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 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 21 sij 2016, 14:00 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 09:25
Postovi: 44030
Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
granica je napisao/la:
Ministry of Sound je napisao/la:
S obzirom da obožavate komentirati belosvecka događanja (molio sam forumaše da ovu temu drže samo za događaje vezane za ekonomske migrante koji prolaze kroz Balkan), uživajte u ovoj temi na forumu Svijet.

A tema o izbjeglicama? Ima li i to ili cemo i njih pod "ekomonske migrante i islamiste" svrstati?

Pitanje je zaista samo tehnicke prirode.

Koliko znam, izbjeglice se nalaze uglavnom u Turskoj, Jordanu i Libanonu. Nepozvani proboj u treće zemlje je ekonomska migracija. No, Engleska i Kanada imaju ispravnu politiku, liferovanje izbjeglica direktno iz kampova, nakon utvrđivanja statusa i sigurnosne provjere - preferirajući obitelje i etničko-vjerske manjine. Kontinentalna Europa dobija nepozvane, nedokumentirane, neprovjerene sunitske muškarce između 16 i 40, u barem 80% slučajeva.



sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 21 sij 2016, 15:01 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 38182
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
To je bio i prijedlog da UN osnuje kampove u tim zemljama i da se daje azil provjerenim osobama, ugroženim obiteljima i manjinama.

Zašto to nekome ne odgovara i pokreće ovu masovnu seobu naroda u lovu na socijalne € je već neka sasvim druga igra.
Engleska kao i uvijek zna zaštiti svoje interese i očito im je jasno da bi ovo mogao trenutak koji će im vratiti glavnu riječ u Europi u budućnosti.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 21 sij 2016, 18:28 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15562
Biranje manjina potpomaže etničko čišćenje.

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 22 sij 2016, 20:16 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
'The EU has forgotten it needs borders': French PM says Europe 'could die very fast' unless 'destabilising' flow of migrants is stopped

Manuel Valls said Europe cannot take all the migrants arriving each day
He said the EU project 'can die, not in decades or years but very fast'
Europe's outer borders need guards and passport controls, he said
See news on the migrant crisis at www.dailymail.co.uk/migrantcrisis
PUBLISHED: 08:31 GMT, 22 January 2016 | UPDATED: 17:56 GMT, 22 January 2016

The EU could 'die very fast' because its leaders have 'forgotten it needs borders', allowing a million migrants to flow in unhindered, France's Prime Minister warned today.
Manuel Valls said that Europe cannot take the thousands of migrants arriving every day because 'our societies will be totally destabilised'.

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland he said that the EU's outer borders must be better controlled and said the Schengen passport-free deal is in jeopardy.
'If Europe is not capable of protecting its own borders, it's the very idea of Europe that will be questioned.

'The European project can die, not in decades or years but very fast, if we are unable to face up to the security challenge. That's why we need border guards and passport controls'.
'We cannot say, nor can we accept, that we can take all the refugees that are fleeing the terrible wars in Syria and Iraq, otherwise our societies will be destabilised. It's a crisis that puts the European project at risk'.

More than one million migrants have arrived in Europe in the past year, and Mr Valls said the EU is 'at grave risk' as a result.

He also said it has been a mistake for countries like German to say: 'Come, you will be welcome', because the groups of migrants are so sophisticated.
He told the BBC: Today, when we speak in Europe, a few seconds later it is mainly on the smartphones in the refugee camps,' Valls said.
This has 'provoked major shifts in population', he said.

Europe's border-free travel zone was nearing collapse last night as Germany announced it would keep the check points it reintroduced on its frontiers to stem the flow of migrants.
Interior minister Thomas de Maiziere said he could 'not foresee a moment' when the emergency measures put in place in September would be lifted.

Under the Schengen Agreement, 26 European countries had removed all border controls between each other, but this has unravelled as the migrant crisis has taken hold.

David Cameron has he is in 'no hurry' to hold an EU referendum before the end of 2017 without a 'good deal' on curbing migration.

Speaking to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the Prime Minister tried to quash claims he was racing to hold an in/out vote this summer to avoid defeat.
The Prime Minister was believed to want to secure a quick renegotiation deal at the next EU Council meeting in mid-February and hold a referendum in June.

