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Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 21 vel 2016, 20:13 |
Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41 Postovi: 9853
volvoks je napisao/la: Tuta, kakvo je tvoje mišljenje o posljedicama na RH i BiH cezano uz izbor predsjednika. Po meni samo Cruz, Sanders i Trump donose promjenu u vanjskoj politici, s time da je Sanders svojevremeno strastveno podržavao bombardiranje asrbije pa tu za nas možda i ne bi bilo promjene. Što se tiče VP, uzdam se u Trumpa. Jasno je dao do znanja da mu se surađuje s Rusijom, a Putin ga je pohvalio isto (Putin ne hvali svakoga). To znači relaksaciju odnosa u Europi i širenje ruskog utjecaja na europski istok, što je, naravno pozitivna stvar za BiH, a Hrvatskoj ni u džep ni iz džepa, ako izuzmemo normalizaciju trgovinskih odnosa, što će koristit svima u EU pa i Hrvatskoj. Generalno su kandidati davali malo značaja Europi, a sve se da svesti na jačanje odnosa s tradicionalnim partnerima, što znači najmanje status quo ili uistinu jačanje odnosa, i. e. jačanje Višegradskog bedema plus Rumunjska, gdje se i Turci uklapaju kao koristan saveznik. To mi se naročito ne sviđa... miks tursko-američko-njemačkog utjecaja na Balkanu. Trump moj izbor, onako u magli, za sada.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 29 vel 2016, 00:21 |
Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41 Postovi: 9853
Citat: Trump being advised by ex-U.S. Lieutenant General who favors closer Russia tiesDonald Trump is receiving foreign policy advice from a former U.S. military intelligence chief who wants the United States to work more closely with Russia to resolve global security issues, according to three sources.The sources, former foreign policy officials in past administrations, said retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, who was chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency under President Barack Obama from 2012-2014, has been informally advising Trump. Trump, who is leading the Republican race to be the party's presidential candidate in November's election, said earlier this month that he would soon release a list of his foreign policy advisers, but has yet to do so. The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment about Flynn. Flynn declined to comment when asked by Reuters whether he is advising Trump. Asked to describe his views about ties with Russia, he referred Reuters to his public statements. The question of who has been advising Trump on national security issues has become more pertinent as prospects that the New York real estate mogul will secure the Republican nomination, possibly within weeks, have increased. Trump won the surprise endorsement of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Friday, the most prominent mainstream Republican to come on board. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who won popularity for his handling of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, has also been in regular contact with Trump, said a former top aide to Giuliani. A close associate of Flynn said that Trump was not the only presidential hopeful who had consulted the former DIA chief. "He responds to one and all but is not working for any one," the associate said. Trump has struck a notably different stance on Russia from his main rivals for the nomination, calling President Vladimir Putin "highly respected" and advocating a warming of now icy bilateral ties. Other Republican candidates have frequently taken to bashing Putin and have cited his military interventions in Ukraine and Syria as evidence that President Barack Obama has been weak in standing up to the Russian leader. Trump has vowed to destroy Islamic State and to undertake an aggressive rebuilding of the U.S. military, but has signaled more flexibility than his rivals on some issues - for example, by not vowing to tear up the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran. SAT WITH PUTIN Flynn resigned from his position as the head of the Pentagon's main intelligence agency a year before his term was officially due to end. Flynn raised eyebrows among some U.S. foreign policy veterans when he was pictured sitting at the head table with Putin at a banquet in Moscow late last year celebrating Russia Today, an international broadcasting network funded by the Russian government. His son Michael G. Flynn, who acts as his chief of staff, declined comment on the banquet and on the reasons for his father's departure from the Pentagon. Flynn told Russia Today in an interview published on Dec. 10 that the United States and Russia should work together to resolve the Syrian civil war and defeat Islamic State. The Obama administration has protested Russia's military intervention on behalf of Syrian President Bashir al-Assad, accusing Moscow of hitting opposition forces rather than ISIS. "Right now we have essentially the U.S. strategy and we have a Russian strategy in the region that does not appear to be in line with each other. And I think we have to step back and try to figure out how do we align