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 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 01 stu 2015, 00:58 

Pridružen/a: 26 lis 2014, 10:58
Postovi: 2335
Lokacija: Република Српска/Republika Srpska
Ukidaju placanje gotovinom. Kako ce nasi raditi na crno sad???

Za dobar zivot nije rodjen svako

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 01 stu 2015, 15:48 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
boksnamnik je napisao/la:
Ukidaju placanje gotovinom. Kako ce nasi raditi na crno sad???

Sami neće moći do najbliže 2040., ako ne dobiju pomoć USA i EU.
A čini mi se da hoće.

Plan je da se ukinu rates na bankovne štednje i da države (centralna banka u stvari) dobiju moć da kažnjavaju ljude koji štede novac u bankama. Da im masno naplaćuju, jer kao eto ne troše okolo kao ludi i ne podržavaju ekonomiju i GDP. Neće ti se isplatiti ni pola plaće držati u banci na kraju platnog mjeseca, od prošlog mjeseca.

Morat će za takvu kontrolu nad ljudima ukinuti gotovinu potpuno.

Ima veze sa ovim nedavnim rates od skoro 0 i pokazalo se da svijet ne trči kao lud da diže kredite. Ekonomije stagniraju, radna mjesta ne otvaraju. Dvije najveće tvrtke za građevinske strojeve i vozila već godinama redaju samo gubitke, niže od prošle godine.

Možda se sve to namjerno radi i vozi u tom smjeru da pukne kao neviđeno u povijesti da bi svijet iste te tipove molio za pomoć, i eto nas u NWO kako ga zamišljaju. Ova zadnja rečenica može u domen teorija. Ostale gore ne mogu. Sudite sami zašto se radi kako se radi.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 01 stu 2015, 19:09 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Inače ovo gore da već dugo neće da stavljaju velike rates na kredite državama i velikim tvrtkama ima veze sa tim da su svi svjesni da je igri došao kraj. I da će i ova mega kriza doći kao i prošle, bez ikakvih velikih upozorenja. Samo se jednom dogodi.

Zato FED, centralna EU banka i ostale velike banke drže rates na skoro zero. Jer nitko od tih ljudi ne želi da uđe u povijest kao krivac za najveću ekonomsku krizu u povijesti.
Ako nema kamata na kredite i nitko ih nije uzimao, ekonomija stagnirala. Krive su države i korporacije koje nisu htjeli kredite, povoljnije nego bez kamata ne može biti.

Ako su kamate nekoliko postotaka i kriza se dogodi, krivi su ljudi u centralnim bankama koji su te kamate postavili. Takva je percepcija.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 03 stu 2015, 18:08 

Pridružen/a: 21 stu 2012, 10:26
Postovi: 3383
Lokacija: Србија
Civil war erupts in Sweden as irate Swedes burn nine Muslim refugee centers to the ground


 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 03 stu 2015, 21:07 

Pridružen/a: 21 stu 2012, 10:26
Postovi: 3383
Lokacija: Србија
boksnamnik je napisao/la:
Ukidaju placanje gotovinom. Kako ce nasi raditi na crno sad???

Nikako. Ako ne uđu u legalne tokove, pocrkaće.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 06 stu 2015, 12:21 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Švedska kapitulirala pred migrantima. Priznali da ne mogu više i traže pomoć od EU.
To je taj narod Europe za koji je svijet imao predrasude da su "inteligentni" i "mudri". No ne više, to je sigurno.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 06 stu 2015, 13:24 

Pridružen/a: 11 lip 2015, 00:16
Postovi: 6001
http://juznarepublika.com/2015/11/06/sv ... njih-u-eu/

Svedska pred kolapsom sa migrantima, trazi relokaciju za njih u EU

Švedska traži raseljavanje izbeglica u druge zemlje EU

PDF Štampa El. pošta
petak, 06. novembar 2015.
I Švedska je posustala pred brojem izbeglica, pa je juče po podne Stokholm zatražio da jedan deo pridošlica prihvate druge članice EU, pridružujući se tako Grčkoj i Italiji, koje takođe očekuju da se pretežak teret izbegličke krize rasporedi ravnomernije.

Kako smo svi opljackani.Film "Tezina lanaca" https://youtu.be/waEYQ46gH08

Film o propasti imperije duge 1.123 g. Vizantijska lekcija https://youtu.be/_fLuI92iHR4

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 06 stu 2015, 13:28 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Taj portal ima jako kvalitetne novinare. Osim ako nisu od nekog prepisali, ispod stoji" Politika".

Švedska traži raseljavanje izbeglica u druge zemlje EU

petak, 06. novembar 2015.
I Švedska je posustala pred brojem izbeglica, pa je juče po podne Stokholm zatražio da jedan deo pridošlica prihvate druge članice EU, pridružujući se tako Grčkoj i Italiji, koje takođe očekuju da se pretežak teret izbegličke krize rasporedi ravnomernije.

Nordijska zemlja, koja je prihvatila najviše izbeglica prema broju stanovnika, uputiće danas zahtev Evropskoj uniji da se doseljenici ravnomernije rasporede i istovremeno se planira usvajanje novih pooštrenih zakona za dobijanje azila. Švedska jednostavno nema više slobodnih kapaciteta za pružanje odgovarajućih uslova izbeglicama, saopšteno je iz Stokholma. U zapadnoj Evropi, za koju se na početku krize tvrdilo da je tolerantnija prema došljacima sa Bliskog istoka od zemalja istočne Evrope, raste popularnost krajnje desnice, dok prizori iz kampova, poput onog u francuskoj luci Kale, liče na pogranična mesta oko Sirije, a ne na civilizovanu Evropu koja se diči humanošću.