Britain wants a deal that will make it less attractive to migrants and will also have to fight to keep the power to deport asylum seekers to their country of arrival in the EU.
But yesterday he said: 'If there's a good deal on the table, I will take it. But if there isn't the right deal, I'm not in a hurry. I can hold my referendum any time up until the end of 2017 and it is much more important to get this right than to rush it'.

Britain's demands for change on the four issues of migration, sovereignty, competitiveness and protection for non-euro states were 'not outrageous asks', but offered 'a huge prize', he said.
Yesterday in Davos, Swedish prime minister Stefan Lofven and Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte warned that the EU had just weeks to find a solution to avoid its demise.
David Cameron said last night he feels 'deeply European' from the bottom of his heart, angering Brexit campaigners who claimed his comments proved he will campaign to stay in the EU 'regardless'.

In an interview with French TV, the Prime Minister said Britain was a country with a 'European destiny' and that it was 'important' to stay in a European Union 'that works for us'.
And he invoked Britain's heroic struggle against Adolf Hitler to bolster his claim that the country should stay in a reformed Europe.

His comments angered campaigners lobbying for Britain to leave the EU who said they were proof that Mr Cameron was going to accept 'any old deal'.
Lord Howard, former Tory leader and home secretary said: 'I agree very much with what Valls has said. It's true the EU is in great difficulties because its two greatest projects, the Euro and the Schengen, are in crisis.

'Fortunately we are not members of either. They are the cornerstones of the argument of those that believe more Europe is the answer.
'It is a more acute crisis for those who think the Schengen area is a wonderful thing but many of us have had doubts and it may need to be revisited.
'The more (migrants) that come in to the EU, then more will come after, and that's the lesson we have to learn.

'I think what Valls called for was proper EU border control and if you had that you can turn people back and direct them to safe havens.'
He also said boats of migrants can be turned back.

He said: 'Australia has a large coastline and has been very successful at dealing with this problem if you had the political will to do it you can take the necessary action.'

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 23 sij 2016, 02:41 

Pridružen/a: 20 kol 2015, 05:49
Postovi: 521
Rediteljka dokumentarca, posle napada na njenu ekipu u Kaleu:

"U svakoj zajednici, među finim ljudima, uvek ćete pronaći i nekoliko budala. Džungla nije izuzetak. Pretpostavljam da u takvim nehumanim uslovima oni najmanje inteligentni postaju sitni kriminalci, jer nemaju viši cilj kome teže", napisala je rediteljka na Fejsbuku.


 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 23 sij 2016, 14:01 

Pridružen/a: 03 stu 2014, 22:01
Postovi: 1588
"U svakoj zajednici, među finim ljudima, uvek ćete pronaći i nekoliko budala. Džungla nije izuzetak. Pretpostavljam da u takvim nehumanim uslovima oni najmanje inteligentni postaju sitni kriminalci, jer nemaju viši cilj kome teže", napisala je rediteljka na Fejsbuku.

Pa što se ne nadje neko fin medju bosanskim Muslimanima ? Što se ne nadje neko fin na takozvanom Kosovu ?
Kako to da su svi isti i svi zagovaraju istu ideološku matricu ?

Република Српска & Herceg Bosna against Mordor.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 23 sij 2016, 16:33 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:39
Postovi: 60089
Lokacija: DAZP HQ
daramo je napisao/la:
To je bio i prijedlog da UN osnuje kampove u tim zemljama i da se daje azil provjerenim osobama, ugroženim obiteljima i manjinama.

Zašto to nekome ne odgovara i pokreće ovu masovnu seobu naroda u lovu na socijalne € je već neka sasvim druga igra.
Engleska kao i uvijek zna zaštiti svoje interese i očito im je jasno da bi ovo mogao trenutak koji će im vratiti glavnu riječ u Europi u budućnosti.

Engleska već cijelo desetljeće ima najbrži porast broja muslimana i drugih obojenih u Europi. Oni su službeno u svom glavnom gradu postali etnička manjina, odnosno samo su još relativna većina.

