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 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 09:21 

Pridružen/a: 14 ruj 2009, 17:26
Postovi: 17365
Lokacija: Granica je na Drini!
Tarik75 je napisao/la:
Aj ti malo u svoju rasističku Hrvatsku pa to njima tumači. Vidim da voliš konstitutivnost. Slaviš ti 25.Novembar kad ste je dobili u Mrkonjić Gradu u ZAVNOBiH-u kao dan državnosti ? Nije ti BiH švedski sto, pa da ti biraš šta hoćeš demagogu jedan.

BiH je švedski stol za njene građane i točka. Zbog ostalih tvrdnji tebi su sati na ovom forumu odborojani.

Onu istu našu košulju pripremi,
Na tavan je stavi, za mene je spremi,
Bit će ona opet i sinu po mjeri
Kao što je bila mom djedu i meni.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 09:42 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 40318
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Evo ga opet jaše na valu novobosnjackog šovinizma.
Opet tvrdnje da je ovo samo bošnjačka zemlja i da smo stranci u tuđoj zemlji.

Ma kakvi BiH je imala preko 300 sabirnih logora za zaštitu ne temeljnih a Muslimani su 500 godina sadili cvijeće u BiH skupa s Osmanlijama pa onda i nacistima.

Ima li kakvih novi informacija suni ili šija Iranac?

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 09:59 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 40318
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Preko fb najavljeno da trzni centar nudi besplatnu hranu, dakle radi se o jasno pripremljenom terorističkom činu.

Opet iste priče lijevih medija koji su jučer pisali o napadu nacista i desničara a danas je priča kako je bio tih, povučen mladić koji ni mrava ne bi zgazio, navodno bio zlostavljan u školi itd.

Ovo će postati normala dok se narodu pokrivaju oči i misli da će sve proći samo od sebe.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 10:04 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 15:45
Postovi: 32667
daramo je napisao/la:
Ovo će postati normala dok se narodu pokrivaju oči i misli da će sve proći samo od sebe.

Nema drugog rješenja osim izraelskog modela.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 10:57 

Pridružen/a: 06 pro 2015, 23:50
Postovi: 680
Lokacija: Okupirani teritorij
Ma kakav jedan pocinioc i to onaj retard. To je samo za narod da ne panici, oni sa dugim cijevima su zbrisali kroz podzemnu.

Sa ovim, helikopterima i GSG9 ganjati onog glinenog goluba ?


Die Polizei in München war mit 2300 Einsatzkräften im Einsatz.

2300 pripadnika policije je ucestvovalo u akciji.

I bas bi u tom slucaju krizirali u Berlinu: http://www.bild.de/politik/inland/muenchen/krisensitzung-bundesregierung-46957220.bild.html

pax tibi marce evangelista meus

Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro!

Srbi RAUS!

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 10:58 

Pridružen/a: 15 tra 2010, 07:28
Postovi: 898
Al onda se mora znat ko je gazda u kojoj državi, na ovaj naćin kako je Europa trenutno nasađena to nema šanse.
Kod nas je praktički nemoguće dobit dozvolu za posjedovanje oružja za samoobranu, a kamoli za nošenje.
Kriminalcu, teroristi i sl. dozvola ne triba, a ilegalnoga naoružanja iz ratova na onin prostorima ima dovoljno i priviše. Bolje 1000 komada registriranoga naoružanja nego jedan komad ilegalnoga.
Na ovin prostorima je prije iza vrata stala metla i puška, pa nije bilo problema oko toga, a sad onaj ko se drzne tražit dozvolu ispadne u najmanju ruku psihopata. Jel ka štaće ti oružje kad imamo policiju.....

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 11:25 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 40318
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Opet dvojake informacije, ili je njemačka policija totalno nesposobna ili netko dezinformira medije.
Da čovjek vjeruje medijima rekao bi da su se u posljednje vrijeme svi psihički bolesnici udružili u terorističku organizaciju.