Za 1.000 evra Avganistanci koji su imali sreću da do Nemačke stignu pre nego što je ovu zemlju preplavio rastući talas sirijskih nevoljnika dobijaju lažno pismo od talibana u kojima im se preti smrću. Sa tim papirom idu pred komisiju nadajući se da će ih to spasti od deportacije. Austrija najavljuje da će od sredine novembra migranti iz Avganistana morati da čekaju tri godine pre nego što se njihovim porodicama dozvoli da im se pridruže i da će u tom slučaju morati da pruže dokaze da im je obezbeđen nezavisan izvor prihoda za zdravstveno osiguranje, stan i hranu. Berlin i Beč nisu jedini, njima se pridružila i Norveška, nekada poznata po svom velikodušnom prihvatu izbeglica iz nesigurnih ratnih zona. Više od pet stotina izbeglica iz Sirije i drugih zemalja bilo je pre dva dana zadržano u gradiću Nikel, na krajnjem severu Rusije, jer im norveške vlasti nisu dozvolile da pređu granicu i zatraže azil u Skandinaviji. Tako se i skupa arktička ruta za izbeglice sa dovoljno novca za avionsku kartu do Rusije pokazala nesigurnom.

Da bi izbegli žilet-žice, zidove, i proganjanje, migranti su tek nedavno otkrili arktički put, pa su sa Bliskog istoka putovali do Murmanska, zatim do pograničnog gradića Nikela, odakle su taksijem odlazili do granice sa Norveškom, gde su kupovali bicikle, pošto je za pešake prelaz zabranjen. Sada im više ne pomažu ni bicikli.

Norveške imigracione vlasti izdale su saopštenje da će Avganistanci koji dolaze iz Rusije biti deportovani ako se utvrdi da nemaju potrebe za azilom. Vlada desnog centra u Oslu je u toku prošle godine deportovala 649 dece, od kojih je 84 mališana iz Avganistana. Ovakva vest iz Norveške donedavno bi bila šokantna i zasluživala bi prvu stranu svih svetskih medija, a sada se izgubila u moru očaja koji izbija na videlo svakog dana, širom Starog kontinenta.

Zemlje koje su najoštrije kritikovale poteze Viktora Orbana, i prozivale ga zbog nehumanog odnosa prema izbeglicama, sada ga više i ne pominju jer i same grade žice i ograde, slične onima koje je već podigao mađarski premijer. Na delovima granice sa Slovenijom Beč je podigao ograde, a novi pooštreni zakoni imaju svrhu da „Austriju učine manje privlačnom za izbeglice”, kako bez ikakvog okolišanja konstatuju tamošnji zvaničnici.

Zvuči kao šala to što je do sada preko programa preseljenja u Švedsku, Finsku i Luksemburg iz Grčke i Italije prebačeno 116 izbeglica, kada se uporedi sa 160.000 migranata, brojem koji je usaglašen uz tešku muku na nedavnom samitu EU. Jasno je da su i te kvote pale u vodu i pre nego što su počele da se ostvaruju i da na grčkim ostrvima više nema mesta ni za sahranjivanje davljenika, ni za smeštaj preživelih koji prelaze uzburkani Mediteran. Mali broj izbeglica na atinskom aerodromu ispraćen je velikim rečima evropskih zvaničnika koji su opominjali na evropske vrednosti, humanost i principe. A od svega toga se na Starom kontinentu polako odustaje, kako komentarišu mnogi analitičari.

Zastali su i pregovori sa turskim predsednikom Redžepom Tajipom Erdoganom, koji posle ubedljive pobede Partije pravde i razvoja (AKP) na izborima 1. novembra može da diktira svoje uslove EU. Iako se Turska, po oceni mnogih stručnjaka, sve više udaljava od kriterijuma koje mora da ispuni na putu ka EU, Brisel će morati da pregovara sa partnerom koji će tražiti visoku cenu za saradnju. Ankara je ne samo ključni već i jedini preostali igrač koji može da uspori, ako ne i spreči, izbeglice da krenu na put ka Evropi. Sa druge strane, ne bi bilo fer, setili su se pojedini briselski analitičari, da se Turskoj progleda kroz prste dok se Crnoj Gori i Srbiji postavljaju najoštriji kriterijumi kako bi napredovale u pridruživanju EU.

Na početku izbegličke krize mnogo je mastila potrošeno kako bi se objasnio „kulturološki jaz” između netolerantnih nacija istočne Evrope i „pravih Evropljana” na zapadu kontinenta. Komentatori su se pozivali na stav Višegradske grupe (Češka, Slovačka, Mađarska i Poljska), tvrdeći da su „istočnjaci” zbog istorijskih okolnosti lišeni osećanja solidarnosti sa ugroženim grupama. Iako su na rečima, govoreći apstraktno, tolerantne, sada se može s pravom reći da su nacije u zapadnoj Evropi podjednako netolerantne prema ugroženima kao i one na istoku koje su bile pod kapom Sovjetskog Saveza, što konstatuje „Njujork tajms” u svom prekjučerašnjem komentaru. Najmnogobrojnija partija krajnje desnice ne nalazi se u Poljskoj ni u Mađarskoj, već u Francuskoj. Čak devedeset posto Francuza reći će vam da se zalažu za društvo različitih rasa, religija i kultura, ali svaki peti je glasao za liderku Nacionalnog fronta Marin le Pen, koja svoju popularnost stiče na antiimigrantskoj politici.

Pred naletom desničara ugrožene su čak i nordijske zemlje u kojima se učestalo pale izbeglička naselja. Da li to rade sami migranti nenavikli na severnu hladnoću ili desničari koji ne žele da se tuđini druge vere tu nasele u prevelikim brojevima?

Zorana Šuvaković

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 06 stu 2015, 20:30 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
U Stockholmu svjedoci čuli jaku eksploziju, došla masa specijalaca sa dugim cijevima sve se diglo. Masa ambulanti. Nisu dali ljudima izaći iz kafića i trgovina dok to traje.
I pokazalo se da nekom radniku "bušilica iz ruke, sa prozora, ispala na ulicu".

