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Autor/ica Poruka
 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 10 srp 2016, 19:28 

Pridružen/a: 14 tra 2016, 01:13
Postovi: 6626
Sve će se neminovno završiti jednom sveopštom klanicom.

Na nama koplja se lome i vatra se gasi jer mi smo jaki,rodjeni sa vukovima.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 11 srp 2016, 13:07 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Njemački suci jednog Alžirca neki dan za ovo pustili na slobodu, dali mu uvjetnu.

Revealed: 1,200 women were sexually assaulted by 2,000 men in German cities on New Year's Eve
Leaked report confirms the staggering number of sexual crimes in cities

PUBLISHED: 10:11 GMT, 11 July 2016 | UPDATED: 10:14 GMT, 11 July 2016
A leaked report has revealed a staggering 1,200 were sexually abused in German cities during New Year's Eve celebrations.

The police document stated detectives believe 2,000 men were involved across various cities but that the bulk of the crimes were committed in Cologne and Hamburg where 600 and 400 sexual assaults on women were reported respectively.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 11 srp 2016, 13:09 

Pridružen/a: 15 pro 2014, 19:26
Postovi: 848
Lokacija: Hrvatska Republika Herceg-Bosna
Islamska migracija ne uništava Njemačku, nego je obogaćuje. A jednog dana će i Njemačka biti većinski muslimanska zemlja inšallah. Tako demografija govori a i proročanstva iz Kur'ana.

Najljepše ga je sam sebi popušit. Pogotovo ako si crnac pa ti je dovoljno dug. Štrcni sebi u vlastito grlo i najedi se.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 11 srp 2016, 13:11 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
*** knjiga zvana kuran kaže da će i Jeruzalem i Izrael biti muslimanski. Prc, sorry...

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 11 srp 2016, 13:13 

Pridružen/a: 15 pro 2014, 19:26
Postovi: 848
Lokacija: Hrvatska Republika Herceg-Bosna
BBC je napisao/la:
*** knjiga zvana kuran kaže da će i Jeruzalem i Izrael biti muslimanski. Prc, sorry...

Pa i hoće jednog dana. Tako piše. A ko smo mi da proturiječimo Allahovoj riječi? Mi smo samo njegovi robovi. Moj jarane kako se osjećaš kad znaš da ćeš u džehennemskoj vatri pakla goriti zbog omalovažavanja Boga i njegove objave? Nisi ni svjestan. Žalim te. :glare

Najljepše ga je sam sebi popušit. Pogotovo ako si crnac pa ti je dovoljno dug. Štrcni sebi u vlastito grlo i najedi se.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 11 srp 2016, 13:14 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Još jedan sabur. Samo vi čekajte.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 11 srp 2016, 13:34 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Prvoklasno ludilo. Što je najspecijalnije izgleda Turkinja.

Left-wing German politician who was raped by migrants admits she LIED to police about her attackers' nationality because she did not want to encourage racism

PUBLISHED: 12:53 GMT, 5 July 2016 | UPDATED: 17:50 GMT, 5 July 2016
A young left-wing German politician has admitted she lied to police about the racial background of three men who raped her in case it triggered reprisals against refugees in her country.

Selin Gören, the national spokeswoman of the left-wing youth movement Solid, was attacked by three men in January in the city of Mannheim where she works as a refugee activist.

The 24-year-old was ambushed late at night in a playground where she said she was forced to perform a sex act on her attackers.

After the assault she went straight to the police - but she did not tell them the ethnic make-up of the men, that they were speaking Arabic or Farsi.

Selin, aware of the backlash that migrants suffered after the events in Cologne on New Year's Eve - when hundreds of women were sexually assaulted and robbed by marauding gangs of immigrant youths - instead said she was robbed and said her attackers spoke German.

Now she has told Germany's Spiegel magazine why she lied. After her initial interview at the end of January she returned to the police 12 hours later to tell them the real story.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 16 srp 2016, 13:17 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Europa izdala ono najsvetije za što se borila od kraja WWII. Žene i njihova prava.

