markets). Mobile and transnational capital, which de-territorialises wealth and poverty, has made state-building and its original goals of broad social and economic uplift nearly impossible to achieve within national boundaries.

The elites primarily benefitting from global capitalism have had to devise new ideologies to make their dominance seem natural. Thus, India and Israel, which started out as nation-states committed to social justice, have seen their foundational ideals radically reconfigured by a nexus of neoliberal politicians and majoritarian nationalists, who now try to bludgeon their disaffected subjects into loyalty to a “Jewish state” and a “Hindu nation”. Demagogues in Thailand, Myanmar, and Pakistan have emerged at the head of populations angry and fearful about being deprived of the endlessly postponed fruits of modernity.

Identified with elite or sectarian interests, the unrepresentative central state in many countries struggles to compete with offers of stability and order from non-state actors. Not surprisingly, even the vicious Isis claims to offer better governance to Sunnis angry with the Shiite-dominated government in Baghdad. So do Maoist insurgents who control large territories in Central India, and even drug-traffickers in Myanmar and Mexico.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 03 stu 2014, 15:36 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
Fukuyama, asserting that the “power of the democratic ideal” remains immense, claimed earlier this year that “we should have no doubt as to what kind of society lies at the end of History”. But the time for grand Hegelian theories about the rational spirit of history incarnated in the nation-state, socialism, capitalism, or liberal democracy is now over. Looking at our own complex disorder we can no longer accept that it manifests an a priori moral and rational order, visible only to an elite thus far, that will ultimately be revealed to all.

How then do we interpret it? Reflecting on the world’s “pervasive raggedness” in the last essay he wrote before his death in 2006, the American anthropologist Clifford Geertz spoke of how “the shattering of larger coherences … has made relating local realities with overarching ones … extremely difficult.” “If the general is to be grasped at all,” Geertz wrote, “and new unities uncovered, it must, it seems, be grasped not directly, all at once, but via instances, differences, variations, particulars – piecemeal, case by case. In a splintered world, we must address the splinters.”

Such an approach would necessarily demand greater attention to historical specificity and detail, the presence of contingency, and the ever-deepening contradictions of nation-states amid the crises of capitalism. It would require asking why nation-building in Afghanistan and Iraq failed catastrophically while decentralisation helped stabilise Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim country, after a long spell of despotic rule supported by the middle class. It would require an admission that Iraq can achieve a modicum of stability not by reviving the doomed project of nation-state but through a return to Ottoman-style confederal institutions that devolve power and guarantee minority rights. Addressing the splinters leaves no scope for vacuous moralising against “Islamic extremism”: in their puritanical and utopian zeal, the Islamic revolutionaries brutally advancing across Syria and Iraq resemble the fanatically secular Khmer Rouge more than anything in the long history of Islam.

A fresh grasp of the general also necessitates understanding the precise ways in which western ideologues, and their non-western epigones, continue to “make” the modern world. “Shock-therapy” administered to a hapless Russian population in the 1990s and the horrific suffering afterwards set the stage for Putin’s messianic Eurasianism. But, following Geertz’s insistence on differences and variations, the ressentiment of the west articulated by nationalists in Russia, China, and India cannot be conflated with the resistance to a predatory form of modernisation – ruthless dispossession by a profit-driven nexus of the state and business – mounted by indigenous peoples in Tibet, India, Peru and Bolivia.

In any case, the doubters of western-style progress today include more than just marginal communities and some angry environmental activists. Last month the Economist said that, on the basis of IMF data, emerging economies – or the “large part of humanity” that Bayly called the “long-term losers” of history – might have to wait for three centuries in order to catch up with the west. In the Economist’s assessment, which pitilessly annuls the upbeat projections beloved of consultants and investors, the last decade of rapid growth was an “aberration” and “billions of people will be poorer for a lot longer than they might have expected just a few years ago”.

The implications are sobering: the non-west not only finds itself replicating the west’s violence and trauma on an infinitely larger scale. While helping inflict the profoundest damage yet on the environment – manifest today in rising sea levels, erratic rainfall, drought, declining harvests, and devastating floods – the non-west also has no real prospect of catching up with the west.