those," Flynn told Russia Today. Flynn was also quoted this month as telling German magazine Der Spiegel that the Iraq war launched in 2003 by then-President George W. Bush was a mistake that gave rise to Islamic State. Trump has often strongly condemned the Iraq invasion. A former U.S. intelligence official who worked with Flynn said the retired general believes in a more aggressive approach to U.S. interests around the world. “He’s a sharp guy, he understands foreign policy and national security and really understands intelligence," said the official. "His positions and opinions are not always in line with popular thinking.” Giuliani's office did not respond to a request for comment on his relationship with Trump. Randy Mastro, a New York lawyer who was a deputy mayor in Giuliani's New York City administration, said Giuliani has close ties to Trump. “I know that Rudy and Donald Trump have a long-standing relationship and personal friendship that goes back many years, and they do speak to each other on a regular basis," said Mastro. (Editing by Stuart Grudgings and Martin Howell) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production. Reuters
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 29 vel 2016, 03:55 |
Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35 Postovi: 13044 Lokacija: Zagreb
Ovo je gotovo 15.3. kada Trump uzme Floridu i Ohio, winner take all države koje su Kasichu i Rubiju nužne za ostanak u debati. U obje vodi. Sutra je i Super utorak gdje će Trump osvojiti 10/12 država, no ne i Texas koji ide Cruzu, što će u potpunosti zaustaviti #marcomentum. Ovaj tjedan je na kraju ispao jako dobar za Trumpa, što se i nije očekivalo nakon slabe debate. Spasio ga je cijeli niz jakih iskaza podrške, među kojima je bitan Christie( zaustavio priču o slaboj debati.) i senator iz Alabame koji je glavni ideolog antiimigrantskog stava u GOP-u i čiju je podršku očekivao Cruz. Došla i nova nacionalna anketa, Trump na 44 posto, rast od 6 poena unutar 10 dana, peakTrump sve viši. Kod demokrata se situacija naoko iskristalizirala i Hillary je vratila prednost. Nakon utorka bi to trebalo biti još i očitije. No, je li zaista tako? Naime, skoro sve države koje glasuju u utorak su demografski naklonjene Clintonici( čitaj puno crnaca) Ta grupa iz nekog razloga odbija prihvatiti Sandersa, iako bi njegove socijalističke politike najviše pogodovale njima. Draži im je nastavak Obamine politike (najveće osiromašenje zajednice u povijesti i vraćanje u 1985.) te stroga Clintova protukriminalna politika koja je uništila crnačku obitelj. Bijeli liberali koji su masovno uz Sandersa pizde, ali ne znaju kako bi tu ljutnju primjereno eksternizirali, to dovodi do smiješnih situacija po komentarima. Jedan crnački komičar je to dobro sažeo: Citat: Bernie fans RN: Why didn't you vote for Bernie you ni...glected, marginalized individuals
_________________ Summum ius, summa iniuria.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 29 vel 2016, 13:42 |
Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41 Postovi: 9853
volvoks je napisao/la: Ovo je gotovo 15.3. kada Trump uzme Floridu i Ohio, winner take all države koje su Kasichu i Rubiju nužne za ostanak u debati. U obje vodi. Sutra je i Super utorak gdje će Trump osvojiti 10/12 država, no ne i Texas koji ide Cruzu, što će u potpunosti zaustaviti #marcomentum. Ovaj tjedan je na kraju ispao jako dobar za Trumpa, što se i nije očekivalo nakon slabe debate. Spasio ga je cijeli niz jakih iskaza podrške, među kojima je bitan Christie( zaustavio priču o slaboj debati.) i senator iz Alabame koji je glavni ideolog antiimigrantskog stava u GOP-u i čiju je podršku očekivao Cruz. Došla i nova nacionalna anketa, Trump na 44 posto, rast od 6 poena unutar 10 dana, peakTrump sve viši. Kod demokrata se situacija naoko iskristalizirala i Hillary je vratila prednost. Nakon utorka bi to trebalo biti još i očitije. No, je li zaista tako? Naime, skoro sve države koje glasuju u utorak su demografski naklonjene Clintonici( čitaj puno crnaca) Ta grupa iz nekog razloga odbija prihvatiti Sandersa, iako bi njegove socijalističke politike najviše pogodovale njima. Draži im je nastavak Obamine politike (najveće osiromašenje zajednice u povijesti i vraćanje u 1985.) te stroga Clintova protukriminalna politika koja je uništila crnačku obitelj. Bijeli liberali koji su masovno uz Sandersa pizde, ali ne znaju kako bi tu ljutnju primjereno eksternizirali, to dovodi do smiješnih situacija po komentarima. Jedan crnački komičar je to dobro sažeo: Citat: Bernie fans RN: Why didn't you vote for Bernie you ni...glected, marginalized individuals Lol... Poslije super utorka stvari će bit jasne, mislim, bez obzira na Ohio i Floridu.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 29 vel 2016, 18:55 |
Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35 Postovi: 13044 Lokacija: Zagreb
http://www.theamericanconservative.com/ ... port-card/Zapravo jedina bitna stvar za Europu i svijet, nikakvi gej brakovi i abortusi. Takav dojam sam otprilike i imao, jedino me Cruz razočarao, mislio sam da je ipak u većoj mjeri izolacionist.