Stvarno ti Šveđani žive u nekoj polu-diktaturi. Osnovno ljudsko pravo na informiranje im ukinuto.
No dobro to samo po sebi, već što ih mediji ovakvim sranjima tretiraju kao totalne debile bez mozga.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 06 stu 2015, 20:43 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2014, 16:40
Postovi: 3294
Lokacija: S forumaššem na sunećenju.
Trebas im ti doci i reci im kako trebaju ziviti u svojoj drzavi.

A nation which makes the final sacrifice for life and freedom does not get beaten.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 06 stu 2015, 20:44 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Imaju tebe, dovoljno im.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 08 stu 2015, 12:14 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Ne bi me začudilo da za 3 godine vidim zakon o spolnom općenju sa životinjama. Sve samo da bi se stvorio privid da su drugačiji od ostatka svijeta. Malo ih hebe što nemaju zalihe plina i nafte kao Norvežani. Tko će financirati takvo nakaradno društvo.


by LIAM DEACON3 Nov 2015151
The Swedish government is set to vote on new proposals regarding transgendered children. The legislation would make irreversible surgical castration for 15-year-olds and legally changing the gender of 12-year-olds possible, against the will of parents.

The extreme proposals were published in a government commissioned report, “Legal sex and medical sex change“, authored by the Committee on the Age Limit for Approval of a Change of Gender at the beginning of the year. The committee is similar to the British government’s new Transgender Equalities Committee, which is set to make its own recommendations next year.

If the Swedish government accepts the recommendations they will become law in January 2016, making the nation the most ‘progressive’ in Europe on this issue.

Specifically, 15-year-olds would be allowed to decide for themselves if they want to change their legal gender and would be allowed to have a sex-change operation, with their parent’s consent. 12-year-olds would be allowed to change their legal gender, with their parents’ consent.

In the instance that a 12-year-old’s father does not think they are mature enough to change gender, or a 15-year-old’s mother does not want their child to amputate healthy organs, however, the report recommends authorities have the power to overrule the opposing parent.

The report suggests, “giv[ing] Social Services the power to decide that permission can be given without one guardian’s approval, if that is in the best interest of the child.”

The committee also recommended that the process of obtaining a legal gender change and/or sex-change operation be swift and not require the advice or approval of psychologists or doctors.

The law should “not make any direct or indirect demands that the person is treated medically in order to receive a legal gender change.”

This is precisely what has been recommended to the UK’s Transgender Equalities Committee, and has already been adopted in Ireland.

The British equivalent has also heard evidence advocating three and four-year-olds be exposed to transgender literature in school, and that the country should legally recognise a “third gender” such a “gender queer” or “pangender.”

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 08 stu 2015, 12:24 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Već se pojavili prvi migranti u Švedskoj i Njemačkoj koji govore novinarima da se žele vratiti u Siriju jer tu gdje su sada više strahuju za svoj život nego u Siriji.

U Njemačkoj islamski manijaci na sve strane, jedna ne-islamska "greška" i skoče ti za vrat.
U Švedskoj pored jednog pukla bomba, jedva preživio.

Tako uspješno Bliski Istok donesu sa sobom gdje god dođu. I još više podivljaju na socijali, jer ne moraju vrijeme trošiti na brigu o svom životu i hranu.

Inače nevezano za ovo, švedska vlada traži partnera za šatore (190.000 mjesta u šatorima). Pa ako netko u HR pravi šatore, eto prilike za doživotno bogaćenje na brzaka. Samo neka ne čekaju sa ponudom. Možda im Mađari mogu napraviti toliko šatora ?

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 08 stu 2015, 13:27 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
U nekim oblastima u Švedskoj se red za čekanje kod zubara (za Šveđane) produžio na nekoliko godina. Zvuči nevjerojatno ali istina je. Zubarima kalendar popunjen maksimalno.
Migranti plaćaju samo 5 € za sve radove na zubima i sad navalili kao ludi kod zubara da to iskoriste.

Dok je za Šveđane i dalje puna i velika cijena bilo kakvog posla na zubima.

Zašto se uopće čude što im pola Bliskog Istoka želi doći u državu.
Sigurno nije zbog toga jer su ludi za švedskom kulturom i običajima. Niti ih nešto zanima švedska klima.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 08 stu 2015, 13:43 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Možda niste upućeni u zbivanja. Od kad su Njemci pooštrili pravila za Pakistance, Afghanistance i ostale mimo Sirije Švedska ima rekordan priljev. Svi bježe tamo. Rostock prepun migranata koji čćekaju na trajekt. Švedske vlasti prije par dana počele avionima dotjerivati nove iz Italije, i to zamislite iz Eritreje i ostalih afričkih država.

Otvaraju im urede migracijskog ureda, državne urede u kojima nikad migranti nisu bili, i spavaju po hodnicima. Jednostavno kapitulacija, nema se više resursa i mjesta.

To su stvari za suda i suđenje za nacionalnu izdaju. Jednostavno nitko me ne može uvjeriti da su švedski političari toliko glupi da misle da sve te hebene i konkretne probleme mogu riješiti sa par kolumni u režimski naklonjenim medijima.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 08 stu 2015, 15:23 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Što se dogodilo sa tom Švedskom da toliko udovoljavaju muslimanima i sharia zakonima. Sumnjam da je puno Židova ostalo u Švedskoj, sve je to odselilo za Izrael, ili će odseliti brzo. Takva situacija je neodrživa i čovjeek bi radio protiv sebe da ostane gore živjeti.

Ali eto vlasnici najvećih Newspeak medija u SW navodno Židovi. Teško za objasniti koliko su "liberalni Židovi" udaljeni od većine običnih Židova, svjetlosnim godinama. Problem je samo što im oni za čije interese najviše rada neće nikad zahvaliti na tome. Naprotiv, da ne idem u detalje krvavi su. Za sad su sigurni u svojim vilama sa visokim ogradama i zaštitarima. Ali ne za dugo.