"Hrvata je danas u BiH manje od 400.000, ali je naš cilj da nas je milijun", kazao je Čović.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 23 sij 2016, 17:39 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 38182
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Dobro to stoji, to su većinom njihovi kolonijalci koji ipak ulaze uz određene provjere.
Ljudi su svjesniji problema za razliku od Nijemaca koji niti ne znaju tko im sve ulazi u zemlju.
U svakom slučaju Englezima odgovara slabljenje Njemačke i sadašnja Engleska politika je daleko restriktivnija prema imigrantima.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 24 sij 2016, 19:49 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15562
I dalje mi je malo nepojmljiv rat proameričkih vlada i proameričkih NVO protiv naroda svojih zemalja...

Zeman nastavlja sa optužbama: Plan komesara UN je GLUP I NAIVAN!

Tanjug | 24. 01. 2016 - 16:46h
Predsednik Češke Miloš Zeman pohvalio je danas češku ministarku prosvete zato što je ;zabranila da u škole uđe strip, obrazovna igra i filmovi koji treba da pomognu češkim đacima da se užive u situacije izbegličke dece.
Miloš Zeman
Miloš Zeman
pin on pinterestshare it
- To je još jedan idiotski projekt visokog komesara UN za izbeglice, ti stripovi. Mislim da je to isto tako naivno kao što je bila boljševička propagnda koje doduše nije bila u formi stripa, ali u suštini je bila jednako stupidna - kazao je češki predsednik na televiziji Prima.

Zeman je upozorio da je svaka glupa propaganda opasna i da bi deca mogla da ponašaju i u realnoj situaciji prema izbeglicama kao u obrazovnoj igri.

- U nekim slučajevima taj bi ih priručnik odveo u ćorsokak kao žene i devojke u Kelnu. Svaka glupa propaganda je opasna - rekao je Zeman.

Češke nevladina organizacija META uz podršku Ministarstva prosvete adaptirala je za češke škole strip, dva filma o kurdskoj devojčici i dečaku iz Avganistana koji u strahu za život beže u Evropu i obrazovnu igru za đake koji treba da zamisle da je Češku pogodila nuklearna katastrofa, a pošto naredna dva stoleća u zagađenoj zemlji nema života, u izbegličkom talasu je napušta svih 10 miliona Čeha.

Niko ni od suseda ni dalje u svetu, međutim, ne želi Čehe da primi, jedino imaginarni Pisistan (Peacestan) u Aziji ali i tu pri registraciji male češke izbeglice moraju da odgovaraju na pitanja da li će hteti da zadrže svoju veru, da li će pristati da slave pisistanske praznike i poštovati njihovu tradiciji, da li će tražati biračko pravo i da li bi primili posao koji je niži od njihove kvalifikacije.

Ministarka prosvete Katežina Valahova je u sredu, istog dana kada je projekt, originalno švedski ali na koji prava ima UNHCR, predstavljen u Pragu zabranila da se koristi u nastavi u češkim školama.

- Ni u kom slučaju neću dozvoliti da se ne taj način plaše deca ili da njih uvlače u ozbiljnu debatu u društvu - objasnila je Katežina Valahova.

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 24 sij 2016, 21:27 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Česi mi se sve više sviđaju kao ponosan narod.
Soros je sprdio silne milijune u Češkoj za svoju NWO agendu.

Zanimljivo da je za njega Boris Berezovsky prije 15-ak godina rekao ovo dolje. Sigurno mu ne treba njihova plaća, ali radi za njih. Iako nisam siguran ni za plaću jer je hijena od čovjeka.

Business tycoon Boris Berezovsky said, "I nearly fainted when I heard a couple of years ago that George Soros was a CIA agent." Berezovsky's opinion was that Soros, and the West, were "afraid of Russian capital becoming strong."

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 24 sij 2016, 21:37 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 38182
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Svašta tako nešto podvaljivati djeci i strašiti ih, to bi samo luđaci dopustili da se servira njihovoj djeci.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 24 sij 2016, 22:44 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 13041
Lokacija: Zagreb
Boleštine. Kod nas je Jovanović htio uvesti građanski odgoj koji bi učenika naučio razmišljati u okvirima liberalne demokracije, odnosno bio bi ispunjen ovakvim sadržajima. Imamo sreće da se to razvodnilo.