Prema informacijama koje su pomalo počele curiti, mladić je identificiran kao David S., javlja Guardian.
Neki drugi pak mediji pišu da se napadač zove Ali Sonboly te da je sin taksista koji je radio u jednoj trgovini, a imao je dvojno državljanstvo, njemačko i iransko.

Susjedi ga opisuju kao tihog i povučenog mladića, no on sam je u snimci koja se pojavila, a na kojoj je urlikao razne uvrede na račun turske zajednice, navodno spomenuo da su ga sedam godina tukli u školi pa su se pojavile špekulacije da je osveta možda bio motiv sumanutog krvoprolića.

Policija je potvrdila da istražuje navode prema kojima je napadač možda otvorio lažni profil na Facebooku putem kojega je jednim statusom namamio svoje žrtve u McDonald's u sklopu trgovačkog centra.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 11:27 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Bobovac je napisao/la:
Tarik75 je napisao/la:

Jel to nije Nijemac, ako ima državljanstvo i tamo se rodio i odrastao ? Normalno je da je i Nijemac i Iranac porijeklom. Ništa sporno.
A da, ti ono dolaziš iz naroda koji pripadnost mjeri krvnim porijeklom i vjerom i koji je imao rasne zakone u 2 svjetskom ratu ... sve jasno nažalost.
Nije Merkel kriva za 56 godina migracija u Njemačku. Kriv je Adenauer, i Erhard, i Kiesinger, i Brandt i Scheel, i Schmidt, i Kohl i Schröder, pa tek na kraju Merkelova.
Ko je od njih imao tvrd stav prema imigraciji ? Merkel je ako uopšte kriva za lošu procjenu prijema sirijskih izbjeglica, a i to zbog evropskog nejedinstva i otvorenih granica od Grčke, nego zbog nečeg drugog.
Šta bi ti ? Nekog novog Adolfa ? Mislim i ne čudi obzirom na tvoje porijeklo, ali eto ...
Dakle da rezimiramo, napadač je praktički Nijemac sa besprijekornim akcentom i šit !

Kakav Nijemac i klinac. To je azijski islamistički drek.

Of course.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 11:29 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 40318
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Bavarska policija identificirala je napadača kao David S. (otkrili su samo inicijal prezimena). Vjeruje se da je živio s roditeljima u četvrti Maxvorsdtadt.

Svjedokinja Loretta ispričala je za CNN događaj iz McDonaldsa: Moj sin (8) vidio je kako napadač puni svoje oružje u muškom WC-u McDonaldsa. Izašla sam iz WC-a i čula sam nešto kao alarm, boom, boom. Ubijao je djecu, djeca su sjedila i jela, nisu stigli ni potrčati, ispričala je Loretta. Rekla je i da je čula kako je napadač vikao "Allahu Akbar". Kaže da je prepoznala te riječi jer je i sama muslimanka s Kosova, javlja CNN.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 11:31 

Pridružen/a: 13 stu 2013, 17:10
Postovi: 3040
Mene fascinira to da se nemački mediji sinoć polomiše da objasne i spinuju kako iza ovoga stoje nemački,beli neonacisti,da ne bi slučajno uvredili one što im ubijaju decu.Neverovatno,koliki autošovinizam,gadi mi se.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 11:32 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Nijemačka kompletna elita će sljedeće izbore letjeti u krasnu PM. Ako ne sljedeće one iza sigurno. Nijemci (i Šveđani) moraju ići na britanske portale da se informiraju što im se događa u gradu i državi.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 11:35 

Pridružen/a: 20 pro 2011, 20:02
Postovi: 8414
daramo je napisao/la:
Bavarska policija identificirala je napadača kao David S. (otkrili su samo inicijal prezimena). Vjeruje se da je živio s roditeljima u četvrti Maxvorsdtadt.

Svjedokinja Loretta ispričala je za CNN događaj iz McDonaldsa: Moj sin (8) vidio je kako napadač puni svoje oružje u muškom WC-u McDonaldsa. Izašla sam iz WC-a i čula sam nešto kao alarm, boom, boom. Ubijao je djecu, djeca su sjedila i jela, nisu stigli ni potrčati, ispričala je Loretta. Rekla je i da je čula kako je napadač vikao "Allahu Akbar". Kaže da je prepoznala te riječi jer je i sama muslimanka s Kosova, javlja CNN.