Slika iz škole švedskog jezika za novopridošle migrante. Klasika sharia.


Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 08 stu 2015, 19:24 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Majke ti, ovo zrelo da generali uzmu stvar u svoje ruke "do daljnjeg". Tu se više ne zna tko pije a tko plaća. Za ove budale čak i Milanović izgleda kao pravi državnik.

Sweden to refugees: Find a bed or go back to Germany… but don’t look for them at IKEA
Published time: 7 Nov, 2015 04:41

Sweden’s migration minister warned refugees that if they don’t find their own accommodation, they will be deported back to Germany or Denmark. The news comes as Europe’s refugee influx had depleted IKEA’s stockpiles of beds.

The Swedish government told media on Friday that it will no longer be able to provide housing for refugees and migrants arriving in the country, despite Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson’s claims that the migration crisis is not putting “acute” pressure on public finances.

“Those who come here may be met by the message that we can’t arrange housing for them,” Migration Minister Morgan Johansson told reporters. “Either you’ll have to arrange it yourself, or you have to go back to Germany or Denmark again.”

Europe’s refugee crisis has been dubbed the worst since WWII, with tens of thousands of people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and North Africa in hopes of starting a new life in Europe.

Amid the climbing number of refugees coming to Sweden, IKEA has announced that it is running extremely low on beds and mattresses in both Sweden and Germany.

“There are some shortages of bunk beds, mattresses and duvets” in several German and Swedish stores, an IKEA spokeswoman, Josefin Thorell, told Bloomberg. “If the situation persists we expect that it will be difficult to keep up and maintain sufficient supply.”

IKEA has been helping out local authorities with accommodation for refugees.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 08 stu 2015, 20:09 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Možeš zamisliti koliko si zabrljao kad te i Francuzi podjebavaju u vezi migranata. Golemo.

Od nedvosmislenog naslova, nedvosmislene uvodne fotografije do teksta članka.

France 24

http://www.france24.com/en/20151107-mig ... ower-image

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 08 stu 2015, 23:07 

Pridružen/a: 13 kol 2015, 17:56
Postovi: 63
jesu oštri Šveđani :D

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 08 stu 2015, 23:44 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15513
Jebeš mu mater, ovo već prelazi sve granice zdravog razuma. Kao da ih sistematski navlače što više da ne ispadnu rasisti a nemaju pojma šta će s njima... ne kontam...

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 11 stu 2015, 22:13 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Pa to nije humano. Hebeni rasisti, da vam nije palo na pamet to uraditi.

Zanimljivo da te seronje to mogu bez problema odraditi jer ih majka priroda, ako već ne mozgom, nagradila lijepim granicama za kontrolu. Trajekti i jedan most, to je sve.
Što im ovo vrijedi kad će svakoga tko se pojavi na granici kao i prije primiti i odvesti u migrantski kamp. Neka furka za Šveđane, da ih drže pod dojmom da nešto rade oko problema.

Sweden says it will introduce temporary border controls to stem the flow of migrants into the Scandinavian country.

Interior Minister Anders Ygeman said the border controls will be introduced at noon Thursday local time and last initially for ten days until Nov. 21.

Sweden says migration authorities are overstretched and nearly 200,000 asylum-seekers are expected this year. Relative to population size — Sweden has 9.7 million people — no other EU country comes close.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 14 stu 2015, 00:38 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Par godina stara UN analiza, ali jako dobra za ponoviti je.

Sweden to become a Third World Country by 2030, according to UN

According to UN projections, Sweden will be a much poorer country by 2030, much worse than what anyone in the Swedish government indicates.

The UN report HDI (Human Development Index) predicts a significant decrease in Swedish prosperity, unlike their Nordic neighbors, who will retain their top positions and even strengthen them globally in the long run.

In 2010 Sweden had the 15th place in the HDI rankings but according to UN forecasts, Sweden will be #25 in 2015, and in 2030 on the 45th place.

Sweden is one of few countries with such a sharp deterioration from what it had in 2010.

Finland demonstrates one of the world's best school systems, while the Swedish school have lost competitiveness.

Fewer ends up on welfare dependency in their Nordic neighboring countries while Sweden continues to have a greater amount of family households forced to live on welfare, which are a couple factors causing the dropped global competitiveness.

Negative developments, or rather liquidations can be exemplified by Orrefors Kosta Boda, which in 1992 had 940 employees in Sweden and was a profitable industry. Today less than 100 remain in the company after further cost reductions and adaptations in order to meet global competition.

Most of today's less developed countries such as Cuba, Mexico, the Baltic countries and Bulgaria according to the 2030 UN report will be passing Sweden in prosperity.

Even Greece, which today is more or less bankrupt, but will be on 13th place by 2030.

Sweden's leftist establishment and media believe a cornerstone of their perfect society is multiculturalism: large scale immigration from some of the poorest, most backward nations on earth. Swedes who disagree with that plan risk being labeled racist, fascist, even Nazi.

"We had a perfectly good country," Ingrid Carlqvist, a journalist said. "A rich country, a nice country, and in a few years' time, that country will be gone."

The logic should be really simple to understand, yet many have difficulties grasping it: If you import the Third World, it's what you'll get.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 14 stu 2015, 22:57 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Možeš zamisliti gdje si dogurao kad ovo Englezi pišu o tebi.

Torn apart by an open door for migrants: Sweden is seen as Europe's most liberal nation, but violent crime is soaring and the Far Right is on the march, reports SUE REID
Sweden currently accepts one in seven migrants entering Europe
But attitudes of Swedes about immigration are changing by the hour
Prime Minister Stefan Lofven admitted that his country faced a crisis
PUBLISHED: 00:10 GMT, 14 November 2015 | UPDATED: 10:57 GMT, 14 November 2015

Waiting at the bus stop with their bags are three Syrian men fed up with Swedish hospitality. Five minutes ago, they walked out of a charity-run migrants' hostel surrounded by trees in a pretty tourist town, an hour's drive from the country's second city of Gothenburg.