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 24 sij 2016, 23:19 

Pridružen/a: 17 lip 2012, 00:09
Postovi: 15562
volvoks je napisao/la:
Boleštine. Kod nas je Jovanović htio uvesti građanski odgoj koji bi učenika naučio razmišljati u okvirima liberalne demokracije, odnosno bio bi ispunjen ovakvim sadržajima. Imamo sreće da se to razvodnilo.

Ti nazovi liberali se ponašaju kao fašisti i komunisti, hoće djecu da indoktriniraju... jer kontaju, ako ih podignu i vaspitaju roditelji, biće primitivna stoka kao i oni.

+ Gledaj orle od miline, Gračanicu kraj Prištine... +

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 24 sij 2016, 23:52 

Pridružen/a: 20 pro 2011, 20:02
Postovi: 8531

I onda se cude oklen glasovi desnici.

Oj Hrvati, svi na desno krilo....

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 25 sij 2016, 00:03 

Pridružen/a: 20 pro 2011, 20:02
Postovi: 8531

Oj Hrvati, svi na desno krilo....

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 25 sij 2016, 00:56 

Pridružen/a: 27 lis 2010, 16:06
Postovi: 28905
Broj azilanata u 2015. u EU prema Eurostat, s tim da su zadnja 3 mjeseca naznačena kao odstupajuća.
http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/asylum ... a/database

Srbija BIH Albanija Afganistan Irak Sirija

1 3.725 875 2.295 5.075 2.715 12.550
2 3.265 815 2.515 4.545 2.825 9.575
3 3.230 895 3.845 4.730 3.530 10.940
4 2.625 905 5.665 5.925 3.975 12.065
5 2.375 685 5.835 9.485 4.935 13.895
6 2.590 780 6.900 13.600 6.645 21.655
7 2.805 985 9.250 19.315 8.450 32.695
8 2.790 645 9.620 20.560 12.410 50.820
9 2.345 790 8.670 22.050 26.660 64.985
10 1.775 660 6.570 30.150 26.810 62.625
11 1.605 615 3.680 32.785 17.050 50.735
12 1.025 305 2.045 12.810 8.165 29.940

30155 8955 66890 181.030 124.170 372.480

- Sarajevo drugi u svijetu po broju izdanih radnih viza za Njemačku 2022.
- Luka Mišetić: Haag nigdje i nikad nije tvrdio da je Herceg-Bosna UZP.
- Reis: Država nam curi kroz prste poput pijeska.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 25 sij 2016, 00:58 

Pridružen/a: 27 lis 2010, 16:06
Postovi: 28905
BH "azilanti" u EU, Eurostat

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

310 165 255 395 990 875
175 125 235 310 655 815
225 155 235 325 910 895
115 125 145 310 730 905
210 175 215 375 540 685
230 230 640 365 730 780
125 135 820 620 1.055 985
95 245 620 560 935 645
170 385 665 1.155 990 790
205 270 1.145 1.160 1.160 660
315 345 1.050 1.045 1.120 615
140 620 375 705 1.075 305

2315 2975 6400 7325 10890 8955

- Sarajevo drugi u svijetu po broju izdanih radnih viza za Njemačku 2022.
- Luka Mišetić: Haag nigdje i nikad nije tvrdio da je Herceg-Bosna UZP.
- Reis: Država nam curi kroz prste poput pijeska.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 25 sij 2016, 01:54 

Pridružen/a: 17 ruj 2015, 14:47
Postovi: 3605
Metemma je napisao/la:
I dalje mi je malo nepojmljiv rat proameričkih vlada i proameričkih NVO protiv naroda svojih zemalja...

Zeman nastavlja sa optužbama: Plan komesara UN je GLUP I NAIVAN!

Tanjug | 24. 01. 2016 - 16:46h
Predsednik Češke Miloš Zeman pohvalio je danas češku ministarku prosvete zato što je ;zabranila da u škole uđe strip, obrazovna igra i filmovi koji treba da pomognu češkim đacima da se užive u situacije izbegličke dece.
Miloš Zeman
Miloš Zeman
pin on pinterestshare it
- To je još jedan idiotski projekt visokog komesara UN za izbeglice, ti stripovi. Mislim da je to isto tako naivno kao što je bila boljševička propagnda koje doduše nije bila u formi stripa, ali u suštini je bila jednako stupidna - kazao je češki predsednik na televiziji Prima.