How do we chart our way out of this impasse? His own discovery of the tragically insuperable contradictions of westernisation led Aron into the odd company of the many thinkers in the east and the west who questioned the exalting of economic growth as an end in itself. Of course, other ways of conceiving of the good life have existed long before a crudely utilitarian calculus – which institutionalises greed, credits slavery with economic value and confuses individual freedom with consumer choice – replaced thinking in our most prominent minds.

Such re-examinations of liberal capitalist ideas of “development”, and exploration of suppressed intellectual traditions, are not nearly as rousing or self-flattering as the rhetorical binaries that make laptop bombers pound the keyboard with the caps lock glowing green. Barack Obama, who struggled to adhere to a wise policy of not doing stupid stuff, has launched another open-ended war after he was assailed for being weak by assorted can-doists. Plainly, Anglo-American elites who are handsomely compensated to live forever in the early 20th century, when the liberal-democratic west crushed its most vicious enemies, will never cease to find more brutes to exterminate. The rest of us, however, have to live in the 21st century, and prevent it from turning into yet another rotten one for the western model.

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/o ... kaj-mishra

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 05 stu 2014, 12:35 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
New York Times: Should Black And Hispanic Men Be Banned from Chatting Up White Feminist Women?

By now, you’ve probably seen the viral video in which the frumpy woman with the Flashdance hair walks around the streets of New York City getting catcalled.

The hidden-camera video was released last week by Hollaback, a group that bills itself as “an international movement to end street harassment.” The video documents the woman, 24-year-old actress Shoshana Roberts, walking the streets of New York for 10 hours as she claims to be the victim of some 100 instances of harassment.

Now, The New York Times wants to know if a law should shield white feminist women by preventing black and Hispanic men from speaking to them, and possibly offending their tender sensibilities.

“Do We Need a Law Against Catcalling?” the august, Victorian newspaper asks.

“Should current laws dealing with harassment be strengthened to include catcalling, or will that go too far in trying to control speech and behavior?”

In the video, virtually every man who speaks to Roberts (with comments such as “How you doing today?”) is either black or Hispanic.

While some commenters who responded to the “Room for Debate” piece noted the potential constitutional problems with a law against minority men chatting up white women, others wholeheartedly agreed that men on public streets must be silenced.

http://www.amren.com/news/2014/11/new-y ... ist-women/

While some commenters who responded to the “Room for Debate” piece noted the potential constitutional problems with a law against minority men chatting up white women, others wholeheartedly agreed that men on public streets must be silenced.


Podjela među redovima.

Kad žrtvena skupina maltretira žrtvenu skipinu imamo kako se to kaže...problem.

Dali treba zabraniti zakonom manjinskim mužjacima dobacivanje i dovikivanje za bijelim feminističkim ženama. Ili je to rasizam?

Ili treba pustiti da se to neprihvatljivo mužjačko ponašanje odvija slobodno bez ikakve zakonske regulative. No onda imamo problem sa seksizmom!

Zašto počinitelji nisu bijeli muškarci? To bi onda bilo jednostavno za riješiti.

Uostalom gdje su oni? Majku im.


Baš kad ih trebaš, njih nigdje.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 05 stu 2014, 12:39 

Pridružen/a: 18 sij 2014, 17:10
Postovi: 15067
Lokacija: Pod kraljevskim Srebrn'kom

Dušom i krvlju iskupit ćemo te, o Al-Aksa!
Bi ruh bi dam nafdika ya Aqsa” By our souls, by our blood, all for you oh Al-Aqsa

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 05 stu 2014, 13:04 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 12979
Lokacija: Zagreb
Ma ti američki liberali su jednostavno bolesnici, stvorili su toliko zaštićenih gruoacija da su se jednostavno pogubili u svemu tome. Ovu muškomrskinju optužuju da je namjerno izrezala bijelce iz videa, da se namjerno šetala po crnačkim dijelovima grada, da se namjerno okomila na aktivnost koja je češća među manjincima. Voditelj na nacionalnoj televeziji ne želi pustiti taj video jer je to po njemu čisti rasizam(bijeli liberal), po tome su židovske ultrafeministkinje inače poznate.

Sve će reći, osim da se prizna kako manjinske grupacije imaju problem u odnosu sa ženama i da im je to urođeno. Predirektni su i ne poštuju uobičajene kulturne norme. Pa i kod nas su azilanti malo čudni, prije par mjeseci je u tramvaju jedan azilant pričao s nekom plavušom, tj. kontantno potencirao razgovor koji je ona odbijala. Nakon što je izašla pitao me na kojoj stanici treba sići, krenuo sa small talkom naravno i dodao: "Bitches 'ir are crazy" njima je neuobičajeno da žena ne počne koketirati s njima u tramvaju, nasred ulice...