_________________ Summum ius, summa iniuria.
Vrh |
Carmello Šešelj
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 29 vel 2016, 19:13 |
Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 01:05 Postovi: 22970
volvoks je napisao/la: jedino me Cruz razočarao, mislio sam da je ipak u većoj mjeri izolacionist. On nije ni u kakvoj meri izolacionista. Malo stariji snimak, ali nebitno.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 29 vel 2016, 20:04 |
Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35 Postovi: 13044 Lokacija: Zagreb
Carmello Šešelj je napisao/la: volvoks je napisao/la: jedino me Cruz razočarao, mislio sam da je ipak u većoj mjeri izolacionist. On nije ni u kakvoj meri izolacionista. Malo stariji snimak, ali nebitno. To s Izraelom je do religije. Inače, veza GOP-a i Izraela je gadljiva, Tijekom 20 minuta debate imaš osjećaj da se bira predsjednik Izraela, a ne SAD-a, svako se trudi dokazati kao najveći ljubitelj Izraela, dok ih s druge strane boli *** što realni dohodak nije rastao već godinama i što im se u zemlju slijevaju milijuni ilegalaca. A najbolja je stvar da Židovi čine oko 1 posto populacije i ne glasaju za njih, bogati židovski milijarderi uvjerili protestante sa Srednjeg zapada da je Izrael bitan za njihov opstanak i da je njihov ključan saveznik. https://mobile.twitter.com/AnnCoulter/s ... wsrc%5EtfwDobar opis GOP-a do Trumpa.
_________________ Summum ius, summa iniuria.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 29 vel 2016, 20:18 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2014, 16:40 Postovi: 3307 Lokacija: S forumaššem na sunećenju.
Pa ko se najvise dodvori izraelu, i ko je u najvecoj mjeri spreman sprovoditi izraelsku politiku i braniti velikocionisticke interese, taj ce biti predsjednik. Izbori su samo jedna farsa za narod, iluzija da oni nesto odlucuju.
_________________ A nation which makes the final sacrifice for life and freedom does not get beaten.
Vrh |
Carmello Šešelj
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 29 vel 2016, 20:28 |
Pridružen/a: 08 stu 2012, 01:05 Postovi: 22970
A vidi kako su bliskoistočni hrišćani bili "oduševljeni" njegovim govorom na skupu "In defence of christians", prošle godine.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 02 ožu 2016, 10:27 |
Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 11:09 Postovi: 25832 Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel
S obzirom na jučerašnje rezultate gdje je Trump osvojio dodatnih desetak država čini se sasvim izglednim da će finale biti Clinton-Trump, na sveopći užas left-liberal medija. Njegovi predizborni skupovi su sve posjećeniji a broj pristalica sve veći.
_________________ "Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 02 ožu 2016, 10:56 |
Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47 Postovi: 38983 Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Zar Trump stvarno tako dobro stoji, znači ima šanse za finale?
_________________ mostarski europski
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 02 ožu 2016, 12:38 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 15:45 Postovi: 33076
Bobovac je napisao/la: čini se sasvim izglednim da će finale biti Clinton-Trump
Dakle,Clintonova je buduća predsjednica...?