'We refuse to stay there,' says 29-year-old Maher Al-Saleh, as he stands defiantly on the roadside. 'The bedrooms are small, it's dirty, and they serve pasta every night, which we don't like. It is run like a Christian prison, with prayers before meals. We are Muslims.'

This may sound rather ungrateful. Maher and his two friends, Mahamed, 22, and Mahmood, 38, came to Sweden after taking this summer's well-trodden route to Europe from the Middle East, via Turkey. On reaching Germany, they discovered that the waiting time to claim asylum was running into months.

So, last month, they boarded a ferry to ultra-liberal Sweden, which has a reputation for welcoming any foreigner who knocks, and handing out generous taxpayer-funded benefits.

Of course, like the 100,000 other incomers to this country of just 9.5 million people this year, Maher's group was let in, and given a place to stay. But there's a problem: by Christmas, another 90,000 are expected to try to enter Sweden, leaving conflict in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as poverty-plagued parts of Africa.
Put the word 'asylum' in Arabic into a smartphone search engine and 'Sweden' comes out as the top result. Its population is the fastest-growing in the EU. The country accepts one in seven migrants entering Europe — more per capita than any other state.

In 15 years' time, demographers say, indigenous Swedes will be in a minority because the men who arrive are allowed to send home for wives and children, who in turn will have their own children.

The Swedish economist Tino Sanandaji, who himself has an Iranian-Kurdish background, recently described what's happening in Sweden as 'quite disastrous'. He said: 'This is an irreversible social experiment that no wealthy state has ever attempted. There are almost no ideas or visions over how this can be solved.
'You can't combine open borders with a welfare state. If you offer generous benefits, and anyone can come and use these benefits, a very large number of people will try to do that. It's just mathematically impossible for a small country like Sweden to fund that.'

Indeed, the truth is that despite its oh-so liberal reputation for warmly welcoming incomers, the attitudes of ordinary Swedes about immigration are changing by the hour.
This week, the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven admitted that his country faced a crisis. On Thursday, it reinstated border controls, carrying out identity checks on passengers travelling by train across the strait from Denmark, and those arriving at ferry terminals in the south, to 'maintain public order'.
Concerns are growing over security, amid fears Sweden could pay a terrible price for its indiscriminate welcome of people whose identities and backgrounds have not been adequately checked.
The country is running out of beds, the Migration Minister Morgan Johansson has warned, and the Swedish people — who already pay the highest taxes in Europe — have even been told their holiday homes may be seized to help out.

The Swedes put themselves in this situation. They have pursued a very lenient immigration policy for years and they are to blame for the swamp they are in
The Swedish furniture store chain Ikea has almost sold out of mattresses because so many are needed for migrants' accommodation in hotels, sports halls, ski chalets, summer schools, military camps, museums, theme parks — and the new tented villages beginning to dot the country.

As for paying for all the newcomers, Sweden has dipped into part of its overseas aid budget but has also gone cap in hand to the EU, begging for emergency funding to cope with the ever-growing influx. In what many view as an act of rank hypocrisy, this week the government even asked other EU countries with tougher border controls to take migrants off their hands.
Neighbouring Denmark refused. As its Immigration Minister Inger Stojberg bluntly explained: 'The Swedes put themselves in this situation. They have pursued a very lenient immigration policy for years and they are to blame for the swamp they are in.'

It was back in 1975 that the Swedish parliament decided that the country should become multicultural. The population then stood at eight million — virtually all ethnic Swedes — but its people had a proud history of offering help to outsiders.

A new ultra-liberal immigration policy was pursued enthusiastically by the ruling Left-wing Social Democrats for the next four decades. Sweden seized the moral high- ground in Europe by offering shelter to anyone in the world. Those who criticised the radical plan were shouted down as racist, as Sweden became the EU's citadel of political correctness.
But today Sweden faces uncomfortable questions about the kind of society it wants, or can afford, to be. At 16 per cent, the foreign-born proportion of its population is already higher than that of not only Germany and Great Britain, but also the U.S.

The Right-wing Sweden Democrats, an anti-immigration party, has quickly climbed to be the third largest in the polls thanks to support from Swedes who blame the migrants for rapidly rising crime rates and changing the country's culture.

This week, the party, which is backed by 25 per cent of Swedes, distributed controversial leaflets in Lesbos, the Greek island from which migrants arrive in rickety boats to get a toehold in Europe.

The message on the leaflets was stark. It read: 'There are no money, no jobs, and no homes left in Sweden. Migrants now only get tents and camp beds.
'Our society is falling apart. We have to borrow money to provide education and basic health care for our citizens. Due to decades of mass immigration, our previously safe country is not safe any more.

'Not only do we have a very high number of shootings and gang-related violence . . . but Sweden now has the second highest number of rape reports in the entire world.'
It went on: 'In Sweden, women and men are equal. Forced marriages and polygamy will never be accepted. Halal slaughter of animals, wearing the niqab or burqa in public places will be forbidden in our country.'

However emotive the leaflet's language, the fact is that life for all Swedes is changing irrevocably.

By the end of next year, income taxes are expected to be running at 60 per cent for the biggest earners, the highest in the world.
The Army and the Civil Contingencies' Agency, set up to manage disasters, has been drafted in to help with the arrivals. Citizens have been told to stock up on water and tinned food in case shops run short. And on the streets, there is an air of tension.

Of course, migrants cannot be blamed for all the ills befalling Sweden — far less, every crime. Yet this is undeniably a society under strain. Since 1975, violent crime and rapes, including gang rapes, have risen to an extraordinary high level (in politically correct Sweden official statistics do not give the ethnic background of attackers.)
Forty years ago, 421 rapes were reported to the police in Sweden annually. By 2010, according to a BBC report, police recorded the highest number of offences — about 63 per 100,000 inhabitants — of any force in Europe. That was the second highest in the world — surpassed only by Lesotho in southern Africa.