Kakav David S. sada?

Oj Hrvati, svi na desno krilo....

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 11:55 

Pridružen/a: 13 stu 2013, 17:10
Postovi: 3040
Iranac David S.tako piše.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 11:57 

Pridružen/a: 24 ruj 2009, 11:09
Postovi: 26067
Lokacija: Heartbreak Hotel
puntar2.0 je napisao/la:
daramo je napisao/la:
Bavarska policija identificirala je napadača kao David S. (otkrili su samo inicijal prezimena). Vjeruje se da je živio s roditeljima u četvrti Maxvorsdtadt.

Svjedokinja Loretta ispričala je za CNN događaj iz McDonaldsa: Moj sin (8) vidio je kako napadač puni svoje oružje u muškom WC-u McDonaldsa. Izašla sam iz WC-a i čula sam nešto kao alarm, boom, boom. Ubijao je djecu, djeca su sjedila i jela, nisu stigli ni potrčati, ispričala je Loretta. Rekla je i da je čula kako je napadač vikao "Allahu Akbar". Kaže da je prepoznala te riječi jer je i sama muslimanka s Kosova, javlja CNN.

Kakav David S. sada?

Znam nekoliko muslimana koji za sebe kažu da su Davidi... doduše kad pogledaš u dokumente oni ispada da su Daudi, ali kaj deca znaju...

Btw, ništa neobično

DAVUD داود m Persian
Persian form of DAVID.

"Uzalud vam sav tisak i sve radio postaje, našim srcima nikad nećete ovladati", nadbiskup Alojzije Stepinac, Zagreb, 1942.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 12:08 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Njemačka policija i vlada u otvorenoj suradnji sa džihadistima protiv svog naroda. Ne može veća i luđa konspiracija protiv svog naroda.
Ovo je bilo prije par mjeseci.

The 27-year-old attacker, named only as Paul H in local media reports, has admitted killing one man and seriously injuring three more in Tuesday morning’s rampage on the outskirts of Munich.

Witnesses told police they heard him shout “Allahu Akbar” and “infidels, you must die” as he stabbed a train passenger before targeting passers-by in an apparently indiscriminate assault.

The phrases are associated with Islam but investigators said his comments on conversion were “confused” in police interviews

Lothar Köhler, from the Bavarian criminal investigation office, said there was no indication that the suspect had connections with any Islamist or Salafist groups or “the scene” in general.

“That the attacker shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ has been confirmed by witnesses and also by the perpetrator himself,” he told a press conference.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 12:14 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Nimalo ne vjerujem njemačkoj policiji da je tip ubio sam sebe. Allahu Akbar i samoubojstvo ne idu zajedno. Anuliraš što si uradio i ne dobiješ svoje djevice u raju.
Nedavno su imali kritike os svojih leftarda u parlamentu jer su ubili onog muslimana sa sjekirom iz vlaka. A i zgodno dođe da se ne prikaže kao teroristički napad, po njihovom viđenju stvari.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 12:29 

Pridružen/a: 06 pro 2015, 23:50
Postovi: 680
Lokacija: Okupirani teritorij
U najmanju ruku se policija propisno obrukala. I valjda ce razumit da trzni centri moraju imat naoruzano obezbjedjenje, odnosno sve prometnije geolokacije.

pax tibi marce evangelista meus

Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro!

Srbi RAUS!

 Naslov: Re: Njemačka
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 12:32 

Pridružen/a: 03 svi 2009, 09:25
Postovi: 43752
Lokacija: Folklorni Jugoslaven, praktični Hrvat
Ovaj brojač se resetira tjedno.

Mislio sam da će razmak između napada biti nekoliko tjedana ili mjeseci ali zaboravih na autokorelaciju. S obzirom da više nije riječ o velikim terorističkim ćelijama koje komuniciraju tradicionalnim metodama, sve što je do sada funkcioniralo pada u vodu. Tako da ništa od one da grom ne udara dvaput.