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 06 ožu 2016, 16:25 |
Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35 Postovi: 13044 Lokacija: Zagreb
Zanimljiva grafika, koliko je puta koja država pogodila konačnog pobjednika. Trump jučer uzeo nepogriješivi kentucky, dok Cruz i Rubio imaju države koje ne idu baš za pobjednikom. Očito da je Cruz ipak popularniji od Trumpa u onoj nepoznatoj Americi, od Iowe do Montane, od North Dakote do Oklahome. No te ravničarske države ne predstavljaju Ameriku, na zadnjim izborima ih osvojili Huckabee i Santorum. Tim ljudima su izrazito bitne vjera, kršćanske vrijednosti i pristojnost. Cruz je tu jači od Trumpa i ne treba od toga raditi tragediju. Pa Romney je i gore pušio po tim državama, no na kraju se pitaju jug i obale.
_________________ Summum ius, summa iniuria.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 10 ožu 2016, 19:22 |
Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41 Postovi: 9853
Ako Trump dobije nominaciju na predizborima, vrlo vjerojatno će pobijedit Clinton. Republikanska stranka će se pasivizirat... Rubio i Kasich, dva umjerena, ujedno stoje i najlošije, što govori da se republikansko biračko tijelo okrenulo desno.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 11 ožu 2016, 11:24 |
Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35 Postovi: 13044 Lokacija: Zagreb
Tuta je napisao/la: Ako Trump dobije nominaciju na predizborima, vrlo vjerojatno će pobijedit Clinton. Republikanska stranka će se pasivizirat... Rubio i Kasich, dva umjerena, ujedno stoje i najlošije, što govori da se republikansko biračko tijelo okrenulo desno. Umjeren je zanimljiva riječ za Rubija, Trump lijevo od njega po svemu osim imigracije(i jezika.) Nisam siguran da će establishment ići full Goldwater na Trumpa jer je ulog ogroman, 3 ustavna suca, ako izgube ove izbore mogu se pozdraviti sa doslovnim tumačenjem drugog amandmana, socijalno država ide u potpunu progresiju itd. Inače, zadnja debata potpuno drugačija, svi bili okrenuti politici, bez ad hominem napada. Svi kandidati bili dosta dobri pa se po medijima piše da su svi pobjednici. Iskreno, očekivao sam agresivnog Rubija i po cijenu političkog samoubojstva jer ovo je bila zadnja šansa da okrene Floridu. Ovako, kad su svi pobijedili, pobijedio je samo Trump.
_________________ Summum ius, summa iniuria.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 16 ožu 2016, 02:50 |
Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35 Postovi: 13044 Lokacija: Zagreb
Trump odnio Floridu, Rubio izašao iz utrke. PoWASPica uzeo Ohio i zakomplicirao situaciju.
_________________ Summum ius, summa iniuria.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 16 ožu 2016, 11:59 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11 Postovi: 24017 Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Ostali Kasich, Cruz i Trump u utrci za republikanskog kandidata za predsjednika. Po meni, sve se odvija u korist dvoboja Trump - Hillary Clinton na kraju. Citat: US Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has scored a major win in the Florida primary, dealing a bitter defeat to his rival Marco Rubio, a senator from the state, who dropped out of the race afterward.
The former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, increased her lead in the number of delegates against her opponent Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic race.
Trump was aiming to cement his lead on Tuesday and scored big in the winner-takes-all Florida primary, taking all 99 of the state's delegates with nearly 46 percent of the vote, ahead of Rubio on about 27 percent.
His campaign was dealt a blow in Ohio, however, where home-state Governor John Kasich was declared a relatively comfortable winner.
The New York businessman won in North Carolina, but will split the delegates there with Texas Senator Ted Cruz.
The pair were locked in a tight battle in Missouri, with Trump slightly ahead - 40.8 percent to 40.7 percent - with 99 percent of votes vounted.
Trump also won in Illinois, but it is not yet clear how the state's delegates will be split, as the count is carried out at the congressional district level.
On the Democratic side, Clinton, 68, captured the Florida primary and won North Carolina, Ohio and Illinois as she put distance between herself and Sanders.