In 2014, according to the Gatestone Institute, a respected American think tank, the number of rapes had risen to 6,620, an increase of 1,472 per cent since 1975.

In August, a double murder in an Ikea store in Vasteras, a small city in central Sweden, sent shockwaves through the nation. The victims were ethnic Swedes, 55-year-old Carola Herlin and her 28-year-old son, Emil. Their attacker was a 36-year-old Eritrean migrant who confessed to the random killings, apparently carried out with knives seized from the store's kitchenware department.
Last month, there was another tragedy, in Trollhattan, a multicultural town, now home to hundreds of migrants, near Gothenburg.

Wearing a Darth Vader mask, a 21-year-old Swede called Anton Lundin Pettersson walked into a secondary school and stabbed a teacher with an Iraqi background, and then a 15-year-old pupil with the surname Hussan.

If you offer generous benefits, and anyone can come and use these benefits, a very large number of people will try to do that. It's just mathematically impossible for a small country like Sweden to fund that

The police, who shot Pettersson — he died later of his wounds — said he had targeted 'those with brown skins' in a racial attack.
Prime Minister Lofven visited the school within hours, but this did not prevent ordinary Swedes deluging him and his government with emails of protest that were later released through Freedom of Information requests. The emails reveal the mood of the moment. Mattias, a 43-year-old social worker and father of four, wrote: 'I am trying to explain to my children, aged six to 16, what is going on in Sweden. I want my kids to grow up here the way I did, without explosions, hand grenades, car fires, violence, rape, and murder at Ikea.

'All these things are happening due to the unchecked influx from abroad. You are creating a hidden hatred in Sweden. We are dissatisfied by the way immigration is handled.'
Another protester, Marcus, 21, who had voted for Mr Lofven's Social Democrats, said he was unhappy still to be living with his parents owing to the public housing shortage.
'As soon as an old person moves out, eight foreigners move in: they just bypass us young Swedish people waiting in line,' he complained.
'With all the rapes, robberies and murders going on, why aren't non-Swedes sent back to their countries when they commit crimes?'

Another writer, Laila, added: 'I was raised in a Stockholm suburb, but seven years ago we moved on because we couldn't take the dogs out in the evening due to non-Europeans driving on the pavements. If you didn't move, they would jump out of the car and hit you. If you called the police, they did nothing.
'When my brother told these men off, a lit rocket (the kind you use at New Year) appeared in his mailbox. You can imagine how loud the blast was.'

Even the normally reticent police have admitted that some parts of Sweden have become 'no-go' areas for them. As one official explained recently: 'Police, ambulances and the fire brigade are attacked by gangsters. There are a lot of firearms, handguns especially. The kids throw stones at them, too — there are more or less riots.'

According to Professor Sanandaji, the economist mentioned earlier, nearly half of the young immigrants who arrive will struggle to pass exams at school or get a job. They are likely to live in 'nice Swedish welfare ghettos', rely on benefits, and — sadly — play their part in boosting crime rates. A particular problem for the authorities is coping with the thousands of unaccompanied children who are turning up. It costs £80,000 a year to house, educate and feed each under-age migrant — and so far this year, 33,000 have arrived.

Nowhere is the impact of migration more visible than in Trelleborg, Sweden's southernmost town, a few hours by ferry across the sea from Germany. Last month, 1,900 young Eritreans, Afghans, Somalians and Iraqis claiming to be under 18 arrived after refusing to seek asylum in Germany because of lengthening waiting times for registration.

Here, and in nearby Malmo, Sweden's third biggest city, the authorities are struggling to cope. In Trelleborg, I found a 17-year-old Afghan, Mohsen Karimi and his four friends idly hanging around the town centre with scores of foreign youngsters. They took me to a big house, where they live off the main promenade, and explained they are given handsome pocket money of £160 a month, three free meals a day, as well as the use of bicycles.

Looking over his shoulder before posing for photographs, Mohsen said he had been told by the migration authorities not to talk to the Press, before adding with a grin: 'We want to be in Sweden because it is better than Germany. We arrived last month from there. I hope one day my family will join me, and we will be Swedish.'
Mohsen claims to be 17, but the authorities will never know for sure. The fact is that many of the so-called child migrants heading for Sweden are in fact adults, cynically pretending to be under 18 to get their asylum cases fast-tracked.

This trick was highlighted by journalists who visited a migrant hostel in Malmo and took a picture of an Afghan youth, Ahmad Farid, who claimed to be 16. They put a stuffed polar bear doll in his arms, producing a photograph that was clearly of an adult man clutching a child's toy.
The photograph has since become a 'pin up' for groups campaigning against the refugee children 'fraud'.

The authorities refuse to do tests to determine their age, calling them invasive and an abuse of human rights, so they have no way of knowing who is an adult and who is not. In neighbouring Denmark, where the approach is tougher, they have found that 72 per cent of 'child refugees' are in fact adults. In Finland and Norway, the figure is 66 per cent.
Back in the small town of Munkedal, where I had met Maher marching out of his accommodation run by a church charity, I talk to the locals about the future of Sweden. Outside the supermarket, one man in his 50s shakes his head. 'Be careful where you go. It's unsafe,' he said. 'The other day there was an arson attack on a migrants' centre up the hill. People are getting angry and frightened.'

The attack, which left 14 migrants suffering from smoke inhalation, was one of scores on similar targets this summer as anti-immigrant sentiment grew. The Swedish authorities now try to keep the addresses of migrants' homes secret — although that is well-nigh impossible.
As for Maher, he left his home city of Dayr Az Zor, situated in the middle of Syria's civil war, to seek a better future. A bachelor and trained electrician with good English, he would seem the perfect candidate for a new life in Europe.