Dokaz više da se tu uvijek radilo o eksperimentu faca sklonih marksizmu, ne o stvarnoj želji za progresom. Bar u nekim državama, ne mogu sve ići u istu košaricu. EU / Brisel, Njemačka, Francuska, Švedska. Danci su recimo postali sušta suprotnost tim nabrojanim.

Teenager reveals she had abortion after she was raped during Cologne's New Year's Eve attacks - and didn't know if it was her attacker's baby

PUBLISHED: 14:49 GMT, 15 July 2016 | UPDATED: 07:10 GMT, 16 July 2016
An 18-year-old had an abortion after she was raped in the mass sexual frenzy at Cologne train station on New Year's Eve.

She was thrown around a group of men before eventually falling on the floor, where she was raped alongside another girl.

They are the first cases of forced sexual intercourse reported on the night where more than 1,200 sexual assaults were reported across Germany by marauding gangs of immigrant men.

Dozens of witnesses have been questioned and thousands of documents examined, and in the latest round of cross examination Frauke Mahr, 63, who is the manager of the Project for Girls in Cologne revealed that the young woman had ended up pregnant after being raped in front of the main train station.

She told the investigators: 'She was separated from her girlfriend, and ended up being shoved from one man to another. She was then thrown to the floor and raped.

'She told me that a few metres away she saw another girl lying on the ground, also being raped.

'She had tried to signal to the other girl that she should close her eyes, but the man then grabbed her own head and forced her to look at him.'

Her ordeal ended when a policeman pulled the man away and she ran home in a panic.

Out of shame at what happened she decided not to report the rape to police, and had never raised the matter, but did visit the hospital.

When she was told there that she was pregnant, an abortion was arranged, but she admitted she was not 100 percent sure if her attacker was the father of the unborn child.

Germany has been reeling since the distressing scenes, and a leaked police document stated detectives believe 2,000 men were involved across various cities.

It revealed the bulk of the crimes were committed in Cologne and Hamburg where 600 and 400 sexual assaults on women were reported respectively.

Of the 2,000 perpetrators, only 120 have been identified, and about half of them were foreign nationals who had only recently arrived in Germany.

Only four people have been convicted thus far, but two of them - foreign nationals Hussain A and Hassan T - escaped jail for sexual assault.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 18 srp 2016, 23:19 

Pridružen/a: 06 pro 2015, 23:50
Postovi: 680
Lokacija: Okupirani teritorij

Napad sjekirom u vlaku. 21 povrjedjeno. Sigurno neki nestabilni pojedinac imena Hans-Dietrich.

pax tibi marce evangelista meus

Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro!

Srbi RAUS!

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 18 srp 2016, 23:37 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
BREAKING NEWS: Man 'attacks 21 people with an AXE during a rampage on train in southern Germany before being shot dead by police'
Attacker went on the rampage on train near Wurzburg targeting 21 people
Four were critically injured and emergency services are on the scene
The suspected attacker has since been shot dead by armed police
PUBLISHED: 21:02 GMT, 18 July 2016 | UPDATED: 21:25 GMT, 18 July 2016

A man has attacked more than 20 people with an axe after going on the rampage on a train in Germany, it has emerged.
The train line near the city of Wurzburg in southern Germany has been closed and police have descended on the scene after the attack.
The suspect has been shot dead while up to 21 people are reported to have been injured. Train services have come to a halt between Wurzburg-Heidingsfeld and Ochsenfurt.

Four people are said to have been critically injured in the rampage.

Pictures emerging on social media show emergency services arriving at the scene.
According to broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk, the man attacked passengers with 'cutting and stabbing weapons'. But it said the number of those wounded in the attack was between 10 and 15..
More follows.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 18 srp 2016, 23:57 

Pridružen/a: 06 pro 2015, 23:50
Postovi: 680
Lokacija: Okupirani teritorij

Kakvi likovi .. optuzuje svoje

Innenminster Herrmann in den "Tagesthemen": Der Täter war ein 17Jähriger Afghane.