A svaki uspješni napad djeluje vrlo ohrabrujuće i kao poticaj onima koji su zainteresirani, pa se željezo kuje dok je vruće. Nema rješenja, eventualno probati represivne mjere prema obiteljima terorista, no to neće proći kao zakon sve dok ljudi ne budu ginuli svakog dana.


sklon'se bona Zineta sa penđera, vidiš da te vlasi oćima kurišu

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 12:33 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Normalno da se obrukala. Dok se to događalo pozivali čitav grad da se sakrije u skloništa i ne izlazi na ulice.
Kad je završilo govore narodu da je opasnost od terorističkog napada u Njemačkoj rijetka i da slobodno hodaju vani i uživaju u životu.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 12:41 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Englezi prvo navukli Nijemce i neke države Europe na multi-kulti drogu i ovisnost o političkoj korektnosti. Sad ih podjebavaju.
Skoro da ću početi vjerovati u neku konspiraciju da su to isplanirano i namjerno uradili.

Terrifying price of Merkel's decision: From teenage refugee's axe attack on German train passengers to the Munich massacre - her grand immigration plan isn't looking so grand these days, writes SUE REID

By Sue Reid In Germany For The Daily Mail
Published: 22:42 GMT, 22 July 2016 | Updated: 01:31 GMT, 23 July 2016

On a baking hot Monday night, in a landscape dotted with churches and half-timbered medieval towns, a young foreign man — welcomed last year to live in Bavaria — launched a terror attack, trying to behead passengers on a train as he shouted the Islamic phrase ‘Allahu akbar’ (God is great).

It was the first time that a migrant in Germany has carried out such a crime in the name of Islam, and it has left the country feeling very jittery indeed.

After hiding in a lavatory on the commuter train, Riaz Khan jumped out, hacking indiscriminately with an axe and a knife at passengers. He maimed four tourists from Hong Kong, leaving two close to death as their skulls and bodies were smashed to pieces.

As Erik, a 25-year-old paramedic and one of the first to arrive at the scene from the medical centre in the nearby town of Ochsenfurt, told me afterwards: ‘When I climbed into the train, I could see blood everywhere. People lay on the floor. They had gaping holes in their heads, their chests, their stomachs. They are the worst injuries I have ever seen.

‘I began tending to one woman and I saved her life.

‘The police kept telling us to be careful because the attacker might have an accomplice — a brother or cousin.’

By then, Khan had fled from the train through the garden of a nearby house and onto a street. There, he spotted a woman walking her dog.

Shouting at her: ‘I am going to f*** you, b****,’ he attacked her before running to a nearby river and then threatening police with an axe. Eventually, he was cornered and shot dead.

As Erik added revealingly: ‘That day, five hours before, my colleagues had a meeting about security arrangements at the famous music festival in the town due to be held next month. Someone asked: “What happens if there is a terrorist attack?”

‘We all laughed and said: “What here, in this town? That’s impossible.”

‘But now we know differently.’

Of course it was bound to happen one day. And yesterday evening it did — for the second time in a week, also in Bavaria — as terror against ordinary Germans was unleashed in a shopping mall in Munich.

For the country has become sharply divided over mass migration — 75 per cent expected a further Islamist attack post the train axe horror — and this situation may have produced a terrible kickback.

The Germans have no true idea of the type of people who were allowed into their country as a result of their leader Angela Merkel’s decision to open Germany’s doors wide during the biggest migration crisis in Europe since World War II.

Certainly, the German Chancellor’s highly controversial move provoked a headlong rush, not only from terror-ridden Syria but from the rest of the troubled Middle East, Africa, South Asia and the Balkans, too.

At the time, critics warned — presciently — that Merkel’s eagerness to welcome migrants could wreck the European project.

Germans were reluctant to absorb so many and the move triggered the rise of the anti‑immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

Many migrants to Germany, pretending to be Syrian refugees fleeing for their lives, turned up with no documents and succeeded in slipping into the country because officials were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers at the border.