Yet despite his free accommodation and food, he seems dispirited by Sweden as a whole. 'They do not like us in Sweden any more. There are too many of us who have come. We have nothing to do but eat their food, and sleep. Perhaps I may go to Finland now.'
With that, Maher waves goodbye to me as he and his friends climb on the bus for the nearby city of Gothenburg. They want to ask the overstretched migrant authorities there for better accommodation.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 16 stu 2015, 21:07 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Živi kaos, i ne može im biti bolje, samo gore.

Sweden Descends into Anarchy

by Ingrid Carlqvist
November 13, 2015 at 5:00 am

"You have to understand that Swedes are really scared when an asylum house opens in their village. They can see what has happened in other places." — Salesman for alarm systems.

Since Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by over 300% and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472%.

Many Swedes see the mass immigration as a forced marriage: Sweden is forced to marry a man she did not choose, yet she is expected to love and honor him, even though he beats her and treats her badly. Her parents (the government) tell her to be warm and show solidarity with him.

"Are the State and I now in agreement that our mutual contract is being renegotiated?" — Alexandra von Schwerin, whose farm who was robbed three times. Police refused to help.

Once upon a time, there was a safe welfare state called Sweden, where people rarely locked their doors.

Now, this country is a night-watchman state -- each man is on his own. When the Minister of Justice, Morgan Johansson, encourages breaking the law, it means opening the gates to anarchy. Mr. and Mrs. Swede have every reason to be worried, with the influx of 190,000 unskilled and unemployed migrants expected this year -- equivalent to 2% of Sweden's current population. The number is as if 6.4 million penniless migrants who did not speak English arrived in U.S. in one year, or 1.3 million in Britain.

And the Swedes are preparing: demand for firearms licenses is increasing; more and more Swedes are joining shooting clubs and starting vigilante groups. After a slight dip in 2014, the number of new gun permits has gone up significantly again this year. According to police statistics, there are 1,901,325 licensed guns, owned by 567,733 people, in Sweden. Add to this an unknown number of illegal weapons. To get a gun permit in Sweden, you need to be at least 18 years old; law-abiding; well-behaved, and have a hunting license or be a member of an approved shooting club. In 2014, 11,000 people got a hunting license: 10% more than the year before. One out of five was a woman.

"There is also a high demand for alarm systems right now," says a salesman at one of the security companies in an interview with Gatestone.

"It is largely due to the turbulence we are seeing around the country at the moment." People have lost confidence in the State, he added. "The police will not come anymore. Truck drivers say that when they see a thief emptying the fuel tank of their trucks, they run out with a baseball bat. It is no use calling the police, but if you hit the thief, you can at least prevent him from stealing more diesel. Many homeowners say the same thing: they sleep with a baseball bat under the bed. But this is risky: the police can then say you have been prepared to use force, and that might backfire on you."

The salesman, who asked to remain anonymous, also spoke of Sweden's many Facebook groups, in which people in different villages openly discuss how they intend to protect themselves: "Sometimes you get totally freaked out when you see what they are writing. But you have to understand that Swedes are really scared when an asylum house opens in their village. They can see what has happened in other places."

One blog, detailing the consequences for the local population when an asylum facility opens, is aptly named Asylkaos ("Asylum Chaos"). There is a list of companies the reader is prompted to boycott; the blog claims these businesses encourage the transformation of Sweden to a multicultural society, and are therefore considered "hostile to Swedes."

At another security company, a salesman said that every time the Immigration Service buys or rents a new housing facility, his firm is swamped with calls. "The next day," he said, "half the village calls and wants to buy alarm systems."

Ronny Fredriksson, spokesman of the security company Securitas, said that the demand for home alarm systems first exploded about six years ago, when many local police stations were shut down and police moved to the main towns. This, he said, could result in response times of several hours. "More and more people now employ the services of our security guards. Shopping malls and stores in the city come together and hire guards. We are kind of like the 'local beat' cops of old."

Even though Securitas makes big money from the increased need for home security alarms and security guards, Fredriksson says they also are worried about the effect on society:

"The problem is that we too need the police. When our guards catch a burglar or a violent person, we call the police but the response times are often very long. Sometimes, the detainees get violent and quite rowdy. On occasion, the police have told us to release the person we have apprehended, if we have his identity, because they do not have a patrol nearby."

Even before the massive influx of migrants in the fall of 2015, Swedes felt a need to protect themselves -- and with good reason. Since the Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by more than 300%, and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472%.

The politicians, however, ignore the people's fear completely. It is never discussed. Instead, the people who express concern about what kind of country Sweden has become are accused of xenophobia and racism. Most likely, that is the reason more and more people are taking matters into their own hands, and protecting themselves and their families to the best of their ability.

All the same, some people do not settle for that. It seems some people are trying to stop mass immigration to Sweden. Almost every day there are reports of fires being set at asylum houses. So far, miraculously, no one has been hurt.

These fires are set not only by Swedes. On October 13, a 36-year-old woman living in Skellefteå was convicted of setting fire to the asylum facility in which she herself resided. The woman claimed she lit a candle and then fell asleep. Yet forensic evidence showed that a combustible fluid had been doused throughout the room, and the court found beyond a reasonable doubt that she herself had ignited the fire.

Left: The burned remains of a home for asylum seekers in Munkedal, Sweden, after it was torched last month. Right: The results of rioting in a Stockholm suburb, December 2014.
The number of violent incidents at Sweden's Immigration Service facilities is now sky-high. In 2013, according to Dispatch International, at least one incident happened every day. When Gatestone Institute recently acquired the incident list for January 1, 2014 through October 29, 2015, that number had risen to 2,177 incidents of threats, violence and brawls -- on average, three per day.

The Swedish government, however, would apparently rather not talk about that. Foreign Minister Margot Wallström conceded, in an interview with the daily Dagens Nyheter that garnered international attention, that Sweden is, in fact, heading for a systemic breakdown:

"Most people seem to think we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year. In the long run, our system will collapse. This welcome is not going to receive popular support. We want to give people who come here a worthy reception."