Kontraobavjestajni kaos .. ministar unutrasnjih poslova kaze da je pocinio 17godisnji Afghanin.

pax tibi marce evangelista meus

Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro!

Srbi RAUS!

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 18 srp 2016, 23:59 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
To je spam. US "ljevica" sa tim tipom trola već godinama kad god muslimani u USA naprave teroristički napad. Postali su dosadni sa tim, da bar promjene lika.
Izgleda i europski muslimani vole sa tim zatakijati.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 00:02 

Pridružen/a: 06 pro 2015, 23:50
Postovi: 680
Lokacija: Okupirani teritorij
BBC je napisao/la:
To je spam. US "ljevica" sa tim tipom trola već godinama kad god muslimani u USA naprave teroristički napad. Postali su dosadni sa tim, da bar promjene lika.
Izgleda i europski muslimani vole sa tim zatakijati.

Aha, to ko onaj "Paul" :zubati

pax tibi marce evangelista meus

Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro!

Srbi RAUS!

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 00:05 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Brexit je Nijemcima i Francuzima sve ljepši i ljepši. Zapamtit će dan kad su Britanci napustili to sranje, jako dobro će ga zapamtiti.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 00:07 

Pridružen/a: 06 pro 2015, 23:50
Postovi: 680
Lokacija: Okupirani teritorij

Dakle, 17godisnji Afganac ti danas-sutra sudi kad se vozis vlakom kroz lijepu nashu EU do posla ili od posla nazad doma. #Za razmisljat sto bi rekli twitterashi

pax tibi marce evangelista meus

Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro!

Srbi RAUS!

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 00:11 

Pridružen/a: 06 pro 2015, 23:50
Postovi: 680
Lokacija: Okupirani teritorij
A znam ja dobro kako je u tim vlakovima, Vircbrug je na ruti Minhen-Hamburg, tu se vozi 6 sati gore dolje, to je svak za sebe, niko nisakim ne prica, svi gledaju u svoj monitor i slusalice u usima, eto kako je imao veliki uspjeh - 21 komada, prije nego se neko izorganizirao tamo uvagonu. Na HPF se diskutiraju kako moze on jedan protiv njih toliko .. moroni se ocigledno ne voze tim vlakom ..MU-HH

pax tibi marce evangelista meus

Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro!

Srbi RAUS!

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 00:37 

Pridružen/a: 06 pro 2015, 23:50
Postovi: 680
Lokacija: Okupirani teritorij

Jos jedan u nizu pojedinacnih slucajeva koji su vikali "Ala Egber" dok su nasumice klali .. kad ce Merkelova vise na lomacu ? Kad ce vise opet red zavladat Europom ? Bojim se da ce se u istom "Atemzugu" morat pocistit kako migranti tako i bankari/manageri/itd.

pax tibi marce evangelista meus

Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro!

Srbi RAUS!

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 00:40 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Sviđa mi se to što radiš sa slikama. Jako doprinosi diskusiji. Slika govori kao tisuću riječi, kako to već ide.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 00:45 

Pridružen/a: 06 pro 2015, 23:50
Postovi: 680
Lokacija: Okupirani teritorij
Gle, ovdje sam jer sam na HPF banovan na godinu dana zbog predesnicarskih stavova, mislim da se vec kaju zbog toga, ali ja cu sa svoje strane da ispostujem taj ban, pa i da mi ga ranije skinu. Tehnicki gledano, taj forum tamo je klasu dvije jaci od ovoga. Ovdje mi je patnja yt link postaviti kako treba.

pax tibi marce evangelista meus

Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro!

Srbi RAUS!

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 00:47 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Misli li Merkel dati ostavku, trebala je to uraditi davno davno.