With 99 percent of the votes counted in Missouri, Clinton was holding on to a 49.6 percent to 49.4 percent lead over Sanders in a contest that is still too close to call.
"We are moving closer to securing the Democratic Party nomination and winning this election in November," Clinton told her supporters in Florida on Tuesday evening.
Trump, the 69-year-old billionaire businessman, was aiming to knock out his two mainstream rivals, Rubio and Kasich, but the latter survived with his win in Ohio.
"While we are on the right side this year, we will not be on the winning side," Rubio told supporters in Miami.
Cruz the main challenger
Trump's closest challenger nationally is US Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, 45, a favourite of the conservative Tea Party.
At a campaign event in Houston, Texas, Cruz said he was the only candidate who could challenge Trump.
"No one else has any mathematical possibility," he said. "Only one campaign has beaten Trump over and over and over again... Not once, not twice, but nine times, all across the country, from Alaska to Maine."
Trump's loss in Ohio could give new hope to Republicans battling to deny him the nomination and block him from capturing the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination at the party's July convention.
Trump has vowed to deport 11 million illegal immigrants, impose protectionist trade policies and ban Muslims from entering the US.
Trump said on Tuesday that his momentum was already drawing in establishment Republicans who had previously balked at his candidacy but now see him as the likely nominee.
"They're already calling," he told television station NBC, without naming names. "The biggest people in the party are calling."
By capturing Florida, Trump will win all 99 of the state's delegates, giving him a huge lift in his drive to the nomination.
Rubio's withdrawal leaves Kasich and Cruz as Trump's last opponents. Kasich was declared winner in Ohio, but has not won another state so far. Cruz has struggled to build support beyond his base of evangelical Christians and Republican Southerners
_________________ Safe European Home
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 16 ožu 2016, 13:32 |
Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48 Postovi: 109320 Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Jesu ti US demokrati u kurcu. Ako im koza Hillary nešto najbolje što mogu dati. Jasno se vidi da pucaju na retardiranost većine Amerikanaca. Obama = prvi crnac predsjednik, smilujte se izaberite ga. Hillary = prva žena predsjednica, smilujte se izaberite je.
_________________ Spetsnaz, a force for good.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 16 ožu 2016, 16:57 |
Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41 Postovi: 9853
volvoks je napisao/la: Trump odnio Floridu, Rubio izašao iz utrke. PoWASPica uzeo Ohio i zakomplicirao situaciju. Šta ti volvokse ceniš, hoće li establišment stat uz Kejzika na kraju?
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 16 ožu 2016, 16:58 |
Pridružen/a: 10 lis 2013, 22:41 Postovi: 9853
BBC je napisao/la: Jesu ti US demokrati u kurcu. Ako im koza Hillary nešto najbolje što mogu dati. Jasno se vidi da pucaju na retardiranost većine Amerikanaca. Obama = prvi crnac predsjednik, smilujte se izaberite ga. Hillary = prva žena predsjednica, smilujte se izaberite je. Bezveze su. Biden je bio optimalan, ali nema pizdu i nije iz plemena Cheeroki.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 16 ožu 2016, 18:33 |
Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35 Postovi: 13044 Lokacija: Zagreb
Tuta je napisao/la: volvoks je napisao/la: Trump odnio Floridu, Rubio izašao iz utrke. PoWASPica uzeo Ohio i zakomplicirao situaciju. Šta ti volvokse ceniš, hoće li establišment stat uz Kejzika na kraju? Trumpu ako će i faliti, falit će 50-ak delegata, najpoštenije bi bilo da stanu uz njega na kraju. Ako se odluče za nekog drugog, to će prije biti Cruz koji će imati veći legitimitet. Čak će prije odabrati i nekoga koji nije bio u utrci nego Kasicha jer će imati auru gubitnika u predizborima. Uz to, lik je trenutno smetnja i ne može normalnim putem ostvariti nominaciju, nedemokratski igrač za establishment. Vrijeme je za 1 na 1, nacionalizam protiv ustavnog konzervativizma, Trump protiv Cruza.