Symptomatic of Swedish journalists, this statement was tucked away at the end of the article. The headline was about how the political party that is critical of immigration, the Sweden Democrats Party (Sverigedemokraterna), is responsible for the asylum-housing fires. But foreign media, such as The Daily Mail and Russia Today, picked up Wallström's warning about a systemic collapse and ran it as the urgent news it actually is.

Nevertheless, in official Sweden, the imminent collapse is ignored. Instead, journalists exclusively focus on attacks by supposedly "racist" Swedes on refugee centers. To prevent new fires, the Immigration Service decided on October 28 that from now on, all asylum facilities would have secret addresses. And meager police resources will now be stretched even further -- to protect asylum seekers. Police helicopters will even patrol refugee centers. But considering there are only five helicopters available, and that Sweden's landmass is 407,340 square km (157,274 square miles), this gesture is effectively empty.

At a meeting with the Nordic Council in Reykjavik, Iceland, on October 27, Sweden's Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, was questioned by his Nordic colleagues about the situation in Sweden. Löfven had recently said that, "We should have the option of relocating people applying for asylum in Sweden to other EU-countries. Our ability, too, has a limit. We are facing a paradigm shift." That comment led a representative of Finland's Finns Party (Sannfinländarna) to wonder, with a hint of irony, how mass immigration to Sweden, which for years Swedish politicians have touted as being so profitable, has now suddenly become a burden.

Another Finns Party representative, Simon Elo, pointed out that the situation in Sweden is out of control. "Sweden has great abilities, but not even the Swedes have abilities that great," Elo said.

When Löfven was asked how he is dealing with the real concerns and demands of the citizenry, his answer was laconic: "Of course I understand there is concern," Löfven said. "It is not easy. But at the same time -- there are 60 million people on the run. This is also about them being our fellow men, and I hope that viewpoint will prevail."

The daily tabloid Expressen asked Löfven about the attacks on asylum facilities. He replied, "Our communities should not be characterized by threats and violence, they should be warm and show solidarity."

As if such behavior can be forced.

Many Swedes see mass immigration as a forced marriage: Sweden is forced to marry a man she did not choose, yet she is expected to love and honor him even though he beats her and treats her badly. And on top of that, her parents (the government) tell her to be warm and show solidarity with him.

More and more Swedish commentators are now drawing the same conclusion: that Sweden is teetering on the brink of collapse. Editorial columnist Ivar Arpi of the daily Svenska Dagbladet, wrote an astonishing article on October 26, about a woman named Alexandra von Schwerin and her husband. The couple lives on the Skarhults Estate farm in Skåne in southern Sweden; they have been robbed three times. Most recently, they were robbed of a quad bike, a van and a car. When the police arrived, von Schwerin asked them what she should do. The police told her that they could not help her. "All our resources are on loan to the asylum reception center in Trelleborg and Malmö," they said. "We are overloaded right now. So I suggest you get in touch with the vigilante group in Eslöv."

What the police had called a "vigilante group" turned out to be a group of private business owners. In 2013, after being robbed more or less every night, they had decided to come together and start patrolling the area themselves. Currently, they pay a security firm to watch their facilities.

"On principal, I am totally against it," von Schwerin said. "What are the people who cannot afford private security to do? They will be unprotected. I'm sure I will join, but very, very reluctantly. For the first time, I feel scared to live here now. Are the State and I now in agreement that our mutual contract is being renegotiated?"

Commenting on the police's encouraging people to join vigilante groups, social commentator and former Refugee Ombudsman Merit Wager wrote:

"So, the Swedes are supposed to arrange and pay for their own and their families' security and keep their farms from being subjected to theft, even though that has up to now been included in the social contract -- for which we pay high taxes, to have police we can count on to protect us and apprehend criminals?! When did the social contract expire? October 2015? Without any notice of termination, since the tax-consuming party is not fulfilling its part of the deal? This should mean that our part of the deal - to pay taxes for public, joint services -- has also become invalid? If the social contract is broken, it is broken. Then it is musical chairs (lawlessness, defenselessness, without protection), and that means that each and every one of us should pay less taxes."

Ilan Sadé, lawyer and social commentator, wrote about the refugee chaos at Malmö Central Train Station on the blog Det Goda Samhället on October 27: "The authorities no longer honor the social contract." He described four large signs on display around the station that read "Refugee? Welcome to Malmö!" in four different languages.

"It is unclear who the sender of the message is, or, for that matter, who is in charge of the reception facility -- a number of barracks by the old post office in the inner harbor. Everything is utterly confusing. It could be Malmö City or the Immigration Service, but it might as well be 'Refugees Welcome,' or possibly a religious community. I think to myself that a government agency could not reasonably write like this, a correct and pertinent sign would say something like: 'Asylum seekers are referred to the barracks for information and further transport.' But I am probably wrong; Malmö City is the chief suspect communicant. ... The signs in and around the Central Station are symptoms of something incredibly serious: Role confusion and the decay of the constitutional state. And thus, that our authorities no longer honor the social contract."

In a post called Anarchy, blogger Johan Westerholm, who is a Social Democratic Party member and a critic of the government, wrote that the Minister for Justice and Migration, Morgan Johansson, is now urging authorities to "be pragmatic" about laws and regulations (concerning asylum housing for so-called unaccompanied refugee children). Westerholm stated that this is tantamount to the government "opening the gates to anarchy":

"Our country is founded on law; Parliament legislates and the courts apply these. Morgan Johansson's statement and his otherwise passive approach are testimony to how this, our kind of democracy, may fade into a memory very shortly. He now laid the first brick in the building of a state that rests on other principles. Anarchism."

If anarchy really does break out, it would be good to remember that there are nearly two million licensed firearms in Sweden. Sweden's shooting clubs have seen a surge in interest; many are welcoming a lot of new members lately.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Švedska
PostPostano: 17 stu 2015, 13:03 

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