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Zombie mravi ciji mozak, te ponasanje i postupke mrava, kontrolira parazitski organizam.
A creature that gains control of the ant's brain and movement (WTF?!)
Wikipedija: ... ilateralisSpecijalna gljiva koja zarazi mrava, parazitski zivi u mozgu mrava i drasticno mijenja njegovo ponasanje, te na nepoznat nacin doslovno natjera mrava da napusti koloniju, nadje pogodno mjesto za rast gljive, objesi se na donju stranu lista trave na vrlo specijalan nacin, zagrize "venu" lista, objesi se, i tako ostane visiti dok ne umre. Iz glave mrava zatim izraste gljiva iz koje prsnu spore.
Svi zarazeni mravi umiru na isti, vrlo specifican i precizan nacin, koji je najbolji za gljivu (gljiva je jako osjetljiva i zeli da mrav umre na tocno odredjenom mjestu, visini travke, temperaturi, sjevernoj strani lista, posebnoj vlaznosti).
Znaci ne da mrav poludi, nego parazitska gljiva upravlja njegovim ponasanjem.
The changes in the behavior of the infected ants are very specific, giving rise to the popular term "zombie ants", and are tuned for the benefit of the fungus. The ants suffer from convulsions, causing them to fall to the ground and preventing them from finding their way back to their canopy.[13] The ants generally clamp to a leaf's vein at a mean height of 25.20 ± 2.46 cm above the forest floor,[9] on the northern side of the plant, in an environment with 94–95% humidity and temperatures between 20 and 30 °C (68 and 86 °F).
Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is an entomopathogenic, or insect-pathogenising fungus, discovered by the British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace in 1859, and currently found predominantly in tropical forest ecosystems. O. unilateralis, also referred to as a zombie fungus,[2] infects ants of the Camponotini tribe, with the full pathogenesis being characterized by alteration of the behavioral patterns of the infected ant. Infected hosts leave their canopy nests and foraging trails for the forest floor, an area with a temperature and humidity suitable for fungal growth; they then use their mandibles to affix themselves to a major vein on the underside of a leaf, where the host remains until its eventual death.[3] The process leading to mortality takes 4-10 days, and includes a reproductive stage where fruiting bodies grow from the ant's head, rupturing to release the fungus' spores.
Throughout the life cycle, there are unique challenges that must be met by equally unique metabolic activities. The fungal pathogen must attach securely to the arthropod exoskeleton and penetrate it—avoiding or suppressing host defenses—then, control the behavior of the host before killing it; and finally, it must protect the carcass from microbial and scavenger attack.[7]
Nakon sto mrav ode na specijalan polozaj na listu, abnormalnom snagom zagrize venu lista (znaci ne bilo gdje, nego bas u glavnu venu), atrofiraju mu misici i ostane nakon toga paraliziran. Tako ostane visiti, gljiva se potom nastavi siriti unutar tijela mrava i ubije ga, te mu IZ GLAVE (WTF) naraste gljiva.