_________________ Summum ius, summa iniuria.
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 16 ožu 2016, 22:28 |
Pridružen/a: 19 stu 2010, 11:50 Postovi: 10440 Lokacija: Banja Luka
_________________ Sunce izlazi na Istoku . Ništa nije moćnije od ideje čije je vrijeme stiglo .
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 29 ožu 2016, 14:50 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11 Postovi: 24017 Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Trump ide skoro definitivno za republikanskog kandidata. Po meni je to već skroz izvjesno. Citat: Washington (CNN)Ted Cruz for a third time would not say that he would support Donald Trump as the GOP presidential nominee, the latest sign that his pledge to do so may be softening.
Cruz late last week began signaling that his unconditional support for the Republican front-runner was not as ironclad as previously. But asked by CNN's Sunlen Serfaty on Monday if he would definitively say that he would not support Trump, the Texas senator left his answer ambiguous.
"I'm not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my family," Cruz said. "Donald Trump is not gonna be the nominee. We are gonna beat him for this nomination." Pressed why he would not come out and say that Trump wouldn't have his support in a general election -- which some of his female supporters have said -- Cruz continued to evade a direct answer. "What I am saying is we are going to beat Donald Trump for the nomination. We are seeing Republicans uniting," he said. "The best way to prevent Donald Trump from being the nominee is beat him at the ballot box, and that's what we are doing right now."
Cruz in the past has said he would support the Republican nominee no matter what because he promised to do so at the outset of the GOP race. But Cruz's fractious relationship with Trump grew even more tense last week when the real estate mogul began to mock his wife, Heidi, and a salacious tabloid report surfaced that Cruz pinned on Trump and his associates. The pair are set to appear on CNN's town hall Tuesday evening. Cruz's campaign has encouraged the GOP front-runner to combine their individual hours of airtime into a two-hour, one-on-one debate. On Monday he extended that invitation again. "He's liked the earlier debates that had 10 or 11 candidates, because everyone there gets 30 seconds or 60 seconds, and it's not hard to read talking points for 30 seconds or 60 seconds," Cruz said. "But after that, Donald runs out of things to say."
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 29, 2016 "Lyin' Ted, I have already beaten you in all debates, and am way ahead of you in votes and delegates. You should focus on jobs & illegal imm!," he tweeted.
_________________ Safe European Home
Vrh |
Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 06 tra 2016, 09:43 |
Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 22:11 Postovi: 24017 Lokacija: Multietnička federalna jedinica sa hrvatskom većinom
Cruz je učinio Republikansku utrku zanimljivijom. Dobio jučer Wisconsin. I Sanders je jučer pobjedom načeo Hillary. Citat: (CNN)Ted Cruz won the Wisconsin Republican primary Tuesday, boosting his effort to blunt Donald Trump and moving the party closer to a historic contested convention.
Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, won the Democratic primary, inflicting a tough loss on front-runner Hillary Clinton and racking up his sixth win of the past seven state contests.
Cruz's victory, however, complicates Trump's drive toward the 1,237 pledged delegates he needs to capture the Republican nomination outright before the convention in Cleveland. It follows a rough week for Trump on the campaign trail that included missteps on abortion and controversial comments on national security.
"Tonight is a turning point," Cruz declared at a victory rally in Milwaukee. "I am more and more convinced that our campaign is going to win the 1,237 delegates needed to win the Republican nomination. Either before Cleveland or at Cleveland ... we will win a majority of the delegates."
Cruz argued that his campaign was now responsible for "the full spectrum of the Republican Party coming together and uniting" and said he -- not Trump -- is most likely general election candidate.
"Hillary, get ready, here we come," Cruz said.
Cruz's Wisconsin victory was resounding, handing him at least 33 delegates as of 12 a.m. ET compared to three that will go to Trump. Trump continues to dominate the delegate race, with 743 pledged delegates to 507 for Cruz and 145 for Ohio Gov. John Kasich, according to a CNN estimate.
The campaign now enters a stretch of states in the Northeast that favors Trump, including his own delegate-rich state of New York, which votes on April 19. But it's unclear that those states will provide him the number of delegates he needs to win the convention.