Thousands, including Syrians, lied about their age, saying they were under 18 and without relatives. It was a ruse to get themselves at the front of the queue to claim asylum. At one stage, ten ‘unaccompanied minors’ per hour were entering Germany and the rest of Europe.

But one thing is sure: the vast majority of arrivals were from countries with links to Islamic State (IS), which peddles a hatred of the West and its lifestyle.

This prompted Hans-Georg Maassen, head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, to warn that IS had deliberately planted jihadists among the migrants flowing into Europe. ‘The terror risk is very high,’ he said in February.

A few weeks later, he added: ‘I am concerned about the high number of migrants whose identities we don’t know because they had no official documents when they entered the country.’

So is Merkel’s grand, liberal gesture being exposed as damaging to her people?

Certainly, in Ochsenfurt, where train attacker Riaz Khan lived in a 36-bed migrant hostel until two weeks ago, many residents are asking why their leader was so foolish as to let someone like him settle among them.

For quickly after the attack, it turned out that Khan was a fraud. He said he was 17, but investigators believe he was much older. And though he claimed to be an Afghan refugee fleeing violence, it is thought he was a Pakistani economic migrant.

But in the overwhelmed German migration system, his asylum application was not processed, which could have established his identity.

He was simply allowed in — and given sanctuary — with few checks made, Bavarian officials have admitted. He had moved from the hostel to live with Roman Catholic foster parents at their detached home in a village near Ochsenfurt earlier this month.

There, police have discovered a hand-painted Islamic State flag and a note in an exercise book saying: ‘Pray for me that I can take revenge on these infidels and go to paradise.’

A Pakistani document was found that gave advice on areas to head for in Germany — once he had crossed the border — which were accepting more migrants than others.

And a home video showed him brandishing a knife and boasting he was an IS soldier preparing for a suicide mission.

Crucially, it gives clues to his true origins. When speaking of Syria, Khan used ‘Sham’ — a word used in Pakistan, not Afghanistan. He chose the term ‘Fauj’ for Army, which is common in Pakistan, but unheard of in Afghanistan.

So why did he bite the generous German hand that fed him?

Khan was about to start an apprenticeship at a baker’s in the Ochsenfurt area. His upkeep and pocket money were paid for by the German state.

Before he moved to the foster family, he was one of 250 migrants living in three hostels in the town of 11,000 people, which has done its best to welcome the newcomers. A fourth hostel is due to open next month. Sebastian, a 41-year-old bookbinder who lives in Ochsenfurt, told me the town has a long history of accepting refugees. There is a Syrian Orthodox chapel in the town catering for migrants who arrived 20 years ago.

But the train attack has altered the local mood. Sebastian explained: ‘We have tried to do our best for people like Khan. But already the attitude to migrants is changing.

‘Now we know that atrocities can happen not just in other parts of Europe, but in Germany, too. It is sad for our town, but who can blame the residents for feeling this new way?’

As we sit talking at a bar where locals gather not far from Ochsenfurt centre, he introduces me to a 34-year-old teacher who works at a migrant hostel in another town a few miles away. The man won’t give his name, but says he wants the truth to come out.

‘A lot of the migrant kids have no identity papers. They say they are aged 14 or 15, but it isn’t true. They are older, with full beards, but pretend to be teenagers.

‘When we workers get suspicious, we tell the people who run the hostel. But they order us to keep quiet because each “child” is worth money to them, paid by the German government to look after unaccompanied minors.

‘It makes you feel a fool. Among Germans there is a huge sense of disappointment about what is happening. We feel we are being taken for a ride by the migrants, and the migration system is making that worse.

‘Of course, not all migrants are bad. But some are here under false pretences and could be dangerous.’

At his hostel there are 15 young migrants, three of them Syrian and the rest Afghan or Somalian. The Germany state pays ¤120 (£100) a day for them to be fed, housed and educated.

‘The Syrians are well-behaved: they learn the language and are focused. But some grown-up Afghans claiming to be migrant children have been here for a year and don’t know one word of German,’ he says.