Horror as 15 people are attacked by 17-year-old Afghan refugee wielding an AXE and shouting 'Allahu Akbar' in German train rampage before police shot him dead as he fled the scene

PUBLISHED: 21:02 GMT, 18 July 2016 | UPDATED: 22:37 GMT, 18 July 2016

A 17-year-old Afghan refugee has been shot dead by police after attacking up to 15 people with an axe on a train in Germany.
The teenager, who shouted 'Allahu Akbar' during the onslaught, was gunned down by armed police after fleeing from the scene near the city of Wurzburg in southern Germany.
As many as 15 people were injured while three of them are fighting for their lives after being attacked with 'cutting and stabbing weapons'.

Officials have said it was 'probably' an Islamist attack.

The rampage started on the train from Treuchtlingen to Würzburg as it stopped at Würzburg-Heidingsfeld.
The teenager shouted 'Allahu Akbar' before hacking at his victims. As well as the three critically injured victims, one other passenger is believed to have non life-threatening injuries while others suffered minor injuries or shock.

He was eventually shot dead by police after he tried to attack them with a 'knife or hatchet', according to Bild.
Joachim Herrmann, the interior minister of Bavaria state, said the attacker was a 17-year-old Afghan who had lived in nearby Ochsenfurt.
'Shortly after arriving at Wuerzburg, a man attacked passengers with an axe and a knife,' a police spokesman said.

'Three people have been seriously injured and several others lightly injured.'

The Bavarian interior ministry confirmed that police had shot and killed the attacker and a special task force has been dispatched from Wurzburg

He added: 'The perpetrator was able to leave the train, police left in pursuit and as part of this pursuit, they shot the attacker and killed him.'
There were no further details on the circumstances of the teenager's death, and police declined to suggest what the motive was for the attack.
'At this time everything is possible,' the spokesman said.

Train services have come to a halt between Wurzburg-Heidingsfeld and Ochsenfurt and a police helicopter is circling the area.

Authorities have said the attacker entered Germany as an unaccompanied child refugee.
Local media report that he had lived with a German foster family for two weeks having previously lived in a refugee camp.

The Bavarian interior ministry confirmed that police had shot and killed the attacker and a special task force has been dispatched from Wurzburg.
Police believe the attacker worked alone.

In May, a mentally-unstable 27-year-old man carried out a similar knife attack on a regional train in the south, killing one person and injuring three others.
Early reports suggested he had yelled 'Allahu akbar' but police later said there was no evidence pointing to a religious motive. He is being held in a psychiatric hospital.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 00:52 

Pridružen/a: 06 pro 2015, 23:50
Postovi: 680
Lokacija: Okupirani teritorij


ps: na zalost najkriticniji videos su in the meanwhile uredno pocisceni .. osto ovaj politicki najkorektniji LOL

pax tibi marce evangelista meus

Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro!

Srbi RAUS!

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 00:59 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Pretpostavljam da tip ima najmanje 25 godina.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 01:39 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Kako li se osjeća ta njemačka obitelj koja ga prije ovoga 2 tjedna "usvojila" ? Mogao ih je sve poklati na spavanju bez problema. Očito mu računica nije dala, mislio da može više kafira ubiti u vlaku.
Kako su ti neki ljudi naivni to nije moguće. I uvijek odnekud izviru novi naivci.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 01:46 

Pridružen/a: 06 pro 2015, 23:50
Postovi: 680
Lokacija: Okupirani teritorij
BBC je napisao/la:
Kako su ti neki ljudi naivni to nije moguće. I uvijek odnekud izviru novi naivci.

covjek naprosto vise ne zna kako da probudi susjede ..


ali ne .. ganjaju Pokemon GO .. misle ne tice ih se muhamedanska invazija ..

pax tibi marce evangelista meus

Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro!

Srbi RAUS!

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 19 srp 2016, 01:52 

Pridružen/a: 07 ruj 2012, 21:35
Postovi: 12979
Lokacija: Zagreb
"17 godina"

Summum ius, summa iniuria.

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