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Naslov: Re: Predsjednički izbori u SAD-u 2016. Postano: 09 tra 2016, 22:09 |
Pridružen/a: 31 srp 2015, 22:39 Postovi: 1567
Zanimljiv članak. Citat: John Kasich Will Be the Republican Nominee for President
The writing’s on the wall in the Republican Party: John Kasich will be the Party’s nominee in 2016, with Marco Rubio as his running mate. Only the media’s delight at continued Trumpian drama is keeping politicos and pundits from coast to coast from stating the obvious.
So as not to belabor the point, here are eight single-sentence reasons Kasich/Rubio is now almost certain to be the Republican ticket in 2016:
1. Donald Trump needs 1,237 delegates to win on the first ballot at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, and not only will he not get to that figure prior to the Convention — he’d need to win well over 50 percent of the remaining delegates to do so, and even during his current run as front-runner he’s only won 46 percent of delegates — he won’t even get close enough to that mark to pass it via uncommitted delegates at the Convention.
2. Ted Cruz and John Kasich staying in the race through Cleveland not only will ensure that Trump can’t get close to 1,237 delegates via primary and caucus votes, it will also ensure that both men have a reasonable delegate total by the time they arrive at the Convention — more than enough to keep both of them in the picture in the view of Convention delegates.
3. Republican Party elders have more than enough clout to make sure that “Rule 40(b)” gets changed prior to or at the Convention, thereby enabling Republicans like John Kasich who haven’t won a majority of delegates in eight states to nevertheless be considered for the nomination.
4. After the first ballot in Cleveland — during which no candidate will have the require delegates for nomination — most of the delegates will be free to vote for whomever they wish, and while Ted Cruz has craftily planted his supporters in many delegations, it’s not nearly enough to get him to 1,237 delegates on the second ballot.
5. Whereas Ted Cruz is loathed by the Republican Party elite, has lost to Hillary Clinton in head-to-head polls 55 percent of the time since November 2015, and has no actual accomplishments in government to point to, John Kasich hasn’t lost a single head-to-head poll to Hillary Clinton in 2016, is broadly if imperfectly acceptable to both Party elites and movement conservatives, and is far and away the most accomplished Republican primary candidate left.
6. Marco Rubio has deliberately held onto his 172 delegates so that he can create a unity ticket with John Kasich in Cleveland — a ticket that will begin with somewhere between 350 and 600 delegates on the first ballot at the Convention, depending upon how many delegates John Kasich wins going forward.
7. Rubio is certain not to give his delegates away for free, nor to give them to his arch-enemies Cruz or Trump, nor to — as some suppose — merely fade into the background when he was and remains among the most ambitious politicians in the Republican Party.
8. A Kasich/Rubio ticket would appeal to both mainstream Republicans (Kasich) and Tea Partiers (Rubio), to both white and Latino voters, to younger voters who want to see someone relatively young on the ticket, to those looking for a ticket whose members run the gamut from executive to legislative experience at both the state and federal levels, and to those who believe all members of a presidential ticket should hail from a major battleground state.
If all of the above occurs, as the conventional wisdom seems to now suggest it will, and the Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton, she’ll begin the general election campaign down by double-digits to a man she hasn’t polled well against for eight months or more — basically since the beginning of the 2016 race.
The Republican Party is more than smart enough to see that Cruz’s horrifying unfavorables — somehow, incredibly, worse than Clinton’s historically bad ones — will sink his candidacy, especially when coupled with terrible head-to-head polling against Clinton or (per usual, much more dramatically) Sanders.
Meanwhile, Kasich’s continued domination of Clinton in polling will convince Convention delegates — who value electability above all else — to put Kasich at the top of the ticket, and a known, reliable quantity like Rubio beside him.
Of course Bernie Sanders defeats Kasich by double-digits in the most recent polling, but Kasich and Rubio are both banking on the assumption that Democrats will, against all reason and hard evidence, nominate their least electable candidate.
And if they’re wrong — if Bernie’s the nominee come Cleveland — well, Bernie beats all the Republican candidates head-to-head, so at least (the Kasich argument will run) the Ohio Governor loses to Sanders by less than all the others. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/seth-abra ... 38598.html
_________________ Giggity giggity goo!
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