Zeman je upozorio da je svaka glupa propaganda opasna i da bi deca mogla da ponašaju i u realnoj situaciji prema izbeglicama kao u obrazovnoj igri.

- U nekim slučajevima taj bi ih priručnik odveo u ćorsokak kao žene i devojke u Kelnu. Svaka glupa propaganda je opasna - rekao je Zeman.

Češke nevladina organizacija META uz podršku Ministarstva prosvete adaptirala je za češke škole strip, dva filma o kurdskoj devojčici i dečaku iz Avganistana koji u strahu za život beže u Evropu i obrazovnu igru za đake koji treba da zamisle da je Češku pogodila nuklearna katastrofa, a pošto naredna dva stoleća u zagađenoj zemlji nema života, u izbegličkom talasu je napušta svih 10 miliona Čeha.

Niko ni od suseda ni dalje u svetu, međutim, ne želi Čehe da primi, jedino imaginarni Pisistan (Peacestan) u Aziji ali i tu pri registraciji male češke izbeglice moraju da odgovaraju na pitanja da li će hteti da zadrže svoju veru, da li će pristati da slave pisistanske praznike i poštovati njihovu tradiciji, da li će tražati biračko pravo i da li bi primili posao koji je niži od njihove kvalifikacije.

Ministarka prosvete Katežina Valahova je u sredu, istog dana kada je projekt, originalno švedski ali na koji prava ima UNHCR, predstavljen u Pragu zabranila da se koristi u nastavi u češkim školama.

- Ni u kom slučaju neću dozvoliti da se ne taj način plaše deca ili da njih uvlače u ozbiljnu debatu u društvu - objasnila je Katežina Valahova.

- U nekim slučajevima taj bi ih priručnik odveo u ćorsokak kao žene i devojke u Kelnu. Svaka glupa propaganda je opasna - rekao je Zeman.

Kakva samo glupost i podlost.

Pogotovo kad se uzme u obzir cinjenica da od svih silovanja koja su - primjera radi u Austriji - pocinjena 2014. godine negdje oko 5 do 6 % otpada na migrante (bez EX-YU i Turske).

Ko veli, ako vjerujes izbjeglici, bices silovan kao i Kelnu..


Recte facti fecisse merces est.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 25 sij 2016, 02:58 

Pridružen/a: 29 ožu 2013, 07:32
Postovi: 6304
A u 2015.?
Prekini granice više da sereš!
Ustvari nastavi da sereš.Ipak je ovo tvoj forum.Imaš i ministra kulture.Daće Bog jednom i predsednika.Što da ne?

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 25 sij 2016, 20:09 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Greece blasts 'lies' at EU migrant talks
AFP By Lachlan Carmichael
1 hour ago

One million migrants and refugees came to Europe in 2015

Amsterdam (AFP) - Greece lashed out on Monday at what it called "lies" by its EU partners following calls for Athens to be suspended from the Schengen passport-free zone if it fails to staunch the flow of migrants into Europe.

At a tense meeting of European Union interior ministers in Amsterdam, Austria and Germany urged Athens to do more to deal with the continent's biggest crisis of its kind since World War II.

But Greece's interior minister for migration Yiannis Mouzalas insisted his country -- already buffeted by a debt crisis that almost drove it out of the euro last year -- was doing its best in difficult circumstances.

"We are tired to listen that we cannot secure our borders," Mouzalas told reporters in Amsterdam. "We are told that we don't want coastguards, it's a lie -- we want more coastguards."

The short sea crossing from Turkey to the Greek islands accounted for most of the one million migrants and refugees who arrived in Europe last year, but Mouzalas said it would be illegal to push back migrants from Greek waters.

"According to international law, to the law of the sea, according to the Geneva Convention, according to the European, to the Greek law, the only way to act on the sea border is to make rescue," he said.