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 05 stu 2014, 13:09 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15513
Previše poljoprivrednih mašina, tako da stoka može da jede *** a ne mora da misli šta će da jede.

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 05 stu 2014, 13:12 

Pridružen/a: 18 sij 2014, 17:10
Postovi: 15067
Lokacija: Pod kraljevskim Srebrn'kom
To mu ga dođe ovako..

Dušom i krvlju iskupit ćemo te, o Al-Aksa!
Bi ruh bi dam nafdika ya Aqsa” By our souls, by our blood, all for you oh Al-Aqsa

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 05 stu 2014, 13:20 

Pridružen/a: 28 sij 2010, 18:54
Postovi: 13005
A i ova zenska pravi dramu...

Ipak je to New York...sta je ocekivala... niko joj nista ruzno nije rekao, cak ima i duhovitih komentara - "upravo sam video 1000 dolara" :)

Nije ovo tema na kojoj treba da se fura rasizam... da nisam licno doziveo, mozda bi i poverovao... 2008. godine se vracam sa mora, upoznam jednog amera, belca, iz Los Angelesa, radi u Disney-ju kao strucnjak za animaciju, upisao je doktorat u Londonu, pa je krenuo sa rancem da obilazi nase krajeve... dosli smo busem u BG, vidim da nema pojma gde ce da prespava...pozovem ga kod sebe, spavao je i jeo 3 dana za dz...

Skroz cool tip, odmah se primeti da je skolovan i inteligentan, pokazao sam mu grad, pricali o politici, zivotu u Americi... cak mi je pokazao fotku sa Jessicom Bill koja mu je bila devojka dok nije postala popularna...

E, takav tip kad smo setali Adom, gde leti ima svih tipova aviona od zenski...svako malo se okrece, zvizne, nesto dobaci... toliko mi je bilo neprijatno da sam morao indirektno da ga upozorim da je ovde ta fora malo seljacka... samo se nasmejao, rekao ok...i pravio se da nista nije cuo...

Dokle god nema nekog smaranja, cimanja za ruku, verbalnih pretnji i sexualnih aluzija... to je u granicama normalnog... vecina nigera je pita u slengu - kako si, sta radis... ne vidim problem...

Pokaj se Grobi! Mali korak za tebe, veliki za Srpstvo!

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 05 stu 2014, 13:39 

Pridružen/a: 20 sij 2012, 04:21
Postovi: 14970
Lokacija: Zagreb
joe enter je napisao/la:
Ja jedva čekam da belci izumru mešanjem sa drugim rasama (živim za taj dan).

To je to.

Konačno da nas posjeti i kognitivno poremećeni tip o kojima pišemo.

A sad trk po lijekove.

Do godine u Herceg Bosni. :HercegBosanac

 Naslov: Re: Kognitivni poremećaj liberala/ljevičara
PostPostano: 05 stu 2014, 13:54 

Pridružen/a: 30 lip 2009, 18:35
Postovi: 10841
doc je napisao/la:
Ja jedva čekam da belci izumru mešanjem sa drugim rasama(živim za taj dan)

To je to.

Konačno da nas posjeti i kognitivno poremećeni tip o kojima pišemo.

A sad trk po lijekove.

Šta je u tome loše?? , čak šta više poželjno je ,jer će ljudski rod biti zdraviji i fizički i na svaki drugi način , a što je najvažnije tvoja sorta će pr'nuti u čabar tj.izumrećete jer vi niste ljudi već rasisti.

Zbog tvog fašizma i rasizma koji si upakovao da izgleda moderno je moj narod stradao u Jasenovcu i mnogim drugim stratištima jer to je ista priča i matrica.

Zato ja kao Srbin nikako ne mogu biti rasista jer je moj narod bio žrtva rasizma , i jedva čekam da srpski narod pomeša sa drugim rasama i narodima upravo iz istih razloga kao što sam napisao malopre , a to je da likovi kao što si ti izumru i u srpskom narodu.

O turčine za nevolju kume
A ti vlaše silom pobratime

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