Just where all this will end is anyone’s guess. For, every day, more migrants arrive in Europe, intent on getting to the prosperous nations of northern and western Europe, including Germany and the UK, to start a new life.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Italian navy and coastguard service rescued 3,100 Africans from rickety boats sailing across the Med from Libya.

Nearly 3,000 migrants and refugees have already perished in the Mediterranean this year, while almost 250,000 have reached Europe, the International Organisation for Migration said yesterday.

On Thursday, in a clear criticism of Mrs Merkel, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned the link between illegal immigration and terrorist attacks on the Continent is as ‘plain as day’, adding: ‘If someone denies this connection then, in fact, this person harms the safety of European citizens.’

The day before, Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann had called for stricter controls at Germany’s borders, as it emerged the train axeman had not even got a passport and was allowed through without being fingerprinted.

Anyone who enters the country without papers and who cannot prove their identity must first be detained at the border and checked,’ he said. ‘There are still thousands in our country for whom the procedures aren’t properly carried out.’

However, there is another side to this story. For while many in Germany are growing anxious over the numbers of migrants, there is growing discontent among the migrants themselves. Typical of these is Samir Musa, a 17-year-old Syrian boy who arrived in Berlin last September after excitedly answering Mrs Merkel’s invitation to live in Germany.

Now his hopes have been dashed because of the sheer scale of migration into the country.

As he told me: ‘I am despairing, depressed and so disappointed. It is unbearable in Germany. I can’t see a future. I want to go back home. My journey has been a mistake.’

Samir, the son of a retired garage owner, lives in a hostel for 70 young migrants in Spandau, a suburb of Berlin. He gets given ¤1 (83p a day) pocket money and must obey a 10pm curfew.

A few weeks ago, he slashed his arms, went on hunger strike and took five pills he found on the floor.

It was a protest about his living conditions and the cooking at the hostel which, he says, is ‘bad macaroni’ made every night by a ‘hopelessly bad’ Afghan chef. He was taken by ambulance to hospital where the doctors asked him why he wanted to die.

‘I said that I did not want to live any longer in this way in a strange country,’ he explained to me.

‘The Germans look at me suspiciously on the bus or the train. I only see their faces peering. We are not friends because we cannot talk to each other anyway.’

I first met Samir last autumn. He had walked into Berlin with his hopes high after paying a trafficker for a place on a boat from Turkey to Greece.

He was given a camp bed in a sports hall along with hundreds of others. Outside, Berliners threw a ‘refugees welcome’ party with balloons and songs.

Obviously excited, he told me he expected to get a place at college to do an electronics course and a room in a flat where he could study quietly.

What pipe dreams. After a month, in October last year, Samir had heard nothing from the immigration authorities in Germany. He was left to rot. ‘Every day I was bored. I was getting suspicious that Mrs Merkel’s promises were not true,’ he says now. ‘All over Berlin there were Africans, Pakistanis and Afghans pretending to be Syrians. Everywhere was overcrowded.

‘The officials could not cope. We Syrians, who had been invited, were not given a fair chance.’

He filled in his forms to claim asylum earlier this year, providing the papers that prove he is Syrian. Since then he has heard nothing and officials say it may be December before he gets an answer one way or the other.

Meanwhile, in Deir Al Zour, an IS‑riddled city in eastern Syria, his family live in a rented first-floor flat and wait for news of their eldest son.

‘I dare not tell them how bad it has been for me in Germany,’ he says. ‘I am squashed in with five other young Syrians in one room, and we all feel the same sorrow about coming here.’

Samir is a genuine refugee. He has shown me his papers and given me the names of his parents. But it is clear that he feels burning resentment about his plight.

Miles away in Ochsenfurt, no one really knows what transformed Riaz Khan into a would-be assassin.

Was he radicalised by Islamic State before he set off from Pakistan or turned into a ‘sleeper’ for the terrorist outfit during his long journey?

Or was it in Germany, as he idled his time away in a hostel, that his mind warped to murderous intent?

He stole the axe from the outhouse of his foster parents’ home — so could it have been opportunism that prompted him to act?

One thing is certain. With hostility growing among genuine refugees and an increasing number of Germans, Mrs Merkel’s grand project isn’t looking so grand these days.

Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 12:42 

Pridružen/a: 27 lis 2010, 16:06
Postovi: 30494
Stradalo troje Albanaca.

- Sarajevo drugi u svijetu po broju izdanih radnih viza za Njemačku 2022.
- Luka Mišetić: Haag nigdje i nikad nije tvrdio da je Herceg-Bosna UZP.
- Reis: Država nam curi kroz prste poput pijeska.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 12:44 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 40318
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Kažu da je u istom trenutku pucao ali i policija prema njemu tako da su samo nagađanja da je počinio samoubojstvo.

Prema dosadašnjoj istrazi čini se da napadač nije imao političkih motiva. Među žrtvama nema turista, sve žrtve su iz susjedstva, uključujući tri žene i sedam muškaraca u dobi od 15 do 45 godina.

Šef minhenske policije Hubertus Andrae ističe da nema nikakvih naznaka da je napadač imao pomoć. Također, nije bio izbjeglica. Rođen je u Munchenu. U sobi mu nisu pronašli nikakvu povezanost s Islamskom državom.
Pregledali sobu i to zaključili, pa ta njemačka policija je genijalna.

Ubojica je primao psihijatrijsku i liječničku njegu, objavljeno je na konferenciji za medije.

Tri kosovska Albanca su među devet osoba ubijenih u petak u Muenchenu kada je osamnaestogodišnji njemačko-iranski državljanin zapucao a zatim se ubio, priopćila je u subotu službena Priština

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 12:49 

Pridružen/a: 05 lis 2010, 12:48
Postovi: 108338
Lokacija: Županija Herceg-Bosna
Svi britanski mediji i dalje javljaju da se zove "Ali". To njemačka ljevica, u dogovoru sa vladajućom elitom, trola sa tim "David". Mislio sam da su inteligentniji. Zar ne znaju da ih čeka sizifov posao s obzirom da su ih primili 1 milijun za godinu dana, a 90% njih nije imalo nikakve dokumente. Ja bih odustao, ali eto.

Kad bih prebacio to ludilo sa njemačke "lijeve" scene na BiH ekvivalent bi bio da ja visim po bošnjačkim forumima i furam ih da Hrvati ne glasuju za HDZ i da su svi za to da budemo "graDžani". Čisto slike radi.


Spetsnaz, a force for good.

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 12:52 

Pridružen/a: 02 kol 2012, 11:47
Postovi: 40318
Lokacija: Ulica Nemanje Bilbije 99
Ime mu je Ali David Sonboly.
To je vjerovatno germanizirana verzija imena Dawoud, Dawud ili Daud.
Otac radio kao vozač taksista a majka prodavačica.

mostarski europski

 Naslov: Re: Uništavanje Njemačke od strane islamske migracije
PostPostano: 23 srp 2016, 12:55 

Pridružen/a: 06 pro 2015, 23:50
Postovi: 680
Lokacija: Okupirani teritorij
Dakle, ako sam dobro upratio oficijelna prica ide ovako:

- pocinioc je Ali David Sonboly, porijeklom Iranac.
- roditelji dosli 1997. iz Irana, on je rodjen u Njemackoj.
- zivjeli su u siromasnoj (HarzIV) cetvrti, gdje zivi puno Turaka koji su ga maltretirali (i valjda mu nanjeli trajnu fizicki povredu)
- po snimcima se vidi da je istraumiran, no ipak je isplanirao kampanju preko fb da bude sto vise djece u McDo zarad osvete za mobbing u 5. razredu.
- "allah uekber" su mogli vikati i muslimanski posjetioci trznog centra u strahu od smrti
- navodni dodatni napadaci su zapravo policajci u civilu.

Na klipovima se jasno vidi da ovaj sepajuci retard nikad zaklona nije trazio, ide skroz amaterski po otvorenom i roka. Kako su ta dva navodna policajca u civilu mogla:

1. da ga ispuste iz videokruga
2. ne ustrijele, nije bio teska meta

pax tibi marce evangelista meus

Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro!

Srbi RAUS!

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