The rest of the EU is however turning up the pressure on Athens, with growing frustration about its refusal to let EU border guards on its turf, which Greece views as a challenge to its sovereignty.

Last week Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner warned Athens could face "temporary exclusion" from Schengen, the 26-country zone of mainly EU countries that embodies the European dream of free movement.

Austria, Germany and several other Schengen member states have already reintroduced temporary checks at their internal borders, raising fears the passport-free system could collapse.

"Greece has to reinforce its (border) resources and accept help," Mikl-Leitner told reporters in Amsterdam on Monday, adding that it was a "myth" that the Turkish sea border could not be secured.

Austria and Germany have urged Greece to do more to staunch the flow of migrants across the sea bord …
German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere -- whose country's decision last year to open its doors to one million asylum seekers sparked anger in transit countries -- urged Greece to "do its duty."

"We want to save Schengen, we want common European solutions, but the clock is ticking," said de Maiziere, adding that the key to solving the crisis was a deal with Turkey to staunch the flow of migrants.

In Brussels, European Commission spokeswoman Natasha Bertaud insisted there was no plan to suspend Greece.

"We have never discussed either a suspension or exclusion. The possibility does not exist," she said.

The Turkish accord signed last year involves Brussels paying Ankara three billion euros ($3.2 billion) in aid for Syrian refugees and speeding up its EU membership process, in return for Turkey tackling people smugglers and improving conditions for refugees.

The payment has been held up by concerns that Turkey is not complying, but EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said during a visit to Ankara on Monday that she was confident Turkey would get the three billion "in reasonable time".

Brussels is also exploring other ways of stemming the flow of migrants, particularly through the Western Balkans.

The European Commission confirmed on Monday that it had sent a mission to non-EU Macedonia to discuss how it could help staunch the large numbers passing over the border from Greece.

It said commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker had replied to a letter from Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar, who last week calling for Macedonia to effectively seal off its border with Greece and staunch the flow through the Balkans.

But the migration crisis continues to cause tensions across Europe.

In Sweden, a young asylum seeker allegedly stabbed to death a female employee at the refugee centre for unaccompanied minors where he was staying.

In Britain, asylum seekers will no longer have to wear wristbands to claim food at a centre in Cardiff, the Welsh capital, its management announced Monday, after the practice sparked outcry and comparisons with Nazi Germany.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 25 sij 2016, 20:32 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
BBC je napisao/la:
Bill Maher i Richard Dawkins o regressive leftists.

Ovi retardirani i divlji majmuni i Dawkinsa natjerali da jako preispita svoje stajalište. Zanimljivo.
"Klerofašist", kako bi rekao jedan radikalni musliman sa ove teme.

Famous Atheist Author’s Solution To “Radical Islam” Has Liberals OUTRAGED

Posted on January 23, 2016 by Dom the Conservative

Famous atheist author and evolutionist Richard Dawkins has always been a darling of the left. However, what he just said about Islam and Christianity has Muslims and their liberal allies wild-eyed and furious — and we could not agree more with what he said.

Richard Dawkins has been known to ruthlessly criticize Christianity, but now that he sees how dangerous Islam is, he seems to have changed his tune.

Well-known for vehemently countering creation and religious ideology, Dawkins has long been an avid spokesman against organized religion, Christianity in particular. This is probably why it’s been so shocking to so many that his best-selling book The God Delusion actually lauded Christianity as being the answer to a problem much of the world is facing today.

According to World Religion News, Dawkins’ answers to Islamic jihad have recently resurfaced in the wake of worsening terrorism, and it’s exactly everything the left hates. Although he shuns the idea of Christ, Dawkins’ admits that the best way to counter Islam’s violent fundamentals is by using a true religion of peace as defense — Christianity.

“Christianity may actually be our best defense against aberrant forms of religion that threaten the world,” Dawkins concluded, according to The Gospel Herald.

The scholarly writer outlines in his book that Jesus’ teachings and example never promoted violence and that this is the reason that Christians, while boasting 31 percent of the world’s population as followers, isn’t producing suicide bombers or beheaders. This is a stark contrast to Islam, which accounts for 23 percent of the population, yet produces startling numbers of terrorists.

“There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings. I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am not aware of any major Christian denomination that believes the penalty for apostasy is death,” he said.

For decades, Dawkins spoke out against Christianity, once arguing that raising a child under Catholicism was worse than sexually abusing them. The anti-religion professor has since changed his tune about the world’s largest following, perhaps realizing that, while Christians would like him to convert, they won’t enslave, torture, or behead him if he doesn’t.

It appears that Dawkins has come to understand that Christians are commanded to follow Jesus and are encouraged to do everything within their ability to model His perfect behavior, but Muslims are only commanded to emulate Muhammad — a barbaric warlord, pedophile, and sexual deviant.

Unlike Jesus, the Islamic Prophet Muhammad butchered hundreds of men, women, and even children, some simply because they offended him. After marrying his closest companion’s 6-year-old daughter, he consummated his marriage to the child when she was only 9, calling her his “favorite wife.”

Jesus developed a following through performing miracles, healing the sick, forgiving the sinful, and proclaiming unconditional love through His own sacrificial death. However, Muhammad performed no miracles, but he stole from the weak, stoned adulteresses as they begged for forgiveness, and declared that Allah does not love those who disbelieve.

As contrasting as Christianity is to Islam, there is also a time for the followers of Christ to take up their sword and ride into battle in order to “rescue the innocent from slaughter.” The most famous example of this was the Crusades, a righteous endeavor towards preventing the growing Caliphate from literally conquering the world.

While many have been taught that this is a stain upon Christianity’s history, the overall efforts and outcome have undoubtedly saved most of the world from brutal Sharia law and inhumane Islamic subjugation. While Muslims butchered over 270 million in their attempt to enslave for Allah, the response by Crusaders only saw 1-2 million Muslim warriors lose their lives.

Maybe Dawkins would support another righteous Crusade to drive back the invading Muslim world again, protecting Europe a second time from mass rape, slavery, and slaughter. Whatever his exact answer is, he is absolutely correct in his assumption that Christians have been charged with a responsibility to defend the innocent against this evil.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 25 sij 2016, 22:00 

Pridružen/a: 09 vel 2014, 20:07
Postovi: 3022
Tipovi poput Dawkinsa su i stvorili regresivne leftiste. On im je bio ko neka pop ikona kad treba ismijavat kršćanstvo. Spaghetti monster i te sheme. Situacija je postala paradoksalna. U obranu liberalnih vrijednosti i sekularizma stali desničari i konzervativci.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 25 sij 2016, 22:06 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 109215
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Istina, ali sad im gori pod guzicom. Shvatili su da su monstruma stvorili.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 26 sij 2016, 00:53 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 15:45
Postovi: 32828
useless je napisao/la:
U obranu liberalnih vrijednosti i sekularizma stali desničari i konzervativci.

Zato i bu nahebali.U podrumu imaju pacove,a oni se bore tako što drže transparente i deru se 'Dole pacovi!!'.Liberalizam,pljuc.

 Naslov: Re: Imigranti pred našim vratima
PostPostano: 26 sij 2016, 01:20 

Pridružen/a: 17 ruj 2015, 14:47
Postovi: 3605
useless je napisao/la:
Tipovi poput Dawkinsa su i stvorili regresivne leftiste. On im je bio ko neka pop ikona kad treba ismijavat kršćanstvo. Spaghetti monster i te sheme. Situacija je postala paradoksalna. U obranu liberalnih vrijednosti i sekularizma stali desničari i konzervativci.

Da, brane liberalizam i sekularizam kao sto brane zene i feminizam.

Nesto poput ovog tipa..


Gore - majica sa natpisom: Bier und Weiber sind die besten Zeitvertreiber.

Dole - tvrdnja da ce braniti zene kad vidi da se neko bez respekta odnosi prema istima...vrijedja pipa, napada, itd.

Uvjerljivo, nema sta...u najmanju ruku kao i ovi ovdje sto su stali u odbranu Evrope propagirajuci najnizi sovinizam i nacionalizam..dakle najvece opasnosti po istu tu Evropsku Uniju. No, licemjerluk je ovdje..hoch im Kurs, ko sto bi rekli na njemackom.

Recte facti fecisse merces est.

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